Which animal has 11 teeth? The longest teeth. Human pacu fish teeth

In January 1928, the U-2 aircraft, a multi-purpose biplane created under the leadership of Nikolai Polikarpov, made its first flight. This aircraft, which became one of the most popular aircraft in the world, like the later model of the Soviet AN-2 biplane, was popularly nicknamed the “corner”.
Polikarpov's legendary plane
The plane from which the road to heaven began

Pilot training at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War
The U-2 aircraft in the USSR was used for initial pilot training. He opened the way to the sky for thousands of Soviet pilots. Yours popular name The “corn grower” received its name already in the 1950s, when its main use was reduced to use in aerial chemical agricultural work in the corn expanses of the USSR.
Kukuruznik - the most democratic airplane

Corn farmer at agricultural work.
In the Soviet Union, “corn trucks” were very widely used for transporting passengers and cargo on local air lines. Quite often the plane was used on flights that connected regional centers with district centers or villages. Among the main advantages of the aircraft are ease of operation, the ability to take off and land on unprepared ground areas, short mileage and take-off run, which made the maize truck indispensable for working in the underdeveloped territories of Siberia, the Far North, and Central Asia.
Soviet biplanes carried 6 bombs

U-2LNB with a silencer and bombs (two high-explosive and two illuminating) under the wing
The U-2 aircraft (since 1944, after the death of its creator N.N. Polikarpov, - PO-2) is a typical biplane with an engine air cooling with a power of 100 horsepower. It has been widely used in various fields national economy. There were staff planes, ambulance planes, passenger planes designed for aerial photography, float planes and many other modifications. In 1932, the U-2BC model appeared, which could carry 6 bombs weighing 8 kg on holders, and in the rear cockpit of such an aircraft there was a shooting point with a PV-1 machine gun.

In the cab of a corn farmer
The empty weight of the training aircraft is 656 kg, the take-off aircraft is 1100 kg. Maximum speed– 130 – 150 km/h, ceiling – 3800 m, for run and take-off no more than 15 meters are needed.
Night bomber

Training U-2 - Soviet biplane trainer
During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet U-2s became a real headache for the Germans, who called these Soviet aircraft “coffee grinder” and “ sewing machine" Biplanes were widely used for night “harassment raids” on front-line locations fascist troops. U-2s were used as bombers and served as communications and reconnaissance aircraft. There was also a sanitary version of the aircraft. Due to the fact that the aircraft could take off from almost any site, it was widely used to work with partisans. The U-2 was also used to drop reconnaissance and sabotage groups, as well as single scouts.
In the fall of 1941, the USSR Air Force began forming aviation units to which women were drafted. 23 female pilots who fought on the U-2 aircraft were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Soviet biplanes were invisible to enemy radars

U-2 - The most successful aircraft of the Great Patriotic War
One of the tactics for using the U-2 was that light bombers approached the target at an ultra-low altitude or at low speed, which made them invisible to air defense systems until the last moment. In addition, bombing from low altitude was carried out with high accuracy, despite the primitive means of aiming and dark time days. Anti-aircraft gunners who fired with anticipation usually missed due to the low speed of the aircraft, and the high maneuverability of the biplane did not allow German fighters to get behind it. It is unlikely that the space-scale aircraft that the Americans are working on today will be able to boast the same maneuverability.
The corn plant was included in the Guinness Book of Records
The legendary corn grower.
The Soviet “maize” An-2 was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest operating aircraft in the world. It has been produced for over 65 years. In addition, the An-2 received the title of the largest single-engine biplane in the world and the most popular multi-purpose aircraft. It is currently produced in China as the Fong Shu-2 model.
The corn grower visited the South Pole
Ukrainian test pilots of the Antonov ASTC made a very unusual and extreme flight on a single-engine An-3T biplane - they conquered the South Pole. The pilots were flying at the maximum altitude for the aircraft - 4 thousand meters. The crew commander, Sergei Tarasyuk, later admitted that it was very cold.
Chinese child sets a record on the cornfield

Record holder He Yide
5-year-old Chinese He Yide, whom his parents call Dodo, took off on his own in a small “corn truck” and circled over the park for 35 minutes wildlife in Beijing. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest pilot. Before the flight, he trained for only a month. There was an instructor in the cockpit next to the baby, but, according to him, he practically did not help the young pilot.
In 2009, the production of maize crops in Russia ceased

Kukuruznik - a legend of domestic aviation
In May 2009, the General Director of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center Vladimir Nesterov signed an order to stop production of the AN-3 aircraft, a modernized version of the legendary AN-2, at Polet (Omsk). The reason is the lack of a sales market. According to statistics for 3 last year Due to the high cost ($1.5-1.9 million), only three AN-3 aircraft were sold. Experts say that American aircraft of a similar class, the Cessna Grand Caravan, are cheaper, and their quality is incomparably higher. It is possible that out-of-service models will allow someone to bring the top 10 to life original ideas for aircraft conversion.
Russian authorities intend to return corn crops

An-2 - the world's largest single-engine biplane
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that an order for 260 An-2 aircraft had been placed, and customers were ready to pick up the aircraft “even tomorrow.” The aircraft will be produced within the framework of the aviation industry development program until 2025, which was adopted Russian government. It is known that during the reconstruction process the An-2 aircraft will receive new engine, new casing, guaranteed 10-year service life - and all this for quite acceptable costs for the operator. This once again proved that corn farmers are relevant, despite such innovative projects as, for example, an electric plane powered by solar energy.


Animal world may seem full of all sorts of horrors, although, of course, many of the terrible creatures may be quite far from us, or, fortunately, we may not even be aware of their existence. But we invite the most curious to learn about which animals’ mouths are scary to look into because of their threatening teeth. With all this, these animals can look very harmless until... they open their jaws.

1) “Alien teeth” of hagfishes

There are legends about the gluttony of these creatures. Animals often eat fish caught in nets, therefore causing a lot of harm to fishing. Resembling a huge worm, the hagfish has an impressive jaw with interesting location sharp teeth arranged in several rows.

Ironically, despite having such a menacing jaw, the hagfish does not need to use it to stay full. She knows how to “feed” on the skin, no matter how strange it sounds. The hagfish swims in rotten water next to the decaying corpses of living creatures, absorbing their wonderful corpse juices through the pores on the skin.

2) Knife teeth of leatherback sea turtles

Leatherback turtles are quite large reptiles that are actually the largest turtles on the planet. Unlike many other harmless species of grass-grazing turtles, these monsters have a very terrifying jaw, which they need to feed on mollusks, crustaceans and young fish.

In the mouth of these turtles there is a whole bunch of teeth, similar to stalactites in a cave, which grow from completely different sides of the jaws and even in the throat. Leatherback turtles are also not averse to eating jellyfish, although due to the fact that jellyfish have practically no nutrients, the poor carnivores have to eat up to 73 percent of their own body weight every day.

Due to the fact that turtles are practically unable to distinguish plastic bags jellyfish floating in the water, their numbers are significantly reduced due to garbage in the oceans.

3) Vampire fangs of vampire fish

You've long heard about piranhas - small round fish with sharp teeth that devour almost everything in their path. But have you ever thought about who can eat piranhas themselves? Meet this: this is the mackerel-shaped hydrolik, which is called the “vampire fish”.

To survive in a river like the Amazon, you need to stock up on effective weapons, in particular the sharp fangs that the hydrolic has. In the mouth of this fish there are teeth of different sizes, but very sharp, some of which reach a length of up to 15 centimeters.

It is interesting that mackerel-shaped hydrolycians are closely related to piranhas, but this does not prevent predators from most often preying on the poor relatives of piranhas. Despite the fact that there have been no cases of attacks on people by hydrolics, it is still advised to stay away from the waters in which they live.

4) Saw teeth of a voracious glowing shark

Imagine being in the dark salty sea ​​depths, where we accidentally got separated from a group of divers, and there is nothing around except pitch darkness and dead silence. It is in these conditions that deep-sea glowing sharks live, which appear only after sunset and swim in pitch darkness in search of prey. These fish reach only 5 centimeters in length, but have the largest teeth relative to their body size.

Because glow sharks can't boast large sizes bodies, they learned to attack large fish and animals, biting off pieces of meat from them and immediately disappearing. In English the name of this shark is "cookie cutter" translated as "cookie cutter", which is quite understandable, knowing about the vile habits of this predator. Shark victims are whales, large fish, dolphins do not die, but are only left with wounds that gradually heal, leaving scars. Cases of attacks on humans have also been recorded.

5) Amazing penguin teeth

You might wonder what is so scary about penguins? If they caused harm, they would hardly become one of the most beloved children's cartoon characters. However, if you look into the penguin's mouth, you will notice something very dangerous and threatening - sharp teeth.

There are teeth on all sides inside the penguin's mouth, including the lower and upper jaws of the beak and even the tongue. Since penguins prefer to swallow their prey whole, they must somehow grab and hold it, which is where their ubiquitous teeth help. The spiny mouth and tongue work like a conveyor belt that moves food in one direction.

6) Woodpecker's dart tongue

Everyone knows about the woodpecker’s ability to chisel tree trunks at great speed, but amazing properties Few people know his language. This tongue is almost three times longer than the beak itself, and also has an amazing hook at the end that allows birds to get treats for themselves.

One can only guess how such long tongue can fit in a bird's mouth. It turns out that when the tongue is not needed, the woodpecker wraps it with reverse side skull, it passes near the eyes, and its end reaches the very nostrils. Amazing trick!

7) Human pacu fish teeth

We return to the Amazon River again and this time to get acquainted with another interesting jaw, namely, the jaw belonging to the pacu fish. Outwardly, this fish is not much different from other standard fish with scales and fins, but if you look into the mouth of this fish, you will be very surprised: the fish has human teeth!

Why did nature need to copy itself? This may be due to the fact that teeth like those in humans do an excellent job of chewing almost any food, including seeds and nuts, which is not typical for fish at all.

The dental system of predators is adapted to kill and tear prey into pieces. All predatory mammals - from small weasels and stoats to tigers and lions - have large and sharp fangs. Molars and premolars (sometimes called cheek teeth) usually have a sharp cutting surface, allowing them to quickly carve up prey.

Animal cheek teeth

That, for example, representatives of the bear family, many dogs and some mustelids, whose diet in addition to animal food also includes plant foods, have cheek teeth less sharp than those of cats, which feed exclusively on animal food. The giant panda, or bamboo bear, although it belongs to the order of carnivores and is a relative of raccoons and bears, only eats plant foods- bamboo shoots. Its teeth, well adapted for chewing and grinding plant matter, have a wide, flattened surface.

Hyenas have the most strongly developed molars and jaw muscles, which allows them to easily chew the bones of large animals. Hyenas not only hunt various game, but do not disdain carrion and eat the corpses of elephants, rhinoceroses, and buffaloes. But the front teeth - incisors, which play a minor role in catching and eating prey - are small in all predators.

Fangs of herbivorous animals

In contrast, many herbivorous animals - rodents, most ungulates, elephants and others - often lack fangs, since they usually are not of particular importance for obtaining food and, moreover, interfere with its chewing. In their place there remain voids called diastemas. The cheek teeth are flattened wide surface, playing the role of a kind of millstone for grinding and grinding plant fibers. Fangs are preserved only in some herbivorous animals.

The musk deer, an antlerless deer, is the smallest member of the deer family in Russia, living in Siberia and Far East, and in deer, common in tropical countries, well-developed canines are used by males as “tournament weapons.” Musk deer, in addition, with the help of fangs, collects woody lichens from branches and tree trunks - its favorite food. They help hippopotamuses not only protect themselves from predators, but also extract algae from the bottom of reservoirs.

Herbivorous incisors

Usually large and sharp, very useful for collecting food, they are especially well developed in rodents and lagomorphs (hares, rabbits, pikas). These animals can chew not only succulent food, fruits and grain, but also gnaw wood. It is worth remembering the huge trees that beavers cut down to build dams and harvest twig food, using only sharp, long, bright orange incisors instead of an ax and a saw.

The incisors of rodents and lagomorphs not only grow throughout their lives, but also sharpen themselves as they wear down. A lack of roughage in the diet of such animals can lead to excessive growth and curvature of the incisors, the inability to eat food, and death from starvation. A similar phenomenon is often observed when these animals are kept in captivity. In zoos, rodents are always given branches and small trunks of young trees so that they can grind down their rapidly growing front teeth. For amateurs guinea pigs Hamsters sometimes have the same problem, and therefore sometimes it is necessary, in order to save the animal’s life, to file down its overgrown incisors.

Elephant tusks are also upper incisors., only greatly changed. Among other things, they help elephants break trees to get to the thick and tender upper branches, and are also a formidable weapon in fights

Among the animals of our planet there are many record holders. Here are the biggest and the smallest, the most dangerous and harmless, the long-eared, the tongue-tied and the most toothy.

10th place. Pygmy armadillo

A small mammal from the Central and North America not only has an amazing appearance, but also interesting feature associated with teeth. The armadillo's teeth grow constantly, they small size cylindrical and are completely devoid of enamel. The number of teeth in individuals of the same species varies widely from 20 to 100.

9th place. Opossum

The small marsupial is known for its ability to play dead when it senses danger. Opossums have well-developed teeth; there are only 50 of them.

8th place. Marsupial anteater

The marsupial anteater or numbat has 50-52 weak asymmetrical teeth; they help the animal pierce the shell of insects, which are the basis of its diet.

7th place. Sperm whale

On the long and narrow lower jaw The sperm whale has 20-26 pairs of fairly large conical teeth. When the mouth closes, each of them fits into a special recess in the upper jaw, where there are only 1-3 pairs of teeth or there may be no teeth at all.

6th place. Alligator

There are about 80 very sharp teeth in the mouth of this terrible predator. When the old ones wear out, new ones grow in their place.

5th place. Common dolphin

Among all representatives of toothed whales, the common dolphin is the leader in the number of teeth, with a total of 100-105 pairs.

4th place. Indian leech

The Indian leech is the most toothy among all annelids; it has three jaws and each of them contains 70-100 teeth, so their total number can reach up to 300.

3rd place. Gray shark

In the mouth of this rare and dangerous predator there are 2-3 thousand teeth arranged in several rows. The first 1-2 rows are considered active, the rest are spare. Teeth grow throughout life, and new ones grow in place of those that fall out or are worn down.

2nd place. Snails from the class Gastropods

These small, slow-moving creatures are among the toothiest animals on the planet. On their tongue there are about 14 thousand teeth, which are arranged in 135 rows.

1st place. Big roadside slug

A large roadside slug broke all records for the number of teeth. There are about 30 thousand teeth on the baby's tongue, which help him chew fruits, berries and leaves.

Almost all living things need teeth, with which they obtain and chew food. However, many animals can easily do without teeth or use only a small number of them. At the same time, they can live a completely full life, and some of them have existed in this “state” for many millions of years.

Scientists have repeatedly discovered unique animals that we are used to thinking of as toothy creatures, but as it turned out, main feature The structure of their jaw turned out to be almost complete absence of teeth, which greatly distinguishes them from all other relatives. Do they really not need teeth at all? Or maybe they have something that completely replaces them?


(lat. Chinchilla) are small rodents and at the same time they get by with only 20 teeth. But at the same time they do an excellent job with food. These small animals have a very narrow oral cavity, containing 16 molars and 2 incisors. The chinchilla is a small creature and has a lifespan of about 20 years.

Three-toed sloth

Three-toed sloth (lat. Bradypodidae) has even fewer teeth - 18 and he has them brown, devoid of enamel and roots. In addition, they lack fangs and incisors. The molars - one on each side of the upper and lower jaw - are elongated and have a fang-like appearance, separated from the other teeth by a diastema (a special space between the teeth). The small number of teeth is compensated by hard lips.


Gerbil (lat. Gerbillinae) is a small rodent, the only representative of the genus. Externally, the gerbil looks like an ordinary mouse. These rodents have only 16 teeth; the front teeth are constantly growing, as they tend to wear down. Molars may or may not have roots (every animal is different).


(lat. Vombatidae) is a mammal from the family of two-incisor marsupials. The structure of the wombat's jaws and teeth are somewhat similar to rodents. These cute and compact animals smallest number There are only 12 teeth among marsupials.

Golden-bellied or beaver rat

Golden-bellied, or beaver rat (lat. Hydromys chrysogaster) - she, like the wombat, has only 12 teeth. In addition to the incisors, her jaw contains molars, and behind the large molar there is a smaller tooth. The third tooth is missing because the 1st and 2nd molars prevent it from developing.

Shrew rat

Shrew rat (lat. Paucidentomys vermidax) is a small rodent (about the size of a rat) in Indonesia. This rat surprised biologists with its small number of teeth, which is why it was classified as a new genus of “small-toothed mice.” She has only four modified incisors; there are simply no other teeth. Such a small number of teeth and jaw structure was due to the monotonous diet of these rodents - they eat only worms and slugs, and can consume fruit pulp.

Indian pangolin

Indian lizards (lat. Manis crassicaudata) is a mammal belonging to the order . These lizards feed on termites, ants and their eggs, which is why they lack teeth (as they are unnecessary). But they have a tongue - 23-25 ​​cm in length. It is with this tongue that the lizard captures and pushes food into the throat. The length of its tongue is almost half the length of its body.


Sea and land turtles are devoid of any teeth; they are replaced by horny plates similar to a beak. With this “beak” they can easily bite a stick with a diameter of up to 2-3 centimeters or a person’s finger. Interestingly, millions of years ago there lived turtles that had teeth in their mouths.

Baleen whales

Baleen or toothless whales (lat. Mysticeti) - the name speaks for itself - it indicates the complete absence of teeth. Instead of teeth, in the mouth of this mammal there is a whalebone - horny plates that are located in rows on the palate and on the upper jaw. These plates are of different lengths, depending on their location in the oral cavity. With the help of these plates, the whale filters the water, leaving behind various crustaceans, plankton and small fish.

Anteaters also lack teeth. In their elongated and narrow mouth, only a long and sticky tongue fits - a “tool” with the help of which it obtains food for itself - ants and termites - its favorite delicacy.

As you already understand, the structure and number of teeth indicate what the animals eat. If living creatures have no teeth or their number is small, this means that they are not necessary or they have other ways of consuming food.

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