Why do you dream about a big bird in the sky? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about bright birds?


My mother had a dream where she walked around the place where she was born and spent her youth (she often dreams about this place), and
sees that her neighbors have a new very beautiful
fence, she admires it. And when she decided to ask where it was from, a bird appears (like a sparrow), she jumps (bird)
and mom tries to catch her. After several attempts, she
catches her. This part of the dream ends and another part begins, where she swims in the same place where she was born, along the river, but
instead of water there is oil. She tries to swim across the river and get out
to the shore, it is very difficult for her to swim and after a while she swims ashore and thinks: It’s so good that I swam out
finally. She walks along the shore joyfully and contentedly and
then some small animal (like a raccoon) runs out of the hole and rushes at her, she dodges, the animal wants
bite her, but mom kills him. She remains satisfied. On this
the dream ends. WAITING FOR AN ANSWER. THANK YOU. P.S. Mom is 52 years old.


Mom has a conflict in the instinctive sphere of the psyche - she catches a bird, kills a raccoon (which also behaves unkindly towards the Egg of the dream).
The fence may indicate a new stage in the isolation of some parts of the personality from others, since it has been updated [that her neighbors have a new very beautiful fence]. It is necessary to understand what feelings or ideas the mother is shielding herself from. Today we can say that when she tries to think about this topic, she goes into fantasies, which she immediately stops [she decided to ask - then a bird appears (like a sparrow), it jumps (a bird) and mom tries to catch it. After several attempts, she catches her], and this compensatory causes mental dissatisfaction (the message is suppressed) and then an evil raccoon appears, which does NOT manage to make contact with the dreamer [some small animal rushes at her, she dodges, the animal wants to bite her, but her mother kills him ]


A month later (March 2000) after sleeping with parrots and a cat, I dreamed that I was standing under the shade of a tree, and a black bird was sitting on the tree. She sees me and flies down. The bird grabs my sleeve with its beak and pulls me up. During that period, my relationship with the man I loved began to take a serious turn.


The image of the black bird (in itself) symbolizes negative interference. The bird grabs my sleeve with its beak and pulls me up - i.e. wants to take charge of you. And the fact that she is sitting on the tree from the previous dream, the cat and the parrots, suggests that she personifies the parental aspects of your personality, the inner Parent.


Good afternoon, Yaroslav! Thank you very much for the transcripts. Do you know how nice it is to feel that someone is helping you and thinking about your problems? This is very pleasant and warms the soul. Thank you!
My dream today was sad, with such a violet feeling of melancholy. But first, a backstory: my friend’s and my housebirds got sick at home, ours was cured, but my friend’s parrot died. And then I had a dream that I came home and said that Anya’s parrot could not be saved, it’s such a pity! And my grandmother says to me: “You know, our bird also died. As soon as you left for work, she immediately died.” And for some time I seem to be in a vacuum, that is, when I don’t understand the meaning of the words spoken to you, and then I am overwhelmed by sadness, but not hopeless melancholy, but some kind of light sadness-melancholy. And the thought: what happens, cannot be avoided!
Probably some dream or some small part of my soul died in me. But I accept this death as necessary process. because all life consists of small deaths and births. Right? (from translit)


Fairy winter forest(this means that the trees and the snow on their branches are not real, but exactly the same as in Romm’s old fairy tales). Absolute, “dead” silence. In the clearing there are two huge frozen swans, much larger than in the real world. I come closer and see that a live blue bird is sitting on the wing of one of them. I take it off the wing and carry it home (it is so small that it fits in the palms of my hands).
She's out of my sight for a while (or do I just forget about her?). When the desire to see the blue bird arises again, I go to the room where I brought it, but I find only what is left of it: a very small, weightless, fragile blue egg.


I look at the window of my house from the outside. (and this is my parents’ apartment, in reality I no longer live there)
I see that three birds are squeezing into the apartment through the window, a rock dove, a gray-black crow and a black raven... And I am happy about these birds... And already being inside the apartment, I take the birds in my hands, put them on my shoulder, touch them, stroke them. The birds are large and it is clear that they are well-fed. Their smooth plumage is glossy and shiny. And I also supposedly had a red Pekingese dog named Baby, I actually had him, but he died of old age 10 years ago. The dog was very kind and smart, I and my parents still often dream about him; in these dreams we communicate with him in human language and he answers us. And then I dream that he is somehow thin, it’s clear that he is sick. And then there are these crows... Black bites him on the nose and pecks him in the eyes.
The little mouse shrinks into a ball, hides, and I grab him in my arms, trying to somehow reduce his pain, I see that he has closed his eyes.
I ask the Kid to open his eyes, but he cannot, apparently the raven pecked them out. I feel sorry for the dog, stroke him, persuade him, but I feel that he is dying... Then I take the raven, put him on the open window and say: “Get out of here!” The raven looks at me vengefully and angrily... and flies away... I feel relief and at the same time some unpleasant feeling that I will have to pay for driving the bird away...


The dream foretells bad events in your personal life or personal reactions. I wrote in Raven what the black bird means. This is a messenger of shadow, negative (more precisely, perceived negatively by the ego image) aspects of the personality that require awareness. Initially, the dream ego is friendly towards him [black raven... and I am happy about these birds... and already being inside the apartment, I take the birds in my hands, put them on my shoulder, touch them, stroke them]. However, when one personal aspect [raven] within the framework of the life concept [in the apartment] comes into conflict [bites the nose, pecks in the eyes] with another aspect that is clearly outliving its usefulness [thin, it is clear that he is sick] and symbolizing aggressiveness + devotion [dog ], consciousness intervenes [I grab him in my arms, trying to somehow reduce his pain] and the dynamic process (individuation) of sacrificing the obsolete [I feel that he is dying] is interrupted [I take the raven, put him on the open window and say: “ Get out of here!"]. This cannot but entail negative reactions from those unconscious aspects in whose activities you have interfered [the raven looks at me vengefully and angrily... and flies away... I feel relief and at the same time some unpleasant feeling that I will have to pay because I drove the bird away]. In principle, a negative future can still be prevented. To do this, I need to work with you separately and develop a special conscious line of behavior aimed at the belated integration of the rejected one.


I dreamed that I saw a nest under the roof of our house and a bird sitting there. Suddenly another bird flies up, looking like a magpie, steals the egg and flies away. The owner of the nest takes and pushes out the thrown egg and then continues to hatch her own chicks.


It happens on New Year's Eve, but for some reason it's May. I was somewhere for several days, returned home and asked my parents how they were doing. They say that four swifts flew onto our loggia. in the form of a bouquet (it was just a dream!). Our cat saw them and killed three of them (he actually caught birds twice already, and we didn’t have time to do anything). Then my parents fall silent and I feel like something has happened. They tell me that then the cat died, and laugh at the same time. I’m very upset, worried, and I can’t understand my parents at all. I go outside and go for a walk around the city. This is our area, but for some reason there are a lot of new buildings here. Everyone is having fun, everyone is preparing for the New Year. The weather is clear, sunny, warm. I walk and think. Then I begin to remember events that really happened in reality. I remember how yesterday the cat was sitting on star map in my room. I compare this fact with what my parents said and understand that he could not die. They just lied to me. The cat is alive! With this thought, a little happy, I go home. But at the same time, something still weighs on me.


I'm at school. It’s a little dark in the corridors, I’m uneasy, I feel like I’m being drawn to the street. I leave school, it’s snowing and raining outside, or I just have a feeling of bad weather, but it seems quite harmonious to me. And then a bird flies from the sky, straight towards me, big, with a beak. I extend my hand and she sits on my wrist. I feel her squeezing her hand with her claws, looking at me. I spend the rest of my sleep walking with her, sometimes she sits on my shoulder, and I feel her heaviness.




I dreamed that I was a bird. I'm sitting on the ledge of a tall brick tower. I look down and think how I can fly if I haven’t flown before. I have a message on my paw that needs to be delivered to people through the window below. I spread my wings, push off and fly. I see myself from the outside. Small, light, similar to a seagull. I make a semicircle and sit down on the windowsill; people take the letter. I understand that I flew only because all birds fly, it’s instinct. Before that, I was flying in my dreams, but I straightened my arms, being myself.


I dreamed that I was walking along a country road, but not dirty or dusty; on both sides I saw yellow fields of rye, then green lawns with soft, lush grass. I was walking with some peasants whom I didn’t know in reality, but in my dream I had the feeling that they were kind and respectful to me. Suddenly, almost the entire sky was filled with bright red and purple flocks of birds, it was unusual and very beautiful, the birds began to descend, and close by I saw a bright red dove, sparrows, also colored, I don’t remember exactly what kind of birds there were, but I know for sure that there were many species. Suddenly a rather pleasant and fresh wind arose, which blew in my face, I stretched out my arms to the sides like wings, ran up and rose above the ground, though not very high, on the sides, colorful birds were cherishing towards me, at high speed, and the wind was so and blew it straight in my face. The people who walked with me also flew like me. The takeoff run was enough for a short time, so sometimes I fell to the ground and, furious, took off again. I didn’t encounter birds at all and wasn’t even afraid of it, I was only afraid of landing unsuccessfully (though in this dream I wasn’t afraid of wires, in ordinary dreams about flying I’m afraid of this, but I never touch wires). And then we got down, and I thought it was March, and then snow appeared, thawed patches, we met two of my cousins who began to play cards for money (I saw the money - it was three hundred new bills) with the peasants, I didn’t play myself, I just watched, and then I began to help one of the brothers, we beat off different cards, But ace of spades they couldn’t fight back, and then they cheated, our deception went unnoticed, and then I woke up... I’m a young (I’m 20 years old), unmarried girl, I have a beloved guy, but now I’m far from him, in another city, I don’t have my brothers I saw it for 3-4 months. I'm not sick at the moment. I haven’t had good colorful dreams for a long time, but after this dream I was left with a good impression, although it’s not at all clear why I dreamed of huge flocks colorful birds, and not mixed, but red ones - separately, lilac ones - separately, I know that there were other colors, but I don’t remember visually. In general, I started flying in my dreams about 10 months ago; I had never dreamed of it before, at least I don’t remember such dreams.




I dreamed that I was lying on my bed in my room. For some reason my window is open. And suddenly three birds fly in, I’m not sure exactly, but in my opinion they were pigeons, although maybe not. One fluttered a little in the room and flew out, the second sat on the window, and the third kept flying and flying near the window, and I was just thinking, if only she wouldn’t hit the glass. For some reason I was very afraid of this, probably because I know that it is not very good. the only feeling that was present was fear. it was very unpleasant.


I feel like I’m on vacation with friends, but I don’t see them. I have pet furry animals, but I can’t name them. I also have a huge bird of prey that sits on my hand, and my hand is gloved. And I’m not afraid of her, on the contrary, I worry when she’s gone for a long time.


I dreamed of a huge black bird endowed with some mystical gift. It had some kind of name, but I don’t remember what. Several times I saw this bird high in the sky and even from a distance its size was terrifying - it seemed huge. I always felt that the fear the townspeople experienced from this bird was somehow artificial, and that the bird was actually lonely (one of its kind, so to speak), wise and not evil. I wanted to talk to her, but at the same time she scared me because everyone was so afraid of her. As a rule, she didn’t fly close to the city. All the people, seeing it on the horizon, hid in the entrances of houses, panic began, the main thing was to stand under the canopy, then supposedly the bird would not see it and would not take it. Before the next raid, I rode a motorcycle, and I had a weapon, it seems like a very sharp knife. In parallel with the story about the bird, we were also sorting out a showdown with some group hostile to us, and I was the most important among my own, easily leaving behind opponents. The showdowns were very exciting, mainly because I felt invulnerable to my evil opponents and did not cause them physical harm myself. Then it started, we dropped everything and ran into the entrance. The walls were lined with mosaics, we rode in a transparent elevator along a transparent shaft upward, and the higher we went, the more beautiful view opened below - green hills and forests. All this was accompanied by a feeling of peace. Then we arrived very high, got out of the elevator, the sky was very clear and the sun was shining brightly. We were standing on the roof of some house and there were cable cars stretched above us (though, without seats, just one, but for some reason they were still cable cars). We had to use these funiculars to climb into the neighboring very tall house with a glass roof. And that’s it, at this point I woke up.


I dreamed about hotels and restaurants for two weeks. Dream of early March. Bright sunny day. I checked into a hotel in a seaside town. One day I went to the beach and saw a crowd there. Everyone looks at the sky, where a flock of white birds flies. I turn my gaze to the tree on which three white owls are sitting with open eyes, each next to its own hollow. And this is during the day! I look again at the sky - 4 pelicans are flying there. They synchronously decrease, merging and acquiring the shape of a 4-gon, i.e. the vanishing point is their beaks. They take my wallet with their beaks, rise into the air with it, and then rush onto the sand and dissolve in it... and the wallet too. Everyone sees the transition from sand to white, because although this happened on the sand, so that everyone could see it better, it was shown in the air. Excited English speech could be heard from everywhere. I stared at this place and spoke loudly in Russian. Suddenly people I didn’t know began to emerge from the crowd and also speak Russian, and I thought, well, if I hadn’t said the phrase out loud, I wouldn’t have known how many Russian speakers there were. We became friends. I was also mentally tempted to go and dig out my wallet. Then I sat with some guy who was selling used bus tickets and I was so ashamed of his fraud, besides, 3 black birds appeared in the air nearby, they did not fly, but hovered in one place in the air, flapping their wings. In general, completely tired of this, I went to my room. There I began to open the curtains, there were so many of them, of different colors, I didn’t even expect it, but finally the last curtain fell and I saw the view from the window. I felt so good.


A couple of days ago I had a dream-vision in quite interesting circumstances. I am taking a computer course, and this happened during a lecture, and I did not feel sleepy or very tired. I dreamed that I was in ancient China among a crowd in the hall of the Chinese emperor. The emperor himself was dressed in red clothes, and a small bird like a nightingale or a lark was sitting on his shoulder. At some point, something happened, and the bird disappeared from the emperor’s shoulder, and appeared in my palm. Everyone was alarmed and started looking for it, and I wanted to give it to the emperor, but I couldn’t for some reason. Then I woke up. The impressions and memories of this vision were so vivid and emotional that I broke into a sweat, and from the experience of what I saw, I could not sit until the end of class and went home. About myself: I’m almost 30 years old, married, my daughter is one year old. I currently work as an auto mechanic. I can’t even imagine what to associate this dream-vision with. Help me figure it out!


I'm sitting on some ship around the sea or ocean, it's not cold, but there's no sun either. Far from the ship but not on the shore (the shore is not visible at all) above the water there is a male fisherman with 2 birds similar to firebirds, only small size They take turns diving into the water for fish, but I haven’t seen it for 19 years, woman, with nothing.


A red bird aggressively attacks me and tries to peck. I'm afraid of her. Then I caught it and was very surprised that it was all red. I hold her tightly and squeeze my beak tightly so that she doesn’t escape. The grannies are sitting on the bench and I ask them why they want to catch a bird. They answer, to death. But I am very surprised and say that the black bird will die, and the red one…….. That’s the whole dream.


Problems with border crossing due to the transportation of 2 canaries (small chicks) and a huge cage. The problems were barely resolved and I went through customs, but the cage was not taken into my luggage and I am carrying it as hand luggage. I met an old friend, chatted with her, and crossed a large puddle with her (she couldn’t cross it, and I found a dry paving stone path in the center). After breaking up with my friend, I go to look for my plane and find out that there is no such flight. I spend a long time trying to figure out how they could sell me a ticket on a flight that doesn’t exist. The flight is found and I remember that I forgot my passport at home.


I kindly ask you to decipher this dream. Today I dreamed that I wanted to go out onto the balcony (which I recently completely cleared, painted, etc.), and I look through the glass and observe the following picture: the balcony is all dirty on the floor, dirty, and there are birds on the balcony. Different, different. In the left corner, for example, there is a rooster with a hen, both very beautiful colors, with red and burgundy, brown, in the other corner there are pigeons, a beautiful bird sits and swings on a suspended perch, right there hatches chicks (or one?) A large bird of prey with huge beak. And I’m too scared to go out onto the balcony. I'm sending ex-husband drive it out, although I’m afraid for him, because the bird is such that it can bite and tear out a piece of meat. He throws the bird into the air, then it boomerangs right back. Later we notice that she is hatching a chick, and seems to be taking turns with her partner. There were several different pairs of birds (mostly pairs), I didn’t remember all of them. But the dream is so vivid, and I want to understand what this is for? The cockerels were especially striking with the beauty of their plumage.


I never had nightmares. It was sometimes scary in some episodes, but not to wake up. In general, nothing special happened the day before, except for one thing - I lost my peace. Trying to return it, I watched the birds and their flight techniques. Oh yes, I remembered! I was very upset with my boss, plus I had PMS, in general, a shadow came over me. Now the dream itself. I, a neighbor from the past, her daughter (in the dream, in real life she has a son), my mother are walking along a crevice in the mountain and are ready to leave, when suddenly the exit is cut off by some black shields. This came as a complete surprise to me; I recoiled. At the same time, the dead or something that I considered past and dead began to emerge from the arc of the crevasse. I woke up in horror. Then she fell asleep. The dream stopped being SO terrible, but it did not spare me and continued to show scenes that I wanted to run away from or stop. I dreamed of all possible natural disasters that exist on earth, including floods, earthquakes, sandstorms. I dreamed of places that I had been to in my dreams, but would not want to return to. It was some kind of retrospective orgy of everything unpleasant. Then for a long time I dreamed of an airplane whose wings did not open. He took off, tried to open his wings, but it didn’t work. It fell on its belly on the house, but did not explode, but I panicked and wanted to run away. Now, while I was writing, I thought, why was such heavy artillery used? By the way, the day before I made a very serious discovery for myself, which changed a lot for me. Could this be somehow related?


At first I managed to restrain myself and resist the accumulated emotions. Hence the image of people walking between the rocks. It is more difficult to understand why you were walking with your neighbor and her child (perhaps you are behaving now as you did when you lived next to this woman). Your mother is with you. You already know that when we dream of a mother, it means “going into the childish part” of the psyche (or in ontopsychological transcription: clarification or strengthening of the signal that activates the reflective matrix). Then follows an explosion. Unformalized emotions that are looking for an adequate form of release for themselves try on the outfits of natural disasters. In general, such discharges are similar to death: energy is lost rather senselessly. Therefore, all the most negative images rush here. The continuously falling plane says: with this worry you are killing yourself.


I had this dream in the morning. I’m lying on my stomach (I always fall asleep like this) and then a bird appears to me, it flew very close to me, and then flew into the collar of my shirt and flew over my back. And I didn’t feel afraid, I was just amazed how it flew by and didn’t scratch my back. I just felt her wings touching my back. The strangest dream I have ever seen. Nothing strange has happened to me lately in my life. I am 18 years old, I work and study.


Hello! I dreamed that on a clear autumn evening I was walking along a path between a lake in the forest and a deep crater (from a shell?), the slopes of which were overgrown with grass, and at the bottom there was a swamp. Behind the lake you can see a mountain range of stunning beauty, bathed in the red sunset sun. The mountains are very high, it seems to me, unattainable, but I am pleased to look at them, I feel pleasure from the beautiful mountain landscape and from the dizzying heights, but I myself remain on the path. Suddenly it gets dark. I have rollers on my feet, and I really want to go down the slope of the funnel in them. I descend straight into the darkness, afraid that I will get stuck in the swamp at the bottom of the funnel. However, there is no swamp; I find myself on solid ground, overgrown with short, coarse grass. It gets very dark. I go, I don’t know where, and I come out to a hummock on which grows an old gnarled willow without branches. Its trunk is low, thick and sagging. I approach the willow tree, for some reason I want to go to it, but when I find myself almost next to it, I notice a man sitting under it. I don’t see his face, but I note that he is dressed very well and is not young. The man gets up and, jerking, almost runs towards me. I am overcome with fear, horror, I run as fast as I can, thinking that the slope is steep and I will never escape from my pursuer. But I fly up to the path very easily. It's dark there too. I see people around the fire, I go to them. I want to get out of the forest. Suddenly it becomes light again, like in the evening, I again see beautiful mountains, at the top of the golden dome a small chapel shines. The sight of the mountains again brings me pleasure. I want to get out of the forest, but I don't know how. It brightens even more. The sky becomes blue-crystal and transparent. I hear a man's voice telling me that I should become a bird. I refuse. The voice convinces me, says that many people need this, but not everyone understands this, which is why there are many unhappy people. Losing my human form forever scares me. The voice says: “And you understand what is most important about you as a person, and remember it firmly.” I agree and gradually turn into a bird. I feel how my body shrinks, my skin becomes rough and covered with feathers, and now I am already a nightingale. I fly, sing, and at the same time my consciousness becomes two-layered: one layer, the outer one is of birds, the inner one is of man. The sensations were very realistic and did not cause me either surprise or fear, as if this was how it should have been. Unfortunately, at that moment I woke up. I am 28 years old, female, unmarried, creative work, I associate the dream with sudden problems in my personal life and career, but I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem like there is information in this dream that is very important for me, the information that I need, but I can decipher the dream on my own only in the part of the tree and the man at the bottom of the funnel. I am having a dream about reincarnation for the first time in my life, the plot is not repeated.


I dream of a wall, with an open door there is a small unfamiliar boy standing at the door, who lets me through these doors, I react negatively to this boy, although I don’t know him. Then I find myself in an exotic forest, big trees, leaves, I’m sitting on something in front of me, two beautiful large birds of a bright yellow color with big eyes are sitting, one bird disappeared and I started photographing the second, then I notice that large snakes are lying next to me, I touch one, I feel how warm it is body. My name is Vita, I am 22 years old, married for 3 years, no children.


We are sitting at grandma’s house, the table is set in the room, the balcony is open. people 5-6 guests. Suddenly we notice that the birds - pigeons, crows - are behaving somehow strangely. They're trying to fly in. We close the windows in the kitchen and cover the balcony. But they see the light and fly anyway. Then we close the balcony and turn off the lights. We sit in silence and everyone is scared. Cell phones are ringing, but before you can get close, they turn off. The only male guest sits and smokes. Granny went out to the neighbors somewhere. The woman, the smoker's wife, says that she wants to smoke on the balcony. We try to dissuade her, but for some reason no one stops her. I know in advance that she will die. Everyone knows. But no one bothers. She went out onto the balcony, it was already dark. Night. Stands smoking. The approaching flock can be seen from afar. Her husband and I are standing next to each other, yelling. But neither my husband nor I go out to drag her into the house. When the birds had already surrounded her, I turned away. turned back - she was no longer there. I'm crying. Grandma comes in and laughs to calm me down, it seems like this is how it should be. then there was a break, I dreamed about something else, and finally, closer to morning, a continuation. We sit further. We are no longer afraid of birds (it seems that the sacrifice has already been made). And I remember similar cases. I realize that the birds flew away only because they came across this woman. But we are still afraid, we check all the doors and windows. We hear a click - the front door. Everyone looks at each other, but they are afraid to look. I'm walking, the door is open. I slam it. I look through the peephole. It can be seen that there are 3 boys on the site, they are already leaving, but visibility is very poor, everything is rippling, like on an untuned TV. Gone. I often dreamed about this opening door. For example, someone is breaking in from there, and I’m trying to hold her here.


01/09/05 I had a dream that a lot of sparrows, titmice and canaries flew into our apartment, they were chirping so happily, but some wanted to fly out, I tore the net on the window and released several. Then for some reason I remembered that on the crib, where my daughter sleeps, I left the pan with the dough, went to stir it, and there, instead of normal dough, there was some kind of water with flour lumps. There were birds there too, I caught one, it turned into a kitten with one bird’s leg. I don’t remember any more details. About myself: 25 years old, married, 2-year-old daughter, a few months ago we moved to another city, where I started working.


A frightened bird with very bright green-yellow plumage, trying to fly into my room, got stuck between window frames. And then one glass moved away from the frame, and the bird’s head got stuck between the sharp glass and the frame. I had to save the bird and feed this blackbird (!!) dried apples


23 years old, female. In a dream, I walked into a shop. There a woman argued with the seller; she did not want to buy her goods. And the product was like this: a fried bird, as if breaded, but it was still breathing, already without eyes and all that, breathing and flapping its wings a little. In real life I don't like birds. Especially pigeons; I’m only neutral about poultry. I recently read in a book that the hero caught a pike, cut it into pieces, then went out for 5 minutes, and the pieces ran into the river. I don’t know, maybe this is why I dream about this... Maria.


My wife and I are standing on large area and I look in the sky - a regular clear school of birds. Suddenly the birds become more and more numerous and they fill the entire sky. Together with us in the square there are people who are surprised and perplexed with us. Suddenly the wind rises and some birds begin to land on the square and their fluttering from side to side in the wind. It feels like it’s become dark around because of so many birds.


I dreamed about mine country house. We were hiding from someone in it. My dog ​​(shepherd) and cats were there. There was fear in the dream. At some point I decided to let the cats outside. I opened the door, it was terribly cold there. They went out, and a bird flew into the house with great speed. I woke up in horror


I dreamed of a huge flock of birds that looked like titmice, small ones, they breed in my house, in the recesses on the ceiling, there are a lot of them, there is dirt on the floor from them, and one is lying dead. They can fly in and fly out through the window because there is a small passage there for them. I also dreamed that there was a cage in the house and there was one bird there that looked like a parrot, and it had a chick that it was taking care of. Then I go out onto the balcony and see that a dog is sitting in the branches of a tree, I assume that she was thrown from another balcony and she is waiting for help, we save her, but her back is injured and we are treating her. This is such a dream filled with animal life)


Something small, translucent, with golden wings flew into my room (dark in a dream). It’s a canary, only small, very tiny. She starts singing, and her mother wants to catch her and put her in a cage. But the canary turns into a parrot, and it freezes in the cage. I get him out of there. he is practically lifeless, and I decide to release him before it is too late. With that I go to the window. A beautiful clear morning sky, without a cloud, a golden canary flies into it, and I fly after it and think - how wonderful it is to soar in the sky like this, almost weightless and unburdened by anything!


the gyrfalcon pecked at the wire near the trolleybus. huge beak, big wings... I thought. that he would be electrocuted, but no. Then there was another big bird with a large beak, and her tongue was quite large.


Electrical wires- evidence of the presence of a machine, so they can irritate the “falcons”. In general, large or birds of prey usually symbolize a person’s unhealthy need for external influence, for “salvation” from the outside.


I watch through the window that first a large black bird (the size of a 5-year-old child) lands on my balcony, then flies down. then another similar one (the birds look like crows, only huge). then there are about five of them. It’s clear that they want something, namely with pleading eyes they want to eat. I go to the kitchen and open the window. they are sitting on the street outside the window. Well, I start feeding them, sorting through the food. one (for some reason I know it’s male) is so hungry that she starts sneaking into the apartment. I push him out, talking about subordination, and he obediently comes back. in a dream, birds speak in people. language. Well, in short, they hang out in the window, I feed them from the refrigerator, they still don’t eat everything. For example, they refused the sandwich 🙂 then either I woke up, or another dream began, I don’t remember.


In principle, those who are hungry for food in our dreams can be divided into 2 categories: active and passive. Active ones include vampires, predatory animals and other (read literally) misfortunes.

Passively behaving objects prefer to feed from the hands of the Ego-image, like the crows in your dream.

This division characterizes the mental aggressiveness and conflict of objects represented in a dream by these symbols.

As you can see, your objects are quite “tame” (I feed them by hand, they are completely subordinate to consciousness (depending on the location of the self-image), they are accessible in perspective (they are outside the window), and when you try to interfere with the everyday context (one sneaks into the apartment, but I push him out under the pretext of subordination).

In general, something like passive psychic lures have started up in your consciousness and are begging for I-energy (I’m eating in a dream)


I see a cage in which various animals are sitting. Suddenly my attention is drawn polar bear, which clawed a bird (for some reason I know for sure that it is a blackbird). I see the bird’s neck thrown back in pain and am filled with acute pity for its fate. I take this goner out of the cage and hold it in my hands. Suddenly the goner begins to get healthier before our eyes and change colors - now she shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, she grows a long tail, has a tuft on her head, and she doesn’t look at all like a thrush... although I know that it’s a thrush, and I even repeat it a word so as not to forget upon awakening. The bird sits calmly on my shoulder, and I admire it. Then she raises her tail and, excuse me, poops on my clothes. I laugh, thinking that this incident will not be the last and that many times I will have to clean off my clothes bird droppings. p.s. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO RESPONSES TO MY MESSAGES AND HELP ME UNDERSTAND THEM.


I am standing with my son in front of a large square paved with stone; behind is a building like the Colosseum, but much smaller in size. Something unimaginable is happening in the sky. Various unusually beautiful outlandish birds and airplanes fly and emit multi-colored bizarre patterns. My son knows all these birds, he tells me which bird is called what. Even a flock of crows flies very beautifully. The son names a very intricate name for the leader of the pack. Passersby gathered around and also admired the spectacle. Then I see a white T-34 type tank flying across the sky. It’s as if he’s been knocked out and is diving straight into our square. The flight crashed behind the Colosseum building. We walked around the building and approached the tank. The tank lay upside down and was smoking a little. People gathered around, although special. services announced that no one should approach the tank. Then, it seems, I see white tanks being produced at the factory. I ask why white. They say that they should not be visible in winter. What about in the summer, I ask. In the summer, they say, they are painted camouflage khaki.


It’s interesting why you dream of all sorts of objects in the sky, as well as planets, stars, comets and interplanetary ships. I don't have a clear opinion on this yet. However, your dream, it seems to me, is built on a hidden opposition between birds and a tank. Birds are free and natural creatures; they can and should fly in the sky. It’s just strange why airplanes are wedged into flocks; perhaps they symbolize naturalness and following one’s real aspirations as a prerequisite for personal growth and, probably, success in life (it’s not for nothing that they together do not cause surprise, judging by the description of the dream). Everything is beautiful and harmonious. Another clue, in my opinion, is that the son knows all the birds and names the intricate name of the leader of the flock. That is, you believe that the child has more resources for what you really want than you do. In other words, your son is closer to the goal than you. The intricacy of the name, it is possible, symbolizes a moment of misunderstanding, due to which the white tank appears.

Before moving on to the tank, we need to take a closer look at the square and the Colosseum. The stone square in my dreams is clearly associated with the desert as a symbol of exhaustion. But if in the desert an element of spontaneity and unpredictability is still possible, then the paved area does not imply any surprises. Behind us is the Colosseum, or rather, a building smaller than the Colosseum. I think we are talking about dreams and career (or other, in any case, important to you) plans that have either lost relevance, or remained unrealized, or (in the context of a dream) embodied, but not in the way you would like. It is possible that you have simply lost interest in these plans. And one more thing: the Colosseum is associated with a gigantic building and with a spectacle. Then it symbolizes a revaluation of the desire to prove or show something to someone, to participate in fierce competition in life.

Now the tank. I'm not particularly good at interpreting colors (he's white), so I can't say why he's white. In general, the meaning of the symbol, it seems to me, lies in your negative or hidden-negative attitude towards conformism, unification and standardization, with which life is full modern society. This is also indicated by the unnaturalness of the tank in the sky. Of course, since he clearly doesn’t belong there, he “crashes.”

In a dream, a small bird foreshadows troubles, vanity, news, gossip, and also hints at haste and defenselessness in the face of circumstances. The dream book will competently analyze the dream image and indicate why it is being dreamed about.

Son or daughter?

Did you dream of a little bird in your hands? Find a groom or win money. If the bird managed to get into the bosom, then you will experience incredible happiness.

For a woman to hold a bird in her hands in a dream, it means pregnancy. Moreover, the dream book offers two interpretations of the dream: if the bird is she, then it will be a girl, if it is he, then it will be a boy.

Seeing a feathered creature in your hands is always good. This is a sign of successful implementation of plans and achieving goals without much effort.

Take your time!

Why do you dream of a little bird in the house? The dream book predicts receiving a small profit or unexpected news.

Hearing birds chirping in the house, but not seeing the pranksters themselves, means that you need to carefully think through your actions and abandon quick decisions. The same plot hints at discussions and gossip.

If in a dream a feathered messenger flew into the apartment, then expect guests who arrived from afar. Did you dream that you were throwing stones at her? An unpleasant person will appear in the house.

According to Miller

Did the little bird peck impudently? In real life, events will happen that you do not attach importance to. But the interpreter is sure: they will entail unpredictable consequences.

Features of behavior

  • Sits silently - sadness, melancholy.
  • Jumping - important news, information.
  • Sticks - arguments, noise, quarrels.
  • Died - an accident.
  • Beating on the window - someone else's death, tragedy, bad news.
  • Flew into the room - an important event is approaching.

Are you ready?

Were you lucky enough to catch a bird in your dreams? In reality, you will make useful contacts, achieve your goals, and overcome difficult obstacles.

Did you dream that you couldn’t catch it? Dream book advice: forget about easy luck, you have to work a lot and hard.

In a dream, catching but releasing a bird means that you will deliberately refuse a chance, an opportunity.

How to interpret correctly?

To clearly find out why a small bird is dreaming, you need to know the full decoding of its variety.

For example, a finch guarantees a calm period without any special worries or worries, while a sparrow, on the contrary, promises haste, vanity and minor misunderstandings.

The oriole appears in a dream as a symbol of successful resolution of problems, the tit – conscientious work, and the swallow – guests and news.

Decoding by color

If it was not possible to establish this factor, then it is enough to remember its color. Why do you dream about white birds? They symbolize good news, spiritual development, reconciliation.

Did you dream about white birds? Expect great joy, prosperity and satisfaction in everything. Seeing black birds is always bad. The dream book considers them to be harbingers of misfortunes and misfortunes.

Let's daydream!

What does it mean if a little yellow bird appears in a dream? Get ready to work hard and do a lot of housework.

Birds in a dream - usually good sign. But you need to look at what kind of bird you dreamed about and in what setting in order to correctly interpret the dream. Let's see what birds dream about - what events the dreamer should prepare for.

Symbolic dream book

Representatives different types birds predict events that may happen. For example, a crow is a sign of an approaching illness or danger. If you see a parrot in a dream, it is possible that someone will laugh at you. White dove - purity, spiritual renewal, innocence and honesty of thoughts.

A swallow is a sign that you will receive good news in the future. And seeing a stork in a dream is a wonderful sign for young spouses: the dream predicts the birth of children.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Birds in a dream, knocking with their beaks on your window - to the news. Soon you will receive news that you did not expect. Perhaps it will be such that your usual world will turn upside down.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Seeing a bird climbing into your bosom is a good sign. And if the dreamer catches a feathered beauty on the fly, he will soon receive a letter containing good news.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

A bird sitting in a cage is a symbol that the dreamer is in real life holds back feelings and does not allow oneself to express emotions openly. It’s worth relaxing a little, because excessive self-control is fraught with health problems.

Free flight of birds - the dreamer has great creative potential, his imagination is limitless. True, he should be careful not to break away from reality at all.

Miller's Dream Book

A beautiful bird with magical plumage means favorable news. Good events await you in the near future. If a woman sees such a dream, she will soon get married. The marriage promises to be happy.

To see many birds soaring in the sky in a dream is news of future prosperity and upcoming happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

For Nostradamus, most of the predictions and interpretations of night visions are global in nature. Thus, he interprets the appearance of a white bird in a dream as a danger posed to the Earth by a giant meteorite.

If you see a desperately screaming bird in a dream, then soon some country may be attacked from outside. Seeing a black double-headed eagle means war.

An iron bird sitting on the ground means a crash or disaster to be expected in the future. For the dreamer, a rooster is not a good sign: quarrels with others and conflicts may occur. Therefore, you need to take more care of yourself in order to prevent negative developments and have time to extinguish the conflict that has begun in its infancy.

Vedic dream book

A dream in which birds fly foreshadows future prosperity and success for the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

If you saw a bright bird in a dream, you can rejoice: such a sleepy dream is fortunate. The fabulous firebird predicts creative success.

Dream: birds in the house - a difficult situation is possible, from which it will not be possible to immediately find a way out. You need to pay attention to your behavior: perhaps the cause of the unpleasant situation was your aggression.

Seeing a bird perched on a balcony is also a sign of disappointment and not very favorable news.

But if you release a feathered beauty into the wild, this promises a life full of contentment.

A woman who sees a bird with chicks in a dream may be preparing for an upcoming pregnancy in reality.

A bird hitting the window is a warning about some kind of catch or danger.

Seeing a talking bird - your subconscious mind is telling you to listen more to your intuition. She will tell you what to do in a difficult situation.

The appearance of birds in dreams does not have any general interpretation; each interpreter sees different meanings in such dreams, therefore, to correctly interpret dreams about birds, it is necessary to summarize the information and draw a conclusion based on one’s own life and its events.

Dreamed flying birds are interpreted by Miller as a promise of prosperity and the disappearance of all troubles, and Tsvetkov sees in such dreams an indication of the imminent receipt of news from abroad, although Hasse in his dream book does not note where exactly the news will come from, considering flying birds a symbol of news. In the esoteric dream book, birds are identified with thoughts, thus, dreams in which you saw flying birds are interpreted as an indication of your thoughts about high things. If you dreamed of a bird flying into a window, pay attention to. The British see dreams of fluttering birds as an indication of imminent change. financial situation, and a wealthy person can go broke, and a poor person, on the contrary, can get rich. The Assyrian dream book considers dreams with flying birds to be an omen of the return of a seemingly lost value.

Appearance of dreamed birds

If you dreamed bright bird with beautiful plumage, then Miller interprets its appearance as an omen of an imminent love affair, which may end in marriage if a young girl had a dream. Nostradamus sees such dreams as confirmation that you are living in your own past and cannot part with it; the interpreter recommends paying close attention to your present life. Hasse, in his dream book, considers dreams with beautiful birds as an indication of the imminent need for vigorous activity, and in the English dream book it is customary to consider such dreams as a message about future career growth.

Bird behavior in dreams

Chirping birds, according to Miller, are a warning that some task will soon cause you difficulties due to the fact that you will not be able to clearly concentrate on it. Hasse assures that sitting bird dreams of sadness, and one that soars sharply into the air - of loss. Esotericists point out that if you dreamed of a pair of birds, you should distract yourself from your own personal life and pay attention to other aspects of it. According to the English dream book, the chirping of birds in a dream foretells success.

Loffa in his dream book points out that various birds can reflect not only the culture and worldview of a person, but also act as an image of a specific person. According to the interpreter, you need to think about whether a bird in a dream could represent someone you know, and then analyze the bird’s own feelings and behavior in relation to this person.

Dreamed of a wounded or dead bird

Miller interprets dreams about a wounded bird as the approach of sadness caused by the reckless behavior of a child, and dreams of killing birds indicate the onset of a “dark streak,” a crop failure, or a natural disaster. Hasse believes that killed birds dream of losses; the esoteric dream book interprets sick birds in dreams as an indication of your excessive pessimism. The British, in their dream book, indicate that a dead bird seen in a dream is not considered a bad sign, because all failures pass and time does not stand still.

Bird in a cage

The caught bird, according to Miller, is a good sign, while Tsvetkov considers the bird in the cage to be the personification of false gossip. Hasse sees such dreams as a harbinger of a quick win, and the esoteric dream book on this topic says that your thoughts are driven into a framework that prevents you from expressing yourself.

Specific interpretations

The details of a dream about a black bird will help you avoid serious troubles in reality.

Be sure to decipher the dream about a big bird - perhaps this is the key to success.

Is it for better or for worse to dream about dead birds?

Your life can be filled with joy and prosperity if you correctly use the dream hint about the white bird.

Make sure to correctly analyze the dream about a flock of birds without delay.

Find out what a dream about feeding birds warns about right now.

Catch a bird

You will soon receive something that means a lot to you. This will be related to work, perhaps promotion on the career ladder or financial profit. Now the work process will become more interesting and easier.

Beautiful birds

To positive news and changes in the course of life for the better, more favorable for the dreamer. Everything that you have to do will not be in vain, no matter what opinion you hold on this matter.


Good luck awaits you in opening and promoting own business. There is no need to be afraid of failures, they will be fleeting and will not remain in memory. All your plans are destined to come true and bring many joyful moments.

Birds nests

This dream is interpreted differently, depending on what kind of nest it was. Empty - promises poverty and losses, unexpected expenses will hit your wallet hard. If the nest was filled with something, for example, eggs or chicks, then you will have significant profits and the appearance of new family members.

Bright birds

Troubles will come into your life, but you shouldn’t be upset about them. All problems can be solved without your slightest participation. This will save your nerves and time; do not take on issues that do not require immediate resolution.


Good luck in any endeavor. Whatever you have in mind, it will certainly come true, no matter whether it concerns the work sphere or personal relationships. What you have been dreaming about for a long time will soon begin to come true.

Kill a bird

Difficulties will constantly appear on your path. It will be possible to bypass them, but this will require incredible efforts, including physical ones. Events with tragic and very sad consequences for you are possible.

Bird of prey

You will be surrounded by opponents; this dream promises deception on their part. Don't be too trusting of strangers. Carry out all instructions clearly and on time, and do everything only to the point.

Dream Interpretation Bird Bird - Flying in a dream - news from abroad; in a cage - false gossip; bird's tail - consequences. Dream Interpretation Bird - Guest or news (depending on the type and behavior of the bird); killing or injuring a bird is a big failure; bird's tail - consequences; bright plumage - good luck in love; flying - to wealth. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Birds A dream in which birds fly is unlucky. It means that circumstances will set you back in some actions. However, for poor people this may be a harbinger of improvement financial condition, especially if birds sing in a dream. Ayurvedic dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds Birds sing in the void. - Foretells the death of his wife. A flying bird climbs into your bosom. - Portends happiness. Catch a bird on the fly. - Foretells a letter from afar. A swallow flies. - A guest will arrive from afar. A bird chases a snake. - You will receive a recommendation from some person. Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Dream Interpretation Birds talking Revelation about the future in a dream, an element of clairvoyance: it is very important what kind of birds they are, in what plot and what they say.
Bird in a dream A multi-valued symbol of the sleeping soul, various emotional states, human desires, aspirations and achievements, longing for the unrealizable, creative ideas and deeds, spiritual growth, marital status, happiness, intuition, images of other people and other people's influences; marriage proposal from a man (for a woman). Flocks, many birds - human, collective energies, influences, processes.
White birds in a dream Good news and good energetic influences.
Birds are black, nocturnal, predatory in a dream Bad news; misfortunes, negative, demonic influences on fate from other people; a cunning, insidious person from the sleeper’s environment. Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of Dream Bird The bird is news. Like a bird landing on his head - a dead man. If you dream about birds, it means the separation of a man and a woman. Birds are souls. Birds are people. Since there are so many of them, there will be some kind of war or something. “Before the war, I used to dream that the birds had covered the field.” A bird in your hands means success in business. Birds sing - to curiosity. A bird was hitting the window - good news - give birth to a child. See bird eggs or eating them is a big nuisance. Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of dream Bird of Prey Birds of prey (falcon, hawk) usually dream of deception, real danger from your opponents. If you managed to drive away the birds before they attacked you, your business will go well. Shooting at a bird of prey in a dream and killing it is a sign that you will overcome all obstacles on the path to your happiness. In general, seeing such a bird dead is a sign of good luck and victory over circumstances. If a mother dreams that she is driving away birds of prey from her children, this means that through hard work and effort she will achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires.
Birds in a dream A dream in which birds with beautiful plumage appear is favorable. For a woman, it portends a quick and happy marriage or new love. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity and good luck, the dissolution of all negative circumstances in the stream of impending prosperity. Catching a bird is also a good sign. Hearing birds calling to each other is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. A wounded, knocked-out bird symbolizes deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of one’s own child. Killing a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, or natural disaster.
Poultry in a dream
White birds in a dream The appearance of white birds in a dream is good news. Modern dream book

Dreaming Bird They indicate greatness, power and beauty, and for the merchant, profit. Sometimes they point to the traveler for the one on whose head the bird will land. And whoever sees that a bird came down from the sky and sat down in front of him. then this is news that he will be very happy about. The birds swimming in the water are the ruler’s subordinates. Birds of unknown species, flying or living on the water, are angels. They also say that seeing a bird on your shoulders or neck means seeing your deeds. So. if the bird is black, then the deeds committed are bad; if the bird is white, then - pure and good; if the bird is motley, then deeds can be both good and bad. Birds flying high in the sky in a dream are a sign of joy. A flock of birds indicates wisdom and power. If a patient sees birds of an unusual breed unknown to him, he may die. If a traveler sees them, then his journey will be unsuccessful. If some bird carried the dreamer on itself, spreading its wings, and reached the heavens or approached them, then he will go on a long journey to the ruler. Any bird with spread wings is a good sign. A bird flying high and hiding in the sky portends damage, collapse or death. Islamic dream book

Interpretation of the dream Birds A dream about a loon is a sign of a risky but profitable enterprise, a capercaillie - they suspect you of something, pigeons - to illness and loss. A blackbird in a dream means happy changes, new friends, a bustard means gossip, duplicity, lies. The finch is a sign of a calm life without worries and worries, the oriole - difficulties will be resolved by themselves. Birds of prey mean that a successful turn of affairs will help you avoid many troubles. Waterfowl - put your interests above the health and peace of mind of your loved ones. Poultry in a dream means increased income and increased well-being. White birds portend heartfelt joy. Seeing a bird's nest in a dream means that you will be interested in the successful outcome of an enterprise started by your friends. Seeing broken eggs in a nest portends disappointment, whole ones - to good luck, an empty nest - failure in business, with chicks - you will make strong connections with influential people, chicks falling out of the nest - to sadness. Seeing birds in a cage means that in reality you will achieve your goal through cunning, coquettishness and guile. Feeding the birds means meeting unexpected but pleasant guests, catching them means a big win, catching them means you will find a worthy groom. Hearing birds chirping portends an uplift of spirit, energy and vigor; sadly sitting on a perch or branch - to unpleasant news, pecking birds - a sign of prosperity and well-being, flying away from you - to losses. Birds fluttering around and landing on you are good news. Shooting at birds is a sign of severe trouble. Seeing a wounded animal dragging a damaged wing means ruining your happiness. A dead bird means an accident.
Poultry in a dream Poultry seen in a dream suggests that the habit of wasting money will eventually force you to count it, and only then will you notice that your income is increasing. For a young girl, chasing poultry in a dream means that due to her inability to organize her time, she does not have time to really do anything. Feeding poultry in a dream foreshadows noise and arguments in the house in real life. Buying these animals means that your well-being will increase. To kill one of them means to get rid of annoying people in reality. Hearing chickens clucking in a dream means a sudden shock caused by the news of an unexpected serious illness of one of your good friends. Seeing a brood of some kind of poultry in a dream foreshadows tedious chores. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Bird BIRD - happiness, news; will arrive - a letter; feed - spread gossip; sits on your head - death; wild birds - a gift; catching them means joy, winning, getting pregnant (for a woman), marriage, profit; catch - a girl will be born; hold in hands - success in business; beats on the window - a child will be born; white - good news, a date with a friend; to hear the songs of birds - good news, love, joy; small bird - daughter to be born (pregnant); many birds - empty chatter, litigation, war. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird of Prey Bird of prey. Seeing a bird of prey (falcon, hawk) in a dream predicts that you will be deceived. Shooting her means that after a struggle you will overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness. If a young woman scares away birds of prey from her babies in a dream, it means that she will achieve the fulfillment of her wildest desires, but only when she is hardworking. The dream foretells you a real danger from your opponents. If in a dream you manage to scare away the birds before they attack you and injure you, your affairs will be successful. Seeing a bird of prey dead promises good luck and victory. Seeing that you are shooting at a bird is a sign that you will choose to bravely fight your enemies and perhaps win.
Birds in a dream Birds. Favorable dream, if you see birds with beautiful plumage. If a woman sees this dream, she should expect a quick and happy marriage or new love. Seeing a wounded bird is a deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity for the one who sees this dream. All undesirable circumstances will disappear in the flow of the coming good. Catching a bird is a good dream. Hearing birds “talking” is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires enormous clarity of perception. Killing a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, or natural disaster.
Poultry in a dream Poultry. Seeing a tame poultry in a dream is a sign that wasteful habits will significantly reduce your financial security. If a girl chases poultry in a dream, this means that she will waste her precious time on empty entertainment. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird of Prey A dream in which any bird of prey appears, such as a falcon or a hawk, predicts that you may be deceived. If you shot her, then in real life you will probably overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness. A young woman who in a dream drove away a bird of prey from her babies will certainly achieve the fulfillment of her wildest dreams, if, of course, she shows a certain amount of hard work. In general, a dream about an attack by birds of prey can portend you a real danger from your opponents. The fight will end in your favor if in a dream you manage to scare away the birds before they attack and injure you. A dead bird of prey symbolizes victory and good fortune. A dream in which you shoot a bird means that you do not give in to your enemies at all and, most likely, will win.
Birds in a dream Dreaming about birds with beautiful plumage is very auspicious. If a woman dreams of something like this, she will have a quick and happy marriage. A wounded bird dreams of deep sadness caused by the behavior of children. A flying bird is a sign of prosperity. All unpleasant circumstances will fade into the background compared to the future good. If in a dream you heard birds singing, then you yourself are unlikely to cope with the task facing you. Killing a bird with a gun is a bad sign. According to Nostradamus, the bird is a symbol of swiftness, prophecy, and impermanence. He interpreted dreams about birds as follows. If you saw a small bird in a dream, peace and tranquility will reign in the family. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies happiness. If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a “wild” voice, then you have a difficult job in subordination to a cruel boss. A headless bird dreams of sad events. If you dreamed of voiceless birds, then there will be a very severe drought in the future. A dream about an iron bird sitting on the ground foreshadows a major disaster. If you saw birds of rare beauty in a dream, then you live and are interested only in your past. If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your energies on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future. This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you. Seeing an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream, you will strive for mercy. An eagle in a cage means the desire for power and might. The rooster dreams of quarrels and conflicts. A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to involve you in a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable. If in a dream you watch cockfights, then in reality you will witness an emergency. And D. Loff talked about “bird” dreams as follows: “If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds,” you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted by people in different ways. Since time immemorial, birds have had a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble. At one time, among the peoples of the Middle East, it was even considered a bad sign if a bird pecked a person. Crows and vultures have had a bad reputation since ancient times, but the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of an aura of majesty around birds as a species. Here it is worth giving as an example catchphrase“soar like an eagle”, which is a metaphor for hope and self-confidence. The vigilance of birds (just remember the well-known expression “hawk's eye”) is another example of their positive perception. Crows and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech generally distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world. Some people in your dreams may look like birds. If you talk to them in a dream, this may indicate communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you.”
Poultry in a dream If you saw poultry in a dream - stop wasting money. If a girl is chasing poultry in a dream, it means she shouldn’t waste her precious time on empty entertainment. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds For rich and wealthy people, a dream in which they see fluttering birds will be very unlucky. It means sad changes in their affairs. For the poor, this dream, on the contrary, means changes for the better, especially when birdsong is heard in the dream. If the birds in a dream have beautiful plumage and they are not afraid of you, it means that a promotion awaits you. A dream in which the sleeper hears the cheerful singing or chirping of birds promises well-being for everyone: someone will go to a distant country, someone will achieve success in something important to them. A dead bird does not foretell anything particularly bad, since all failures will ultimately end in a clear period in your life. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds Dream Interpretation Birds - Thoughts. High-flying thoughts about high things, but you shouldn’t leave the ground for long. Sick, ugly, wounded, you are a pessimist, and this ruins your life. Waterfowl think too much about life's problems. In a cage, the flight of your thoughts is limited by generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. Kissing, couple, the theme of love relationships prevails in your thoughts, you can miss everything else. Dreams about birds show that you are too caught up in something in your thoughts. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird Dream Interpretation Why do you dream of a chick, a bird in a dream - “It just hatched (flew out) from an egg (nest)” - the stage of childhood, inexperience, immaturity. Bird - “high-flying bird” - a big boss, a talented famous person; “blue bird” (happiness). “a bird in the hands is a crane in the sky” (pragmatism), “a magpie on its tail brought” (news), “dove of peace”, “first swallow” (news, beginning), “falconry”, “crane song” (devoted love , farewell), “swan loyalty, song” (last, final), “reborn from the ashes like a phoenix.” “shooting a cannon at sparrows” - incommensurability of means and ends. “bird joys” (small), “nightingale (love) trills.” “to be filled with a nightingale” - eloquence, joy, declaration of love, “to repeat like a parrot” - comedy, deception, satire; “knock like a woodpecker” - inform; "blind as an owl" “like a bird in a cage” - strong melancholy, lack of freedom. “woodpecker” is about a bad person, an “informer.” See Add. Rooster, duck, eggs. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Bird BIRD is a multi-valued symbol of the sleeping soul, various emotional states, human desires, aspirations and achievements, longing for the unrealistic, creative ideas and deeds, spiritual growth, marital status, happiness, intuition, images of other people and other people's influences; marriage proposal from a man (for a woman). Flocks, many birds - human, collective energies, influences, processes. WHITE BIRDS - good news and good energetic influences. TALKING BIRDS - a revelation about the future in a dream, an element of clairvoyance: it is very important what kind of birds they are, in what plot and what they say. BIRDS BLACK, NIGHT, PRADY - bad news; misfortunes, negative, demonic influences on fate from other people; a cunning, insidious person from the sleeper’s environment. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Birds Birds symbolize creativity and flights of fancy. Sometimes a warning that the dreamer is too detached from reality. Seeing a bird in a cage means having limited feelings. Birds fly - success in love, creativity. Feed the birds - new happy opportunities will open up for you. Birds, as creatures living in an environment unusual for humans, reflect the dreamer’s special experiences. Birds often symbolize a person’s spiritual life, his dreams and fantasies. Seeing birds in a dream is often accompanied by flying with them. But a dream in which you completely feel like a bird may warn you against a complete break from real life. Repeated dreams with flights and birds are sometimes an indication to “come down from heaven” and pay more attention to real matters. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Birds With all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, a bird in a dream usually acts as a message (in ancient times, a pigeon or falcon post worked). Or the bird symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by the dreamer. Unusual, original, exotic birds can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings: “rare foreign bird” - a foreign guest or news that is original, unusual or from afar, from abroad. “parrot” - mockery, deception, disappointment; “turkey”, “peacock” - importance, pride, arrogance; "phoenix", "firebird", "blue bird" - famous symbols happiness, resurrection, spiritual rebirth. In addition, some other birds too definitely emphasize one or another trait, the peculiarity of an ongoing event or the character of the sleeping person himself, a familiar sleeping person: “rooster” - irritability, time; “swallow” - good news; “sparrow” - unimportant, to be in time everywhere; “white dove” - peace, spiritual revelation; “stork” - the birth of a child, family happiness, “crow” - trouble; swan - fidelity, etc. However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey, may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or serious illness (if they are carried away and pecked). Symbolic dream book

Dream Interpretation Birds BIRDS - with all the diversity of the world of birds on earth, a bird in a dream usually acts as a message (in ancient times, a pigeon or falcon post worked). Or the bird symbolizes a new person (guest) surrounded by the dreamer. Unusual, original, exotic birds can be loaded with additional or their own private meanings: “rare foreign bird” - a foreign guest or news that is original, unusual or from afar, from abroad. “Parrot” - mockery, deception, disappointment; “turkey”, “peacock” - importance, pride, arrogance; “phoenix”, “firebird”, “blue bird” are well-known symbols of happiness, resurrection, and spiritual rebirth. In addition, some other birds too definitely emphasize one or another trait, the peculiarity of an ongoing event or the character of the sleeping person himself, a familiar sleeping person: “rooster” - irritability, time; “swallow” - good news; “sparrow” - unimportant, to be in time everywhere; “white dove” - peace, spiritual revelation; “stork” - the birth of a child, family happiness, “crow” - trouble; swan - fidelity, etc. However, all birds of prey, especially large birds of prey, may appear in the future for the dreamer as a real serious danger or serious illness (if they are carried away and pecked).
Birds in a dream A dream in which birds with beautiful plumage appear is favorable. For a woman, it portends a quick and happy marriage or new love. Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity and good luck, the dissolution of all negative circumstances in the stream of impending prosperity. Catching a bird is also a good sign. Hearing birds calling to each other is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. A wounded, knocked-out bird symbolizes deep sadness caused by the reckless behavior of one’s own child. Killing a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, or natural disaster.
Poultry in a dream A tame poultry in a dream is a sign that wasteful habits will significantly undermine your financial capabilities. If a girl chases poultry in a dream, this means that she will waste her precious time on empty entertainment.

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