Fortune telling star oracle is the only one in the world. Star Oracle. Oracle cards: layouts and some fortune telling techniques

Among the large number of fascinating fortune telling that exist today, there are many options that are used by very young female representatives. It is worth understanding that for this category of people, fortune telling should be understandable and completely harmless, therefore ideal option is to use ordinary numbers.

Such fortune telling is carried out on numbers from 1 to 99 and, according to our grandmothers, this is one of the most truthful options for predicting feelings on the part of the opposite sex. In order to carry it out, you only need to use a piece of paper and a pencil. Initially, it is worth counting the number of beech letters present in the name of the boy that the fortune-telling girl likes. In this case, you need to count the letters in the guy’s full name, for example, Alexey, not Lesha. Then you need to take a pen and write on a piece of paper the numbers from 1 to 99, excluding all zeros. It’s worth remembering right away one of the main rules - as many letters as there are in the boy’s name, the same number of numbers should be written in each row (no more and no less).

After making the necessary entries, the elimination of unnecessary numbers begins. To do this, you need to cross out from the total mass all repeating numbers, as well as options that, when added, will form the number “10”. All those numbers that remained after elimination are again collected in a row according to the previous rules and the “extra” options are crossed out again. This work must be done until there is simply nothing left to cross out. The remaining numbers are written out in a row and the interpretation of fortune telling on numbers from 1 to 99 begins.

    The meaning of all the numbers that remain after the manipulations will mean the following:
  • number “1” - at the moment the guy is not paying any attention to the girl;
  • number “2” - a girl needs to take the first step in order for the object of her dreams to finally see the beauty in her, and for this it’s worth at least calling;
  • number “3” - the girl really sympathizes with the mysterious guy and soon he will begin to pay special attention to her;
  • number “4” - it is possible that the chosen one is in love with a girl, but at the same time he does not want to take any first steps and does not mind finding another option;
  • the number “5” is the guy’s now big problems with his studies, so he has nothing to do with any girls;
  • number “6” - the girl is completely indifferent to the guy and there is no need to even try to change anything - he does not even look in her direction;
  • number “7” - the guy is ready to start a friendship with a girl, which in the future may develop into something more serious;
  • number “8” - the boy is very interested in the girl, moreover, he needs her, especially her communication;
  • the number “9” is the worst number in all fortune-telling, because it means an envious friend who really likes the guy the girl has chosen.

So simple and at the same time interesting fortune telling, will help all young charmers understand the feelings of peers who do not really like to communicate with anyone about this, and also choose the right tactics for further communication based on the results obtained.

Back in school age young girls think about their destiny, they are interested in knowing what life has in store for them. The Hundred Rite is most often used among teenagers; it was created to predict the near future.

Specifics of the method

Fortune telling 100 is popular among teenagers. Fortune telling is focused on:

  • excellent leisure time;
  • the desire to find out about the truthful attitude of your lover towards you.

To correctly tell fortunes on cards, you should consider some rules:

  • for the layout, take a new deck and make sure that no one except you touches it;
  • before fortune telling, take the deck in your hands, close your eyes and concentrate on the question;
  • you should not perform actions when there are many strangers in the room or noise distracts them;
  • don't guess too often;
  • Unwind your hair and remove your jewelry.

Hundred on the cards

Cards can give answers to questions that interest us and tell us about the true relationship of your loved one to you. You need to pull 4 Jacks from the deck, and mix the remaining cards thoroughly.

Name each of the 4 cards by the name of the guys you are telling fortunes about in order to find out their true attitude towards you. We begin to lay out the remaining deck, one for each Jack, until everything is laid out. In each cell you need to remove the same cards, for example 6 diamonds and 6 crosses, so you should eliminate suits from all 4 layouts until there is only one card left in each.

  • 6 - love between you;
  • 7 - he misses you;
  • 8 - cannot forget you, wants to meet;
  • 9 - doesn't like;
  • 10 - friendship between you;
  • Lady - will cheat with another;
  • King - will offer to meet;
  • Ace - looking for a reason to meet.

Fortune telling for love on cards or on paper is a great reason to spend time with friends and have fun. You can also try other methods of fortune-telling that will help determine and even the expected.

One of the most popular branches of prediction is love fortune telling. An example of such fortune telling is a universal layout that is available to everyone - fortune telling. For the result of fortune telling to be true, you must believe in it. This important condition in relation to all predictions, especially to fortune telling a hundred.

You must guess the name of the guy you want to tell fortunes for. Next we write a string of numbers from 1 to (99) 100 without zeros. This series should consist of any number of numbers at your discretion. But the next row should be the same size as the first. After all the numbers up to (99) 100 have been written, the day, month and year of the ritual should be written at the very end of the lines.

Next, you need to cross out two numbers, which in total will be equal to 10 (8 and 2, 7 and 3) or the same (6 and 6, 4 and 4). It's worth mentioning that there are several options for crossing out. In the first case, we cross out only the numbers that are adjacent vertically and horizontally, but do not touch the previously crossed out numbers. In the second case, numbers are also crossed out, but numbers that have already been crossed out are allowed.

The next thing to do is to write down the numbers in the order in which they remain. The number combinations in the line must be equal to the number of letters in the name of the person you are guessing for. Next, we cross out the numbers using the same system and rewrite them again. As a result, by the number of numbers that remain, you can find the appropriate answer and judge how the young man treats you. Fortune telling, weaving, the meanings of which are of two types, is primarily entertaining in nature, therefore negative values don't take it to heart.

First type of interpretation

  1. The combination that promises deep and devoted love is 1 – 10 – 19.
  2. Jealousy – 2 – 11 – 20.
  3. Indifference and indifferent attitude towards you – 3 – 12 – 21.
  4. Showing sympathy – 4 – 13 – 22.
  5. Perhaps you will be noticed in the future – 5 – 14 – 23.
  6. They don’t have feelings for you – 6 – 15 – 24.
  7. You will communicate in the future – 7 – 16 – 25.
  8. A hundred confirms that they want to create a couple with you - 8 - 17 - 26.
  9. You will definitely be together - 9 - 18 - 27.

Second type of interpretation

  • Loneliness and boredom – 1.
  • You will be a couple - 2.
  • He is in a relationship with a girl - 3.
  • He doesn't love you - 4.
  • You are loved and appreciated – 5.
  • Your lover loves another girl – 6.
  • He is jealous of you - 7.
  • Road – 8.
  • The number promises separation - 9.
  • You will meet very soon - 11.
  • A hundred promises a long and serious conversation - 12.
  • You will get married soon - 13.
  • He loves you - 14.
  • Misses and remembers – 15.
  • Does not experience any feelings – 16.

An oracle is a fortune telling that has come to us from time immemorial. It is known as the Druid Oracle or the Druid Tarot. The ancients believed that the world we live in represents only one level of existence. Besides it, there is another world - a world of energies, spirits and forces that guide us and help us if we recognize their existence and accept their reality.

The oracle includes 33 cards, each of which features an animal representing a specific symbol. By reading with the Oracle, you can discover what energies can help you, better understand yourself, the other person or the situation you are asking about. Remember that the Oracle does not predict the future. This fortune telling offers ideas and interpretations that can give you new insight into your life, people or events.

How to guess?

The oracle provides answers to a variety of questions. It is important that you feel calm before fortune telling, because a subconscious connection is established between you and the Oracle, and your anxiety can be transmitted to the Oracle, which will affect the results of online fortune telling.

Ask the Oracle a question and move your cursor over the cards. Once you feel their vibrations, select three cards and click "Show". Your cards will be revealed and their value will be shown to you. Oracle cards are laid out in order from top to bottom. The first of these denotes the dynamics, impulse, guiding idea or motive behind the situation. The second represents the situation at the level of emotions or relationships. The third card shows the situation on a physical or material level.

The Star or Astrological Oracle is a very special Tarot deck. It perfectly combines two predictive systems: fortune telling with Tarot cards and astrology. The principle of working with the Astrological Oracle is the same as with the horoscope. Sometimes this system is called the “horoscope oracle”. This principle is based on the “three pillars”, three fundamental concepts that astrologers operate with: the signs of the Zodiac, the ruling planets of these signs and the houses of the horoscope.

I am a tarot reader, parapsychologist, clairvoyant and psychic. With the help of Tarot cards, Oracles, runes and clairvoyance, I will answer your questions, review your relationships, and help you find a way out of a difficult situation. life situation, harmonizing the energy field. I provide parapsychological and psychological assistance. Call and you will receive an answer and recommendations Higher powers. Work experience - more than 30 years.

“I haven’t met such strong specialists for a long time. Everything is true.”* - Tatiana, 25 years old

I am a psychic, runologist, tarot reader and clairvoyant. My purpose is to help you find the answer to your question and thereby lead you to your desired goal. I will help you choose the right solution for any life situation, taking into account your interests. Accurate forecast of the future using runes and arcana of the Tarot. Professional help. Work experience – more than 7 years.

“Alexandra, a great expert! The situation is described and sorted out, everything is accurate and true. I really enjoyed the consultation. I will definitely contact you again. Thank you very much!!!”* - Evgeniya, 40 years old

Using my knowledge and practical skills, I will provide you with a consultation that will fully reveal your life goals, desires, aspirations, inclinations, abilities, etc. The star oracle will allow you to better understand yourself, realize your true purpose and find your place in the world.

“A clear vision of the current situation, tact and goodwill. Thank you, Nonna, for your moral support and your advice. Well, as for the future, time will tell...”* - Lyudmila, 50 years old

I have been doing fortune telling using Tarot cards for many years. Almost at the same time that I discovered my gift for prediction, I began to deeply study astrology. The Star Oracle harmoniously combines these two methods of prediction. With its help, I can help you with answers to many exciting questions.

“Maria, thank you very much for the consultation! A very clear vision of the situation and possible developments. And also thank you for good advice:)»* - Ekaterina, 32 years old

I am a hereditary clairvoyant. I will look through your future on any types of cards (more than 120 decks). I tell fortunes using beans, coffee grounds, runes and hands (not to be confused with palmistry). I will help you resolve problems related to your family, loved one, work, business, study. With my help you can change your life for the better! Work experience - more than 23 years.

“Irina’s predictions tend to come true! Thank you for the consultation!”* - Elena, 49 years old

I analyze your present and future using the “Labyrinths of the Mind” deck of cards, the Moon Tarot deck, the Silver and Gold Tarot decks. Tibetan singing bowls, Old Slavonic prayers and the “Labyrinths of the Mind” deck of cards help me correct your destiny. I, astropsychologist and tarot reader Elvira, see the situation from all sides and understand how it can be corrected. I am ready to help anyone who contacts me. Work experience – more than 16 years.

“I consulted Elvira for the first time. An expert helps you see the essence of the situation, eliminating many doubts and questions. It clarifies the situation and directs you to the essence of the problem so that you can see it from the outside and make a decision. We didn't talk for long, but it was productive! Low bow. Thank you. I will listen to the voice of intuition. Good luck!”* - Maria, 37 years old

Star Oracle: reviews

  • 4.8 out of 5, based on 2551 reviews

“Maria is a truly gifted person! I've been communicating with her for several years now. Sees people and situations right through. I recently called on the eve of the exam to find out how everything would go. That’s how Maria described it, that’s how it was, down to the smallest detail.”*

An astrological oracle has the same structure as a horoscope, but has more flexibility. Unlike other Tarot decks and oracles, it can make predictions about the timing of a particular event.

To work with the Star Oracle, a specialist must have both knowledge of the Tarot and an understanding of astrology. These are the professionals who work in the esoteric expert service Astro7. Call at any time and see for yourself. Ask any question and get an answer online. For registered clients, the first consultation is free.

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