What are antonym words: specific examples

What are antonyms in Russian

Antonyms (gr. anti- against + onyma- name) are words that differ in sound and have directly opposite meanings: truth - lie, good - evil, speak - remain silent. Antonyms usually refer to one part of speech and form pairs.

Modern lexicology considers synonymy and antonymy as extreme, limiting cases of, on the one hand, interchangeability, and on the other, opposition of words in content. At the same time, synonymous relations are characterized by semantic similarity, while antonymic relations are characterized by semantic difference.

Antonymy in language is presented as narrower than synonymy: only words that are correlative on some basis - qualitative, quantitative, temporal, spatial and belonging to the same category of objective reality as mutually exclusive concepts - enter into antonymic relations: beautiful - ugly, much - little, morning - evening, remove - bring closer. Words with other meanings usually do not have antonyms; compare: house, thinking, write, twenty, Kyiv, Caucasus. Most antonyms characterize qualities ( good - bad, smart - stupid, native - alien, dense - rare and so on); There are also many that indicate spatial and temporal relationships ( large - small, spacious - cramped, high - low, wide - narrow; early - late, day - night); fewer antonymous pairs with quantitative meaning ( many - few; single - numerous). There are opposite names for actions, states ( cry - laugh, rejoice - grieve), but there are few of them.

The development of antonymic relations in vocabulary reflects our perception of reality in all its contradictory complexity and interdependence. Therefore, contrasting words, as well as the concepts they denote, are not only opposed to each other, but are also closely related to each other. Word Kind, for example, evokes in our minds the word angry, distant reminds of close, speed up- O slow down.

Antonyms “are at the extreme points of the lexical paradigm,” but between them in the language there may be words that reflect the specified feature to varying degrees, i.e., its decrease or increase. For example: rich- wealthy - poor - poor - beggar; harmful- harmless - useless - useful . This opposition presupposes possible degree strengthening of a sign, quality, action, or gradation (lat. gradatio- gradual increase). Semantic gradation (graduality), therefore, is characteristic only of those antonyms whose semantic structure contains an indication of the degree of quality: young - old, big - small, small - large and under. Other antonymic pairs are devoid of the sign of gradualism: up - down, day - night, life - death, man - woman.

Antonyms that have the attribute of gradualism can be interchanged in speech to give the statement a polite form; so, it's better to say thin, how skinny; elderly, how old. Words used to eliminate the harshness or rudeness of a phrase are called euphemisms (gr. eu- good + phemi- I say). On this basis, they sometimes talk about antonyms-euphemisms, which express the meaning of the opposite in a softened form.

In the lexical system of the language one can also distinguish antonyms-conversives (lat. conversio- change). These are words that express the relation of opposition in the original (direct) and modified (reverse) statement: Alexander gave book to Dmitry. - Dmitry took book from Alexander; Professor accepts test from the trainee.- Trainee rents out test for professor.

There is also intra-word antonymy in the language - antonymy of the meanings of polysemantic words, or enantiosemy (gr. enantios- opposite + sema - sign). This phenomenon is observed in polysemous words that develop mutually exclusive meanings. For example, verb move away can mean “come back to normal, feel better,” but it can also mean “die, say goodbye to life.” Enantiosemy becomes the reason for the ambiguity of such statements, for example: Editor looked through these lines; I listened to divertissement; Speaker misspoke and under.

According to their structure, antonyms are divided into multi-root (day - night) and single-root ( come - go, revolution - counter-revolution). The first form a group of actual lexical antonyms, the second - lexico-grammatical. In single-root antonyms, the opposite meaning is caused by various prefixes, which are also capable of entering into antonymic relationships; compare: V lay down - You lay down at put - from put, for cover - from cover. Consequently, the opposition of such words is due to word formation. However, it should be borne in mind that adding prefixes to qualitative adjectives and adverbs not-, without- most often gives them the meaning of only a weakened opposite ( young - middle-aged), so that the contrast of their meaning in comparison with prefix-free antonyms turns out to be “muted” ( middle-aged- this does not mean “old”). Therefore, not all prefix formations can be classified as antonyms in the strict sense of the term, but only those that are extreme members of the antonymic paradigm: successful - unsuccessful, strong - powerless.

Antonyms, as already mentioned, usually form a pairwise correlation in a language. However, this does not mean that a particular word can have one antonym. Antonymic relations make it possible to express the opposition of concepts in an “unclosed” polynomial series, cf.: concrete - abstract, abstract; cheerful - sad, sorrowful, dull, boring.

In addition, each member of an antonymic pair or antonymic series can have its own synonyms that do not intersect in antonymy. Then a certain system is formed in which synonymous units are located vertically, and antonymous units are located horizontally. For example:

smart - stupid sad - rejoice reasonable - stupid sad - have fun wise - brainless yearn - rejoice big-headed - headless smart - stupid

Such a correlation of synonymous and antonymic relations reflects system connections words in the vocabulary. Systematicity is also indicated by the relationship between polysemy and antonymy of lexical units.

Antonyms are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings, for example: “truth” - “lie”, “kind” - “evil”, “speak” - “be silent”.

Types of antonyms:

1. Multi-rooted. This type of antonyms is the most representative. Opposite meanings belong to these words as a whole (for example, high - low, heat - cold, catch up - lag behind, etc.). Some prepositions are also contrasted as antonyms (for example, for and before (behind the closet - in front of the closet), in and from (into the room - from the room).

2. Single-rooted. For them, the meaning of the opposite is expressed not by the root parts of words, but by affixal morphemes. Antonymy arises from the opposition of prefixes (for example, pri- and u- (come - go), v- and s- (get in - get off), or as a result of the use of negative prefixes that give the word the opposite meaning (for example, literate - illiterate, tasty - tasteless, military - anti-war, revolution - counter-revolution, etc.).

3. Contextual (or contextual) antonyms are words that are not contrasted in meaning in the language and are antonyms only in the text: Mind and heart - ice and fire - these are the main things that distinguished this hero.

4. Enantiosemy is the opposite meaning of the same word. Sometimes antonyms may not be individual words, but different meanings of one word (for example, the word priceless, meaning: 1. having a very high price (priceless treasures). 2. not having any price (bought for next to nothing, i.e. very cheap). The word blessed, meaning: 1 . extremely happy (blissful state). 2. stupid (earlier meaning of holy fool).

5. Proportional (having opposite actions: rise - fall, get fat - lose weight) and disproportionate (some action is opposed to inaction: leave - stay, light up - put out).

6. Linguistic (exist in the language system: high - low, right - left) and speech (formed in speech patterns: priceless - penny worth, beauty - swamp kikimara);

Functions of antonyms:

1. The main stylistic function of antonyms is a lexical means for constructing an antithesis. P: We both hate and we love by chance.

2. The opposite of antithesis is the use of antonyms with negation. It is used to emphasize the lack of a clearly defined quality in the item being described. P: She wasn’t pretty, she wasn’t ugly

3. Antonymy is the basis of an oxymoron (from the Greek oxymoron ‘witty-stupid’) - stylistic figure, which creates a new concept by combining words with contrasting meanings. P: The shadow of uncreated creatures sways in sleep. Like lotanium blades on an enamel wall (Bryusov).

4. Antonyms are used to emphasize the completeness of coverage of what is depicted - stringing together antonymic pairs. P: In the world there is good and evil, lies and truth, grief and joy.

Anaphrasis is the use of one of the antonyms, while another should be used: where, smart one, are you wandering from, head? (appeal to the donkey). Antonymous pairs should be composed logically.

Homonymy, types of homonyms. Paronyms. Paronomasia. Functions of homonyms and paronyms in speech.

Homonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, identical in sound and spelling, but different in lexical meaning, for example: boron - “a pine forest growing on a dry, elevated place” and boron - “a steel drill used in dentistry.”

Types of homonyms.

There are full and partial homonyms. Complete homonyms belong to the same part of speech and coincide in all forms, for example: key (from the apartment) and key (spring). And partial homonyms are consonant words, one of which entirely coincides with only part of the forms of another word, for example: tact (in the meaning of “play the last measure”) and tact (in the meaning of “rules of decency”). The word with the second meaning does not have a plural form.

Paronyms(from the Greek para “near, nearby” + onyma “name”) - words that are similar in sound, similar in pronunciation, lexico-grammatical affiliation and related roots, but have different meaning. Paronyms in most cases refer to one part of speech. For example: dress and put on, subscriber and subscription, wiser and wiser. Sometimes paronyms are also called false brothers.

The phenomenon of paronomasia (from the gr. para - near, onomazo - I call) lies in the sound similarity of words that have different morphological roots (cf.: bunks - sleds, pilot - boatswain, clarinet - cornet, injection - infection). As with paronymy, lexical pairs in paronomasia belong to the same part of speech and perform similar syntactic functions in a sentence. Such words may have the same prefixes, suffixes, endings, but their roots are always different. Apart from random phonetic similarity, the words in such lexical pairs have nothing in common; their subject-semantic relevance is completely different.

Paronomasia, unlike paronymy, is not a natural and regular phenomenon. And although the language has many phonetically similar words, comparing them as lexical pairs is the result of individual perception: one will see paronomasia in the pair circulation - type, another - in circulation - mirage, the third - in circulation - stained glass. However, paronymy and paronomasia are close in terms of the use of similar-sounding words in speech.

The use of homonyms and paronyms in speech

(Homonyms). Like polysemantic words, homonyms are used in mutually exclusive strong positions. This makes it possible to realize the main semantic function of homonyms - to differentiate words that are different in meaning and have the same sound envelope. Since these words are not connected in meaning and are not motivated, the power of their mutual exclusion in the text is much greater than. at the meanings (LSV) of a polysemantic word.

The contact use of homonyms in the text or even their “overlay”, complete “fusion” in one form realizes certain stylistic functions, being a means of creating a pun, a figurative collision of different meanings, emphasized expression: To take a wife without a fortune - I am able, but to go into debt I am not able to do her rags (P.); By paying your debt, you thereby fulfill it (Kozma Prutkov). The expressiveness of the slogan “Peace to the World” is emphasized by the use of homonyms.


Paronyms can be used in speech as a means of expression.

Often, authors put paronyms side by side to show their semantic differences despite their apparent similarity: Any person, since he lives in society, is a humanitarian in the sense that he explains, corrects, evaluates his own and others’ practical and theoretical behavior in humanitarian categories (not necessarily unfortunately, humane) thinking. (V. Ilyin, A. Razumov); This is how it happens when trust is confused with gullibility. (Ya. Dymsky).

The collision of paronyms can be used to highlight these words, which enhances the meanings they express: Wrote a businesslike and practical letter to Valerian (L. Tolstoy).

So, the skillful use of paronyms helps to correctly and accurately express thoughts and reveals the great potential of the Russian language in conveying subtle shades of meaning.

How nice it is to see and listen to a person telling an interesting story. I always admire people who have mastery of words. I hope you share my opinion.

There are currently very few sources of quality language in the environment around our children. Just very little.

What's the solution? This environment must be created. I already talked about this in an article about theatrical activities for children. Word games give good results for the mind and speech , for example, when we look for a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one, thinking speeds up .

An antonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one.

For preschoolers, the expression “enemy words” is more understandable. But you can introduce the concept of “antonyms for a word.” I usually tell the kid: “Now we will look for “enemy words”. They are also called “antonyms”. You will learn this word at school. So remember, it will be useful to you.”

Believe in experience, a preschooler will definitely try to remember and show off in front of his friends and parents. Sometimes this can be explained to schoolchildren if the search for antonyms is new to them. Moreover, these are not only first grade students.

Enemy words for preschoolers

Game. Finish the sentence and name the “enemy words”

Instructions. “You and I will come up with proposals: I will come up with the beginning, and you will come up with the end.”

  1. the mosquito is small, but the elephant...;
  2. the fluff is light, and the stone...;
  3. mustard is bitter, and sugar...;
  4. the bush is low, and the tree...;
  5. the compote is cold, and the soup...;
  6. the sour cream is thick, and the milk...;
  7. narrow stream, river...;
  8. It's dark at night, and during the day...;
  9. sugar is sweet, and lemon...;
  10. they walk with their feet and throw...;
  11. kindergarten is close, and school...;
  12. the ribbon is narrow, and the belt...;
  13. the stream is shallow, and the lake...;
  14. the lark sings, and the crow...;
  15. the plane flies high, and the helicopter...;
  16. the tortoise crawls slowly, the hare gallops...;
  17. there is a lot of water in the pan, but in the glass...;
  18. the buyer buys, and the seller...;
  19. It's hot in summer, and in winter...;
  20. in the morning they have breakfast, and at noon...;
  21. salt is salted, and sugar is...;
  22. the children answer, and the teacher...;
  23. in the evening the children leave kindergarten, and in the morning...;
  24. There are fruits growing on the tree, and in the garden...;
  25. in spring flowers appear on the trees, and in autumn...;
  26. in the morning they get out of bed, and in the evening...;
  27. the skyscraper is tall, and the hut...;
  28. birds fly, and snakes...;
  29. at noon they have lunch, and in the evening...;
  30. The viewer watches the movie, and reads the book...;
  31. There is dirt on the street, and in the house...;
  32. The trunk of the tree is thick, and the branch...
  33. the pencil draws, and the eraser...

Game. Say the opposite

Instructions. “I’ll tell you the word, and you say the opposite” (give an example)

night -...;

breakfast -…;

evening -...;

enemy -...;

purity -...;

cold -...;

war -...;

grass - …;

Earth - …;

movement - …;

talker - ...;

health - ….;

mind - ...

enter -...;

be silent -...;

gave -...;

get up -...;

undress -...;

lift -...;

laugh - …;


close -...;

come - ...;

appear -…;

There is - ….

big - ...;

black - ...;

short -...;

bad - …;

sick -...;

old -...;

young - …;

wide -...;

thick -...;

narrow - …;

difficult - …;


bitter - ...

Words with opposite meanings are not in the dictionaries of even high school students. Therefore, searching for antonyms on at the moment relevant until senior year.

Teaching both preschoolers and schoolchildren how to find antonyms for words should begin with something simple. Students may resent the simplicity. Explain that you need to warm up. Make it more difficult: answer straight away. As a rule, guys with a limited vocabulary already have a loser complex. By immediately offering complex (for example, abstract) words, you can get a complete refusal to study.

Semantic opposites in poetry

It's your and my turn
Play the game "On the contrary".
I'll say the word
And you will answer:

I'll say the word
And you will answer:
… (close).

I'll say the word
And you will answer:
… (floor).

I'll say the word
And you will say:
... (found).

I'll tell you a word
You will answer:
... (brave).

I'll say -
Well, answer:
... (end) (D. Ciardi)

I don't like the word "heat"
I'm in the river, in the thick shade
And in bottles of lemonade,
What's my name?

The enemy of the word "laughter".
Not from joy, pleasure,
I happen involuntarily
Both from happiness and from pain,
From resentment, failure.
Did you guess it? - This…<

I don't like the word "summer".
Dressed in a snow coat,
At least I love frost myself!
Because I am...?

I am against noise and knocking.
Without me you will suffer at night.
I'm for relaxation
For sleep,
Yes, and I’m needed at school,
What's my name? –

I am never without a beginning
A close relative of the pier,
The crown of every deed,
My name is…?
(End) (A. O. Belobrykina)

Search for antonyms for schoolchildren

  1. The sources of words with opposite meanings are, of course, dictionaries. Job We start by searching for the Dictionary of Antonyms in the Russian Language (author M. R. Lvov). There is also an excellent information and reference resource _http://bravica.ws/ru/antonims.htm. By loading this link into the search bar (without a dash at the beginning of the link), you will be taken directly to the desired page. Work on each page for more than one day. Each time, take 10-20 pairs of words (depending on age and speech development).
  2. Read yourself carefully all the vocabulary pairs “a word is its opposite.”
  3. Encourage your teen to read it too.
  4. Let him name a word, and you – the opposite in meaning.
  5. Change roles.
  6. Start the next lesson with repetition: you say the word, he says the opposite word.
  7. Then the next 10-20 pairs of words (according to points 2-5).
  8. Word will help you choose the opposite word. Place the cursor over the word and press the right mouse button. At the bottom of the drop-down menu there will be a "Synonyms" item. From there, follow the arrow to the right and in the new menu down to the “Antonyms” item.
  9. Some words in the Russian language do not have their own semantic opposite. If your search for an antonym for the word is unsuccessful, you can do this on the gramata.ru resource in real time.

Children love to teach their parents at any age, so occasionally make a “mistake” somewhere. Praise the teenager, but not directly, because this may be perceived as ingratiation, but rather casually. Praise him to someone else, for example, in a telephone conversation with your grandmother, your father coming home from work, etc., but so that the teenager hears it.

By training a preschooler or schoolchild to find antonyms, you significantly expand his vocabulary and only by doing this speed up his thinking. That's the minimum. Do not waste time on useful work. It may be difficult at first. But the one who walks will master the road! The site Non-standard Children wishes success to its readers.

Perhaps not every adult will be able to answer the question of what antonyms are, although any of us studied this at school.

Let's try to remember what Russian language teachers taught us, because sooner or later this concept will have to be explained to our children.

Word "antonym" is of Greek origin. It is formed from the words “anti” - against and "onyma" - Name and denotes words that belong to one part of speech and have opposite, contrasting meanings.

Antonyms can be found for most words in the Russian language, except for numerals, proper names and pronouns. Pairs of antonyms are always based on a common attribute or characteristic - spatial, temporal or qualitative.

Examples: many - few, day - night, distant - close.

There are several types of antonyms in the Russian language.

Antonyms with different roots, i.e. words that have different roots (top - bottom), and single-root antonyms formed using one root and prefixes that change its meaning to the opposite (come - go) or one prefix (fascism - anti-fascism).

Some linguists consider words formed using the prefix non-, i.e., to be antonyms. visible - invisible, good - bad, etc.

Linguistic or customary antonyms that exist in the Russian language system (high - low, white - black), and contextual or speech antonyms that acquire opposite semantic meanings only due to a certain context.

Examples: wolves - sheep, Sun - Moon, father - son.

Proportional antonyms, which denote opposite actions (rise - fall, take off - fall), and disproportionate antonyms, which have the meaning of action and inaction (think - think, go - lie).

Often one word can have several antonyms at once. This happens if this word has several meanings. For example, thick - thin (rope, rod) and thick - thin (man).

In Russian, many words have antonyms, especially those that are used to denote any characteristics or actions. With the help of antonyms, we make our speech much richer and more prominent.

Contrasting concepts helps to express a thought most clearly and intelligibly, using the contrast as a clear illustration.

Examples of antonyms

Good - bad
Luxury - poverty
Good - evil
Soft – hard
Tops - roots

Each of us knows both stable pairs of antonyms and situational contextual oppositions: ice - boiling water, rope - cobweb, etc.

Most often, pairs of antonyms are found in poetic works and folk oral literature. With the help of semantic opposition of words, the author’s thought or the essence of folk wisdom is most clearly and figuratively revealed. Antonyms are often used to clarify the meaning of the main word, giving it a meaning.

In poetry, a technique that uses the possibilities of antonyms is called antithesis, or opposition.

Let us recall the beginning of A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”:

“Black evening, white snow, twelve people are walking…”

The reader immediately sees a clear graphic picture of a winter evening.

The same technique is used by N. Nekrasov in the poem “Rus”:

“You are poor, you are abundant, you are powerful, you are powerless, Mother Rus'...”

Using a rich arsenal of antonyms, each of us can make our oral and written speech much more vivid, rich and expressive.

Antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word and creates a semantic contrast in a pair of lexical units.

Antonyms in Russian

Two words with contradictory meanings form an antonymous pair. A word can have more than one antonym, which is due to the polysemy of lexical units in the Russian language. For example, the antonym of the word “light” (luggage) in the literal sense is “heavy”; in a figurative meaning, its antonymic connection with other words is observed: light (wind) - strong (wind), easy (task) - difficult (task).

Antonyms act as one part of speech; often refer to an adjective, since the antonymic relationships of words are based on common qualitative features (good - bad). Vivid contrasting concepts are also expressed by nouns (good - evil), adverbs (easy - difficult), etc. Not all words provide for the presence of antonyms, for example, some specific nouns (house, apple), colors do not imply contradictory words.

The reverse concept of an antonym is a synonym. Hot and cold are antonyms, while hot and hot are synonyms.

Types of antonyms

Depending on the nature of the connection between words that have opposite meanings, the following types are distinguished:

  • linguistic, or dictionary, antonyms - antonyms built on the literal meaning of a word, for example: find - lose;
  • additional, or complementary, antonyms are words whose opposite meanings are achieved by negating other words, for example: untruthful (implying “false”);
  • contextual, or relational, antonyms are words that acquire antonymic meaning only within the context. The words “teacher” and “student” are not antonyms, but are contrasted in the context of their relationship.

Based on their morphological structure, they distinguish between single-root (come - leave) and multi-root (deep - shallow) antonyms.

Meaning of antonyms

Antonyms are common in folklore as a lexical antithesis, given their semantic binary position (Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness). Antonyms are widely used in oratory, fiction, and journalistic literature as a tool for enhancing the expressiveness and contrast of speech.

An example of the use of antonyms in literature

They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
(A. S. Pushkin; “Eugene Onegin”)

Antonyms are used by writers in the title to emphasize the antithetical structure of the work: “Poetry and Truth” by J. V. Goethe, “Cunning and Love” by F. Schiller, “The Splendor and Poverty of Courtesans” by O. de Balzac, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “ Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy, "Thick and Thin" by A. P. Chekhov, "The Prince and the Pauper" by M. Twain.

The use of antonyms in speech to express differences in qualities, objects, and phenomena that are homogeneous in nature is called antonymy. Antonymy underlies a number of stylistic figures built on the contrast of lexical meanings (oxymoron, chiasmus).

The word antonym comes from Greek anti – against and onyma, which translated means name, word.

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