Old tarot cards meaning decoding. Classic tarot card meanings. Strength card reversed

How to conduct free online fortune telling on our website. To get the right result, you need to tune in well; it is best to retire and ask the cards to answer your question. After preparation, click on the deck with the left mouse button and hold it until you feel an internal impulse, then release the mouse, the system will automatically finish shuffling and display the shuffled cards on the computer screen, after which you yourself (following the prompts) can select the number of cards required for fortune telling.

Description online fortune telling, the purpose of free fortune telling. Oracle by Matthias Mal. First, let's define what an oracle is, as follows from the translation from Greek: Oracle - to speak, to ask. People have long sought to understand what awaits them in the future. For these purposes, they resorted to oracles. In general, the oracle has such a collective meaning that it can mean any phenomenon, object or person who, in some way, with the help magical rituals made it possible to get an answer to asked question. Naturally, the more complex the oracle, the more detailed and truthful its interpretation, the more respectful the attitude towards it. It is not for nothing that we all know, or at least have heard, about the Delphic Oracle, although only a few imagine what, or rather who, he was. But back to our topic, we present to your attention the Oracle of Matthias Mal, who is one of the most prominent representatives of prophetic art. Because of the variety of possible answers and the breadth of their interpretation. It is based on well-known methods of fortune telling: Arabic dice, Roman coins and cards. You can guess using any of these tools, but in our version we will focus on cards. For you to understand the technique, I will point out that it is necessary to use a deck that has an equal number of cards of each of the four suits; this can be a deck of 32, 36 or 52 cards. We will not take into account the denominations, and we will only need the suits of each of the four cards we draw. And interpretations will be given based on the combination of suits with each other. To explain working with an oracle, a very lengthy description is needed, there is a whole book about this, so I will not go into much detail, I will only say that there is a division into 16 oracles, each of which, in turn, is divided into 16 small oracles. There are quite serious difficulties in remembering all the meanings, but this is not required; if you guess on your own, you will need an oracle book to interpret the cards that have fallen out. Don't guess too often and don't ask for information about the same events multiple times.

Methods of fortune telling online for free. To get answers to your questions, we need a deck playing cards, 36 or 52 pieces. Think about your question and shuffle the cards. After finishing, move some of the cards with your left hand towards you and take out 4 pieces one at a time, laying them out in a row from left to right. During interpretation, the first and fourth cards will indicate the oracle, and the second and third will indicate the small oracle - its interpretation will be the answer to your question. I understand that everything written above is very difficult to understand and for a clearer understanding of the work of the oracle, as well as for fortune telling and answering questions, you can perform divination using our resource, for which click on the map just below on page.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is one of the oldest and most effective magical rituals. There are a large number of layouts and types of fortune telling. The Delphic Oracle fortune telling is considered one of the most reliable and ancient.

Description of fortune telling

The origin of this fortune telling is associated with magical rituals that priestesses and oracles performed in the temple of Apollo, the sun god. It was located in an ancient Greek city called Delphi, hence the name of the ritual.

IN modern world Fortune telling with Tarot cards and solitaire called the Delphic Oracle have nothing in common with the magical rituals performed by the ancient Greeks. In those distant times, people turned to the gods to find an answer to a question of interest or to hear advice for making an important decision.

With the help of this fortune telling a person can:

  1. Find out the answers to many questions, find a way out of the current situation, and make a vital decision.
  2. Look into the future and find out the outcome of many events, determine how to avoid negative consequences.
  3. Make a wish cherished wish, find out if it will come true.
  4. Find out what is happening in the life of your loved one.
  5. Find out whether the fortuneteller’s feelings are mutual, what fate awaits him.

Preparation process

Many people resort to this layout when fortune telling about relationships and love, because it is quite simple in its implementation and always gives the most accurate answer to the question posed. The process of fortune telling is simple; to prepare, you must complete the following points:

  1. Buy a deck of Tarot cards. It is important that this deck be new and not previously used in magical rituals, because energy connection between the cards and their owner is an integral point during any fortune telling.
  2. Then you should thoroughly study the meaning of each card. The image should be imprinted as clearly as possible in the mind of the fortuneteller and evoke vivid, precise associations. Understanding the meanings of the elements will help strengthen the connection between the magician and his tarot cards.
  3. Before fortune telling, you should completely clear your mind of extraneous and unnecessary thoughts. Only a clear mind will be able to contact higher powers. The state should be relaxed and peaceful.
  4. It is important that the fortuneteller believes in higher powers. If even a shadow of doubt creeps into his subconscious, the entire magical ritual can have a negative impact on him.

Conducting fortune telling

Using the Delphic Oracle fortune telling is not difficult, you just need to follow a few steps:

  1. First, you should carefully shuffle the deck. This will also help establish a connection between the cards and their owner.
  2. It is worth focusing your attention on the issue of interest and mentally addressing it to the spirit. Questions may concern the feelings of the partner, the feelings of the object of affection, and even regarding the future in the person’s love sphere.
  3. Then, holding the deck in your left hand, right hand take out three cards one by one and place them face down on the table in the same sequence.
  4. Turn over the cards, carefully study their meaning and make a picture of the prediction.

There is also a free online fortune telling called the Delphic Oracle. This is an option for those who do not want to delve into the study of Tarot cards. The main disadvantage of this method is its unreliability, because in the case of real cards it is the energy connection that is important: it is impossible to say that the information is 100% true.

The meaning of the cards

Each of the three playing cards laid out on the table has its own meaning in compiling the overall picture of the prediction. The answer it will give to a fortuneteller depends on the count it was taken from the general deck:

  1. The top card of the deck speaks about what situation is developing in a person’s personal life. at the moment. With its help, you can determine what feelings a person experiences, whether he is in a relationship, and at what stage of development they are.
  2. The second card will tell you how to correct mistakes made in relationships with your significant other, what you should change in yourself and your behavior, how to get out of a difficult situation or how to improve it.
  3. The third card helps you look into the future. She talks about the imminent changes that will happen in a person’s life, about how his relationship with his partner will develop. She is also able to point out the potential risks of negative situations and other difficulties, and helps to avoid them or negative consequences.

Also important is what position the card is in. An upright and inverted Tarot card has different effects on a person’s destiny.

Secrets of the Delphic Oracle


Among the variety of magical rituals, fortune telling with Tarot cards occupies a special place. Delphic Oracle Solitaire is especially popular among those who want to tell their fortunes for love. To do this, you should thoroughly prepare and study the meaning of all cards. Free fortune telling online Delphic oracle is also widespread on the Internet, but is not a full-fledged analogue of a live ritual.

For those who wish to become familiar with the ancient symbol system, you should pay attention to the purchase of your first deck.

Competent tarot readers advise leaving the purchase of more highly specialized decks for later (for example, Tarot Manara), and opting for classic ones, i.e. universal maps.

  1. Rider-Waite Tarot. The design of each image helps to understand the true meaning of all Arcana, which is especially important for beginners. Its symbolism is simple and clear and familiar to almost everyone. The main disadvantage: adherents of classical interpretations do not agree with all of Waite’s meanings (for example, Lovers).
  2. Tarot of Thoth, by Aleister Crowley. The dark design of the cards is clear through the use of numerous signs and symbols. The main disadvantage: there are no images in the Minor Arcana (from 2 to 10).

Choosing a Tarot deck for beginners is the first step in the difficult path of learning Tarot.

Despite the fact that the Marseille deck is considered a classic, since it uses drawings that were in use during the Middle Ages, it is undesirable to take it due to the fact that the characters on the Major Arcana are presented very schematically, and the Minor Arcana are not indicated in any way. It's better to leave purchasing this deck for later.

First impression

Method 1: Familiarize yourself with the Tarot cards. The main thing is to understand the picture, since understanding helps you remember the essence.

  1. Look carefully at each drawing, noting the figures depicted, their emotions and the colors used. This way you can capture the meaning of the card, even if it’s superficial.
  2. Try to understand what emotions a particular Arcana conveys. Determine whether they are positive, neutral or negative.
  3. Even literate step by step guide Tarot card reading will not help if you start studying at the wrong time. You should not get to know them in moments of frustration or joy. Emotions interfere with correct perception, so you should wait for a time when you feel completely calm.


No one can start practicing without a foundation. Pay special attention to the theoretical part.

  1. Educational literature. The process of fortune telling is a complex science, so it is not surprising that there are special books to help you understand it. The textbook “Tarot of the Kshatrievs” is especially popular. Situational cards" with a 50% discount, which can be found on the Internet or in magic and esoteric stores. Do not neglect books, as from them a person will receive rare information that will take a long time to get to on his own. Other useful authors and their works:
  • Abraham S. “How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards”;
  • B. Hayo, T. Bridget “The Mystical Tarot of Aleister Crowley. Answers to all your questions";
  • Klyuev A. “Tarot textbook. Traditions, decks, fortune telling practice;
  • Mary K. Grey, 21 Ways to Interpret Tarot Cards.
  1. Seminars and courses. Today, finding such training programs is quite simple: enter into the search query “Announcement of my upcoming seminars on the psychological Tarot” and you will find several suitable techniques. This method will suit those who do not like to read too much and who find it easier to study directly under someone’s guidance.
  2. Records. The famous expert N. Markov answered the question: “Nikolai, how can you remember all these Tarot cards?” answers: “Watch my video lesson: Tarot cards as the key to the subconscious” and recommends having a special notebook where the beginner will take notes. They can be absolutely anything: from ordinary interpretations of other authors to independently developed associations. It is extremely important to make all notes by hand, since writing helps to better remember the text and record the results of all layouts.

In the future, such works will help in practice. If you forget a meaning during a reading, you can easily find it in your notes.

  1. Meditation. In fortune telling, you need to trust your intuition, and in order for it to work for your benefit, it needs to be regularly developed. Meditation is great for this, but by doing these exercises you will be able to better remember and understand the meaning of the symbol system. Take a specific Arcana and begin the process. Remember the images and sensations that arise, and then record them in your notebooks.
  2. Comparisons, analysis, conclusions. Choose cards with the same number but different suits. Analyze their meaning and compare them with each other. Find pairs of absolutely opposite cards and indicate their differences. This method trains the memory, forcing you to remember the decoding.

Spend at least 10-20 minutes studying every day.


Without performing readings, no one can become a real tarot reader. Besides this great way understand the operating principle and remember the meanings. Below are the basic simple tarot card spreads for beginners.

One card

How does Tarot work? It’s easier to start learning with the usual Danetka (named from two words yes and no) - the most understandable layout that absolutely everyone practices.

  • Ask a question that can be answered yes or no;
  • focus on the problem that matters;
  • take out the card;
  • decipher it depending on the area of ​​the question.

The disadvantage of Danetka is that it is sometimes difficult to correctly explain the entire situation using one card. It is advisable to formulate clear and specific questions, the answer to which will be known in the near future.

Card of the day

Before going to bed or the next morning after waking up, choose an Arcana and use it to determine the main events of the next day. The practice can be repeated every day or done before important events.

Three cards

Another common layout that helps to find out the future or understand the current situation. Typically, the first card represents the past (it influenced the formation of the present), the second – the present time, and the third – the envisioned future.

Study the symbols using these layouts, as more complex ones will only confuse you. Among numerous interpretations, a beginner cannot see the essence and correctly interpret the situation.

Minor Arcana

If the Major Arcana represent certain archetypes that are not so difficult to remember, then the Minor Arcana are more diverse and their meanings are much narrower. This is what distinguishes Tarot cards from other methods of fortune telling. How to remember Minor Arcana? It's not that difficult if you try hard enough.

  1. Try to remember the suits. There are four of them: Swords, Cups, Wands, Pentacles. These may vary slightly depending on the deck (e.g. Pentacles - Disks). Each of them corresponds to a specific element, which is interpreted in a special way:
  • Wands – Fire, decoding – work, career, study, profession;
  • Swords - Air, decoding - intelligence, reason, quarrels, conflicts, disputes and clashes;
  • Pentacles - Earth, decoding - materialism, business, property, money, movable property and real estate;
  • Cups – Water, interpretation – relationships, friendship, partners, love and marriage, leisure time.
  1. Aces. Stand out among other characters. More often it is drawn in the form of a hand pulling its sign out of a cloud. It is both a gift from God and a seed in the questioner. Those. This is a germ, powerful and strong, but it is not a fact that it will sprout in the future. Based on this interpretation, a beginner will quickly remember the interpretation of four cards.

Aces are the seeds of the elements. A. Crowley.

  1. Rank. If a certain pattern does not emerge from the numbering, then one can easily talk about the differences between the Page, Knight, Queen and King. The higher the card, the more stable and high position the person occupies; she is wiser and more educated than those below her. This is another answer to the question of how to learn to understand the Tarot.


When faced with the Tarot for the first time, many are frightened by the number of cards and refuse further acquaintance with them. It's actually not too difficult to remember them, but you need to break the process down which will make it easier to learn.

Regular mastery of the theoretical part and constant practice will improve your skills. By following these methods, you will remember the decoding of the 78 cards of the Tarot deck in a fairly quick time.

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