Presentation wintering birds speech development middle group. Synopsis on the development of speech in the middle group useful vitamins. The course of direct educational activities


  1. Clarify and expand ideas about wintering birds, their structure. To form the concept of "wintering birds".
  2. Activate the vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, make sentences.
  3. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form high-quality adjectives, plural nouns.

Equipment: pictures depicting wintering birds, a ball, a drawing of a feeder, a tree layout.

Course progress.

The teacher reads a poem by E. Blaginina "Frosts":

Frosts are severe this year...

Anxious for the apple tree in our garden,

Anxious for the Bug: in her kennel

The same frost as in the yard.

But most of all I'm worried about the birds,

After all, they are very hungry in the air.

Can we help the defenseless?

Let's help! They need to be fed.

And then it will be easy for them to endure the cold.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about birds. What are the names of the birds that do not fly away to warmer climes, but remain close to us?

Children: Wintering birds.

Educator: Look at the pictures and name the birds that are shown here.

Children: Crow, sparrow, magpie, dove.

Educator: There are also those who come to us only to winter - bullfinches, tits.

The teacher exposes pictures depicting these birds: Bullfinches are called so because they fly to us with the first snow. The bullfinch has a red breast, bluish-gray and black head and wings. Titmouse have yellow breasts and black heads and wings.

Educator: Tell me about the crow. What is she?

Children: It is a large, black, cunning, important bird.

Educator: The bird is well known to you. This is a sparrow. Tell me about the sparrow. What is he?

Children: The sparrow is small, grey, nimble, fast...

Educator: Now listen to the riddle, what bird is it talking about?

"Black vest,

red biret,

Nose like an ax

The tail is like an emphasis.

Children: Woodpecker.

Educator: Tell me about the woodpecker, where he lives, what he is like.

Children: The woodpecker lives in the forest, treats trees, extracting harmful bugs from under the bark.

Educator: Tell me about this bird. Who is this? What is he?

Children: The pigeon is large, cooing, loves to eat bread crumbs.

Physical education:

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we'll show

Wings we fold back.

Exercise "Call me affectionately" (with a ball).

Educator: Now let's play ball in the game "Call it affectionately":

Bullfinch - snowman,

Tit - tit,

dove - dove,

Sparrow is a sparrow.

Educator: Guys, look carefully at the picture, what is shown on it.

Children: feeder.

Educator: Who do you think made and hung the feeder?

Children: People.

Educator: Why did they do it?

Children: To help the birds, in winter it is very difficult for them. That's why people feed the birds.

The exercise "What birds are many on the tree?"

The teacher attaches a tree model to the board and attaches different birds to it. Look, many birds flew to the tree. Let's talk about them like this:

There are many ... tits on the tree,

There are many ... woodpeckers on the tree,

There are a lot of ... crows on the tree,

There are a lot of... bullfinches on the tree.

caregiver (Summarizing the session):

  • Remember what we talked about in class?
  • What birds did you see?
  • How to help birds in winter?

And now we will go for a walk, take out grain, millet and feed the birds.


  • To give children an idea about the types of food wintering birds.
  • To teach children to draw a dove in an unconventional way: with an imprint - palms, placing the image in the center of a sheet of paper.
  • To fix the concept of "wintering" birds.
  • Develop imagination, attention, thinking, a holistic perception of objects.
  • Develop creative abilities: a sense of color, the ability to place body parts in their places (eyes, beak, paws and wing).
  • Activate generalizing words in speech: “wild animals”, “wintering birds”. Expand vocabulary: food, feeder, cold, hungry. Enter a description of winter into the passive dictionary: blizzard, severe, frosty.
  • Cultivate a caring and friendly attitude towards birds; independence, confidence and desire to engage in creative activities. To give children the joy of the work done.


Illustrations depicting a hare, a squirrel, a fox and a wolf, a sparrow, a titmouse, a bullfinch, a crow. Illustrations with mixed up images of birds. Models with feeding types of wintering birds. Dove illustration.


Sheets depicting patterns of food types of wintering birds. Birds: sparrow, titmouse, bullfinch, crow cut into pieces (head, body, tail). Wax crayons, sheets of paper for drawing, gouache paints, jars of water, napkins.


Sun: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! I'm going to kindergarten today and a magpie flies to meet me. It's cracking. Of course, I didn't understand anything. Before I had time to say anything, she threw an envelope to me from a height, and she flew away. Let's read what is written there. (They read a letter with the following content: I, Soroka Sorokovna, live in the forest. Today there is a commotion in the forest: some birds have flown away, others have remained. I don’t understand anything. And the signature: Soroka Sorokovna).

Sun: Let's go to the forest and figure it out, and send a letter to Soroka Sorokovna in the forest.

Children: Come on.

Sun: One, two, three turn around, find yourself at the edge of the forest!The children turn around and find themselves at the edge of the forest. The trills of birds are heard.

Sun: Look, guys, how beautiful it is around, how clean the air is! Do you hear voices? This is us forest dwellers meet. Who welcomes us here, warmly welcomes us like that?

On the table are pictures of animals and birds. The children take turns calling them.

Sun: Well done, right. How can you call a squirrel, a wolf, a fox and a hare in one word?

Children: Wild animals.

Sun: How can one name a sparrow, a titmouse, a bullfinch, a crow in one word?

Children: Wintering birds.

Sun: Place animals on one side and birds on the other. Well done boys! Do you like to solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Sun: - A mischievous boy in a gray Armenian coat

Drifting around the yard, collecting crumbs. (Sparrow)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash, it will appear again. (Bullfinch)

The back is greenish, the tummy is yellowish,

On his head is a black hat, and even a strip of a scarf. (Tit)

Coloring - grayish, habit - furtive,

The croak is hoarse. (Crow)

Children: Guess riddles, attach to the flannelgraph.

Sun: What are these birds?

Children: Wintering.

Sun: Why are they called that?

Children: Because they stay for the winter.

Sun: Guys, do you remember what winter was like? Winter is harsh, blizzard, frosty. Was it easy for the birds in the winter in the forest? Why?

Children: children's answers.

Sun: Yes, that's right guys. It is difficult for birds to find food under the snow. They fly closer to people for help, adults make feeders and pour food.

Sun: Guys, tell me, what do birds eat?

The children make their guesses.

Sun: That's right, kids. Do you want me to tell you a secret what kind of bird eats what? Sit on chairs.

The teacher says that sparrows eat grains, crumbs.

Sun: Let's agree to designate them (I put up a card with a model on a flannelgraph)

Sun: Tits feed on grains, crumbs, and their favorite delicacy is lard, we denote it:

Sun: Bullfinches eat seeds, berries, like to peck rowan berries, we will denote them:

Sun: Ravens feed on cleanings, food residues, we denote them:

Sun: Let's play now. Once again, carefully look at who eats what. I will put pictures with birds on one table, and with models on the other.Children go out one at a time, choose a bird, name which one. Then they take a card - a model and name what they eat.

Sun: And what, are these envelopes under the tree?

Children bring envelopes.

Sun: Who left them? Let's sit down at the tables and see what's there.The teacher takes out parts of the birds.

Sun: If you put the parts of a bird together, you get a whole bird. It needs to be glued to the cardboard, but first you need to find the body, then the head, and then the tail.The teacher finds out individually for each child which bird he glued.

Sun: Ah, you are my smart ones! Everything was done right. Let's put the birds in an envelope and hang this envelope up here on the tree. Soroka Sorokovna will be surprised when she sees wintering birds that remain to live with her in the neighborhood.

Sun: Guys, we recognized the wintering birds, let's all call them together: a sparrow, a tit, a bullfinch, a crow. And also, pigeons winter with us. They don't fly to warmer climes. This beautiful bird is also called - bird of the world. You want us to always have peace.

Children: Yes!!!

Sun: Then we have to draw it. Look at my palm, it seems to me that it is very similar to a dove. And what do you think? Where is the beak? Where is the neck? Show the body of the bird. But what a wonderful, fluffy tail.The teacher shows on his palm, and the children on his.Children, taking a large brush, paint the palm of their hand and the painted palm tightly - they pressed it firmly and sharply raised it up. So it turned out a bird - a dove.

Sun: What beautiful birds you have turned out. But what they lack.

Children: Eye, beak, wings, paws.

Sun: Let's take wax pencils and draw all these parts. All of you guys did a great job. And let's put these peaceful birds in an envelope. Here Soroka Sorokovna will be very happy that she has new friends.

Sun: Guys, and here there is a basket under the stump. Let's see what's in it. So Soroka Sorokovna left us a present. Very well. Thanks her. And we need to go back to kindergarten.

One, two, three, turn around, return to the kindergarten!

Galina Starodubtseva
Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "Wintering Birds"

Lesson on the development of speech in the middle group: « wintering birds»

Tasks: -Expand ideas about wintering birds. - Give an idea about the types of food wintering birds. - Develop skills to establish cause-and-effect relationships. - Continue to form an interest in the artistic word. - Develop ingenuity in the process of guessing riddles. - Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, kindness, responsiveness, a benevolent attitude towards each other.

GCD progress:

caregiver: Hello girls!

Good afternoon boys!

Played with dolls, leafed through books.

Now let's take a break together

Good luck guys, good luck!

Everyone looked at me, met my eyes. Now let's say hello to each other friend:

Reached for the sun, took a ray,

Pressed to the heart, given to a friend. (perform movements according to the text) caregiver: Well done, guys, we all gave each other a piece of goodness. Now tell me, please, what season do we have now? Children:- Winter. caregiver: Prove to me that it is really winter, and I tell you that it is spring.

It is very cold outside (agree)

Lots of snow, slippery (OK)

People dressed warmly (hats, mittens, fur coats, coats, scarves and felt boots)

There is ice on the rivers, the fish lay to the bottom (agree)

- Birds flew away to warmer climes, and wintering remained(well done)

The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

caregiver: Well done! Went out into the open for a walk frost

White patterns in braids near birches.

Snowy paths, bare bushes

Snowflakes are falling quietly from above. (E. Avdienko).

What is written in this poem? (About winter).

caregiver: While we were talking, heavy snow began to fall and real snowflakes flew to us. See what they are? (shows snowflakes on a string)

An exercise for eye coordination.

caregiver: Guys, come up to me and take one snowflake. Now we will work with the eyes.

We saw a snowflake

They played with the snowflake.

(Children take the snowflake in their hands. Pull the snowflake forward in front of them. Focus on it).

Snowballs flew to the right,

Children look to the right

(Take the snowflake to the right, follow the movement of the eye).

Here the snowflakes are flying

Eyes look to the left

(Take her to the left).

The wind lifted the snow

And dropped to the ground...

(Raise snowflakes up and down)

Children look up and down

Everybody! They lay down on the ground.

(Turn around and sit down, dropping the snowflake on the floor).

We close our eyes

(Close your eyes with your hands).

Eyes are resting

(Children fold snowflakes and sit down).

caregiver: The winter brought strict order in its possessions. Everything is tidied up, sparkling white. And today I invite you, children, for a walk in an amazing winter park that can give you interesting meetings. (illustrations of snow-covered trees hung on the walls)

We go with you into the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles,

We will watch together, notice the magic of everything.

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I found ourselves in a winter park. (Record sounds "Vote birds» ).

Let's swear. Who presented what? Whose voices did you hear? (children's answers).

caregiver: Guys, today we will talk about birds. What is the name of birds who do not fly away to warmer climes, but stay close to us?

Children: wintering birds.

caregiver: Look at the pictures and name birds which are shown here.

Children: Crow, sparrow, magpie, dove.

caregiver: There are those who come to us only to spend the winter - bullfinches, tits. (The teacher exposes pictures depicting these birds)

Bullfinches are called so because they fly to us with the first snow. The bullfinch has a red breast, bluish-gray and black head and wings. Titmouse have yellow breasts and black heads and wings. Listen and guess riddles about these birds:

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

The back is greenish, the tummy is yellowish,

On the head is a black hat,

Plus a strip of scarf. (Tit)

Coloration - greyish,

Habit - thieving,

The croak is hoarse. (Crow)

Now tell me about the crow. What is she?

Children: This is a big, black, tricky, important bird.

caregiver: The bird is well known to you. This is a sparrow. Tell me about the sparrow. What is he?

Children: The sparrow is small, greyish, nimble, fast.

caregiver: And now listen to the riddle, about which the bird says in it?

Not a lumberjack, not a carpenter,

A worker lives in the forest.

He knocks on wood

He's kicking himself hard.


Children: Woodpecker.

caregiver: Tell me about the woodpecker, where he lives, what he is like.

Children: The woodpecker lives in the forest, treats trees, extracting harmful bugs from under the bark.

caregiver: About this bird you tell me yourself. Who is this? What is he?

Bigger than a sparrow

I meet you often.

I fly with the flock

I pick up crumbs everywhere

I like to peck seeds

And coo with a girlfriend.

Peaceful for his temper

called the bird of the world.


Children: The dove is large, cooing, loves to eat bread crumbs. caregiver: Well done! well you know birds, which winter in our area. Did you know that in winter the birds want to eat and cannot always find food for themselves. Therefore, they fly closer to people. And we will feed them. What will we be feed the birds, we will find out now during the game. The game "Identify food by touch".

caregiver: I have food in the bags. Your a task: feel with your hands, identify and name the food.

With the onset of cold wintering birds fly to a person's home. For birds the hardest time has come time: They can't always find food. The harvest of wheat and rye was removed from the fields, the insects disappeared. Poet birds fly closer to people, hoping that they will feed them. - Guys, we will feed birds in winter so that they do not die of hunger and cold? (children's answers)

caregiver: What a frost it is on the street, even the hands are frozen. Let's warm them up. (self-massage of the hands)

Finger gymnastics.

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five (bend fingers)

We went for a walk in the yard (walk fingers along palm)

They sculpted a snow woman (roll a lump with two palms)

The birds were fed with crumbs (crumble bread)

We then rode down the hill (swipe fingers across palm)

And also rolled in the snow (put palm on palm first with one side, then the other side)

Everyone came home in the snow (wipe palms off)

Eat soup and go to sleep (movement of an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheek) 2 times

caregiver A: This is the end of our journey.

Who are we talking about today? (Summarizing)

Today we will go for a walk, take our food with us, sprinkle it into the feeders that hang on the territory of our kindergarten and observe how the birds will peck at the food.

Organization: MADOU DS No. 48

Location: Tyumen region, Nizhnevartovsk


Expand ideas about wintering birds, their structure. To form the concept of "wintering birds".

Cultivate respect for nature.

Activate the vocabulary on the topic of birds, make sentences, learn to answer questions.

Learn to form quality adjectives, plural nouns.

Equipment: pictures of wintering birds, a bird, a feeder. Planned result: Children are inquisitive, active, call wintering birds, ask and answer questions, are able to form independently high-quality adjectives, use them in speech.

Course progress.

Music sounds reads a poem by E. Blaginina "Frosts":

Frosts are severe this year...

Anxious for the apple tree in our garden,

Anxious for the Bug: in her kennel

The same frost as in the yard.

But most of all I'm worried about the birds,

After all, they are very hungry in the air.

Can we help the defenseless?

Let's help! They need to be fed.

And then it will be easy for them to endure the cold.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us. This is a bird...

She came to visit us. What are the names of the birds that do not fly away to warmer climes, but stay with us?

Children: Wintering birds.

Bird: Look at the pictures and name the birds that are shown here.

Children: Sparrow, crow, dove, magpie.

Educator: There are birds that come to us to spend the winter - bullfinches, tits.

The teacher exposes pictures depicting these birds: Bullfinches are called so they fly to us with the first snow. Bullfinches have a beautiful red chest, bluish-gray and black head and wings. Titmouse have yellow breasts and black heads and wings.

Educator: Let's get to know each other, this is a enemy. What is she?

Children: Black, big.

Bird: Who is shown in the picture ... a sparrow. What is he?

Children: Sparrow is small, nimble, brown ...

Educator: Listen to the riddle, what bird is it talking about?

"Black vest,

red beret,

Nose like an ax

The tail is like an emphasis.

Children: Woodpecker.

Educator: Where does he live, what is he like?

Children: He lives in the forest, extracts harmful beetles from under the bark, heals trees.

Teacher: Look at the next picture. Did you recognize him? Pigeon

Children: The pigeon is beautiful, big, cooing, loves bread

Physical education:

Birds flew high

(children run)

Birds flapped their wings

(children wave their hands)

And now they've gone down

(sit down)

They have folded their wings

(hide hands behind back).

Exercise "Call me affectionately" (with a bird).

Birdie: Now let's play with the bird in the game "Call it affectionately":

Bullfinch - snowman,

Tit - tit,

dove - dove,

Sparrow is a sparrow.

Educator: Guys, look carefully at the picture, what is shown on it.

Children: feeder.

Educator: Who do you think made and hung the feeder?

Children: Man.

Teacher: Why did they do it?

Children: So that people can feed the birds in winter, because they are cold and hungry in winter

Summary of the lesson:

Let's remember who the lesson was about today?

What birds do we remember?

How can you help birds in winter?

What are the names of the birds that stay with us?

On a walk in the area, we will feed the birds in our feeders

Target. The development of connected speech.


1. To consolidate children's ideas about wintering birds (characteristic external signs, features of life in winter conditions); generalizing concept "Wintering birds".

2. To consolidate the ability of children to answer questions with a complete sentence.

3. Learn to compose short stories about wintering birds on your own.

4. Activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic "Wintering Birds".

5. Develop attention, thinking.

Material. Subject pictures depicting wintering birds (sparrow, titmouse, crow, magpie, dove, woodpecker, owl); split pictures for the game "Collect a picture" (wintering birds).

Preliminary work:

Bird watching while walking.

Examining illustrations depicting various birds.

Making feeders, feeding birds on the site.

Lesson progress

The teacher makes riddles (children's answers are accompanied by showing pictures of birds):

Likes to jump and fly
Bread and grains to peck.
Instead of "Hello" used to
Say "Chick-tweet" to everyone. (Sparrow.)

black cap

And a strip of scarf

At the yellow-breasted bird

By name... (titmouse).

This bird is familiar to everyone -
It is important to walk near the house,
Kar-Kar-Kar will suddenly scream
And quietly fly away.
A very cunning person
And her name is... (crow).

Who brings on the tail
Lots of news?
Tell everyone before the deadline
White-sided... (magpie).

Look at the balcony

He's been cooing here since morning.

This bird is a postman

Any route will fly. (Pigeon.)

I knock on wood

I want to get a worm

Although he hid under the bark,

It will still be mine. (Woodpecker.)

Flying all night

Gets mice.

And it will become light

Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl.)

Educator. Name these birds in one word.

Children. Wintering birds.

Educator. Why do we call them that? (Children's answers.)

Educator.When we see different birds on the street, how do we recognize each of them, by what signs? For example, that it is a titmouse, or that it is a magpie.

The teacher invites the children to come up with short stories about any bird they like.

Without naming the bird, you need to tell about it so that other children guess it. (Children make up stories.)

Educator.Winter is a very difficult time of the year for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Birds come to our homes for help. And we must help our feathered friends survive the winter.

How can we help birds in winter?

Children. We can make feeders, feed the birds.

Educator.That's right, the birds must be fed in winter, arrange feeders for them on the balcony, in the garden, in the park, in the forest, on our site in the kindergarten - you can arrange a dining room for the birds everywhere.

What can you feed the birds? (Children's answers.)

Physical education minute

Jumping nimble tit (Jumping in place on two legs.)
She doesn't sit still (Jumping in place on the left leg.)
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
It twirled like a top. (Whirl around in place.)
I sat down for a minute (Sit down.)
She scratched her chest with her beak, (Stand up, head tilts left and right.)
And from the track - to the wattle fence, (Jumping in place on the left leg.)
Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)
Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)

Game "Collect the picture"

Children are given envelopes with split pictures, which depict wintering birds.

Take out the pictures cut into pieces and try to collect them. (For children who find it difficult to complete the task, the teacher gives visual support in the form of a complete picture.)

The teacher asks the children.

- Tell me, what did you get after you folded the picture?

- What kind of bird do you have? etc.

Outcome. Evaluation of children's activities.

What birds are we talking about today? (About wintering.)

- What wintering birds do you remember, name.

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