Lesson in geography general circulation of the atmosphere. Geography. With their arrival in winter and spring there are frosts

Topic: General circulation of the atmosphere.

Target: consider and study during the lesson the circulation of the atmosphere and air masses


    Cto form knowledge about the movement of air masses across the territory of Kazakhstan; on the impact of arctic, temperate and tropical air masses on climate

    Enrich students' vocabulary. Develop the ability to compare, generalize, systematize, classify. Improving the skills of working with atlas maps

    Raising interest in the study of geography

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: physical and climatic maps of Kazakhstan, atlas of the 8th grade, textbook

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

The topic and goal setting of the lesson is called

II. Checking homework:

Front poll:

    What is called climate?

    What factors influence climate formation?

    What is solar radiation? How does it affect climate change?

    How many clear and cloudy days are there in Kazakhstan in a year?

    How is solar radiation measured? And what is it equal to?

    What percentage of the total radiation reflects the snow?

Exercise 1. Fill in the cluster "Types of solar radiation". Fill in the cells of the cluster and define all types of solar radiation.


    Almaty and Vladivostok are located at approximately the same latitude, howevert° in summer in Almaty is higher. Than in Vladivostok. Explain why? (The remoteness of Almaty from the ocean contributes to strong air heating )

    Kostanay and Moscow are located at approximately the same latitude, but the winter in Moscow is milder than in Kostanay. Explain why? Make a conclusion. (Kazakhstan is more remote from the ocean).

    What influence does its geographical position have on the climate of Kazakhstan?

III. Learning new material:

1. Explanation of the teacher based on the knowledge of the students:

In the troposphere, there is a constant movement of air masses.

planetary circulation - due to the flow of oceanic air masses from the west to

east, and in 2 - 2.5 days they reach the territory of Kazakhstan.

Zonal circulation - the republic is located in the center of Eurasia.

Air masses coming from the ocean, gradually moving inland

begin to lose their original properties. The air temperature drops

pressure, humidity, cloud cover.

2. Work on the climate map. (consider wind direction and distribution

amount of precipitation in the territory of the republic)

Air masses:

- arctic - form over the Arctic Ocean. Low

temperatures in both winter and summer. They invade the north of Kazakhstan and establish

anticyclone weather. They form dry clear weather: in winter - frosty, and in summer -

hot. Spring and autumn frosts are associated with their action.

Moderate - formed in the middle latitudes of the mainland. Air dominate

moderate latitudes. Coming from the west, from the Atlantic Ocean, air masses

called marine temperate. They lose a lot of moisture, reaching Kazakhstan, but all

also bring some of the precipitation.

- tropical - come in the summer from the territory of Central Asia and Iran (Iranian) and

spread to the southern regions of Kazakhstan.

3 . Using the text of the textbook and the teacher's story, students fill in the gaps in the table.

Air mass types

Where are formed

Impact on the weather

Arctic (AVM)

Marine- temperate (UVM(M)

over the atlantic ocean

Continental (UVM(K)

Bringing cold weather in winter

Tropical (TVM)

Over Iran

Model response:

Air mass types

Where are formed

Impact on the weather

Arctic (AVM)

On the Arctic Ocean

The air is cold even in summer; dry in spring and autumn. Causes sudden frosts and snowfall

Marine- temperate (UVM(M)

over the atlantic ocean

It brings rain all year round. In summer they soften the heat. Frost mitigates in winter

Continental (UVM(K)

Acquire their properties over Central Asia and Siberia

Bringing cold weather in winter

Tropical (TVM)

Over Iran

In summer they bring heat and drought, in winter they bring thaws.

ІҮ . Anchoring

    What are air masses?

    What air masses prevail on the territory of Kazakhstan?

    Transformation of air masses (orally):


Model response:

    What changes occur to the sea air of temperate latitudes in winter as a result of its transformation over the land surface?

As they move over land, VMs become less saturated with moisture.

    How does the VM change:

Relative Humidity

going down

Air temperature

going down

Atmosphere pressure

going down



V. Summary of the lesson:

Rating with comments.

Reflection (method of unfinished sentences)

Today in class I learned...

It was interesting for me....

The hardest part was....

Now I can explain why…..

Homework: §21, pp. 85-87, paraphrase

teacher Bulygina L.N.

MOU No. 94 of the Samara region, Togliatti (slide 1)

The lesson is travel.

Topic: Atmospheric circulation.


1.Educational : expand and deepen students' knowledge about climate; to form concepts about "atmospheric fronts", "cyclone and anticyclone"; determine the influence of the underlying surface on the climate. (slide 2)

2. Nurturing : to show the impact of human economic activity on climate and its changes.

3.Developing : develop the ability to systematize, analyze, compare, draw conclusions; to promote the formation of communicative and informational competence of students.

Equipment : a physical map of Russia, helper cards, an atlas, a collection of questions and assignments in geography, a textbook, a model of a mountain, a projector.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Technologies used : dialogue - communicative, the formation of methods of educational activities and the method of projects.

Forms : game, individual, group.

Methods: research, cognitive, practical.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

The class is divided into five teams. Each team has a leader. He fills out an evaluation sheet, notes the answers of each speaking member of the team. At the end of the trip, a score is given to each participant.

Team score sheet.


1 height

2 height

3 height

4 height

5 height

6 height

7 height

8 height

Final grade

II. Journey.

Teacher : Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, we will climb to the top of the mountain. To do this, at the beginning, we will do a warm-up. Let's check how you learned the previous material. On the table you have cards, each with two questions, by answering which you can climb to a height of 2000 m.

To climb to the following heights, you need to answer the questions: (slide 3)

1.What is the weather? Name the elements of weather.

2.What is climate? Why is climate knowledge necessary?

3. Decipher the designations on the diagram (Collection of questions and assignments in geography, p. 17).

4. Radiation of heat and light by the sun is ...

5. Unit of measurement of solar radiation (kcal∕cm2)

6. What is total radiation?

Teacher: In order to continue the further journey, we need to make a halt. The weather is often unpredictable and we need to study the atmospheric processes that we may encounter during our journey (Next, the teacher proceeds to explain the new material).

Open your travel notebook in which you will write down new concepts. To begin with, I ask you to answer the questions: (slide 4.5, 6)

1. What are air masses? When air masses move over the surface of the earth, what happens? (they carry heat and moisture)

2. What air masses affect the climate of Russia?

3. What causes the movement of air masses? (pressure difference, uneven heating of the earth's surface.)

4. According to the difference in the properties of air masses, they distinguish: marine and continental.

What properties do these air masses have?

(Marine air masses are humid and bring precipitation. Continental air masses are dry and bring drought in summer and clear and frosty weather in winter.)

5. What is atmospheric circulation? (slide 7)

atmospheric circulation - movement of air masses of various origins. (Students write the definition in a notebook)

Teacher: (slide 8)

Our country lies in temperate and polar latitudes, and most of

Russian territory lies in temperate latitudes. In temperate latitudes, westerly transport (westerly winds) dominates, the Atlantic Ocean

has a much greater influence on the climate compared to the Pacific Ocean.

Let's open the atlas and try to determine why the Pacific Ocean has the least impact?


Since in the eastern part of our country there are mountains that detain air masses from the Pacific Ocean.


In winter, the main role is played by a vast area of ​​high pressure, called the Asian High, whose center is located in the regions of Transbaikalia and Northern Mongolia. Areas of high pressure from it

spread to the northeast to the Chukotka Peninsula, to Eastern Siberia, to the west through Kazakhstan and to the south of the Russian Plain to 50˚N. The weather in summer is clear, quite warm, and in winter it is clear frosty weather.

Also, the formation of the country's climate is influenced by the Icelandic and Aleutian lows (Rn), Azores and Arctic maxima (Rv) (further the teacher talks about their influence on the weather).

The underlying surface has a great influence on climate formation. For example, the Arctic air masses, passing through the Russian Plain, warm up so much that the weather is clear and dry for a long time.


What happened to the air mass?


She changed her properties. (slide 9)

Transformation - change in the properties of air masses under the influence of the underlying surface.

Teacher :

Why can Arctic air masses, penetrating far to the south of the Russian Plain, cause frosts in spring and cooling in winter?


Relief affects.

Teacher :

Atmospheric fronts influence climate formation. (slide 10)

atmospheric front - transition zones between air masses (see textbook st. 58)

arctic front - occurs between arctic and temperate air masses.

polar front Occurs between temperate and tropical air masses.

The width of the front usually reaches several tens of kilometers. In the frontal zone, when two different air masses come into contact, a rapid change in pressure, temperature, humidity occurs, strong winds blow, precipitation falls.

Two students were given an advanced task to prepare a message about a warm and cold front (students tell messages at the blackboard). (slide 11-12)


Climate formation is influenced by atmospheric vortices: a cyclone and an anticyclone. (A reference note is drawn up in the course of the teacher's explanation on the blackboard). (slide 13-16)

Students present progress reports to the boardshort term project

Atmospheric circulation(lesson of generalizing repetition)

Purpose: To summarize and systematizeknowledge on the topic "Atmosphere".

Lesson objectives: teaching: - in identify causal relationships between atmosphericphenomena of the earth.

Continue to develop skills and abilities: analyze cartographic materials, work on general educational skills to compare and generalize, listen to comrades.

developing: - develop cognitive interest in geography, independence of thinking.

educational: - in develop a sustained interest in the subject.

Equipment: cards: climatic world, climatic zones andareas of the world, political, physical map m and ra, atlases, textbooks.

lesson type: generalizing repetition

Form : frontal conversation

Method : explanatory and illustrative, problem presentation, reproductive, partially search.

During the classes:

I organizational moment.

Communication of the objectives of the lesson.

II main part.

We know that the air is heated by the Earth, and for what reasonsdoes the heating of the earth's surface depend? (from the angle of incidencesunlight).

Make a drawing and show these different lighting angles on different latitudes.

What is the average air temperature in January and in July, which observed on the east coast of Australia; in southern Africa;In the south of North America. How will we act?

What is the name of the line connecting points with the same temperature? (isotherm) .

What are the absolute records of air temperature marked byin northern Africa, southern South America, Antarctica. Explain what they mean.

So, the heating of the earth's surface, and, consequently, the air temperature above it, depends on the height of the sun and different angles of incidencesun rays. But at the same time, the air temperature on the samesame latitude is different. Why? (different underlying surface)

Working with the textbook p.35. Let's remember what isair mass?

What air masses form over Europe?

Why there is a change in the properties of UVM?

Write a new word in your notebook - transformation and what it means.

Tell us how the amount of precipitation changes along 30 S.Sh. Australia and indicate in which climatic zones it situated.

Using the climatogram of the cities of Manaus and Iquitos on page 184

What are the typical signs of the equatorial climate, in which countries are they located?

Using the climatogram of Antofagasta, what are thetypical signs of a tropical climate, in which country is it situated?

What is the reason for the uniformity of the climate of the mainclimate zones?(one air mass)

The Amazon is the deepest river in the world. How do you explain it?

The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. How can you explain this peculiarity?

Which of the oceans - the Atlantic or the Pacific - has a greater influence on the climate of the northern part of South America?; temperate latitudes of Eurasia? Explain your point of view.

Carefully look at your notes in notebooks on the topic andName what cause-and-effect relationships between the Earth's atmospheric phenomena have we considered?

1. angle of incidence of sunlight - heating of the earth's surface

2. underlying surface - temperature

3.temperature - pressure

4.pressure - rainfall

5.pressure - wind.

III. Summing up the lesson

IV. Homework: Lesson 12

Technological map of the lesson

Full name

Place of work

Job title



Topic and lesson number

Urazov Alexander Alexandrovich

MKOU Verkhnekhavskaya secondary school №1

Geography teacher



"General Circulation of the Atmosphere"

Lesson #14/6


Geography grade 7: textbook. for educational institutions / A.I. Alekseev, E.K. Lipkina, V.V. Nikolina and others.

edited by A.I. Alekseev; grew up acad. sciences, ros. acad. education, publishing house "Prosveshchenie". M.:

Enlightenment, 2013. (Polar Star)

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: to form knowledge about the types of air masses; reveal the role of the prevailing winds in the general circulation of the atmosphere;
to form the ability to work with diagrams and with a climate map.

Developing: develop the ability to analyze, compare and generalize; practical skills to receive and analyze

information from cartographic sources; Continue building teamwork skills.

Nurturing: to instill the ability to listen and argue one’s position, to integrate into a group and build a productive

interaction; to form an ecological, cultural and social outlook.

Lesson objectives: analyze the scheme of the general circulation of the atmosphere; to identify the influence of constant winds on the climate; systematize knowledge

about the prevailing winds, to show the relationship between the shape of the Earth, temperature, atmospheric pressure and constant winds.

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge

Teaching technologies: activity, problem, case study

Forms of organization: group work; front work

Interdisciplinary connections: literature, social studies, MHK

Means of education:

Multimedia presentation, educational atlas “Geography. Grade 7”, electronic supplement to the textbook “Geography. 7

class”, textbook, task cards for groups.

Multimedia equipment:

multimedia projector, PC.

Planned educational outcomes




Activity while doing work. Ability to give examples and defend one's position.

Ability to find relationships between temperature, pressure and winds. Interpret and summarize information. Use information technology tools

Knowledge about the system of constant winds on Earth and the reasons for its formation;

the concepts of "trade winds", "air masses", "circulation of the atmosphere";

determine the direction and name of the constant wind depending on the geographic latitude of the area and atmospheric pressure;

Structure and course of the lesson

Lesson stages

Time (min)

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational moment

Greets students, organizes the workplace

Greet teachers, demonstrate readiness for the lesson

2. Goal setting

Slides with the epigraph of the lesson and questions on the knowledge of the general laws of the atmosphere.

Learning without meditation is useless, but thinking without learning is dangerous.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Formulate the topic of the lesson

set goals and objectives for the lesson.

3. Statement of the problem and construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty

Brings the problem to the attention of students.

Guys! I bring to your attention a fragment of the film "Don Quixote" based on the work of Miguel Cervantes:

You saw how the hero Don Quixote takes the windmills for a detachment of knights and enters into battle with them with deplorable consequences for himself.

Attention, question!

Why does the metaphor "fight windmills" mean a senseless struggle with a fictional enemy?

Divide the class into groups and issue cards with tasks.

Specifies the time to complete the task.

Reflect on the problem posed.

They receive assignments.

Distribute work in a group.
Find the necessary

sources of information.

4. Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation


independent work


Applying various
methods, using additional sources of information, respond to

questions posed,

draw conclusions.

5. Control of assimilation

Listens to messages.
Draws attention to
mistakes made,
corrects answers.

Make short reports on the topic, supplement and correct answers

classmates. They compare the physical map and diagrams, humidification, precipitation, thermal belts. They compare the shape of the Earth with thermal belts, belts of atmospheric pressure, moisture and constant winds.

6. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

Summarizes the lesson. Gives homework.

Guys, back to the problematic issue.

    Why is it pointless to fight with a windmill, with the wind? (the movement of the atmosphere cannot be stopped)

    Why is the windmill, the wind, a fictional enemy? (wind energy is an alternative source of energy for humanity; according to experts: wind turbines are the future)

    PS (homework): When is World Wind Day celebrated? Why is this holiday organized?

Find a solution to a problem situation.

Evaluate their own performance within each group.

Tasks for groups for independent work

Group #1.

    How is the air heated?

    What explains the change in air temperature on Earth?

    What is an isotherm?

    Why do the boundaries of illumination zones and thermal zones do not coincide?

Group #2

Write a story to answer the questions.

1. Is there a relationship between temperature and atmospheric pressure?

2. How many belts of atmospheric pressure are distinguished on Earth?

3. Explain the mechanism of formation of atmospheric pressure belts?

4. What is the main reason for the formation of atmospheric pressure belts?

Group #3

Write a story to answer the questions.

    What is precipitation?

    What is the distribution of cloudiness and precipitation on Earth?

    Compare the precipitation map in the atlas with the physical map of the world.

    How is this related to the distribution of atmospheric pressure belts?

Group No. 4

Answer the questions to write a story-description and fill in the table.

    What is wind and what does it depend on?

    What are air masses?

    What types of air masses do you know?

    How do air masses affect the weather?

    What determines the formation of air masses?

Air mass type







Group No. 5

Answering questions to write a story-description

    What are the permanent winds?

    What is the mechanism of their formation?

    The name of which winds is translated as “favorable to moving”, why?

    Fill in the table, indicating the areas of distribution and the distinctive features of the prevailing winds.

trade winds



"Wind Direction" - The meaning of the winds. wind characteristic. wind types. The result of uneven heating of the surface. Photograph of a tropical cyclone. In an anticyclone, the winds blow from the center, where the air pressure is highest, to the periphery. Winds of cyclones and anticyclones. Wind is the movement of air in a horizontal direction. Monsoon.

"Climate" - The purpose of the lesson. Must know: the concept of "climate", "climate-forming factors". 1. Geographic latitude. 0 -5 Belen New York Ekaterinburg Sev.Zemlya -10 -15 January -20 -25 -30. +20. What climate zones do you know? Task 2: Simulate how Europe's climate will change with terrain change. T0 km.

"About Hurricanes" - He destroys buildings, devastates fields, uproots trees. One type of natural disaster is a snowstorm. A hurricane is one of the atmospheric monsters of our planet, which can be compared with an earthquake in terms of destructive power. It demolishes light buildings, breaks wires, damages bridges and roads.

"Wind Energy" - 1,000. 60%. San Gorgino Wind Farm, Palm Springs, California, USA. Electricity (kW). 14.8.20%. Foundation (side view). Autonomous turbine for 10 kW, Mexico.

"Formation of Clouds" - What role do clouds play in a person's mood? Why don't cirrus clouds produce precipitation? What season is characterized by the formation of stratus clouds? Strong heating of the earth's surface. Condensation of water vapor and the formation of cumulus clouds. Cloud signs. Clouds. Heating of air above the earth's surface.

"Tornados and tornadoes" - Tornadoes and tornadoes. Tornadoes have the form of a rotating trunk, pipe or funnel hanging from the parent cloud. Tornadoes that fly over land are called tornadoes. Rotation in tornadoes occurs counterclockwise, as in cyclones of the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Hurricane is the English word hurricane transliterated into Russian.

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