Eucharis bloomed. Eucharis does not bloom - what to do? Euharis (Amazon lily): description, photo, features of growing at home. Soil and planting requirements

Leaves no one indifferent. Its white flowers are large and have a wonderful aroma. The plant blooms annually, and some experienced flower growers achieve flowering twice a year. But sometimes the plant still refuses to bloom. And here the most important thing is to determine the cause and eliminate it. Because the lack of flowering indicates some mistake in caring for this flower, which can affect its health and development. Consider the reasons why eucharis does not bloom at home, the mistakes of caring for the Amazonian lily, and what to do with the plant.

Why eucharis does not bloom

Any mistake in caring for eucharis can affect its flowering. But if some reasons necessarily lead to the absence of flowers, then others may not have such an effect on this plant. Sometimes, even with improper care, it still blooms, but poorly.

Among the most likely reasons for the lack of flowering, the following can be distinguished:

  • Incorrect pot size selected;
  • No dormant period
  • The plant is affected by diseases or pests.

The most basic reason why eucharis cannot bloom is the lack of a dormant period. A flower growing indoors at the same temperature all year round will soon lose strength and stop blooming. And they can be restored only by creating a period of rest for him.

The wrong choice of pot size greatly affects the flowering of this species. It seems to inexperienced flower growers that in a large pot, the euharis will be spacious and comfortable. Therefore, it will not be difficult to achieve flowering. But this flower has its own characteristics of development. The pot for it should be carefully selected in size and shape.

Often, especially in the summer, the plant is affected by harmful insects. This may also affect its flowering. But eucharis will not bloom only with a large number of pests. If they are detected and destroyed in time, then this will not affect the further development of buds and flowers.

There are other, less likely reasons why a plant refuses to bloom:

  • Wrong temperature and watering;
  • Insufficient air humidity;
  • Lack of feeding and transplanting.

Incorrect watering and temperature, as well as dry air, can affect flowering only if it has already led to plant disease. Minor mistakes in care usually do not lead to such consequences.

A lack of nutrients can also lead to a lack of flowering. But for this, eucharis should not be fed and transplanted for a long enough time. A slight nutritional deficiency is not the reason why the plant will refuse to bloom.

Potty problem

For abundant flowering of eucharis, it must be planted in a cramped pot. It should not be very small, but the root system of the plant should touch its walls.

Often this flower is planted in a large pot “not outgrowth”, and then they cannot achieve the appearance of a peduncle. This is quite natural. After all, until the roots of the plant grow so much that they touch the walls of the pot, it will not bloom. And this in a spacious pot will not happen soon.

When transplanting eucharis, the size of the pot is chosen depending on the size of the root system. It is necessary that the roots do not reach the walls by more than 1 cm. In this case, there will be a place for the development of the plant. But the root system will quickly grow to the walls of the pot, and the plant will begin to bloom.

In order to achieve lush flowering faster, experts recommend planting several eucharis bulbs at once in a cramped pot. Then each bulb will release a peduncle, flowering will be plentiful.

Sometimes the plant refuses to bloom even in a cramped pot. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the bulb. Each instance of eucharis can grow buds only when it reaches a certain age. Very young plants may not flower. Only specimens in which babies have begun to form on the bulbs are able to bloom.

You should also pay attention to the shape of the pot. It shouldn't be too high. In a high pot, the natural drying of the soil is slowed down, its lower layer can remain wet for a long time. And since most of the root system of the plant is concentrated at the bottom of the pot, moisture stagnation will quickly lead to root disease.

The ideal shape of a eucharis pot should be such that its height is equal to the diameter of the pot. It can be a little larger, but good drainage is needed to remove excess water.

rest period

The rest period of eucharis, along with preparation for it, is usually 3 months. Start it 2-3 weeks after the end of flowering. Within a month, the plant is no longer fertilized, and its watering is gradually reduced. As a result, they completely stop watering it, and when the earthen lump is completely dry, they are transferred to a cool and shaded place.

The temperature for wintering eucharis should be in the range of 15-17ºС. Under these conditions, it is kept, practically without watering, for 2 months. All this time, the flower is being watched, as soon as its leaves lose their elasticity and droop, the flower is watered a little. But he needs very little moisture to only slightly moisten the earthen lump.

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After the end of the dormant period, the flower is brought into a warm room and the previous watering and top dressing are gradually resumed. In this case, the plant wakes up and soon throws out a peduncle.

With this cultivation, eucharis can bloom 2 times a year. But for this it is necessary to organize 2 periods of rest. They can be in winter and summer or in spring and autumn.

In winter, the rest period for the plant is easy to organize. To reduce the temperature, it is transferred to a cool veranda or a glazed warm loggia. In summer, achieving the optimum temperature is much more difficult. Therefore, in the summer, the plant is simply installed in a shady place where the sun's rays will not fall on it. Without watering, eucharis will be able to have a great rest and gain strength before flowering in the summer.

If the plant does not bloom, it can also be arranged for a dormant period. After it, it usually blooms. In this way, you can ensure the flowering of eucharis at any time of the year.

Diseases and pests

The flowering of eucharis can be affected by some diseases and those that have settled on it. The most common diseases of eucharis are fungal infections. They are difficult to treat, but without treatment they lead to the death of the plant. A flower affected by fungi loses foliage, does not form flower stalks and gradually dies. The most common diseases of eucharis are:

  • Root rot;
  • Gray rot;
  • Red burn.

Root rot in the early stages of development is not visible. Then the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry. When auditing the root system, you can see a lot of rotten blackened roots. The photo on the right shows the healthy roots of the plant.

Gray rot affects the leaves of the plant. Small areas covered with gray mold appear on them. Diseased areas grow and cover all leaf blades.

Red burn affects the bulbs, leaves and flower stalks of the plant. Reddish areas are visible on the bulbs. The leaves are covered with red elongated spots. Peduncles are deformed, buds do not open.

To combat fungal diseases, it is necessary to use antifungal drugs. They process the ground part of the plant, and in case of root rot, they are watered under the root. Bulbs before planting are recommended to be soaked in antifungal solutions.

Eucharis suffers from the following harmful insects:

  • Spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • Shchitovka;
  • Amaryllis worm.

All these pests, multiplying in large numbers, can weaken the plant so much that it not only does not bloom, but may even die. If harmful insects are found, it is necessary to treat the bush with an insecticide solution (Aktellik, Fitoverm). Processing is repeated until the complete destruction of pests. Against spider mites, it is better to use acaricides - means to combat harmful arachnids.

Other reasons

There are many other reasons for the lack of flowering of eucharis. Of the most likely, the following can be noted:

  • Sudden temperature fluctuations and excessive watering;
  • Low air humidity;
  • Lack of transplantation and insufficient top dressing.

In unstable temperature conditions, when there are sharp jumps in air temperature, eucharis bulbs slow down their development. Such conditions are unfavorable for the plant. It does not grow leaves and does not form a large, ready-to-flower bulb. Flowering in such conditions can be expected for a long time.

Intensive watering is unnatural for the plant. In addition, stagnant water in the soil quickly leads to the development of fungal infections that infect the flower and kill it.

For regular flowering of the plant, it is necessary to maintain high humidity in the warm period. Without this, the leaves are deformed and dry, the buds do not open, or the flower stalks do not appear at all.

Humidity is maintained by spraying the flower. During the period of budding and flowering, you need to ensure that water does not fall on the flowers and buds. At this time, it is better to install the plant in a tray with a moistened substrate.

For proper development, it is very important to feed eucharis in a timely manner during the period of growth and flowering. And every 2-3 years it is transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil. This is necessary so that the flower receives enough nutrients. If these procedures are not carried out, eucharis will bloom less and less. In the end, he will refuse to bloom at all.

The houseplant eucharis (eucharis) is a genus of bulbous perennials of the Amaryllis family, whose name is translated from ancient Greek as “elegant”, “pleasant”, “full of grace”. In nature, eucharis grow in Central and South America, from Guatemala to Bolivia, with most species found in the upper reaches of the Amazon, on the eastern slopes of the Andes. Among the people, eucharis is often called the Amazonian lily, although its large (about 6-12 cm in diameter) fragrant flowers are more similar in shape to daffodils. Collected in umbrellas of 5-7 pieces, they effectively contrast with dark green wide-oval leaves. The plant took its place in room culture at the beginning of the 19th century, winning the hearts of flower growers with its unpretentiousness and outstanding beauty.

With proper care, eucharis blooms three times a year: in July-August, November-December and February-March. Adult specimens are capable of producing up to 8 flower arrows at the same time, and each of the alternately blooming flowers lives for about 7-10 days. But what if the long-awaited flowering does not occur? Does this mean that the overseas guest decided to show character? Not at all! Like a true lady, the Amazon Lily appreciates attention and opens its lovely flowers only in response to care. Perhaps you failed to provide the beauty with a decent reception, or a mistake was made in caring for her. After fixing the errors, the issue will be resolved.


The Amazon Lily is an inhabitant of the lower tier of tropical rainforests, so indoors it will be comfortable on the western or eastern windowsill, under soft diffused light. It should also be noted that an adult eucharis bush reaches an impressive size, which means that it needs space for full development. If the windowsill is cramped, arrange a flower on a bedside table or on a stable stand, especially since the Amazon lily looks just great as a tapeworm plant.

For the summer, the plant can be taken out into the garden or onto an open balcony and placed in light partial shade so that the delicate foliage is not burned by direct sunlight. Keep in mind that the heat-loving Amazonian lily begins to suffer from the cold already in August, so be sure to return it to a warm place before the night frost sets in. And the Amazonian "lady" should be protected from drafts.

Temperature regime

Unlike many indoor plants that have migrated to culture from the tropics, eucharis has minimal requirements for ambient temperature. During periods of active vegetation and flowering, he feels good at + 18 ° ... + 22 ° C. The plant does not have a clearly defined dormant period, but after flowering a little rest will not hurt him: as soon as the last “daffodils” fade, remove the arrows that have become unnecessary and move your pet to a cool place. At a temperature of + 16 ° ... + 18 ° C, eucharis restores strength within 30-50 days.

Note! An increase or decrease in ambient temperature should be gradual, since sudden temperature changes negatively affect the quality of flowering: the flowers will be small and few.

Watering and ambient humidity

At any time of the year, eucharis is watered regularly and moderately: during growth and flowering - twice a week, during the dormant period - every 4-5 days. Water before use is recommended to defend for a day at room temperature. The Amazonian lily reacts very painfully to any violations of the irrigation regime: in a waterlogged acidic substrate, its bulb begins to rot, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off from a lack of moisture.

Ambient humidity is not essential for the development of eucharis, however, systematic spraying in the summer months has a beneficial effect on the health of the plant. From the accumulated dust, the leaves are periodically wiped with a damp sponge or rinsed under warm running water. During the flowering period, water procedures are canceled or carried out with the utmost care, preventing moisture from entering the petals.

top dressing

During active growth and flowering, eucharis is fed every 15 days. For this purpose, liquid complexes for flowering indoor crops (Fertika Lux, Agricola, Bone Forte) are suitable. The Amazonian beauty also responds well to organic matter, which is applied alternately with mineral fertilizers. In order not to burn the root system of the plant, top dressing is carried out immediately after abundant watering. At the end of flowering, the supply of nutrient solutions is stopped until a new arrow appears.


It is recommended to transplant eucharis every 3-4 years, and it is desirable to carry out the procedure during the dormant period, after the plant has faded. The substrate for transplantation is made up of soddy soil, leaf humus, fibrous peat soil and sand (2: 2: 1: 1). A drainage layer 2-2.5 cm thick must be laid at the bottom of a wide pot with low walls. The plant is transferred to a new container without destroying the earthen clod, since the Amazon lily suffers even minor damage to the root system very painfully. Planting depth - about 5-7 cm.

Important! A single bulb of eucharis releases a flower arrow only after it is overgrown with children, the formation of which can take from 3 to 5 years. Given this fact, during the initial planting in one pot, several bulbs should be settled at once. During transplantation, it is also not necessary to separate the “daughters” from the mother bulb, unless, of course, you plan to use them to propagate the plant. Group planting is also preferable from the point of view of decorativeness: lush thickets of eucharis look much more interesting than a lonely growing bush.

Diseases and pests

Sometimes the refusal of eucharis from flowering indicates the defeat of the plant by diseases or pests. Most often, the beautiful Amazon suffers from gray rot, a dangerous fungal infection, the development of which is facilitated by excessive watering and low temperatures. To save a diseased flower, first of all, it is necessary to reduce watering and treat the "patient" with any antifungal drugs, such as "Topaz", "Champion" or Bordeaux liquid. In case of severe damage, the bulb is dug out of the ground and, after removing all foci of infection, it is pickled in a solution of a copper-containing fungicide (Oxychome, copper sulphate).

Flowering stimulation

Sometimes the Amazon lily, which has forgotten about the timing of flowering, just needs to be “shaken” well. To do this, it is relocated for the winter to a cool, shaded place and kept with minimal watering, allowing the earthen who to dry out almost to the bottom. The power supply during this period is completely canceled. Staying in "extreme" conditions will quickly bring your beauty to life, which will quickly grow in spring and will definitely give you a lush bouquet of her elegant fragrant "daffodils".

Why doesn't eucharis bloom? This question is often asked by inexperienced amateur flower growers who are faced with a whole range of problems that arise when growing this most beautiful houseplant.

The absence of flowering, as a rule, is evidence of a violation of certain conditions for the maintenance of a flower. In this article, we will consider in detail the reasons why the plant refuses to bloom, as well as the ways in which eucharis will feel comfortable and delight its owner with the appearance of large fragrant flowers. How to make eucharis bloom?

Meet: Amazonian lily (species description)

Translated from ancient Greek into Russian, the name "euharis" means: "the most pleasant, charming."

Eucharis is a bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. The genus Eucharis has about two dozen species that easily interbreed with each other in the wild and form hybrids. Just as easily, eucharis crosses with plants belonging to closely related genera of the Amaryllis family.

Eucharis is native to the tropical rainforests of South and Central America. Eucharis species are most diverse in the vicinity of the Colombian Andes and in the deep Amazon basin, which is why eucharis is often called the Amazonian lily. In Europe, eucharis appeared at the beginning of the 19th century and soon became the most widespread throughout the continent as a garden and indoor plant.

Botanical features

Thanks to the vegetative mode of reproduction, eucharis almost never grows alone. Eucharis bulbs are 2 to 6 cm in diameter.

Eucharis is a very beautiful plant that is attractive at any time of the year. Its wide large (up to half a meter in length and twenty centimeters in width) lanceolate-shaped leaves are located on strong long petioles and have a beautiful glossy sheen.

Each bulb at a time throws out 3-4 leaves.

Amazon flowering usually occurs in August or early September, but often it is not tied to the season, since it largely depends on the conditions of the plant (similarly, the answer to the question: “when do crocuses bloom?” Depends on the whim of the grower, who can subject them to forcing) .

During the flowering period, eucharis throws out a tall, powerful peduncle crowned with an umbrella-shaped inflorescence consisting of several large flowers, similar to daffodils. In the center of the flower is an elegant "crown", formed by the overgrown base of the stamens and painted in different shades of yellow and green (depending on the species).

Room lily flowers have a delicate aroma.

Nuances of care

In the wild, eucharis grows in the lower tier of the rainforest, so it does not tolerate direct sunlight, although it loves bright lighting. The best place for placement is a well-lit window sill facing west or east.

In the hot period, eucharis must be protected from direct rays on it: glossy leaves can easily get burned. To prevent burns, it is enough to move the flower pot from the windowsill to the table, which is separated from the window by a light curtain.

Soil and planting requirements

The nutrient substrate for planting should consist of two parts of loam and one part of sand, leafy soil (or peat) and well-rotted manure. At the bottom of the flower pot it is necessary to pour a thick layer of expanded clay. Thus, you will provide the plant with a sufficiently drained soil that does not allow moisture to stagnate in the soil, since it is detrimental to the bulbs of a delicate tropical plant.

The landing depth should be small. It is desirable to plant several bulbs in one pot at once (up to six children can be planted in a pot with a diameter of 25 cm).

Temperature regime and subtleties of watering

Eucharis feels best when the daily air temperature in the room is 20-24 degrees. At night, the temperature should not fall below 15 degrees.

A very important factor in the successful maintenance of a flower is proper watering. Watering should be done only after the substrate in the pot has dried. After allowing the soil to dry thoroughly, the plant is watered abundantly. It is very useful to combine watering the plant with washing its leaves under light shower jets.

Washing the leaves can be replaced by regular spraying with water at room temperature. Watering should be generous in the spring and summer (April to August). In February and August, it is necessary to provide the plant with rest, which serves as a guarantor of abundant flowering. During this period, watering is best completely stopped.

About transplanting and feeding

During the growing season, eucharis needs regular fertilizing with organic matter and complex mineral fertilizers.

A newly transplanted Amazon does not need to be watered for a couple of weeks. Lighting during this period should be diffused, but bright, and the temperature in the room should be moderate.

When transplanting, it is useful to add grated mullein to the soil (at the rate of one glass per bucket of soil).

Plant problems

Eucharis does not bloom! What to do? This is not a question, but downright a cry from the heart of those amateur flower growers who have already despaired of contemplating the flowering of their lily (the question is no less dramatic: “fuchsia does not bloom: what to do?”). And this stubborn beauty can sit stubbornly in her pot for years and not give the slightest hope for the appearance of flowers.

The lack of flowering may indicate maintenance errors. Eucharis may not bloom for the following reasons:

1. The plant is planted in a pot that is too spacious. The fact is that euharis does not need too spacious a container and will not bloom until its roots completely braid an earthen ball. Being planted in a very spacious pot, eucharis will spend all its energy not on flowering, but on increasing the bulb and root system.

2. The bulb has not yet reached the desired size, allowing it to give several daughter plants (kids) and bloom.

3. The plant is not provided with a dormant period (the Amazon should retire twice a year). During this time, the plant accumulates the forces it needs to bloom.

Making buds appear

If you have several eucharis bulbs at your disposal, plant several things at once (at least three) in one pot. With the beginning of the growing season, they will quickly occupy the entire volume of the container, which will provoke a rapid onset of flowering.

If there is only one bulb, you should plant it in a small pot. The flower grower will have to stock up on the patience necessary for the plant to grow and have children. It is the appearance of daughter plants in a flower pot that is evidence that eucharis is quite ready for flowering.

The plant needs to provide a dormant period twice a year (in February and at the end of summer). At this point, the plant is transplanted into a new pot (leaving several bulbs in it), practically stopping spraying, watering and all kinds of top dressing. The maximum air temperature in a room with a resting eucharis should not exceed 18 degrees.

At the same time, drafts and sudden temperature changes are unacceptable. Two months later, a pot with a rested lily must be brought into a warm room, starting abundant watering and regular feeding.

A sharp contrast in conditions will certainly give impetus to the formation of powerful peduncles, and the plant will certainly please its owner with abundant flowering. For autumn flowering, a similar algorithm of actions should be repeated at the end of August.


Eucharis lends itself perfectly to distillation, that is, it can be made to bloom by any date you need: for Christmas, New Year or the birthday of a beloved relative. Experienced flower growers resort to rather radical methods for this:

Watering the eucharis is completely stopped until the substrate is completely dry (for four weeks). The maximum temperature of the plant during this period should not exceed 15 degrees.

The bulb is removed from the soil, wrapped in polyethylene and sent to a thermos with water heated to 65 degrees. After 24 hours, the bulb is removed from the thermos and planted in a nutrient substrate.

The temperature of the content of eucharis before the appearance of the peduncle should be 23-25 ​​degrees. After the formation of the flower arrow, you can lower it to normal room temperature.

With skillful care, euharis is able to delight others with its flowers three times a year.

Eucharis is unpretentious in home care, if you follow a few expert advice. Its name translates as "The Most Pleasant". It is also called the Amazonian lily, which is even more common than eucharis.

Attention! Eucharis contains alkaloids that cause vomiting. Place the flower out of the reach of children and animals to prevent unpleasant consequences. However, if there is no one in your family who, by chance, can taste the plant, then you can safely place the eucharis as you like, and decorate your interior with it without fear.

In this article, we have collected detailed instructions for caring for eucharis for you. Carefully read them, and you will grow a beautiful flower that will become an elegant decoration of your home. If you take into account all the aspects and difficulties of growing eucharis, there will be no difficulties in its care.

Homeland of Euhairis

Eucharis was first discovered in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, as well as in Colombia and the upper Amazon. An exotic flower came to Europe in the 19th century and immediately became a real decoration of many botanical gardens. It was then that the plant began to be called "Euharis", which means "the most charming", "graceful". To date, according to various sources, from 10 to 20 species of this plant have been recorded.

If you are just a beginner lover of indoor plants and have not yet decided what to choose for your collection of flowers on the windowsill, then the recommendation would be eucharis grandiflora. We can say with confidence that when buying this flower there will be no doubts. There is only one "but". The Amazon lily is far from a small flower and therefore can take up a lot of space in your house or apartment.

Some plant lovers are interested in the question, how many leaves should a eucharis have? There are plants with 5-7 leaves, and this is sometimes confusing, but in general there are 3-4 leaves per bulb. Most importantly, the number of leaves does not in any way affect the flowering of the plant.

Appearance of eucharis

Undoubtedly, the main decoration of the plant are its flowers. In shape, they resemble daffodils, they smell pleasant. The diameter of one inflorescence is from 10 to 12 cm, the height of the peduncle reaches 70 cm. The color scheme is not too diverse: the predominant majority of varieties form white inflorescences, but today breeders have bred varieties with cream and blue flowers.

  • Eucharis leaves are no less decorative than flowers: large, glossy, dark green and do not lose their decorative effect throughout the year. The dimensions of the leaf plate are quite impressive: length - 40 cm, width - 20 cm. The surface of the leaves is slightly wrinkled, with clear longitudinal veins.
  • In the process of growth, the plant may lose some leaves, this is not a sign of illness, but a natural process.
  • The root system of the flower is represented by a bulb, which is covered with golden scales. In order for the plant in the flowerpot to look thick, as a rule, several bulbs are planted, which bloom at different times.

The plant is very undemanding, but it is necessary to follow some recommendations of experts.

The poisonousness of eucharis

It must be remembered that the plant itself contains the alkaloid lycorine, which is poisonous to humans and stimulates the vomiting center in the human brain. Therefore, the plant should be kept out of the reach of small children or pets. After transplanting the plant, hands should be washed well with soap and water.

Eucharis home care

The bulbs quickly grow into bushes and form a voluminous bush with lush inflorescences. On one bulb sprouts from two to four leaves. There are more than twenty varieties of eucharis, but it is possible to distinguish between them when it blooms. The inflorescences of the eucharis flower themselves are similar to narcissus, a delicate pleasant smell emanates from it.

  • If you can provide eucharis with decent care at home, then it will delight you with abundant growth and beautiful inflorescences.
  • The houseplant eucharis is not afraid of a shady place, since in the forests of its homeland, direct sunlight is generally absent.
  • But, nevertheless, euharis home care does not tolerate complete deprivation of sunlight. Because, in the absence of the sun, the leaves turn pale and lose their appearance.

For full growth, a houseplant eucharis should be placed on the southeast or southwest windows. In the summer, the eucharis flower is best left in the house. On the street, due to temperature changes, the flower may die. After all, the optimal temperature regime is 18 -25 degrees.

rest period

The rest period is very important for the plant. It was during this time that he gained strength for growth. After flowering, dried flower stalks are carefully removed, while in no case touching the leaves. At rest, eucharis does not lose its decorative effect, but only passes from one stage to another.

  • The rest period lasts about a month. It usually falls between April and October. However, if the plant is properly and carefully cared for, it can bloom three times a year. Sometimes the plant has three dormant periods per year.
  • During the dormant period, you can safely move the plant to another cooler place. However, this condition is not necessary for the successful development of the plant. After a dormant period, when young sprouts appear on the eucharis and their active growth begins, watering is resumed.
  • With proper care for eucharis during the dormant period, it can delight with flowers up to two times a year - in early spring and late autumn! The growth of the bulbs usually occurs more actively from the middle of winter, fresh leaves begin to appear from these bulbs in the spring, and the flower arrow can form as early as March.

The dormant period lasts two months, it precedes the spring awakening. From October-November, watering is gradually reduced, maintaining the relative humidity of the soil. By January, watering is minimized, wetting the soil as it dries completely, maintaining an ambient temperature of about 15 degrees. Under such conditions, eucharis hibernates, and with the advent of spring, watering is gradually increased, when a flower arrow appears, the first top dressing is performed.

Should I cut off the faded arrow? At your discretion! But, so that the flower does not waste energy on the formation of seeds, it is better to cut it off when the arrow begins to turn yellow.

It is important

But with proper care, the Amazonian lily can please you with flowering three times a year. The dormant period of eucharis begins almost immediately after flowering. It is recommended to cut off faded flower stalks, reduce watering and move it to a cooler room. Although the latter is not at all necessary, it is simply desirable.

The rest period of this plant does not last long, only a month. This is enough for him to recuperate. When, after this month, young offspring begin to appear, this signals the exit of the plant from dormancy. From this moment, the usual care of eucharis begins.

Eucharis bloom

If you provide the plant with proper care, the flowering of eucharis will be plentiful and long. Subject to good lighting and sufficient nutrients, flowering begins in February and lasts an average of a month. Eucharis may re-bloom in autumn.

  • As a rule, the plant produces only one inflorescence, however, if your bush is large, mature and well-groomed, two or even three branches with flowers may form on it.
  • The flowers of the plant are collected in inflorescences, each with three to seven flowers. The diameter of each flower is from 10 to 12 centimeters. Color - snow-white, filaments fused at the base.
  • During the flowering period, watering is of particular importance. The soil should never be too wet. To do this, provide holes in the bottom of the flowerpot and good drainage when planting. The soil should dry out fairly well between waterings.

Flowering occurs most often in winter and early spring, but in indoor culture, the flowering period depends on the specific conditions, so flowering eucharis can be seen at any time of the year. The peduncle about 50 cm long develops very quickly: within 2 weeks after its appearance, flowers collected in inflorescences - umbrellas, usually 6-7 pieces, begin to open.

The most common varieties of eucharis for indoor cultivation:

  • Eucharis grandiflora (Amazon lily);
  • Eucharis snow-white;
  • Eucharis Foster;
  • Eucharis Sanders.

Temperature regime

Given that under natural climatic conditions, eucharis grows in hot tropical forests, it needs a high air temperature. In summer, the optimal temperature regime varies from +23 to +30 degrees, in winter it is important that the temperature does not fall below +15 degrees. The plant feels great in the fresh air, so in the warm season, a container with a flower can be taken out to a balcony or terrace.

The plant should be protected from sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Otherwise, the eucharis completely sheds its foliage.
Temperature. The plant is thermophilic, so it is not recommended to leave it outdoors when the temperature starts to drop below 18 ° C. Frost and drafts should also be avoided at home.

Under normal home conditions

In winter, the temperature largely depends on what stage of growth the plant is in. It is not uncommon that eucharis blooms in winter. In this case, the temperature should be maintained at least +18 degrees. True, the recommended temperature for the winter period does not differ much (+ 15-17 degrees).


The temperature at which eucharis should grow and bloom is from 18 to 22 degrees. Those. at normal room temperature, the flower will feel comfortable. You should be aware that temperature drops (7 degrees or more) will cause the flowers to be much smaller than usual. There is a high probability of this when the flower grows on the street, and temperature drops day and night are very noticeable.

  • In winter, the optimum temperature for a plant is 15-17 degrees. But again, it is worth monitoring the development of eucharis and seeing what temperature is most suitable for flower growth. During the growth period, the temperature should be 18 degrees and not lower.
  • Tropical burdock is accustomed to the shade, because in the forests where it grows, there are no direct sunlight. However, you should not deprive him of the sun at all! Without it, the leaves turn pale and lose their decorative effect.
  • For normal growth, it is enough to place the pot near the southeast or southwest windows. During a period of sun deficiency, you can make up for its lack of artificial lighting.

How to create a backlight for flowers in winter. By the way, unlike hibiscus, it is better to leave this representative of blooming room flora in the room for the summer period. After all, fluctuations in daily temperatures can destroy the plant! The optimum temperature is 18-25 degrees, it should be constant.

Light requirements

The light for the plant needs bright, but diffused. Eucharis also grows well in partial shade. The best place to grow a flower is the western windows.
If you grow eucharis on a south window, protect the flower from direct sunlight.
Additional nutrition is necessary for the plant during the period of active growth and flowering. At this time, liquid top dressing for flowering plants is introduced into the soil. The frequency of feeding is twice a month.

It is better to give preference to complex mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. To prepare the solution, the concentration indicated on the package should be reduced three times.

Lighting. Euharis does not tolerate the midday sun, so it is better to put it on the windowsill from the east or from the west. In summer, he especially needs light shading. This plant will also feel good in the back of the room (with sufficient lighting).

Location and lighting

Eucharis is very easy to care for. As for lighting, the plant can grow and bloom in any room, on windowsills and windows, even on the north side. But, despite such unpretentiousness, it is impossible to argue that the plant loves the shade. For example, if the room is on the north side, then you need to place the eucharis as close to the window as possible.

If the size of the window sills allows, then you can put the pot on them. The plant should always receive as much light as it needs. But it should be remembered that direct sunlight, especially from the east and south sides of the windows, can harm the leaves in the summer. The sun's rays can burn the leaves. If there is such a risk, then it is better to place the flower pot not in front of the window, but, for example, on the side.

Eucharis can grow and bloom, even on windowsills (or near windows) on the north side. The light he gets there is enough for him. But it is also impossible to rank this flower as shade-tolerant, it needs good illumination. If you provide protection from sunlight, then the flower can be placed on the east and even south side. Quite often, when the eucharis has already outgrown the period when it can be placed on the windowsill, it is placed on a stand by the window or in the wall between the windows.

Air humidity

Eucharis needs high humidity. When there are no inflorescences on the plant and the air temperature is high enough, you can spray the bush daily. The rest of the time, it is important to ensure that water does not accumulate at the base of the leaves and on the inflorescences.

How to water eucharis?

In a houseplant, eucharis bulbs are too sensitive to air temperature and soil moisture in which it is located. Stagnation of water in a pot will lead to decay of the root system and death of the plant itself. Thus, it should be noted that watering should be plentiful, but at the request of the soil.

  • If about 3 cm of soil you feel moisture, then do not water yet. Due to its wide leaves, dust accumulates on eucharis, and it is advisable to wipe it several times a week with a damp cloth.
  • Watering should be done along the edges of the pot, so you don't endanger the bulbs for rotting.
  • This is one of the most important aspects of eucharis care. After all, the success of growing a plant at home depends on proper watering.
  • So, you need to water the plant quite rarely and only when the soil is completely dry. Stagnant water can be detrimental to eucharis. It will contribute to rotting of the roots and further death of the plant.

You need to learn how to properly water the plant. Eucharis is better to water rarely than abundantly and regularly. A flooded plant is much more difficult to save than a dried one. After flowering, watering stops, peace sets in.

Watering mode

In the case of eucharis, it is extremely important not to overmoisten the soil. The plant will tolerate light drought much easier than heavy watering. When watering, it is necessary to carefully pour water into the flowerpot so that moisture does not fall on the flowers, otherwise black spots form on the petals.
It is important to observe the measure, since excess water leads to decay of leaves and inflorescences. Watering. Eucharis should be watered rarely, but abundantly, after the earth dries out (with excess moisture, the bulbs rot). More water is required by the plant during flowering. It is useful to regularly spray the leaves of indoor eucharis (make sure that water does not fall on the flowers).

Proper watering is the key to the successful development of the plant and its abundant flowering. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to water regularly, but rarely. The soil in the pot should be almost completely dry by the time of the next watering. Frequent watering, and especially stagnant water in a pot, can greatly harm the eucharis. Overdrying in this case is not as dangerous as excessive moisture.

It is sometimes very difficult for a beginner gardener to determine the level of drying of the soil. I'll give you a little advice. Take a thin, pointed stick the height of the pot and dip it into the ground from time to time for 5-10 minutes. Moisture on a stick will tell you to what level the eucharis soil has dried out. During the dormant period, watering almost stops, you can only occasionally pour water into the pan. Over time, watching the plant, you will gain the necessary experience, and proper watering will not present any difficulties for you.

Water procedures

The Amazon Lily belongs to the Amaryllis family and its bulbs are sensitive to temperature and soil moisture. Do not allow stagnant water, this will inevitably lead to decay! Therefore, watering should be plentiful, but not frequent, only after the soil dries out. If the soil is wet to a depth of 3 cm, it is better to postpone watering! 8 rules for watering. Eucharis is not picky about care, but will be grateful for the regular wiping of the leaves with a damp cloth.

  • Their wide surface quickly accumulates dust, which prevents the plant from "breathing"!
  • Spraying is not among the mandatory procedures, but it will only benefit, because the lily comes from tropical forests, where the air is humid.
  • Foliar dressing - what is it?

Important! Water should not be poured into the center where the leaves grow from, it is better to evenly distribute it along the wall of the pot. So you will reduce the risk of waterlogging the bulbs to zero!

Eucharis fertilizer

The flower requires good fertilizer during flowering and abundant growth. Suitable, universal fertilizer. It is better to choose specifically for bulbous or indoor flowering plants. Also, a solution of dry cow dung or an ash tincture will bring benefits, with their properties they feed the flower well during its flowering or abundant growth.


But the lily also responds well to organic matter. So, a solution of dry granular manure, or an ash infusion will be very useful for maintaining strength during the active period for the flower. Learn more about organic fertilizers. You can alternate two types of fertilizers, given that during flowering, the phosphorus-potassium component is more important, and during the period of leaf growth, nitrogen.

How to transplant?

In euharis, transplantation does not take much time, and does not cause problems, because this happens extremely rarely. Eucharis should not be transplanted if it fills the pot, as it may refuse to bloom in a large pot.

  • Eucharis should be transplanted when the bulbs have completely filled the pot. And the pot should be chosen only a few centimeters larger than the previous one in diameter, it is better to choose a wide rather than a deep dish.
  • How to transplant eucharis without harm to the plant and so that it blooms? In eucharis, reproduction occurs by dividing into bulbs. Why eucharis does not bloom, it should be borne in mind that with a single transplant, eucharis practically does not bloom. And it takes about 3 years to wait for this moment, until additional bulbs appear.
  • For eucharis, soil is preferred, rich in nutrients. Eucharis soil can be prepared with your own hands. To do this, you need to take ordinary garden soil, sand and mix with humus in accordance with 2: 1, do not forget to fill up expanded clay on the bottom.
  • Eucharis care at home, you must always take into account that sudden changes in the conditions of its habitat lead eucharis to diseases. Why do eucharis leaves turn yellow? When the lower leaves die off in eucharis, this is a normal natural process for a well-growing flower. If the leaves fall en masse, the cause may be abundant watering.

If the Amazonian lily does not bloom, it does not mean that it needs to be transplanted, daughter bulbs may grow, there may be a lack of light. Flowering can be stimulated with special preparations in small doses, having previously watered the soil with water.

Eucharis transplant

The plant does not require frequent transplantation. It is necessary to change the soil and the growing container no more than once every three or even four years. The plant is transplanted, and at the same time the bush is divided when the entire surface of the flowerpot is filled with small bulbs. As a result, the capacitance becomes unstable and may fall.

The optimal period for transplantation is after the end of flowering. When digging up a bush, care should be taken, as the plant reacts very painfully to any, the most insignificant, interference in the root system. It is important to try to keep the earth ball so that the location of the roots in the soil does not change during the transplant process.

Eucharis Care

It is very easy to take care of him at home. It is not particularly demanding on lighting and temperature, and the rules for watering, fertilizing, transplanting, and other things are not much different from the rules for caring for many houseplants; caring for eucharis is much easier than, for example, calathea or azaleas. Let's take these rules in order.


Eucharis can grow and bloom, even on windowsills (or near windows) on the north side. The light he gets there is enough for him. But it is also impossible to rank this flower as shade-tolerant, it needs good lighting. If you provide protection from sunlight, then the flower can be placed on the east and even south side. Quite often, when the eucharis has already outgrown the period when it can be placed on the windowsill, it is placed on a stand by the window or in the wall between the windows.


Under normal home conditions when the temperature is within + 18-22 degrees, eucharis will feel great. Very often in the summer it is taken out into the fresh air. Indeed, he is much more comfortable there. BUT! If in your area there is a big difference between day and night temperatures (from 8 degrees and more), then these differences can lead to the fact that the flowers will be small.

In winter, the temperature largely depends on what stage of growth the plant is in. It is not uncommon that eucharis blooms in winter. In this case, the temperature should be maintained at least +18 degrees. True, the recommended temperature for the winter period does not differ much (+ 15-17 degrees).

rest period

This is a very important period in the development of eucharis. During this time, he must gain strength for subsequent flowering. This is a common feature of all amaryllis (amaryllis, hippeastrum, hemanthus, etc.). But the main difference from them is that it does not lose its foliage, and therefore does not lose its decorative effect, becoming a “deciduous-deciduous” plant. Eucharis can bloom twice a year, therefore, it has two dormant periods between flowering. Most often they occur in mid-spring and mid-autumn.

But with proper care, the Amazonian lily can please you with flowering three times a year. The dormant period of eucharis begins almost immediately after flowering. It is recommended to cut off faded flower stalks, reduce watering and move it to a cooler room. Although the latter is not at all necessary, it is simply desirable. The rest period of this plant does not last long, only a month.

This is enough for him to recuperate. When, after this month, young offspring begin to appear, this signals the exit of the plant from dormancy. From this moment, the usual care of eucharis begins.


Proper watering is the key to the successful development of the plant and its abundant flowering. The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to water regularly, but rarely. The soil in the pot should be almost completely dry by the time of the next watering. Frequent watering, and especially stagnant water in a pot, can greatly harm the eucharis.

top dressing

Eucharis are fertilized only during the period of active growth and flowering. Be sure to pay attention to its content when using fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizers are unacceptable for him, unless of course you want to turn a flower into an ornamental leafy plant.

Nitrogen stimulates the development of leaves, makes them large and beautiful, and flowering will be poor, if not at all. Therefore, feed eucharis only with a complex fertilizer for flowering indoor plants, which has an increased content of phosphorus, which is necessary for flowering plants. The frequency of top dressing is twice a month.
It is important! Fertilizers can be applied no earlier than two hours after watering.

Tightness in a pot

Like most amaryllis, eucharis does not need a spacious pot, it definitely needs some tightness. Only in such conditions will it bloom. An incorrectly selected pot is the most common reason that eucharis does not bloom! For this reason, it should not be transplanted more often than once every three years. By this time, the plant should already have offspring, which in one pot help the "parent" to bloom beautifully and abundantly.

When transplanting, pay due attention to drainage. Poor drainage of water from the roots and bulbs can lead to stagnation of water, and as a result, disease and death of the plant. The most common and recommended soil composition for eucharis: mix two parts of compost soil and one part of peat with one part of sand (coarse-grained). Sand can be replaced with perlite or mixed equally.

As for the depth of planting the bulb, here you can find various recommendations, but most often the bulb of the eucharis is only half deep (like that of nolina).
By the way. It is often a concern for beginner flower growers that baby bulbs are completely underground. But there is no need to worry, it is quite normal. Moreover, when transplanting, if you do not separate them, then plant them like that, deepening completely.

For eucharis, an earthen mixture is suitable, consisting of:

  • Leaf land;
  • sod land;
  • Peat;
  • sand;
  • Cow dung (well rotted).

The flowerpot needs a wide and shallow. You will also need a good drainage layer, at least 2 centimeters thick. The planting depth of the bulb should not exceed 5 centimeters.
When transplanting, small children should not be separated from the mother bulb, this can lead to the fact that the plant will stop blooming for a long time.

Quite often, novice gardeners are faced with a problem when the eucharis does not bloom due to the fact that the pot is too spacious. You should know that eucharis will fully develop and bloom only in a cramped pot. It is recommended to transplant eucharis no more than once every three years. To do this, you need to select the following composition of the earth:

  • 2 parts of compost soil
  • 1 part peat
  • 1 part coarse river sand

For a successful transplant, it is important to provide the soil with good drainage.

When to start transplanting

Planting and transplanting plants should be carried out in March. Unnecessarily, the separation of children is not recommended, since eucharis planted singly will not bloom for a long time. The bulb is placed in the soil to a depth of about 4-5 cm (so that it is not visible on the surface). After planting, eucharis should be given a 10-day rest, during which it is recommended to keep the plant in a cool room with shading and without watering.

The pot is chosen spacious and heavy, deep and wide, always with a drainage hole (such a pot will not slow down the emergence of new bulbs, and flowering will not worsen).

In good conditions, indoor eucharis forms a large "bush" of leaves, many daughter bulbs and beautiful snow-white flowers that will delight their owners and their guests.

Eucharis reproduction

The plant can be propagated by seeds, but this method is quite laborious and does not always give a positive result. The first flowers appear no earlier than five years later. Therefore, flower growers are advised to use the division method. This method is more reliable, does not require special skills and knowledge.

  • The main feature of reproduction is a special division technique. At least four bulbs should remain on each new plant. In this case, your flower will bloom quickly and take root much faster in a new flowerpot. The first flowers on new plants will appear in the year of division.
  • The main types of propagation of eucharis: the separation of bulbs (the type of bulbs is shown in the photo below) and seeds. The first way is easier at home. For faster flowering, flowers should be planted in separate pots if daughter plants appear in eucharis. In one pot, several plants will develop more slowly than in separate conditions. If you do not want to propagate the plant, then the children do not need to be seated. In this case, the flowering of eucharis will be more intense.
  • Reproduction of eucharis is carried out by dividing an adult bush. Each bulb should be planted in a pot, where there will be minimal room for the roots. After transplanting, you need to water the plant and leave it alone for 10 days.

There is also one common question that interests people who have purchased eucharis so much: how deep should the plant be planted? This question can be answered in different ways. It is necessary to plant a divided plant to a depth reaching half the size of the bulb. The fact is that when growth begins and children begin to appear, in which the bulbs will be completely buried. This is normal and you shouldn't worry about it. With further transplants, you should also not plant it differently - you need to leave it as it was.


A dormant period is necessary for the plant in order to gain strength for flowering next year. If the euharis is not provided with rest, there will be few flowers or buds will not appear at all.

As a rule, the flower rests for one month, this happens in April and October. In some cases, it happens that the plant rests three times a year. At this time, it is necessary to cut off all flower stalks, but be sure to leave the leaves. A container with a flower can be placed in a cool place and slightly reduce watering. As soon as new plants form, it is necessary to return the flowerpot to a warm place again and resume the previous watering regimen.

Eucharis disease and treatment

If the leaves of the Amazonian lily are spinning, this means that in this way it saves the evaporation of moisture from the leaves, then it is worth humidifying the air in the room. Wipe its leaves often with a damp cloth and spray.

If new leaves are spinning or everything is completely, then it is worth checking for pests under the leaves. Another reason may be the overcooling of the plant or overzealous fertilizer.

In general, eucharis is a fairly hardy plant that is rarely attacked by insect pests and diseases. However, if you grow a flower in conditions of high temperature and low humidity, spider mites, scale insects and thrips appear.

There are several ways to deal with insects:

Eucharis omens and superstitions

If there are children in the house, then euharis helps the child to develop perseverance, raises his horizons and reveals his hidden talents. According to Feng Shui, if a flower is placed in the bedroom, then everyone who sleeps in it will be tormented by insomnia, irritability and increased excitability will appear. It is better to place the flower in the working area, and not in the rest and sleep area.

Many believe that if you have this flower in the house, it will serve as a strong amulet for the whole family from trouble. On the wedding day, young girls and brides wear eucharis flowers in their hair to avoid the evil eye. Also, they used to say that if eucharis began to disappear and wither, then it took over someone's illness from the residents.

By the way, it should be noted that the leaves of our beauty are poisonous and provoke nausea, so you should take this into account and place it in areas where it is smaller, children will get it. Also, she does not get along with all colors, her neighborhood should be taken into account.

Why doesn't eucharis bloom?

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is too spacious a pot, so the plant spends a lot of energy on the development of the root system.

Buds and flowers appear only when eucharis is grown in a tight pot. To do this, one should not rush to transplant, and it is necessary to change the container no more than once every three years. If you do not want to disturb the eucharis and replant it, plant a few more bulbs in the container, thus artificially reducing the space in the flowerpot for the plant.

Another possible reason why inflorescences do not appear on the plant is the lack of a dormant period. The bush must be placed for a month in a semi-dark, cool place and reduce watering and fertilizing.

Why do leaves turn yellow and die?

If this is a solitary phenomenon, don't worry. The process of leaf death for eucharis is quite natural. If the foliage turns yellow en masse, several measures should be taken:

Difficulties in care

Caring for a plant is not as troublesome as it seems. But, of course, problems can arise. For example, such problems include wilting of leaves, as well as their yellowing. If only one or two leaves turn yellow on the plant, this is normal.

If the leaves turn yellow simply en masse, and even more so if brown spots appear on the leaves, you need to start taking action. This condition can be caused by hypothermia, as well as overdrying or overflowing of eucharis. First you need to inspect the roots and remove those that are rotten or damaged. Then transplant the plant into fresh soil, and place it away from bright light. Watering is rarely needed.

If the roots, upon examination, are healthy and without visible damage, then the task is simplified. You just need to remove the leaves that have turned yellow. Do not postpone the solution of this problem and wait for its independent resolution. Amazon lily or euharis can easily die completely. Both in the first and in the second case, you need to find the cause of the poor condition of the plant and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Diseases, pests and problems

The plant is rarely affected by pests. Possible pests: mealy worm (white cotton-like lumps appear on the plant), thrips. Insecticides will help cure the plant in this case.

Why doesn't eucharis bloom?

Most likely, the plant is not kept in the most favorable conditions. It is impossible to lower the temperature in the room with eucharis below 18 degrees. And just a sharp change in temperature as a result of ventilation can adversely affect the well-being of the flower. Eucharis does not bloom if the rest period was insufficient. Also, if the bulb of the Amazonian lily is still young, then it will not bloom until it is sufficiently developed. This period can last 4-5 years.

Why do eucharis leaves turn yellow and die?

From time to time, some leaves may turn yellow and fall off. If there are few of them, then this is not scary and you should not worry. But if the leaves turn yellow massively and blackish spots may also appear on them, then you need to start acting. Such yellowing of the foliage may be a reaction to changing conditions: too low a temperature, too plentiful, or, conversely, insufficient watering.

Why do reddish spots appear on the leaves?

If the leaves are covered with longitudinal red spots, then these are signs red burn, or stagonosporosis. This is a fungal disease that affects not only eucharis, but also other plants of the bulbous family (to which eucharis belongs). With a red burn, fungicides that contain copper help fight. This is "Abiga-Peak", blue vitriol, "Hom". The drug "Maxim" also helps. It is necessary to remove the affected peduncles and scales, and either spray the plant with fungicides or soak in the preparation.

Why does the bulb rot?

Most likely, the plant is affected by the narcissus fly. To combat the fly, preparations BI-58 (rogor) and actellik will help. For this, 5 ml of BI-58 or 10 ml of Actellik is taken and 5 liters of water are added. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to soak the bulbs. A simpler method, heat treatment, can also help. Dip the bulb in hot water (40-45 degrees) for three hours. After that, let it dry.

If the plant stands in a room where there is always dry air, the eucharis can be attacked by a scale insect. Interestingly, pests attack eucharis very rarely, but their appearance is not excluded.

Growing problems?

In the care of the Amazonian lily, it must be borne in mind that sudden changes in conditions make the plant sick. Therefore, try not to stress him too much!

If the leaves of the eucharis flower turn yellow ...

The death of the lower old leaves is a regularity for an actively growing eucharis (if it grows new ones). The most likely cause of mass yellowing is waterlogging of the soil. In this case, the leaves quickly wither, turn brown at the edges and die!

  • If the process develops rapidly, carefully remove the top layer of the earth and check the bulbs: if they are soft, damp, uneven in color, then there is a rotting process.
  • Even in this case, the plant can still be saved! Cut off the damaged segments with a sharp knife, sprinkle the cuts with activated charcoal, let dry on a newspaper in a ventilated area and place back into the ground after drying it.
  • But sometimes yellowing of old leaves can portend an early flowering. So, with a deficiency of nutrients in the soil, eucharis gets rid of old foliage, directing all its forces to the formation of a peduncle.

Carefully dig and check the bulbs: if they are firm and healthy, then the plant is normal. You just need to place it in a warmer and brighter place and be sure to feed it. Perhaps soon a new leaf will appear from the center of the leaf rosette, and even a flower arrow!

If the leaves of eucharis have lost turgor ...

If the leaves take their former shape after watering, then the lack of water is to blame. In addition, hypothermia is a provoking factor: a drop in temperature, or watering with cold water. In order for the burdock to come to its senses, the soil must warm up.

If eucharis does not bloom ...

This is the most common problem for beginner growers. First of all, do not rush to transplant the plant! The formation of daughter bulbs is an excellent prerequisite for flowering. It is preceded by a dormant period (see above), there must be enough light for the appearance of peduncles.

The eucharis flower at home can be stimulated with the Pollen or Bud preparations, but very carefully, with minimal concentrations, after wetting the soil with water for irrigation.

If the leaves of the Amazonian lily are deformed ...

Sometimes you can observe the folding of leaves: this is how eucharis protects itself from dry air, preventing moisture from evaporating. Wipe the leaves more often with a damp cloth, ridding them of dust and increasing humidity!

Was the new sheet deformed? Perhaps in the process of deployment, he received mechanical damage. If all leaves are deformed, inspect their inner side for pests. The reason may also be an excess of fertilizer, or hypothermia. Burdock reacts vividly to changing conditions of detention!

If the old leaves disappear with the advent of new ones ...

Such metamorphoses are observed more often in winter, during a shortage of sunlight. The plant simply does not have enough reserves to support the growth of new leaves and the preservation of old ones! Provide the flower with stable lighting, water as the coma dries out, do not overdry or overmoisten the ground. Try top dressing with organic fertilizers in the minimum concentration, or fertilizers for bulbous crops.

Possible difficulties

  • Novice flower growers sometimes complain that eucharis does not bloom, because there are few leaves on the bulbs. I want to reassure you - the number of leaves has nothing to do with flowering (except when there are none at all). Under normal conditions, each bulb produces three or four leaves, but it can often be five or seven.
  • Yellowing and wilting of the leaves are also very disturbing. But the withering of one or two leaves is a natural and normal process.
  • It is much worse when this phenomenon becomes widespread, and if it is accompanied by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. In this case, urgent intervention is required. The reasons may be different: improper watering, or excessive, or insufficient, or hypothermia. In any case, the roots suffer. Remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. If you find rotten and damaged roots, cut them off. Transplant eucharis in fresh soil, and move to a dark place and water rarely. If the roots are intact, then simply remove the diseased leaves. At the same time, transplanting and renewing the land will not hurt. But saving the plant is only half the battle. Analyze the situation and find the root cause of the trouble that happened, in order to avoid its recurrence.

It is important! With proper maintenance and strict observance of all the rules of care, there will be no problems with eucharis. Even pests, the most likely of which are scale insects, will bypass your plant.

Eucharis (eucharis) comes from the Amazon subtropical forests.

In this regard, this plant received a second name - the Amazonian lily, although the shape of the flower is more like a narcissus.

Eucharis gained popularity in indoor floriculture due to its elegant white flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma.

Of all the existing species of this plant, suitable for growing at home:

Eucharis white;

Eucharis large-flowered or Amazonian (grandiflora);

Eucharis toothless (callifruria).

Despite its tropical origin, the Amazonian lily is unpretentious in its care and, subject to simple rules, will delight with its flowering twice a year.

Euharis: home care. Reproduction, transplant


Eucharis is propagated vegetatively and by seeds. At home, the first method is used. Amazon lily forms a large family of daughter bulbs. They are separated only after they are sufficiently isolated from the mother bulb. It is better to do this in March-April. Separated children are seated in separate pots with pre-prepared soil.

Daughter babies ready for transplant


Euharis is hard to tolerate the violation of the earthy coma and damage to the roots, so it should be transplanted rarely - once every 3-4 years. A sign that a transplant is necessary is the formation of numerous daughter bulbs. To separate them from the mother bulb or not depends on the goals of the grower:

If you need to propagate the plant, then each baby is planted in a separate container;

If you want to get lush flowering from a plant, then it is better to transplant the bulbous family without separation.

The best period for a transplant is March. Healthy plants are transferred to a new pot without destroying the earthy coma. Sick specimens should be examined for bulb rot before transplantation. In this case, the earth is carefully shaken off or washed off the roots, the damaged parts are cut off, the cuts are disinfected and treated with fungicides. Bulbs with leaves are buried in the soil by 4-5 cm.

Planting eucharis: bulbs with roots and leaves are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm

If there are no leaves, then the bulb is planted so that its top remains above the ground. This will make it easier to monitor the development of the plant.

For planting, experienced flower growers advise using narrow and tall pots with holes at the bottom. Thick drainage is required to prevent stagnant moisture and rotting of the root system.

If you got a bulb without roots and leaves, then the container for it is taken in such a way that the distance from the edge of the pot to the bulb is no more than 2-3 cm. The substrate must be diluted in half with sand and slightly moistened. The planted plant is placed in a bright, warm place.

The first 14-20 days after transplantation, eucharis is watered moderately - as the soil dries up. If bulbs with leaves were planted, then they can be sprayed regularly. Leafless bulbs will start new shoots about 30-45 days after planting.

Euharis: home care. Soil, air temperature and humidity, watering, fertilizing

The soil

The Amazonian lily needs fertile soil with good air and moisture permeability. This must be taken into account when independently compiling the soil mixture. For its manufacture, components such as humus, leafy soil, sand, peat (1: 2: 1: 0.5) are used. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of expanded clay, coconut shell, and small gravel is required to drain excess moisture. If you choose from mixtures sold in stores, then it is better to opt for amaryllis soils.


Eucharis grows well in partial shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. At home, its optimal placement will be the windows of the east or west direction. In summer, the plant can be sent to fresh air, having previously arranged for it to be protected from the midday sun and precipitation.

Temperature and humidity

This native of the tropics is thermophilic, so the most optimal temperature range during growth and flowering is + 24-28C. Large temperature differences affect the size of the flowers - they become smaller. After flowering, the eucharis begins the dormant stage: at this time, the plant is kept in the range of 17-18C. At + 10C and below, the plant can shed its leaves, and the bulbs begin to rot. Euharis does not make any special claims to the humidity of the air in the room. It should be sprayed only during the active growing season. During flowering, this procedure must be carried out carefully so that moisture does not get on the flowers, because. drops of water cause the formation of brown spots on them. Dust from the leaves is wiped with a damp cloth.


Eucharis should be watered moderately, avoiding overdrying and excessive moisture of the soil. The next watering is carried out after the soil has dried by 1/3 of the volume (when the soil is waterlogged, the root system of the plant rots). Irrigation water should be settled at room temperature. Excess water accumulated in the pan after watering is drained. During the dormant period, the “drinking regimen” is reduced - the earth in the pot remains half dry.

top dressing

Eucharis is fed during the active growing season every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers for flowering plants. After the end of flowering, the Amazonian lily begins a period of rest and feeding should be stopped.

Euharis: home care, flowering conditions

With proper care, eucharis at home blooms 2-3 times a year. The flowers open in turn, each of them blooms for 8-10 days, while exuding a delicate pleasant aroma. The timing of the flowering of the Amazonian lily can be regulated by a certain scheme of watering and fertilizing.

Graph of the life cycles of eucharis (Roman numeral - the number of the month, one cell - half of the month). Yellow is the resting period of the plant, green is active vegetation, red is flowering.

If eucharis does not bloom at home, this happens for the following reasons:

Wrong landing. Before a young plant begins to bloom, its bulb must grow babies for 3-4 years. To speed up flowering when planting in one pot, you can plant several bulbs. The tighter the planting capacity, the sooner flowering will come.

Large temperature fluctuations inhibit the growth of the plant and provoke the decay of the bulb. As a result, flowering does not occur, and if the plant nevertheless laid flower arrows, the flowers are small.

The resting stage was not observed. It begins after the end of flowering and lasts 1-1.5 months. The amount and volume of watering this period is reduced and the eucharis is kept in a semi-dry state (the soil in the pot should dry out by half its volume). You can determine the degree of drying of the substrate by the weight of the pot, special moisture indicators or wooden sticks, immersing them in the ground. At the same time it is necessary to organize good lighting. When new sprouts appear, watering is increased and the plant is renewed.

Euharis: home care. The main problems in growing eucharis

Errors in care affect the appearance of the eucharis. The gradual yellowing and death of the leaves is a natural process. Massive yellowing and death of leaves occurs when improper watering (excessive or insufficient), low air temperature (below + 10 ° C) or exposure to direct sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to remove the bulbs from the soil and inspect them: if they become soft to the touch, change color, then this indicates the process of decay. To save the flower, the damaged parts are cut out, the wounds are dusted with charcoal powder, dried in the air and planted in a new substrate.

With a lack of moisture, eucharis leaves lose turgor. If after watering their shape is not restored, then the cause may be hypothermia in a draft during transportation.

Twisting and severe drooping of the leaves is a sign of damage to the root system or frostbite from drafts.

Eucharis leaves drooped due to a draft

Deformation of adult leaves occurs when the air around the plant is dry. Rubbing them with a damp sponge will help them recover. If all leaves (both young and old) lose their shape, then the reason is most likely the appearance of pests, excess fertilizer, hypothermia of the soil and roots.

With a nutrient deficiency, the plant can throw off old leaves at the same time as new ones appear. Most often this happens in winter with insufficient lighting.

One of the most common diseases of the Amaryllis family, to which eucharis belongs, is gray mold, the causative agent of which is the fungus Botridis. It develops at high humidity and low air temperature and waterlogging of the soil. At the initial stage, the leaves lose their elasticity, become soft, turn brown at the edges. Then gray mold appears on the infected areas, and they die off. At the first signs of the disease, the affected parts of the plant are removed, the rest is treated with a copper-containing fungicide (Topsin-M, Fundazol, copper sulfate solution).

Another of the frequent fungal diseases of eucharis (and the entire Amaryllis family) is stagonosporosis or red burn. It is characterized by the appearance of red elongated spots on leaves, peduncles, buds, bulbs.

Red burn on eucharis bulbs

With a strong lesion, the leaves are deformed, the peduncles are bent and droop, putrefactive foci develop on the bulb. As a result, the plant is oppressed and dies. The progression of the disease is favored by sudden changes in temperature and excessive watering. Over time, black crusts of pycnidia form on the spots - sources of fungal spores. To combat red burn, it is important to use only high-quality planting material. Before planting, the bulbs must be etched with a fungicide (Oksih, Maxim. Rovral, Abiga-Peak) for 30 minutes and dried (2 days).

Of the pests, eucharis can be affected by a mushroom mosquito, mealybug, spider mite, thrips and scale insects.

Mushroom mosquitoes (sciarids) are small black midges, the females of which lay their eggs in the roots of plants. Harm is caused by larvae that eat root tissues. As a result, the plant lags behind in growth, withers, does not bloom. To combat these pests, the soil in the pot can be spilled with Aktara (0.8 g / l of water). In the future, adjust watering - mosquitoes breed in waterlogged soil.

Amaryllis mealybug settles under the scales of the bulb. Causes curvature of leaves and peduncles, and further drying of the plant. In case of severe damage, eucharis must be sprayed with an insecticide (Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Spider mites infect plants in dry indoor air. If there are few pests, then the ground part of the eucharis is washed with soapy water and a higher air humidity is maintained. In case of mass damage, the use of acaricides (Sunmayt, Akarin, Kleschevit, Fitoverm) is justified.

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