Looks like 21 weeks pregnant. The main changes in the development of the fetus at this time

FROM 21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy the second half of pregnancy begins. From the end of this week, according to official medicine, fetus can survive if he has to leave the cozy womb. By this time, all the organs of the child have already formed, although their work has not yet been debugged.

Mom's belly begins to grow rapidly, so the fetus is active. Vibrations are already being felt well enough, so the mother's psychological connection with the child is getting stronger.

Fetal size and development at 21 weeks gestation

At the twenty-first week, the child already reaches an impressive size. He looks like a little doll. Its length is about 28 cm and its weight is about 400 grams. All organs are formed, and the skin has become not so transparent and thin.

During pregnancy with twins at 21 weeks of gestation, babies weigh a little less - about 370 grams, and the length is in no way inferior to "singles".

How does the fetus change during this period?

  • there is an increase in adipose tissue;
  • thermoregulation improves;
  • the formation of eyebrows and eyelashes is completed;
  • rudiments of milk teeth appear;
  • endocrine glands perform their functions;
  • the spleen begins its work;
  • the nervous system is being improved;
  • the brain develops rapidly;
  • the intestine develops. This is facilitated by amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • taste buds develop. The child can distinguish between sweet and bitter;
  • the immune system improves. Appear in the blood to help fight infections;

Behavior. Week 21 is a new stage in the development of the child's motor system. The fetus makes not only chaotic movements. He learns to control them. The child alternates activity phases (there are about 10-15 per day) and sleep phases.

The number of movements has increased significantly, it reaches up to 200 times a day. But mom feels less than half of them. At 21 weeks, the baby is able to hiccup in the womb. It feels like frequent rhythmic contractions.

What happens to mom at 21 weeks

Appearance, belly size and weight gain

Starting at 21 weeks, a woman's weight will increase rapidly. This is caused by both a rapidly growing fetus and an increased appetite. A woman may have outlandish taste preferences. Normal is considered weight gain about 3.5-4.5 kg from the start of pregnancy. Above you can see a photo of mom's tummies at 21 weeks pregnant.

The uterus continues to grow and rise. Now its upper edge is 1.25 cm above the navel. It no longer makes sense to hide the appearance of the abdomen - it is simply impossible. It is strongly rounded and becomes well noticeable.

Hair and nails grow by leaps and bounds, there is increased sweating, stretch marks appear, the breasts have greatly increased.

Feelings, movements, pain in mom

At 21 weeks, a woman experiences not only discomfort from pregnancy, but also a lot of positive emotions from the movements of her crumbs. Somersaults baby in the abdomen do not yet deliver painful sensations, but are felt quite clearly and clearly.

It starts from the chest. The substance that the newborn will eat for the first 2-3 days before milk arrives.

Unpleasant moments can be different for everyone:

  • Now the child begins to gain weight every week. Because of this, the appetite of the mother greatly increases. Since the weight has increased a lot - back starts to hurt. Often at 21 weeks a runny nose appears.
  • An enlarged belly causes sleep problems. You can not sleep on your stomach and, but on your side - it becomes uncomfortable. This problem is exacerbated by frequent urination. When a woman lies, heartburn appears.
  • Do not disappear at this time and. Because of what you have to follow the diet and do not eat foods that fix the stool.
  • Often, the enlarged uterus compresses the vessels, so there is leg swelling, appears. Shortness of breath may appear, because the lungs are now also a little cramped.
  • At this time it may start pull belly. This can be caused by various reasons. This is the tension of the ligaments of the uterus, and the expansion of the pelvis, and constipation, and, much less harmless, the threat of abortion.
  • Due to a decrease in blood pressure, there may be dizziness and weakness. Also often there are problems with the gums. They start to hurt and bleed.

Now there may appear, called Breston-Hicks contractions. They are not painful and do not harm either the mother or the child.

If there are sharp cramping pains that radiate to the lower back, sometimes accompanied by vomiting and, then there is a direct line. You need to see a doctor urgently. After all, even if it is not possible to save the pregnancy, doctors can, with appropriate care, save the life of the child.

Possible highlights

At week 21, they should not differ from those discharges that were previously (milky in color, uniform in consistency, with a not pronounced odor).

But there may also be other discharge requiring medical advice:

  • liquid, watery discharge may indicate premature discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • curdled discharge of white or greenish color, accompanied by itching, speaks of;
  • the reason for the appearance strong unpleasant odor discharge may be a sexually transmitted infection;
  • discharge with blood. Characteristic of placenta previa or her. This is a critical condition that requires the immediate intervention of specialists. If the bleeding is insignificant, doctors will prolong the pregnancy with special drugs. If this is not possible, then the best way out of the situation is childbirth. A baby born at 21 weeks can be saved.

Psychological condition

At 21 weeks, the psychological state of the mother is more or less stable. Generally, the woman is in harmony. The hormonal boom is in the past, the body has adapted, and she likes her own body.

At this time, women are trying to establish emotional closeness with your child. They start reading books to him, talking to him, trying to feel his reactions.

A little darkens the state of constant fatigue due to lack of sleep, heartburn, back pain and other unpleasant companions of this week.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 21st week of pregnancy

At 21 weeks, a woman will visit several doctors in addition to his obstetrician-gynecologist. You will have to go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist, dentist, therapist and ophthalmologist. Each of them will write down their verdicts on a special sheet issued in the antenatal clinic.

To visit the obstetrician, you will need to pass standard urine and blood tests, according to indications, a blood test for hormones, as well as an electrocardiogram.

At the reception at the gynecologist doctor perform the following manipulations:

  • pressure measurement;
  • weighing;
  • listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • measurement of the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Usually done at 20-24 weeks. So, if you didn't have your screening last week, now is the perfect time to do so. During it, the doctor must make sure that there are no congenital malformations of the baby, because only up to 24 weeks is it possible to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons.

The results are written the following measurements:

  • measurement of brain structures;
  • the length of the tubular bones of the child;
  • checking the structure of the hands and feet;
  • checking the structure of the liver;
  • checking the presence of the stomach and bladder;
  • study of the condition of the kidneys and intestines.

We invite you to watch the video of the ultrasound of the fetus at the 21st week of pregnancy, and also consider the photo of the child above.

Possible deviations from the norm

Any deviations from the norm should serve as a reason for additional research. If fetal developmental disorders are detected on ultrasound, additional consultation of narrow specialists is necessary. They will help diagnose compatible and life-incompatible developmental disorders of the child.

As a result of a bypass of the doctors listed above, a conclusion will be made whether a woman can give birth herself or whether it is necessary C-section. A planned caesarean section is prescribed if an independent birth will harm the woman's health.

Mom's diet, skin care and exercise at 21 weeks

The nutrition of a woman at 21 weeks, as well as throughout pregnancy, should be the most useful and balanced.

Must be avoided excessive consumption of salt and sugar. After all, salt contributes to fluid retention in the body, which is why it occurs, and sugar causes a large weight gain.

Woman stands lean on fruits and vegetables, which contain many, so necessary during pregnancy.

To avoid heartburn It is better to eat more often, but in small portions. And to prevent constipation, do not eat food that fixes the stool. Be sure to include meat and fish in the diet. Herbal tea is also useful for a pregnant woman.

Often at 21 weeks stretch marks appear. If they have already appeared, then you can no longer do anything special with them. The use of special creams for stretch marks that have already arisen rarely helps. Taking care of the skin and moisturizing it should have started much earlier.

From at this time it is necessary to perform, helping to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and vagina.

At this time you can swim swimming pool and yoga for pregnant. It is also necessary to perform breathing exercises and take more walks in the fresh air.

Sexual relations at 21 weeks

If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy, then at 21 weeks not contraindicated. The growing belly will greatly complicate this process. But finding partners in other, more comfortable positions will solve this problem. It is necessary to choose only those poses in which pressure on the stomach will be completely excluded.

Sex has a positive effect not only on the mood of mom and dad, but also on the mood of the child, thanks to the development happiness hormone Mom. And her increased libido and lack of need for protection will fill your sexual relationship with new colors.

What is needed to go on maternity leave, exchange card

A woman is sent on maternity leave at the moment when the pregnancy crosses its 30-week milestone. But how to prepare for going on vacation should be found out now.

You will need:

  • sick leave;
  • certificate of early registration;
  • leave application.

Since the registration of maternity leave takes some time, it is worth doing it now.

How to prepare for maternity leave:

  1. Get a certificate confirming the gestational age from a gynecologist.
  2. Get a certificate of registration in early pregnancy. You will need it to apply for benefits.
  3. Make sure you get all the stamps.
  4. Provide the antenatal clinic with the documents necessary for registration. sick leave: certificate from a gynecologist, passport, policy, pension certificate.
  5. Submit sick leave to work.

Exchange card contains all the necessary information about the pregnant woman: information about the mother, gestation period, test results, expected date of birth and other important data. It is necessary so that any doctor taking delivery can navigate the situation even with premature birth.

From 21 weeks It is best to carry an exchange card with you at all times. The exchange card must be signed by your gynecologist and the head of the antenatal clinic.

For an easier pregnancy, mom should follow some guidelines:

  • to avoid the appearance of varicose veins, wear shoes with stable low heels, often lie with your legs elevated;
  • watch your diet;
  • listen to the baby's movements. There should be about 4 per hour;
  • wear comfortable clothes and cotton underwear;
  • do physical exercises;
  • do a back massage
  • do Kegel exercises;
  • avoid fried foods that cause heartburn. Eat often, but in small portions;
  • always carry an exchange card with you;
  • take care of your maternity leave.

Video about 21 weeks of pregnancy

We invite you to watch a video where they will tell you when an exchange card is issued, what data should be recorded in it. You will also learn about your rights during maternity leave how to get it, what benefits you have to pay and for how long. And also about how the law protects the newly-made mother from divorce from her husband.

How is week 21 going for you? What are the sensations in the stomach from the kicks of your crumbs? I hope that no deviation from the norm bothers you, and the ultrasound went great. By the way, did you take your husband for examination? What is his reaction? Share with us your experience!

The second half of pregnancy has already begun, and right now is the most pleasant and easy period. You are not too tired yet, and pain in the lower back and legs is very rare. The tummy is not yet so large as to significantly interfere with the work of internal organs. Often others do not even know about your delicate situation. And you lovingly stroke your tummy, where your little miracle is already moving.

You have probably noticed that the usual clothes no longer fit - they are cramped at the waist. Be sure to update your wardrobe - clothes for expectant mothers are specially sewn so as not to squeeze the tummy, while they are very comfortable and beautiful.

Toxicosis is far behind, you feel good, and it's time to sign up for training for pregnant women. Choose what is closer to you: yoga, water aerobics, swimming, gymnastics. And be sure to get used to the daily walks!

How many months have passed? The sixth obstetric month of your pregnancy has already begun.

The baby now weighs about 300 g, and his height is about 18 centimeters. You already feel his movements, and from this period you need to monitor their number.

What's happening?

When the gestational age is 21 weeks, the development of the fetus is to improve all organs. All organs are already formed, the baby looks more and more like a newborn, but due to the lack of a fatty layer, he looks very thin, and the skin on his face is wrinkled.

Mom at this stage of pregnancy usually feels very good. The uterus at the 21st week of pregnancy rises 1 centimeter above the navel (or 21 cm above the bosom), so the tummy is already a little rounded. You notice that sometimes it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping at night. Train yourself to sleep on your side - this reduces the pressure of the uterus on the vessels, and this position will be very comfortable in late pregnancy.

The fetus at 21 weeks of gestation and its development

Your baby has already grown up and got stronger, you feel his movements more and more. Of course, the mother may not feel all the movements of the baby at this time, but about 3-5 times a day you feel his activity.

The active formation of the digestive system continues. A child at the 21st week of pregnancy already knows how to actively swallow amniotic fluid, so not only his reflexes are trained, but the intestinal mucosa is also improved, and it is at this stage that its villous apparatus is formed. To maintain an optimal environment for the development of the baby, the amniotic fluid is updated every eight to ten hours, and it is completely sterile. Therefore, the baby's intestines are also sterile. When you put him to your breast for the first time, he will receive not just a portion of milk, but also beneficial bacteria that will populate his intestines and will actively participate in the digestive process.

An epithelial layer is formed, lining the inner surface of the alveoli. The baby is already making respiratory movements, while he trains and prepares the lungs for breathing oxygen.

The endocrine system of the baby is actively working. The pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid glands, sex glands are already included in the work. The immune system is being formed. The spleen is already working well.

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby already has the rudiments of milk and molars. Now he must definitely receive a sufficient amount of calcium and other trace elements, because how the rudiments of teeth are formed now depends on how healthy the baby's teeth will be.

The baby is now very spacious in the uterus, and he can completely roll over. Often, a mother may even notice that the tummy is slightly shifted to one side - that is where the baby is now. If you feel that now the baby is legs down, do not worry - until the moment of birth, he will probably roll over, change position.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below you can find some photos from the ultrasound at 21 weeks.

Belly at 21 weeks pregnant

Your tummy is not too big yet. Many mothers are surprised that the stomach is not even noticeable. This is absolutely normal - the volume of the abdomen does not depend on the size of the baby, but on your build, gained during this period of weight. By this time of pregnancy, you should normally gain no more than four kilograms, and now it is very important to monitor nutrition. The uterus has already significantly increased in volume, it slightly shifts and squeezes the internal organs. This does not cause you significant discomfort, but sometimes you may be disturbed by frequent urination, difficulty with bowel movements.

Proper nutrition

The baby is in the active phase of development, all his organs and tissues are being improved. The baby must necessarily receive all the necessary substances, and you must take care of his nutrition as carefully as after birth. Of course, the amount of food does not need to be increased, but its quality should be excellent.

Protein should be present in sufficient quantities in your diet, and more plant-based than animal-based. Fats are also very important, but they must be chosen correctly and not get carried away with the amount. Be sure to add foods rich in omega-3 acids to your diet - deep sea fish. Also on the menu should be olive oil, nuts. The quality of carbohydrate food is very important. Easily digestible carbohydrates try, if not to exclude, then to limit as much as possible. If bread - then whole grain, if sometimes pasta - then only from durum wheat. Eat cereals, more vegetables, fruits. And also pay attention to the drinking regime - the expectant mother must definitely drink enough water. If you have swelling, check with your doctor to see if you need to restrict fluids.

Fetal movements at 21 weeks

Just a week or two ago, you first felt your baby moving, and now he is already so active! Every day the baby grows, gains weight, and his movements become stronger. While they are not coordinated enough, but you feel them very well. The baby often has periods of sleep and wakefulness, and not always his rhythm coincides with yours. If you feel the baby's increased activity at night, try to calm him down - after all, his connection with you is already so strong! Stroke your tummy, talk to him.

Mom's Feelings

Most expectant mothers say that this period of pregnancy is the most pleasant - your feelings are focused on the baby, your health is usually excellent. And even possible pain in the lower back, legs do not cause significant discomfort. What's more, they're easy to deal with.

Pain in the muscles of the legs during pregnancy can be associated with a deficiency of calcium, magnesium. You should definitely consult with the doctor who is in charge of the pregnancy - it may be necessary to take additional trace elements. If you are already taking a complex of vitamins and microelements, show the doctor which one, you may need to increase the concentration of substances. Pain in the legs may also be due to the fact that the enlarged uterus is already compressing the inferior vena cava, and venous outflow is difficult. More often, such pain occurs in women who had problems with the vessels of the legs before pregnancy. This may be accompanied by swelling of the legs, especially in the evening or after a long walk. Try to rest several times a day, raising your legs, if necessary, wear compression stockings.

Quite often, future mothers at this time notice the appearance of a brutal appetite - they want to eat absolutely everything, and preferably sweet. But you don’t need to overeat and gain excess weight, so try not to remain hungry - learn to eat often so that there are no long breaks, and reduce the amount of food at one time. Such a habit will help you a lot in the later stages, when due to compression of the stomach by the uterus, heartburn worries, and after a heavy meal - heaviness and even pain in the stomach. It is very useful to keep “healthy snacks” at home - cheese, fruits, cottage cheese, whole grain bread.

21 weeks pregnant with twins

Naturally, a mother carrying twins has a big burden, because the weight of the babies is greater, the activity is higher, you have gained more weight, the tummy has increased more and is already clearly visible. You need to rest more, not to be overloaded at work and at home, to walk more often.

Pain at 21 weeks pregnant

This period of pregnancy is normally rarely accompanied by painful sensations. A frequent companion of pregnant women is back pain, which is associated with an increased load on the spine, an increase in the uterus, and a shift in the center of gravity. The expectant mother should think about the prevention of such sensations from the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better - before her. Now you need to do daily exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the back, as well as stretching exercises. Watch your posture, do a simple exercise several times a day: stand straight, straighten your back as much as possible, bring your shoulder blades together, take a deep breath, raise your arms up, trying to reach the ceiling with your fingertips, while you should feel how the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle work . Then, on a deep exhale, lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart so that your tummy does not squeeze. This simple exercise helps keep your back muscles in good shape, and a good muscle frame is a reliable defense against back pain.

There should be no pain in the abdomen at this time. Unpleasant sensations on the sides of the abdomen that occur when you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time are acceptable. If you notice that your stomach hurts, contact your doctor.

Allocations at the 21st week of pregnancy should not change, normally they are light, not abundant. If you suspect an inflammatory process, be sure to go to the doctor, because the infection is dangerous for the baby, and the choice of drug for treatment should be made by the doctor.

Sex at the 21st week of pregnancy is not prohibited if there is no threat of interruption, increased tone. If your pregnancy is proceeding absolutely normally, you should not worry and deny yourself and your loved one the pleasure. Moreover, due to changes in the blood supply to the genital organs, a woman can experience completely new sensations.

Required research. Analyzes

If your next visit to the doctor is due this week, take your urine test as usual. During the examination, the doctor will measure your weight, blood pressure, check for swelling, and listen to the baby's heartbeat. If you are concerned about pain in the abdomen, be sure to tell your doctor. At this time, training contractions may already appear, but they should not be painful. If you are in doubt whether your feelings are normal or not, be sure to ask!

In addition to standard studies, screening is carried out - ultrasound. The second mandatory ultrasound should be done at 20-24 weeks. At this time, a three-dimensional reconstruction is possible, and if the sex of the child could not be determined at the first study, now they will tell you for sure and even show it. And it is an incredible joy when the expectant mother finds out at 21 weeks by ultrasound whether she will have a girl or a boy. On ultrasound, all important dimensions of the fetus will be measured: biparietal, fronto-occipital, circumference of the head and abdomen, the length of the bones of the arms and legs. You can make an ultrasound video, see how your baby moves, and examine his face. Usually, dads note that from this moment on, their closeness with the baby is much stronger.

Useful video

Questions - answers

On the ultrasound they made a conclusion to me: low placentation. What's this? Is this a preposition? Is it dangerous for the baby?

Most often, the placenta is located in the fundus of the uterus, possibly in the upper part closer to the front or back. It is in this area of ​​the uterus that the blood supply is best, so the embryo is usually implanted here. If the embryo is attached below, we are talking about low placentation or presentation. These are different concepts. Previa is said to be when the pharynx is partially or completely closed by the placenta. With low placentation, the placenta is located below the norm, but between it and the pharynx of the uterus there is a distance of at least six centimeters. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that the uterus in this area is less well supplied with blood, so the baby may not receive enough oxygen. There is also an increased risk of detachment. But your pregnancy may well proceed normally and will surely end successfully, however, care and obligatory supervision by a specialist is required.

If you do an ultrasound at the 21st week, will the sex of the baby be determined exactly?

By this time, the baby's genitals are already fully formed, and in most cases you can get a clear answer on ultrasound - a boy or a girl. The doctor will show you the monitor, and you can see for yourself. The only exceptions are cases when the baby is in such a position that his genitals are simply not visible. For example, he can cover them with a handle, tighten his legs.

I'm 21 weeks pregnant, my stomach is pulling. What is the reason?

At this stage of pregnancy, training contractions may already occur, which prepare the uterus for childbirth, but they are not painful, and if you are like, training contractions will pass. If the pulling sensations cause pain, long-term, and especially if accompanied by discharge, urgently go to the hospital.

Congratulations! You and your baby are halfway there. Behind five obstetric months of pregnancy.

Take your time! You don't have to run anywhere. Make sure to enjoy every moment.

Surely, you are already accustomed to the gentle floundering of the baby inside and consider it an integral part of your life.

From this period, rapid weight gain begins, appetite increases significantly. The unborn child needs more nutrients - he is gaining fat mass.

The risk of miscarriage has decreased significantly, but this does not mean that you can return to your usual lifestyle - healthy eating, walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits - the necessary conditions for the growth and maturation of the unborn child.

Do not forget to visit the antenatal clinic and follow the doctor's prescriptions.

Your baby is the size of...

360 grams
260-275 mm
120-160 bpm

Fetal development

All organs and systems have already been formed, in the future they will only mature.

The baby is gaining weight due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, it becomes more rounded, the skin becomes smooth and loses transparency.

This is what your baby looks like at 21 weeks

Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully formed, the baby blinks regularly. Vellus hair on the head continues to grow.

Almost all endocrine organs of the baby fully perform their function. There is a production of hormones of the thyroid, pancreas, gonads, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. At 21 weeks, the spleen starts to work.

The digestive system functions almost fully. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, from which sugar and water are separated in the stomach, and the remains move through the intestines to the rectum. Taste buds develop on the tongue and soon the child will be able to distinguish four basic tastes.

Connections are established between the nerve endings in the central nervous system, movements become meaningful, and during sleep the baby rests.

Formed its own protection against infections - leukocytes are produced.

The kidneys are able to filter out small amounts of urine.

Ultrasound at 21 weeks pregnant

It is a mandatory method of examination and is prescribed to clarify the condition of the fetus and exclude pathology.

At 21 weeks, it is already possible to determine the sex of the child. Significant elongation of the lower extremities becomes noticeable, due to which the baby acquires a more proportional appearance.

All internal organs are examined to exclude possible pathology in them. The heart rate of the fetus, its motor activity, respiratory movements, the ratio of all these indicators to each other, and dimensions are assessed.

An ultrasound diagnostic doctor evaluates the size of the uterus, the location of the placenta, blood circulation in it, the amount, transparency of amniotic fluid, and the condition of the cervix.

At this time, parents can ask to take the first photo of the baby.

Fetal dimensions on ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation:

  • biparietal size - the size between the temporal bones - 46-56 mm.
  • - 60-71 mm.
  • head circumference - 165-200 mm.
  • abdominal circumference - 136 -177 mm.
  • femur 32-40 mm.
  • humerus 29-37 mm.
  • bones of the forearm 24-32 mm.
  • leg bones 29-37 mm.

What happens in your body at 21 weeks?

This period can be called the calmest of all pregnancy - the body has already adapted to the new life developing inside, nausea and vomiting are gone, at the same time, the size of the abdomen does not interfere with the usual activities, movement and breathing.

The uterus increases in size, the height of its fundus is 1-2 cm above the navel. It pushes back the internal organs more and more: the intestines become even more “lazy”, the lungs rise up and slight shortness of breath may already appear.

There are changes in the cardiovascular system - the volume of blood increases by 35%, the heart muscle, which needs to cope with this volume, also increases, blood clotting changes.

How do you feel at 21 weeks?

Appeared shortness of breath and increasing heaviness in the abdomen are not the only companions of this period of pregnancy. Quite often, a pregnant woman may experience a feeling of heartburn and insomnia. Not only does the hormonal background and internal anticipation of future childbirth disturb sleep, but the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder and you have to wake up 2-3 times a night to go to the toilet.

At week 21, unpleasant sensations may appear, such as back pain, stretching of the abdomen, especially in the lateral sections (due to stretching of the ligaments of the uterus).

Often there are conditions such as hemorrhoids, swelling of the legs. Normal, but not entirely pleasant sensations include more abundant discharge from the genital tract, the appearance of colostrum.

Choosing a sleeping position can also be a problem. The choice is no longer great - you won’t be able to sleep on your stomach, and when you fall asleep on your back, a large uterus squeezes the abdominal aorta and can lead to loss of consciousness. All that remains is a side position, which can be improved by a special pillow for pregnant women, or a few small sofa cushions.

Discharge from the genital tract

Normal discharge, as with any period, should not be of an unusual color and should not have an unpleasant odor. They are more liquid than in the first weeks of pregnancy, do not leave colored spots on underwear. Any deviations from the norm should serve as a signal for seeking qualified help. Blood stains on underwear can appear with hemorrhoids, cracks, and if bloody discharge appears from the vagina, call an ambulance.

Photo of tummies at 21 weeks

Examinations at 21 weeks

Most likely, at this time you will receive the results of screening tests, with the help of which your doctor can assess the general condition and the risk of having an affected child. Mandatory for delivery, at any appearance in the antenatal clinic, is a general urine test, thanks to which it is possible to detect the development of preeclampsia in a woman in time.

If the pregnancy is complicated, you will need to pass a number of other control tests.

Important at 21 weeks

Swelling and pain in the feet should draw your attention to the choice of shoes. If until now you have been wearing high-heeled shoes, put them aside, pick up comfortable shoes (sandals, boots) with 3-4 cm heels. At home, it will be better to walk barefoot.

Clothing should be made of natural fabrics, free cut, not compress the chest and abdomen.

To ease the load on the spine and support the abdomen, wear the right brace.

Nutrition at 21 weeks

The baby takes a significant part of your nutrients for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, so you need to increase the amount of calories consumed by 500 per day. This should be done through meat, fish, fruits, vegetables.

To eliminate heartburn, it is better to eat small meals, at least 6 times a day. It is better not to eat at night, it is recommended to eat the last time no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

You are already laying the foundations of nutrition and his future taste preferences for the baby, so try to eat only wholesome, healthy food, forget about canned food, spicy, fatty, salty.


Do not sit too long in one place and try to avoid the “foot on foot” position - it makes it difficult for blood circulation in the pelvic organs. If work requires long sitting, do not be lazy to do a warm-up every 30 minutes - walk around the room, do some breathing exercises.

You should not make global changes in your usual affairs, but you can ask your relatives to hang up the laundry, wash the floor, and go shopping. Do not pick up older children, avoid stressful situations.

It is not forbidden to have sex, but you will have to choose positions in which there will be no pressure on the stomach.

Good to know at 21 weeks pregnant

The child is able to move around inside the placenta, but the eyes are still not able to open. At week 21, the baby's growth rate begins to slow down. However, there is still quite a lot of space for the baby inside the uterus, and he moves there as he pleases. Extra worries about the position of the child there is useless. He will move and turn over in the womb many more times until it comes to childbirth.

Weight, height and size of the baby

Your baby already weighs about 300-310 g. His height from crown to tailbone is approximately 18 cm. However, starting this week, we will no longer talk about the parietal-coccygeal length of the embryo, now we will denote the growth of the fetus from the crown to the heels.

By the way, now this value is about 26-27 cm. At the moment, the baby has already reached half of its height before the moment of birth. That is, if the size of the fetus at the twenty-first week of pregnancy is approximately 26 cm, then it will be born with a height of 52 cm.

News of the intrauterine world

  • Digestive system. The child's digestive system is developing rapidly. The baby has already learned to swallow amniotic fluid, which contains dead skin cells. During digestion in a child, useful substances are absorbed, and the remnants of dead skin, since they are solid, go into the intestines. By the way, we note that alcohol and nicotine are also absorbed by the baby's body if the mother abuses it. Already, the baby is able to drink about 500 ml of surrounding water per day. This helps to increase the amount of nutrients in his body;
  • Taste preferences are formed. Taste buds begin to appear on the tongue, so the baby becomes able to distinguish tastes. By the way, the taste of amniotic fluid directly depends on the diet of the mother. By eating a varied and balanced diet, you can influence the formation of the correct taste preferences in a child;
  • The immune system. Leukocytes and platelets begin to be produced. The functioning of the immune system is improved. Antibodies are already being transferred from the mother to the fetus. They will protect him from infections that his mother has had in her life. This is called passive immunity;
  • Endocrine system. In a child, all organs of the endocrine system begin to work - the adrenal glands, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thyroid gland, the pancreas and the parathyroid gland. Their task is to produce hormones necessary for the growth and development of the unborn child;
  • vestibular apparatus. The development of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation also includes the beginning of the vestibular apparatus, which allows the child to determine the position of his body in space.

Fetal activity and movements

Sometimes the baby may not sleep at night, but play in the mother's tummy, thereby preventing the mother from falling asleep. While he has plenty of room for activity, and you can already determine in which part of the abdomen he is now frolicking.

A baby at 20 weeks already knows how to distinguish sounds and voices, and also understands the mood of his mother.

If he is really pushing in the tummy, try to sing him a song or a lullaby, he will hear you and calm down. Even if you don't know the gender of the baby yet, just address him affectionately and stroke his tummy! Baby feels your warmth!

The condition of the expectant mother for a period of 21 weeks

You are still in great shape, so unbearable fatigue and shortness of breath when walking up the stairs may not be at all for you yet. By the 21st week of pregnancy, your starting weight has increased by about 4-6 kg.

The child begins to grow adipose tissue. So be very careful with what you use. You can discuss the diet menu for pregnant women with your doctor. Drink the vitamins prescribed by the doctor, eat cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. All this contributes to the proper development of the baby, and also helps the body cope with the load placed on it during this wonderful period.

After all, carrying a healthy baby is a difficult test for every mother.

Symptoms and features of the course of pregnancy

Concomitant symptoms at 21 weeks of gestation may include the following:

  • Breast augmentation and colostrum. During pregnancy, the breasts increase somewhat, preparing for the upcoming lactation period. The nipples stand out even more and become sensitive. Gaining more weight than normal can lead to stretch marks on the chest in the future. In most pregnant women at the 21st week of pregnancy, small drops of colostrum may begin to stand out from the nipples when pressed. Colostrum is a yellowish thick liquid that is the prototype of breast milk. The release of colostrum can begin both at 20-22 weeks, and immediately before childbirth. In both cases, this is not considered a pathology. With abundant discharge, you can put breast pads or special napkins in your bra or underwear so that the discharge does not stain underwear and clothes;
  • Enlargement of the uterus. What happens at 21 weeks of pregnancy with the uterus? The uterus is already located about 1 cm above the navel, and the height of its bottom from the pubis reaches approximately 21 cm;
  • Allocations. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy should not be very different from normal. They can only become a little more abundant (this is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the mucous membrane). Normal discharge in a healthy woman during pregnancy is translucent or gray-white with a sour smell. If you notice flaky, purulent, cheesy or strong-smelling discharge, then this may indicate a pathology. Watery discharge or discharge with an admixture of blood against the background of pain in the abdomen and lower back can lead to a miscarriage! Call an ambulance as soon as possible to avoid harming the baby;
  • Increased hair and nail growth. Due to the hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body, hair and nails can begin to grow faster. The most unpleasant thing about this is that hairs often grow especially actively in places that are undesirable for this.

Anxiety and well-being of a pregnant woman

Usually the twenty-first obstetric week of pregnancy is considered a calm period. However, all kinds of pain can complicate a woman's course. Barely palpable painful sensations in the uterus can be Braxton-Hicks training contractions, but do not worry, they do not pose a threat to either the baby or you.

Do you want something interesting?

Another pregnant woman may be concerned about:

  • Heartburn. Some expectant mothers may experience discomfort from heartburn. The reason for its appearance is that the enlarged uterus presses on the stomach. It lifts the stomach up, which leads to the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus, thereby provoking discomfort. To avoid it, experts advise not to eat fried foods, sour, pickled and smoked. You should also give up acidic fruits and drinks, from carbonated water. Immediately after eating, it is advisable not to bend over. Before going to bed, to save yourself from heartburn, you can put another pillow under your head. If relief does not occur, be sure to tell your doctor;
  • Dyspnea. The uterus, which is constantly increasing in size and volume, begins to squeeze the internal organs, raising the diaphragm. Therefore, a pregnant woman may periodically experience shortness of breath. To cope with this unpleasant feeling, doctors recommend starting to master the breathing technique. The ability to breathe properly is very useful, especially during childbirth;
  • Constipation and bloating. Bloating and constipation often accompany a woman during the entire pregnancy. This comes from the fact that almost all the internal organs of a woman are under pressure from the weight of the uterus and the child. To get rid of constipation, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits containing fiber;
  • Painful sensations. At this time, sitting in one position for a long time can be fraught with pain in the back and lower back. To get rid of them, you can try to simply change the position. Learn to listen to your body and relax. From excess weight during pregnancy, the joints of the legs, back, and muscles can hurt. Under the pressure of the uterus, pain and discomfort may appear in the navel area. But if there is a cramping pain or a pronounced lingering pain in the lumbar region, then this should not be ignored! To timely diagnose increased uterine tone, consult a doctor as soon as possible;
  • Sleep disorders. Firstly, the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation can interfere with sleep at night with its excessive activity in the tummy. Secondly, the lack of proper sleep may be due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the bladder. That is why the expectant mother has to wake up many times a night to go to the toilet. Thirdly, due to the change in the size of the tummy, it is not easy to immediately get used to sleeping on your side (especially if you used to prefer sleeping on your stomach or back). Therefore, you need to choose for yourself the optimal comfortable position for sleeping. A few pillows can help with this, or special pillows for pregnant women can help. A bagel-shaped pillow is a very good thing: during pregnancy it is comfortable to sleep with it, and after childbirth it can be used to feed the baby. And do not forget to ventilate the room before going to bed and during the day.

Your rapidly growing belly

When the tummy begins to grow, many expectant mothers feel that the skin on the sides has begun to itch. This is a sure sign of her stretching. A moisturizer or lotion can help relieve symptoms. There are also special creams for stretch marks on the body for pregnant women.

If the itching does not go away, you should visit a doctor. Additional testing may be needed to determine the cause of the discomfort.

Photos of tummies at the twenty-first week:

Analyzes and ultrasound at the 21st week

No special medical examinations at this time will be required. Your gynecologist can only give you referrals for a urinalysis and complete blood count.

Ultrasound at the twenty-first week of pregnancy is prescribed by the doctor you are seeing. You will finally be able to see your baby and, if he allows you, consider whose birth to expect soon - an heir or an heiress. In addition, it is already possible to agree with the doctor and take the first photo of the baby, which opens the chronicle of his life, as, for example, the mothers of these little ones did:

What are the dangers to watch out for

Often at this time, premature birth can begin. It is important for every expectant mother to know the accompanying symptoms in order to be able to behave correctly in such a situation. Signs of preterm labor:

  • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • severe pain when urinating;
  • acute or continuous vomiting;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • sudden leakage of copious watery fluid from the vagina;
  • severe back pain;
  • sharp or lingering pain in the back or lower abdomen.

If you feel any of these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately!

The female body is unique in nature, so all the physical sensations in the twenty-first week of pregnancy are also unique.

Hormonal changes at this time continue, and absolutely new sensations are added to them, a sharp change in mood is observed.

Our helpful tips for this week are:

  1. Don't worry if you're putting on a little more weight than normal. But still try to monitor your appetite, eat less starchy foods and forget about the existence of convenience foods and fast food;
  2. For some distraction and relaxation, you can write a list of things you need to care for your newborn. Start looking at the assortment of socks, bonnets, sliders. This is very inspiring!;
  3. Sports activities are welcome. If sport in your life occupied an honorable place even before the conception of a child, then you can reduce the load and continue to practice. But consultation with your doctor and instructor is required! And if the desire to play sports appeared after conception, then it would be best to start with light stretching exercises and strengthening the back muscles. You can choose for yourself, for example, yoga for pregnant women, fitness or visiting the pool;
  4. You can already queue up to attend special courses for pregnant women!;
  5. Get as many positive emotions out of everything that happens in your life as possible. You now have increased sensitivity, so worries and stress are completely useless. Have fun and get outside more often! Don't be afraid to pamper yourself!

More positive! Appreciate every new day, because it brings you closer to the long-awaited event - the birth of a baby!

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

21 weeks of pregnancy is a favorable period. A woman at this time blooms, the feeling and condition of the mother at the 21st week of pregnancy improves, along with the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and the outlines of the body become more feminine. The belly is not very big yet, so the expectant mother is very mobile and energetic.

What happens at 21 weeks pregnant?

In the female body, metabolic processes are activated, which leads to an increase in appetite. The growth and proper development of the child requires more energy, and the expectant mother needs to eat right. The increase in the daily energy requirement should be 500 Kcal.

The child's growth rate has slowed down a little, but the weight of the fetus is actively increasing at the 21st week of pregnancy. Since he has already grown up enough, a woman may feel pressure on internal organs and systems.

At this time, the first stretch marks may appear, which may be due to a genetic predisposition. In this case, the fight against them is difficult and ineffective. In some expectant mothers, even with a strong increase in weight, striae do not appear.

What happens at 21 weeks of pregnancy in a woman's body?

The uterus continues to grow in size, the height of its bottom reaches 21-22 cm and it is one finger above the navel. The uterus significantly supports all internal organs - the intestines, liver, lungs, stomach. The circumference of the abdomen at this time is about 75-80 cm, exceeding this parameter may indicate:

  • pathology of the development of the placenta -;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • chorionepithelioma is a malignant tumor.

If the size of the abdominal circumference is less than the established norm, we can talk about oligohydramnios or delayed fetal development as a result of placental insufficiency. All these pathologies require a thorough examination and management of pregnancy by an experienced doctor.

Weight gain at 21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy from the beginning of the “interesting” position is about 6 kg, but this is a reference value. In women, due to individual characteristics, an increase in body weight can vary between 3-8 kg, but there should not be a sharp increase. Weekly weight should increase by a maximum of 500 g.


The fetus at 21 weeks of gestation, while in the womb, already makes about 200 movements per day. He is still quite comfortable in the uterine cavity, he can freely tumble and change position. But the amniotic fluid and the walls of the placenta significantly smooth out these movements, so not all of them can be felt by a woman.

The mother's condition is characterized by a sense of concern and at the same time joy for her growing baby. During this period of pregnancy, a woman can feel from 1 to 14-15 movements per day, more often in a calm state. The movements are still very light and are soft "touches of the cat's paw", there are no pushes and bulges yet.

The 21st obstetric week of pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother can already determine the condition of the fetus by the nature and frequency of movements. If they increase sharply or, conversely, are absent for a long time, this may indicate a lack of oxygen. Fetal hypoxia can lead to dangerous consequences, so it is important for a pregnant woman to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.


Ultrasound examination during this period can be carried out as part of the second screening examination, if the woman did not have time to pass it earlier. In the practice of modern medicine, ultrasound scanning can be used outside the scope of routine examinations only in the presence of pathologies and to confirm the correct development of the fetus and its weight at 21 weeks.


A sign of the norm during pregnancy is a clear, milky or slightly yellowish discharge with a slight odor. They may slightly increase in volume or become more liquid, which is due to physiological processes in the female body. Purulent, bloody and other unusual discharge indicate the presence of a sexual infection that can adversely affect the development of the fetus at 21 weeks.

If even a small amount of blood appears, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist, since such symptoms may indicate placental abruption and cause premature birth. With timely assistance, a woman can carry a child to the due date - at least up to 37 weeks.

Liquid and watery discharge indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. To determine the pathology, the doctor conducts a special analysis. If amniotic fluid is detected in the secretions, emergency measures are prescribed, since in the absence of appropriate assistance on the first day, an infection can penetrate into the fetal bladder.

Fetal development at 21 weeks of gestation

A child in the twenty-first week is actively accumulating body weight. How much does a fetus weigh at 21 weeks? Its height is about 18 cm, and the weight of the fruit reaches 390 g. It is similar in size to a large grapefruit. The baby is still very spacious in the uterus, so he can make a variety of movements that can be seen during an ultrasound examination.

What happens in the twenty-first obstetric week? The fetus continues to develop the digestive system, which prepares for the first meals. Already at this time, he has a small amount of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in his stomach. During the day, the child drinks about 500 ml of amniotic fluid.

From the amniotic fluid, the baby receives a large amount of nutrients, sugar and water are actively absorbed by his body. Thanks to these metabolic processes, subcutaneous fat grows in him and energy appears for movements. Unnecessary elements are digested, turning in the intestines into the original swamp-green feces - meconium.

On the skin of the baby, lanugo fluff continues to grow, which already covers the entire head. The sebaceous glands actively produce a lubricant that protects the epidermis from penetration of the amniotic fluid. In the future, it will help the child "glide" through the birth canal.

In the fetus at this time, the endocrine glands are already actively functioning - the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, pancreas, spleen, as well as the adrenal glands and sex glands. Gradually strengthens the skeletal and muscular systems.

The nervous system of the baby is already fully formed. He hears the surrounding sounds well, and also recognizes the mother's voice. His immune system produces his own white cells, interferon and immunoglobulin, which will allow him to fight infections and viruses on his own after birth.


Possible pathologies at this stage of pregnancy include:

  • uterine hypertonicity - a pathological condition caused by muscle contraction and tension;
  • gestational diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. It can cause a sharp increase in the weight of the fetus, which can cause problems with gestation, as well as difficult preterm birth;
  • phlebeurysm.

Premature birth is a great danger, since the child cannot yet function outside the mother's body. Symptoms of the onset of labor can be: painful urination, bloody discharge, increased uterine tone, vomiting, sharp acute pain in the abdomen.


The feeling and condition of the mother after 21 weeks determines her activity. A woman, even at this stage of pregnancy, can play sports, but dangerous and intense loads (skating, skiing, cycling) must be excluded. Yoga and fitness, hiking, and swimming are ideal for strengthening muscles and increasing their tone. It is also recommended to do vaginal exercises to adjust the pelvic diaphragm, they are necessary for quick pre- and post-natal recovery.

If you experience back pain, you need to stop sitting in one position for a long time, taking an uncomfortable position. You should learn to relax and listen to the body. To reduce pain in the back of a pregnant woman, you can wear a special bandage, which is a thick elastic band. If there is a threat of varicose veins, the doctor will recommend wearing special compression stockings.

You can not give yourself indulgence in terms of appetite. One extra glass of soda and a fragrant pie can be the beginning of weight gain. The expectant mother must accustom herself to the routine in order to keep her body and body in excellent shape until the very birth. To do this, you need to eat according to the scheme: a hearty breakfast, a second (lighter) breakfast, a full lunch (in small portions), an afternoon snack of healthy foods and a light dinner.

We should not forget about the fluid that is necessary to increase blood volume, maintain the level of amniotic fluid in the fetal bladder, and also to improve the overall well-being of the expectant mother.

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