Pyatakov Georgy Leonidovich (as a party leader). After the civil war. in opposition

In 1907-10, a student of economics. f-ta Petersburg. un-ta: in 1910 he joined the student. s.-d. org-tion: in the same year, he was expelled from the university for the roar. activity. Upon returning to Kyiv from 1911, a member, from 1912 secret. Kyiv RSDLP. Having previously been repeatedly arrested, in 1912 he was arrested again: in 1914, together with E.B. Bosch. who became his wife, were exiled to Irkutsk Province, from where in October. This year they fled and crossed through Japan to Switzerland. Since 1915, Pyatakov, in collaboration with V.I. Lenin edited by J. "Communist". In a dispute with Lenin, Pyatakov, Bosch and N.I. Bukharin denied the importance of nat. state-va and the importance of the decision nat. question.

After Feb. Revolution of 1917 from Norway returned to Russia, but at the border because of a false passport he was arrested, escorted to Petrograd, then to Kyiv. Involved in the work of the Kyiv RSDLP. On March 23 he delivered a report "On the platform of the Central Committee and the party meeting convened for March 28"; On March 28, the committee approved the platform developed by Pyatakov, which stated: “Development produces, the forces and social power of the proletariat in Russia have not reached the level under which the working class can carry out a social revolution. The establishment of a social system, which is the ultimate the goal of all our activities, therefore, is not among the tasks facing us in the course of the ongoing revolution" ("Chronicle of the Revolution", 1931, No. 4, p. 151). 2 Apr. at a meeting of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP when discussing the issue of convening the Ukr. nat. congress of Ukrainian representatives. parties and societies, org-tions proposed "... to launch a persistent attack against the separatist movement, that it is like a knife in the back of the roaring movement" (ibid., p. 157); emphasized that the Social-Democrats it is not permissible to conduct either religion or nat. propaganda (see ibid., p. 158). Was a member of the editorial board. "Voice of the Social Democrat". 4 Apr. elected a member of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP (soon became its chairman): on the same day at a meeting of the Kyiv Social-Democrat. org-tion, when discussing the resolution on the war, stated that ““... there are moments when self-defense is necessary, not imperialist, but that self-defense, which does not allow the defeat of the country and freedom. We are not indifferent to the fate of Russia, but it is impossible to solve the war and peace. We call on the entire proletariat to repulse imperialism..." (ibid., p. 160). 9 Apr. when discussing Apr. of Lenin's theses, he spoke out against them, declaring that "the formula 'peace without annexations' is a decorative phrase", pure defencism (see ibid., p. 177). On Pyatakov's initiative, the committee adopted a resolution in which the theses were declared "...generally unacceptable" (Ukr. Ist. Zhurnal, 1989, Ns 4, p. 96). 15 Apr. at the district meeting of the Bolsheviks in Kyiv in a resolution on the attitude towards the Provisional. pr-vu, at the suggestion of Pyatakov, a provision was made that in Russia "there are no basic prerequisites for a successful social revolution independently, without a simultaneous social revolution in Europe" ("Great October social revolution and victory Soviet power in Ukraine", part 1, K., 1977, p. 111): on the same day, at a meeting of the Kyiv Bolshevik org-tion, he was elected a delegate to the 7th (April) All-Russian. conf. RSDLP(b): 19 Apr. At a meeting of the Bolsheviks, Pyatakov and his supporters, refusing to represent the Kyiv Org at the conference together with MA Savelyev (supported Lenin's theses), succeeded in getting him re-elected (see Vol. there, p. 123).

Speaking at the 7th All-Russian. conf. RSDLP (b) on April 29, declared: "... at the present time we have an era of x-va, which has established the closest and inseparable connection between nations ... in this state of affairs, the independence of nations is completely impossible, and no one needs ... the independence of a nation is an obsolete, impossible, obsolete moment. The demand for independence ... is reactionary, because it wants to turn history back ... Based on the analysis of the era of imperialism, we say that the struggle for socialism is different than the struggle under the slogan "away from the borders" .. .we can't even imagine at the moment" )

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