Central Election Committee. Chairmen of the Central Election Commission, brief information

MOSCOW, March 3 – RIA Novosti. The new composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has been formed for a five-year term. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, including Vasily Likhachev, Ella Pamfilova, Alexander Kinyev, Boris Ebzeev and Yevgeny Shevchenko, the Kremlin press service reports.

“To appoint members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation: Alexander Yuryevich Kinev, Vasily Nikolaevich Likhachev, Ella Alexandrovna Pamfilova, Evgeniy Alexandrovich Shevchenko, Boris Safarovich Ebzeev,” the text of the decree says.

The decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

The head of the Central Election Commission, Vladimir Churov, is not on the list.

Candidates of the Federation Council and State Duma

In addition, the State Duma and the Federation Council previously approved their candidacies for the CEC.

The Commission of the Central Election Commission consists of 15 members, of whom five candidates are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, the upper and lower houses of parliament.

Last week, the State Duma at its meeting appointed five candidates as members of the Central Election Commission (CEC).

Zyuganov on the expulsion of Churov from the Central Election Commission: renewal is overdueThe head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation recalled that Vladimir Churov served as head of the Central Election Commission for two consecutive terms and his not being included in new line-up The CEC is driven precisely by the need to renew personnel.

Six candidates were put to the vote of the lower house of parliament: five deputies and one public figure. As a result, the State Duma appointed Valery Kryukov, nominated by United Russia, Sergei Sirotkin, nominated by the LDPR, Evgeniy Kolyushin, nominated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Evgeniy Kolyushin, nominated by the LDPR. Fair Russia" - Nikolai Levichev, as well as Valery Galchenko (ER), proposed by another group of deputies. Another candidate was the co-chairman of the "Voice" movement Grigory Melkonyants, who was proposed by the deputy from "A Just Russia" Dmitry Gudkov.

The Federation Council appointed five members of the Central Election Commission on February 10. They were Senator Nikolai Bulaev, current members of the Central Election Commission Maya Grishina, Anton Lopatin and Siyabshakh Shapiev, as well as the head of the political projects department of the Center for Political Projects and Communications Alexander Klyukin.

According to the law, the regions submit candidates for appointment to the Federation Council - 75 out of 85 regions received proposals for 12 candidates. Then the final list of five people was formed by the relevant Federation Council committee on federal policy.

According to the regulations of the Federation Council, a candidate is considered elected to the Central Election Commission if a simple majority of senators votes for him.

New Chairman

Until the last moment, the intrigue remained whether Churov would remain chairman of the Central Election Commission. The Kremlin previously reported that this would become known after Russian President Vladimir Putin decided on his quota.

Churov was elected chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia on March 27, 2007 on an uncontested basis, and in March 2011 he was re-elected for a second term.

Political scientist: Pamfilova will most likely become the head of the Central Election Commission of RussiaPamfilova enjoys unconditional respect and trust in society, said the head of the ISEPI Foundation Dmitry Badovsky, calling the Ombudsman an influential independent public figure.

The powers of the CEC commission expire on March 27. Members of the new composition are expected to meet for their first meeting on March 28. At this meeting, they must elect a new head of the Central Election Commission and distribute powers and responsibilities among themselves.

The renewal of the composition of the Central Election Commission is welcomed in the State Duma. According to Vladimir Ponevezhsky, a member of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building (" United Russia"), it had to happen.

“Who will be the chairman will be decided by the commission. Ella Pamfilova is worthy to be the chairman, and Vasily Nikolaevich Likhachev is also worthy, he is a very authoritative, respected deputy,” the parliamentarian added.

Ponevezhsky hopes that the Central Election Commission, also with a new composition, will continue its activities in accordance with the Constitution.

The Federation Council also believes that Vasily Likhachev or Nikolai Bulaev could head the Central Election Commission.

“Of the new members of the Central Election Commission, I can single out Vasily Likhachev and Nikolai Bulaev. These are excellent organizers, in addition, they are politicians and diplomats,” Ekaterina Lakhova, a member of the relevant committee of the Federation Council, told RIA Novosti.

As for the candidacy of Ella Pamfilova, Lakhova believes that her nomination for the post of head of the Central Election Commission is unlikely. “She is an excellent human rights activist, known all over the world, but still it is Likhachev and Bulaev who have excellent organizational skills,” Lakhova is convinced.

Speaking about the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Vladimir Churov, who was not included in the new composition of the Central Election Commission, the senator expressed confidence that the fact that he was not reappointed only indicates the need to rotate the composition of the commission.

“This does not mean that Churov is bad, we just need rotation. And we do not elect the president forever,” Lakhova said.

But Likhachev, who was appointed a member of the Central Election Commission on Thursday, believes that the current CEC member Boris Ebzeev or Human Rights Commissioner Ella Pamfilova could head the CEC.

“From the point of view of his work experience in the Constitutional Court and here at the Central Election Commission, Ebzeev would look very serious (as a leader). As for Pamfilova, we also cannot exclude it. At least at the deputy level, some kind of administrative post.” ,” Likhachev told RIA Novosti.

The head of the ISEPI Foundation (Institute for Socio-Economic and Political Research) Dmitry Badovsky also believes that Pamfilova will become the new chairman of the Central Election Commission.

“(The likelihood) is very high, since Pamfilova enjoys unconditional respect and trust both in society and among representatives of various political forces,” Badovsky told reporters, calling the ombudsman “an influential independent public figure.”

Pamfilova will leave the post of ombudsman

Apparently, Pamfilova will have to resign in connection with her appointment as a member of the Central Election Commission, press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

“Yes, she will have to do it,” he said.

“I can’t tell you this, but, apparently, in the near future. I don’t know how things stand legally there, but, of course, this is such a position,” Peskov added, answering the question of how long Pamfilova should resign your powers.

Answering the question about whether there are already any candidates for the position of ombudsman instead of Pamfilova, Peskov said that “I don’t know about this yet.”

Pamfilova has been Commissioner for Human Rights since March 18, 2014. She is well known for her social and human rights activities. Worked as a minister social protection population of Russia in the governments of Yegor Gaidar and Viktor Chernomyrdin (1991−1994), as well as chairman of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for promoting the development of civil society institutions and human rights (2004−2010).

In general, the CEC commission has been significantly updated, but at the same time continuity has been preserved.

The President delegated to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a member of the Committee on CIS Affairs Vasily Likhachev, a member of the Patriots of Russia, one of the leaders of the party Yevgeny Shevchenko, a representative from Yabloko Alexander Kinyov, who, like his leader in the FAS RF Igor Artemyev , has been a member of the St. Petersburg Yabloko since the 1990s.

It is also important that the composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has been strengthened by influential constitutional lawyers and doctors of law. Among them are Vasily Likhachev and Boris Ebzeev, who were included in the commission under the “presidential quota”.

At the same time, continuity with the previous composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation was maintained due to the reassignment of key professionals. According to the decision of the head of state, the former judge of the Constitutional Court and President of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Boris Ebzeev, as well as economist Valery Kryukov and lawyer Evgeny Kolyushin, who passed through the “State Duma quota,” and Maya Grishina and Siyabshakh Shapiev from the Federation Council, remain on the commission.

- federal state body that heads the system of election commissions, referendum commissions formed to prepare and conduct elections to bodies state power, local government bodies, as well as referendums (popular votes) in the Russian Federation. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1993 No. 1505. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the main functions of the Central Election Commission of Russia are: preparation and conduct of elections and referendums in the Russian Federation; ensuring uniform implementation of legislation on elections and referendums; management of the activities of lower-level election commissions, referendum commissions; ensuring and protecting electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation and public associations; control over the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums at all levels. The Central Election Commission of Russia, as well as the system of election commissions headed by it, due to the specificity of its functions and legal nature, cannot be classified as one of the three branches of state power established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, but occupies an independent niche in the mechanism Russian state. The commission operates on a permanent basis and is legal entity, has a seal with its name and image State emblem Russian Federation, other seals and stamps, as well as the emblem. The official abbreviated name of the commission, according to its Regulations, is the Central Election Commission of Russia. The order of formation, legal status and the rules of operation of the Russian Central Election Commission are enshrined in the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, other federal laws on elections, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Referendum of the Russian Federation”, as well as in the Regulations of the Russian Central Election Commission. A separate federal law defining the status of the Russian Central Election Commission has not yet been adopted. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, independently resolves issues within its jurisdiction and is not bound by decisions political parties and other public associations. The independent status of the Central Election Commission of Russia, as well as other election commissions and referendum commissions, enshrined in law, is an important guarantee of the independent responsible activities of the Central Election Commission of Russia and the commissions led by it. The procedure for forming the Commission established by Art. 21 Federal Law“On the basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation,” which is specified in the Regulations of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, is distinguished by the fact that it is the only federal state body that is formed on a parity basis by three other highest state bodies bodies representing various branches of government. This procedure is intended to ensure the representation of various political forces in the commission, their balance, and the adoption of impartial decisions that express national and national interests. The composition of the commission is set at 15 members with voting rights. At the same time, five members of the commission are appointed by the Federation Council, the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law and the Regulations, the leaders of the Central Election Commission of Russia - chairman, deputy chairman, secretary - are elected by the commission itself from among its members by secret ballot using ballots. The activities of the commission are carried out on the basis of collegiality, free, open and public discussion and resolution of issues within its competence. Members of the commission organize work in specific areas of activity of the Central Election Commission of Russia and are responsible for the results of this work. The regulations of the Central Election Commission of Russia establish 14 areas of work. The distribution of responsibilities between members of the commission in these areas is carried out by resolution of the Central Election Commission of Russia. The Central Election Commission of Russia, together with other state bodies and local governments, organizes state system registration (registration) of voters, referendum participants, examination of laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulating electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation, carries out other important functions related to the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums. The will of the Central Election Commission of Russia as a state body is expressed in acts adopted by the Commission. Acts of the Commission, depending on the nature of the issue, are adopted by a majority of the established number of commission members or the number of commission members present at the meeting. They have different names: instructions, regulations, charter, rules, clarifications, methodological recommendations. All these names are secondary, since they are approved by a resolution of the Central Election Commission of Russia - the only official act adopted by the Commission as a collegial body. Acts of the Commission are not subject to registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation; they are not subject to prosecutorial supervision. Nevertheless, they are mandatory for execution by executive authorities, local self-government, all collective and individual subjects (participants) of election campaigns, referendums, as well as lower-level election commissions and referendum commissions. The decisions of the Commission are published in the official printed organ of the CEC of Russia - the journal “Bulletin of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation”, transmitted to other media and posted on the website of the CEC of Russia. Acts of the Commission, unlike acts of executive authorities, cannot be canceled administratively. They can be canceled in whole or in part only Supreme Court of the Russian Federation when an interested organization or person submits a corresponding application and if there are any legal grounds. Literature: Federal constitutional law “On the referendum of the Russian Federation” dated June 28, 2004 No. 5-FKZ // Russian newspaper. 2004. June 30; Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated June 12, 2002 No. 67-FZ // 2002. No. 24. Art. 22.53; Regulations of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. M., 2003. © Biktagirov R.T.

TASS DOSSIER. On March 27, 2016, the five-year term of office of the current sixth composition of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the Russian Federation expires. On March 28, the first meeting of its new composition will take place, during which a new chairman of the Central Election Commission will be elected. Vladimir Churov, who headed the commission since 2007, was not appointed to a new term.

Central election commission- a state collegial body whose main task is to organize elections and referendums in Russia. The procedure for the formation and status of the commission is established by the federal law “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” of June 12, 2002 and other legislative acts.

Powers of the commission

The Central Election Commission monitors the observance of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, ensures the preparation and conduct of elections and referendums, organizes their financing and controls the distribution of budget funds, verifies the receipt and expenditure of candidate funds, establishes voting results, and also provides legal, organizational, technical and other assistance to election commissions. The powers of the Central Election Commission also include the development of the Russian electoral system, the introduction of automation tools in elections, the consideration of complaints against decisions of election commissions of the constituent entities of the Federation, etc.


The Central Election Commission for elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation was formed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin dated September 24, 1993.
The first composition of the commission - 20 people - was approved by the head of state on September 29, 1993. Ten of them were proposed by regional parliaments, ten - by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Required condition applicants had to have a higher legal education or an academic degree in the field of law (then, since 2007, a higher education was required).
After the parliamentary elections in December 1993, the department was renamed the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. The Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated December 6, 1994 established that the Central Election Commission operates on a permanent basis and manages the activities of election commissions for the elections of the President, State Duma deputies, other federal government bodies, as well as for holding a referendum in the Russian Federation. The commission's term of office was set at four years, and the number of its members was reduced to 15 people, five of whom were appointed by the State Duma, five by the Federation Council and five by the President of the Russian Federation.
In December 1994 - March 1995, a new composition of the Central Election Commission was formed. Subsequently, the commission was formed every four years - in 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011. In 2010, the term of office of the CEC was increased to five years, according to which its sixth composition worked from 2011 to 2016.

Heads of the Central Election Commission

Since its formation, the Central Election Commission has had four chairmen. The first head of the commission in September 1993 was the deputy head of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Ryabov (re-elected in March 1995). At the head of the Central Election Commission, he organized the parliamentary elections in 1993 and 1995, as well as the presidential elections in 1996.
In November 1996, after Ryabov was appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Czech Republic, Alexander Ivanchenko was elected head of the Central Election Commission. He headed the Central Election Commission for three years, during which not a single federal election campaign was held in Russia. In 1999, Ivanchenko headed the board of directors of the Independent Institute of Elections, and later the Center for Training in Electoral Technologies under the Central Election Commission.
The third composition of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation in March 1999 elected Alexander Veshnyakov as chairman, who served in this post until 2007. Under him, four election campaigns were held: in 1999 and 2003. - elections to the State Duma, in 2000 and 2004. - presidential elections. In 2007, he was not included in the fifth composition of the commission; a year later he was appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Latvia.
The place of the chairman of the Central Election Commission in March 2007 was taken by Vladimir Churov (re-elected in March 2011). He led the parliamentary (2007, 2011) and presidential elections (2008, 2012). In 2016, when the new composition of the Central Election Commission was formed, he was not included among its members.

Composition and structure of the CEC

The commission consists of 15 voting members. Five of them are appointed by the State Duma of the Russian Federation from among the candidates proposed by factions and deputy associations. Five - the Federation Council at the proposal of the leaders and parliaments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Another five members of the Central Election Commission are appointed by the head of state by decree. The commission elects a chairman, his deputies and the secretary of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation from among its members by secret ballot.
The CEC also includes members with advisory voting rights. They can participate in commission meetings, but do not have the right to vote on certain issues considered by the CEC. These are representatives of parties participating in parliamentary elections, registered candidates for the post of President of the Russian Federation, as well as initiative groups for holding a referendum.
Ensuring the activities of the commission and implementing the decisions it makes is entrusted to the CEC staff. According to the staffing table, it consists of 277 people.
The Federal Center for Informatization has been created under the Central Election Commission, which deals with information support activities of the Central Election Commission, as well as the creation and operation of the State automated system"Elections" (GAS "Elections"). Also operating under the CEC are the Russian Center for Training in Electoral Technologies, the Control and Audit Service and the Public Scientific and Methodological Advisory Council.

New composition of the commission

The seventh composition of the Russian Central Election Commission was formed in February - March 2016, and the commission was renewed by 60%. Six members of the sixth composition were appointed to new terms. Of these, according to the State Duma quota - Evgeny Kolyushin and Valery Kryukov; Federation Council - Maya Grishina, Siyabshakh Shapiev and Anton Lopatin; according to the quota of the head of state - Boris Ebzeev.
Nine people became new members of the commission, including former Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Ella Pamfilova (2014-2016), Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Nikolai Levichev (2011-2016), Senator Nikolai Bulaev (2015-2016), and others.
The first elections to be held by the new composition of the Central Election Commission will take place on September 18, 2016. On this day, Russia will take place a single voting day combined with the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation.
The term of office of the seventh composition of the CEC expires in March 2021.

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation is a permanent collegial body of state power.
The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation carries out its activities on the basis of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in Referendums of Citizens of the Russian Federation" dated September 5, 1997, as amended on March 30, 1999. It manages the activities of election commissions for the presidential election RF, deputies State Duma, as well as other federal government agencies provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and on holding a referendum of the Russian Federation.
The Central Election Commission consists of fifteen members and its term of office is four years. It is formed in a special way. Five members of the Central Election Commission are appointed by the State Duma. Candidates for these positions are proposed by deputy associations. Five members are appointed by the Federation Council. Candidates for these positions are proposed by legislative and executive bodies subjects of the Russian Federation, and five members of the Central Election Commission are appointed personally by the President of the Russian Federation. From among its members, the Central Election Commission elects a chairman, deputy chairman and secretary by secret ballot.
In its actions, the Central Election Commission is completely independent; it is not controlled and accountable to any government body. The Central Election Commission issues instructions and clarifications on issues of uniform application of electoral legislation, issues of preparation and conduct of elections, determination of their results, etc. Documents issued by the Central Election Commission regulate almost all areas of preparation and conduct of elections.
According to the law, the powers of the Central Election Commission are quite significant.

  • Together with the election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it primarily:
    • exercises control over compliance with the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation and their right to participate in referendums, controls the legality of elections, organizes a nationwide voter registration system;
    • organizes the development of standards technological equipment necessary for the work of election commissions, and monitors their compliance;
    • implements measures to organize a system for financing elections and referendums, controls their intended use;
    • provides legal, methodological, organizational and technical assistance to election commissions, etc.

The Central Election Commission approves the personnel of territorial election commissions of territories, regions, federal cities, autonomous regions, and autonomous districts. The Central Election Commission is taking measures to organize a uniform system for summing up voting results, including using the “GAS - Elections” system. Members of the Central Election Commission work under the direction of the chairman and can be early dismissed from their positions only by decision of the body that appointed them to this position. More specifically and in detail, the powers of the Central Election Commission are defined in the laws on elections of the President of the Russian Federation, elections of deputies of the State Duma, and holding a referendum in the Russian Federation.
Changes in the status of the Central Election Commission can only be made in connection with the adoption of new federal election laws.

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