December rat horoscope. Eastern horoscope by year: what awaits the signs in December. Prediction for those born in the year of the Dragon

This month, the astro forecast advises Aries to listen to the opinion of those people who are authoritative for them. Also, representatives of the sign should not overestimate themselves, because at some point everyone can make mistakes, even they.

This month, Aries will have the opportunity to bring the things they have started to their logical conclusion. Therefore, instead of wasting time in vain, the stars recommend that you quickly take up pressing matters, since you will not have such an opportunity for a long time.

Also, this period, by the way, is very suitable for meeting with distant relatives, as well as with those people that you have not seen for a long time, or whom you yourself have not visited for a long time. Remember that there are people around you who also sometimes need support and care.

It is possible that by helping others, you will be able to better understand yourself, as well as increase your significance in your own eyes, which is also important. But at the same time, remember that you still need to evaluate yourself adequately.

Aries Woman December Horoscope 2020

In December, the representatives of the sign will accumulate those cases that will require them to make quick decisions. But before making a definite choice, it does not hurt for the representatives of the sign to consult with relatives or friends. Most likely, one of them will tell you the right solution.

Also, astro forecast does not advise you to worry about the fact that you can make a mistake in something. Fortune in any case will help you do everything in the best possible way, especially if you do not refuse someone else's help.

Mid-December will be favorable for pre-holiday troubles. If the representatives of the sign have not yet managed to buy gifts for their relatives, then they can safely do this in the last two weeks of the month. When choosing a gift, remember that first of all it should please its future owner, not you. Therefore, when choosing various pleasant little things, be guided by the tastes of another person, and not your own.

By the end of December, the representatives of the sign will need a little rest in order to take a breath and prepare for the holidays. If one of the women has not yet had time to confess their love, they will be able to correct this unfortunate omission right before the New Year.

Aries Man December Horoscope 2020

In the first month of winter, the astro forecast recommends that Aries men relax a little and let events take their course. Relying on themselves, the representatives of the sign should still remember that in life there are such things that do not depend on them in any way.

By doing many contradictory actions in a short time, you only aggravate the situation, instead of solving it. Therefore, do not think about what will happen in the end, but just enjoy today, while trying to do as many useful things as possible. Otherwise, it may turn out that you yourself will harm yourself and add troubles that will not be so desirable for you.

In addition, in December, representatives of the sign will not hurt to spend more time with their family. Do not shy away from household chores. Remember that even the most insignificant contribution to the common cause at first glance can further rally close people together. So before you shirk and give up your family responsibilities, think about what benefits your consent can bring. And perhaps not only you.

Dog Pig

The month of the Wood Rat is coming according to the solar Chinese calendar. The Wood Rat is a fragile tree that grows in a flood-drenched meadow or in quicksand: the last bastion of stability in an unstable world.

Instability breeds uncertainty, uncertainty breeds weakness, weakness breeds depression. Depression is a sore point of the Wood Rat.

Fortunately, there is a recipe for "rat disease": to load yourself with business so that there is no room for doubt. The best way is a quick start. Do not think about “can I, do I want to ...”, proceed immediately to any, even the most difficult task.

However, this month there will be classes and more interesting cases. For those born in the years of the Rabbit, Goat and Pig, a romantic period begins. Their attractiveness to potential partners is growing, there are new opportunities to meet your love.

About favorable and unfavorable directions. As you probably already remember, north the whole year is unfavorable, and in the month of the Wood Rat it is especially dangerous for people with diseases of the circulatory system - diseases can worsen. The second unfavorable direction - northwest. It will not help health either, ENT organs can become a target. If you have a bedroom in the northwestern room, beware of otitis media and sinusitis. If your workplace is there, then important negotiations may be disrupted. And, by the way, if there is a bathroom in this room, then it doesn’t threaten you personally (since you are unlikely to be there for hours), but leaks and gusts of the pipeline are easy.

The east, west and northeast are relatively unfavorable. East can lead to quarrels over words spoken in hearts. Western the room "pumps out" energy. People who spend a lot of time here suffer from apathy and drowsiness. Well, if your family room is on northeast, beware of sudden financial losses through no fault of your own.

Now about favorable directions. The best time to spend in southwestern room: you will be able to realize everything that you planned, and plan more than you dreamed of.

Good as well southern room - it is romantic and promotes the disclosure of creative abilities, as well as southeast, which can bestow quick and easy profits.

Auspicious dates of the month of the Wood Rat in 2018-2019

December 18- the best days for any undertakings, but, alas, they are not suitable for those born in the year of the Tiger.

December 8, 20- ideal dates for negotiations and closing deals, unless you were born in the year of the Dragon.

Unfavorable dates of the month of the Wood Rat in 2018-2019

December 14, 16, 26, 28- unfavorable for starting important business; projects launched these days will face many difficulties and opposition.

December 19, 21, January 2- not suitable for important events and medical interventions.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rat

Rats are less sensitive than others to the negative manifestations of the month. The general mood of unsteady uncertainty adds to them not caution, but excitement. This self-confidence can let them down - in principle, a completely successful month will turn into losses due to negligence. It is better to use this time for planning and training. We learned something new, immediately tried it, planned for the future. Only in this way, small steps to victory!

Prediction for those born in the year of the Ox

The bulls think a lot and, thinking about it, they can miss some important chance. While you are deciding whether to agree or not, your rivals are already skimming the jam. Reaction speed is your main trump card, do not relax. Be sure to keep track of spending, do not exceed the limit. Some bulls will make a profit - most likely wooden, 1985, the rest will have to wait another month.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Tiger

Tigers should pay attention to their inner world; The month of the Wood Rat is a good time to develop intuition or even psychic abilities. By the way, it is intuition that will help you improve your financial situation - you will make a successful loan or investment, which is inexplicable with a sober calculation. Beware of domestic injuries.

Prediction for those born in the Year of the Rabbit

Rabbits are one of the three romantics of the month. Try to enjoy casual flirting, even though you're not really into it. You do not need to immediately imagine how you will get married, give birth to children, build a house and plant a garden; the candy-bouquet period is beautiful in itself, even if (like this time) it doesn't go beyond sweets and compliments from a nice employee.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Dragon

Dragons should first of all take care of their health - it can fail at the most inopportune moment. Do not ignore even the most minor symptoms. Otherwise, the month is good for shopping - things will last longer than you expected, and for negotiations with foreign partners. Passing exams will require more effort than you expected, start preparing in advance.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Snake

Get more rest! It is not necessary to go on long trips for this (although any trip to the south will be favorable), even a vacation spent at home will give you strength and vigor. If you don’t take care of yourself, you may suddenly find that you have been overgrown with a whole convoy for no reason of given promises that will take all your time. Limit communication with people who are unpleasant to you - they may turn out to be energy vampires.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Horse

For the Horse, the first half of the month will be tense - a lot of work, possibly exams or some kind of reporting. It is important to finish everything on time, since the last decade will be devoted to personal life; not so much romantic dates as showdown. And how it will end depends on your patience, delicacy and tolerance.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Goat

Goats who are not related by family ties can find their true love, and those who are married can experience a second honeymoon. A very favorable time for romantic confessions, and the New Year will be very welcome. It will be a little worse with work - the bosses will not be quite happy with you, and the Goat businessmen will not receive the profit they were counting on.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Monkey

The monkey will receive some significant financial bonus - however, no more than you expect. In the month of the Wood Rat, it is favorable to plan, including how and when you will spend this money. Try to ignore the fuss that will haunt you this month - your help will often be required by older relatives and those who are higher in position than you.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rooster

Roosters will have to forget about themselves for a while: you may have to care for sick relatives, show hospitality to relatives, or take part in some kind of charity project. Your generosity will be counted by the Universe, just… not now and not in the near future. Satisfy yourself with a feeling of honestly done duty.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Dog

A dog in the month of the Wood Rat will get access to other people's finances: one of your relatives or friends will spoil you. They will also receive an interesting offer - a new position or a new job, also associated with a promotion. A good offer at a bad time: It will be difficult for the Dog to accept it (although it should) - it is too sensitive to the uncertain mood of the month.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Pig

The affairs of the Pig are going like clockwork - in November you put them on a reliable track, now you can afford to relax and pay attention to your personal life. Moreover, for once you are loved, adored, surrounded by tenderness and care. If you intend to make a choice of a life partner, pay attention not to new acquaintances, but to a person who has returned to you from the past.

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December 2018 will set a number of tasks for many Rats to improve their old housing or move to a new one. For some, this is just a plan, but for some it is real life. However, both will certainly be implemented in different periods of the next year, 2019.

Relationships between lovers are quite stable, many couples will decide on marriage or at least cohabitation. New Year's Eve will be interesting and fun with close friends and loved ones.

Work, career, business

The first decade of December 2018 is a busy time for the Rat. Most likely, during this period, financial disagreements with partners in the case or with one of the old friends will continue. In the second or third decade of the month, long disputes begin to subside, apparently, it is possible to agree on a compromise acceptable to both parties.

Entrepreneurs and leaders of all levels will be engaged in a complete reorganization of their business, and these activities will continue in the next year, 2019.

The Rat's situation is as follows - the old business is already outdated, and it does not bring a stable income, but there is no new one yet. The majority of professionally active Rats are doing about the same. A new streak will come only in a year, but for now, look for options, learn something new - this will definitely come in handy in the future!


Financially, December 2018 is not particularly good for the Rat. Cash receipts will decrease and expenditures will increase. True, you can count on some amount in the period from December 20 to 22, but most of it will immediately go to family or professional needs.


As the “horoscope for December 2018” says, this month the energy potential of the Rat is low, and this can be especially felt on the days of the new moon on December 7-8. At this time, do not test the body for strength with excesses and beware of winter colds.

Read the monthly horoscope 2018 for other zodiac signs:

Money, sun, sea, whiskey - or doshirak and two sausages? And what do you think, what kind of life does the horoscope foretell you for December 2018? Are you worthy to occupy the dense ranks of the “elite”, who eat black caviar with a mine of fatigue and apathy, or is “overseas eggplant” enough for you? It is time to find out, and the astrological forecast for December will help us do this.

The first month of winter will be like a dance. Here are just some will smoothly “waltz” around the shops, while others will convulsively “beat off the tap dance” at work. So that you do not have to rake a bunch of work that will grow like a snowball, try to complete all the tasks assigned to you in a timely manner! Moreover, the horoscope for December 2018 claims that this month it will not be difficult to find intelligent assistants.

And what do the stars portend in terms of love? Despite the beginning of winter and the cooling of the air, serious passions will boil in this area! In married couples in which there has been no mutual understanding for a long time, even the possibility of adultery is not ruled out. However, the astroscope still recommends being faithful to your other half - after all, you don’t need scandals and showdowns on the eve of the New Year holidays, do you?

Horoscope for December 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac

A computer program helped us to compile this horoscope. And so I wanted to do it the old fashioned way, with the help of a telescope, a compass and ephemeris tables! But, alas, the telescope turned out to be faulty, and we had to turn to modern technologies ... What did the astrological forecast tell about?

Aries horoscope for December 2018

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, Aries need to gather strength and complete all the work that has been started! For representatives of your zodiac sign, this month will pass under the predominant influence of the moon.

Taurus: horoscope for December 2018

Hasty decisions should not be made now, the first month of winter is not suitable for this. Continue to stick to the previously developed strategy.

Gemini Horoscope for December 2018

It is time to take the initiative, expand the circle of contacts, acquire useful acquaintances. Jupiter takes Gemini under its patronage, which means that you will have the opportunity to achieve a lot and realize your plans!

Cancer: horoscope for December 2018

Cancerians December 2018 will bring a lot of bright emotions and impressions! This guarantees Uranus, which will be in trine with Jupiter and will temporarily become the ruling planet for representatives of your zodiac sign.

Leo Horoscope for December 2018

Soon you will meet a person in whose company you will feel easy and pleasant. Of course, this applies only to those Lions who have not yet found a mate. Leo, who are already dating, the astrological forecast warns that in December 2018 you may have a romantic feeling for a stranger.

Virgo: horoscope for December 2018

Your career will be in order if you do not jeopardize your reputation. This is especially true for the male half. Be careful with romantic hobbies in the workplace!

Libra Horoscope for December 2018

The positive changes that began back in November will naturally develop at the beginning of winter. In the near future, Libra will be full of determination and optimism, which will allow you to achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles.

Scorpio December 2018 horoscope

From December 11 to December 16, 2018, the influence of Uranus increases dramatically, as a result of which it will become more difficult for you to manage your work responsibilities. To prevent work from becoming a pointless race, make a clear schedule for yourself and stick to it.

Sagittarius Horoscope for December 2018

This month you will develop intuition. Thanks to this quality, you will be able to take steps to improve your official position. You may even be able to move up the career ladder.

Capricorn Horoscope for December 2018

If you have long had a dream that you still have not been able to fulfill, get ready for a surprise! In the first ten days of December, you will receive a generous offer, which, of course, should be accepted, because it will bring all your long-standing desires closer to you.

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2018

Dear Aquarius, the time for dreams, romantic adventures, fulfillment of desires and joyful events is coming for you! The first month of winter will bring with it not only cold, wind and snow, but also positive events that you have been thinking about for so long.

Pisces Horoscope for December 2018

In December 2018, Pisces should do only those things that arouse their interest and bring moral satisfaction. Try to expel routine and boredom from your life!

Astroscope for December 2018 by decades

In astrology, it is customary to divide each month into decades, that is, into periods of 10 days. It is believed that it is during this time period that the position of the planets changes noticeably enough to have an impact on people's lives. First of all, lunar cycles are taken into account, but also when drawing up a horoscope, the position of the main celestial bodies of the solar system is taken into account: Venus, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Mercury.

1st decade of December 2018: this period should be devoted to solving work issues. Close previously started projects, repay or claim existing debts, go on business trips if necessary. The stars recommend that you go headlong into work, while there is strength and energy for it. It is better to refrain from risky transactions and the purchase of expensive goods. The main recommendation - do not take loans! It is not good to enter the new year with debts.

2nd decade of December 2018: now that work matters are over, you can deal with household and family issues. Perhaps you would like to update the decor of your home, purchase missing household appliances or more ergonomic furniture. This period of December 2018 will be rich in random meetings and all sorts of surprises.

3rd decade of December 2018: On the eve of the upcoming New Year, you should take care of your health. First of all, it refers to the diet. Observe moderation in food, otherwise the upcoming plentiful feast will “reward” you with a couple of extra pounds. Also, dress for the weather and try to be less likely to be in public places. You do not want to "pick up" the flu or another viral infection, do you?

Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for December 2018

Rat. Cupid has already prepared a quiver with arrows, and it is unlikely that the Rat will be able to hide from the nosy angel! This month, your heart and thoughts will be taken over by a person whom you have not even met yet. Calm is expected for family representatives of the sign on the personal front.

Bull. The Universe will send you prophetic dreams and other secret signs by which you can read the future. Bulls, who will have to make responsible decisions in December 2018, should rely on their intuition. The horoscope does not recommend spending significant amounts of money on purchases, otherwise you may be disappointed.

Tiger. Not the best time for real estate transactions. In general, it is better to postpone all large and expensive projects to the next year. In the meantime, get busy decorating your home and preparing for the New Year holidays.

Cat / Rabbit. Solid cash receipts can take place in December, which you did not even count on! Lonely representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to make a trip and find the love of a lifetime during this journey! Romance is in the air this month!

The Dragon. Stop sitting on "chests of gold" like a dragon guarding an enchanted treasure cave! The horoscope recommends you to go shopping, pamper yourself and your loved ones with purchases.

Snake. At work, conflicts with colleagues are possible, but if you show your inherent wisdom and prudence, then this can be avoided. Relations with family and friends will be harmonious, and if you had problems with finances, then you should know that they will soon fade into the background!

Horse. It cannot be said that this December will be “hilarious” for you, because you will have to work hard and hard. However, know that you will have a choice! You can either voluntarily "harness" the yoke, or "kick" the boss and go on vacation ahead of time. It all depends on what you want - to earn good money and get chances for career growth, or to be with family and friends.

Goat / Sheep. Relations with a loved one will become warmer and more harmonious. If at the moment of your life you are not dating anyone, then soon the stars will fix it! Look around, and then you will not miss your chance.

Monkey. Someone, but you in December 2018 are definitely not in danger of financial shocks! Money will come easily, however, it is not a fact that they will stay in your wallet for a long time. However, try not to make rash expenses that you would later regret.

Rooster. The astroscope declares that many representatives of your sign have been taken over by an obsession that cannot be realized in any way. Think - is it really necessary for you? Sometimes it's better to step back and wait a bit than to try to “swoop” over an impenetrable wall!

Dog. If this month you need to sign a contract or other important papers, then carefully read their contents! First of all, you should pay attention to postscripts in small print. As the proverb says, "the devil is in the details."

Boar / Pig. The beneficial influence of the mistress of the coming year will begin to reflect on you this month! Your luck will increase, the same applies to the ability to intuitively make the right decisions. During the first 10 - 15 days, try to resolve work issues, and devote the second half of December to relatives and friends.

The site "All Talismans" wishes readers happiness, health and material well-being! May the coming New Year fulfill all your innermost dreams!

December will give everyone zodiac signs the opportunity to complete all the work started without postponing their implementation for the next year. The main thing is not to fuss and use this chance correctly, and the stars will tell you how.


Rats in December will be incredibly lucky. Difficulties and problems are left behind, and now you are planning life from scratch. Go ahead, the green light is on for any new plans. Catch the wave of positive change and enjoy life!

Good luck awaits you in amorous affairs. Those who are single, in the first days of the month, can meet a very nice person, with whom everything will turn out just fine in the future. Family same Rats, even those who have been married for a long time, will feel the care and support of a loved one for the whole month.


Bulls in December a harmonious and positive month is prepared. If you apply its energy correctly, you can double your income. Use your natural industriousness and do not be afraid of competition. Now you are not afraid of even the most advanced specialists in their field.

In personal life, disagreements are not ruled out due to different views on leisure activities and the distribution of family responsibilities. In order to avoid serious conflicts, both sides should first of all calm down and compromise.


December will bring the Tigers harmony in relations with others and the opportunity to earn good money. Take action, you are much more likely to increase income than you think. Old friends and former classmates can help in the implementation of plans. They are able to provide real help or at least give practical advice.

Lonely representatives of the sign in December days should not sit at home, they should go out more often and participate in festive events. It is in the pre-New Year's fuss that there is a chance to meet a worthy person.


rabbits at first winter month many tests await. Quarrels and disputes, gossip and intrigue will constantly arise at work. Try to avoid conflicts and not participate in the discussion of colleagues.

You can find support in the family, but you need to react less sharply to various kinds of difficulties and take care of your nervous system. In addition, you should be more careful on the roads and when processing important documents. But at home you can completely relax and allow yourself to complain about life.

The Dragon

At the Dragons in December it's time for romance. I want love adventures, pleasant communication, bright meetings and new acquaintances. Therefore, if you are single, do not sit at home. Stars are advised to go out more often, and any kind of event is suitable for this.

Those who are married, it is desirable to spend more time with a loved one. Income will also please, so you can safely pamper your relatives with expensive gifts for the holiday and even a New Year's trip to hot countries.


December for Serpents- a difficult month. They may encounter serious obstacles and obstacles along the way. Don't worry, everything will work out for the best soon. In difficult situations, look for support in your loved one and do not forget to sincerely thank him for his support.

Family Snakes This month, they may notice changes in their own child's behavior. Perhaps a grown child will need more freedom and pocket money. Well, it is worth thinking about the new conditions.


Horses in December feel like they are in charge. The beginning of winter will please with a well-deserved reward for valiant labors. You will be the center of attention. Use this period to present your products and services, send out resumes, and apply for official employment.

If some nice person has been in mind for a long time, on the eve of the New Year, you can try to establish friendly relations with him. It is possible that in the future they will develop into something more serious.


Sheep in December like never want to be alone with yourself and reflect on the meaning of life. During this period, you may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, the daily routine, care and attention to yourself are your best friends. Spend more time at home, even if the weather outside is not very cold.

Now it is better not to take risks and not expose the body to unnecessary tests. It would be nice to do your favorite hobby, read an interesting book or watch a movie.


Monkeys in December there will be a difficult period when it is better to switch to energy saving mode. You will still have time for a breakthrough, but for now, allow yourself to rest more. If possible, take a vacation and travel. Take care of your health, especially the nervous system, do not overwork, in stressful situations, try to remain calm.

In personal relationships, a period of complete mutual understanding and support is coming. Lonely Monkeys On New Year's Eve, they can meet a soul mate.


December for Roosters will not be the easiest month of the year. They may face fraud, theft, deceit. Pay attention to property insurance, do not fall for dubious adventures, be extremely vigilant and careful.

At work, difficulties in communicating with management and colleagues close to him are not ruled out. You should remain neutral, not show dissatisfaction and express your opinion less. Closer to the New Year holidays, the situation should return to normal.


dogs just a wonderful, inspiring month for deeds is prepared. The stars will support you in every possible way, so you can afford to implement the most daring ideas and undertakings. You can count on the support of management or other higher people. Use it and don't forget to thank fate.

It also does not hurt to buy a lottery ticket, and not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. Luck itself goes into your hands, you need to act!


Boars a rather successful and harmonious month will fall, which will allow you to realize a variety of plans. Both people and stars will be on your side. With such strong support, everything will definitely work out and come true. The main thing is to set really important goals and systematically achieve them.

A lot of pleasant surprises and minutes await in amorous affairs, and the celebration of the New Year will leave the best memories! Just don't forget to take pictures of them!

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