Tarmashev ancient prehistory 4 download fb2. Ancient. Background. Book Four read online - Sergey Tarmashev

Sergey Tarmashev

Ancient. Background. Book Four

"When a book collides with a head - and at the same time a dull empty sound is heard, is it always the book's fault?"

(G. Lichtenberg)

Chapter first

High-Energy Space, Edge Galaxy, Hall of the Swan, training ground for the Shining warrior caste

A dozen flying targets burst out from behind a high, sharp rock in a dispersed cloud and rushed to intercept, flashing laser beams of attacking systems. Moving at supersonic speed through the rock labyrinth, Alice instantly changed her vector of movement and dodged the shots in a twisted maneuver, diverging from laser needles at a distance of a fingernail. From somewhere below ground imitators of the enemy hit, spitting a flurry of warheads into the rushing Alice, and she switched to anti-aircraft asymmetric zigzag, simultaneously avoiding the attack of the ground and air enemy. Alice gave the Flight Crystal everything she could, and her speed doubled. The targets lingered on the turn, not keeping up with Alice, maneuvering at huge accelerations, and for a brief moment were in a position vulnerable to attack. Alice, trying her best not to be late with her shot, drove a pulse of energy into the Battle Crystals, and a twin charge of antimatter pierced the methane atmosphere. The targets deftly sprayed into an evasive maneuver with an infinitely short sig of time before impact, and both rounds missed.

Here is the infection! Alice bit her lip in annoyance, but at that moment the targets opened fire again, and there was no time for resentment. She rushed into the very thick of the rock labyrinth and in four moments twisted almost two dozen complex loops between the rocks, confusing her pursuers. The pursuit was unable to hold on to such a highly maneuverable target and began to fall behind. The density of shelling on Alice increased to the maximum, the targets switched to the maximum rate of fire, trying to cover with area fire what cannot be caught up and shot accurately. A host of kinetic charges and laser beams pierced the atmosphere in millimeters from Alice maneuvering among the sharp rocks, but there were no hits. Almost all the shots went into the rocky peaks, and the labyrinth quickly filled with dust and stone chips swirling in the methane atmosphere. Visibility dropped sharply, thousands of stone grains rushing towards her eclipsed the view, burning in the energy protection of her face, and Alice switched to direct perception of energy flows. The targets that got into a similar situation again hesitated, and Alice at great speed made several most difficult turns in a row, confusing the enemy and going into the back of her pursuers. Her Battle Crystals struck again, but the closing speed was too great, and the charges missed again.

That's how it always is! Frustrated, Alice rushed into the combat loop, the direction of which was directly opposite to the current vector of movement, and the retaliatory strike of the targets who caught themselves missed her without consequences. Alice decided to confuse the enemy once again and again force them to substitute the rear, but at that moment a chiseled silhouette of a racing Valkyrie jumped out of the maze of the labyrinth at great speed, and Hildflöd, who caught up with her, fired a rapid series of shots. The targets piercing the dusty atmosphere scattered into photons, as if standing, and the consciousness fixed the result: not a single miss and not a single extra shot. For Hildflöd, this shooting practice was not difficult. Alice instantly estimated the distance to her opponent and once again put all her energy into the Crystal of Flight. The Valkyrie responded in kind, and for a few moments the snow-haired Daariyan warrior pursued Alice, barely a third of her corps behind her. But she couldn't catch up. The labyrinth ended, and the female figures rushing at great speed pierced the light canvas of the finishing illumination.

You fly just amazing! Hildflood deftly extinguished the sound wave caused by high speed and silently stopped near Alice, who was hovering in the air. - I can't catch up with you! One moment is always missing! But you don't shoot very well. Do you remember anything at all?

Absolutely,” Alice sighed. - To be precise, I don't remember how to fly either. I just know what to do, that's all. The decision always comes by itself, at the moment when the flight situation changes. I myself do not really understand how this happens, but I always know exactly how and what exactly needs to be done. And during the combat fusion with Thorbrand, the same thing happens.

Mysterious! - Hildflood appreciated with a smile, and maniacal interest immediately flashed in her eyes: - What else do you remember? Remember how to hold the Shield? Hand-to-hand combat? Blade cut? Tactical-special training of the Valkyries? Working in zero gravity? Evacuation of the wounded?

The gravity circuit works well. - Alice was sad. - I don’t remember anything else ... I didn’t start to get the outline right away, but only after I returned to the Adelheid Svetoch. True, since then I have been able to easily balance gravity ... but everything else ... Probably because of this Thorbrand does not let me near him.

Don't be upset, little sister, - the four-meter Harmonious Valkyrie gently stroked Alice's white-gold hair. - The Mighty Ace does not want to make a mistake and is waiting for the return of the Arrogant Ancestors in order to ask for advice and explanations.

I understand, - Alice's second breath was even sadder than the first. But waiting is very hard for me. We are halves, we have the Perfect Fusion! You know what it is, Hildflöd! You and Hrodmar also have a Perfect Fusion! This is always a rarity, and especially for Harmonious! We have it, but Thorbrand is almost half of the summer [The concept of "summer" of the Radiants is similar to the concept of "year" of Humans. Accordingly, half of the summer of the Radiants is analogous to half of the year of Humans.] does not allow me more than just hugs. Imagine what it's like for me! What can the Arrogant Ancestors say that could be more important than the Perfect Fusion?!

I don’t know,” the charming warrior confessed. - The mighty Thorbrand is an Ace, and Ases have access to many things that are beyond the power of simple Shining Ones. Don't forget that none of the other Aesir challenged the need for advice from the Arrogant Ancestors. But the Ases, in fact, are Arrogant themselves. So they have a reason.

That's right," Alice agreed sadly. They have reasons...

She remembered her last visit to Asgard, to the central castle of Roda Fornar. Everyone who personally knew the former Adelheid gathered for a council dedicated to the appearance of Alice. As Vedamir flew there and as many as one and a half circles of Ases from the castes of Creators and Healers from three galaxies: Daaria, Kharra and Svag, including a student of the legendary medical As Svetodar. The great healer himself left the four-dimensional layer of the Universe a century and a half ago, the next day after Thorbrand became Ace, but his image flashed in Alice's memory as soon as the medical luminaries began to take care of her all over the world. The verdict of all together and each individually was the same: Alice is Alina, reincarnated in the four-dimensional layer of the Universe, in her Family, as it should be in this case. But then a sad clarification followed: this should not have happened, and since it did happen, something went wrong. And that's bad. In general, there is nothing that As Torbrand, her infinitely powerful and infinitely beloved half, from the stream of which Alice has never been able to force herself to leave on her own, would not have said even earlier ...

Alice's misfortune and the object of worries of the wise Ases lay at the basis of the Laws of the Great Flash, the Ases did not worry in vain. In the course of its life, each rational being accumulates or wastes the potential of its Essence by its deeds. The Shining Ones, children of the Great Flash, are sixteen energy minds. The Dark Ones have fewer energons, corresponding to the space in which their species originated. For example, the Yellow races from the twelve-energy space have the potential of their Essences of twelve energons. Red - fourteen. Gray - ten. Reptiles - eight, Blacks - six, Demons - four. This law is the same for all races, whether they are humanoid, non-humanoid, or generally vegetative or mineral.

But all Essences, regardless of the number of energons, come to the four-dimensional layer of the Universe with four filled energons. Actually, because the layer is four-dimensional. One filled energon per dimension. The rest of the newborn's energons are empty, they just have to be filled with energy. For this he was given life. Actions aimed at oneself spend the energy of the Essence. Actions aimed at the benefit of the Family, Homeland and Race accumulate this energy. The mind, which has devoted its life to the accumulation of personal wealth and other deeds that are in the plane of greed and selfishness, by the end of its life, wastes the energy of the Essence and leaves the four-dimensional layer of the Universe with not four, but three energons, and often with fewer of them. This degraded Essence no longer has the potential to contain the Mind, and therefore incarnates in the layers of the Universe of lower dimensions, from where to rise to the Height is a task close to impossible. That is why the Dark Ones, who live by instincts, selfishness and greed, are trying so desperately to invent a recipe for immortality. On a subconscious level, they feel that their Essence has become so impoverished that after death they will no longer be rational beings. Hence the hype for eternal life.

Fantastic novel by Sergei Tarmashev "Ancient. Background. Book Four" completes the cycle of background stories about the Thirteenth warrior, his victories and love. Fans of the author's work were waiting for this book with special interest, because in the finale, many mysteries that have appeared every now and then throughout history should be revealed. And the book lived up to expectations, giving answers to a lot of questions that have tormented readers for so long.

The writer reveals the characters to us even more widely. Alice will make a lot of effort to remember her long past, the abilities that she possessed, and which were forgotten hundreds of years ago. It will become more clear who the Thirteenth, a warrior from Earth, is. The relationship between Adelheid and Thorbrand continues to develop and is of considerable interest.

The book describes the universe well, different races, different worlds, reincarnations of people. The author also tells about the life of secondary characters, while not forgetting where it all happens. Each reader will be able to find something interesting in this novel - there is a great warrior the Thirteenth, intergalactic battles, unknown galaxies, true love. At the same time, reading is not only very exciting, but also makes you think about global problems and the consequences of actions.

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Sergei Tarmashev with the novel Ancient. Background. Book 4 for download in fb2 format.

“Those who live by instincts, selfishness and greed are desperately trying to invent a recipe for immortality, because they feel that their Essence has become so impoverished that after death they will no longer be rational beings. Races…" Fans of the legendary saga "Ancient" have been waiting for this book since the publication of "Catastrophe", which once became a real sensation and turned the idea of ​​​​a fantastic bestseller, and not only in Russia. Each novel about the great warrior the Thirteenth, his battles and his love, supplemented the universes of Sergei Tarmashev, but posed more and more intriguing questions for readers. The confrontation of the Races, the essence of death and the price of immortality, the acquisition of Eternity ... And now, when interest is as high as ever, the completion of "Prehistory" will finally give a number of long-awaited clues!

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. Edition Ancient. Background. Book 4 is dated 2016, belongs to the Fantasy genre in the Worlds and Wars by Sergei Tarmashev series and is published by the AST publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot - save it to your wall in a social network, let your friends see it too!

Sep 25, 2017

Ancient. Background. Book Four Sergey Tarmashev

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Title: Ancient. Background. Book Four

About the book Ancient. Background. Book Four "Sergey Tarmashev

Fantastic novel "Ancient. Background. Book Four is part of the fascinating saga of The Ancient One. It is thanks to this cycle of stories that Sergei Tarmashev received the well-deserved title of one of the best science fiction writers working in the genre of the post-apocalyptic future. The fourth part of the saga is designed to shed light on all the questions that readers probably have accumulated. On the other hand, the novel will make you think more than once about why the plot unfolds the way it does, and what will happen after a few pages?

Sergei Tarmashev invites the reader to imagine a new Earth that has suffered from the excessive influence of mankind. The nuclear catastrophe claimed the lives of almost all living things, forcing the world to acquire new forms of all living things. "Ancient. Background. Book Four is a social fantasy, thanks to which anyone who opens the novel can imagine a completely different, but very likely development of society. Evolution follows a path unknown to modern people, because the circumstances in which the main characters are immersed are radically different.

In the center of events is the main character - a brave special forces officer nicknamed the Thirteenth. A difficult test fell on his fate, which he bears with honor - to help humanity recover from the explosions and survive the battles with new enemies. "Ancient. Background. Book Four" makes it clear to the reader that in that world, as in the present, manna from heaven should not be expected. Most of the problems that fall on the shoulders can be solved with a little ingenuity, desire and speed. If there is an opportunity and strength to fight - you need to do it. There is no turning back, especially if the goal of the whole event is to save the life of humanity and one, but its most precious member.

The book "Ancient. Background. Book Four is not just fiction, telling fairy tales about non-existent worlds. This is a story about what could have happened if humanity had made one single mistake - burned itself out. In his work, Sergey Tormashev repeatedly raises philosophical problems, and focuses on the main question that worries readers throughout the saga - what is higher: Race, Kin or Motherland? Or maybe something else controls everything? How about Love?

Ancient - 4

A dozen flying targets burst out from behind a high, sharp rock in a dispersed cloud and rushed to intercept, flashing laser beams of attacking systems. Moving at supersonic speed through the rock labyrinth, Alice instantly changed her vector of movement and dodged the shots in a twisted maneuver, diverging from laser needles at a distance of a fingernail. From somewhere below ground imitators of the enemy hit, spitting a flurry of warheads into the rushing Alice, and she switched to anti-aircraft asymmetric zigzag, simultaneously avoiding the attack of the ground and air enemy. Alice gave the Flight Crystal everything she could, and her speed doubled. The targets lingered on the turn, not keeping up with Alice, maneuvering at huge accelerations, and for a brief moment were in a position vulnerable to attack. Alice, trying her best not to be late with her shot, drove a pulse of energy into the Battle Crystals, and a twin charge of antimatter pierced the methane atmosphere. The targets deftly sprayed into an evasive maneuver with an infinitely short sig of time before impact, and both rounds missed.

Here is the infection! Alice bit her lip in annoyance, but at that moment the targets opened fire again, and there was no time for resentment. She rushed into the very thick of the rock labyrinth and in four moments twisted almost two dozen complex loops between the rocks, confusing her pursuers. The pursuit was unable to hold on to such a highly maneuverable target and began to fall behind. The density of shelling on Alice increased to the maximum, the targets switched to the maximum rate of fire, trying to cover with area fire what cannot be caught up and shot accurately. A host of kinetic charges and laser beams pierced the atmosphere in millimeters from Alice maneuvering among the sharp rocks, but there were no hits. Almost all the shots went into the rocky peaks, and the labyrinth quickly filled with dust and stone chips swirling in the methane atmosphere. Visibility dropped sharply, thousands of stone grains rushing towards her eclipsed the view, burning in the energy protection of her face, and Alice switched to direct perception of energy flows. The targets that got into a similar situation again hesitated, and Alice at great speed made several most difficult turns in a row, confusing the enemy and going into the back of her pursuers. Her Battle Crystals struck again, but the closing speed was too great, and the charges missed again.

That's how it always is! Frustrated, Alice rushed into the combat loop, the direction of which was directly opposite to the current vector of movement, and the retaliatory strike of the targets who caught themselves missed her without consequences. Alice decided to confuse the enemy once again and again force them to substitute the rear, but at that moment a chiseled silhouette of a racing Valkyrie jumped out of the maze of the labyrinth at great speed, and Hildflöd, who caught up with her, fired a rapid series of shots. The targets piercing the dusty atmosphere scattered into photons, as if standing, and the consciousness fixed the result: not a single miss and not a single extra shot. For Hildflöd, this shooting practice was not difficult. Alice instantly estimated the distance to her opponent and once again put all her energy into the Crystal of Flight. The Valkyrie responded in kind, and for a few moments the snow-haired Daariyan warrior pursued Alice, barely a third of her corps behind her. But she couldn't catch up. The labyrinth ended, and the female figures rushing at great speed pierced the light canvas of the finishing illumination.

You fly just amazing! Hildflood deftly extinguished the sound wave caused by high speed and silently stopped near Alice, who was hovering in the air. - I can't catch up with you! One moment is always missing! But you don't shoot very well. Do you remember anything at all?

Absolutely,” Alice sighed. - To be precise, I don't remember how to fly either.

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