Psychology of a man choosing a woman older. Psychologist Elena Shamova analyzes the reasons why men choose women much older than themselves. reasons why men like older women

Incredible Facts

We often see older men dating much younger women.

Such couples, as a rule, cause mixed feelings. "Not a couple," say some.

"Gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib", others say. Some laugh at such couples, others look at them accusingly and sincerely do not understand how this is possible.

However, the fact remains: very often older men choose women much younger than themselves.

According to psychologists, here are 11 things that are so attractive to older men:

Why men choose young women

Reason #1:

Endurance and activity

Undoubtedly, compared to more mature women, young girls are more resilient and active.

In addition, they do not yet suffer from age-related diseases such as joint pain, rheumatism, and other unpleasant diseases that can affect the quality of physical intimacy and interfere with a regular sex life.

No matter how you look at it, young women have all the health benefits that older men are so attracted to.

Reason #2:

Middle age crisis

At some stage of his life, a man may feel insecure about himself, his personal life, his position in society, his career.

Psychologists call this difficult period the midlife crisis. As a rule, it is then that a man begins to seek confirmation of his solvency by meeting young women.

These acquaintances give them a sense of satisfaction and superiority, which is absent in communication with women of the same age.

After all, a man can demonstrate his knowledge to his younger partner, show her that he knows this world better, because he is more experienced. And the woman, in turn, looks at him with her mouth open, because she still does not know many things due to her youth. Such worship cannot fail to please a man.

Thus, his pride is also amused, the self-esteem of a man rises.

Reason #3:

Young women are more confident

It's no secret that younger women are more beautiful and tend to be in better physical shape than older women.

They are more active and inquisitive. They are willing to explore things that older women might not even want to try.

The younger a woman is, the more she is open to various experiments and new things. This gives them a significant advantage, and this is very attractive to older men.

Reason #4:

Young women are more comfortable with life

Young women, as a rule, have an easier and more pleasant character. And since their whole life is still ahead of them, therefore, they are less "bothered" by the topic of long-term serious relationships.

This makes them more comfortable and flexible in dealing with men. Most of them easily agree to dates. Why not have a good time? While older women do not want to waste time on a dead-end relationship.

Why do men love young women

Reason #5:


Older men and young women have different social circles.

Each of them has their own friends and girlfriends of different age groups, so they spend time with completely different people.

This contributes to the fact that the relationship is kept secret from others. This state of affairs, as a rule, is beneficial for both parties.

Therefore, if the situation is convenient for both the young girl and the elderly man, then it will continue for some time.

Reason #6:

Young women are more flexible

When it comes to sex, young women are more flexible, both mentally and physically.

They may be ready for things that the older generation immediately rule out. They are open to various experiments that older women do not even consider.

Therefore, older men prefer younger women to live their emotions and fulfill fantasies that they may not be able to fulfill with older women.

Reason #7:

Much less work

An older man in a relationship with a younger woman may not have any emotional responsibility for the relationship, and he doesn't need to worry about long-term factors.

This, in a way, frees a man from a lot of responsibilities and saves him from the extra work that he may have to do in a relationship with a more mature woman.

Therefore, ease and lack of commitment are also one of the reasons why a man chooses a young girl.

Reason #8:

Less responsibility

Younger women are still on the lookout for the perfect partner. They consider different options, choosing the most suitable for themselves.

As a rule, unlike mature women, in most cases they are not emotionally attached to men.

This scenario is win-win for both parties. After all, fewer requirements are imposed on a man, which cannot but please him.

Reason #9:

An elderly man, in comparison with a young partner, is much more experienced and authoritative.

As a rule, a relationship with a young woman puts him in the place of a leader, where he dictates his terms and expects unconditional submission.

This is what many men like and cannot afford in relationships with women of the same age who demand equality.

For this very reason, an older man is often tempted to have a younger partner next to him.

Reason #10:

Satisfying your own ego

To indulge your own ego is another goal of a mature man's relationship with young girls.

Of course, what man would not be pleased to realize that next to him is a young, beautiful and active partner.

In addition, the presence of a young chosen one elevates him in the eyes of others. After all, this means that the man himself can still give odds to young guys. A young partner makes you feel younger and adds status to a mature man.

Reason #11:

spirit of adventure

No wonder they say, gray hair in a beard is a demon in a rib.

Mature men, no doubt, have a lot of experience in various fields. But the thought of an unexpected adventure can make them lose their heads.

With young women, they can experience many positive emotions that they are unlikely to experience with mature women.

This spirit of adventure attracts men, they like to be together with young women. After all, they, these young and beautiful passions, can show another world, brighter and more beautiful, the world in which the younger generation lives.

Marriage or a romantic relationship, when guys choose women older than themselves, society perceives calmly, as if in the order of things. And if a girl does the same (excluding those cases when a man is almost three times older than the chosen one, or even suits her grandfather), others treat this at least coolly, but usually with a fair amount of skepticism and tacit condemnation, often generously seasoned with envy or malice. It would seem that the situations are mirrored, so what's the difference?

Looking through the pages of our ambiguous history, you can easily find many examples when famous women (the same Cleopatra or Catherine the Great) gave their favor to lovers and favorites much younger than themselves. Some of the noble ladies went for it for the good of the state, someone for the sake of the prospect of obtaining certain "preferences", but the majority - still because of love, because in those days marriages were concluded mainly according to economic or political criteria.

Today's realities, thanks to equality and a full package of other civil liberties, are completely different. So, in particular, in Russia, only every twelfth representative of the weaker sex strikes up a relationship with a younger partner, without reflecting and without feeling any discomfort. Studies have shown that these preferences are based on both psychological and physiological factors. Another thing is the opposite sex ...

Targeted selection of men who prefer older women

Paradoxically, in this case there are no more or less good reasons to blame the notorious mother nature, on which we so readily attribute almost all our sins. This time, we'd better turn to Her Majesty Psychology for answers, capable of explaining, if not all human actions, then most of them for sure.

We are fed on the gender stereotype that a man chooses a woman, but in fact this applies only to a very young generation, and ladies of the “Balzac age” today firmly hold this initiative in their own hands. There are several types of men who love aging women and for whom such relationships are not only suitable, but, as they say, the doctor prescribed:

favorites, gigolos, gigolos- a common category of young (and not so) people who just like older ladies and they specifically choose them. Someone - in order to take advantage of their financial opportunities, and someone is impressed by communication on a deeper level than can be the case with a young "dummy". Most often, these are charming handsome men who know their worth, know how to find an approach to any lady and win her over. Such relationships are quite satisfactory for both, especially if the partner, being “in the mind”, gets what she needs, understands what the partner wants (gifts or other rewards for spending time on her), and is able to give it to him;

infantile or effeminate guys- weak-willed, characterized by high suggestibility and inability to take responsibility for more or less important decisions. Often, in addition to everything, such "symbiosis" also has a hysterical type of character. The advantages of relationships with such individuals are especially attractive to a dominant woman - if she is smart enough, self-possessed and has a strong character, then she can easily mold what she needs from such an option. If a guy is also sincerely in love with his adult girlfriend, he will listen to her, please her in everything, indulge her desires, adapt to her requirements. True, over time, this can get boring, and statistics are silent about which one of the partners is the first;

strong, courageous "alpha males"- in this case (quite rare for such couples), if the relationship is long, true love is sure to take place. Such a connection is almost perfect - both are self-sufficient, they do not need to prove anything to each other, in all areas they remain equal partners, regardless of whether they are married (even in an official, even in a civil one). Such partners usually try to take responsibility in various aspects of life, and household duties are always coordinated among themselves.

However, not only these types of men like older women - in fact, the "age" representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have a lot of advantages over young ladies, which only those who are not able to see them can resist. And in the fact that men love women older than themselves, there is much more logic and patterns than in situations “on the contrary”.

What do guys like in girlfriends "not the first youth"

According to the observations of psychoanalysts, the vast majority of young people who fall in love with partners older than themselves explain their preferences quite simply - with ladies of “age” it is much calmer and more comfortable than with impulsive and often hysterical girls. And this is understandable, because even the most scandalous situation will not excite a wise partner who has probably already seen a lot.

This one will not, for the slightest reason (or even without it at all), arrange scenes or endless “showdowns” with screams and tears. Taught by her own mistakes and dozens of stuffed cones, she is already able to foresee what men cannot stand. She is simply confident in a favorable resolution of any problem, because she knows that later, in a calm atmosphere, when the peak of the conflict is behind them, they will be able to discuss everything and come to a certain compromise.

At the same time, many young guys prefer adult women for purely physiological reasons - for example, because of the prolonged puberty. The production of excess testosterone, traditional for "eternal adolescents" (and it continues in such men until old age), is characterized by the persistence of memories of the first sexual experience that young men usually have with partners older than themselves.

These are just two of the most typical reasons why relatively young men like mature women. However, the attractiveness of adult partners is by no means limited to these two advantages. After analyzing the publications of authoritative psychological publications, we have compiled a short (and rather generalized) list of what other advantages relations with ladies of Balzac age have from the point of view of potential lovers:

  1. Interesting communication. Conversations are one of the foundations of a successful union. If, over time, “heart-to-heart talks” stop in peer relationships, this is often a sign that your partner has found someone else for such conversations. Therefore, it is possible that guys choose women around 40-45 years old, because there is always something to talk about with them, it is always interesting to talk on any topic, because such a partner is usually smart, educated and knows if not everything, then a lot. And most importantly - she will always be able to find the right time and choose a favorable moment to call her lover to a frank conversation.
  2. There is no need for lies. Thanks to years and lessons learned from bitter experience, a mature partner can easily figure out any lie from a mile away, which means that it makes no sense for a man to “rub her glasses” or pretend to be someone else. Yes, and you don’t need to invent and remember lies, and this, in turn, leads to more honest, trusting and calm relationships. In addition, this factor leads to greater mutual understanding. If the chosen girls love to ruffle their nerves, now and then forcing their beloved to play the game “guess my mood, and if you don’t guess, you will see what will happen”, then such intrigues are not typical for an adult woman, she learned to appreciate peace and comfort in a love union.
  3. success and financial independence. An “aged” friend usually has already achieved something, is firmly on her feet, she does not need to ask her husband for money, she herself makes good money. And if we are not talking about the banal commercialism of a younger partner, then he is calmer in these relations, since he is freed from constant thoughts about where to get a second or third job in order to provide for the chosen one or feed his family.
  4. Integrity and self-sufficiency. If the partner is older, but both are holistic personalities, then they do not need to prove something to each other, now and then to speak / demonstrate their feelings or be constantly offended that she / he is not given enough attention. A wise girlfriend will always be able to forgive her beloved, because she understands that all kinds of female "chips" such as shopping and planning family holidays are simply not interesting to him, and besides, they take up precious time that can be usefully spent on other things.
  5. Experience in intimacy. By the age of forty, a woman “blooms” so much that her vibes literally magnetize those around her. It is not surprising that young and sexually very sensitive guys want adult girls, because they themselves can give their partners a lot of their energy and strength, and a more experienced girlfriend can not only surprise her beloved in bed, but also teach him a lot. In fact, such a relationship is mutually beneficial, which means it will last long enough and can transform into something more than just a comfortable union.

As for the prospects for this kind of relationship, they are much less bright than we can hope. The statistics are quite depressing: men who start a relationship with a mature partner sooner or later outgrow their own preferences and eventually find themselves the same age or even a very young person with whom they have more common interests. And only 10% of relationships between partners with a significant age difference end in the creation of a family.

It is customary for us not to be particularly surprised when girls meet men 10-15 years older than themselves and even marry such men. Although the reverse trend is gaining momentum recently: older women are chosen by men. Psychologists and sociologists are sure that this is not a tribute to fashion at all, but a phenomenon that is firmly entering our lives. Women prefer young men for a number of quite obvious reasons: they are more open, energetic, enthusiastic, not so tired and there are no marriages, divorces, children behind them ... Just a holiday! What about guys? Why do they not want to meet at least with the same age? What are they attracted to? And what kind of guys prefer the number 30+?

Young men choose older women - and women don't mind!

1. After 30, women strive to get a toy boy - and guys gladly agree to this role. The fact is obvious: regardless of age, being quite "old", a woman has considerable advantages - life experience, education and sophistication, sophistication. And these are three traits that men admire - at least according to Helen Fisher, Ph.D. from the Center for Evolutionary Research at Rutgers University (USA). “Women are now more financially successful than ever, and this shift has changed the needs of the stronger sex - something that many men would like to see in a partner. Now they are often attracted primarily to the independence of women. They also put less pressure on them to prove themselves financially, as they tend to be more understanding if young guys lack ambition or fail to succeed,” he says.

2. An older woman is moderately emotional. Young girls often show emotional instability. Sometimes violent feelings and dramas spoil relationships, and because of this, partners often become strangers to each other. Older women have long defined the basic rules of life and the stormy unrest is long behind them: they clearly know what they want and prefer not to spoil their own and others' nerves. A man seeking peace will quickly appreciate an adequate and restrained woman.

3. Sex is also of great importance: in a woman, the peak of libido comes a little later than in a man. “A woman in her 30s and beyond is perfectly compatible sexually with a man in his early to mid-20s. After a woman leaves her 20s, she becomes more comfortable in her skin, and instead of worrying about how they look during sex, she focuses more on how she feels. And that self-confidence is very attractive to young guys,” explains Linda Banner, a licensed family therapist in San Jose, California. According to the expert, modern guys are more “emotionally excitable” and pay attention not so much to how a woman looks, but more to her independence. “Looks will always play an important role in a relationship, but trust is more attractive to some young men than firm muscles. And if you have both, so much the better! ”Comments the doctor.

4. Older women have a richer experience of building relationships - they know better when and what should be done in order to make both partners comfortable. Such a woman will not build illusions about the new guy, believing that he is a handsome prince. She knows that everyone has their own shortcomings, so she will calmly react to some difficulties in his character or relationships. Such a woman is ready to develop a trusting relationship, so she will not waste her time trying to find out who the man added to the social network, and where he was between work and the way home - and, accordingly, will not make jealousy scenes.

In addition, unlike young girls, who often take relationships lightly and do not appreciate their partner, an older woman knows how to be grateful for what her friend does for her. Older women are usually not inclined to take men's attention and care for granted. In addition, they will not play with the feelings of a man in order to amuse their pride: perhaps this is what men value most in women older than themselves.

Which men choose older women

As a rule, it is believed that these are psychologically immature guys or generally “alfonso”. Is it true that they are infantile? Or maybe really selfish? And are all of them looking for "mommy"? Again, it is worth remembering stereotypical misconceptions: couples, like situations, are different. And yet, according to most psychologists, there is too much difference in years in a couple, whether a man is much older than a woman, or a woman is older than a man - always a risky venture. And the greater the difference in years, the higher the risk that the couple will soon disperse.

However, it is worth enjoying the moment! Women in these relationships also get a lot: because their partners do not build a powerful career, they are often more carefree, relaxed, and give such women a "break". According to a study from the University of Maine, this is the main reason why women prefer younger guys to their male peers. Moreover, younger men tend to admire their older girlfriends and are more likely to praise their accomplishments than older men. And who wouldn't want that?

If a young man chooses an older woman: three rules she must follow

But what if a woman is still uncomfortable because of the difference (sometimes significant) in age? Experts advise to look at it from the "right" angle!

  1. Don't focus on your age.“If he's dating you, he's already above the stigma and stereotypes, so you should treat them with a lot of humor,” says Bethany Marshall, Ph.D. Instead, it's better to flaunt your virtues, such as sophistication, by reminding him of what a real woman has to offer: invite him to a gallery opening, attend an exotic cooking class together, or go enjoy a wine tasting.
  2. Show him that he is desired. This is of great importance for young guys: they are eager to please you in bed. “Women are often embarrassed to speak up when something is wrong, but young men prefer to be guided. Not only that, they want to learn new methods, but the thrill they get from satisfying a partner makes them keep trying.
  3. Let him pay in the restaurant, at least for himself. Most likely, you get more than him, but still you should not change gender roles so drastically. Regardless of age, a man should feel that he is solvent. In every sense of the word.

Couples where the man is much older than the woman are not surprising. This has long been considered a variant of the norm. According to statistics, 90% of spouses have a different age difference.

In some couples, the woman is significantly older than the man. Modern society treats this fact with distrust and even condemnation. But in vain.

In fact, there are many reasons why men like older women. This is a variant of the norm, like a family union, where the young lady is much younger.

The nature of this behavior

Ladies of the age are preferred, very young guys and already mature experienced representatives of the stronger sex. This can happen for various reasons. The most common psychologists are called:

  • The ability to present yourself. Age ladies are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Skillfully emphasize the advantages and mask the shortcomings. Women professionally impress youngsters.
  • Independence. Most mature women are able to solve problems on their own, they don’t throw tantrums on their companion for far-fetched reasons and trifles. With ladies it is much more comfortable and calmer.
  • Experience. With an age lady there is something to talk about. A woman can be an interesting conversationalist. Men are more willing to listen to the opinion of ladies.
  • Equilibrium. A woman does not call a man every hour, she does not make scandals and scenes of jealousy, especially if she loves.
  • Attention. Most of these ladies have adult children, which means that a man will get much more attention and care. There are no diapers, screaming babies, from which you want to run away.
  • Prosperity. Women have a profitable business or a job that brings a stable income. A man understands that he is not an instrument of profit.
  • Personal opinion. Young ladies are not influenced by others. Women act solely in their own interests. Ladies are not interested in what elders, relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. say.
  • Sex. This is one of the main factors. A woman has experience in the intimate sphere, is devoid of complexes and can do everything in bed to please her boyfriend and herself. Ladies are more willing to try new things, agree to experiments or offer them. Women have much to learn from an inexperienced young man.

With a lady it is much easier to find a compromise. The ladies know exactly what they want. Quarrels and scandals in such couples are rare.

Psychological aspects (video)

You can learn more about how modern psychology looks at such a union by watching the video below:

Which men choose older women

There are different categories of guys who prefer older ladies. To understand why men like older women, you need to delve a little into psychology.

Specialists distinguish several types of guys who want to spend time with ladies who are 10-20 years older. These categories are called:

  • Eternal son. In families where everything was controlled by an imperious mother, boys grow up, who subsequently choose older ladies. They don't just like women. Such young men are not ready to take responsibility and strive to shift all of its burden onto the shoulders of "mommy". The lady in tandem personifies the parent. With a woman, a man can live his whole life without experiencing discomfort.
  • Gigolo. A common type among young people. Young men choose wealthy age ladies who can provide them with a comfortable existence. The guy does not need to work and strain. The young man comes to everything ready and does not deny himself anything.

Mature women like notorious young men who experience psychological problems in sex. In this union, a guy can get what he was afraid to dream about.

In most cases, men are simply comfortable with such relationships.

How to be a woman

It is worth noting that such an alliance may not be pleasant to everyone. Sometimes mature ladies experience psychological discomfort in it. Some people feel like they are being used.

  • Don't get hung up. Experts advise not to wind yourself up and think less about the age difference. It is much more effective to enjoy the union and strive to develop, bringing something new.
  • To share experience. Young men crave experiments in bed. Youths are ready to please a woman. The lady is required to direct them in the right direction. Thus, the intimate sphere of partners will be as rich and vibrant as possible.
  • Let them make decisions and pay. A man needs to feel complete. Feminism in a couple will not lead to anything good. In order not to strike a blow to self-esteem, it is recommended to allow the partner to pay for himself or both on his own.

Most men are naturally lazy. Guys are not so obsessed with the age difference, especially if the union is satisfying. The task of a woman is to create the most comfortable atmosphere. In this case, the alliance will be durable.

What can the age difference lead to?

Many involuntarily wonder how long such an alliance will last and what it can lead to? There are several options for the development of events:

  • Gap. Most often, a young man outgrows such a relationship and goes to a younger person.
  • Marriage. It is not uncommon for couples to create a strong family and live together until old age.

In this case, it all depends on what drives the young men at the initial stage. If a young man has serious intentions and sincere feelings, the relationship can develop into a strong marriage.

Does marriage of unequal age make sense?

Discussing the topic of why men choose women older than themselves, it is worth considering it in a complex. It is important to think about what such a relationship will lead to and does an unequal marriage make sense?

Of course it has. If it is comfortable for both parties. In an unequal union, husbands rarely cheat on their spouses. There is no need to look for diversity on the side. An experienced woman can already satisfy men's intimate needs.

Often love between young people ends due to the excessive emotionality of both. In an unequal marriage, at least one of the parties is experienced and will not allow tantrums over trifles, the woman is tolerant of her partner. And, therefore, a man will not feel guilty and seek solace in the arms of another.

An experienced lady willingly shares her knowledge and skills with her young husband. This helps a man become wiser, especially in comparison with his peers. Self-esteem grows and, as a result, respect for the second half. Thus, friendship, trust, etc. also appear in marriage. That is a complete set to live together all your life, especially if people love each other.

An older woman will not blame a young man for wasting some of the best years of her life. A smart young lady appreciates and enjoys every moment.

Unequal alliances are commonplace in our time. However, the public is still surprised by women dating men who are significantly younger than them.

Romances between young men and older women still surprise many people

There is an opinion that a man cannot sincerely love a woman who is suitable for him as a mother. Like, a generational conflict is inevitable, and sooner or later a young man will get bored with an adult chosen one and want a young body. But, as practice shows, not all such unions are doomed ...

French President Emmanuel Macron, 40, and his 65-year-old wife Brigitte are celebrating their eleventh wedding anniversary this year. Once again we will not retell, but we will only recall that the politician became interested in the ex-teacher a quarter of a century ago. Over the years, their feelings have only gotten stronger. Monsieur Macron, apparently, for a long time.

“If I was 20 years older than my wife, no one would have thought to ask if we are suitable for each other. Since she is a couple of decades older than me, people around her constantly say that our feelings are insincere, and we cannot be together, ”the president shared with a Le Parisien correspondent.

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte do not notice the 25-year age difference

British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson does not complain about his marriage either. 10 years ago, a young man fell in love with director Sam Taylor-Wood, who cast him in her film Becoming John Lennon. Then the public was skeptical about this union, and Aaron was mistaken for a gigolo. Spiteful critics were sure that the relationship would be short-lived: they say, the young actor had not yet walked up. Gloomy predictions did not come true: Taylor Johnson is still.

According to Aaron, the tangible difference in age for them Sam does not play any role - rather, on the contrary, it plays into their hands.

“There is no distance between us, I certainly do not notice it. Friends often call me Benjamin Button because I am a real old man at heart, but Sam is young, ”the actor said in an interview with The Times.

There are many such examples and the list is endless. However, the fact remains that more and more young men prefer not their peers, but women who are noticeably older than themselves. Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex quite consciously choose mature ladies as their life companions.

In 2006, American researchers conducted a survey among couples in which the woman is at least 10 years older than her boyfriend. During the survey, it turned out that most of all in their chosen ones, men value their age, the life wisdom attached to it and other qualities that, as a rule, come with experience.

Young men value in their mature passions, first of all, rich life experience

Interest in this topic was fueled by the book Older Women, Younger Men: New Options for Love and Romance. The authors of the bestseller, which has been repeatedly reprinted in the West, are two women who have rich experience in relationships with the opposite sex.

At one time, columnist and motivational speaker Felicia Brings and journalist Susan Winter set about asking as many men as possible who dated women much older than themselves. All for the sake of one goal - to find out why 20- and 30-year-old guys are not at all interested in peers. The concept did not come out of thin air: both Felicia and Susan were in relationships with the so-called toy-boys for a long time and know firsthand what it's like to live with a young boyfriend under the same roof. It turned out that the young men admire not so much the appearance as the character traits of the older ladies. What exactly? We will tell you about it right now.

An offer you can't refuse

It is believed that men, especially young ones, are afraid of mature and successful women like fire. However, as Brings and Winter found out, this stereotype is long outdated. On the contrary, many inexperienced guys tend to have an affair with older ladies. All because passion 40+ is enough confident and know exactly what they want- both from life and from your partner.

“I met Karolina at a party of our mutual friends. As soon as I saw her among the guests, I immediately realized that she was created for me. I did not pursue the goal of finding an older woman at all, and Carolina was not looking for a toy boy. Everything somehow happened by itself. I was then 39 years old, and she was 55. Our relationship is not built on sex, but on mutual trust, respect and love, ”Paolo shared with the authors of the book.

Young men like that their mature passions can maintain their composure in any situation.

So, why do older women catch young guys so much? One of the respondents, who identified himself as Neil, believes that the whole point is that mature women are honest with themselves and others and do not throw tantrums. As it turned out, many dream not of naive girls with whom there is something to do in the bedroom, but nothing to talk about, but of those with whom you can do both. Neil does not like that most of his peers are looking for a partner to create a family, and mature women not too eager to get married. He is pleased that the older mistresses do not see him only as a potential father of their children and the breadwinner of the family.

After a relationship with a mature woman, not everyone is drawn to young girls. Some men believe that there are only problems from peers: they are too infantile and invent problems from scratch.

According to one of the respondents, having started dating an older woman, he himself became more confident in himself. The young man is grateful to the ex-lover for the fact that she was ready to listen to him, but at the same time did not invade her personal space.

Valuable personnel

You can argue as much as you like that beauty rules the world, and men only dream of having an affair with a long-legged blonde. However, many representatives of the stronger sex are actually admired by down-to-earth realists who do not have to be beauties at all.

“In “adult” women, I value, above all, emotional stability. I met with both young and mature, but only with the second everything went well. They have always been frank with me. I didn’t even trust close friends as much as they did,” said a young man named Fred.

For many young people, not only sexual intimacy is important, but also emotional

By the way, Fred has an interesting personal life. When he was 21, he started dating 37-year-old Gretchen. For two years they lived together and even after parting continued to communicate closely. The couple's relationship was built on strong friendship, so the former lovers often see each other today and support each other in difficult situations. After breaking up with Gretchen, Fred tried dating girls who had just turned 20. According to the young man, it did not last long. As soon as his passions opened their mouths, he was ready to run away.

After a series of unsuccessful romances with peers, he met Lynn, who was 10 years older than him. No matter how trite it may sound, but only with her he could feel truly happy.

“Mature women have long found themselves. They exude stability. In addition, they are more experienced. You understand that you are dealing with a person who will directly tell you what he wants. They are much more confident than people my age. Personally, it is much more pleasant for me to meet a woman older than myself: you don’t have to always solve some puzzles, but you can immediately discuss the problem, ”Fred said during an interview.

Lenny agreed with him. According to the man, he is attracted to older women by an incredible inner calmness. Many mistakenly assume that such unions are similar to the relationship of mother and son. Lenny claims that this is not at all the case: his adult passions simply had no time to mess with him - they were busy with their careers.

“Adult women have completely changed my preferences. I feel terribly sad with young girls, ”the young man shared his opinion.

Lenny revealed that his last relationship was perfect, but he had to end it anyway. All because he dreamed of a child, and his passion did not want to give birth at an age when many are already becoming grandmothers.

Let them talk

Many men often have to face criticism from others because they prefer women older than themselves.

“Men were just jealous of me, because I achieved the location of such a beauty. They looked at me like I had something they never got their hands on. It is curious that my peers also did not approve of a relationship with a mature woman. Well, to be honest, I didn’t care: every morning I woke up with the feeling that the whole world was at my feet. Probably, it seemed to others that I just want to assert myself in this way. But I just felt good with my beloved. I was proud of her and who I became next to her, ”said a man named Barry about his ex.

bed scene

“The advantage is that they are not afraid to talk about their desires. No need to play guessing game. Sex with older women, in my opinion, is the best, ”a guy named Scott opened up.

He was supported by other young people. “It was a phenomenal experience! I kept thinking about how to please her. Fortunately, I didn’t have to rack my brains: she herself told me. It was very cool. It felt like I had broken some huge barrier. In general, in sexual terms, we completely coincided, ”admitted Russ.

Who would have guessed that such men are turned on by ... rich life experience their mistresses. “The mere thought that an older woman can teach me a lot turns me on. It's kind of an erotic adventure for me," says Vincent.

Many of the men surveyed said that they had the best sex with ladies who are noticeably older than them. They agreed that mature women are the most skillful mistresses.

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