How to behave as a woman on a first date. How to behave on a first date: tips and tricks. Should I kiss and when?

So, it's done! The time for subtle hints, light flirting is over. He invited you on a date. How to behave on the first date so that the second one follows? Many girls before the first date spend half a day in a beauty salon, paint their nails, do hairstyles, massages, masks. Behind this fuss, the main thing, your personality, is lost.

How do you make sure your first date goes well?

First, take a deep breath and relax. A man is worried just like you. Get ready for a date, but without fanaticism.

Clothing should be appropriate for the occasion, hair styled, make-up natural. You should not run headlong to buy a new dress and do a super-manicure, a man, most likely, will not notice anything. And your bad mood and fussiness are a must.

Remember that you are you. You have many virtues, a wonderful character, you cook deliciously and can make any worthy man happy. You should not seek men, let them seek you!

The most important thing is, of course, communication. What should you tell a man on a first date? Tell us about yourself, what you like, what you like to do in your free time, try to find common ground. Listen to the man. Let it unfold next to you.

What topics should you avoid on a first date?

  • Don't talk about problems. The first date is not the time when you can dump a bunch of your family problems on a young man. No need to talk about the illness of a cat, deuces of a son and intrigues of colleagues at work. Men do not like to work with a vest. Leave these conversations for your girlfriends.
  • Do not immediately make plans for a life together. Before you really get to know each other, you already tell him what will happen when you get married. These conversations will be relevant later, when you already know each other and understand that your partner is just as committed to family and marriage as you are. But on the first date, a man will perceive your dreams of a wedding, a house and two kids as an attempt to encroach on his freedom. It is unlikely that you will then have a second date, so take your time.
  • Don't talk about your ex. You should not talk in detail about how many men you had, how many met, why they broke up. A man will think that you have not forgotten your exes and constantly compare him with them.

What to talk about with a man on a first date?

  • Talk about him. People love to talk about themselves. Ask what he does, how he likes to spend his free time. Be prepared to listen to his stories about hunting, diving or conquering peaks. Ask a question about his achievements, any man will be happy to talk about his successes, especially when he sees your admiring face.
  • Avoid templates. Often dates turn into interviews because people cannot relax, they talk about the weather, their studies, work, positions. Try to find out what the man likes, how he spends his free time, whether he often sees family and friends. So you can understand how you will spend your free time if you become a couple, where to go and who to meet.
  • Ask interesting questions. So that the conversation does not go to a standstill, come up with interesting questions for your counterpart.
    For example, such a question: “What would you do if you had a million dollars?”
    You will immediately recognize a man’s favorite pastime, even if it has so far remained a mystery to him.
    “Where would you live if you could move anywhere?”
    Perhaps a young man would like to live in a large metropolis or in the suburbs, in any case, this topic can be developed further, talk about your preferences and come to something that will unite you. These questions will help you better understand the interlocutor and find common ground.

Conclusion: the most important thing is to behave naturally on a date! Do not get lost, try to get to know the interlocutor, show yourself from the best side, and the second date will not be long in coming.

It's not just high school kids and hopeless romantics who don't know how to behave on a first date and how to succeed. Sometimes, after a long break, you can’t remember where to start these acquaintances and why? Breaking up after a long relationship is always unpleasant, but you need to move on and force yourself to do something.

What is the best way to build relationships?

People converge for a variety of reasons:

  • Afraid of loneliness;
  • Because that's the way it is in society;
  • Due to strong feelings and emotions;
  • Because I want warmth and care;
  • Because the biological clock is ticking.

There are many options, but pure and sincere love is the basis of far from every healthy relationship. And makes them normal:

  1. The ability to make friends;
  2. Willingness to build equal relations;
  3. Gradually coming feelings;
  4. The proximity of characters, ideas and worldviews.

A relationship based on passion and emotion is a beautiful but short-lived house that will be swept away by the first hurricane. However, sometimes it turns out otherwise, such couples remain together for life and are immensely happy. But these are rather exceptions that confirm the sad rule.

You should not wait or look for true love, there may be 1-2 such stories for a lifetime, something sensible rarely comes out of this.

It is better to look at the people who surround you and think about who you would not refuse to spend the next decade together with.

How to behave on a first date with a girl?

Ladies it is important:

  • Prepare for the first meeting and try to impress your chosen one - the best outfit, makeup and the most attractive smile;
  • Don't be late - gentlemen don't like that, and not everyone will wait at all;
  • Try to respond positively to the guy's jokes, in any case, if they are funny;
  • Do not demand that she be entertained - do not put a man in the position of a clown or an animator;
  • Maintain a conversation on your own if it begins to fade and there are awkward pauses;
  • Tell something about yourself, if the interlocutor is interested, do not lock yourself up;
  • Respond appropriately to everything that happens.

By and large, a certain model of behavior has been formed in society, which is followed by 99% of the population. In this case, the guy acts as a conqueror, who must attract the attention of the girl, win her heart and all that.

In this case, it is enough for the lady to simply favor such attempts and besiege too zealous assaults if the capture of the fortress is not included in the plans for the near future.

To maintain a certain balance and demonstrate your interest, the guy will not require more, in the early stages. And then - everything depends on the goals and pace of development of relationships.

How to behave on a date with a girl?

The guy on the first date and in front of him stands:

  1. Prepare yourself, put yourself in order, make sure of your own neatness;
  2. Prepare some purely symbolic gift - a souvenir, a flower, a soft toy, flowers;
  3. Arrive at the appointed place a couple of minutes earlier;
  4. Conduct a meeting according to a pre-arranged plan;
  5. Be sociable, but not chatter, give the lady the opportunity to insert a couple of words;
  6. Not only talk about yourself, but also be interested in a girl;
  7. Stock up on a couple of funny stories for all occasions;
  8. Escort the girl after home or put on transport.

In terms of showing attention and “continuing the banquet”, evaluate everything according to the situation, gradually increasing the “degree of heat”. If a girl is supportive of any of your actions, she may want to visit. Or maybe it's banal politeness and inability to refuse a stranger.

You should not try to impress a girl on the first date using all possible and impossible resources.

Show, what you really are and in the future you will not have to play someone else. Although, it all depends on the goals that you are pursuing.

In this video, Arthur and Mikhail will tell you exactly what you should not do on a first date:

How to behave after the first date?

After the first date:

  • Evaluate how the meeting itself went;
  • Call the lady and ask if she got home without any problems;
  • Sign up on a social network if you want to continue communication;
  • After 3-4 days, call the girl for a second date;
  • Respond to the lady's attempts to get in touch.

This is all only if you want some development of events. If the meeting was disgusting, you can come home, delete the correspondence and the number and live in peace with other worries.

Do not be rude, just blacklist and the subscriber will never appear in your field of vision.

If you want to amuse your pride, you can wait for the moment when the girl herself calls, writes or offers to meet. And this happens if you like and make a good impression. In this case, the lady signs her interest, and the further game will be a little easier - you are confident in your abilities.

First date policy

Two people may be pursuing completely different goals, but both will use a socially acceptable mask:

  1. In society, ladies and gentlemen may only meet to build a lasting relationship or friendship;
  2. Intimate contacts are possible only after a certain period of courtship from the guy;
  3. Any "one-night stand" is considered immoral and unacceptable;
  4. No one will directly tell about the true goals, at least not when sober.

Alcohol, an old acquaintance or a predisposing atmosphere helps to remove all these conventions. In Western countries, girls do not consider it something shameful to go "see a movie" after the first date, and in our culture this behavior is perceived as something immoral.

Our society is still largely conservative and is not ready to move away from the existing foundations. In some respects, this may be for the better. But society will have to develop, in any case. It remains only to understand whether this is progress or degradation?

How to behave on a date?

The rules are simple and the same for everyone:

  • Put yourself in order, look neat and attractive;
  • Plan a date in advance, get a symbolic gift;
  • Arrive at the appointed place on time;
  • Speak - ask, tell about yourself, joke;
  • Get the person interested in a story or place;
  • Escort the lady and go home;
  • Ask after whether the person got there normally.

These are common courtesy rules that will help you look like a normal person. Not some kind of womanizer or "hottest thing in the area", but in most cases this is not required. It is enough to be able to communicate, demonstrate yourself from the rays of the side and not get into a mess at the very first meeting.

If you don't know how to behave on a first date, you might want to ask your seniors. Personal experience is always more valuable than abstract theory. But one of the most important points is to decide for what purpose you generally go on this date.

Video about the rules of conduct on first dates

In this video, psychologist Egor Sheremetyev will tell you what 3 mistakes on the first date are guaranteed to prevent your relationship from developing:

Appearance at the first meeting is a decisive success factor. Initially, it is clothes, hairstyle, and for a girl, make-up also attract attention. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare in advance and look impeccable. First of all, it is worth noting that it is better to give preference not to trendy outfits, but to clothes that are comfortable. It is also important to focus on your own strengths.

Outfit for a girl

The first meeting with a guy is very important for any girl. If she has beautiful breasts, then you can emphasize it slightly, the main thing is that it does not look vulgar. Ladies with a graceful waist should not hide it under voluminous sweaters, emphasize your silhouette with a beautiful tight-fitting dress or belt.

Remember, clothes attract attention, but do not distract from the person. Otherwise, the interlocutor will focus on the neckline, for example, and not the topic of the conversation.

Clothing must be age appropriate. This is the only way to look as harmonious as possible. Agree that a woman after thirty does not look very attractive in a short miniskirt, and a young girl in a librarian's outfit.

Men most of all love beautiful laconic dresses that skillfully emphasize the beauty of the female figure. A classic black dress can be safely called a win-win option. Its length and decorative elements directly depend on the type of girl, advantages and disadvantages.

If you want to wear a bright dress, it is better that it covers your knees. In addition, today the length of the "midi" is at the peak of popularity. Remember that guys like almost everything that makes a woman different from them. These are sundresses, skirts, high heels and jewelry.

There are clothes that should not be worn for the first meeting. After all, at first sight she irritates most men. These are breeches jeans, voluminous sweaters, baggy T-shirts and ugg boots.

As for shoes, it is better to give preference to elegant pumps with heels, which will be comfortable. In summer, you can put on beautiful sandals with a square steady heel, and in the cold season - high boots.

Outfit for a guy

For men, the best option can be called simple jeans or trousers, as well as a laconic shirt. Much depends on where the meeting is scheduled. For beefy guys, it is acceptable to wear jeans with a light-colored T-shirt. For thin people - a sweater or shirt with trousers.

Clothing should reveal your nature as much as possible, show your preferences. Moreover, the days when outfits were limited to a minimum assortment have long gone.

It is not recommended to wear, for example, clothes in the style of rap artists, if there is no certainty that the girl will appreciate it. Of course, sneakers will also have to be abandoned if the meeting is scheduled at the theater. Although it is worth noting that men are forgiven a lot in terms of choosing a wardrobe.

First date colors

The color of the dress itself is of great importance, because it affects human psychology and perception. As for men, they have the least problems in this matter. But with the fair sex, the situation is somewhat different.

Most girls think that if they wear a bright red dress, they will definitely like a man, but, in fact, this is not always the case. The red palette attracts attention, but may not cause the best reaction in a person. It is believed that this is not only the color of sexuality, but also aggression, which not every man likes.

For the first meeting, it is better to choose neutral and pastel shades. It can be beige, white, gray, soft pink and pale yellow. Also, experts recommend paying attention to the green color and all its shades. A good choice would be blue and blue.

With the help of a shade, you can perfectly emphasize your dignity and focus on your eyes or hair. When choosing an outfit for the first meeting, evaluate which color suits you.

It is worth paying attention to the meanings of colors:

  • Green. The color of cheerfulness, energy and positive. It is simply designed to make a positive impression.
  • Orange. One of the brightest shades, which is associated with unforgettable emotions, summer and sun.
  • Pink. The color of tenderness, romance and flirting, which by itself sets you in the right mood.
  • gray and brown. They symbolize a breakdown and stiffness, so this is not the best choice.
  • Yellow. Sunny and positive. But sometimes an outfit in such a palette can look childish, windy and careless.

Where to go for the first meeting

Of great importance is where the first meeting will take place. It is for this reason that the choice of location must be taken especially seriously.

To begin with, all noisy and crowded places should be excluded. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to talk with the interlocutor. Going to the cinema is better to postpone for the next meeting. This rule also applies to clubs.

It is worth giving preference to a calm, cozy cafe with delicious desserts and a variety of teas. A warm atmosphere will only add positive notes to the conversation and make the pastime even more wonderful.

If financial possibilities allow, then you can dine in a restaurant. The main thing is not to try to seem better than you are, and not to spend the last money on going to an expensive institution. In the summer, you can have a spontaneous picnic and enjoy the beautiful nature.

Features of behavior at the first meeting

The overall impression depends on a number of factors, but behavior is of great importance. Therefore, it is extremely important to relax and not be nervous. When a person is worried, he can make small mistakes that can spoil the impression. For example, some begin to talk very quickly, stammer, or unconsciously knock on the table.

A nervous experience can be transmitted to the interlocutor, and this does not have the best effect on the conversation. You need to be yourself, not be afraid to ask questions and show unobtrusive interest. Long pauses and silence will crush and spoil the overall atmosphere. Leaving a good impression at the first meeting will not work.

A universal means to attract attention and be remembered is a smile. The main thing is that she be sincere. A positive-minded person almost instantly causes a good attitude and disposes to himself. In addition, when the interlocutor smiles, he becomes much more beautiful and kinder.

For the first meeting, it is very important to observe the measure, to find a "golden mean" for yourself. You don't have to go out of your way to be liked. If you try to change your natural behavior, imitate someone, then it will be extremely difficult to consider a person and, moreover, to understand whether this person is really suitable. After all, he, too, can impersonate another.

When the interlocutor tries to improve his qualities, it is always very striking and affects the overall impression.

What to talk about at the first meeting

Topics of conversation will also leave an impression, endear you or repel you. First of all, it is worth noting that you do not need to talk only about yourself. Long stories about achievements, about personal qualities can show indifference, selfishness and turn the interlocutor away. And they also look like a show off.

To understand how to behave at the first meeting, it is recommended to imagine yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Counter questions about him, maintaining a conversation and trying to find common interests, sincere interest in answers - ideal for a close acquaintance.

Correct topics for communication:

  1. School, university, work. Topics are simple and do not require deep intimate details. But it doesn't have to look like an interview or an exam. It is better to ask unobtrusive questions that will help you get to know the person. In addition, on such topics it is easier to insert a joke about the past, tell funny moments, reducing the level of tension from the first meeting.
  2. Interests, hobbies, hobbies. You can ask about taste preferences, about your favorite thing, what the interlocutor reads, what films and TV shows he watches. It is worth giving preference to topics that do not relate to personal life, work or family. After all, this is the first meeting, and not the communication of close people.
  3. Impressions, sensations, emotions. Such topics are suitable for those couples who have participated in an event together. For example, they went to a concert or a city holiday.
In the course of an easy conversation, you can catch a lot, even what the interlocutor himself was not going to tell. Short phrases, examples from life, even facial expressions will tell about a person, help him understand, consider the essence and attitude towards his own life.

Prohibited topics for conversation at the first meeting

Regardless of whether already familiar people met, or they see each other for the first time, psychologists recommend avoiding certain topics. In addition, one should not put pressure on the interlocutor, force him to tell what he is actively silent about. Talking too frankly can bring all communication to naught, giving the wrong impression (for example, as a too dissolute, liberated and fickle person).

There are 5 main mistakes that regularly spoil the first meeting:

  1. Past failed relationships. You shouldn't talk about it at all. Also, you do not need to ask the interlocutor about the negative experience. Such topics can not only evoke bad memories, but also leave an unpleasant feeling after the conversation, and the mood will be spoiled for the rest of the evening. In addition, constant talk about past love can be misunderstood.
  2. Experiences, scandals, troubles. Even if it was a very hard day or the whole week, quarrels with someone close or at work, you should not talk about it. The first meeting should remain easy and relaxed in your memory. You should at least for a while forget about everything bad and just relax.
  3. Serious joint plans for the future. At the first meeting, talking about marriage and children is not appropriate. The word "future" can alert, especially if the acquaintance lasts several hours. Remember, everything has its time.
  4. Successful career. Even if you really want to put yourself in the best light, you still should not talk about achievements in work. Of course, this is a great advantage and plus, but not every person can boast of such. At the first meeting, especially if it is not known who the interlocutor works for and what position he occupies, it is better to omit this topic altogether. But even if colleagues at work are sitting nearby, such stories can be perceived as simple boasting.
  5. Intimate details. Usually girls can sin like this, having slightly gone over with alcohol. Discussing the “dignity” of your ex, telling where, when and how you met him is a taboo!
In light of recent events in the world, topics about politics and religion should also be avoided. It is quite possible that the interlocutor has completely opposite views on the situation in the country, for example. As a result, instead of having a great time, the couple will actively sort out the situation, which, in fact, neither of them can influence. A fight is almost inevitable. And you should not count on the continuation of a relationship that has just begun.

Deciphering gestures at the first meeting

Not only words, but also gestures are of great importance. Non-verbal communication can say a lot, the main thing is to correctly decipher the "message".

Do not forget that the eyes are a mirror of the soul, at the first meeting, a look can tell a lot. A truly enthusiastic and interested person always has bright eyes. In addition, this view cannot be confused with something else.

If a person stares intently for more than five seconds, then most likely he wants to show that he really likes the interlocutor. A running glance, on the contrary, will indicate that the partner is bored, he wants to end the meeting faster.

Even the smile of the interlocutor will tell a lot. If only one corner of the mouth rises, most likely the person is just looking for another affair. A smile that resembles a smirk speaks of insincerity. If a person bites his lips or touches some small object between his fingers, then he is nervous.

Try to show by your behavior that there are no grounds for worrying. If the interlocutor leans in every possible way, then this indicates his positive attitude. The first meeting with a girl allows light touches of a guy, hugging around the waist, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Common mistakes at the first meeting

In order for the first acquaintance to be successful, it is important to remember the most common mistakes and avoid them. Men should not forget to show gallantry and demonstrate good manners: open the door and let the girl go forward, give a hand if necessary and be polite.

Many people get nervous when they first meet, which leads to another mistake - inappropriate laughter. This can not only spoil the impression, but also offend a person. Therefore, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible.

As for the girls, during a conversation you should not reduce everything to dresses, vacations on the seas and manicures. As practice shows, this will only scare the man away and show the low level of intelligence of the interlocutor.

Under no circumstances should harsh words be used. Such behavior is unacceptable for an educated person.

When communicating, you can not be distracted by planting in social networks and talking on the phone. This problem is very relevant for today's youth. Such behavior can offend a person, it demonstrates that for him the interlocutor is an empty place. It is better to turn off the phone and Wi-Fi altogether. In a few hours, nothing terrible will happen, and the couple will be able to get to know each other better.

A common mistake is fast speech. Do not rush, speak clearly and clearly so that the interlocutor enjoys the conversation, and does not strain, trying to understand what it is about. Present your thoughts as competently and correctly as possible. Agree that clumsy phrases strongly “cut the ear”. Correctly place stresses and follow the flow of speech.

How to behave at the first meeting - look at the video:

So, we can safely say that the first meeting fundamentally affects the future relationships between people. It is for this reason that it is necessary to prepare for it and think over everything: from the outfit to the place where the date will take place. But if often minor mistakes are quickly forgotten, then insincerity, tightness and a carload of personal problems forever repel a person, closing the door to new meetings.

Nervous and worried, being insecure and not knowing how to behave, what to talk about with a man, you can make the first date the last one. In order not to make mistakes, follow the suggested first date rules. You will get both pleasure from it and a guaranteed continuation of a new relationship.

What do you need to do to have a great first date? Let's talk about the first date, because it is one of the most important.

1. The first meeting should be short.

It's not three hours for a hookah. This is an hour, maximum an hour, so that a light aftertaste remains, so that you want more. If you have been sitting for three hours already, all the topics have been overdone, pauses are already coming - this is not at the box office, this is wrong. An hour, forty minutes is fine. Short date, short date..

2. Compliment

Do not forget, please, at the first meeting to make at least one compliment to the man. It can be a story compliment, it can be a classic compliment, whatever you like, but it must be done.

Because men feel this feminine energy. Either you give it away, or you're closed. To open up, give a compliment, a very simple thing.

If you want to learn more about how to give a compliment correctly, and what kind of compliments most catch men, go to and take my book for free. "How to attract a decent man".

3. History

Tell me what surprised you, delighted you, amazed you lately. For what? To open up your emotions. So that you excitedly tell how you went with your friends to the circus or the zoo, or you had some kind of adventure.

When you start talking with such big eyes, living through the situation in which you were, the man feels: “Cool, she has so many emotions, so much energy, I’m interested.”

Men like it, so one of the "hooks" is a story about some bright interesting event. He will understand that your life is full of interesting moments.

4. Open up

Open up before him.

You need to open up so that show strengths, not weaknesses and at the same time, so that the dignity is as close as possible to your femininity.

Let me explain: if you open up about the fact that at work you often have to yell at subordinates instead of the boss and because of this you have horror dreams, this will rather scare a man away.

Lest you get silly at the important moment, here are topics that are safe (they can and should be formulated in history):

You saw something unexpected and got scared, confused, surprised. You are emotional, and sometimes it bothers you.

You trust people, and sometimes it makes you feel bad, so there is not enough person who would “pump” you on this issue.

You sometimes give up slack, and if something needs to be done, you don’t always do it, you scold yourself. Not super-duper purposeful, often distracted by extraneous noise, but not fatal.

Excessive compassion, which also sometimes interferes with life: she took a kitten, regretted a puppy, helped her grandmother, burst into tears in a movie, etc.

Sometimes you freak out like a little girl and people think you're crazy.

Got it? These are, as it were, your shortcomings, but at the same time, from the point of view of femininity, dignity. In this way, you can open up as you like.: a man will be very pleased, he will want to be your mentor, assistant, so throw a couple of topics for yourself before a date and use it.

There is one caveat:

To get right to the point and open up in such a way that he is guaranteed to like it, ask the man in advance about this or that female "jamb" in the 3rd person. For example, “My girlfriend has such a minus. She tells the man how she feels, that's just the way it is. Vasya, now I’m sitting with you and I feel good, but I feel that something is missing, some story about you, tell me, huh?

And depending on the male feedback, you either ignore this topic, or connect and direct it to yourself. You check this or that moment with the help of the “my girlfriend’s…” technique. Use it!

5. Admiration

You are emotional, he has already enjoyed communication. Next item. One must admire, at least once, his achievements.

Of course, you will most likely talk about work, about success in society. Men love to talk about what they did and didn't do. Reveal yourself as moral support: “Yes, you have captured the entire niche! Wow, you are so good! Cool, for the first time I see such a man who managed everything, and here he also did it. Great, I want to say you are a great fellow, because it is very valuable ... "

You admire his success in business, in his life's work. A man will feel: “Yeah, cool, I’m pleased, I feel good, other women didn’t care about my successes, and my life is my successes. They talked about themselves, but this woman cares. She is delighted, cool, I'll go, I'll earn more money. She said nice words to me, I felt great.”

Therefore, you open up, admiring his achievements.

6. Weakness

This point is also important - during the first meeting, be weak. He must take control of the situation, in his own hands and manage the situation completely. What I mean: a man opens the car door himself, escorts you to a restaurant, finds a place, negotiates with the waiters, turned off or turned on the air conditioner - you were cold or hot. I called the waiter to bring you something, help, blankets ...

He has to take care of you. You don't have to do everything yourself. No need, that's enough! You are a girl. If a man has no reason to court a woman, he will court another woman. Therefore, you act like this: here you were confused, asked, took advantage of his help. You don't decide anything.

Let him get used to being a man next to you from the very beginning, from the first seconds. You, like a little girl, thank you: “Oh, thank you very much, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have done it.” Even if you are 50-60 and you are a cool businesswoman, it doesn't matter. Roles must be correct, natural. Well, the rest is already on the situation.

There are, of course, topics that should not be touched upon with a man. There are mistakes that should not be made, but you already have some options. Remember these basic things, do them, then you will have a more or less good date by default.

Remember that a good date, a good meeting - when a man, while you have not finished yet, is already planning your next, second meeting. He appoints an event, an occasion, a date, a time, a place, and so on. It means the man is charmed. Try it, go on dates, remember these things.

When the guy you like invites you for a walk, there is no limit to the pleasant excitement. You worry about what to wear, how he will like you and what to talk about on the first date... In fact, the future of your relationship will depend on the conversation. And here you need not to miss a single nuance, to behave correctly and tactfully. Many girls behave so intuitively, without knowledge of the correct behavior. But not everyone has such abilities, so let's dwell on how to behave on a first date with a man. Let's first consider, what not to do:

1. Do not be silent. This is generally the most common mistake girls who want. Guys don't like closed and unsociable girls, and even if you really are not like that, he will get the wrong impression of you. The conversation must be maintained and it must be done. The only exception is if you didn’t like the guy at all, but then you can just leave, and not be silent all evening.

2. Don't take the initiative. All the same, he is a man, so let him look for topics for conversation. Of course, you can also sometimes start a topic, but don't do it all the time. Give him the opportunity to lead, and you be led, as in a dance.

3. Don't chatter. Some girls tend to talk very quickly, especially when they are nervous. If this applies to you, then you just need to take care of yourself, that is, consciously speak at a normal pace.

And now back to the main question, how to behave on a first date with a man?

Well, first, show more interest in his personality, ask him about himself. And listen with obvious interest. Then by half of this you will already conquer him. Why? Because a person is always located to someone who is interested in his personality, who is interested in him.

Secondly, find out about him what is important to you in guys. For example, if you think that your chosen one should not smoke, drink alcohol or cheat on you with other girls, try to find out what the guy thinks about this. For me, for example, it has always been important that the guy is purposeful and not lazy, so once on a date I asked my boyfriend what he wants to work after graduation. He then said that he didn’t want to strain too much, the main thing for him was that no one touched him, that he would get a job, they say, at the minimum wage and live in peace. Further, it was already simply not interesting for me to communicate, since I knew for sure that I did not want to marry such an inert person. Even if I liked it. Each girl will burn such a mandatory criterion, so try to find out for yourself whether this guy you met meets your requirements.

Well thirdly, do not say a word about how you want a serious relationship or get married. By this, as a rule, girls scare away guys, even if they themselves are serious. Be easy, fun, "no problems." And then the date will be successful. I hope I answered your question, how to behave on a first date with a man? Good luck!

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Aquarius horoscope for March d relationship
What does March 2017 have in store for the Aquarius Man? In March, Aquarius men will have a hard time at work. Tensions between colleagues and business partners will complicate the working day. Relatives will need your financial help, and you
Planting and caring for mock orange in the open field
Mock orange is a beautiful and fragrant plant that gives the garden a unique charm during flowering. Garden jasmine can grow up to 30 years without requiring complex care. Mock orange grows in nature in Western Europe, North America, the Caucasus and the Far East.
Husband has HIV, wife is healthy
Good afternoon. My name is Timur. I have a problem, or rather a fear to confess and tell my wife the truth. I'm afraid that she won't forgive me and will leave me. Even worse, I've already ruined her fate and my daughter's. I infected my wife with an infection, I thought it had passed, since there were no external manifestations
The main changes in the development of the fetus at this time
From the 21st obstetric week of pregnancy, the second half of pregnancy begins its countdown. From the end of this week, according to official medicine, the fetus will be able to survive if it has to leave the cozy womb. By this time, all the organs of the child are already spho