Beautiful statuses with meaning. New beautiful short statuses with meaning

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that will bloom thanks to this rain...

Leave it muddy water at rest, and it will become clean and transparent. (Ancient wisdom)

Life is like the movement of dogs in a sled: if you are not a leader, then the landscape in front of you will never change.

If you are delaying making a decision, it means that you have already decided to leave everything as before...

For some reason people suffer from the fact that they will not exist after death. But why don’t they suffer from the fact that they were not there before birth?
Stanislav Lem

Most problems can be solved surprisingly simply: you just have to take it and do it!

This is not who I am. You are the idiots. With uv. Life…

Life works out when you achieve something that everyone respects, and life is successful when you like it yourself.

When you were born, you cried, but the world smiled. Live so that when you die you smile, and the whole world cries!

The day comes, the hour comes, and you understand: everything is not forever. Life cruelly teaches us that time is fleeting. About the fact that we need to appreciate everything, take care of everything that is given to us. After all, life is like a thin thread, sometimes it suddenly breaks!

Today I have a crazy love affair with my own life. Every day I become convinced of how interesting life really is.

Some people spend their whole lives waiting for their ship, not realizing that they are at the airport.

No matter how much you think about someone else’s life, you have to live your own.

I live as best I can, I enjoy every day! I don’t hold anyone, and I don’t need anyone! The one who values ​​me will always be there! And those who don’t need it don’t need it.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories and never believe that there is no way out.

Don’t rush to take off people’s masks; perhaps they are just muzzles.

Learning to speak means growing up. Having learned to remain silent means becoming wiser.

Life flies by instantly... And we live as if we were writing a draft... Not realizing in the scandalous bustle that our life is just a moment.

The wind of life is sometimes fierce... In general, life, however, is good... And it’s not scary when the bread is black... It’s scary when the soul is black.

Yes. I make a lot of mistakes. Life, unfortunately, is without instructions.

It's not about what happens in life more days, but to have more life in the days.

Law of life: “If you don’t get used to it, you’ll die; if you don’t die, you’ll get used to it.”

Everything in life is temporary. If everything goes well, enjoy it, it won't last forever. Well, if everything is lousy, don’t be sour, it won’t last forever either.

You can start life with a clean slate, but it’s difficult to change your handwriting.

When everything in life seems to be falling apart, start thinking about what you will build in the vacant space.

I wish I could take my life like a hard drive from a computer. Remove all debris. Restore everything lost. And save all the most valuable...

We look for answers to the most complex questions, as if we had already found the answers to the simplest ones.

A person can come to terms with any hardships and injustice, provided that all this does not happen to him.

Humanity will be destroyed not by artificial intelligence, but by natural stupidity.

What we judge most about others is what we cannot allow ourselves to do.

Loyalty, unlike treason, is unprovable.

The Lord answers all prayers, but to some prayers he answers “No.”

It’s amazing to notice how nothing changes every day, but after a while, looking back, you realize that everything is different now.

Two negatives make an affirmative. Therefore, if they are trying to confuse you with a g@vnom, just don’t give a damn about it.

Recipe for happiness: wishful thinking.

At the end of life, only those who suffered from inferiority at the beginning feel superior.

An individual does not have to be wiser than an entire nation.

He did not drink, did not smoke, rode a bicycle, lived frugally, saved every penny and died at a flourishing age, surrounded by greedy relatives. It became big lesson for me.

"John Barrymore"

You are not pronouncing the word “past” correctly, you should say: “passed eee!”

A person's status in life! This is his position, success and achievement! But the status in classmates is a person’s mood at the time of writing it!

Life has hardened me and sharpened my mind.

Family wars do not happen without victims, but there are no winners either!

Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he does not need others.

"Seneca Lucius Annaeus the Younger"

I hid from the cruel reality of life under a warm blanket.

There is a test to determine whether your mission on earth is completed or not. If you are still alive, it means it is not finished.

"Richard Bach"

She stopped blushing her cheeks and painting her eyelashes so thickly, she began to distinguish what it means to love and fall in love.

Money flies faster than life.

Smiling ones see the positive in everything, gloomy ones see a catch.

Do you doubt yourself? Just know that of course there is the word “I can’t”, but what is more important is that there are also the words “I must try”! Put them first.

God! Do something with us so that we respect ourselves, each other and the life given by you!

There is simply a desire to live!

No one dies a virgin. Life fucks everyone.

I needed strength to live my life without bending. I was given more than three tests. I didn't give up. And if I write this verse, then I will not give up further. What I shouldn't be.

The point of life challenges us to change every seven years.

Life, like a cigarette, smolders and we can only wait, it’s only a matter of time, and if you smoke it, it flies by unnoticed.

I? I live as I want! I'm alone in life! You're a fool to yourself! your own mistress!

I want a dark streak to come in my life: black sea, black caviar, black Bentley.

Our conscience is the referee of our further actions in our future life.

Error again. No problem, I’ll reboot my life and create a new user!

This is not who I am. You are the fools. Sincerely, Life.

Life is like a rainbow. It always rains before the rainbow.

There is only one true law of life - the one that allows you to become free.

"Richard Bach"

Smile! Fuck it, no one cares about your problems. And live so that life, kicking you, breaks your leg!

Just don't lose your temper. This is your task in our difficult life - to keep your heart loving and not to become limp, no matter what. No matter what happens, control yourself and don’t lose heart.

I do not suffer from pain, but from emptiness in my soul and heart.

The words "I have lived interesting life” and “I lived an uninteresting life” sound equally sad.

It is better to quickly flare up and burn to the ground in an instant than to smolder all your life and realize that life has passed.

Knowing that life is meaningless, the world no longer seems so cruel, and you can come to terms with it.

"Somerset Maugham"

The meaning of life is the search for the meaning of life.

People destroy what they love most.

Life has exactly the value we want to give it

First, love dies, then life, sometimes life first.

It seems that everything in life was done and said before us. Until you start doing something of your own.

Statuses about life with meaning

The meaning of life is a constant movement towards light, towards love. Perfection has no limits!

What life gives us along the way, we cannot carry in our pockets. The science of life is hard, but only deeds have weight. We ourselves are the edge of our freedom, our heights under the heavens. Only the years weigh on our shoulders, but we carry the burden of worries ourselves. Neither copper nor gold attracts. Even though it is firm, it will deceive. Only the warmth of the Soul will warm you.

The meaning of life is to find it.

Happiness is a ball that we chase while it is rolling and that we kick when it stops.

"P. Buast"

They say there is no need to look back at the past. And I love to look back, because my childhood and youth were there, there was a lot of love and happy moments of my life that will never be repeated. Besides, looking back is not living in the past.

While we put off life, it passes.


Inner silence will be worse than screaming.

This is how much plaster is needed to make a broken life mend!

That's how people meet in life! They swim shallowly, but they muddy the water!

See also - Appreciate life - it is so short! Appreciate what she teaches us slightly, but sometimes it hurts, and not everyone expects a trick from her, but the best lesson is what life gives us. Appreciate what you were born with! The fact that your family needs you, that in the most difficult hour in your life, they will support you! Appreciate loyal friends; not everyone is blessed with them.

She will smile, dream, invent and will definitely become the greatest joy in the world for someone.

The salt of life is that it is not sugar.

It is worth saying that statements about life are always endowed with deep meaning. They are the result of a search for answers and solutions. Everyone is trying to understand why they came into this world, do we have a duty or are we absolutely free, can we decide our own destiny, or is someone doing it for us? You will find many interesting thoughts on our website, some of them will suit you perfectly as statuses that are as close in topic as possible with your own opinions.
Here you will find both extensive and short statements. Sad statuses are in great demand in our assortment.

New statuses about life

Some people like to refer to the wisdom of other people, others prefer to always be original in everything. Our website has a lot of interesting things for both the former and the latter. We offer new and cutting-edge statements for your consideration. Read. It's very interesting and educational.
Statuses are people's opinions about everything. Sometimes they are cries for help. Call and help will come to you. We live in social networks and we know that a kind word that comes at the right time can lift not only your mood, but also your spirit. We are not alone in this world. There are many of us and this fills life with meaning and makes it interesting.

Beautiful statuses about life

Most people like to speak beautifully. We take this into account. All our statements are beautiful and can decorate your page. Life is beautiful and full of surprises, many of the sayings we offer may come as a surprise to you. You will be amazed by their originality and simplicity of judgment. Perhaps, by reading them, you will change your opinion about the meaning of existence. Man is always in search of meaning. Look for this meaning with us. Our pages are an open book that you will read with trepidation and interest, with love and emotions, with calmness and patience.

I needed strength to live my life without bending... I was given more than three trials... I did not give up. And if I write this verse, then I will not give up further. Whatever it would cost me to BE...

No matter how long life is, it is always... SHORT... The main thing is that it’s YOURS!!! :)

Second youth rarely comes; chronic childhood is more common.

Sometimes we say that our eyes were “opened”... But happy days We count the time in our lives when our eyes were closed...

This is how much plaster is needed to make a broken life mend!

Yes, that’s how life works, that best tips in life you give to yourself.

It seems that everything in life was done and said before us. Until you start doing something of your own.

If you are faced with a choice, but don’t make it, that’s also a choice.

Desire determines being: people hear only what they want to hear, see what they want to see, understand what they want to understand...

Sometimes, to survive, you have to die... Statuses about life, statuses with meaning about life

It doesn’t matter what world you live in, what matters is what world lives in you.

Running is the main form of life of mammals. Especially running in circles.

People destroy what they love most.

Life has hardened me and sharpened my mind.

Everyone who strives to rise above the daily grind does so not only in the hope of expanding or deepening their life experience, but also simply to begin to live.

Sometimes I think that the expression: “Love to the grave” does not mean strong mutual love, but the case when unrequited love drives a person to the grave...

Before a great mind I bow my head, before a great heart I kneel.

Smiling people see the positive in everything, gloomy ones see a catch...

They have not yet come up with such patches to heal crippled destinies.

If there is no victim, then there is no guilt. Love is a life in which there is no place for feelings of guilt.

In life it’s like in boxing - you don’t know where to expect a blow... if a boxer gets up after a blow, then the fight continues...

You need to live in such a way that you are not ashamed, first of all, of yourself.

Don’t look for darkness in someone else’s soul - look for light in yours!!!

Life is an experience, not a theory. It doesn't need explanation. She is here, in all her splendor, simply to be lived, enjoyed and rejoiced in.

I began to notice one pattern in life: When you hope for something, nothing comes of it, but when you live and no longer hope for anything, you get what you want.

Love for the body is like living water, it will lift you to your feet and give you strength, and for the soul love is the keys to heaven... What an angel leaves behind when flying away...

Don't have your head in the clouds, better act...

Never forget about God, especially when everything is going well for you...

What Life gives us along the way, We cannot carry in our pockets... The science of life is heavy... But only deeds have weight... We ourselves are the edge of our freedom, Our heights under the skies. Only years put pressure on our shoulders, And we load the load of worries ourselves... Neither copper nor gold attracts... Even though it is firm, it will deceive... Only the warmth of the Soul will warm...

No matter how life throws you, I can throw it harder!

Can I have a piece of your soul for myself as a gift? It so happened that in the mosaic of my life he is missing.

Nothing invigorates you in the morning like fresh resentment. Statuses about life, statuses with meaning about life

That our life... is only one moment... only a spring of memory remains...

Money flies faster than life

Sometimes God closes all the doors and windows in front of us. At such moments, think that there may be a storm out there and He wants you to stay safe.

First, Love dies, then life, sometimes life first.

Smile!))) Shit, no one cares about your problems. And live so that life, kicking you, breaks your leg!!!))

Talent, like an ideal, is different for everyone and different for everyone...

We have only seen capitalism in caricatures. This is what they built.

Try to sleep if there is a genius sleeping inside you!

Do you doubt yourself? Just know that of course there is the word “I can’t”, but what is more important is that there are also the words “I must try”! Put them first.

If you have been brought to sin in life, then it would be a sin not to take advantage of it.

They say there is no need to look back at the past. And I love to look back, because my childhood and youth were there, there was a lot of love and happy moments of my life that will never be repeated. Besides, looking back is not living in the past.

After the sunrise there is the next sunrise, and we’ll clear the clouds...

There are some friends who are never averse to giving a shit in a friendly way.

You can endure any adversity - they come from outside, they are random. But suffering for your own mistakes is the most bitter thing that can happen in life.

Safety is mostly a superstition. In the long run, avoiding danger is no safer than going towards it. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

Anything can happen in life, but it is better to be a witness than an accused!

The words “I have lived an interesting life” and “I have lived an uninteresting life” sound equally sad.

Don't fuss ahead of time. Everything that seems significant today may lose its meaning tomorrow.

And although this does not add femininity to me, I would rather throw myself into an embrasure than yelp from a trench...

There is no willpower!!
I just have a desire to live!!!

Never give your whole soul to anyone. After all, perhaps tomorrow this person will leave your life, and you will be left to live without a soul!

The more the mother is a saint, the more holy the priests are. Statuses about life, statuses with meaning about life

What strikes me most about modern science, that's what toothpaste tested on eggs...

For some reason, being on the edge, one is drawn to destruction - life, relationships...

We often commit rash acts, do impulsive things, but they come from the heart! It is then that we open ourselves and our soul...

It’s sad to see how the once most dear and madly beloved face cracks, crawls into shreds and a scoundrel, an idiot and a traitor peeks out from under them... (((

There are such friends, you are happy for them when they tell you something, but as soon as you share your joy, they immediately have to screw something up so that your hands give up...

Appreciate life - it's so short! Appreciate what she teaches us slightly, Yes, sometimes it hurts, And not everyone expects a trick from her, But the best lesson, It is life that gives us... Appreciate what you were born! The fact that your family needs you, that in the most difficult hour in your life, they will support you! Appreciate loyal friends, not everyone can have them...

Indecisiveness. And you change your dream again and again...

I lose my mind at the word bed, I know how to lie down, but I don’t know how to get up...

Our life is what we understand about it with our minds and what we deserve with our hearts!

Family wars do not happen without victims, but there are no winners!!!

More the time will come be patient, proud and wise, but first cry.

Inner silence will be worse than screaming.

For some reason it's easier for us to find general topics to communicate with complete strangers than with those with whom we have or have had established relationships.

Human life is built on contrasts - just like Love relationships, with a plus and minus sign.

Status... of a person in life! This is... his position, success and achievement!!! But the status in classmates... This is the person’s mood at the moment of writing it!!!

A life lived by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.

Keep your life valuable, don’t fight in someone else’s war, but stand up twice as hard for your idea!

To step on the path of knowledge, faith must throw off the clothes of doubt!

There are people who pretend to know more than they say. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite - they say more than they know.

I am a self-sufficient and experienced woman. I trust only myself, so it is almost impossible to deceive me, with one rare exception... I always fall for the bait of the “Weather Forecast”

Don't try to change a person. You will fail. In order for a person to change, his desire is needed.

I laugh when I'm happy, I laugh when I'm upset, and I smile when I feel bad...
Stupid? May be. But I will never give up, and I will not admit defeat if I see even a hint of victory over the situation...

Find the strength and wisdom in yourself to thank your ill-wishers and enemies, instead of hating them, because by their attitude towards you, they make you stronger.

Life sucks! The shovel was taken away(((Statuses about life, statuses with meaning about life

You can't regret anything in this life. It happened - draw a conclusion and move on with your life.

Our conscience is the referee of our further actions in our future life...

The point of life challenges us to change every seven years.

There are such inconvenient situations in life that can be characterized something like this: Hello, can you crap yourself?)

Every girl is an angel! It all depends only on the color of the wings behind your back...

Where words are powerless, a more eloquent language—music—is fully armed.

Life is a huge river, and no matter how you twist it, it will not flow back downstream.

Living by someone else's rules is like trying someone else's dinner... Swallow what you served... sorry it wasn't heated...

Saturday is that kind of Friday evening when it turns out that even your ass has a headache and it also hurts...

Just don't lose your temper. This is your task in our difficult life - to keep your heart loving and not to become limp, no matter what. No matter what happens, control yourself and don’t lose heart.

He entered it not for the sake of glory... But for the sake of life on earth...

Where there is Love, there is Life!

That's how people meet in life!!! They swim shallowly... but they muddy the water!!!

Love us! We will not be in debt. We have not only children, home, comfort... When lightning strikes in life, a woman’s heart is a shelter.

The abundance of opportunities to choose and set life goals gives the illusion of freedom of choice, destroying the integrity of the individual.

I decided to live a simpler life... After 5 minutes I realized that it couldn’t be simpler.

God! Do something with us so that we respect ourselves, each other and the life given by You!!!

Statuses about life, statuses with meaning about life

I inform all inquisitive people interested in my life: I am sociable, beautiful, still young, not even on a diet!

The cruel realities of life. If you don’t start communicating with people first, then very soon it turns out that no one needs you except yourself.

Parents are more precious and valuable than them. They pass away, and you understand that they were the only ones who accepted you for who you are, with all the bells and whistles.

Each of us has a person, thanks to whom, life begins on a new page, clean and unsullied.

Best status:
I want to see you endlessly often. I wish that your hand rests in my hand all night and does not let go. You are exactly the person I would like to keep in my life.

You can't hold on by force - let go! The choice is still determined by fate in advance. And there are no bad people, there are only those who played a role in our lives.

Praise be to the creator, there is a person who quickly entered my life without disturbing the peace of my heart rhythm - without muddying the purity with spit!

Life gives lessons to the strong, trying to bring them to their knees, it bypasses the weak - why bother in vain, you can’t lift them from their knees.

Then you only have to be born when freedom is destined for you. If slavery is life, what is death?

An optimist believes that we live in the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears that this is so.

A few hours ago she felt lonely, but one moment turned her whole life upside down...

I'm glad today...just like that. Why? I don't know myself. But life is beautiful - that's a fact! And I love this fact..

It’s bad, very bad that people don’t purr like cats. It would be immediately clear how a person treats you and, if anything happens, you could purr in response

Live in this world as a stranger or a random traveler. Hadiths of the Prophet

I won’t get any easier and you don’t have to reach out to me. they love me. it doesn't matter who. they love it. and remember my name. you'll scream it later

The constant never-ending search for happiness is real life...

Dumb thoughts, cigarettes, clubs... I wish I could find time to put on lipstick... I wish I could find time to admit to myself... That's all. The End. it's time... to change...

I’m not here, I went for a walk in the country “It Doesn’t Matter”, it’s very cozy there and they serve delicious coffee...

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality

Loss cannot be read. You can only feel it...

And why are men afraid of women? Well, what can a woman do? Well, spoil your mood, ruin your life... Well, that’s all!

“It so happened” - this phrase would make an excellent epigraph for any human life...

After 40° life is just beginning!

The mind hates love. After all, when she comes, it is turned off

Don't hit someone who's lying down! HE'S TRAMPLED!!

Perhaps the whole meaning of this life comes down to being needed by at least someone.

I want a dark streak to come in my life... black sea, black caviar, black Bentley =))

Only fools never change their minds

*there is someone who is looking at you. while you are looking at someone else. remember this.*

He may not be the owner of his words, but what a tenant he is!

It's hard to pick up broken teeth with broken hands...

Life is what happens to you just when you have completely different plans.

There are no sadder words than “everything could have turned out differently”...

Today I feel bad, but tomorrow I will definitely smile for you...

I will drink, smoke, swear... And wait until YOU tell me “enough”...©

Don’t yell at your mom, it’s not her fault that your life isn’t going well.

Life is endless improvement. To consider yourself perfect is to kill yourself

We carry on until time stops us. Abu-l-Ala Maari

Our tomorrow is brighter than our yesterday and our today. But who can guarantee that our day after tomorrow will not be worse than our day before yesterday?

If you like risk in life, format your hard drive!

Relatives and loved ones hit harder than others, because they are so close that a miss is impossible...

People lie most often before elections, sex and after fishing

When life is striped... stop on white and walk along!

Life is a cross-country race in which everyone strives to get ahead in order to reach the finish line last.

who cares what others think, huh? Look into your heart and do what will help you become happier.

It will be difficult - stay strong, there will be wind - don’t bend, it will hurt - don’t cry, don’t hide your eyes in your hands. If there are thunderstorms, go, if there are tears, wipe them away.

Look for your path because only you choose your destiny... believe... it exists...

We made hell manually only for ourselves...

She stopped blushing her cheeks and painting her eyelashes so thickly, she began to distinguish what it means to love and fall in love..

Life is tricky! When I have all the cards in my hands, she suddenly decides to play chess...

Love life - life will love you too. Love people - people will love you back

The one who doesn’t knock, the door is not opened. The one who doesn’t try, it doesn’t work out. You either do it or don’t do it, but there’s no need to promise.

Life is short! Break the rules! Goodbye quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably!

Just don't lose heart. Look ahead. And your loved ones will support you and always understand

Life is meaningless, it's time to realize it.

Chicken - And this is told to me by someone who carries eggs with him all his life.

Sometimes it even gets annoying. A man lived peacefully, but suddenly another person comes into his life, and the normal life of the first person goes to hell (c)

You have two tablets, one red, the other blue. The red one will allow you to start life over, and the blue one will distinguish lies from the truth. Which one will you drink?

Cleaning is uneven distribution garbage

I sat there and drank my tea, and meanwhile people were losing themselves. This happens - someone sits and drinks tea, while others’ lives collapse.

Sometimes you even have to simulate a shipwreck so that the rats can escape further

She doesn’t say anything, she knows too much.. She puts on a smile out of habit.. Here She is, look! Everyone hates her, she is adored by a select few.

Unfortunately, the game was overshadowed by an ugly brawl, which became a real highlight of the match.

Perhaps the meaning of life is to come up with a beautiful reason to live.

Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-binding little thing, but giving flowers is already a serious step...

It’s so easy to share a dream - if you live without your dream... Tears in your eyes, feelings locked away... Forever young and forever alone...

There is no justice in this life... you want what’s best, you help people, but you come across betrayal and mistrust.

People tend to invent tragedies for themselves to make their lives more interesting.

Remember: all people come into your life for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others bring experience and tempered character...

Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for long. Abul Faraj

If you want to achieve something from a person, forbid him to do it. The forbidden fruit is always sweet. And vice versa, a person tries to refuse what is imposed on him.

There are people I regret knowing

They say that time heals. Maybe my watch is slow?...

In the place of those who were with you there is only the emptiness of bottomless holes. But life goes on, the pain will recede, because this is how this world works. Everything will heal, leaving scars. There are scars in the heart...

If we knew who is worth what, it would be easier for us to accept such complex solutions, the result of which in any case brings the feeling of a wrong choice

If you want to be Great in life, then first you must overcome the Great Laziness within yourself!

By deceiving yourself, you are trying to deceive Life...

When a man is not with a woman, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not with a man, she starts doing dirty tricks

If you do something wrong, do it in a way that will bring you maximum benefit.

Experience is when questions are replaced by what? Where? When? How? and why? the only question comes: why the fuck?

The Internet is like life – there’s nothing to do, but you don’t want to leave...

Only my mother knows how to lower my self-esteem, burn my nerves and ruin my mood, so, dear ones, relax.

We must learn to remain calm during periods of hectic activity and to be internally active while remaining calm.

I don’t care about anyone at all - who thinks what, and who does what, as long as it doesn’t start to interfere with my life

An enema will not help someone who has been feeding on hopes all their life.

Remember, if it’s difficult for you, it means you’re walking on the right road, in the right direction.

Probably every person somewhere in the depths of their soul has a spark of life and joy... it seems to me that mine is starting to dim...

Try to do everything that seems impossible... Life is too short, you may regret it later...

The value in life is not how many breaths you take, but how many times you lose your breath.

It's not hard to die for a loved one, it's hard to find that person worth dying for.

- Previously, this world was much larger... - No, the world remained the same. There is less content...

Life is a book... Some have a detective story, some have a novel, some have complete fantasy. I look around me... I think I have a comic :)

Never love those who don't love you. leave as soon as you realize that they won’t love you, don’t waste time on ethereal adoration - love cannot be begged for or earned, it is given for free or not given at all

Sometimes, when you feel that everything is in chocolate, life is wonderful, you turn your back on it, but that’s when it hits you right in the head!

Everything you look at with love seems beautiful...

I live with a sparkle in my eyes, with happiness in my soul and with hope in my heart...

The salt of life is that it is not sugar...

If you really need something, life will definitely give it to you...

Most of all, oddly enough, the one who needs you most is the one who is afraid to touch you...

Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream about you in my dreams. I love, I scream, I cry...what do I mean in your life???

Sometimes it becomes so scary because you don’t care so much about what was so important before...

There is nothing random in life, and everything that happens to us happens in right time and in the right place...

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Hello dear friends! Today I wanted to write to you about how to make very tasty and tender cottage cheese cookies. The same as we ate as children. And it will always be appropriate for tea, not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. I generally love homemade
What does it mean to play sports in a dream: interpretation according to different dream books
The dream book considers the gym, training and sports competitions to be a very sacred symbol. What you see in a dream reflects basic needs and true desires. Often, what the sign represents in dreams projects strong and weak character traits onto future events. This
Lipase in the blood: norm and causes of deviations Lipase where it is produced under what conditions
What are lipases and what is their connection with fats? What is hidden behind too high or too low levels of these enzymes? Let's analyze what levels are considered normal and why they may change. What is lipase - definition and types of Lipases