What does the name Marietta mean? History of origin and interpretation of the name Marietta. Negative traits of the name

Margarita - the meaning of the name

The mystery of the name Marietta

From French - “bitter”. According to another version, it is a Spanish and Italian diminutive form of the name Maria.

She grows up as a weak, sickly girl. Suitable for respiratory diseases. Capricious, with an unstable psyche. Often cries for no reason. She is musical, loves to sing, comes up with her own songs and dances, and has choreographic skills. She loves sports and is better at other sports than others. rhythmic gymnastics, swimming.

Studying at school without difficulty, easily assimilates foreign languages. Marietta cannot stand raised voices: if she is lectured or punished, she will do everything out of spite; unyielding, persistent. However, she is responsive and, if asked, will do everything herself. He knows how to get his way, knows the weaknesses of each family member, and easily manipulates adults.

Growing up, she becomes independent early, makes decisions without outside help, rarely turns to anyone with a request. Marietta is beautifully built and knows how to be elegant. She is sociable and sociable, has many friends.

She is confident in herself and always knows what she wants. He harbors many ideas, but does not force them on anyone. Attentive to others, a wonderful friend. Avoids communicating with emotional people. She herself is calm and balanced.

She is not talkative, so many people trust her with their innermost thoughts. Reliable and loyal to friends.

“Winter” has a refined taste and may be a fashion designer. Her favorite color is blue. Restrained and taciturn. But on the phone he can talk with his beloved friends for hours.

He chooses his friends carefully and values ​​decency in people most of all. Does not tolerate lies; having caught someone in this sin, immediately breaks off the relationship.

He has some disdain for sloppy people; he cannot sit down at the table in every home.

Marietta is obligatory and does not make idle promises. He loves classical music and is well versed in it. He often plays an instrument and can be a music teacher. He likes to visit museums, often attends symphony orchestra concerts, willingly attends celebrations where intelligent people gather, and knows how to hold a meaningful conversation.

Marietta devotes a lot of time to improving her home and furnishing the interior with taste. Loves comfort and coziness. She cooks delicious food and loves to receive guests. Her signature dish is cakes. And she herself eats a lot of sweets, being prone to obesity.

She is not inclined to leave home, so she chooses work that does not involve business trips. Marietta’s increased performance appears in the afternoon, and she chooses her job with this regimen. I am glad to receive gifts, especially flowers. Favorite flower is gladiolus. Can't stand writing letters. He has an amazing ability to understand any handwriting, even the most difficult.

The totem plant is hydrangea, the totem animal is iguana, the talisman stone is heliothorp.

Strengths of the name Marietta

Love of mental activity, activity, selflessness, rationality, consistency, family, homeliness, firmness, ingenuity.

Gifted with harmony, a sense of beauty, a manifestation of love. Tactful and intelligent, whom nature itself has endowed with inner nobility. Even if the appearance is ordinary, it is successfully compensated by internal charm, which makes such people incredibly attractive. Even in Marietta’s everyday life there is nothing ugly, she simply cannot stand discomfort and disharmony.

Weaknesses of the name Marietta

Demonstrativeness, aggression, greed, emotionality, stubbornness, irresponsibility.

Cherishing low character traits leads to sybaritism, gluttony and laziness. She strives to marry a wealthy person; if this does not happen, then she will be quite happy with the role of a kept woman.

The influence of the name Marietta on fate

A lively mind, developed intellect, and quick action create a special energy field around Marietta, in which there is no place for lazy people and slackers. She is a leader among business and energetic people. Confidently leads the team, without bothering with patronage or showing tyrannism. Life is in full swing around her.

To engage in commerce, Marietta should enlist the support of reliable and competent partners. The success of any of its activities is associated with a deep analysis of the results of what has already been achieved and real planning for the future.

It often happens that Marietta experiences financial difficulties, money literally melts in her hands. She is highly discouraged from taking risks in a casino, since luck is not her distinguishing feature.

The key to communicating with Marietta

Does not accept conflicts and quarrels. If she had a raised conversation with someone, then most likely this person will no longer be in her environment.

Source: https://www.polovinka.org/imya/marietta/

Oh, this Marina! You often hear this phrase at school, at work, in a company. Yes, it’s impossible not to notice this young lady, she’s always the center of attention!

The name Marina is characteristic of special women who stand out from the crowd. Let's find out in more detail what the meaning of the name Marina is, characteristics, full origin, what does it mean and what is the fate of this unusual woman!

The name Marina is of Latin origin, and the meaning of the word in translation is “sea”. This word is translated this way because it is an epithet of Venus, ancient greek goddess. It means beauty, grace and natural femininity.

Indeed, Marina is like a goddess, she attracts everyone's attention! The meaning of the name Marina is a guarantee that it is female name will make its owner special, thanks to which she will never suffer from a lack of attention from others.

Analogues in other countries are Marine (or Marine), Marinetta, Marinella, Marie. Marina is a full female name. Diminutive names are Marisha, Marishka, Marinochka, Musya, Marya, Marinusya.

A real lady and her future

Since childhood, passions have been boiling around the girl Marina. The boys fight for her, everyone wants to become her friends, gentlemen, carry her briefcase, sit at the same desk with her.

At the same time, the girl herself does nothing for this, she doesn’t even have to be beautiful! Often girls with this name are beauties, but sometimes there are also simply cute ones, but this does not change anything, they are still always the first.

Marina exudes incredible inner energy, she is characterized by charm and attractiveness, people are attracted to her, they love her and fall in love with her, she captivates with her mystery, femininity and charm. And all this is innate to her, she hasn’t learned anything, but she knows how to use it.

Attention is her “currency”. She really needs to be paid attention to and admired. But her attention is what many people want, especially men. And she knows how to control them with a word, a look, a hint. Marina’s attractiveness is something incredible, she has amazing sensuality and is like a magnet for members of the opposite sex.

Accordingly, the fate of this woman will be happy, because she will never be lonely and will definitely find her happiness. The main thing for her is to understand what she wants. If he can determine this accurately, he will achieve everything, and without difficulty.

Sometimes Marina overestimates herself, but this does not stop her from living. She always has a high opinion of herself, knows her worth and knows how to present herself, even if she is not rich and does not shine with beauty.

Thanks to these talents, a woman gets a lot: the desired job, position and much more. She is brave, uninhibited, never quiet or cowardly, and bravely goes where her dreams and complete happiness await.

Having decided what she wants, she simply goes and achieves it - softly, beautifully and gracefully.

Some people feel that emotions have no meaning for her. great value, but in fact Marina just knows how to control them. This is her character: she thinks everything over, approaches everything very consciously and understands perfectly well that she builds her happiness and destiny herself. And she knows that a lot depends on her emotions.

So when it comes to her personal happiness, she does everything responsibly: she chooses her words, monitors her actions and does not allow herself to be in the clouds, succumbing to a momentary impulse. Weaknesses are not about her!

In a man, she appreciates both beauty and inner content - she always looks for the ideal. She cares about his origin, upbringing, education, character, manners, earnings - all together! It is of great importance to her appearance: Marina will never pay attention to a man who has dirty nails, unkempt clothes or a stale face, who is too short, or has overweight, or simply ugly.

She may fall in love with a handsome man, but she will truly love only someone who is smart, calm, reasonable, who can adequately provide for her, and most importantly, will carry her in his arms and admire her. Loyalty and devotion are extremely important to her; she will not put up with betrayal, no matter how important marriage is to her.

Happiness in love according to name compatibility

Very often, Marina gets married early and often gets divorced, and then finds real happiness in her second marriage. This happens due to the fact that she is always the center of attention of men, she always has a “soul mate”, loneliness is unknown to her.

She is very jealous and simply will not tolerate her chosen one paying attention to other women! It may even cause a scene of jealousy, and in a public place. Loyalty is extremely important for her, she is the owner and will not share her beloved chosen one with anyone. But in return I am ready to give incredible fidelity, devotion and love!

She has perfect compatibility with such male names: Mikhail, Sergey, Denis, Evgeny, Egor, Dmitry. With these men she has every chance of a happy marriage, mutual understanding and a long life together, she will easily find common language, and conflicts will be extremely rare.

Not bad compatibility for Marina: Alexey, Victor, Bogdan, Maxim. With them, a strong, harmonious union and even a strong marriage for many years is possible.

The main condition is that the man understands her characteristics, constantly admires her, that he singles her out, says good things about her to his friends, in a word, shows that she is special, one and only.

And of course, to be faithful! Then the woman will always be with him, she will be an accommodating and loving wife.

But there is low compatibility with men such as Yuri, Andrey, Anton, Stanislav, Georgy. Their characters are different: these men are quite freedom-loving, they are not inclined to put a woman on a pedestal and idolize her, they need personal space. But Marina is hardly ready to provide this space to the fullest; she always needs attention and admiration!

But this is not main criterion. Even if a man’s name is Andrey, Anton or Yuri, this does not mean that you should not try to build a relationship, because all people are different. Because even Alexey, who theoretically seems to have perfect compatibility with Marina, may turn out to be a completely unsuitable match for her! But, for example, Yuri, on the contrary, will become the one and only.

Angel Day

According to the church calendar, Marina has name days several times a year. Catholic name days on the following dates:

  • March 3.
  • April 26.
  • June 18.

And Orthodox Angel Day occurs twice a year:

These days you can safely congratulate the birthday girl and give her beautiful gifts! Moreover, she loves gifts and holidays and really appreciates attention.

A loving person will never regret this attention and will be happy to give it to the extent necessary. This is a guarantee that the couple will be happy! And Marina will definitely have a happy fate, regardless of the circumstances.

Because she knows how to adjust circumstances to suit herself and knows how to find the destiny of her dreams! Vasilina Serova

Source: http://www.grc-eka.ru/imya/marina-znachenie.html

The meaning of the name Marina

The female name Marina comes from the Latin word “marinus”, meaning “sea”. In Roman mythology, this is exactly what (Venus Marina) was the name of the goddess Venus, who was also considered the patroness of sailors. It is found almost nowhere except in countries former USSR. In Russia this name is quite common, but very popular in recent years doesn't use it.

Characteristics of the name Marina

Phonosemantically, this name gives the impression of something reliable and emotional. It gives its owner a solid and soft character, but capable of displaying willpower and determination. Marina's inner world brings her as close as possible to harmony.

This woman knows exactly what she wants and, as a rule, believes that she deserves the best in life. IN childhood This girl amazes with her purity, obedience and self-confidence. She will never offend her parents, but she won’t let her peers get away with it; she can even get into a fight and start an intrigue.

The adult Marina keeps her leadership habits under control, but does not lower her self-esteem. Usually this is an intelligent, brave, slightly secretive and proud person, who at the same time makes a good impression on people. The owner of this name knows how to be diplomatic, but sometimes it is difficult for her to restrain her emotions, and then she is able to say a lot of unpleasant words to others.

In communication, she behaves evenly and calmly with all people, although close friends still manage to reach Marina’s true character and see her from an unexpected side.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Taurus, that is, from April 20 to May 20.

Other signs (especially Leo, Aries, Scorpio) can make Marina’s character stricter, which will negatively affect her life, while Taurus will retain her inherent determination, practicality and reliability, adding to these qualities softness, sentimentality, simplicity and peacefulness.

Pros and cons of the name Marina

What are the pros and cons of the name Marina? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, gentle and familiar name for our country.

It goes very harmoniously with many Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has a large number of diminutive forms, such as Marinka, Marisha, Marinochka, Marishka.

Marina’s character, although it has several shortcomings, is still more positive than negative, so parents will have no serious reasons to refuse this name option for a child.


Marina is in good health. Usually this is an active woman, resistant to physical and moral stress, who may not count on her strength, work too much, and neglect herself.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Marina shows unprecedented thriftiness and care for her family. Her house is always in a state perfect cleanliness, she cooks well and devotes a lot of time to ensuring the comfort of her husband and children. She chooses as her wife a calm, financially reliable man who knows how to appease her with attention and affection. When it comes to raising children, she is strict and sometimes inept.

Professional area

IN professional field Marina most often chooses the path of medicine, economics or pedagogy, but she can make an excellent hairdresser, diplomat, translator, lawyer, artist, dancer.

Name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Marina celebrates her name day on March 13 and July 30, and on July 20 according to the Catholic calendar.

Source: http://beremennost.net/content/marina

Margarita - the meaning of the name

The name Margarita owes its appearance to the Latin and Greek word “Margaritos”. This epithet referred to the goddess Aphrodite, the patroness of sailors who sacrificed pearls to her, asking for intercession. Therefore, the meaning of the name Margarita is interpreted as “pearl”.

The name has several abbreviated forms, Rita, Margot, etc. It has been included in the Orthodox Christmastide calendar since 2000 and celebrates name days twice a year. The name is popular in Russia, although it does not rank first in the ranking of popular names.

Characteristics of a small

Since childhood, the bearer of the name Margarita has a groovy disposition. She tries to be a leader, but if this doesn’t work out for her, she becomes the patroness of weak and offended children. Margaritina’s harshness in conversation and strong hand makes those around us afraid of our heroine, this applies to both girls and boys.

Margarita's curiosity is off the charts; she must find out all the secrets and mysteries.

The named Margarita has her own point of view on each situation. But at the same time, the girl does not harm people, just maybe discuss them a little. Sometimes Rita expresses her opinion to her parents; the originality of her thinking confuses them.

The characteristics of the name Margarita reveal his intelligence and ability to think logically. The girl will benefit from math puzzles and chess games. Not taking your studies seriously leads to mediocre grades.

But in high school, a girl begins to realize the importance of education, begins to tighten its tails. If she sets out to do something, then it will definitely work out, because Margarita has a strong character. The girl has intelligence and ambition, but Rita is a little angry at the world around her.

The girl is sure that her abilities are not fully appreciated and are not properly used.

Full description of the name

The straightforwardness and categorical character of the bearer of the name Margarita decreases slightly with age. Most likely, it is the girl herself who forces herself to react less violently to certain circumstances. Our heroine will not miss an opportunity to make a scandal, but the older she gets, the less she wants to do it.

Margarita clearly perceives the world, she is able to resolve any, even the most difficult situation.

But she does this in a non-diplomatic way, she does not have such a quality, rather she simply trivially dots all the i’s. Given the presence of a strong will and steadfastness in the character, the name Margarita completely lacks selfishness and selfishness.

The main character trait of a girl, bearing the name Margarita, is straightforwardness. She will say everything directly, without concealments or omissions. Rita has no problem expressing unpleasant things face to face. And here it doesn’t matter whether it’s a peer or a teacher, the girl will stop at nothing. In addition, our heroine is self-critical and straightforward towards herself.

When meeting her, the interlocutor immediately draws attention to her practicality, but at the same time, an outstanding slight lack of self-confidence, which our heroine is trying to hide.

In general, the bearer of the name Margarita tries to present herself as a self-confident, intellectually developed person.

Knowing what the name Margarita, “pearl” means, we can say with confidence that we are talking about our heroine.

This cheerful and cheerful girl, sometimes even excessively, looking at existing life, can close itself in its shell.

She is sad to learn that someone from her circle took advantage of her kindness and selflessness for their own mercantile purposes.

But these moments quickly pass, the girl immediately recovers, and her life begins to flow in the same direction.

The presence of a love of freedom in the character of a woman named Margarita encourages her to act only at her own discretion, regardless of the recommendations of her relatives and existing social principles.

From positive traits Character in the name Margarita should highlight a strong will and self-esteem. Independence and having her own opinion on any issue also distinguishes our heroine from the bulk.

Margarita has intellectual abilities, constantly develops them, and most importantly, she does this not under coercion, but of her own free will.

The bearer of the name Margarita prefers male society over female society. Among the negative characteristics, Rita has harshness, rudeness and straightforwardness. Our heroine is impudent towards those she doesn’t like and expresses everything she thinks to their faces.


Since childhood, a girl named Margarita loves men's company and their hobbies. There are men's clothing, motorcycle racing, and football here, and this does not in any way worry Margarita's parents. Over the years, our heroine softens a little, becomes more tactful, but never gains real friends among women.

  • Among men, she feels like a fish in water, is slightly flirtatious, and participates in the discussion of male topics.
  • In a female company, the one named after Margarita is completely different, more restrained in conversations and harsh in communication.

On a whim, Margarita gets married early and often her first family experience is unsuccessful. The breakup of a relationship is painful for a woman, but having survived it, she marries again, and just as quickly, trying to prove her importance.


Our heroine chooses a husband solely out of sympathy and love, there can be no talk of commercialism and calculation here. Called Margarita, she will reveal herself only to her beloved and trusted man.

The woman likes to run a household, but she doesn’t really like to cook. Love for her children pushes our heroine to self-sacrifice for their sake.

Accustomed to being in male society and acting relaxed, Rita hurts her husband if he is jealous. But at the same time she is faithful and does not allow herself unnecessary liberties.

The girl's family and friends forgive her straightforwardness, since she expresses her opinion honestly and boldly.

Our heroine does this not to prick someone or humiliate, on the contrary, she wants to guide them on the true, correct path.

Professional affiliation

For the person named Margarita, work is not the meaning of life, it is a means to obtain finance.

Margarita Sergeevna Aliychuk (Russian gymnast, member of the Russian national team)

  • In her profession, she acts decisively and busily takes on the proposed project.
  • A woman will submit to pedagogy; she can choose any of the directions in this area, but biology is most preferable for her.
  • Excellent organizational and leadership skills will help the bearer of the name Margarita make a brilliant career in administration and help her rise to the rank of manager.
  • Our heroine will feel great in the role of a lawyer, prosecutor, in a specialization where it is necessary to establish justice.
  • The woman herself is not eager to rule; what is more important to her is an interesting and beloved job.

Perseverance, hard work, innovative thinking - these are the components that will help Margot achieve significant heights.

Name days: January 12, January 18, February 8, February 22, March 25, April 11, July 20, July 30, August 27, September 14, October 17, November 16, December 15, December 30

Source: http://1000imen.ru/zhenskie-imena/margarita-znachenie-imeni.html

Margarita. The meaning of the name Margarita. Name compatibility Margarita

Name meaning: Translated from Greek language"Margarita means 'pearl', pearly."

Origin of the name: Margarita has Greek origin. She is often compared to the goddess of love and beauty - Aphrodite. The patron saint of the name is the Antioch martyr Margaret.

The name gained its popularity after the October Revolution; before that time, this name was not canonized by the church and was absent from the calendar. In Orthodoxy, Mary was often called Margaret.

Other forms: Margaret, Marketa, Margarit, Margot, Margusha, Rita, Margosha.

Name day

January – 12th, 18th;

February – 8, 22nd;

March – 25th;

April – 11th;

July – 20th, 30th;

August – 27th;

September – 17th;

October – 17th;

November – 16th;

December – 15th, 30th.

Margarita – independence, impatience, energy

Characteristics of the name

The secret of the name Margarita gives its women with this name strong character, logical thinking, categorical. These women are able to show extraordinary independence, rigor and straightforwardness.

As a child, Margarita is an active and sociable girl, takes an active part in various sports games, prefers to play with boys. She is very curious and straightforward. He does well at school, has many friends, and loves to be the center of attention. If parents fulfill all of Rita's wishes as a child, she can grow up selfish, harsh and narcissistic.

Adult Margarita is energetic, independent, straightforward and critical. She is very impatient and often makes hasty decisions. Women with this name have a clear mind, logical thinking, are quick-witted and quite cunning. She calculating and very dreamy, passionate in love, has many novels.

Character of the name

The main quality in Margarita’s character is her straightforwardness; she always says what she thinks. He can offend a person and not regret what he did.

Women with this name are honest and brave, capricious, have an analytical mind.

Margarita gives the impression of an intelligent woman, she has many friends and enemies, she is categorical and witty, always finds an answer or justification for her actions.

“Winter” is tyrannical, strict, calculating;

“Autumn” - stingy, practical;

“Summer” - decisive, self-confident;

“Spring” - responsible, independent.

Fate of the name

As a child, Margarita is very independent; she expresses her opinion, regardless of the person’s status or age, which often horrifies adults. Since childhood, she has been characterized by straightforwardness and categoricalness.

Already in her school years, a girl with this name stands out for her logical thinking, she is smart, quick-witted and cunning. She has good relationship with classmates, will never refuse help.

Given the complexity of her character, Margarita has practically no friends.

In the professional sphere, Margarite often chooses those where she can show intelligence and activity. She will make a good teacher, lawyer, entrepreneur, manager, speaker.

In family relationships, those named Margarita prefer to show leadership.

For a strong marriage, Margarita needs a calm and flexible husband who will support her in all decisions.

Margarita does not like to do housework, but strives to keep the house clean and create comfort. In raising children, she is strict, but kind, and can sacrifice a lot for their good.

Margarita is in good health. In adulthood, problems with blood pressure, or heart problems.

Positive traits of the name

Margarita has a strong character, she is brave, courageous, and has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. People around her appreciate Margot for her courage, but often criticize her for being too straightforward. Women bearing this name are smart and quick-witted.

Negative traits of the name

Margarita is characterized by such qualities as sharpness and straightforwardness; she does not like to stand on ceremony with those she does not like and will always say what she thinks. It becomes a little softer with age, but the basic qualities remain.

Name compatibility Margarita

Margarita will have a successful marriage with Alexey, Arkady, Gennady, Ignat, Kirill, Maxim, Miroslav, Eduard. Difficult relationships with Boris, Vasily, Leonid, Roman, Stanislav.

Famous personalities with the name Margarita

Margaret (Marina) of Antioch - great martyr;

Margaret of Denmark - Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden;

Margaret of Navarre - Queen of Navarre;

Margaret of Parma is the viceroy of the Spanish King Philip II.

Margaret - interesting facts

Zodiac sign – Pisces;

Planet – Venus;

Favorable color – lilac;

Auspicious tree - pine;

The treasured plant is the daisy;

Patron – pearl shell;

The talisman stone is pearls.

The name Marietta is of Italian origin and translates as “bitter.” Short form- Marie, Marya, Marisha, Mariyka. Marietta has idealistic inclinations. The bearer of this charming name is amorous, quickly becomes attached to people, and makes high demands on others. Such a girl strives for the ideal in everything, avoids conflict situations, gravitates towards harmony and beauty.

Characteristics of the name

As a child, Marietta was often sick, mainly suffering from respiratory diseases. The girl grows up weak and capricious, often shedding tears for no reason. Her psyche is unstable, which is why her mood is constantly changing.

Marie is a good student at school, she learns everything on the fly and pleases her parents with high grades. The girl comes easily to foreign languages, which she loves to study. Marietta moves gracefully in dance, loves to sing, writes poetry. Among sports activities, she prefers swimming and rhythmic gymnastics.

The bearer of a wonderful name cannot stand it when people speak to her in a raised voice. She usually quickly breaks off communication with such people and no longer wants to have contact. When she is reprimanded or lectured, she withdraws into herself or begins to do everything out of spite. She is not inclined to compromise and is persistent when she needs something from someone.

Mariyka is persistent in achieving her goals, knows how to manipulate her loved ones, as she subtly senses their weak points. She never stops halfway and tries not to bother others with her problems, solving them herself.

As usual, a girl with this name tends to be independent and becomes independent at an early age. She rarely asks anyone for advice, preferring to do without the help of others and make all decisions alone.

Marietta is friendly, sociable, and usually has many friends. She does not suffer from low self-esteem and is always clearly aware of what she needs. This is a devoted friend whom you can safely trust and tell about your most secret things.

Usually Marietta loves her name and is very proud of it, because it is beautiful and rare. The girl shows a sensitive attitude towards others and is always ready to help, but emotional people avoids. Appreciates coziness and comfort, loves to do home improvement, improving the interior of the home. The owner of the melodious name loves to invite guests, and with no less pleasure she goes to visit herself. In music, Marie often prefers the classical direction and is well versed in it. Among the owners of this name there are often music teachers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like people with other names, Marietta is characterized by weaknesses and strengths. As for the latter, the following characteristic features can be distinguished:

This girl is looking for harmony in everything, has good taste, shows tact when communicating with people. It seems as if nature itself generously endowed the intelligent Mariyka with inner nobility. Such women always radiate positivity, even if their appearance is far from the standard of beauty. Marietta is gifted with immense inner charm, thanks to which people are drawn to her.

Regarding weaknesses, the following negative manifestations can be identified:

  • aggressiveness;
  • increased emotionality;
  • unwillingness to take responsibility;
  • stubbornness;
  • commercialism;

Because of her greed, she strives to marry a rich man who can provide for her. When it is not possible to find a wealthy partner for marriage, she may agree to the role of a kept woman.

Letter meaning

People whose names begin with the letter “M” are poorly organized, they do not know how to concentrate on one thing for a long time and often suffer from their own absent-mindedness. They value quality and often occupy leadership positions. Such bosses always take into account the opinions of their subordinates, taking into account their interests.

The letter “A” begins the alphabet, it is a symbol of beginning and the desire to move forward. If there is this letter in the name, the person will show hard work, determination, and initiative. Such people do not like routine; they are inspired by the factor of novelty.

If there is an “R” in the name, this is a person with unconventional thinking who will always provide help in difficult times. In the business sphere, these are born leaders, but in the family they are still more comfortable being followers than leading.

The letter “I” personifies such bright qualities as honesty, good nature, and sincerity. Women take care of their appearance, sparing no time. A subtle mental organization often determines the desire for creativity. Despite their romanticism, ladies demonstrate thriftiness; they willingly do household chores and improve the apartment.

“E” symbolizes communication skills, intuition, and curiosity. When there is a similar letter in the name, we can say that the person gravitates toward pleasant company. Such people often find themselves in the journalistic and literary spheres, the police, and they also make excellent doctors. However, great difficulties often arise in finding a suitable match.

“T” indicates an excellent outlook, comprehensive development. These people are creative, hypersensitive, impressionable, vulnerable. Justice is of great importance to them. It costs nothing for those with the letter to adapt to new conditions; they are generous and sensitive.

Thus, understanding the meaning of the name, it is not difficult to find an explanation for the character and behavior of a person. Our names are of great importance, because they have a huge impact on life and destiny. Therefore, before naming your child, it is extremely important to study the characteristics of the name you like. If you don’t like the meaning, it’s better to abandon the intended option and choose another name for your baby.

Attention, TODAY only!

Those with the name Marietta, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” That's how it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Marietta, manifestation in love

Marietta, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of “friend to all”. You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

DOB: 1888-04-02

Russian writer, prose writer

Version 1. What does the name Marietta mean?

Marietta - from lat. little Maria.

Derivatives: Mari, Mara, Marya, Marinya,
Marisha, Mariyka, Eta.

Name day: in the Orthodox calendar of this
there is no name, but you can honor all Mariettes on Mary’s name day (see.
corresponding description).


Strong intellect, a lively mind, the ability to act quickly - all this creates around
It has a strong energy field, where there is no place for phlegmatic people and slackers. Marietta
I just can't stand them. But for business and energetic people there is no better leader.
find. She confidently leads people, without bothering with excessive care, without suppressing
despotism. Her house is like a reliable fortress, where everything is in its place, everything in any
the moment is ready to receive good friends.

Version 2. What does the name Marietta mean?

- little Maria (lat.).

Name day: see Maria.

Zodiac sign
- Aries.

Planet - Mars.

Color - bright red.

Auspicious tree
- rowan.

Treasured plant
- hydrangea.

Patron name
- iguana.

Talisman stone
- heliotrope.


Has a vibrant, all-encompassing
mind - the intellect strikes her first of all. She is very quick in action and not
tolerates slow people. Everything around her seems to be boiling and seething. confident in myself
has a highly developed sense of self-esteem. This is a leader, but not despotic,
but caring and understanding. Marietta seems to be doing housework casually,
however, everything always shines with her, everything is in its place, everything is perfectly prepared.

Famous people named Marietta

Numerology of the name Marietta

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. In everything he prefers to be guided by his own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Possesses developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, and willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Marietta

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

E- curiosity, insight and sociability. These people love good company. They have great abilities in the field of literature and journalism. Also among them there are a lot of individuals who work in areas where intuition should be well developed, for example: medicine, police, etc. It is very difficult for these people to find their soulmate.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • E- (YE = E) Esi
  • T- Firmly

The name Marietta in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Marietta in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Origin: Turkic
Name meaning: Bitter, desired, serene, little Maria

The name Marietta is suitable for zodiac signs

Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius,


Stone: heliotrope; Plant: hydrangea; Animal: iguana.

Compatibility with other names

Derived from names

Marie, Mara, Marya, Marinya, Marisha, Mariyka, Eta

Marietta - name day

January 8, January 12, January 31, February 8, February 19, February 25, March 2, March 20, April 2, April 14, April 25, May 17, June 5, June 11, June 15, June 17, June 20 , June 22, June 24, June 25, July 17, August 4, August 18, August 22, September 28, October 11, October 21, December 15

Marietta grows up as a sickly and weak child. From early childhood he loves to sing and even invent his own musical and song compositions. He has a capricious and explosive character. Choreographic inclinations appear very early. The easiest things to do are swimming and rhythmic gymnastics.

The school curriculum is taught without extra effort, and foreign languages ​​are easy to learn. Marietta does not like criticism and if she hears a raised tone addressed to her, she is ready to do everything out of spite. Touchy and vindictive, at the same time unyielding and persistent. He will never compromise, he will always defend what is right. He reacts to requests with lightning speed and will always keep his promise. An excellent manipulator of adults - in any case he will achieve his goal.

She matures early and becomes independent. Makes decisions without outside help. Elegant with refined taste, she can become a fashion designer. She is sociable, has many friends, loves communication. Marietta is self-confident and always knows what she wants. Treats close people with understanding, always listens and gives valuable advice. She will never spill the beans, so you can fearlessly trust her with your deepest secrets.

Favorite shade is blue. Creative personality who likes to spend most of her time alone or in the “time-tested” company of like-minded people. He looks at people and chooses his friends for a long time. He is afraid of lies and does not tolerate sloppy people. She’s squeamish, so she won’t sit at the table in every home. Doesn't make idle promises.

Marietta loves classical music and is quite good at it. Tastefully furnishes the interior of his home. Understands the intricacies of design. He loves to receive guests and is an excellent cook. One of the signature dishes is cake. She tends to be overweight precisely because she loves flour and sweets. Loves gifts, and especially flowers. Easily understand the most complex handwriting.

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