Stuffed pike according to Alla Kovalchuk's recipe (step by step recipe with photo). Everything will be delicious: a recipe for stuffed pike from Alla Kovalchuk Everything will be delicious stuffed pike

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⇒ "I have always been interested in mysticism. Since childhood, the guys and I loved to tell scary stories to each other in the evenings. When I first got the Internet, the first thing I did was start watching different horror stories. It fascinated me so much that I could sit for hours. The guys called me to the street, but I didn't want to. They started laughing at me, but I didn't care. Five years have passed and nothing has changed. I still love watching videos like this. This video made a special impression on me. Class"
Added - 07/15/2019
⇒ "Zhenya's work is again magnificent, really strong and truthful. I watched this review with great pleasure, received a lot of impressions. As always, the review turned out to be informative and quite funny. It’s interesting to me, directors, when they create films, they don’t notice their “blunders” and mistakes at all, well, this is completely tinny. Eugene without any problems found so many errors and shortcomings. Russian cinema is in a deplorable state. Many thanks to Eugene, his work is excellent. Thanks for the lack of ads."
Added - 07/15/2019
⇒ "As for a person who is fond of feng shui and reads enough literature about positive thinking, this video should have been interesting. However, it was completely disappointing. It is foolish to hope that by repeating ten times how my income doubles, it will immediately increase. Yeah) Self-hypnosis works in many cases, but not when you are waiting for manna from heaven, for this you need to work. And the woman has a bad voice. Some kind of fake. And the voice acting in such videos plays a decisive role, whatever you say."
Added - 07/15/2019
⇒ "The current composition of the Verkhovna Rada is living its last days, which is probably why there are so many deputies in the hall. Usually at this time the hall is almost empty, the chosen ones bask in the seas and spend their huge salaries in exotic countries. But you really want to get into the next squad, so you need to create the appearance of hard work and concern for ordinary people. And this despite the fact that the rating of trust in the Verkhovna Rada is approaching zero. I won’t be surprised if they also adopt a couple of laws to please people and prove their capacity."
Added - 07/15/2019 Testing cheats on video
⇒ "I have never used cheats in multiplayer games, but at the same time I was curious to know how they work and what the player sees when he uses them. It seems to me that the most harmless cheat in this video is wallhack, of course it gives a good advantage, but it cannot be compared with aim bot :) There is no chance against a player who turns it on, except to meet such a friend with the whole team, then aim bot is unlikely to be able to kill everyone at once, although who knows, but in general cheats are absolute evil! :)"
Added - 07/15/2019

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On Saturday, December 20, we continue to learn how to cook dishes for the New Year's table along with a culinary project. Still don't know how to surprise your guests? TV series star When we are at home Ekaterina Kisten planning to cook stuffed pike and turned to culinary expert Alla Kovalchuk for help.

stuffed pike with a golden crust, with a creamy filling of spicy pieces of dried apricots and tender fish fillet, it will become a real queen of New Year's Eve. But if during cooking the thin skin of the pike is easily torn, and the already prepared dish does not hold its shape well and literally falls apart before your eyes, watch the show Everything will be delicious! and forever forget about these problems ...

"I really enjoy cooking,- said the star of the series When we are at home Ekaterina Kisten. - I always try to pamper myself and my guests with culinary masterpieces. But somehow an interesting story happened. It was a normal filming day.

We filmed one scene long enough and everyone got really hungry. We took a break, we went to the rest room. That's where we keep the props. And so we go into the room, and there is a beautiful stuffed pike.

Someone said that it had been filmed a long time ago, and everyone unanimously decided that it could be eaten. Everyone grabbed a piece - as a result, only the head and tail remained from the pike. And just imagine: I am sitting alone, next to a dish with the head and tail of a pike, and ... the director comes in.

What was - do not convey! It turned out that the pike had to be removed the next day in the morning, that it was impossible to eat it, that there was only one such prop and there were no more pikes. He was so upset, and I was so ashamed that I take it and blurt out: yes, tomorrow I will bring the same one - I will cook it myself!

He knows that I am fond of cooking, and therefore quickly agreed. On the same day, after work, I went for pike. I bought all the necessary ingredients. I remembered what she was decorated with and ran home to cook! I read a recipe on a blog that I use all the time.

Difficulties began from the very beginning, when I started to clean the pike. The whole kitchen was in scales, the skin was not removed. Finally I ruined it when I cut out the rest of the meat. It was also hard to remove from the bones. There was not enough meat, and the filling turned out to be too liquid.

When I stuffed the pike, it did not hold its shape in any way. I transferred this nightmare to a baking sheet, covered the holes with pieces of vegetables, put a pike head for beauty and put it in the oven. Within 10 minutes there was a terrible smell in the kitchen.

I opened the oven to look. The minced meat dried up, the vegetables burned, the fish was all swollen. I took it out to have a better look. The smell is disgusting, I picked it with a fork - inside the fish remained raw ... "

How did the story with stuffed pike end? Ekaterina Kisten will tell in the new episode of the show Everything will be delicious! which can be viewed online on our website right now. .

Watch online show Everything will be delicious. Issue dated 12/20/2014 - recipe for stuffed pike and sauce. Part 1:

Watch online show Everything will be delicious. Issue dated 12/20/2014 - recipe for stuffed pike and sauce. Part 2:

Watch online show Everything will be delicious. Issue dated 12/20/2014 - recipe for stuffed pike and sauce. Part 3:

Watch online show Everything will be delicious. Issue dated 12/20/2014 - recipe for stuffed pike and sauce. Part 4:

Everyone has their own fashion and hobbies, and therefore it is sometimes very nice to find like-minded people, evaluate their stamp collection or skill in a certain game. Here are collected various videos that are dedicated to a particular hobby. It doesn't matter if you like chess, tennis or collecting wild, wild animals under your roof - here you will be able to find good video content to your liking.

Now it is very popular both on the net and in reality one hobby available for the most part only to the female sex - Make-up on camera. It will seem to ordinary viewers that in these videos the girls simply put on makeup and inflate an elephant out of a fly. But in fact, these beauties showcase their artistic skills, which have developed over the years. In such videos you can find tips, life hacks, and highlight many useful moments that you missed in your life. Curvy models and their stylists will tell you which eye shadows to choose and which dresses to match your hairstyle. For many women, this has become a kind of hobby, to which they devote almost their entire lives.

In addition to make-up, many girls simply love shopping, and therefore they often upload their trips to the local shopping center on Youtube, where they buy clothes and begin to review and measure them. Such girls often collect a whole collection of various outfits at home, and some could even open their own store and sell clothes for several years - they have so many purchased outfits. And all their vast collection gets into the camera lens. To be honest, it’s not clear to me why many girls watch this, but such content has customers and it’s a little strange.

However, not only girls love fashion and style and have distinguished themselves with their hobbies, men also have many different hobbies that can amaze you to the core. Some people collect napkins from stores, some people like to play sports games (which is crazy in itself), but there are also those who spend all day molesting women and collecting their kisses. At the same time, they prefer to record their adventures on a video camera, and then put the videos on public display and make themselves great machos.

In any case, there are so many different hobbies, activities, activities in our world, and all of them can captivate a person with a certain mindset for some time, or maybe even for a lifetime. There are so many of them that there is simply no point in listing them further. On this page you can find hundreds of different videos, and they can be about anything. After all, how many people - so many hobbies. Each person can invent for himself a certain “killer” of time. Sometimes you may even be surprised at what the human brain is capable of when it is bored, but do not be surprised if your own hobbies are strange to someone.

Look at people doing what they love, laugh at the stupidity of what is happening, or emphasize for yourself certain things that you can find applications in your life. Here, for the most part, entertainment and informational and stylish video content is collected.

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