Heating boilers for garages. How to make cheap heating in the garage. Types of electric heating boilers

Heating boilers for garages must be very efficient and unpretentious. This question is very relevant, since a warm microclimate in such a room will provide several advantages at once. Firstly, it will prevent freezing vehicle, which will have a beneficial effect on its service life. Secondly, it will give great place for storing a variety of things. Thirdly, it will turn the garage into an excellent workshop for the owner.

Diesel fuel garage boiler

One of the most convenient and cost-effective means of maintaining the desired air temperature in an uninsulated room is a diesel heating boiler. This is due to several factors:

  • removal of combustion products to the street allows people to stay indoors while the heat generator is operating;
  • comfortable automatic system control regulates operation, turning the unit on and off as needed;
  • the absence of the need to obtain permission from regulatory authorities makes installation low-cost.

Diesel boilers are an excellent means of heating a garage also due to their safety. Installation of heat generators is simple, but it is better to entrust it to a specialist: this guarantees correct connection communications and installation of the chimney, which directly affects the efficiency of the system.

Costs of heating a garage with a diesel boiler

To calculate the approximate consumption, you can use a simple formula, which states that in one hour a liquid fuel device burns a mass of diesel equal to a tenth of its power. It looks like this:

[heat generator power in kW] / 10 = [liquid fuel consumption in kg/hour]

That is, for heating a hypothetical garage of 50 sq.m. the boiler will consume: 5.0 kW / 10 = 0.5 kg/hour.

Based on this, we can conclude that the heat generator needs 0.5 kg/hour * 24 hours = 12 kg of diesel per day. However, do not forget that the boiler will not operate continuously. When equipped with good automation, the operating algorithm will be structured in such a way that fuel costs become minimal. A modulating burner will also be a good assistant in this, allowing the equipment to operate in a wide power range (from 10% to 100%).

Of course, the price of a boiler with similar equipment is higher than, for example, simple models with a single-stage gas burner device. However, it is better to buy a more expensive boiler, since its cost will quickly pay off in operating savings.

For car enthusiasts, a garage is a personal space for doing what you love. The space is arranged to suit your own needs, be it a workshop or even a place to relax. That’s why it’s so important to come up with high-quality garage heating. We will try to find the most economical way in this review. With the right approach, the heating system in the garage will be economical and safe.

High-quality heating allows you to create comfortable conditions in any garage

If the outbuilding is located next to the main building, then gas heating is often used. In this case, the heating system can be connected to an existing one in the house.

To heat your garage yourself economically, you can use the heating option using different types of solid fuel raw materials. Which can be used as firewood, peat, coal and diesel products. At the same time, you can save on resources, but it is important to think about the storage of raw materials.

For your information! A simple solution is a gas convector. In such equipment, heat circulation occurs due to convection. The device is connected to a cylinder, but it will need to be refilled every few days.

What heating methods are there for a garage?

The most economical way to heat a garage is determined by many factors: availability of fuel raw materials, financial capabilities and distance from the main home.

Heating of the engine shelter can be carried out by the following devices:

  • mobile equipment: heat guns and fans for heating;

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The advantage of such equipment is mobility. After all, you can simply move them wherever you need. Read the article on how to choose this device correctly and what you should pay attention to.
  • infrared heaters;
  • electric boiler is suitable for spacious rooms; stationary heaters.

High-quality heating equipment is important to create a favorable environment in the garage.

Advantages of electric heating in a garage

  • ease of installation and availability of electricity;
  • a wide selection of devices of various types;
  • you can choose a device with suitable power;
  • rapid heat transfer.

The disadvantages of such equipment include its high cost. Keep in mind that the quality of heating depends on the uninterrupted operation of the electrical network.

You can use these methods:

  • heat guns are an inexpensive option; after heating, air masses in them are distributed under the influence of a fan;
  • infrared equipment heats surfaces and all kinds of objects, and they provide heat. Infrared rays will not harm the car's paint;
  • the convector warms itself up and distributes the heat around. It heats the space worse than a cannon, but the heat lasts for a long time;
  • The most expensive options include inverter split systems. They allow you to save electricity.
Useful information! Thermal models are recommended for small spaces. Fan heaters and heat guns not only warm up, but also help dry the wheels and bottom of the car.

Water heating

If the garage is built close to the main building, then the most economical option is to heat the garage in connection with the main heating system.

In this case, you do not need to install a boiler, but you will need to extend the pipeline. This option will lead to loads and an increase in the amount of fuel. If a separate boiler is used, then full power can be used if necessary, and in other cases the equipment operates at rated level.

Pay attention! To avoid defrosting, you should use antifreeze instead of water in the system.

Gas heating

The most effective option is gas. This is a good solution in cases where there is a gas main nearby. To install such a heat source, it is necessary to draw up design documentation and obtain a special permit. Using gas requires compliance with all safety measures. It is prohibited to use a homemade device or connect any equipment.

Using gas, you can create a complete heating system with a boiler and pipes. It is also used for various types of heaters.

Useful information! Alternatively, you can use liquefied gas for convectors, infrared heaters or guns. When using gas burners and heat guns, do not forget to ventilate.

Solid fuel - a budget option

If you have solid fuel, you can even make a homemade heating structure in the garage. In terms of saving characteristics, coal and firewood are superior to other options. Various industrial waste, combustible waste, and plant residues are used as fuel. This option does not depend on energy lines.

As a heating device, you can make a stove with your own hands from sheet material, a barrel or from fittings. This heating method is more fire hazardous than others. It is necessary to constantly maintain combustion. Some devices are not environmentally friendly.

Wood-burning stoves are available in different options. These are potbelly stoves, long-burning devices, brick structures and pyrolysis devices. A potbelly stove is perfect for small spaces, and it also dries the air. Boilers are a safer option. They can work without the constant presence of a person.

Equipment operating during mining

Devices using waste oils are an economical option. They are used not only in garages, but also for heating private auto repair shops. You can see how to make a heater for heating in a garage with your own hands in the video. Metal pipes, all kinds of tanks and gas cylinders are suitable for this. Even on the basis of a stove, you can make a structure with radiators and pipes.

Remember that such structures require good care. They need to be cleaned of soot at least once a week.

Pay attention! To install the stove, a chimney is required, the height of which should be about 4 meters. Its installation is carried out at a certain slope.

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A heating device using waste engine oil is an economical and simple solution to the problem of heating a garage, workshop, greenhouse and even a home. We will look at how to make it yourself in the article.

Review of popular models of garage stoves

There are a variety of options for garage stoves on the markets. They differ in the heating principle and design solutions. Some models deserve special attention:

  • The Bullerian stove is made to run on solid fuel. The design has a convection mechanism for high-quality heating of air masses that move through the pipes;
  • a durable option is the Stavr stove. It is made of cast iron, a similar material can withstand high temperatures;
  • Termafor stoves have convection pipes in their design, which are placed in the combustion chamber. Such models are designed for both standard and pyrolysis combustion;
  • The Alaska stove has a stylish design and good heat output. The design is equipped with a hob;
  • A cheap alternative to Buleryan is the model of the domestic manufacturer Breneran. It is capable of working on wood and waste from the manufacturer.
ImageModelConstruction typePrice, rub
"Delta" D-81GHeat gun3930
Ballu BHDN-80Diesel device indirect heating 55900
ELITECH TP ​​3GCeramic gas panel2960
ResantaGas heat gun 6700
Breneran AOT – 06/00Wood stove10500

How to make your own garage heating cheaply and quickly: choosing the right place

The location for installing the equipment is selected taking into account fire safety. Heating appliances powered by gas can be used in rooms with excellent ventilation. In addition, it is important to consider the chimney device. The selected device should be attached to the main wall. It is important to correctly calculate the performance of the hood. It is important to provide free access to heating equipment.

Pay attention! When using hearths with an open fire, do not close the vent until the fuel has completely burned out. You must remember to turn off heating devices for the garage at night.

Using an economical heating method will allow you to fully use the garage at any time of the year.

The most economical option for heating a garage (video)

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How to organize heating of a garage with your own hands? What is the best way to heat a garage in winter? How to inexpensively make a garage warm? We’ll try to answer these questions later in the article and figure out which ones are best to use.

Garage heating options

The easiest way is to heat a garage, which is located in the same building as a residential building or close to it. In this case, it is most profitable to heat buildings with a common system. Most often this is a water system with a gas boiler.

With a significant distance from the garage you will have to heat it independently. When choosing a method, car owners most often take into account the type of fuel, cost, safety, complexity or ease of installation heating equipment.

So, how to make heating in a garage with your own hands? Do-it-yourself garage heating: cheap and fast (the most economical way) - is it real?

Gas heaters

Gas- one of the cheapest types of fuel, and the equipment necessary for heating a garage can be easily found on the market.

Natural gas can become the basis for:

  • a complete heating system with a gas boiler that heats water that circulates in the pipes;
  • heating using a heat gun, in which gas burns in a special burner, and heat is distributed using a fan;
  • using a catalytic or infrared gas heater, where the gas burns in a ceramic honeycomb and the heat is distributed throughout the room.

For the first option connection to the main gas pipeline is required, which is carried out by gas service employees only after signing a number of documents and paying the cost of the connection.

This option for using gas is the most difficult: it takes time to prepare documents, design and install a heating system, purchase and install a boiler. The costs will only pay off with constant heating of a large capital garage.

Second and third options are easier to use and do not require special permissions. To implement them, you can use liquefied gas from cylinders.

According to fire safety standards, the gas cylinder must be located in a closed metal box, remote from the heating element.

Of course, when using this type of heating you will have to spend money on special equipment, but the small cost of fuel will pay off these costs over time. The main disadvantage of using a gas heat gun and gas burners is that combustion products remain in the room and it must be frequently ventilated.

Processing furnaces

This method is often used in car repair shops, but it is also suitable for a private garage. You can make your own heater from an oil tank (which can be a gas cylinder with the top cut off) and a metal pipe about a meter long.

When properly designed, it is safer than a household gas stove, and the oil in it burns completely, leaving no soot or soot behind. In practice, such designs need cleansing from soot and soot at least once a week.

Another minus design - the oil is ignited through the ash pan using a torch and does not always light up the first time - it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly light such a stove with cold hands.

Oil used for heating must not contain flammable impurities: acetone, gasoline, etc., otherwise the tank will explode.

Based on waste incineration furnace you can make a full-fledged system with pipes and radiators. To do this, place a boiler on the stove with an outlet for a water pipe and an inlet for the return line, and pipes are placed in the room.

Heating with waste oil one of the safest(oil vapors burn in the pipe and fire of objects surrounding the boiler is excluded) and economical methods (waste unnecessary product is used as fuel).

Minus heating with waste oil is difficult to install the stove - the length of the chimney should be about 4 m and it is installed with a constant upward slope.

Boilers for solid and diesel fuel

A small one will do an excellent job of heating a small room and dry the air at the same time. You can drown it coal, firewood, peat briquettes, etc.

Instead of a homemade potbelly stove you can use a special boiler, but then the amount of its cost will be added to the cost estimate.

There are boilers for solid and diesel fuel. They are safe and do not require constant human presence.

Some car owners install in garages brick ovens. The principle of operation of the stove is similar to a potbelly stove - when burned, the fuel heats the stove, which warms up the air in the room. The difference between a brick stove and an iron stove is the heating speed: brick takes longer to heat up, but it also retains heat better.

When installing a boiler or stove fire safety rules must be taken into account: install the stove on a solid (preferably monolithic) non-combustible base, protect nearby surfaces from accidental ignition and properly arrange the chimney.

Using a potbelly stove or brick oven is suitable for temporary garage heating– it is impossible to automate the fuel supply, and constantly adding firewood or coal is inconvenient. Another serious disadvantage of this option is the high fire hazard. Even with an iron apron around the stove, there is a risk of igniting fuel, rubber or other materials that are always in the garage.

Safe to use stove "Buleryan". It is heated with wood, which is added once every 5-10 hours. The disadvantage of such a stove is its cost, the complexity of arranging the chimney - it must be properly insulated, and the need to regularly remove soot.

General minus using the listed stoves means the need to purchase fuel and equipment for storage.

In addition, factory boilers are not cheap, and homemade potbelly stoves and brick ovens can cause a fire.

Circulating hot water system

Water heating- one of the most reliable and safe, but it is more suitable for large garages in which it is necessary to maintain the temperature of several rooms.

For system device you need pipes through which hot water will circulate, heating radiators that increase heat transfer and a boiler: gas, electric, for solid or liquid fuel. The complexity of the work and the cost of purchasing equipment will not pay off when used in a small room.

With electric boiler There are fewer problems, but you will have to regularly pay high electricity bills, and in the event of an accident on the power line, there is a possibility that the water in the system will freeze. This option is not suitable for regions with a predominance of strong winds and snowy winters: these phenomena can break the wires and, if you do not have time to drain the water from the system, you will have to replace the burst pipes.

You can heat the water in the boiler, as mentioned above, on a stove that burns waste oil or on a regular potbelly stove. Such a system heats the room more slowly than a heat gun or convector, but it also retains heat longer.

You can lower the freezing point of water by adding special liquids to it, the most common of which is antifreeze. Their use will slow down the formation of ice in the pipes, but in severe frost and heating is interrupted for more than a day or two, it is better to drain the water.

If water is drained frequently, iron pipes and radiators may rust. This can be avoided by using modern, metal-plastic equipment. For the same reason, it is undesirable to use old, previously used radiators - dust and rust may accumulate inside them, which will cause clogging of the system and disruption of water circulation.

Advantage systems with liquid circulating through pipes in uniform heating of the room and maintaining heat for several hours after heating ends.

Minus– in the complexity and cost of arrangement, the need to drain water if heating stops for several days.


Electric heating is an ideal way to heat your garage without wasting time on installation and installation of the system. Today there is four options:

  • heat guns(the cheapest option) – hot air comes out as a stream and spreads in all directions, thanks to a fan placed inside the device;
  • infrared heaters for a garage (average cost method), it is not the air that is heated, but objects and surfaces, which in turn emit heat. This method requires less electricity than a heat gun or convector. Infrared rays are absolutely safe for humans, but can damage the paint of a car. It is best if the rays are directed at the garage door - this will create a thermal curtain and allow the room to be heated more economically;
  • convector(more expensive than the first two options) heats up itself and distributes heat around itself. Heats the room more slowly than a gun, but its heat remains a little longer after turning off. There are various models of convectors on the market - equipped with wheels for moving, installed in one place or mounted on the wall;
  • inverter split systems(air conditioning systems are the most expensive method) allow you to maintain a constant temperature, save energy, and operate at temperatures down to -20 degrees. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

To use any electric heater, you must be sure of the quality of the garage's electrical wiring - it will endure significant loads. In addition, leaving these heaters unattended for a long time is dangerous.

Disadvantages of heating with electricity is the high cost of equipment and consumed electricity, the possibility of a short circuit on an overloaded power line and dependence on the supply of electricity (if the wires break in the garage, it will be not only dark, but also cold).

Useful video

Video on how to make heating in a garage with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself garage heating: cheap and fast (the most economical way).

The choice of heating method depends on many factors: size of the garage, type of building - permanent or temporary, constantly need to maintain the temperature or need to be able to quickly warm up the room, etc. Only by answering all the questions will the car enthusiast be able to make the right choice, because each heating method has its advantages.

Thus, a heat gun or a heater on wheels does not require installation, installing a potbelly stove will cost the least, and you can save on fuel by heating your garage with waste oil.

At the same time safest options- These are factory boilers for heating with solid or diesel fuel, and a constant temperature can be ensured by a system with liquid circulating through pipes, heated by a gas boiler.

Boiler for heating a garage: how to choose

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Now we will try to decide which boiler to choose for the garage, i.e. what will it have as “fuel”: gas, electricity, firewood or diesel/waste.

Many motorists, and in particular representatives of the stronger sex, have a special attitude towards the garage. They often spend a significant part of their free time in this room, because this is the place where they can service their car. Therefore, of course, it should be as comfortable as possible, and the arrangement of the garage heating system should be approached carefully. In addition, the abundance of heating boilers for this type of premises allows each owner to choose the appropriate option.

Let's consider the most popular methods of heating a garage, characterize the criteria for choosing units and analyze their disadvantages and advantages.

Warm garage in the house

Garage heating options

Which method to choose for heating a garage is up to each owner to decide for himself. Many factors influence your choice, but the key ones are:

  • type of fuel used;
  • ease of operation of the system;
  • safety;
  • price.

The location of the garage also plays a significant role in this situation. If the building is located at a close distance from the house (no more than 20 m), then it will be most convenient to equip a system common to the living space. If the garage is located at a remote location, it is necessary to use an autonomous heating system.

Water heating is one of the ways to heat a garage, which is characterized by reliability and safety. This type of heating is suitable for large rooms, because the complex work process and the money spent on purchasing equipment will not pay off if used in small garages.

To install the system, you need pipes through which the hot water circulation process will be carried out, heating radiators that increase heat transfer and directly one of the types of boilers: gas, electric, for solid or liquid fuel.

Heat sources can be:

  • solid fuel;
  • electricity;
  • used oil.

Garage heating scheme

Boiler for wood and other types of solid fuel

The option of heating a garage with solid fuels (wood, firewood) is very popular, since these heat sources are often more profitable and economical than gas or electricity.

If you want to set up heating for your garage in the simplest and cheapest way possible, then the best option would be to install a potbelly stove (small stove). There is no need to supply gas or electricity for its operation. Despite the fact that this method is less expensive, it is quite inconvenient, because... it is necessary to constantly add firewood or coal, and this takes time. A solid fuel stove is well suited for small rooms; in a spacious garage its use will be ineffective.

The potbelly stove should be installed as far away as possible from flammable materials and wood coverings to avoid accidental fire.

The Buleryan oven is safer and more convenient to use. It is heated with firewood, which needs to be added every 7-10 hours, but “Buleryan” is an expensive pleasure and not everyone can afford it.

When purchasing a solid fuel boiler, you must follow the rules of its operation:

  • To light a fire, you need to arm yourself with paper or special kindling.
  • It is necessary to install a well-insulated chimney and clean it periodically.
  • A solid-state heating boiler must be installed exclusively on a monolithic base.
  • Surfaces near the boiler must be protected to prevent ignition.

During operation, do not forget that the heat transfer of different types of solid fuel is different; it can vary significantly even for different types of wood.

Thus, we can note the general advantages for solid fuel boilers for garages:

  • fuel availability;
  • efficiency;
  • high efficiency.

Modern solid fuel boilers have an efficiency of up to 70%.


  • high initial costs for equipment;
  • accident rate.

Solid fuel boilers for garages are produced by both domestic companies: Zota, Teplodar, and European concerns: Buderus, Viessmann, Froling.

You also need to pay attention to long-burning boilers in order to be able to increase the battery life of the garage heating system.

Diesel and waste oil boilers

Most often, garage owners prefer a garage. This is due to the low cost of diesel fuel; on the heating equipment market you can choose and purchase without much effort and in a short time best option boiler with suitable technical and operational parameters.

The main disadvantage of diesel garage heating is that you will have to install a container in which liquid fuel will be stored.

A good option for a heating boiler for a garage is to use waste oil as fuel. Therefore, they are often used by garage owners to heat them.

Typically, furnaces that operate during mining are red-hot, so storing flammable items near them is strictly prohibited.

If it is not possible to purchase a boiler at liquid fuel, then homemade heaters that heat the air in the garage can act as heating devices, and combustion products are discharged outside.

Gas boiler

With gas boilers the situation is much simpler than with solid fuel ones. Firstly, they do not need to be controlled so strictly. Secondly, the variety of devices on the market and a wide range of prices.

You can use gas as a fuel to heat your garage in the following ways:

  1. A complete heating system with a gas boiler that heats the water circulating in the pipes. With this option, you need gas service employees to connect your heating system to the main gas pipeline; for this you need to sign a number of documents and pay the cost of the connection.
  2. Using an air-heating boiler: heating is carried out by a heat gun. With this method, the gas burns in a special burner, and the process of heat distribution occurs through a fan.

The most economical option is condensing boilers. Their efficiency is 10% higher than that of conventional gas ones.

The first option is the most difficult: it will take time to collect and prepare all the necessary documents, design and install the heating system, and you also need to buy and install a boiler.

The second method does not require special permits; in this case, you can use liquefied gas from a cylinder.

According to fire safety rules, the gas cylinder must be located in a closed metal cabinet, at a remote distance from the heating element.

When using a heating method such as a gas boiler, positive aspects can be noted:

  • availability of equipment on the market;
  • low fuel cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • saving your time.

Be sure to place a fire extinguisher and other fire extinguishing equipment in the garage.

The main disadvantage of using a heat gun is the constant need to ventilate the garage, because... combustion products remain in the room.

The Russian market of gas boiler equipment has its own leaders in quality and reliability:

Electric boiler for garage

Electric heating is the best way to heat a garage, saving time on installation and installation of the system. Today, the heating equipment market offers a wide selection of different electric heaters. Each user can use any heating method: electric boiler, heat gun, inverter split system.

This type of heating has many advantages, including:

  • wide possibilities for automation;
  • low initial costs;
  • there is no need to install a chimney;
  • small sizes;
  • minimal human participation during boiler operation;
  • no fuel combustion.

However, along with many obvious positive aspects of electric boilers, one cannot fail to mention some disadvantages, such as, for example:

  • high cost of electricity;
  • difficulty in creating a high-power heating system;
  • possible lack of power grids.

To use any electric heater, it is important to ensure the quality of the garage's electrical wiring, as it will be subject to heavy loads. In addition, leaving these heaters unattended for a long time is dangerous.

The best brands of garage electric boilers:

  1. Heating element boilers – Elvin EVP, Teplotech EVP, Resurs EVPM, EVAN EPO, Delsot EVP, Novel EVOS.
  2. Induction electric boilers – SAV PROF and SAV SPEC.
  3. Electrode options are Galan OCHAG and Galan VULKAN.

Thus, from the above it follows that with an electric boiler it is much easier, but there is one significant drawback - you will have to constantly pay high electricity bills, and in the event of an accident on the power line, the water in the system may freeze.

To summarize, it should be noted that you should approach the choice of a garage heating system with all responsibility, because not only the temperature and comfort in the room, but also the durability of your car depends on it. Cold and dampness in the garage are unacceptable, as they promote rusting and have the most negative impact on the condition of the equipment.

Therefore, weigh the pros and cons, decide which garage heating system is right for you and start arranging your space.

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