Order of the Slouch - what does it mean? Why is the Order of the Slouch given? What does an order with a twist on the back mean?

Now we have little communication with employees of “blue-collar professions”. For the most part We are office samurai, office jarls. You've done the job and you can sleep peacefully. If you don’t do it, you remain at the “combat post” until midnight. Squall with the ninth wave - you go out on the weekend. Everything is simple and clear. But this is “ours”. But there, among the “workers” it’s a completely different matter. Sometimes you encounter this world with surprise and shock.
More often you hear how office samurai are perplexed when they learn from a loader or repairman that he cannot carry out the orders of his superiors, because he does not intend to “fawn” or “grove”, much less “humiliate” himself by following orders.
I was lucky to encounter another facet of this world.

The last grades of school were in 93-95. It was a time not only of the heyday of the “gangster nineties,” but also of a romantic perception among young people of the new world and business opportunities. Everything seemed simple and rosy - you just need to work, flow with ideas and successful decisions and you will become rich in no time. Again, honor and conscience are things that not only do not contradict the new world, but ennoble it. Business seemed like a way to make the world a better place.
Even in the summer there is no point in sitting idle, you need to earn extra money! The boys then took buckets of rags and went to gas stations to wash windows for tips. And I asked to be a laborer. The father warned, realizing that there was no place for idealistic ideas. But I couldn’t cope - I insisted, he arranged it.
Being a construction handyman at a large construction complex is all sorts of different things, but not in the “bring it in” style, but in the version of tasks for a brigade. There are a lot of different things to do. Sand is dragged by stretchers, pallets from under bricks from finished house pull out, etc.
The first and most memorable task was laying bricks on pallets. At the factory, bricks are laid in small stacks on wooden pallets. They are convenient to load and lift by crane directly to the masons’ floor during construction. But unloading from dump trucks is troublesome, so for speed on large construction sites they are simply thrown onto the ground, and the bricks fall down, mixed with pallets. It breaks and cracks a lot, but they pay just as little attention to this - halves of bricks are also useful, and what do the foremen care about the “fight”. It’s easier to send a team of handymen who will disassemble the dumped bricks and put them on pallets. In general, this was my first task - you lay row after row, and change worn out mittens (and up to three pairs could wear out in a day). Business. When I asked the master how much to add, he was very surprised - the normalization is based on time. But, remembering that I’m a small worker, I work part-time, I appointed him – you’ll collect five pallets and that’s enough. Having decided that I could cope and go home, I eagerly got down to business. Is it a great thing to collect your five and go for a walk? Everything is according to the new rules of life - you work quickly and well, you have a nice rest and have money. By lunchtime the quota was ready to be completed, with one or two pallets remaining. I didn’t even have lunch, I continued to work.
However, this did not go unnoticed; an educational conversation was held with me. One of the workers, not the oldest (now I understand that he was about thirty), but the most authoritative and arrogant, sat down next to me and directly asked:
- What do you want, the Order of Sutulov more than anyone else?
I didn't even understand what he meant. Clarified what was the matter.
- Why are you climbing across your dad? Well, it’s clear that your father is your boss. Why are you freaking out? Do you really think we're shit?
It was completely incomprehensible to me why he was saying all this at all. It was only clear that what I thought was right now suddenly turned out to be completely wrong, and I suddenly became, from being an excellent student in combat and political training, the most pathetic loser and vile traitor to the motherland. A bad boy. A sneak and a nit.
The main thing was unclear - how could this be, what was wrong? Is it bad to get things done and relax with pleasure? Is it bad to do more and get more?
I don’t remember the name of that handyman sage, but I remember what internal resentment and misunderstanding this annoying question caused:
- What, do you want to receive the Order of Sutulov before everyone else?
He did not directly threaten dark or other reprisals. It was enough to carry himself and the fact that the other guys and even adult men in the brigade listened to him.
Moreover, somewhere inside I understood this truth of his - now some jerk begged for a quota, will do it for half a day, and tomorrow the quota will be raised and assigned to everyone. Much later, I heard the legend that Ford was asked - what does it feel like for you - that in Soviet factories the norm is met three, or even five times? To which he replied - I would fire those standard setters. The handyman was not particularly rewarded and had no incentives for development. If you do it earlier, you’ll get more work. Moreover, you will set everyone up - instead of calmly doing the job, with laziness, smoke breaks or lunch, the whole team will plow without straightening their backs - earning the Order of Sutulov.
Then several more times I encountered the handymen’s detachment from the final result - my colleagues could walk around cheerfully and with courage ready home and breaking bricks in already finished masonry - great! Or lay bricks on pallets with voids - less work, but the same number of pallets. But most of all I remember this first conversation.
You live within your ideals. You think that the whole world shares the same ideas about honor and dignity. About the fact that doing bad is bad.
And then suddenly it was very authoritatively and clearly explained to me that, on the contrary, what I considered good either does not exist or is not worthy and good. But the low and bad are the very things that are in demand in the world.
And most importantly, you can’t do anything about it, it’s a system. I could work the summer and return to my life, and then end up among office samurai, or even cooler - office jarls, for whom I did business - received loot - spend and be happy! And they remained to live in this system. We were forced to accept this truth. And the thing is not only in physical pressure, but it is inevitable, but in the general social rejection of your “honesty and cleanliness.” And as a result, in our country the most modest and understated standards are met beyond the limit, and as a result, employers are not happy with the cost of workers, workers are dissatisfied with the return for their work, and macroeconomists argue that labor costs are too expensive in Russia. Remembering the little that I saw, I don’t really understand how we manage to build and do anything at all. And most importantly, the poison of this approach, the philosophy of working without working, does not disappear when faced with the lively truth of modern workers who are ready to work overtime and snatch bonuses or just days off from fate, but on the contrary, it often infects them themselves. And the most lively “managers” often give up when they are faced with the impossibility of stopping the endless series of smoke breaks, lunches and “Can’t I go to the toilet?”
At the same time, this was the first serious clash of ideals and the “truth of life.” Listening to the impudent and confident speeches of the “senior comrade”, I even lost my temper. He sniffled and smeared a tear. It became very offensive for everything, for life, for ideals. And it was especially offensive that it suddenly became clear that you can’t just be honest. This opportunity must be constantly sought and defended. To be beaten, to be an outcast, and more importantly, to be honest, you will simply disturb those people who live and work next to you. Moreover, in general, they deserve the right to their lives. And you're ruining all the raspberries for them here.

“How difficult and inconvenient,
after hard work
From the wet back of the mighty
take off your shirt sometimes..."

Who else, in the North Yenisei taiga, has not heard of Mitry Kuzmich Sutulov?! – The old prospector Mitrich asked his young comrades, and continued slyly, “Only those who have never been to a gold mine!” Who hasn’t listened, with a breath, to the stories of old people - elderly grandfathers, forty-year-olds... Yawning sweetly and crossing his golden, illegally made mouth, the experienced taiga man choked, and, for the hundred and first time, probably, slowly began the ancient, like his difficult, diligent work life, your story. It was not for nothing that the goldsmith baptized his mouth: perhaps, of course, from a drowsy yawn, but most likely from his upcoming intrigue, since he considered himself an illegitimate son epic hero, after all, children are a dark, nocturnal matter. Or maybe he had a crazy dream with a hangover... Who knows him, the old perkhun?

Before the Finnish, you understand, he swallowed the ending of the word in the taiga way, this was the case. Exactly in 1938, his mother, our bad father. To do hard work, out of harm's way - they won't send you further than Siberia! - at that difficult time, a lot of people came forward. Some for long money - what is called a golden boom, some for slippery fortune, and some from the prosecutor's cleaver... A caravan of barges came to Bryanka, barely made its way along the Pit to the gold mines, the richest, closer. Without iron and bread, you can’t get gold, you can’t shoot game, you can’t build a hut. Bread, iron and gold are always nearby. On the barge of three hundred tons of profit, the “seekers” are civilians, recruits, yellow-mouthed - to try their luck, to try their fate. While they were heading north, the peasants became close friends on the road, this always happens on the road. Go often - you will catch up with happiness, sit quietly - you will quickly catch up! And among that gop-company there was a huge man: he looked like a foul-mouthed, black-footed Tula man. - The old man was thinking...
Around the fire he was surrounded by very young guys who had arrived from the mainland to the Yenisei taiga to work. Not like in battles - none of them had ever been to the taiga and had never been further than a hundred kilometers from their mother’s tit. And here, among the experienced ones, “a hundred rubles is not money!”; Their mouths opened their mouths and listened to the storyteller with attention. The situation was very conducive to this: they were burning a fire for their first night in the taiga, near the fire; around the people huddled together, in the reflections of the calm flame on the pine trees, it was already - at least as far as the eye could see; sipped scalding strong tea with sugar, each thinking about his own...
The grandfather slowly continued his simple story, lulling him to sleep: “From the pier, the whole gang, on carts and carts, was hastily delivered to the head of the Ognevsky district, whose plans for gold mining this season burned with a clear, blue fire. The prospects of non-fulfillment of the state plan worried the colonel. The fresh arrival of labor instilled in the recruiter hopes for settled and peaceful life in the taiga. He knew, dog! - further to the north Norilsk was built. “The prospector spat, crossed himself three times and swore. He himself, thank God, did not have a chance to visit Umorilsk, but experienced convicts told all sorts of things about this disastrous land.
Boss, with a face of color wasp's nest, personally registered the entire brigade, wrote out directions and work orders for them, as well as to the warehouse and the dormitory - the “bicharny”, for settlement. The arriving boys went to get uniforms and entrenching tools, making plans for their lives and earnings: In the office they had already found out from the locals what the daily wages earthworks Even those who still have no trace of northern bonuses get paid well. “All the new arrivals were like that.” The locals, in turn, “copied” the new guys, offered to buy from them the extra salary allowances for three bubbles... Having shown their documents to the mainland suckers, who carefully rewrote their documents, the urkagans went home - they were the only ones they saw, and the “fat-free” simpletons to everyone the herd moved towards the warehouses, already in their minds assessing all the benefits of the transaction they had made, or stupidity, whichever suits who best. Sutulov kept to himself and did not participate in the super-benefits of the team...
The head of the mine was already in full swing by telephone from the region. It was already July, and there wasn’t even a horse lying around at the training grounds! His excuses that the caravan had just arrived were not taken into account by the general...

Take a shovel, you bastard, and dig yourself, you bastard, since you are not able to organize the work. The whole season was about...sleeping! – the general finished his deep thought, whose direct Moscow telephone was also already ringing on his desk... The NKVD understood gold mining in the region no more than the laundry and the Ministry of Culture.

The colonel looked at the front door office. If there had been a convoy there, he would probably have been much less surprised... doorway stood as monumental as a monument to Comrade Stalin, the seasoned Mitry Kuzmich.

Boss!!! – He roared, “The whole brigade is already bullying me!” All the small fry, rascals... I'm not a midget, whatever... What are you doing? Are you laughing?!

The petty colonel, who had not yet fully recovered from the general’s scolding, was sincerely perplexed and with both hands accepted Sutulov’s crowbar and shovel, which he gave him with two fingers. For some time they silently stared at each other: the boss in complete confusion, and the navvy with a silent production question in his blue aspen eyes. Unable to bear the honest gaze of the huge junior worker, the senior officer sat down in his chair, without letting go of the brand new “instrument”, a toy for Sutulov.

This is some kind of children's scoop! What do I need it for? By God! - continued to roar, thundering like a bear, - Go ahead! “Normal “instrument”, give me a change! and knock out one and a half rates, I want to work normally! And receive... I am a Stakhanovist! Have you heard? Read it, guess?? - echoed throughout the office.

The clerks, intrigued by the unprecedented noise, began to look out into the corridor: The accountant pulled off his black satin armlets and put aside the accounts, although it was still far from evening. The security guard of the gold box looked in the door and recoiled in horror, seeing the size of the speaker, as if at a meeting, a truth teller, caring for the common cause.
The senior officer somehow suddenly became haggard and wilted - two shocks in less than a quarter of an hour, this is too much even for seasoned MGB fighters.
Taking advantage of the pause, Sutulov, with the air of a winner, thrust into left hand the leader, in his right hand he held a brand new shovel with a crowbar, a sketch he had drawn by hand. When he managed, and where he got a pencil and paper, and also learned drawing and public speaking, this story is silent...
The sketch depicted the “tool” of a drummer of the first five-year plans: A shovel - three times the size of the standard one; A pike crowbar, forged, as thick as a hand and with a heel for beating with a sledgehammer; The already mentioned above, a pound sledgehammer-nurse. Kylo for Gulliver! And finally... CAR!!! A masterpiece of Mantulin's engineering thought! Three hundred kilograms of dumped rock! Not less!!! On a forged, huge wheel with spikes...
Strictly telling the engineer of human souls of the Fire Mine not to delay in fulfilling the order, the innovator received from him an advance payment for forced absence in the amount of two hundred rubles - the boss simply did not have a larger amount in his safe. In those distant, epic times, a thousand rubles was considered a very good monthly income, even for Stakhanovites. Handing over the advance to the freeman, the boss was ready to pray to God for him, if only he would work for three, for one and a half times. Even to the order at the end of the season, of course, when the state plan was fulfilled by the mine, he promised, in parting, to present... Sutulov shed a lot of tears, took out a not quite fresh handkerchief from the pocket of his brand new sweatshirt and dabbed his blue, honest, childish eyes. Having received the money in advance, Mitry Kuzmich, as the colonel had already called him, left for lunch...
Three days later, with an opportunity from Severo-Yeniseisk, an urgent mine order arrived, causing considerable surprise and commotion in the workshop of the Sovetskaya mine. But an order is an order, and the mine delivered the “tool” on time and with excellent quality. Products non-standard sizes They were crowded in the corner of the mine manager’s office around the Mantula exorbitant wheelbarrow.
Three days later, on a very urgent matter, Chief Ogni felt the urge to go to Velmo... Having strictly ordered his deputy to find Sutulov, even from underground, give him a “tool” and send a powerful digger to a breakthrough, to the most golden area, the colonel left for easy business trip a hundred kilometers away... His road lay through supervised mines, so he arrived at the Velma office only late in the evening. In the office of the NKVD major - the head of the mine under construction, the light, as usual, did not go out at night: you never know who might want to call?! There were no civilians in the office anymore. Walking to the end of the corridor, he energetically, with both hands, opened the double doors to the office... and was dumbfounded! In the far corner of the office, under a thousand-candle lamp - Ilyich, proudly, like a dreadnought on a roadstead, sat a twin CAR! Around Her Majesty stood her entire retinue at attention: a crowbar, a shovel, a pick, a sledgehammer... The mine has mastered the production of new products!

Was there Sutulov? – asked the colonel, sullenly tired from the road. - How much did you give in advance?

Three hundred rubles... - answered the major, who still did not understand anything.

I, thank God, are two hundred... - the senior in rank breathed out with relief.

Mitrich, with the air of a winner of a competition of masters of artistic expression, looked around at the young, completely stunned overnighters. He talked his listeners out and almost finished them off at the end... Triumphantly he finished:
- All over the Yenisei Ridge they were looking for Sutulov to present him with a well-deserved order... With a twist on the back! Not found. Taiga is big. Maybe he went to Norilsk, went to the mines, ordered some special picks, or jackhammers - who knows, the cunning Mitri? Or maybe a cop, or a fireman... Anyway, I don’t think he started working! Why else were people given brains? – The seven-father “son” concluded thoughtfully, wondering for tomorrow what high labor tasks to assign to the youth...
They carefully swept away the coals and set up a tattered, faded tarpaulin tent. They packed tightly into it and calmed down. Learn student! He who doesn't work eats! All sleep!!! Back to work tomorrow!
Norilsk. January 30, 2016. 04 o'clock,
- 25 degrees, Quiet. Calm. Everybody sleeps.

I never cease to be amazed at the insanity of the authorities. So what not to do, just not to do anything!!! Any bad idea that has nothing to do with solving pressing problems is quickly sought out and extolled to the skies.

Well, you have to go to such insanity as establishing the “Title of Hero of Capitalist Labor of the Russian Federation.” There are no words. And they found strikebreakers from among the workers, and forced them to voice this idea. I wonder if they even realized when they voiced how idiotic they looked at that moment? Or is that all, the soul has atrophied, and you can carry any nonsense?

For the first time - last August - the idea to return the title of Hero of Labor was voiced by Igor Kholmanskikh. Like, it’s time to pay attention to the working person! In December, Vladimir Putin met with his confidants, and the topic came up again. Then Putin made it clear that he was not against the establishment of an award. “In general, I think it would be nice to revive the title of Hero of Labor, but you can’t do a complete copy of the Soviet era,” he said. “We all need to think together and consult with society, with public organizations“, there must be clear and understandable criteria - not just for the number of years worked, but for the result, for the contribution to the development of the country.”

And at the recent conference of the All-Russian Popular Front in Rostov-on-Don, worker-deputy Trapeznikov again spoke about the need to establish the title. And Putin gave in. “In the Soviet Union we had the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and in general, in my opinion, this justified itself. I know that this is not only the position of representatives of those who work at the machine and in general just do something with their own hands and their heads... I agree with you, and not only agree, but I think that your proposals will be implemented today before end of the day,” the president promised during his speech to ONF activists. And on the same day he signed the corresponding decree.

But the officials failed to adequately “comb” this idiocy. They proposed a type of hard worker, so that they would be rewarded for their hard work for the benefit of the capitalists’ profits, but everything turned out completely wrong, and now the initiators of this high-profile initiative can wipe themselves out; they will never receive this tchotchke.

Many wondered what the new award would look like. The reality exceeded the wildest forecasts. Golden medal Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation combined in herself the seemingly incompatible: in the center five-pointed star(exact copy Soviet star Hero of Socialist Labor) turned out to be a “relief image of the State Emblem Russian Federation" In other words, a double-headed Russian eagle. As a result, the main symbol Soviet Union met with the main symbol of the royal and new Russia. However, mixing symbols is not so bad.

The bad thing is that “clear and understandable criteria”, as the president wanted, were never developed - either in a hurry, or deliberately. The only specific parameter spelled out in the presidential decree is this: the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation will be awarded to citizens “ labor differences which, as a rule, were previously awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. However, it is precisely this “clear and understandable criterion” that makes the chances of representatives of the working class and working peasantry to receive a high award minimal.

“Profile” carefully studied the twenty-year history of awarding the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” and came to a disappointing conclusion: workers and peasants almost never received it all these years. The highest degrees of the order - I, II and III - were not awarded to these citizens at all. Representatives of working professions were awarded only the Order of the IV degree, and even then extremely rarely.


There is no strength left to laugh, no matter how hard not to cry!!!

It was not possible to find a real image of the new Order of the Slouch on the Internet; I think that this is a sketch, not far from reality.

Many of us have heard the expression: “Order of the Slouch.” However, not everyone knows the history of its origin. But we often use this phrase in everyday speech. But how can you say a word without fully understanding its meaning?! This is at least strange.

Let's try to figure this issue out.

Where did this expression come from?

Historians of the language are still arguing where this expression originated. However, most of them agree that this phrase appeared recently - about 50-60 years ago. It belongs to the non-literary varieties of the Russian language and is included in the so-called group of slang expressions.

Moreover, the phrase “Order of the Slouch” can be attributed both to professional words and to youth slang.

What it has in common with professional jargon is that the expression denotes an award given for long service in the military, navy, and even in a factory. What this expression has in common with youth slang is that it has an ironic overtone.

Well, how can you be proud of the fact that you were awarded the Order of the Slouch with a twist on the back?

Why is there a twist on the medal on the back?

Answering this simple question is not so easy. Well, firstly, the twist on the back indicates that a person is stooped. He served faithfully for so many years, and now he has become stooped and decrepit.

Secondly, this expression means that there is nothing good in this order. It’s somehow embarrassing to even wrap it around your chest, so they hang it on your back. As they say, out of sight.

Perhaps this expression is also connected with the personality of the famous Secretary General L.I. Brezhnev. As a famous person, he had so many awards that they simply did not fit on his chest. Witty dissidents suggested making twists on the leader’s back, because there was simply nowhere to hang orders and medals. And so it seems possible...

Therefore, this stroke rather indicates the low significance of this so-called award.

Would you like to receive the Order of the Slouch?

If you ask passers-by on the street such a question, you will most likely receive a negative answer. Indeed, the prospect of receiving such an “award” does not make anyone happy. That is why people have developed an ironic attitude towards this order. It seems to have been given, but this thing does not please the heart.

Thus, we briefly examined the question of what the Order of the Slouch is and why such an award is given. As we can see, a rather mocking attitude towards this thing is due to the fact that this award as a whole does not mean anything and rather brings negative emotions to those who are awarded it.

0 In our everyday speech, sometimes words and expressions slip through, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. This upsets many people, and some just start to get mad. Therefore, on our website we decided to create a separate category, into which we will add transcripts of various phraseological units and phrases that are of particular interest to us. Be sure to add our resource to your bookmarks, as we are constantly working to improve the content. Today we will talk about one of the funny expressions, this Order of the Slouch, Wikipedia unfortunately does not provide an interpretation of this concept. Therefore, we decided to take everything into our own hands and help you decide whether this phrase is funny or sad.
However, before I continue, I would like to advise you to read a couple of our other educational articles on the topic of street slang. For example, what is Tsibarka, who is Pofigist, what does Pussy mean, how to understand the word Frost, etc.
So let's continue what does the Order of the Slouch mean?? This expression has several meanings, and we will analyze only the most popular of them.

Order of the Slouch- this is the allegorical name given to the award, which is given to people who have worked their entire lives at one enterprise/factory, that is, from the age of 18 until retirement


Why is Semyon Semyonich walking around so sad today? - Why don’t you know, he’s retiring, he worked like hell all his life, and as a reward he was given the Order of the Stooped.

Order of the Slouch- so in Soviet army called a simple duffel bag filled to capacity with food and other useful items

The meaning of this comic name is that it was sewn very crookedly, so when fully loaded it shifted the center of gravity quite a lot, and the thin straps hurt the shoulders painfully. Therefore, the soldier dragged him slightly bent over, trying to compensate for the weight. Then, like a real order, they carried it, sticking out their chests with pride, and wanting to show it off to everyone.

Order of the Stoop in the Navy- write “into the soul” as hard as you can, after that the order glows and shines for a long time, but it hurts


Come here, sailor, to receive the Order of Sutulov in the chest.

Order of the Slouch in the army- this is when something heavy, 20-30 kilograms in weight, is hung around the neck, after which the poor recipient of the award bends over from the excessive load on the body

Origin of the expression Order of the Stooped

Since this phrase is quite popular in the Russian language, there is still an ongoing debate about where it came from. Many researchers have come to the conclusion that this expression appeared during the time of young Soviet Russia, about half a century ago. The phrase “Order of the Stooped One” simultaneously fell into the group of slang expressions and professional words. A strange combination, don't you think?
In fact, there is nothing mysterious here; this phraseological unit is used both in professional jargon, where it denotes some specific or abstract award for length of service (in a factory, in the navy, in military service), and in youth slang, where it is used in a sarcastic context.
Tell me, will you be happy if the state gives you the Order of the Slouch for your length of service? It is better to get hold of something material, for example, to receive an apartment as a gift, or at worst a car.

Order of Sutulovo- this is also army humor, when someone is forced to carry and unload something oversized and heavy

Sometimes this phrase is supplemented with the words ".. .with a twist at the back". What would this mean? There are several versions of the meaning of this expression.

Version one. Try to imagine a person who has worked in the same office for many decades. The image of a gray-haired, weak and stooped man will immediately appear in your mind’s eye. Therefore, the thought immediately arises that there is nothing good in this award. Some are ashamed of such an honor and will not pin this medal on their chest; the only right place for it is on their back.

Version two. Remember, there was one odious leader in the USSR, whose name was Lenya Brezhnev? When he was still relatively young, he had great energy and could move mountains to achieve his goal. However, over time, his ardor faded, and he became an old senile, hung from head to toe with medals. Some ironic people (from dissidents) at that time, laughing, suggested making twists on Lenya’s back so that there would be somewhere to hang the next medals. This is probably one of the reasons why the Order of the Stooped is so insignificant and despised among the people.

Order of the Slouch- that's what the medal was called" Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces", which was awarded for impeccable 25 years of service

It was understood that a serviceman with such extensive experience would definitely lose physical shape, ruin his posture, and, accordingly, would slouch.

Among our people, we have a feeling about this little thing rather negative opinion. In general, few people want to acquire such a piece of hardware. The person who received it seems to be happy somewhere deep down, but still experiences negative emotions.

After reading this informative article, you finally found out what is the Order of the Stooped, and now you can explain this strange expression to your friends and family.

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