Didactic material for reading the rebus method. Methods of teaching reading: syllables, "rebus method" and Doman's cards. This is how easy it is to teach a child to read

Every four-year-old child dreams of learning to read. Books, magazines, advertising, inscriptions on the streets and on TV, on candy wrappers and on packages with toys - written language surrounds the child everywhere, it is so desired and, alas, so incomprehensible! The kid enthusiastically responds to the adult's offer to learn to read, but! .. But then an "ambush" awaits him.

It turns out that before you read anything at all, you need to learn letters for a long, long time, learn the complex rules for their connection, study for many days, weeks, months, but you still can’t read! It’s also good if the teacher is funny, can play different games and knows how to tell a funny story “from the life of letters”. Reading does not get any better, but at least the lesson ceases to be boring to the point of yawning. Now, if it would be possible - once, and already learned! Once, and already read it! Once, and even he understood the word he read! Baby dream!

It is this child's dream that our "Rebus Method" embodies. In a few minutes, learn to read, even without knowing the letters, with almost no study at all. Well, let them read not whole stories, and not even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the whole long educational path - letters, then warehouses, then words, then phrases and sentences - all that other textbooks offer. But with our book, the kid from the first lesson will learn the most interesting and important thing in reading: to understand the meaning of what he read.

Only two rules

"Rebus method" is, first of all, a game, and an oral game. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks indicated by us out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to focus only on spoken words and sounds aloud.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to isolate its first sound warehouse from the whole word (in the word MASK not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAC, namely the first warehouse MA). For a four-year-old child, this is not a problem, and after two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how, from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically pronounced aloud one after another, to single out their first warehouses and understand the new resulting word.

From the very first minutes of the first lesson, children are fascinated by the amazing transformations of one word into another. The task of the teacher in these moments is to demonstrate the rules of the game and to keep himself from unnecessary explanations. There is no need to explain to the child what a sound, syllable or sound warehouse is. No need to tell what and how many letters the warehouse is written. You don't even need to show pictures or objects. You just need to clearly and rhythmically, like poems, pronounce:

mask - MA
palm - PA
mouse - WE
bump - SH
cat - KO
spoon - ...

... – LO
ball - me
kettle - cha
branch - BE
grid - ...
pen - RU
Beetle - ...

Children really like to play with names in this oral game:

Kolya - KO
Olya - Oh
Masha - MA
Dasha - YES
Petya - PE
Fedya - FE
Ira - I
Kira - KI and etc.

Names, of course, should be familiar to the child. Any adult can easily pick up two or three dozen suitable words. The only thing to consider: each word must necessarily begin with an accent, because unstressed vowels change their sound ( kitten, bear).

The rebus method allows you to conduct classes with children who are already reading and with children who have not yet read at the same time in the same group. The peculiarities of the method are the possibility of an oral game that completely imitates all the mechanisms of reading. The principle of reading is understood by children in a matter of minutes. Extraordinarily exciting for children, very convenient for the teacher, absolutely understandable to parents.

Once the child understood the rule mask - MA and began to echo the teacher, you can proceed to the next step. Again, no extra explanation is required, you just need to clearly and rhythmically pronounce:

mask-mask - MA-MA
palm-palm - PA-PA
teapot shoes - TU-CHA
chicken teapot - KU-...
mask-ball - MA-...
cactus ball - ...

Two words is very easy. It is more difficult to keep in mind three words:

mask-bump-pillowcase – MA-...-...
mask-leaf-pillowcase – MA-...-...
beads-mask-tie — BU-...-...
tie-zebra-slippers — ...

As a rule, children 4-5 years old quite easily solve three-word tasks by ear from the first lesson. But tasks of four words cause difficulties even for six-year-olds:

beads-cancer-tiger-scissors - ...
letters-cancer-bear-lady - ...
cloud-girl-box-spoon - ...
chicken-hen-handle-hare - ...

Children forget the original words, lose the sequence of sounds, try to "guess" the final word and often make mistakes. It affects the lack of concentration, the inability to concentrate. On the one hand, for the sake of developing these important qualities, it would be worth continuing such oral training. But it is also possible to facilitate the task by finally giving the child visual support in the form of objects or their painted images.

When visible objects appear, the process of real reading begins. It is necessary to promptly and repeatedly indicate to children the direction of reading. Without prompting from an adult, children try to name the elements from right to left. And they stumble towards it with surprising constancy.

It is to such simple actions that the role of the teacher in our methodology is reduced. No complicated explanations, no long preparatory stages, no multi-part role-playing plots used by teachers today with the sole purpose of entertaining a child who is bored in class, to make the lesson fun. In the Rebus Method, children are quite passionate about the reading process itself, and children like this process.

By the decision of the expert council of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg dated December 25, 2009 "Rebus method - teaching reading with the help of syllabic pictograms" approved for use in elementary school as an additional teaching method.

Of course, not all children are equally successful in learning. If the teacher leads a lesson with a whole group of children, then the most smart and active students become a "model" for a lagging child: do as they do, catch up with them, get ahead of them, compete with them. If an adult deals with only one child, and he suddenly did not understand the rules of the game - well, you can always stop and postpone until the next time.

It may very well be that the child is still too young for such exercises, does not yet understand what the beginning of a word is and what this adult wants to achieve from him in general. We categorically do not recommend engaging in such games with children whose speech skills and concepts have not yet been established. So, for example, three-year-old children are able to seriously transfer the rules for shortening words into everyday communication and provoke an artificial one. If a child still lacks memory, attention, abstract thinking, and, if you like, a sense of humor to master the "Rebus Method" - this can be observed at four, five, and even six years - then with this child it’s just too early to engage in reading, syllabic-pictographic, or even more phonemic-letter. "Rebus method" is both a good training and accurate testing exercise.

Oral rebus examples

Oral puzzles amazingly develop a child's sense of rhythm, his attention and concentration.

Adults are also entertained by the solution of such puzzles by ear. For an oral game, we give examples of rebuses below.

The simplest puzzles - from two words

mask-mask - MA-MA
palm-palm - PA-PA
teapot shoes - TU-...
kettle chicken - ...
cactus ball -
ball sled -
mask box -
bow pillowcase
cactus pen
leaf sled
cherry scissors
robot hare

The first difficulty for a child is plural

tiger girl
weight scissors
pigeon fish
brush pen
bull goose
mouse box
fish scissors
chandelier disc
thread cat
tiger girl
weight scissors
pigeon fish
brush pen
bull goose
mouse box
fish scissors
chandelier disc
thread cat

Simple puzzles of three words

zebra slipper tie
palm tree-on a drag-mask
cancer d ear tie
tiger bump pillowcase
pumpkin zebra tie
letters -toad-mask
onion toad
skull pumpkin turnip
duck robot whale
robot leaf whale

Four word puzzles


Rebuses with unstressed o, e, i

Difficulties in understanding what is read arise in a child when unstressed vowels O, E, Z appear. The child simply does not recognize the read word, because in life it sounds different.

tie scissors
pigeon cancer
spoon mouse
hare cat
robot tie
cat robot pillowcase
cat robot vase
sled cat
barrel robot lady
pigeon-lady chef
wolf robot slippers
wolf robot pillowcase
grouse-watering can-tie
watering can-squirrel-disk
sun ball
pepper robot
sun vase
spruce lady
turnip cactus

Rebuses with separate consonants

The consonants in these oral puzzles are not pronounced as the names of the letters (Be, em, Ka, etc.), but as real short sounds. Most easily, children understand the meaning in long puzzles.

ny girl

In principle, any parent can come up with their own puzzles. Only one thing must not be forgotten: each word-picture must begin with an accent: cat, but not kitten. Because in the word "kitten" the first O sounds like AND and any kid will say KA instead of KO.


The main task of reading is to understand the meaning of the words read. Let's try to explain to our adult reader with a few examples what exactly, besides letters, prevents the child from understanding the meaning.

Let's take a simple word THE MACHINE.

The meaning of this word is really simple to understand: a certain unit, mechanism, maybe on wheels.

But here we write this word twice and ask you to read it aloud:


After a short hitch, adults come to the conclusion that we are not talking about two units, but only one, which belongs to some Masha. For children, such a conclusion without a certain skill is almost impossible. The child finds it difficult to create many different variants of stress, he still does not know how to freely improvise in the rhythm of speech. The two simplest words are not understood by the child when they are read.

And it is absolutely impossible for the baby to understand the rhythmic and semantic difference between the following two sentences, despite the apparent simplicity of their reading:


A change in the writing of only one letter completely changes the rhythm of the phrase read aloud. In addition, the words THIS and ETA in oral speech are pronounced exactly the same.

Another example, two words:


It is clear that we are talking about one scarecrow and one black bird. But in the offer


it is not about two scarecrows and one bird, but all about the same single scarecrow that scared away a whole flock.

The examples given explain why some children fail to understand what they read, even if they know all the letters and already easily put them into sounds. Leaf through any children's book, and you will find that without a strong reading skill, it is very difficult for a child to understand its text, even impossible. The greatest difficulty for understanding are short words with modified unstressed vowels, for example IT, SHE, IT, GOAT, FOOD, FEATHER etc. Children simply do not recognize them when reading, because in oral speech it is customary to pronounce accordingly: ETA, ANA, ANO, KAZA, IDA, PYRO. Long words like BLANKET, PIANO, QUEEN are recognized by children much easier, although they require more concentration.

- Barrel-rose-lady, - we give the child an oral task.

- BEARD, - he solves it by ear and cannot understand the resulting word, because in life it sounds like BA-RA-DA.

- Dove-rose-lady, - we continue the task.

- CITIES, - the child deciphers, and cannot understand the word in the plural.

- Chef-rose-lady.

- PO-RO-YES, - and again he doesn’t recognize, but not because he doesn’t know about different breeds of cats and dogs, but because he didn’t think of rearranging the stress in the word.

It is this task - training concentration of attention and setting stress - that the "Rebus Method" solves even before the child gets acquainted with the letters.

Comment on the article "Rebus method and its place in the process of learning to read"

A lion! I'm interested in your method. Even, I think, I would use something in Ukrainian. But most of the kids I work with are developmentally delayed. I read that you stipulate that not everyone can do it, and it even happens that then children "shorten" words in a real conversation. We had Edigey's speed reading manual, which had the same effect - after reading the "mixed up" words, the children read the usual text "mixed up".
I would use this approach with caution for poorly prepared children, but for those who have already begun to read, I would give it as a useful entertaining exercise. I also use "windows" to work with the table of warehouses (systematization by vowels, like Zaitsev's second table), when we come up with a fairy tale with heroes for certain warehouses (I cut out a square window in the silhouette of a train or a house, or a robot and catch warehouses with a window).

16.02.2010 02:08:31,

Total 5 messages .

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Rebus-method of Lev Sternberg. parent experience.

This is how easy it is to teach a child to read!

All the previous pages of this chapter were written before I met Lev Vladimirovich Shternberg and his rebus method. This acquaintance did not completely change my idea of ​​teaching reading, but it enriched it many times over.

The rebus method is such a simple, elegant, and (seemingly) obvious method that it seems completely unbelievable that it was invented only very recently. For advertising purposes, it is sometimes claimed that with its help a child can be taught to read in a few minutes. This, of course, is a very strong exaggeration, if by the ability to read we mean the ability to use books. However, in a sense, this is true. Judge for yourself.

To begin with, I start a simple oral game with the child to “chop off” words.

“Listen,” I say. - Here's what I can do:

CAT - KO...
BALL - ME...

Gradually, I involve the child in this game and ensure that, hearing the word I uttered, he returns his “stump” to me:

- PEN.

- RU...


- PA...


- BUT...

(It should be noted that in all the words that I offer the child, the stress will certainly fall on the first syllable. This greatly facilitates the child's task and saves us from confusion with vowels, which in unstressed syllables are often pronounced differently than they are written.) Then I complicate rules, and we start playing with two words at the same time:


— TU...CHA...




- LEGS...



In the same way, the game can be continued with triplets of words:


— LO... PA... TA...


- WHEEL...

Now let the child play this game with himself. To do this, I show him hints in the form of pictures (pictograms). For example, a child sees

and says:


And at the sight

He says:


(Perhaps at first you will need to help the child by pointing at the pictures with your finger.) Here are some more examples:





It turns out that the child, looking at the sequence of symbols, pronounces the words encoded in them. What is this if not reading?

So, we have barely begun to study - and the child is already able to read something. We immediately took the bull by the horns, and we can only improve. Gradually, there is no need to pronounce the full names of the objects depicted in the pictures - it is enough to limit ourselves to only “stumps”:

So far, our repertoire contains only such words that I silently call "Japanese", because they are composed only of the simplest open syllables ending in a vowel. It is necessary to try very hard to compose a coherent text from such words, although this, of course, is possible. Here is an example (suggested by Lev Sternberg):

Dasha and Kasha

Our Dasha ate porridge.
Barely ate Dasha.
Dasha is tired of kasha.
Dasha didn't finish her porridge.

Now the point is to gradually enrich our repertoire. For this we need letters. But you don't have to grind them. They first appear at the end of long words:

The child guesses these words by the first syllables and, thus, learns how to read an unfamiliar letter. After that, it can be put at the beginning or in the middle of a word:

In the same way, acquaintance with a soft sign occurs:

When a child masters all consonants and a soft sign in this way, he, purely theoretically, can independently read any text - it is enough just to write down all the vowels in the form of pictures, as well as all the consonant-vowel pairs of letters. However, in practice, we are faced with the fact that not every such pair can be easily encoded with a picture, since there are simply no suitable words in Russian that begin with this letter combination. This includes not only all sorts of exotic syllables, such as FE and BE, but also quite common HU, ZHO and SYA. There are two possible ways out of this situation. Firstly, it is not at all necessary at this stage to let the child read any texts. After all, one can confine oneself only to those in which such difficulties do not occur. Secondly, we can leave non-coding syllables as letters and just prompt the child how they are read, as needed.

Our next task is to gradually, one by one, replace the pictures with letters. This is done, for example, like this:

By writing letters instead of a picture, we leave a hint in the child’s field of vision, by which he can easily guess how to read an unfamiliar letter combination. It is important to note here that the pair of letters “consonant-vowel” is actually perceived by the child as a single indivisible symbol (just as we perceive the Russian letter “Y”, consisting of two separate characters). The child does not have to learn to merge individual letters into syllables, as required by traditional methods. At the same time, he is relieved of the need to stupidly memorize more than two hundred warehouses, as those who study from Zaitsev's cubes do. Everything that makes up the main difficulties of other methods is simply absent in the rebus method.

After the child completely moves from pictures to letters, he, in fact, already knows how to almost fully read in warehouses. Unless we still have to tell him about lowercase and uppercase letters, about the solid sign and about how syllables that are not encoded by pictures, like FE and SYA, are read (unless, of course, we have done this before). But by this time he already has a fairly rich reading experience, so that the assimilation of this information cannot cause him any difficulties.

This is the essence of the rebus method in a nutshell. However, for all its merits, it has one serious drawback (which, hopefully, is temporary): this method is much less common than it deserves. This means that with methodological manuals and other developments, things are, frankly, not a lot. Currently (summer 2014) the full list of benefits consists of two items:

1. Lev Sternberg. Rebus method. Primary learning to read with the help of syllabic pictograms. Workbook. Sternberg Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 2009.

From the abstract: “The notebook contains more than 300 words of various levels of complexity, which are repeated many times in both pictographic and alphabetic writing.<...>The notebook also contains many exercises for drawing, drawing, writing.

From the preface: The workbook “contains only single nouns, no word combinations and sentences. All words<...>written in capital letters only. It means that<...>the child is obliged to continue learning using other methods.

From my own impressions: Excellent, solid material, with which it is very good to start learning to read. Unfortunately, as rightly noted in the preface, this material is not enough - it is not enough for the full development of reading.

2. Lev Sternberg. Word cards "Rebus method"

From the abstract: “The set contains 456 cards. On one side of each card, the word is written in syllabic pictograms, in the form of a rebus, and on the other side, in letters. This combination allows you to play a lot of different games with cards to memorize letters and develop reading speed.

From my own experience: Here you can find even more diverse words that complement the "Workbook", but this is still not enough.

That, in fact, is all. And it would be nice to have a workbook with short sentences and texts, in which a gradual transition from pictures to letters would be implemented, and even better - a computer program that would allow each of us to create arbitrary materials for the rebus method according to our own taste and discretion .

The pictures on this page are taken from the mentioned manuals by Lev Sternberg and published with the kind permission of the author.

See also: -

By the decision of the expert council of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg dated December 25, 2009 "Rebus method - teaching reading with the help of syllabic pictograms" approved for use in elementary school as an additional teaching method.

The rebus method allows you to conduct classes with children who are already reading and with children who have not yet read at the same time in the same group. Features of the method - the possibility of an oral game that completely imitates all the mechanisms of reading. The principle of reading is understood by children in a matter of minutes. Extraordinarily exciting for children, very convenient for the teacher, absolutely understandable to parents.

This is a completely new didactic solution by means of the game. And a new look at the theory of speech sounds.

and its place in the process of learning to read

Every four-year-old child dreams of learning to read. Books, magazines, advertising, inscriptions on the streets and on TV, on candy wrappers and on packages with toys - written language surrounds the child everywhere, it is so desired and, alas, so incomprehensible! The kid enthusiastically responds to the adult's offer to learn to read, but! .. But then an "ambush" awaits him.

It turns out that before you read anything at all, you need to learn letters for a long, long time, learn the complex rules for their connection, study for many days, weeks, months, but you still can’t read! It’s also good if the teacher is funny, can play different games and knows how to tell a funny story “from the life of letters”. Reading does not get any better, but at least the lesson ceases to be boring to the point of yawning. Now, if it would be possible - once, and already learned! times and already read it! times, and even he understood the word he read! Baby dream!

It is this dream of the child that our Rebus method embodies. In a few minutes, learn to read, even without knowing the letters, with almost no study at all. Well, even read not whole stories, and not even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the whole long educational path - letters, then warehouses, then words, then phrases and sentences - everything that other textbooks offer. But with our book, the kid will learn from the first lesson in reading the most interesting and important thing: TO UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF READ.

Only two rules

"Rebus-method" is first of all a game, moreover, an oral game. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks indicated by us out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to focus only on spoken words and sounds aloud.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to isolate its first sound warehouse from the whole word (in the word MASK not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAC , namely the first warehouse MA ). For a four-year-old child, this is not a problem, and after two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to single out their first warehouses from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically spoken aloud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

From the very first minutes of the first lesson, children are fascinated by the amazing transformations of one word into another. The task of the teacher in these moments is to demonstrate the rules of the game and keep himself from unnecessary explanations. There is no need to explain to the child what a sound, syllable or sound warehouse is. No need to tell what and how many letters the warehouse is written. You don't even need to show pictures or objects. You just need to clearly and rhythmically, like poems, pronounce:

mask - MA
palm - PA
mouse - WE
cone - SHI
cat - KO
spoon - …

… - LO
ball - MJ
teapot - CA
branch - BE
grid - …
pen - RU
Bug - ...

Children really like to play with names in this oral game:

Kolya - KO
Olya - O
Masha - MA
Dasha - YES
Petya - PE
Fedya - FE
Ira - And
Kira - CI

(names, of course, should be familiar to the child). Any adult can easily pick up two or three dozen suitable words. The only thing to consider: each word must necessarily begin with an accent, because unstressed vowels change their sound ( kitten, bear).

Once the child understood the rule mask - MA and began to echo the teacher, you can proceed to the next step. Again, no extra explanation is required, you just need to clearly and rhythmically pronounce:

mask-mask - MOTHER
palm-palm - DAD
kettle shoes - CLOUD
kettle chicken - KU-…
ball mask - MA-…
cactus ball - ...

Two words is very easy. It is more difficult to keep in mind three words:

mask-bump-pillowcase - MA-…-…
mask-leaf-pillowcase - MA-…-…
beads-mask-tie - BOO-…-…
zebra tie slippers - …

As a rule, children 4-5 years old quite easily solve three-word tasks by ear from the first lesson. But tasks of four words cause difficulties even for six-year-olds:

beads-cancer-tiger-scissors - ...
letters-cancer-bear-lady - ...
cloud-girl-box-spoon - ...
chicken-hen-handle-hare - ...

Children forget the original words, lose the sequence of sounds, try to "guess" the final word and often make mistakes. It affects the lack of concentration, the inability to concentrate. On the one hand, for the sake of developing these important qualities, it would be worth continuing such oral training. But you can also make the task easier by finally giving the child visual support in the form of objects or their drawn images:

When visible objects appear, the process of real reading begins. It is necessary to promptly and repeatedly indicate to children the direction of reading. Without prompting from an adult, children try to name elements from right to left, and stray to this with surprising consistency.

It is to such simple actions that the role of the teacher in our methodology is reduced. No complicated explanations, no long preparatory stages, no multi-part role-playing plots used by teachers today with the sole purpose of entertaining a child who is bored in class, to make the lesson fun. In the Rebus Method, children are quite passionate about the reading process itself, and children like this process.

Of course, not all children are equally successful in learning. If the teacher leads a lesson with a whole group of children, then the most smart and active students become a "model" for a lagging child: do as they do, catch up with them, get ahead of them, compete with them. If an adult deals with only one child, and he suddenly did not understand the rules of the game - well, you can always stop and postpone until the next time. It is very possible that this child is still too young for such exercises, does not yet understand what the beginning of a word is and what this adult wants to achieve from him in general. We categorically do not recommend engaging in such games with children whose speech skills and concepts have not yet been established. So, for example, three-year-old children are able to seriously transfer the rules of shortening words into everyday communication and thereby provoke an artificial delay in speech development. If a child still lacks memory, attention, abstract thinking, and, if you like, a sense of humor to master the "Rebus Method" - this can be observed at four, five, and even six years old - then with this child it’s just too early to engage in reading, syllabic-pictographic, or even more phonemic-letter. "Rebus method" is both a good training and accurate testing exercise.

Oral rebus examples

Oral puzzles amazingly develop a child's sense of rhythm, his attention and concentration.

It also entertains adults, solving such puzzles by ear. For an oral game, we give examples of rebuses below.


mask-mask - MA-MA
palm-palm - PA-PA
teapot shoes - TU-...
kettle chicken - ...
cactus ball -
ball sled -
mask box -
bow pillowcase
cactus pen
leaf sled
cherry scissors
robot hare


tiger girl
weight scissors
pigeon fish
brush pen
bull goose
mouse box
fish scissors
chandelier disc
thread cat
tiger girl
weight scissors
pigeon fish
brush pen
bull goose
mouse box
fish scissors
chandelier disc
thread cat


zebra slipper tie
palm tree-on a drag-mask
cancer d ear tie

tiger bump pillowcase
pumpkin zebra tie
letters -toad-mask
onion toad

skull pumpkin turnip
duck robot whale
robot leaf whale




Difficulties in understanding what is read arise in a child when unstressed vowels O, E, Z appear. The child simply does not recognize the read word, because in life it sounds different.

tie scissors
pigeon cancer
spoon mouse
hare cat
robot tie
cat robot pillowcase
cat robot vase
sled cat
barrel robot lady
pigeon-lady chef
wolf robot slippers
wolf robot pillowcase
grouse-watering can-tie
watering can-squirrel-disk
sun ball
pepper robot
sun vase
spruce lady
turnip cactus


The consonants in these oral puzzles are not pronounced as the names of the letters (Be, em, Ka, etc.), but as real short sounds. Most easily, children understand the meaning in long puzzles.

ny girl

In principle, any parent can come up with their own puzzles. Only one thing must not be forgotten: Each word-picture must begin with an accent: cat, but not kitten. Because in the word "kitten" the first O sounds like AND and any kid will say KA instead of KO.


The main task of reading is to understand the meaning of the words read. Let's try to explain to our adult reader with a few examples what exactly, besides letters, prevents the child from understanding the meaning.

Let's take a simple word


The meaning of this word is really simple to understand: a certain unit, mechanism, maybe on wheels.
But here we write this word twice and ask you to read it aloud:


After a short hitch, adults come to the conclusion that we are not talking about two units, but only one, which belongs to some Masha. For children, such a conclusion without a certain skill is almost impossible. The child finds it difficult to create many different variants of stress, he still does not know how to freely improvise in the rhythm of speech. The two simplest words are not understood by the child when they are read.
And it is absolutely impossible for the baby to understand the rhythmic and semantic difference between the following two sentences, despite the apparent simplicity of their reading:


A change in the writing of only one letter completely changes the rhythm of the phrase read aloud. In addition, the words THIS and ETA in oral speech are pronounced exactly the same.

Another example, two words:


It is clear that we are talking about one scarecrow and one black bird. But in the offer


It is not about two scarecrows and one bird, but all about the same single scarecrow that scared away a whole flock.

The examples given explain why some children fail to understand what they read, even if they know all the letters and already easily put them into sounds. Leaf through any children's book, and you will find that without a strong reading skill, it is very difficult for a child to understand its text, even impossible. The greatest difficulty for understanding are short words with modified unstressed vowels, for example IT, SHE, IT, GOAT, FOOD, FEATHER etc. Children simply do not recognize them when reading, because in oral speech it is customary to pronounce accordingly: E TA, ANA, ANO, KAZA, IDA, PYRO

There are many different methods, games, exercises for teaching reading. A rebus is a riddle in which a word is encrypted, encrypted using pictures, letters, signs. Puzzles is a game that will also help you acquire this useful skill - reading.

Rebus method for teaching reading

"Rebus method" is, first of all, a game, and an oral game. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks indicated by us out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to focus only on spoken words and sounds aloud.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to isolate its first sound warehouse from the whole word (in the word MASK, not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAC, but the first warehouse MA). For a four-year-old child, this is not a problem, and after two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to single out their first warehouses from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically spoken aloud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

In a few minutes, learn to read, even without knowing the letters, with almost no study at all. Well, let them read not whole stories, and not even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the whole long educational path - letters, then warehouses, then words, then phrases and sentences - everything that other textbooks offer. But with our book, the kid from the first lesson will learn the most interesting and important thing in reading: to understand the meaning of what he read.

The game uses two main principles. The first involves highlighting the first syllable in the spoken word. The word is pronounced syllable by syllable, clearly and loudly. Where the emphasis is placed, children of four years of age understand. It is necessary to give several such example words for a good assimilation of reading technique.

About reading

Then you need to use the second principle. This principle gave the name to the whole method - "rebus".

Several words must be pronounced in a certain order so that the endings of one word and the beginning of another, that is, the first and last syllables of adjacent words, form a third, new word. The kid should listen carefully to what you said and be able to highlight the words that he hears. Further, when the first stages of mastering this technique are completed, you can start reading poems to your baby.

Choose topics that are interesting to him. For example, about animals, toys. With this method of learning, it is not necessary to clearly show what syllables the word is divided into, what parts it consists of. Simply auditory perception makes it possible to catch new spoken words. You do not even need to show pictures and drawings.

Experiment, your child will definitely please you with his first and subsequent successes.

See on this site

Article on the topic: "Rebus method for teaching reading"

Reading by warehouses; Letters; Copybook; Books; English; Articles; speech therapy; Memory; Music; Painting; Check; Attention; Imagination; Teaching preschoolers to read; Preparing children for school;


Rebuses are a game in which words, phrases or whole statements are encrypted using drawings combined with letters and signs. The name is derived from the Latin rebus - (thing, object).

Rule 1. The objects and living beings depicted in the drawings are most often (with rare exceptions) read as words in the nominative case and the singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

Rule 2. If the picture is drawn upside down, read the word backwards. For example, a cat is drawn upside down - we read TOK.

Rule 3. Commas after the picture indicate how many letters to remove from the end of the word denoting what is shown in the picture. For example, a goat is drawn with two commas after it - we read KO.

Rule 4. Inverted commas before the picture indicate how many letters to remove at the beginning of the word denoting what is shown in the picture. For example, an elephant is drawn with a comma in front of the picture - we read LON.

Rule 5. Numbers may appear above or below the picture. Each digit is the number of a letter in the word: 1 is the first letter of the word, 2 is the second letter, 3 is the third, and so on.

This is how easy it is to teach a child to read!

A certain set of numbers below or above the picture says that you need to take only these letters and read them in the specified order. A crossed-out number means that the given letter should be omitted. For example, a horse is drawn and the numbers 2.1 are below it - we read OK. When combining the examples in rules 3, 4 and 5, we get the hidden word COLUMNS.

Rule 6. The equal sign between letters means replacing a certain letter (or combination of letters) of a word with another letter (or combination of letters). The equal sign can be replaced with an arrow. The action of replacement is also indicated in a third way - the letters that are replaced are crossed out, and substituting ones are written above them. For example, a mole is drawn, and next to it are the crossed out letters RO and the letter I on top - we read KIT.

Rule 7. Letters can be depicted inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. In such cases, it is necessary to understand in what spatial relationships the depicted letters consist. For example, inside the letter O, the letters LK are drawn - we read WOLF (although you can also read it as LKVO). The letters AR are written on top, OK on the bottom - we read GIFT (you could also read OKPODAR, NADOKAR, ARNADOK - but here you have to choose what suits the meaning). The letters YES are written in front, and CHA is written in the back - we read TASK.

Rule 8. Letters can be depicted on the surface of other letters. For example, a large letter H is shown, and small I are scattered across it - we read PONY (although you can also read it as IPON, NISI or IZIN). Rule 9. The techniques listed above can be combined with each other.
Recent tasks of the forum:

A short and funny puzzle

guess the word

Unscramble the word

Solve the puzzle to find out the encrypted word

What word is encrypted in this rebus?


Solve the rebus - find out the famous saying 🙂


Riddle rebus

First you need to decipher the riddle (read from left to right first the top line, then the middle one, then the bottom one). And then solve this riddle.


Try to read the saying hidden in this rebus.

You can immediately go to the description of the methodology, but here, first, I'll start with a special story. We know that skilki zusil is necessary in order to teach the little one to read. We buy real tears with alphabets, we joke with funny books from funny verses about letters, we dare to entrust the education to the primary computers from China.

That often everything is marno - to inspire us and let us zatsikaviti sina chi daughter in letters, for warehouse reading which is not enough. Varto is less likely to write a simple word, like a baby you start to stray. It appears that the warehouse is read differently, as the letters of the alphabet sound. From i go, scho unpretentious "Misha" child reads like "eat-and-sha-a."

I had it myself

Vchu sina: ""B" and "A" - tse "BA", "M" and "A" - tse "MA". Then what would it be like to write "L" and "A"? "Lee-A!" - vindicate the child. I try to guess how they taught me. Oh, voice and voice! Razbiraemo їх, stray, dehto weep, but still we will live. Chomus does not help. I guess that it was not easy for me to read the traditional method myself. I’ll choke on those who have more patience and flexibility, or else I’ll just drop the sample until the shortest hours.

It’s easier to get a child into an early development course, hire a special teacher, and then endure until school. And yet, at school, on the basis of speech, they change the technique of reading ... And why is it really so easy?

What's the secret?

It’s really possible to trust teachers, it’s not easy to know a good one, but save your nerves and spare your money and time to go to school and jokes. What will you not sacrifice for the sake of the child. Well, the truth is, the training can be stretched out for a long time, and the technique will appear ineffective or become shkidlivy. As an example, the method of developing phonemic hearing was adopted at the beginning of the school, for new studies, it is possible to reduce the creativity of the child, more, it is more natural for children sound hearing. Report about it.

Sleep with a little one: “how does the word“ mask ”become?”. And you will feel quite reasonable: “ma!”. We can certainly intrude, and repeat it later and blood in the childhood “mmmmm”, but what if we have additional difficulties in our child?

They know practically all European children without blame. The deyakі are small in case of this building, I can easily understand the logic of the grown-ups. Ale, a great number of children are satisfied with the impossibility to read, so called legacy. According to statistics, in Ukraine legasthenics are 3% of the total number of all students, in Germany 6%, in England, France and America - over 8% - practically skin-twelve children.

And yet it’s easy for a child to read. In Japan, de leather letter sign designates not a phoneme, but a sound, legasteniya vіdsutnya. Until then, after the swedish volodinnya, native writing Japanese children can easily understand the intellectual nature of European letters. The floorings are easy and quick to describe the stench of English, for example, writing.

Varto is not to be respected by children for their natural spontaneity of words and sounds. About below.

That year spared me. I drank on the Russian "Rebus-method" in the measure and zamovy my own initial zoshit. Everything was good, but with the little ones they spoke Ukrainian and strayed a little bit. Here I want to snake an enchanting stick, the correspondence of the author is thoughtful, the Dovga Osіnno-Zimov robot Iz adaptation techniques, the urahuvanes of the conditional specials, the “ivs” the vocabulary for the seniimi of the male. charms. So chi іnakshe, the first version of the bula is ready, and navesnі syn vyvchisya read. The squad was in captivity.

"Rebus method" - tse usna gra

Abi to understand the sound principle of our voice, follow all the instructions to sing out loud, loudly and rhythmically (like a video clip on the top of the page). The child is not yet able to read and does not know the letters, and then it is better to focus only on the sounds of the voice and the words.

We have only two rules:

1. The word mi bemo is less than yogo cob - the first sound warehouse.

Zayvimi will report explanations. Everything should be done, boldly and rhythmically, nibi virshiki, demonstrate small sprats of appliqués:

Mask - MA
Wafer - VA
Koshyk - KO
Spoon - LO
Listya - LI
Leika - ...

Here you can stop for a short while, asking for a child to be slaughtered. Ale call not a trace, and we continue:

… LI
Remin - RE
Kelikh - ...
Eye - Oh
Zha - ...

You can play with words, or you can with names:

Vanya - VA
Tanya - TA
Sonya - CO
Tonya - TO.
Igor - I
Ulya - U

Five times of merry training have passed and training is ready until another rule:

2. From dekіlkoh slіv in a bunch and rhythmically voiced one by one, we see less of them on the cob - first fold - and hear it, like a new word we have come up with.

So, without explanation, we read the verse:

Mask mask - MA-MA
Cat, spoon - KO-LO
Cactus hat - KA-SHA
Mask-hat - MA-…
Waffle-hare - VA-…
Bunny cat - ...

Think two words! Vtrimaymo vіrazu three!

Waffle Robot Cat - KO-RO-VA
Cat-robot-drink - ...
Cactus-leaf-drip - ...
Dim-tiger-drip - ...

We can see three! W chotirma will be more foldable, їх in memory it is important to remember the sixes:

Piven-cancer-month-dah - ...
Bow-cancer-bow-thread - ...
Angel-drink-drink-sieve - ...
Bow-tank-belt-apple - ...

Important. Children forget words, stray, try to guess. Signs of marriage concentration of respect are given, unfazed to become angry. It would be possible to learn about the development of these abilities and continue training. That oblishmo tse and help with pictures. The stink of the servant to be held by the zor's support:

From the appearance of dawn images, the process of correct reading begins. Mine is not yet readable by letters, but it is already readable! Skilki tse taken from us? Ten invested.

No, not all

The new method of transferring zaynyattya with a dekіlkoh tizhnіv, and for someone and betting months. Tse is fine. To close everything, my son's was like once two months. The transition from reading by pictures to reading by letters is easy to do in the upcoming lessons:

Why is the "Rebus Method" classy?

  • The child is learning fast. First results already at the same time. What to boast about, what to praise for. Navchannya does not require transcendental hourly hours, and the little one will definitely lose an hour to run around on the streets and run around at home.
  • Shvidky break from "Bi-A" to "BA".“Misha” - tse “mi - sha”, and not “eat - and - she - a”. You don't need to swipe your nerves for rich explanations.

    "Rebus - method"

    At the process of gri, everything appears by itself. Nerves are healthy. Yours and your little one.

  • The child is as independent as possible. Daughter Chi Xing can play alone with the computer, and you have an hour for yourself. Truthfully, play at once more cheerfully and more effectively. Garniy privіd pobuti dvokh, at once experiencing the radio of mitі znannya. And on your own, your child is a riddle to our friends and relatives. It's important to remember.
  • Perceptive to the skin. Nothing needs to be explained. The role of the teacher in "Rebus-methodі" is reduced to simple activities. Daily explanations, annual preparatory stages. No need to work for the education of roses, only for the protection of children. The stench is quite choked up by the very process of reading and this process is appropriate for them.
    Commentary by the author of the technique Lev Shternberg.

    When teaching children to read for help to the "Rebus-method", children do not need to give at least a few theoretical explanations. Slid just show the children pictures and name their sounds. With this, it’s not obligatory to divide sounds (for example, “MA”, “MU”, “MYA”, “MU”) into letters / phonemes, from which stinks are formed (“M”, “A”, “U”, “I ", "YU"). It is not necessary to explain the difference between sounds, letters and warehouses. You don't need to talk about voices and voices. You do not need to classify as hard or soft, as twinkle or deaf. Mustaches of understanding and knowledge of the world do not help children or memorize letters, or understand the mechanics of reading. I saw that in some lands people started not to make sounds into voices and voices, into softness and firmness, but they turn to read, moreover, it’s faster and better, like in Europe. I have learned the whole theory of the child later. When you learn to read.

  • Dosvid rokiv. The Ukrainian "Rebus-method" is already a few years old, but the technique itself was born a decade ago. The author of the technique of "discovering" її on generations of children, and for the help of German localization successfully taught not only ditlakhiv, but also non-literate migrants.
  • Develops hearing, listening to rhythm, concentration of respect and movement. When the fathers are busy, they will indicate the progress of their children's young learners. Mourning in two, you urge the child to speak more clearly. More than once it is guessed that the child’s name is easy to pick up by ear, without remorse, those other words in the same letters. Guessing puzzles for you, there to beat, chi to understand її, try to be recognizable.
  • Folding has been foreseen. The tension grows step by step, the child does not overstress, just as soon as you add a trifle, the greater screed of folding, and also the cicada. And you do not need to report zusil, trying to zatsikaviti її thunder.
  • Thoughtful course. The gift lessons of the basic course "I'm starting to read" are a sufficient basis for learning the basics of reading. The basic course is supplemented by the expanded course "I read!" and to avenge everything in order to read the folded and folded words. Having risen at once and regularly borrowed, already in the region of 2 breasts your child can easily read the words in kshtalt "milk", "road" chi "banana".
  • Recommendations of professionals. The author of the methodology enlisted the commendations of professional teachers. Teachers of speech pathologists are preparing various visnovkas for Ukrainian localization. For an hour, a part of the new students came to the site for the sake of the breeders, the readers of the younger classes, and just their friends.
    And the axis is one of the expert visnovkiv.

    From expert reviews for the sake of the committee on the development of St. Petersburg:

    Propionated materials are a well-organized compilation methodology in the gaming and logical design area on the basis of the traditional development of learning skills and the teaching of reading for children of the preschool age. The value of the technique is especially valuable in integration and directness on the development of various skills and abilities of a child: components of logical and associative thinking, spontaneity, creativity, creativity, phonemic-phonetic hearing. In the methodology of teaching and the senior rank of vikoristani elements of psycho-linguistic synthesis and the development of age linguistics and psychology of language development. It is possible to establish the methodology in different forms: as an individual, optional and independent training in groups and subgroups, as well as for individualization of training through repetition and through various variations of the initial material.

    Without a doubt, the method of cikava for practice has been promoted, and it can be used as part of a preschool program as a supplementary method for the development of language and learning to read. Creates respect for creative and ecological ideas, pedagogically comprehended the idea and specifically oriented the position of the author.

Now a lot of children get involved in the methodology. Bagato who has already finished and is reading a long time ago. Vіdtodі, vrakhovuuchi dosvіd batkіv vpusknіvіv, I zrobiv chimalo perfect.

In order to take gift access to the course “I’m starting to read” folded behind the “Rebus method”, register go to the other side by entering your name and e-mail. Your special password will be sent to your e-mail to access the free lessons, and your child will get better at once.

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