Buy a mercury thermometer in pharmacies. A mercury thermometer broke - step-by-step instructions The correct thermometer for preschool children

To correctly determine the diagnosis of a patient, the doctor must obtain correct and accurate information about the condition of the sick person’s body.

Body temperature can tell you a lot about your health and well-being. Normal temperature the human body is a variable value; it fluctuates under the influence of various factors from 36.3 to 37.5°C.

To accurately and reliably measure it, you need to follow certain rules. Every person should know how to use different types of thermometers and how long to measure the temperature.

The duration of temperature measurement depends on the type of thermometer. Pharmacies sell two types of thermometers, differing in the principle of operation: ordinary and familiar mercury, expensive and modern electronic. Both types have both advantages and disadvantages. Mercury devices have been familiar to every person since childhood, and they do not lose popularity even today. Their main advantages are:

  • low price;
  • accurate temperature indicators;
  • ease of use;
  • elimination of incorrect data with correct measurement;
  • measuring temperature in several ways.

However, mercury thermometers are fragile and fragile; if handled carelessly, they can easily break. Mercury spilled from a broken device can cause serious harm to human health. It also takes longer to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer than with an electronic one. Advantages electronic devices are as follows:

  • the ability to measure temperature in several ways;
  • short measurement time;
  • strength and safety.

But many people who use electronic thermometers note that the devices sometimes give unreliable temperature readings.

Methods for measuring body temperature

In both adults and children, body temperature is measured in three ways: axillary, oral, rectal. The most accurate temperature data can be obtained by rectal measurement, and the least accurate by axillary measurement. Normal body temperature with an axillary, that is, axillary, measurement is 36.6°C, with a rectal measurement - 37.3 - 37.7°C, and with an oral method - 37.1 - 37.5°C. You can measure the temperature in the armpit, in the oral cavity, and in the rectum with both a mercury and an electronic thermometer.

Measuring body temperature rectally

At this method For measurements, the thermometer is immersed through the anus into the rectum. This measurement is considered the most accurate and reliable, since the intestine, protected by the sphincter from external environment, is not subject to significant temperature fluctuations. Most often, temperature is determined rectally in young children. In adults, measuring temperature rectally is recommended in the following situations:

  • when a person is unconscious;
  • to determine the onset of ovulation in women by basal temperature;
  • with significant body weight deficiency;
  • at skin diseases, covering the axillary fossae;
  • with inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity;
  • with low-grade fever.

It is forbidden to measure temperature rectally in the presence of hemorrhoids, difficulty passing stool, diarrhea, or proctitis. Also, do not measure after being in hot bath, bathhouse, sauna, after active physical training, as the temperature readings will be incorrect.

To conveniently measure rectal temperature, it is recommended for an adult to lie on his side, bend his knees and press his legs to his stomach. To determine your baby's temperature, you can lay him on his back horizontal surface and lift his legs.

Measuring body temperature orally

With this method of measuring temperature, a thermometer is placed in the mouth so that the mercury capsule is under the tongue. This method most often measures body temperature in Western clinics; in the post-Soviet space, doctors usually use the axillary version. Oral temperature determination is recommended for school-age children and adolescents, but is strictly prohibited for infants.

Ignorant children can accidentally bite through a mercury thermometer and swallow glass and mercury. It is also contraindicated to measure temperature orally in case of respiratory diseases accompanied by nasal congestion or inflammation in the oral cavity.

Axillary measurement

The simplest and most popular way to measure body temperature is to place a thermometer in the armpit. This is the method that the vast majority of people use, although it cannot be called accurate and reliable.

It should be noted that incorrect results of axillary measurement are most often observed when the procedure is performed incorrectly. Not only children, but also many adults do not know how to correctly measure in the armpit; they carry out the procedure at their own discretion.

Proper use of a mercury thermometer

Every day, millions of people measure their body temperature with a mercury thermometer, but rarely does anyone think about how to do it correctly. Many adults and children do not even know how many minutes the measurement procedure should last. There are certain rules that must be followed step by step when measuring temperature with a mercury thermometer in the armpit.

  1. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in a room where the air temperature is not lower than 18°C, but not higher than 25°C.
  2. The armpit should be dry. If the skin is damp, then remove sweat from it with a napkin or clean cloth.
  3. The thermometer should be shaken until the mercury drops to 35°C on the scale.
  4. The device must be placed in the armpit so that the mercury capsule fits tightly to the skin.
  5. In order for the thermometer to hold well under the armpit and not slip out, the shoulder part of the arm must be pressed tightly to the body.
  6. During the temperature measurement process, you need to sit quietly, do not speak, do not move, and do not eat food.
  7. The measurement time with a mercury thermometer is 10 minutes.

A sick person needs to measure their temperature with a mercury thermometer several times a day. It is advisable to do this every day at the same time: for example, at 10 am and 8 pm. It is useless to try to determine body temperature after intense sports training, walking outside, swimming in reservoirs, baths, saunas, showers, since the indicators will definitely be unreliable.

Also, you should not carry out the procedure after stressful situation, nervous strain, heavy meals, since the temperature will probably be elevated. In all of the above cases, you should wait half an hour, lie down quietly, relax, and then start measuring. If a person takes antipyretic medications, then at least 40 minutes should pass between taking the medication and taking the temperature.

Measure the temperature in the oral cavity with a mercury thermometer with extreme caution. One awkward movement of the jaws - toxic mercury and many small fragments of glass appear on the tongue. To correctly determine oral temperature, the following rules should be considered:

  • before placing the thermometer in the oral cavity, it must be rinsed with warm water and then wiped with any antiseptic;
  • the device must be shaken so that the mercury is set at 35°C on the scale;
  • the thermometer is placed in the mouth so that the mercury capsule is located under the tongue;
  • To prevent the thermometer from falling out of your mouth, you need to close your lips and lightly squeeze the device with your teeth;
  • The measurement time with a mercury thermometer is 5 minutes.

Before measuring oral temperature, do not smoke or drink hot tea or coffee, otherwise the readings will be incorrect.

Doctors advise determining rectal temperature with a mercury thermometer, since in this case it gives the most accurate and correct results. The thermometer is immersed into the rectum to a depth of no more than 2.5 centimeters. The measurement time is 8 minutes.

During the procedure, you need to lie down without moving so as not to disrupt your readings. After the measurement, the thermometer is carefully removed from the anus. If the thermometer is used alternately by several people, then after each procedure it must be thoroughly treated with antiseptic substances.

Correct use of an electronic thermometer

Many people do not like that measuring with a mercury thermometer takes too long. If you don’t want to wait 10 minutes for the result, you can use an electronic thermometer. At the end of the device there is a sensor that sets body temperature, and there is a screen on the panel that shows digital data. Measuring axillary temperature with an electronic thermometer is carried out in the same way as with a mercury thermometer.

The main thing is that the sensor fits tightly to the skin in the armpit. If the thermometer does not fit tightly, it may show the temperature of the air in the room rather than the body.

The instructions for the device say that you need to remove it from the armpit immediately after the sound signal. But to ensure the reliability of the result, doctors recommend that patients keep the thermometer under their armpit for a few minutes after the signal.

An electronic thermometer can be used to measure temperature orally. Moreover, it is enough to hold the device in the oral cavity for just a minute to get accurate and correct readings.

An accurate device for measuring body temperature.


Thermometers for measuring temperature are precision instruments. Measurement results are accurate when the instrument is used correctly in accordance with this manual.

Functional Features

To prevent mercury from entering the environment if the thermometer is destroyed, a protective color is applied to the tank polymer coating. The coating can be removed after repeated disinfection. Without coating, the thermometer is suitable for use.

Instructions for use

Take the thermometer by the upper end and lower it with the reservoir down. Shake the thermometer with your hand so that the meniscus of the mercury column is below the digital mark of 35.5°C on the scale. Place the thermometer with the reservoir in the center of the person’s armpit/groin and press with your hand/foot to fix the thermometer. Avoid applying strong pressure to the thermometer. In weakened patients, it is necessary to hold your hand when measuring temperature. Hold the thermometer for about 5 minutes. Remove the thermometer from the armpit/groin and read the temperature on the scale.

The temperature measurement method is suitable for infants and children younger age. When measuring temperature in children, it is recommended to fix the thermometer in the armpit/groin, holding the child's hand by the forearm or leg by the thigh. This procedure must be performed for each temperature measurement. After taking a bath or shower, you should delay taking your temperature for 30 minutes. In the event of an unexpected increase or decrease in temperature, it is recommended to repeat the measurement several times at short intervals. It is recommended to measure the temperature 2 times a day: at 7-8 am and 17-19 pm. Record the time and measurement results so that you can show them to your doctor if necessary. After use, the thermometer must be disinfected: at home, wash with warm water and soap.

Special instructions

ATTENTION! The thermometer contains mercury! Mercury outside the thermometer is dangerous! A rupture of the mercury column in the capillary tube above the mercury reservoir is not a defect; it is typical for thermometers with a maximum device.
Handle the thermometer very carefully: do not drop it, do not overheat. Broken thermometers are special waste and must be disposed of in accordance with certain rules and regulations. If the thermometer breaks, try to stay in this room as little as possible. If you come into direct contact with mercury or if you suspect you have inhaled its vapor, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Collect thermometer fragments only with protective gloves. Temporarily store a broken thermometer and its fragments in a closed container with water, and then hand it over to an organization that collects and disposes of such waste. Mercury collection must be carried out by the appropriate security service environment in accordance with current regulations.


Thermometers for measuring temperature are precision instruments. Measurement results are accurate when the instrument is used correctly in accordance with this manual.


Thermometers for measuring temperature are precision instruments. Measurement results are accurate when the instrument is used correctly in accordance with this manual. Take the thermometer by the upper end and lower it with the reservoir down. Shake the thermometer with your hand so that the meniscus of the mercury column is below the digital mark of 35.5°C on the scale. Place the thermometer with the reservoir in the center of the person’s armpit/groin and press with your hand/foot to fix the thermometer. Avoid applying strong pressure to the thermometer. In weakened patients, it is necessary to hold your hand when measuring temperature. Hold the thermometer for about 5 minutes. Remove the thermometer from the armpit/groin and read the temperature on the scale. The temperature measurement method is suitable for infants and young children. When measuring temperature in children, it is recommended to fix the thermometer in the armpit/groin, holding the child's hand by the forearm or leg by the thigh. This procedure must be performed for each temperature measurement. After taking a bath or shower, you should delay taking your temperature for 30 minutes. In the event of an unexpected increase or decrease in temperature, it is recommended to repeat the measurement several times at short intervals. It is recommended to measure the temperature 2 times a day: at 7-8 am and 17-19 pm. Record the time and measurement results so that you can show them to your doctor if necessary. After use, the thermometer must be disinfected: at home, wash with warm water and soap.

Special instructions: ATTENTION!

The thermometer contains mercury! Mercury outside the thermometer is dangerous! A rupture of the mercury column in the capillary tube above the mercury reservoir is not a defect; it is typical for thermometers with a maximum device. Handle the thermometer very carefully: do not drop it, do not overheat. Broken thermometers are special waste and must be disposed of in accordance with certain rules and regulations. If the thermometer breaks, try to stay in this room as little as possible. If you come into direct contact with mercury or if you suspect you have inhaled its vapor, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Collect thermometer fragments only with protective gloves. The broken thermometer and its fragments should be temporarily stored in a closed container with water, and then handed over to an organization that collects and disposes of such waste. The collection of mercury must be carried out by the appropriate environmental protection service in accordance with applicable regulations.

An infrared thermometer is modern device, which will determine the body temperature in just a few seconds, without even touching it. Quite recently, non-contact thermometers appeared in Medtechnika Orthosalon stores and immediately became popular. After some time, buyers began to complain about inaccurate measurements.

“We bought an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature small child. It seemed to my husband that he was pointing incorrectly. Therefore, they began to test with mercury. It turned out that infrared actually overestimates the readings.”
- Oksana, buyer of the Medtechnika Orthosalon store

It is worth noting that most people use this device incorrectly, which is the main reason for inaccurate readings. In this article we will tell you how to measure temperature correctly .


Non-contact thermometer error

Manufacturers indicate in the instructions the permissible error of thermometers:

    mercury - 0.1°C

    electronic - 0.1-0.2°C

    infrared - 0.3°C

Users note that the error of the infrared thermometer sometimes reaches 0.5°C. This is already significant, isn’t it? Experts say that a sick person's body temperature can change by +/- 1°C within minutes. Mercury models take these fluctuations into account and show the maximum value. Infrared detects the temperature in 1-3 seconds, at a specific moment. That is why it is not recommended to check infrared readings with mercury.

Why does an infrared thermometer lie?

Even if we assume that you measure your temperature correctly with a non-contact thermometer, there are several more reasons for its “lies”:

    cleanliness of the sensor (it should be free of dust, scratches and stains);

    the air conditioner or heater is turned on in the room;

    the patient's forehead is damp;

    presence of cosmetics or creams in the measurement area;

    dead batteries (batteries).

If you have been using an infrared thermometer for several months and it suddenly begins to display incorrectly, we recommend that you have it checked by service center manufacturer. This way you will definitely be confident in the quality of the data.

How to use an infrared thermometer

In order for a non-contact thermometer to show the correct result, follow some rules for its use:

    Eliminate extraneous air flows - air conditioner, fan, heater.

    Make sure that the patient has a clean forehead, without makeup or creams.

    If the person is sweating, wipe their forehead with a tissue.

    Wipe infrared sensor soft cloth to remove dust particles.

    Ask the patient to sit up straight and not move or talk during the measurement.

Brief instructions on how to correctly measure temperature with an infrared thermometer:

    Turn on the device.

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