Gemini born in the year of the rabbit. Characteristics of a Gemini man - Rabbit (Cat) from A to Z! Gemini Rabbit - Horoscope Combination: Chinese & Zodiac

Domestic cat. The calmest of all cats. Exposure to some danger.

Eastern horoscope - Cat/Rabbit

Zodiac horoscope - Twins

Lively, active Gemini and a slow, measured Rabbit are a rather strange combination. At first glance, such people seem superficial and restless, but in fact they are analytical and very observant. Gemini Rabbits are persuasive and like to appear sophisticated and elitist.

The Cat in Chinese astrology is known for its cheerful character, so Gemini Cat men and women have a quick mind, excellent ability to organize and decorate things, and are brilliant coordinators. These people have artistic talent combined with a keen eye.

Gemini Cats are chatty and charming people. These are great friends who will support you when it really matters. They love to demonstrate their knowledge and have a fair and tolerant character; they are understanding individuals.

They are wonderful listeners who will always offer you useful and practical advice. In personal relationships, they are one of the most compassionate Geminis. In relationships, they love openness and a base built on trust and loyalty.

These people love to dress to impress, and their broad sense of style helps achieve this goal. They love home life and spend hours making their surroundings as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

Their favorite pastime is to talk, and from time to time they are accused of gossiping or unnecessary interference, in fact they are simply naturally inquisitive. Better work For such a person there will be a profession that requires a lot of connections and communication. These people tend to express themselves better verbally, this prevents them from feeling sad or depressed.

They do not have any serious flaws in their personality. These people express themselves brilliantly but lack aggression in their personality, in some important situations they should show their anger rather than express disappointment. If they don't learn this, people will constantly try to manipulate them.

Gemini the rabbit is the calmest of the cats. He is not subject to March moods, does not sing at night, does not run on rooftops. The Gemini cat is responsible, not afraid to make decisions and easily makes new connections. And when it comes to achieving goals, he finds the shortest paths to them. You can't deny him logic.

The combination of intellect and prudence does not allow him, however, to be called a conservative. Gemini rabbits, especially women, are capable of sensitive perception. They trust their senses, which they have well developed. Gemini rabbit men also have excellent intuition. It is she who, under the guise of calculation, moves them when finding certain paths. But for some reason the twin cat doesn’t like to talk about this, preferring to explain the ease of achieving results with excessive thoughts and backbreaking work. In this he is a mystifier, which, however, does not harm any business at all.

As a partner, the Gemini cat is very reliable and looks convincing. There are almost no problems with him, not to mention conflicts or confrontation.

Character of men Rabbits "Cats" - Gemini: They are distinguished by their softness, delicacy and hard work. They are very independent, and it is not easy to impose your desires on them. They know how to face difficulties and never panic. These men always strive to get everything on their own and usually achieve a good position in society and make a career. However, all these achievements occur in the mature period of life.

For all their gentleness, these men are pragmatists and materialists. They can and know how to get what they want. They are very objective when assessing men or events, as they know how to see a situation from different sides. These men love to engage in public affairs and often find it difficult to distinguish the general from the personal. But over time, this understanding comes to them and they can achieve a separation of common and their own interests.

Men Rabbits "Cats" - Gemini in love and relationships: Early relationships and feelings will only bring disappointment to these people. They should not strive to create relationships in their youth, since they themselves are not yet ready for them. An excessive desire to subordinate everything to plans leads to difficulties in understanding. Great owners by nature, they are not always ready to accept the interests of their partner, his desires and aspirations. Only in adulthood do they become loyal and understanding.

Men Rabbits "Cats" - Gemini in finance and career: It is very easy to make a career for this sign. For this he has necessary knowledge, experience. Also, his bright intuition helps him make the right decisions. That is why they often become leaders who are talented decision makers. Financial side life does not always work out well, since with large incomes they do not know how to properly plan a budget. You need to learn this in order to feel what well-being is.

Men Rabbits "Cats" - Gemini in family and marriage: Tolerance, patience and loyalty will be faithful companions for them. family life. However, Pisces can develop these qualities with age. That is why they are not recommended to start a family too early. It is worth thinking about the possibility of self-improvement first. Only after this they will be able to create a good atmosphere in their family and become good family men.

Advice for men Rabbits “Cats” - Gemini: In order for everything to work out the way these people want, they need to understand their feelings, goals and plans. If something doesn’t suit you in real life, you need to change and improve yourself. At the same time, you should treat yourself better, without criticizing too much for your inability to do something correctly. It is enough to change a little for all plans to come true, and good things are attracted to these people.

Taking into account the month and year of birth born from May 21 to June 20 in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, according to zodiac signs counted among Gemini Rabbits(To cats, hares).

Characteristics of a Gemini-Cat (Rabbit, Hare) woman

Representatives of this zodiac combination can charm many. The variability in mood and unbridled fantasies of these individuals surprise those around them for many years. Lovely girls born in the year of the Cat can radically change the image of a homebody and turn into a purposeful, decisive businesswoman or a regular at entertaining parties.

They are very self-critical and demanding of themselves. Quite often they take offense at harmless jokes, harboring a grudge against for a long time. After this, making peace with them is not so easy.

In career

They can move up the career ladder only if they like the work. They are not averse to developing and learning throughout their lives.

With proper distribution of energy, they achieve their goals. However, being overly emotional about career problems can lead to psychological exhaustion.

They are calm about financial well-being, which is not an end in itself for them.

In their work, women show business acumen and determination, however, their creative potential manifests itself in the family circle.

In love and marriage

Next to decisive, stern men, they seem weak and defenseless, but this is the strength of their feminine charm.

In relationships with the opposite sex, they have intuitive insight, clearly realizing who can make them happy. With their femininity, intelligence and emotionality, girls easily win men's hearts.

In their youth they are surrounded by numerous fans, but over the years their circle narrows, because Gemini-Rabbits are tightening their requirements for partners and are beginning to evaluate them as candidates for starting a family.

It is quite difficult to please such girls, since they want to see the world around them, including their partner, as ideal. The search for a “prince” sometimes lasts a lifetime.

Quite often, Gemini-Rabbits initiate a breakup due to disappointment in a man.

In marriage they are happy wives and mothers. But self-withdrawal from family problems can cause a break in relationships.

According to the forecasts of the eastern calendar, the maximum compatibility of these zodiac signs is with the Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, and Ox. The Western calendar recommends relationships with Libra, Aquarius and Aries.

The Eastern calendar warns about possible problems when a relationship arises with a Monkey, Rooster, Rat, Tiger. The Western calendar does not advise building relationships with Gemini, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Cancer.


The unpredictability of the behavior of Gemini ladies complicates the lives of loved ones and the women themselves. Excessive sensitivity sometimes awakens the desire to build new relationships, but, as a rule, thanks to innate decency, they stop in time, without committing betrayal towards loved ones.

Some actions of Gemini-Rabbit women (Zaitsev, Kotov) are very difficult to understand.

  • Close people should not isolate themselves from representatives of these signs even when their actions seem wrong. It is necessary to help women understand the chaos of life and determine primary values ​​- this allows them to cope with outbursts of negative manifestations of character.
  • Healthy ambitions will make Gemini Rabbits stronger and happier.
  • You should be simpler in solving problems that arise, without inventing fantastic ways out of difficult situations.
  • Openness in relationships with others will help you achieve your goals without emotional stress.
  • Generosity towards others and developing the ability to not dwell on personal problems will make the life of Gemini Rabbits more rosy.

You will learn more about women of the Gemini sign in the following video.

These are emotional natures, whose lives are completely subordinated to feelings. They can achieve good results in their career if they choose this particular area for their development. They will develop spiritually throughout their lives, as their quests and ideals will require more and more new knowledge. They are self-critical, which often hinders them, but it is often simply impossible to change this trait given from birth.

These are strong, smart and purposeful people. They can achieve any goals they set if they distribute their energy correctly. If the energy given to them from above is used for good, they will be able to receive many benefits in return. At the same time, they are hypersensitive and can be offended by an innocent joke. Often, due to psychological grievances, they retreat into their inner world, from which it can be quite difficult to get them out.

Characteristics of a Gemini-Rabbit woman in Love

They have difficulty choosing a partner, since the desire to idealize everything around them also extends to their soulmate. As a result, they often reject the best candidates for their attention. And even after starting a relationship, they can quickly become disappointed and withdraw into themselves. In this case, a breakup is inevitable, since they will not be able to continue the relationship. The search for an ideal often accompanies them throughout their lives.

Horoscope of Gemini-Rabbit woman in Family and Marriage

Family relationships are quite a difficult burden for them. Being malleable, they often find themselves in marriages that cause them difficulties. At the same time, they will be patient with their partner, trying to get the opportunity to immerse themselves in their own world as often as possible. Avoiding the problems of family life and inability to make decisions can cause a breakup, but for some partners such soul mates are suitable in all respects.

Gemini Rabbit Woman - Career and Finance

They find it difficult to make decisions due to their sensitivity, so they are often left behind in getting good positions. They can make a career, but at such an emotional cost that it leads to exhaustion. Financial well-being It may not be such an important aspect for them that they completely refuse to change their existing financial situation.

To become happy, they need to become more ambitious. It is also worth facing problems, rather than inventing fantastic ways to solve them. Outer world- this is not a trap, so you just need to make friends with him and find common ground. Openness will be the most faithful and simple recipe to achieve your goals. In relationships, you need to become a little more generous and not focus only on your problems.

(from 01/25/1963, from 02/11/1975, from 01/29/1987, from 02/16/1999)

He has the best features of both signs. From Gemini he received mobility and enterprise, the ability to quickly find common language with any people. And from the Rabbit comes responsibility, which is not typical for Gemini. The result is a kind of ideal fusion of character and temperament. On the one hand, this is a calm Rabbit, and on the other, an emotional, interesting and flighty Gemini.

Characteristics of a Gemini man - Rabbit (Cat) in LOVE

In love, he becomes especially sensitive and vulnerable. At the same time, you can’t say the same about him outwardly. He is always reliable and will never cheat on his chosen one, which is not typical for Geminis. In love, he demonstrates the most romantic attitude, which allows him to make feelings always bright and fiery. In addition, he treats his partner responsibly, which makes him attractive to many women.

Love means a lot to him. This is an opportunity for self-expression, an outlet for accumulated emotionality. At the same time, he can be quite rational when choosing a partner, but he will never use techniques that could offend his partner. This is why, when a relationship breaks up, people often remain friends with their ex-partner. But in general, he is happy because he carefully approached the choice.

Gemini born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) in BED

The intimate side of life may play a secondary role for him. At the same time, he is extremely sexy and can interest any woman. He can agree to such a relationship before marriage, but if he agreed to it, then he made a choice in favor of this woman and is ready to follow her to the end. And it is important for a woman not to miss such a chance. Usually the intimate side of life does not cause him many emotions, but he is not against them either.

He does not like bright experiments and can be content with what his partner offers him. But he needs variety from time to time, so he can offer something unusual. It should be noted that he is extremely relaxed and simple, he is not embarrassed by his body, even with not ideal proportions. In bed, he expects sincerity from his partner, expression of true feelings. He needs this to understand her better.

Horoscope of Gemini man - Rabbit (Cat) in MARRIAGE

IN family relationships it can manifest itself in different ways. On the one hand this zealous owner, an excellent father and husband. On the other hand, he always has his own hobbies, tries to find something interesting besides his family. It is this approach that allows him to be so different in relation to his wife and children. As a father, he may also not devote all his time to his children, leaving some time for himself.

He always strives to create a family, so the marriage proposal is greeted with delight. However, this scenario does not always happen. And the whole point is that he soberly evaluates his partner and understands whether he wants to start a relationship with her. If he is impressed by a girl, he will agree to her proposal. Otherwise, he will not respond to her feelings.

The most important thing! What kind of girl does he need?

He can be advised to be simpler and more attentive to general details, and not just to little things. The whole point is that he may not notice the general things due to the desire to see the little things. Also, he does not need to express his feelings and experiences vividly, as this can become a weapon for people. Otherwise, he can adhere to the usual line of behavior, since he demonstrates rationality in any matter, it’s just that all this is colored with vivid emotions.

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