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Short form of the name Alfia. Alya, Fiya, Fairy.
Synonyms for the name Alfia. Alfira, Alpiya, Alpiyat, Alfina.
Origin of the name Alfiya. The name Alfiya is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Alfia has several origins. According to the first version, the name was derived from the name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet “alpha”, which means “first”.

Since this name is very popular in Muslim countries, the second version of the origin is Arabic. Translated from Arabic name Alfiya means "close to Allah." Is the female form male name Alfir, therefore synonymous with another female name, formed from this male name - the name Alfira. For some peoples, the name Alfia may sound like Alpia, Alpiyat, or Alfira, Alfina. Diminutive address Alya is also short form to many other names.

Quick wits, flexible character and goodwill are the main characteristics of Alfia. Under certain circumstances, she can prove herself to be an eccentric and impudent person. She has well-developed creative talents. And her wonderful intuition helps her more than once in life. Alfiya does not like quarrels. Even when she shows a temper, within a minute she is ready to reconcile.

This woman does not like to sit in one place with nothing to do. She needs to act. She is a bright personality. In everything he strives to show his leadership qualities. She feels the need to be the center of attention. Spiritual and physical comfort is important to her in life. Knows how to direct his energy in the right direction. She always seeks her true purpose and does not waste time.

Alfia has a keen eye for beauty. It shows sensitivity and spirituality. Has artistic abilities. Her ideas are always original. This woman likes to make people happy. Sometimes she can lie, while being guided only by the best and most sincere motives. Alfia is a peace-loving person. From the outside she tries to seem practical, but at her core she is a soft and romantic person.

A woman named Alfia has a strong sense of self-esteem. She will definitely achieve respect in society. Having created a family, the owner of this name becomes a happy person. She tries to spend every minute of her time with her children and husband. She tries to be the head of the family, which does not always suit her chosen one. Alfia is a faithful wife. In the house she shows herself as a hospitable hostess.

Alfia's name day

Alfia does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Alfiya

  • Alfiya Avzalova (Tatar singer, has a full-range alto voice timbre. She sang in 14 languages ​​of the world. She started singing early. In 1952, she became a soloist of the Tatar State Song and Dance Ensemble, performed complex works by S. Gabashi, A. Klyucharyov , M. Muzafarov, Z. Khabibullina and many other composers. Her repertoire includes ancient and modern ones. folk songs. Soon, on the recommendation of the artistic leadership of the Tatarstan State Philharmonic Society, Alfiya Avzalova created her own concert group, which included the accompanying pop instrumental ensemble “Kazan Utlary”, consisting of an organ, guitar, keyboards and synthesizer under the direction of Karim Gabidullin, as well as a dance group. Together with this ensemble, Alfiya Avzalova toured the Central Asian and Baltic Republics, visited Moscow, Leningrad and many Russian cities, performed in front of oil workers of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, in front of KAMAZ builders, and in front of village workers. For each trip, which could last two or three months, she could give more than 100 concerts. The singer won her first great success during her performance at the Decade of Tatar Art and Literature in Moscow in 1957. A documentary film “The Queen of Songs” was made about the singer and her work in the Tatar language, shown in 2010 in Kazan. Alfiya Avzalova is the winner of the following awards: Honored Artist of the TASSR (1962), People's Artist of the TASSR (1970), 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (the first time - in 1976), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1983), Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after. G. Tukay (1992), Certificate of Honor of the Soviet Peace Committee “For active work to strengthen peace between peoples" (1960), Honorary prize - "Legend of the Tatar stage" (2008).
  • Alfiya Yulchurina ((born 1960) Bashkir singer, received the title of People's Artist of Bashkortostan in 2010)
  • Alfiya Muryasova ((born 1988) Russian track and field athlete)
  • Alfiya Khambaleeva ((1963-2013) Bashkir opera singer (soprano), was an Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan and a soloist of the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater)
  • Alfiya Bikbaeva ((1926-2004) Bashkir otolaryngologist, published more than 200 scientific works, awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Awarded the title “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR”)
  • Alfiya Ilyasova (Tatar artist)

Of Arabic origin - “long-liver”.

General description of the name Alfiya

As a child, Alfiya is an active, curious child, restless and cheerful. She easily remembers poems, loves to recite them to her parents and guests, dances and sings. She has a very strong sense of family; it is especially important for parents to preserve the family until Alfie reaches the age of three and a half years and to refrain from divorce during this period.

As an adult, she shines with originality of ideas and knows how to be the center of attention of any society. Expresses thoughts that are sometimes chaotic, but contain a rational grain. Her worldview is often a unique mixture of different, sometimes directly opposing, philosophical systems. Alfia does not shy away from lies if she believes that they are justified by good intentions. At heart she is a soft, romantic nature, kind and sensitive to other people's experiences. But Alfiya is shy about her soft nature and masks it with practicality and a sober outlook on life.

Her willpower is not the most iron-clad, but Alfia skillfully demonstrates it. Energetic, sociable, but unobtrusive. She has an excellent memory and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, which allows her to become one of the best students in the class, and then at the institute. Shows interest in technical areas of science, can become an innovator and even an inventor. Creatively approaches any work and organization of everyday life. He is fond of amateur activities and is certainly the life of the party in any team. This is a bright and noticeable personality, infecting everyone with optimism, creativity and charm.

Alfiya prefers individual labor collective activity, but can inspire creativity in others. She will always help, even if her own affairs leave much to be desired. Most often, she has a joyful mood, which rarely spoils, and an excellent sense of humor. She is ambitious, often achieves her goals, but her career progresses smoothly, without ups and downs. She is diplomatic and tries to be fair even in criticism. A little simple-minded.

“Summer” is kind and responsive. A very sensual nature, paying tribute to beauty. It is extremely important for her to be loved and to love. This Alfia is open and charming, which allows her to bypass various life obstacles. He squanders money and often experiences financial difficulties.

“Autumn” Alfia is a leader, a strong personality. She is full of energy, businesslike and impulsive. Strives for power in the team and in the family, takes initiative and demonstrates practicality. Very responsible and fair. She is not afraid to take on the consequences of decisions and is confident in herself.

“Spring” is a spontaneous person, naive and cheerful. He devotes himself entirely to studies in science or art. An optimist, she infects others with her positive energy. Avoids conflicts and difficult situations. Sometimes she is indecisive and timid. In moving towards his goal, he does not resort to intrigues and detours, he acts openly.

In her older years, Alfiya quite naturally enjoys the respect and love of others; she has a sense of self-esteem and an understanding of all her strong qualities. She is somewhat willful, likes to command the household, and can indulge in idleness and laziness. We can say that she is resting on the laurels of her successes.

Particular attention should be paid to the small intestine, kidneys and liver, since these are the organs that are most weakened from birth.

Sexuality of the name Alfiya

Alfiya begins to show interest in the opposite sex quite early. Her curiosity and quirky morality, woven from various philosophical movements, can push her to various experiments. As a rule, she chooses men herself, without waiting for them to pay attention to her. It often turns out that the first marriage, concluded in the heat of passion, breaks up, but Alfia enters into the second quite consciously, which makes it very strong and very happy.

Alfia can produce an almost magical effect on the opposite sex, she charms and attracts with her apparent innocence, her charms are strong even when the relationship is over.

In the period from thirty to forty, Alfia, as a rule, feels more like a mother and wife than a seductive woman, and her sexuality seems to be dormant, only to rise to its peak again around forty-five.

The influence of the name Alfiya on fate

A mature, strong enough personality who will never be in the shadows. Alfiya is full of desire to act, she is an enthusiastic person, impulsive and businesslike.

She is characterized by generosity, a desire for novelty, impulsiveness, a sense of responsibility and justice. Alfiya is persistent and consistent in implementing her decisions, but she is still not recommended to go into business. Although she earns money easily, she spends it with the same ease, so she may periodically experience a lack of it.

Alfiya manages to embody two opposite principles - balanced wisdom and impetuosity. If her parents encourage her desire for balance and harmony from childhood, then in adulthood she will avoid the uncontrollable mood swings that her internal inconsistency pushes her into.

Her spirituality is entirely related to her sense of purpose - parents should keep this in mind. Having developed one quality, they don’t have to worry about the second: being a purposeful person, Alfiya will improve her moral qualities, and vice versa, by paying attention to the moral aspect and the development of spirituality, you can get a purposeful personality.

The key to communicating with Alfie

Sometimes Alfia may seem out of touch with reality, but this phenomenon is temporary and a good joke will bring her back to “ground.”

The origin of the name Alfiya is Arabic, used mostly by Tatars, and also used in some Muslim countries. But what the name Alfia means, there are several versions, and each of them is not the main, generally accepted one. According to one of them, it comes from “alpha,” the initial letter in the Greek alphabet and means “first.” The same theory brings the name to a close origin from “Allah”, given that it has Muslim roots. There is an opinion that the name Alfiya comes from the Turkic Elfiya and means “friendly, pretty.” There are also interpretations of the designation as “a fair, delightful poem.” But if we consider the characteristics of the name, it is worth saying that each of the meanings suits Alfia.

Considering the meaning of the name Alfia for a girl, it is worth saying that it is best combination everyone positive qualities in one person. Since childhood, our heroine has been flexible and kind. Her parents never have any trouble raising her. The child grows up sensible and intelligent. Alfiya loves quiet, calm games and eagerly plays with her peers. The girl is so kind and sympathetic that many people want to be friends with her. At the same time, some take advantage of Alfia’s kindness for their own selfish purposes.

He studies with pleasure, trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible even from early years. A girl named Alfiya is not devoid of pride, which is largely expressed in her hobbies. Whatever she does, singing, dancing, painting, Alfiya is always on top and achieves success. Even if something doesn’t work out for her, our heroine works on it until her last sweat, until she shows the highest result.

The very name Alfiya encourages you to be the first, to act Therefore, a girl often takes a leading position not only in her studies and hobbies, but also among her peers, as an authoritative person. Thanks to their perseverance and hard work, Alfia often becomes medal winners both at school and at university. Creatively gifted by God, our heroine can choose a profession close to her talents and achieve great success in it.

Characteristics of the name

As the girl named Alfia grows up and turns into a teenager and a woman, her character changes dramatically. This is facilitated by childhood leadership habits, which over time turn our heroine into an unconditional leader. Alfiya can manage several projects at the same time, and at the same time do everything efficiently. She is not only a leader, but also the soul of the team; she has her own approach to each employee.

Cheerful, always positive, the bearer of the name Alfiya charges those around her with her energy and good mood. mannered, with good taste, she feels beauty in her gut. This is facilitated by Alfia’s innate talents, as well as her refined nature. In her professional activities, our heroine will achieve results in any chosen direction. But what she definitely won’t do is do something she doesn’t like and do work, even one she adores, for a meager pay. These two factors are very important to her: her favorite activity and the high reward for it.

Considering the meaning of the name Alfia from the point of view of numerology, energy, activity and liveliness are noted here. But despite this, professional activity Our heroine is not recommended in a business that involves risks. Although the leadership position of a woman named Alfiya is 100% developed, she is not capable of leading a large enterprise or corporation. For her the best option There will be management of a department, a team, a small organization.

The woman called Alfia is friendly, flexible, friendly, hardworking and smart. She is quick-tempered and harsh when necessary, but her anger passes as quickly as it appears. Our heroine is not deprived of intuition; this often helps her when accepting difficult decisions. To be in the center of attention and at the same time have physical and spiritual comfort, this is what the bearer of the name Alfia strives for. In most cases, this relationship works out well.

Marriage and family

When taking a girl named Alfia as his wife, a man must know that she is self-confident and will not tolerate being dominated in any way. Our heroine subconsciously chooses a quiet and calm man as her husband, who could balance her and cool her down. By marrying her soul mate, Alfia becomes an excellent mother and wife. She loves spending time with her family and taking care of her family. Our heroine does not cheat on her husband, and her house is clean, friendly and hospitable.

Many names have ambiguous origins and several versions of their origin. The name Alfiya was no exception. He also has several theories:

  • The Muslim population of Russia generally believes that Alfiya means “close to Allah”, so this name is very common among them
  • Alfia came to us from the Ancient Turkic state, where it had the meaning “friendly”. This etymology of the name is popular among the Tatars and Bashkirs.
  • There are unpopular options for the meaning of the name - “fair”, “magnificent poem”.
  • Complete – Alfia
  • Abbreviated as Alfie, Alya, Alka, Fiya, Alf, Fairy, Filya.
  • Affectionately - Alfiyushka, Alfiyka, Alfushka, Alfochka, Alfiechka, Alfik, Alechka, Fiechka.
  • The passport will indicate ALFIIA.
  • There is no such name in the Orthodox and Catholic churches.


Little Alfiyusha is an easy-going and kind girl, sensible beyond her age. She prefers quiet games, although she also likes to play active games with friends. Alfia is ready to help, responds to someone else’s misfortune, which others often take advantage of. Alfia is surrounded by many guys and she can become their leader.

Thanks to his perseverance, Alya studies well. She is very proud, which also gives her an incentive for development. Nature has endowed Alfia with a creative streak. Since childhood, she has been drawing, dancing, and music. In any direction she will be successful, and teachers will be proud of their favorite.

Over time, Alfia's character changes. Her leadership qualities are bursting to the surface. She is very active and cannot help but do anything. She is always surrounded by many people, attracting her like a ray of light. She radiates positivity and charges the most inveterate pessimists with optimism. Alechka has exquisite taste, a subtle sense of beauty and noble manners.

Alfia is too pragmatic. Sentimentality is alien to her. She does not like books and films with deep meaning and conclusions.

Alfia is smart and friendly. Sometimes he may flare up, but this passes very quickly. She can't sit idle. Strives for comfort in everything - both in the soul and in life. She is constantly looking for her purpose, directing all her strength towards it. Her head is simply teeming with ideas.

Her artistic abilities are top notch. Likes to be the center of attention, the life of the party. However, he does this not with revealing or strange outfits, but with his charisma and energy. Her main features are openness and honesty. She is capable of lying only as a last resort, and only if it is a white lie. She is friendly and does not enter into all sorts of conflicts.


Alfia's vitality is very high. By adulthood, she remains very active and active. Ali's health is slightly above average. She gets sick infrequently, but if she does get sick, she can hardly tolerate a common cold. Preventative measures must be taken.


Alfia is very efficient. She is full of energy and always active. Alya will try to make her favorite hobby and decent income one and the same thing. She won't do anything she doesn't like. But he won’t work for pennies either. However, if she works in a profession unrelated to her hobbies, for example, an accountant or engineer, she will devote a lot of time to her hobby in order to realize her full creative potential.

Alfia will strive throughout her career to become an experienced leader. And she will succeed. The main thing is not to frighten your team with rash and reckless actions at the beginning of your management journey.

If she works in an ordinary non-creative position, then in small steps she will climb up her career. As an employee, she is very punctual and responsible.

Family and marriage

Alfia's family is going well. Having made the choice of a spouse, she will find peace happy life. She and her husband will complement each other and will be caring and faithful spouses. An atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and the comfort of home reigns in their home.

Alfiya devotes a lot of time to her family and children. They often relax together, preferring an active pastime. She deals a lot with children in their development and cares for them. Tries to gain authority among household members. Hospitable hostess.

Astrological characteristics

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Stone - Amber.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • The color of the name is Yellow.
  • Plant - Mimosa.
  • Totem animal - Scarab.

Famous women named Alfiya

  • People's Artist of Tatarstan Avzalova;
  • one of the richest women in Kazakhstan Kuanysheva (according to Forbes magazine).

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