Gemini in the year of the rabbit personality description. Characteristics of Gemini men and women born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). Characteristics of a Gemini-Rabbit woman in Love

Eastern Zodiac– Yours zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called character of a combination. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs



You got an image that is bright, joyful, and at the same time funny and mocking. So be in good shape, if you know how to make people laugh, make them happy; if you don’t know how, have fun yourself. It is not forbidden to bully, parody, make fun of... But do not be offended if they laugh at you too. In a word, a lot in your life now depends on whether you have a sense of humor. Where you are, there should be a wave of joy and laughter. However, buffoonery is not a hindrance to business; your matter may be very serious, but while doing it, do not lose your sense of humor.

To help you imitate - a gallery of bright and funny images created by artists. Sergei Ivanov (22.5.1951) It was he who played Lariosik in “Days of the Turbins”. Igor Dmitriev (5/29/1927) is funniest as Geraldine in The Adventures of Prince Florizel. Even in “The Golden Mine,” which is not a comedy, Dmitriev endlessly mocks himself and his doctor Podnieks (actually a terrible villain). Gradually, the former “Beast” Dmitry Pevtsov (8/6/1963), “Stop on Demand”, discovers his comic talent, where he got the role of a bungler, drunk from one drink, fainting from screaming, and so on.


Rejoice people, the nature of laughter has been revealed! Laughter is born from a minimal discrepancy between the annual sign and the zodiac sign (a shift of plus or minus one). This is a theory, but in practice we are talking about an elementary parody. It is in parody and imitation that the basis of the funny in the Jester’s worldview.

If we take professional parodists, clowns and other entertainers out of the conversation, then what should everyone else do? Whom to make laugh, how and why? Make fun and make fun of everyone and everything. A jester is someone who is allowed not to have shrines and subject everything to the purifying fire of mockery, ridicule, and parody.

Any team needs a person who is allowed to criticize a boss at any level and nothing will happen to him for it. This is precisely why jesters were kept at the royal court, so that at least someone would not fall ill with sycophancy.

ABOUT healing properties there is a lot of laughter being said. For example, this: “Humanity, laughing, parts with its past.” That is why laughter is not just entertainment, it is a whole mechanism for the collapse of frozen dogmas, political, scientific, cultural. That is why Jesters are so needed in those places (in those groups) where everything is overgrown with moss, covered with dust and covered in cobwebs.

It is clear that the Jester in such a situation is more of a satirist than a humorist, although for a satirist he lacks incriminating pathos. The jester is not a pretentious figure and mocks both his superiors and his subordinates with equal pleasure, but he can also mock himself. Irony, once again irony and no pathos.

In general, the moment of truth for the Jester is the presence or absence of a sense of humor. If it exists, it’s already a victory! It is already possible to distinguish funny from sad. Well, if you have an active sense of humor, then this is already a celebration of life and then everything will work out.

Finally, a few words about intelligence. Thanks to certain television programs, the business of laughter has come to seem like the apotheosis of cheerful stupidity. A true Jester is a brilliant intellectual, for his wit is evidence of his keen mind.


Energy barrage similar to that What the Leader creates, the Jester does not have in stock. The Jester cannot run around and pull everyone in a row, charging them with vigor and enthusiasm. He has a different virtue, a different, more subtle tuning. The jester brings with him light, joy, a genetic smile that can illuminate half the world and completely drive away the night. The most striking example here is, of course, Yuri Gagarin (Dog, Pisces), with his fantastic smile. There was no second such smile in the history of mankind.

The light modification of the Jester is perhaps even more valuable than the laughter modification, because it is practically impossible to falsify. You can play a funny joke teller by memorizing a couple of collections of jokes. But it is almost impossible to teach a person to shine with light. An energetically sincere smile is the most difficult action in the world of virtual technologies. False and forced industrial smiles of clerks different levels doesn't count.

The Jester's smile can rise so high that it seems to pierce the boundaries of what is permitted, becoming stupid. Well, this is not scary for the Jester. If you couldn't become bright, you'll be funny again.


The jester may seem like an absurd and awkward figure. Everyone is ready to throw their own stone at the Jester, everyone is ready to downplay the Jester’s abilities. Nevertheless, the Jester has an ability that is absolutely impossible to keep silent about. We are talking about the psychological insight of the Jester.

Psychologists-theorists, as a rule, fight not for a person, but for some latest fashionable doctrine. But a practical psychologist, a person who really knows how to get into the skin of another person, is always great price. So, this kind of talent is most developed in the Jester.

This is not difficult to understand. If the Jester was able to become a parodist, if he has the gift of imitation and the talent of a mockingbird, if he was able to really make fun of a person, then it means that he was able to unravel the psychology of this subject. A simple exercise: try to copy the facial expression of another person, and you will immediately understand the structure of his thoughts. This is the thing that the Jester does masterfully.

In short, as it should be, in a good fairy tale the fool turns out to be, if not the smartest, then at least the most insightful character.

As for the psychologist’s ability not only to understand a person and sympathize with him, but also to find a way out difficult situation, then the Jester’s sense of humor can provide invaluable help here, because it is known that most psychological problems arise precisely where we cannot laugh, cannot look at ourselves with humor from the outside.

Gemini-Cats are also famous artists. The brilliant graphic artist and painter of the Renaissance Albrecht Durer (“Apocalypse”, “Portrait” young man", "Four Apostles") was a keen observer and writer of everyday life. His writing is characterized by an expressive style. Dürer expressed in his canvases and etchings the “tension of the era” and his own mental turmoil. Gustav Courbet (“Cabin in the Mountains,” “Man with a Pipe”) painted pictures of provincial life and advocated realism in art. “I only draw what I see” - this is the Gemini principle.

Gemini Cats are interesting writers, obsessed with the freedom of the individual. We will point out two important names: poet, playwright, Mikhail Svetlov (author of the songs “Grenada”, “Kakhovka” and the aphorism “Friendship is a 24-hour concept”) and symbolist poet Emil Verhaeren (“Evenings”).

Music is a native thing for Gemini Rabbits; they compose songs, dramatic musical pieces and operettas with equal skill: Jacques Offenbach, Edvard Grieg (“Peer Gynt”), Aram Khachaturian (“Spartacus”, “Masquerade”). They also create electric guitars (Les Paul), conduct (Evgeny Mravinsky) and compose and sing (bard Alexander Dolsky).

Gemini-Cats also made their mark in acting. We have already talked about Depp and Myers, but there is also Dmitry Pevtsov (the series “Gangster Petersburg”), and Sergei Ivanov (“Only Old Men Go to Battle”), and Igor Dmitriev (“The Adventures of Prince Florizel”).

Among Gemini-Cats there are many interesting people: businessman David Rockefeller; chess player Anatoly Karpov; architects Frank Wright (the famous house over the waterfall) and Charles Barry (the English Parliament building). And also polar explorer Knud Rasmussen; pilot Charles Lindbergh, who made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic: animator Vyacheslav Kotenochkin (“Well, just wait!”) and boring but film director Alexander Sokurov (“Taurus”).
There are very few politicians, military leaders and athletes in this group.

Horoscope of Gemini-Cat (Rabbit) woman

Women of this astrological group are different strong character, craving for social activities and the desire to fight for one’s own and others’ rights and freedoms.

You don't have to look far for examples. Anne de Montpensier - Duchess of Orléans - leader of the Fronde, who opposed Louis XIV. Bertha von Suttner - laureate Nobel Prize peace, pacifist, writer and founder of the Society of Friends of Peace.

Maria Tenisheva - princess, philanthropist, opera singer, teacher, writer and founder of the Museum of Russian Antiquity in Smolensk. Marian Edelman is a pacifist and founder of the International Children's Fund. Susan Blow - educator, founder of the first kindergartens in the United States.

Queen Victoria of England ruled Great Britain from 1837 to 1901 and became queen at the age of 18... The marriage of convenience between Victoria and Prince Albert was a politically necessary measure and significantly strengthened her position on the throne, but it turned out to be romantic and happy.

The new status helped the 20-year-old girl to begin to boldly put her will into practice. Victoria was devoted to her family and husband, and gave birth to three children. She started political activity as a liberal, and in her mature years became a conservative. Victoria became a symbol of the era, empire and prosperity of the state, bringing Great Britain to first place in the world among developed countries.

The Queen did not shy away from reforms, maintained close relations with parliament and the government, and even recorded records with her own songs... The time of her reign is called by historians the “Victorian era.”
Other notable women include actresses Helen Hunt (“Mr. Saturday Night”), Elisabeth Shue (“Back to the Future”) and Angelina Jolie (“Playing God,” “Hackers”); singers Patti D'Arbanville, Bonn Tyler with her signature hoarse voice after ligament surgery, Melanie Brown ("Space girls") and La Toya Jackson; astronauts Sally Ride and Helen Sharman, and figure skater Elena Vodorezova.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

These bright people are noticeable in any society: they have good taste, so they look stunning. They like to attract attention to themselves, they like to spend time in noisy companies. Gemini Rabbits seem to be superficial people, although they are quite serious and thoughtful. Active Geminis do not tolerate boredom and idleness, and the sensible Rabbit tries to keep them from rash actions. The combination of these signs is inherent in people with a complex, contradictory character. External calm, even some serenity should not be misleading: Gemini-Rabbits are deep people. They may be talkative and curious, but you can rely on them: they have the talent to easily solve the most difficult problems.

Characteristics of Gemini Rabbit

Friendly Gemini Rabbits do not spare time for loved ones. They consider it their duty to help everyone in need. They are so kind and trusting that they often sacrifice themselves for unworthy people. They amazingly combine the natural softness of Rabbits and the impetuosity of Gemini. Natural activity combined with boundless kindness makes them overly sympathetic people. Although sometimes they should show greater determination and even aggressiveness. Gemini-Rabbits need communication; for the sake of pleasant company they are ready to make any sacrifice. They do not tolerate loneliness well and suffer from the inability to express their emotions. In general, these are responsible, active and caring people.

This cheerful person knows how to withstand the blows of fate and does not give in to despondency. Gemini Rabbit does not suffer from mood swings. Smart, calm, observant, so he emerges victorious from the most difficult situations. He sees no point in wasting his life on suffering and unnecessary experiences. Despite his gentleness, the Gemini Rabbit understands perfectly what his benefit is. Even with the best intentions, he will not get involved in dubious matters. Too reasonable and proud to lose. But he will always happily support an offer to have fun; he is a big fan of entertainment. True, he will not voice his thoughts about everything that is happening out loud.

The Gemini Rabbit is very lucky: fate protects him from failures and serious shocks. Excellently developed intuition helps to recognize danger in time. He cannot be called a coward, he is simply reasonable and careful. And these qualities certainly command respect. Doesn't give in to life's difficulties. Not afraid to act quickly, has enough strength to decide difficult tasks. Although he does not at all strive to fight, he feels quite comfortable in a calm, cozy environment. Likes to spend time at home, where he can completely relax. After all, Gemini-Rabbit is a vulnerable person, capable of deep experiences. He needs time to restore his mental strength.

Gemini Rabbit Compatibility

A Gemini-Rabbit in love tends to exaggerate the merits of his partner. Although he rarely makes mistakes in people, love deprives him of his natural caution and prudence. Having made his choice, he does not look for adventures on the side. Although he enjoys success with the opposite sex: he is handsome, fit, always dressed to the nines. However, he is too soft, pliable, and takes relationships seriously. He does not seek to prove his superiority, his position is: in love everyone is equal.

The calm, homely Gemini Rabbit spends time with his family with great pleasure. Although he loves communication, he completely forgets about noisy companies. There are no problems with him: he doesn’t contradict his other half, he indulges the whims of his children. He knows how to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort: any difficulties and adversities are not scary with him. However, you should not perceive him as a spineless person, he just loves his family. If necessary, he will find a way to reason with the guilty.

Gemini Rabbit Career

The friendly Gemini-Rabbit feels comfortable in any team. Easy to find common language with colleagues, does not get lost among a large crowd of people. Doesn't feel nervous if he has to communicate with his superiors. Feels confident in the most critical situation. Has outstanding analytical skills and professional tenacity. He is quite capable of calculating his actions several steps ahead, so he does not get into awkward situations.

Gemini-Rabbit is an excellent leader, capable of organizing the work of a large team. He is always open to communication and willingly listens to the opinions of his employees. Fair, honest, will not shift responsibility to others. Gemini-Rabbit not only admits his mistakes, but also tries to correct them. He has no equal in oratory and is able to win anyone over to his side. Free to choose a profession, the main thing is that the work should be interesting.

The Gemini-Rabbit man is an attractive personality and has soft, courteous manners. He knows how to look after him beautifully; women cannot resist such a gallant gentleman. But he does not waste his time on frivolous affairs; he is an exemplary family man. Despite his sociability, he loves to spend time at home and touchingly takes care of his wife and children. For all their sensitivity, Gemini-Rabbit is a pragmatist: he thinks logically, does not take feelings and emotions into account. Thanks to natural intuition and insight, he quickly moves up the career ladder. She chooses work that involves communicating with people and is fluent in oral communication. In the manager's chair he looks simply excellent, although in the role of a subordinate he has a reputation as an excellent specialist.

The soft, gentle Gemini-Rabbit woman gives a feeling of calm and comfort to all close people. You can chat with her about everything in the world, but she doesn’t just participate in the conversation, but really tries to help in a difficult situation. True, she herself needs support, she takes everything that happens around her too close to her heart, and constantly doubts the correctness of her actions. Strives for a quiet life, but often gets involved in dubious matters, mainly due to the desire to help others. IN love relationships Submits to his partner in everything, relies on his honesty and decency. She idealizes her chosen one too much, so she is haunted by disappointments. She should be more confident and ambitious both in her personal life and in her professional activities.

We are talking about the most resourceful of the Cats, the most practical and smart. All Cats born under the sign of Gemini have a balanced, calm character, while such Cats are very active and really look at the world around them.

Horoscope for the sign Gemini, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

In this combination of signs, Cat and Gemini cooperate favorably with each other. The cat adds responsibility to Gemini, and Gemini adds courage and determination to the cat. The Gemini cat will think carefully before taking any step. Such a person is outwardly calm, but has a subtle mental organization, has well-developed intuition and strong logic.

The Gemini cat is responsive and trusting. But he doesn’t let absolutely any person get close to him. He is an intellectual and conscientious. But do not forget that having such qualities, the Gemini Cat is prudent and pursues its own benefit in every matter. Able to communicate and work with information. Whatever the Gemini Cat undertakes, in every matter he trusts his own instinct, a well-developed sixth sense. It happens that such a person approaches work with an air of eternal doom, but this is feigned.
The Gemini Rabbit works easily and with pleasure.

In love relationships, they behave like ideal partners. They are fun, interesting and at the same time, they are reliable and loyal people. The representative of this sign is peace-loving and knows how to avoid conflicts. Such a person strives for a serious relationship and wants to start a family.

Gemini cat man

Such a man is sociable and friendly. He easily finds a common language with people, especially with those who can be useful to him. For a more productive work, the Gemini Cat man needs an atmosphere of cooperation and friendship in the team.

In a Cat-Gemini love relationship, a man in his youth is prone to adventure. But with age, and quite quickly, this passion passes and the desire for stability and constancy remains. Such a man prefers to start a family early; he values ​​coziness and comfort in his personal life.

Gemini cat woman

Such a woman is impressionable, fickle, spontaneous. Today she strives for comfort and tranquility, tomorrow the Gemini Cat woman is in a hurry to break out of the atmosphere of comfort that she has created for herself. It is very difficult to understand and predict. Such a woman can be active, purposeful, or, on the contrary, she cannot overcome laziness, sadness and despondency. This character trait greatly complicates the life of the Gemini Cat woman herself. It is worth learning to clearly understand what is important and what is not.
And you need to try to control your desires and emotions.

Character of the Rabbit "Cat" - Gemini woman: These are emotional natures, whose lives are completely subordinated to feelings. They can achieve good results in their career if they choose this particular area for their development. They will develop spiritually throughout their lives, as their quests and ideals will require more and more new knowledge. They are self-critical, which often hinders them, but it is often simply impossible to change this trait given from birth.

These are strong, smart and purposeful people. They can achieve any goals they set if they distribute their energy correctly. If the energy given to them from above is used for good, they will be able to receive many benefits in return. At the same time, they are hypersensitive and can be offended by an innocent joke. Often, due to psychological grievances, they retreat into their inner world, from which it can be quite difficult to get them out.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Gemini in love and relationships: They have difficulty choosing a partner, since the desire to idealize everything around them also extends to their soulmate. As a result, they often reject the best candidates for their attention. And even after starting a relationship, they can quickly become disappointed and withdraw into themselves. In this case, a breakup is inevitable, since they will not be able to continue the relationship. The search for an ideal often accompanies them throughout their lives.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Gemini in finance and career: They find it difficult to make decisions due to their sensitivity, so they are often left behind in getting good positions. They can make a career, but at such an emotional cost that it leads to exhaustion. Financial well-being It may not be such an important aspect for them that they completely refuse to change their existing financial situation.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Gemini in family and marriage: Family relationships It's quite a difficult burden for them. Being malleable, they often find themselves in marriages that cause them difficulties. At the same time, they will be patient with their partner, trying to get the opportunity to immerse themselves in their own world as often as possible. Avoiding problems family life, inability to make decisions can cause a breakup, but for some partners such soul mates are suitable in all respects.

Advice to the Rabbit “Cat” – Gemini woman: To become happy, they need to become more ambitious. It is also worth facing problems, rather than inventing fantastic ways to solve them. Outer world- this is not a trap, so you just need to make friends with him and find common ground. Openness will be the most faithful and simple recipe to achieve your goals. In relationships, you need to become a little more generous and not focus only on your problems.

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