Tick ​​bites in humans. The first symptoms after a tick bite in a person Tick-borne relapsing fever

Symptoms of infection transmitted by a tick may subside before the first symptoms appear. different quantities time - from one day to several weeks. This depends on the type of disease and many factors, such as immunity, age, duration of tick suction, etc.

These arachnids can be large enough or so small that they are almost impossible to see. There are approximately 850 various types ticks. Most of their bites are not harmful, but sometimes they can cause moderate to severe illness.

Subsequently, cardiac and/or cardiac dysfunction may occur. nervous system, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver damage and even death.


The male drinks blood and falls off after about an hour. For a female, this process can take more than a week.

The first symptoms of major diseases transmitted by ticks usually resemble the flu

You should monitor for symptoms for several weeks after the bite. These include sore muscles or joints, a stiff neck, headache, weakness, fever, swollen lymph nodes and other flu-like symptoms, and a red spot or rash starting at the site of the bite.

Here are some symptoms of bites, which vary depending on the type of tick:

  • Stopping breathing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Blisters
  • Rashes
  • Severe pain in the area lasts several weeks (from some types of mites)
  • Swelling at the site of the bite (from some types of ticks)
  • Weakness
  • Impaired coordination of movements.

If a person is bitten by an infected tick, the incubation period (the time between infection and the onset of symptoms) is about 5-7 days. Symptoms may vary depending on the condition of the body. Age and underlying health conditions may influence the severity of the infection.

Typical features may include a black spot at the site of the bite, fever, severe headache and rash. Black spot is a scab and looks like a small ulcer (2-5 mm in diameter) with a black center. They can be single or multiple and are sometimes very difficult to find. Usually appears after the onset of headache and general malaise. Lymph nodes in this area may be enlarged.

A rash is usually, but not always, a sign of an infected tick bite, but is rare. Appears as small red patches of skin, sometimes slightly raised, that begin on the extremities and spread to the torso, and can occur throughout the body, including the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis)

“Classic” migratory erythema rash with tick-borne borreliosis

Symptoms of early localized Lyme disease (stage 1) may appear a few days to a few weeks after infection. These are similar to flu symptoms and may include:

  • Fever and chills
  • General poor health
  • Headache
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Neck stiffness (stiff neck).

You may also see a bull's eye rash, a flat or slightly raised red spot at the site of the bite. It can be large and increase in size. This rash is called erythema migrans. Without treatment, it can last 4 weeks or longer.

Symptoms may come and go. Without treatment, the bacteria can spread to the brain, heart and joints.

Symptoms of early widespread Lyme disease (stage 2) may occur several weeks to several months after the bite and may include:

  • Numbness or pain in the nerve area
  • Paralysis or weakness of facial muscles
  • Problems with your heart, such as fast heartbeat, chest pain, or shortness of breath.

Symptoms of late disseminated Lyme disease (stage 3) may occur months or years after infection. The most common among them are muscle and joint pain. Other symptoms may include:

  • Abnormal muscle movement
  • Joint tumor
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Speech problems
  • Cognitive problems.

Tick-borne encephalitis

Most people who are infected show no symptoms at all—this is called the asymptomatic form. In other cases, the incubation period lasts from 4 to 28 days. Symptoms usually appear faster (within 3-4 days) if the disease is contracted through drinking milk or dairy products rather than through a bite.

They often appear in 2 stages.

In the first stage, symptoms are similar to the flu and usually last from 1 to 8 days, including:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomit.

In the second stage, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is affected. Symptoms may include:

  • Encephalitis (cerebral swelling)
  • Confusion
  • Paralysis (inability to move)
  • Meningitis (swelling of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord)
  • Myelitis (swelling of the spinal cord).

The severity of the disease may increase with age.

In more severe cases, complications during the second phase can cause long-term damage to the brain, spine, or nerves, which can lead to:

  • Memory loss
  • Hearing loss
  • Loss of coordination
  • Death (in some cases).

In summer, ticks become more active. You can catch them anywhere, since they live on trees, bushes, and grass. They adapt to different conditions environment, surviving even in the unfavorable arctic climate.

Ticks feed on blood and for a long time they can do without it. They need it to lay eggs. It takes 2 years to develop. Under warm climates, this cycle is shortened, and under unfavorable conditions it increases.

The unpaired outgrowth of the hypostome, which acts as a sucker, helps the tick to gain a foothold on the skin. It is easier for it to attach to the following areas: neck, stomach, groin, lower back, chest, ears, since the skin in these places is very thin. It is easy for a tick to get caught in the area where hair grows: on the head, armpits.

What is dangerous about a tick bite for humans is that it is difficult to detect. It often happens that a person notices a problem when the tick has already fallen off.

After a bite, the area of ​​skin begins to become inflamed and red. Allergies may occur, but this does not cause pain. The tick is not able to bite through clothing; it needs to get to open area on the skin. They need to immerse both their proboscis and their head.

With borreliosis, the bite is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. In appearance, it resembles a round spot, its diameter reaches 10–20 cm. Sometimes it increases, reaching up to 60 cm. Over time, it is surrounded by a red border. In the center it takes on a blue or white tint. The bite site begins to resemble a donut; a crust with scars forms on the skin, which disappear after 2 weeks.

After detecting a bite mark, it is necessary to determine at what stage of development the tick is. The adult form is called an imago. It differs in that it has 4 pairs of legs. The female feeds on blood longer than the male and can remain on the body for several days. A few hours are enough for the male to be satisfied. A larva called a nymph can also attach itself to the skin. The larva has 3 pairs of legs.

If a tick is found on the skin, it should be pulled out immediately. Doctors advise not to kill it, but to put it in a jar, which is sent for analysis to identify the pathogen. Since the tick takes a short time to attach itself, timely detection allows you to avoid infection. If the tick does bite through the skin, the patient should be observed by a doctor for 30 days.

The incubation period after this may last for 2 months. The rate at which symptoms manifest is influenced by the blood-brain barrier. If it is weak, signs of the disease are detected earlier.

During the incubation period, the disease can be detected using antibody tests and PCR. The first method shows when the infection passed, and the second helps to identify the specific pathogen.

Symptoms of infection

These symptoms are more often found in children, the elderly, patients with a tendency to allergies, and patients with immunodeficiencies. At first the symptoms are mild, but gradually intensify.

The disease develops slowly. The victim’s temperature rises, the heartbeat quickens, the lymph nodes become inflamed, and a rash is noticeable on the skin. The discomfort is intensified by severe itching.

How long it takes for symptoms to appear after a tick bite will depend on individual characteristics. The rash is an allergy to substances present in the saliva of the arthropod. First, the bite site and the surrounding area begins to turn red. Then a burning sensation begins and the affected area swells. After this, rashes or compactions appear.

Tick-borne encephalitis can be contracted not only through a bite. The pathogen can settle on the animal’s body and infect it. In this case, a person becomes infected when drinking milk. The virus first attacks internal organs and then spreads to the brain.

Tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis are treated at home if the disease is at an early stage, otherwise urgent hospitalization is necessary. The patient is prescribed intramuscular injections and droppers. If the nervous system is damaged, the patient is hospitalized.

Acarodermatitis is an allergy to substances secreted by arthropods while sucking on the skin. This reaction is manifested by inflammation and severe itching, then asymmetrical rashes appear. The patient may have minor hemorrhages. Most often, the pathology affects the arms and legs.

Signs of akarodermatitis are detected several hours after infection. To cure a disease, you must adhere to good hygiene. The patient is prescribed special ointments, which are applied after hygiene procedures. If the disease is started, staphylococcus develops. Other tick-borne infections may appear later. Acarodermatitis has the most favorable prognosis and is the easiest to treat.

After a bite, ehrlichiosis can develop. The disease is caused by a bacterium carried by a tick. Its symptoms, like those of encephalitis, resemble a cold. The patient develops chills, headache, muscle and joint pain. The patient is constantly tired.

Prevention against ticks in humans

Preventative measures aimed at preventing bites include treating the skin with special insect repellent products. They are recommended to be applied before outdoor recreation or visiting the forest. Upon returning home, you need to carefully examine the body, paying special attention to the areas in which the tick attaches itself most often.

To avoid infection, vaccination is recommended. The vaccine is administered three times: in November, a month later, and the last dose after another 3 months. It is important that the last dose is administered at least 14 days before the tick is active. If the patient is infected, administration of immunoglobulin is indicated.

Pathogens carried by ticks can be divided into two types: bacteria and insect eggs. Both forms are dangerous, but bacterial infections easier to cure. The settlement under the skin of larvae, the carrier of which is a tick, is much more dangerous, and even fatal for children.

It is necessary to pay enough attention to the prevention of infections that can be contracted from an insect bite. It is recommended to use repellents, and outdoor enthusiasts should be vaccinated annually. The main thing is not to ignore the symptoms that appear after the bite. The danger is that they periodically disappear, leaving a false impression of recovery.

Everyone knows that ticks can be encephalitic, but not everyone understands what this means. And few people know that they also carry other diseases. We tell you what symptoms of diseases can appear after a tick bite.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Every year, barely peeks out spring sun, we gather a large group and go into nature to enjoy a delicious barbecue. And immediately insects wake up and are impatiently waiting for us there. We are accustomed to mosquito bites, especially if we take mosquito spray with us, but tick bites can lead to serious consequences.

Tick ​​season usually begins in early April, but recent years Victims receive their first bites in March. It lasts until September-October, so even in summer we must not forget about these little pests. Why are ticks so dangerous, what diseases do they carry? Read on to learn about the symptoms a person may experience after a tick bite.

Tick ​​bite: symptoms in humans

IN Experts in Europe know 15 diseases, and 7 of they are dangerous for people. These are Lyme disease (borreliosis), tick-borne encephalitis, ehrlichiosis, tick-borne relapsing fever, tularemia, babesiosis, spotted fever. The first 4 are the most common. These diseases appear after a tick bite, but main danger in that some of they are asymptomatic.

Doctors never tire of reminding you that after a tick bite you should immediately go to the hospital and take the tick for examination. Most people neglect this rule - they remove the tick and immediately forget about it. This cannot be done, and so that you do not become one of them, we will tell you what diseases these insects carry and what are the first symptoms of infection.


In 1975, in Lyme, Connecticut, many cases of rheumatoid arthritis were reported in children and adults after exposure to ticks. After conducting research, scientists were able to establish the cause of the disease - bacteria of the genus Borrelia.

The first signs of borreliosis appear after 7-14 days after a tick bite.Main symptoms:

  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • at the site of the bite there is a bluish-red ring, its diameter gradually increasing.

Bacteria affect literally all systems - nervous, circulatory, digestive, musculoskeletal. The disease penetrates all organs and tissues, and if at first the symptoms resemble ordinary poisoning, then by the 4th week they will develop into speech and memory impairment, facial paralysis, arrhythmia and dizziness.

Please note that there is no vaccine to prevent borreliosis. The best prevention is to protect yourself from being bitten.


Bacteria of the genus Ehrlichia enter the human blood through tick saliva. The first signs appear after 7-20 days after the bite.The disease manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • general weakness;
  • at the site of the bite there is a watery blister (vesicle), which later turns into an ulcer and becomes covered with a crust.

Ehrlichiosis can be asymptomatic, especially in adults.


The Babesiidae bacteria that cause this disease attack red blood cells. Symptoms:

  • dark color of urine;
  • constipation and diarrhea (alternating);
  • elevated temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • yellowness of the mucous membranes.

The disease may be asymptomatic, in which case it can only be detected after a blood test. It is also known how long after contact with a tick signs may appear: 7-15 days.

Tick-borne relapsing fever

A very serious disease, the symptoms of which appear almost instantly:

  • high temperature, up to 40C;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

Pay attention to what the bite looks like: it turns into a small papule, and later a rash appears all over the body.

Spotted fever

This disease manifests itself quite quickly - after 1-2 days after being bitten by an infected tick. From the symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • blood from the nose;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disturbances, temporary loss of consciousness.

After a few more days, you can notice hemorrhages on the mucous membrane, rashes appear on the skin, giving way to reddish nodules.


This is another one dangerous disease, which is transmitted through a tick bite. Among the first symptoms that can be detected at home:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • intoxication.

Treatment of the above diseases should begin immediately. Diseases can develop into a chronic form and even lead to death or disability. Moreover, after one bite you can catch several diseases from a tick at once!

When returning from the street, be sure to inspect your entire body for bites. Most often, ticks can be found on the head or leg - these are the areas of the skin that remain less protected.

As you can see, we talked about all the diseases, but we kept silent about one. Tick-borne encephalitis is a very serious disease and, unfortunately, the most common, so we will tell you more about it.

Symptoms of an encephalitis tick bite in humans

To begin with, we note that the word “encephalitic” does not refer to the tick belonging to a specific species: it means that it is infected with the encephalitis virus. What kind of disease is this?

Viral encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain, accompanied by damage to the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. If treatment is not started in time, the disease begins to progress: a person’s speech and memory fail, intellectual abilities decrease, personality degradation/change occurs, paralysis and death are possible.

By appearance It is impossible to determine whether an insect is infected or not, and that is why doctors ask you to bring the ticks from which you have suffered for analysis in order to eliminate the risk of disease.

Remember: after a tick bite, you need to see a doctor immediately. There are risks of contracting encephalitis if you feel unwell in the first few days, namely:

  • your body temperature is elevated to 39-40 C, chills;
  • the bite site is red and very painful;
  • you have difficulty looking at the light;
  • a rash appeared on the body;
  • there is nausea and vomiting;
  • you experience headache and weakness, aching muscles and joints.

With viral encephalitis, symptoms may subside within a few days, so it can easily be confused with a common cold. But after some time they repeat, and there can be about 10 such waves.

Symptoms may appear after 2 days or after 3 weeks. Sometimes the disease manifests itself asymptomatically, and this makes encephalitis even more dangerous, because the more the disease progresses, the more difficult it is to cure it.

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw a specific conclusion: after a tick bite, you should immediately consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of disease. When you remove a tick, try to do it as carefully as possible so that it remains alive. Then put it in a small jar and run to the laboratory! There you will need to donate blood.

But it's best to avoid tick bites. When going outdoors, wear closed shoes and long sleeves. Cover your neck, armpits, head, and tuck your pants into your socks. Girls must braid their hair and hide it under a hat or headscarf. Don't forget about special means from insects.

Remember that ticks mostly live in bushes and dead wood, so don’t climb there unless necessary. As soon as you get home, inspect all your things and shake them thoroughly. This is the only way to protect yourself from the dangerous diseases these insects carry!

Main photo: pixabay.com

Ticks are arachnid-like small predators that hunt in warm time year. They attack people and animals in the spring and first half of summer. This usually happens in a forest or park area. Symptoms after a tick bite in a person can manifest themselves in different ways, it all depends on the insect: whether it is infectious or not.


Many people mistakenly think that dangerous insects fall on them from trees. But that's not true. Ticks live in the soil. When it gets warm, they climb to the surface and rise to the top of the grass or bushes - no higher than 1.5 meters from the ground. Sitting on a branch, they lie in wait for their prey. A person who passes by touches a plant with his limbs or clothes - the insect safely migrates to his body. It is easier for insects to attack children and animals, since they are significantly shorter. On such small individuals, ticks can fall from above, spreading their legs wide. But insects cannot fly and jump like fleas.

Symptoms after a tick bite do not appear immediately in a person: he will walk for a long time, enjoying the good weather, until he notices the problem. Ticks are most active at a temperature of +20 °C; the ideal humidity for them is 90%. They like to attack in April-May, September-October, more often in cloudy weather, but during the heat they are inactive and lazy.

Bite site

Insects love to “settle” in folded areas of the skin - in the neck, head, armpits, navel, and groin area. Before they bite, they can crawl around the body for an hour, looking for a secluded place. Having found it, the insect pierces the skin with its thin proboscis with teeth, finds the capillary and sticks to it. The male, having absorbed some blood, disappears. But the female can remain attached to your body for 10 days: when saturated, she greatly increases in size.

If you are allergic to insect saliva, the first symptoms after a tick bite in a person will be: severe headache, fever, red rash, swelling, muscle weakness and numbness of the limbs. It is difficult for the bitten person to walk, and even with little physical activity he experiences painful shortness of breath. A person does not want to eat, constantly feels tired, exhausted, and experiences lethargy and drowsiness. In severe cases, paralysis occurs. If the insect falls off on its own, you may feel a burning and itching sensation at the site of the bite, which goes away within a week. Sometimes severe local pain is observed - often from the bites of certain types of so-called soft ticks.

Symptoms of borreliosis

Ticks can sometimes transmit Lyme disease. The disease is also called borreliosis. Its incubation period ranges from one to two weeks, after which the disease quickly and acutely begins to manifest itself. Symptoms of borreliosis after a tick bite in a person are: chills, high fever, severe intoxication, nausea, vomiting, swollen lymph nodes. A typical manifestation of Lyme disease is neck and muscle stiffness.

A ring-shaped redness forms at the site of the bite. This is the so-called migratory erythema, which rapidly grows in all directions from the epicenter. Its edges have a clearer contour and brighter color; they rise slightly and rise above the paler and depressed center. In this area of ​​the body, a person feels itching and slight pain. He may develop other skin rashes, as well as conjunctivitis. Sometimes the patient exhibits signs of incipient meningitis.

Main stages of the disease

Symptoms of borreliosis change. The only constant sign of the disease is erythema. If the first stage of the disease is characterized by all of the above manifestations in the form of chills, fever, muscle spasms and increased intoxication, then in the second they worsen and lead to irreversible consequences. After 30 days initial stage the next phase of the disease begins: patients develop meningitis or encephalitis, stiff neck muscles, photophobia, memory impairment, insomnia, weakness, and emotional instability are observed. The facial nerve is often affected, which leads to facial asymmetry, hearing loss and increased tearing.

Symptoms after a tick bite in humans include damage to peripheral nerves. Children may experience severe complications in the functioning of the central nervous system. The causative agent of borreliosis spreads throughout the body and attacks not only the brain and nerves, but also the heart muscle. The patient may feel severe shortness of breath, chest pain, and constant arrhythmia. He is often diagnosed with pericarditis or myocarditis.

Signs of an encephalitis tick bite

The insect that carries this disease is no less dangerous. Symptoms after an encephalitis tick bite in humans develop in two stages. The first signs can usually be noticed within a week after the incident. The person complains of fatigue, severe headaches, fever and muscle pain. He may be too irritable, even aggressive. Or vice versa, lethargic, inactive, indifferent to everything that happens.

This state lasts about 10 days, after which the second phase begins. The disease progresses only in a third of cases; in other people, the immune system independently neutralizes the pathogen that has entered the body, and they are completely restored. Those who are unlucky face other, more dangerous consequences of the bite and associated complications and problems. Typically, the patient experiences a malfunction of the central nervous system and develops diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis.

Symptoms of encephalitis

If the tick does not fall off, you need to carefully remove it and take it to the laboratory. There it will be checked for possible presence deadly viruses. These measures are very important, since after infection, within 72 hours, doctors will have time to administer the so-called serum against the disease - immunoglobulin. If the patient does not apply in time, he begins to develop symptoms of encephalitis. After being bitten by a tick that carries this disease, a person's temperature quickly rises, he complains of nausea and vomiting, and a severe headache. In some cases, he loses the ability to express his thoughts, his limbs are shaken by spasms, and disturbances in his mental state can be noticed.

Symptoms of encephalitis in humans after a tick bite can be quite unusual. Scientists have recently discovered that these patients sometimes have temporary allergies to red meat and dairy products. After conducting more than one study, they discovered: someone infected with encephalitis can safely eat any bird, but as soon as he touches beef or pork, his body immediately breaks out in hives and severe swelling develops. Allergic reaction becomes a consequence of the antigen, which enters the body along with the insect’s saliva.

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