How to enter a university from the army. Free places in universities will be allocated for those who have served in the army

In 2019, when applying to universities, you need to take into account the new admission rules, and guys need to learn more about entering a university after the army. The new conditions involve the admission of conscripts to the preparatory department or to a previously chosen specialty. The main requirement is that the choice be made within the quota allocated by the state.

Changes in legislation are aimed at increasing the prestige of the army. But the decision to provide benefits to the soldier will be made directly at the educational institution of his choice. The soldier's preferential right is not the only benefit. Current legislation determines the conditions for implementation various forms his right to higher education. A soldier is allowed to write a statement directly at his military unit.

Preferential conditions for applicants after the army

To enroll, a conscript soldier will need to pass the Unified State Exam and submit an application to the chosen university. Unified State Exam results are valid for 2 years. Therefore, school graduates should take the Unified State Exam after receiving a certificate, since the results are used for admission to the country’s university after military service.

Note! Previously entering college after the army in educational institution it was easier for a conscript soldier who served during preparatory courses. Since 2014, benefits can be provided within the state quota.

The allocation of quotas should be carried out in all higher educational institutions of the country, but most of them are in military universities. The quota involves providing a place to a conscript soldier if he scores the same number of points as an applicant without benefits. The quota size is 5% of the total number of budget places.

Features of entering a conscript soldier

It is a proven fact that soldiers are not always welcome guests in the country's universities. The main problem is the lack of sufficient knowledge, which is due to forgetting the school curriculum during service.

A conscript soldier has the right to apply for study at several universities at once, but benefits will apply to one of them. Admission to other universities occurs on the same basis as other applicants. At the same time, benefits for conscripts are provided for enrollment at the university and during the preparation period.

In accordance with the conditions for providing benefits for receiving budget place for a conscript soldier, he must provide recommendations from the unit where he served. Obtaining the document is permitted at the military registration and enlistment office. Without a recommendation, a soldier is deprived of the right to preferential admission to universities.

The document does not have legal force, therefore the issuance procedure is not determined by current legislation. This is one of the reasons why universities refuse to accept conscripts for study under a preferential program.

Note! Using the results of your own Unified State Exam, which was taken the year before last, is also a benefit. They can only be used once for admission to the university.

To receive benefits for providing a budget-funded place, a conscript soldier must collect a package of documents, the list of which is determined by the university of his choice. You should also prepare and attach to them:

  • military ID;
  • recommendations received from a military unit or military registration and enlistment office.

Conscripts who served in the army and submitted documents to the preparatory department of the university received the right to receive a budget-funded place. This condition is determined by current legislation. Conscripts and contract soldiers have the right to use it if their service experience exceeds 3 years and recommendations have been received.

To make entering a university after the army easier, it is advisable for a conscript soldier to take preparatory courses at the chosen educational institution. This will allow you to remember the school program and get a better chance of getting a budget place. The duration of the courses may vary: 3-6 months. Also, much will depend on where the military unit is located and the possibility of obtaining permission from the commander.

The easiest way for conscript soldiers is to enroll in a military university. For admission, you will need a reference and referral received from the commander of the military unit in which you served. Also prerequisite There will be training camps (25 days) and exams. It is acceptable to receive a mark of “3”.

Do not forget that benefits for admission after military service are provided to all conscript soldiers. Only the most persistent and purposeful of them will receive a diploma. Don't just rely on benefits! Careful preparation - a chance to get higher education for free.

It’s good for those who managed to enroll in a university or college before reaching adulthood. Then the military registration and enlistment office will have to wait, because the student has.

But what about those who do not fit into any of these circumstances and must pay their debt to the state? They have only one choice: to serve in the army.

Let's figure out what happens to those who have passed this life test, and what life prospects they face.

How do you get drafted into the army?

Only the military registration and enlistment office knows when you will get there. Often a young person can fit into his boots long before graduating from university. But most often the plot unfolds according to one of three scenarios:

  1. Upon reaching adulthood immediately after graduating from school. Sometimes young men are taken away even before they know their Unified State Exam results.
  2. Immediately after receiving a university diploma. The university provides a unique opportunity in the form of a deferment from the army for the period of study, which Suz cannot boast of.
  3. While studying at university. This happens if the student has already taken . They can also enlist in the army directly from an educational institution when a student was expelled from one institute, but then he /re-enrolled/ in another.

Particularly resourceful students know how to avoid joining the army after college. To do this you will have to conduct educational activities up to the age of 27. That is, after receiving a diploma, enroll in a master's program, then continue their studies in graduate school and then on an academic path.

However, in universities there is such a thing as a military department. Along with the main university classes, you seem to attend military-themed classes, take tests and standards, but for this you are not accepted into the army (yet!). At the same time, additional stars are added to your “karma”, which make you a rank higher than other newcomers, if you are eventually recruited into service.

Where can you go after the army: work, study, join the army

Military service after higher education will even be useful for many. After all, after receiving the coveted diploma, the graduate will have time to think a little about whether he wants to follow the chosen path or is it better to turn somewhere else. And a bunch of randomly acquired knowledge will be a little organized in your head. That’s why there are a lot of options when it comes to where you can go after the army with a higher education.

Another thing is choice. life path after military service with basic school education. This is where the worst thing begins, because young people will have to choose a further direction in life, in which they are unlikely to have such a successful and legitimate opportunity to take a break:

  • where is it better to go to work after the army;
  • where can you go after the army;
  • Is it possible to stay in the army forever?

Others are determined by the choice of profession in the service. In this case, it is much easier for them to understand who to study after the army. For example, many conscript cadets acquire knowledge and skills of future fields of activity: signalman, radio electrician, driver.

AND most of demobilization understands that he will no longer be able to live without the army upon returning home. Therefore, they are trying to connect their future with the same military theme. In this case, many are welcome with open arms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies. There is also always the opportunity to continue to serve under a contract - this is to do everything that they usually did in the army, only to still receive money for it and have the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

Work after the army: the most popular options

So, if you decide that studying after the army can wait, and it’s best for you to go to work, then it’s time to decide on the type of activity.

We bring to your attention the most common and reasonable advice on where and with whom you can go to work after the army without education.

The army as a job after the army

“The army after the army is a mockery!” - you say. But if you think about it, you can find many advantages in this scenario. And this is especially suitable for those who, after completing their service, have not yet come to a common decision about what to do and where they can enroll (boy or girl) after the army with or without the Unified State Exam.

So, here are a few advantages to continuing in the military under contract before or after higher education:

  • a high probability of continuing to serve in the same unit to which you were drafted;
  • decent wages;
  • provision of housing and, most often, food;
  • provision of special benefits upon retirement;
  • upon reaching retirement - provision of housing in any corner of Russia, which can become your property.

There are also some disadvantages here. In addition to the fact that soldiers must be prepared to be sent to hot spots, which happens quite rarely, they often have to intervene in resolving local acute conflicts. Another disadvantage is frequent moving from place to place, service away from home. But often only those who have managed to start a family suffer from this. Single young people are more mobile and see romance in this. After all, they have a unique opportunity to see all the beauties of their native country for free.

Shift work

This is another job option after the army without education for those who have just served. It is almost the same as contract service. The only difference is that young people are most often sent to areas with difficult climatic conditions.

For example, if you were sent north to build the BAM, you can be sure of receiving a preferential pension, which, of course, is a huge plus.

True, high wages contrasted with rare visits with family. And if you ever acquire one, then it is better to start looking for another job option, since only very few are able to withstand such conditions.

Private Unitary Enterprise/Individual Entrepreneur

If you have start-up capital and an idea where to use it, you can start working for yourself and not worry about where to go after the army without education.

Owning your own company is an excellent opportunity to work for yourself, develop in a highly specialized field that is interesting from all points of view and brings profit.

True, many still lack certain knowledge and skills (for example, the basics accounting) to start your own business. Therefore, do not discount information about whether after the army it is possible to enroll on a budget and go to college.

Maintenance Master

If before the army you had some talent in the domestic sphere, it is quite possible to put it into practice upon returning from service.

Without higher education you can repair household appliances, reinstall programs on PCs and smartphones, set up equipment.

Despite the fact that this type of activity can be done without a higher education degree, it is unlikely to make you a millionaire. To earn a decent living, you will have to work for many years to develop a decent client base and improve your knowledge.

Pay attention to whether the social services in your region offer any vocational courses as free training after the army.

University as a job

Don’t be surprised, but studying at a university after the army can be perceived as the main type of income!

If you have already received a university diploma, you can continue your studies after military service, first in a master's program, and then in graduate school.

Scientific activity as a continuation of education is paid. So this is a good option.

Where can you go after the army with minimal preparation?

It doesn't always make sense to continue studying after the army. But most often it is. Especially if you didn't finish what you started.

Another thing is to think optimal place and form of training. So where to go after serving in the army if you are not a luminary in the field of science and do not want to strain your brain too much?

The optimal solution is to enroll in a military institute/university/college/university after the army. It will be much easier for a girl or guy after military service to do this (even on a budget) than for an ordinary civilian applicant.

Also, those who have completed their military service will be welcome in such structures as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the FSB. Those who are suited to the soldier's life under the regime or those who have certain prospects in these areas go there.

Before you go and enter the FSB academy, riot police unit, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs or a military school after the army, you need to understand why they are so happy about young people after the army. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Full focus on service. Young people in civilian life spend a lot of effort on resolving the issue of... Those who have already served breathe freely and are completely focused on gaining the experience and knowledge that the educational institution offers them.
  2. Proper level of physical fitness. Many applicants fail the physical endurance test when entering the above-mentioned law enforcement agencies. It will not be difficult for former servicemen to pass any standards, because if they managed to pass the physical. training in the army, nothing will scare you anymore. With it you can go to security guards, police officers, Emergency Situations Ministry, collectors, and so on.
  3. Moral readiness. They meet in civilian life different types people and characters. People who went through army school learned many lessons for themselves. They developed such important qualities as discipline, responsibility, strict control of behavior and actions, and resourcefulness. These qualities are excellent assistants and necessary traits of any leader.

After serving in the army and studying at one of these higher institutions, the graduate will receive another gift. If he goes to work further along the chosen path, he will be assigned a higher military rank(may differ in different structures).

How to get a higher education after the army: admission features

Many people believe that they can choose any type of training after military service, since those who have served do not have to pass any exams.

We hasten to disappoint you: you will not be able to enroll and study after the army without the Unified State Exam, no matter what university you decide to enroll in. Therefore, study well at school in order to successfully pass the unified exam and secure a place at the university when you return.

But there is also good news for those who have given their debt to the Motherland. The Ministry of Education has adopted a decree that the results of the Unified State Examination and the General Examination will be valid for two years. So if you were taken right after school, barely allowed to write a unified exam, you will have another whole year after serving in the army to choose where to go to study and use the certificate.

Former soldiers have a much greater choice of places to go without education and where to study. For example, they will be happy to be accepted into a police school, the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or a military college due to their excellent physical fitness and discipline skills.

During service, young people do not have the opportunity to repeat previously acquired knowledge. Therefore, before deciding where to enroll after military service, it is recommended to take a 3-6 month preparatory course. They will increase your chances of admission.

If you have a good relationship with the unit commander, you can try to agree with him to start training while still in service

Obtaining higher education after the army: are there any benefits?

The state provides certain. But those who have just returned from the army do not have to count on special help, although some vague wording is indicated in the Federal Law.

The only thing a student who has served can hope for is an advantage in admission, all other things being equal. That is, if you wrote the Unified State Examination with 90 points and the same number was written by an applicant who failed or was declared unfit, then preference will be given to you. Weak, but at least some consolation...

There is another point. When applying to the military registration and enlistment office, the university that the student has chosen must accept him on preferential terms.

The only case when a student can go to study after the army without the Unified State Exam is if at the time of his service he has an incomplete or complete higher education from a military university.

Military service: BEFORE or AFTER university?

Often the conscription company does not give us the opportunity to decide where and when to go to study. One fine day, strangers simply take you far from home, force you to do something that you would never do yourself, and in general a lot of things happen that you would not want.

But if suddenly the military registration and enlistment office gives you such a choice, great! Then you are faced with a task that will not be easy to solve.

Since 2011, school graduates have had a unique opportunity. They were given a short deferment while they were entering universities. Now everyone has the opportunity to try to enroll first. If you fail this chance, you will have to say goodbye to the higher education institution until you return from military service.

But there are those who deliberately refuse to use this gift. Some young people believe that it is better to “shoot back” immediately upon returning to next year a free person and calmly try to act. Such daredevils will command respect not only from fellow students, but also from teachers, who often scare their students with expulsion and blackmail them with premature military service.

Another plus in favor of this decision is quick and unhindered employment after graduation. You don't have to lose the knowledge, skills and self-confidence you've acquired to get the job you want.

However, the most popular solution is still “study first, then everything else.” Having entered the university, young people are trying with all their might to find ways to get away from military service (“opt out”, study at a military department, even start a family).

Well, if you have firmly decided that you will go to serve immediately after receiving your diploma, rest assured: your courage will be rewarded. Typically, graduates are sent to more prestigious fields: missile forces, air defense and other high-tech industries, where better conditions and stricter with hazing. In addition, there is a small chance that you will perform work close to your specialty.

You should not treat the army as something disgusting, from which you should definitely try to escape. The army is a serious school of life, an important step that every young man should definitely go through in order to form a holistic personality.

Always remember that life does not end after the army. The same house awaits you, the same life around. At the same time, new horizons will open up before you, which you can confidently conquer by mastering certain knowledge and skills in the service. And if necessary, there will always be a student assistance service nearby, with which you can always be confident in the future!

After completing military service, every 20th conscript will be able to enter the budget department of a university within the framework of special quotas. Corresponding amendments to the laws “On education in Russian Federation" and "On the status of military personnel" were prepared by the Ministry of Defense. The quota sizes should be set by the Ministry of Education and Science. In this case, an applicant who is a former soldier will need a recommendation from the unit commander. Experts believe that the need for such a document is a weak point of the military department’s initiative, leaving opportunities for corruption and arbitrariness.

Today, the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” gives special rights to certain categories of people with disabilities when entering a university for bachelor’s and specialty programs. For these categories of applicants, special quotas are established for study at the expense of the budget.

The Ministry of Defense proposes to include conscripts who have served in this list of beneficiaries as well. The explanatory note to the amendments notes that up to 15 thousand former military personnel will be able to use the quota annually. The last two calls are about 150 thousand recruits each. That is, quotas are designed for approximately 5% of conscripts.

Now soldiers who decide to go to university after the army only have the right to enroll in free preparatory departments state universities. To do this, they must provide a recommendation from the commander of the unit or formation. The military department wants to introduce a similar practice for admission to university studies.

The Ministry of Defense explained to Izvestia that such recommendations now have no legal force. If the proposed amendments are adopted, the ministry will prepare an order regulating the procedure for issuing this document.

A representative of the military department explained that most often soldiers who intend to continue serving in law enforcement agencies ask for recommendations from their commanders. If we are talking about enrollment in budget-funded departments of universities, control over the issuance of recommendations will be strengthened.

It cannot be ruled out that everything will go through the main personnel department. This is a serious matter, so there will be strict internal control and an internal competition if there are too many applicants,” the Ministry of Defense noted.

The explanatory note to the bill notes that a soldier will be denied a recommendation if there are outstanding disciplinary sanctions or criminal prosecution for the time of service.

Commander of a motorized rifle battalion in Nizhny Novgorod region Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Zaborov noted that the new benefit for conscripts should contribute to the growth of military discipline and motivation of soldiers, and will also increase the prestige of the service. However, he noted that it is not easy to obtain a positive recommendation.

The soldier will know that he has the right to free education at a civilian university. But to earn it, you must become an exemplary military man - have high results in combat training subjects, not violate discipline, and show reasonable initiative. This is the only way he can earn a positive reference from the commander for admission to a university,” said Gennady Zaborov.

According to the executive secretary of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, Valentina Melnikova, the need for recommendations creates the preconditions for extortion and corruption.

A recommendation in part may not be issued free of charge - this is primarily the weak point of the initiative,” Melnikova noted. - We often encountered the arbitrariness of commanders in late Soviet times, when characteristics were necessary. This resulted in corruption and voluntarism. The captain, if he wants, can always spoil the recommendation.

According to the expert, the conditions for admission under the quota should be clearly stated in the legislation in order to eliminate subjectivity.

Retired Rear Admiral Vladimir Zakharov recalled that in the USSR, a university certificate issued to a soldier at the end of his service was confirmation that the person had served in the army.

A person could act without it, but on ordinary grounds. He was out of competition with his characterization. This was a very good incentive, and we used it effectively,” said Zakharov.

Not all school graduates go to universities after finishing secondary education. Often young people choose to serve in the army because of their convictions and desire to fulfill their civic duty or because of unsuccessful Unified State Exam results, and after serving, they go to university. A number of schoolchildren decide to serve in the army before entering a university, and not after, because... Studying at a university only implies a deferment from the army, and not release. How to enter a university after the army?


For applicants who have served in the army, a number of universities provide benefits in the form of the opportunity to enter the preparatory department or even enroll in the first year. The provision of such benefits is determined by the administration of the university; information is clarified on the website of the educational institution or on the open doors. You can also enroll in a university after the army on a general basis, based on the results of the Unified State Examination; if the issue of enrolling one of the applicants with equal scores is decided, those who have served in the army have an advantage.

Not only school graduates who received insufficient points on the Unified State Exam are planning to serve in the army. The results of the Unified State Exam are valid for two years, so it is possible to enter a university after the army on the basis of exams taken in 11th grade. In case of unsatisfactory USE results, in order to enter a university after the army, you will need to retake the exams. To enter a university after the army, it is worth repeating the material in detail and preparing according to the collections of assignments that are relevant for the current year, since changes are introduced annually to the structure of the Unified State Exam. If you retake the Unified State Exam, you must submit an application to the school before March 1.

Quite often, young people returning from the army find it difficult to find themselves in life. Especially for those who did not have time to receive a higher education before joining the army. Not everyone has the opportunity to study full-time, as they are forced to look for work to earn money. In order to “get into the groove” after serving in the army and plan your future life, you should find out where to go after the army. There are two options for the development of events: the first is to go to work and the second is to go to study (which can be combined with work). It is worth considering each of the options in more detail.

Where to go to work after the army

Before you start looking for a job, you need to clearly define your own knowledge and skills. If you are a professional in a certain field, then you need to look for a job related to this field. The same applies to interests. If you have a favorite hobby, then you should try to make it your favorite position.

It should be noted that it is much easier for men without education to find work than for women. Many paths are open for such men. So, for example, if you know how to repair or drive a car, then the opportunity to get a job increases several times. You can get a job as a taxi driver or driver in an organization, or maybe even as a driver for long-distance flights. You can also find work as an auto mechanic or his assistant, an expert in car evaluation, or simply as a salesman for spare parts.

Don't be upset if you don't have transport skills. Please note that most men after military service can be hired by the police or the FSB. It should be noted that the candidate must have excellent health and a great desire to work in these bodies.

If you have the appropriate skills, you can go work as a sales representative, sales manager, supervisor, or even a storekeeper. Any of these vacancies can be filled by a person without work experience or education.

Where to go to study after the army

The army undermines the plans of many young people. The main question that worries them after military service is where and how to go after the army?

The Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” gives the right to a young man returning from the army to enter a university without competition. However, it should be taken into account that admission to a specialized educational institution carries with it whole line tests.

If a young man has a diploma of secondary education, and also passed the Unified State Examination at school before being drafted into the army, then within a year he has the right to use this certificate of passing the Unified State Exam. This means that after returning from the army, young man There will be time to send your documents to any university.

For those who have served in the army, there is the possibility of non-competitive admission to absolutely any military university in the country. To do this, you need to pass the entrance exams with at least 3 points. After this, you will immediately become a student at a military school or university.

In any case, you need to clearly decide what you want to do in the future. If you want to continue your military career, go study and get new positions. If you want to forget that you once served and build your life from scratch, then go to work.

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