October 19 Fomin Day folk signs. From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Each word has only the meaning in which the listener can perceive it. You will not understand the meaning of honor to a dishonest person or love to one who is alien to it. Trying to reduce the meaning of these words to their understanding, you will only reach the point where you will no longer have words to express both honor and love. (John Ruskin)

Common name: Thomas's day, Fomin's day, Thomas, the baker.

Traditions for October 19

On this day, barns and cellars were already filled with supplies for the winter, bread, fresh, salted and pickled vegetables, pickled mushrooms, jams and marshmallows. That’s why they said: “Foma is a big mess,” “Foma is a big mess, take everything for nothing.” Thomas was called a great chrome because he encouraged thrift and thrift.

They said about a careless, mismanaged and wasteful person: “The wealth is great, but there is no dog in it.” In addition, rural residents called sack, suma, a place in a barn for storing grain or other products, and it was from this that the modern words“secluded place”, “modesty”, “bins”, etc.

On the day of the Apostle Thomas, the final results of the business year were summed up. The amount of income generated during the agricultural season was determined. And if the barns, chests, closets, cellars turned out to be full, they noted with satisfaction: “I’m glad Anika that there is a lot of money,” and with gratitude they lit a candle in the church in front of the image of the Apostle Thomas - a wise and benevolent mentor and patron of honest prosperity.

Signs for October 19

Denis pulled the day down.

The name of the day is Makar. Characteristics of a person named Makar

A man with this name is a reserved person; he often considers himself a champion of progress. Under hot hand It’s better not to get caught by Makar, however, he quickly moves away. People with this name are more willing to listen to others than to speak themselves. They love children and strive to large family However, often their first marriage is unsuccessful.

Makar, born in October, - good master. He works successfully in the field of activity where it is necessary to work with his hands, they make excellent masons, plasterers, roofers, blacksmiths, but among them there are also musicians, teachers, and military leaders. Makar prefers to work independently, without assistants.

Denis Pozimsky. Thomas. October 16 and 19 - two Denis. The day fell behind the night - he tripped over a stump with his felt boot. Denis pulled the day down. Foma - take everything for free.
Thomas's worldly views closely related to the concerns and aspirations of the peasant, who knew how to value labor and cherish the goods obtained by labor. That’s why they called Thomas “big money” because he encouraged thrift and thrift.
Villagers called kroma a bag, a bag, a place in a barn for storing grain or other products. From this word came many expressions and concepts in the Russian language: “big-crowned”, “secluded place”, “modesty”, “bins”, etc.
They said about a careless, mismanagement and wasteful man: “There is a lot of money, but there’s no dog in it.”
On the day of the Apostle Thomas, the final results of the business year were summed up. The amount of wealth obtained during the summer was determined. And if the barns, chests, closets, cellars turned out to be full, they noted with satisfaction: “Anika is glad that there is a lot of stock.”
And with gratitude they lit a candle in the church in front of the image of the Apostle Thomas - a wise and benevolent mentor and patron of honest prosperity.

Denis Pozimsky. It is believed that the first snow falls 40 days before winter.
The sun at sunset is pale - facing the wind from the west.
The bright red evening dawn lasts a long time - a sign of bad weather.

Other folk signs of October.

October thunder - snowless winter.
Autumn frost - to dry and sunny weather, to a bucket, to warmth.
If in October the leaves from the birch and oak do not fall cleanly, expect a harsh winter.
The leaf fall passed quickly - the cold will soon come and the winter will be harsh, and if the leaves remain green and stay on the trees for a long time - the winter will be short, with slight frosts.

Russian folk signs and superstitions.

A thief steals - he leaves the walls, and the fire devours everything.
If there is a golik or a frog sitting under the oven, then the bread will spoil.
If you accidentally see light in your home, expect happiness.
Do not step on the net and do not spit: the fish will not be caught.
Don't spit to the right - there is a guardian angel, spit to the left - there is the devil.
Neither a man, nor a woman, nor a young man, nor a maiden, nor a widower, nor a widow, nor an elderly man, nor an old man, nor a middle-aged woman, nor a young man, nor a witch, nor a witch, nor a sorcerer and a witch, nor a Kiev witch.
The nostril itches - to the homeland.

They said that on Denis Pozimsky on October 19 in the sky you can last time to see cumulus clouds this year - it was believed that from now on winter would come and cold weather would begin. “Denis came, pulled the day down, it began to get dark earlier, dawn later, the sun is higher chimneys does not rise, and the cumulus clouds have completely disappeared.”

Actually, this phrase could be limited to, characterizing the next October day, which, among others, “crowns white snow with great mud.” Pozimye - what else can you say.

On October 19, peasants summed up the results of the economic year. We prayed to the Apostle Thomas. It was noted that from October 19, the days become shorter and the nights become longer. On this day, the barns were filled with a variety of supplies: vegetables, bread, jam, preserves, marshmallows, pickled mushrooms. They believed that the more you stored, the easier it would be to survive the winter - there would be enough food until the onset of warm days. According to peasant beliefs, Thomas is very fond of thrifty and thrifty people. But wastefulness is not welcomed.

On October 19, they usually summed up the results of the year and determined whether they managed to generate income from their activities. Be sure to go to church in the morning and light a candle to St. Thomas. In particular productive years it was possible to set a rich table and eat well on this day, celebrating successful work.

In Russian folklore, the personality of Thomas is associated with Erema. Saint Thomas was one of the 12 apostles, but it so happened that he also became a character in many legends. And it so happened that Foma and Erema began to act as a comical couple. These were accomplices doing all sorts of stupid things. Subsequently, proverbs, sayings, folk stories, fairy tales, songs and even pictures on this topic arose. The vast majority of such works were based on playing with a similar technique: the parallelism of different sentences.

If we talk about church canons, then, according to the Holy Scriptures, Thomas was one of the 12 apostles who did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He lived in Galilee and was engaged in fishing in the same way as the apostles James, John and Peter. It is interesting that Thomas was often called “twin” by his disciples, because in appearance he was very similar to Christ. When Thomas did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus, he himself appeared to Thomas and showed him his wounds. Subsequently, Thomas continued to preach Christianity in Persia and India. He died a martyr's death in the 1st century, dying at the hands of the pagans. By the way, there is a popular saying “Doubting Thomas,” the origin of which is precisely connected with the personality of the saint.

Folk signs for October 19

  1. Crows gather in flocks - according to signs, expect inclement weather
  2. If a person was born on October 19, then he should wear an amethyst or ruby ​​as a talisman
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October 19 (Thomas) The Holy Apostle Thomas was a fisherman. Hearing Jesus' blessing, he dropped everything and followed him. After the death of Jesus on the cross and in his miraculous resurrection, Thomas at first did not believe (this is where it all started - doubting Thomas).

For Foma, a crust of bread is always given to those who are in poor health. So they said - even in the desert, Thomas is a nobleman. "Thomas - a large sum (sum), an abundance of bread and supplies." Foma is breaking the bins, take everything for free. If there is no wind, it means it will get colder. The last cumulus clouds in the sky.

Read more about the history of this day

Fomin's day.

On this day, the memory of St. Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles, is celebrated. He lived in Galilee and was engaged in fishing until one day he heard the sermon of Christ, which prompted him to leave home and join Jesus on his wanderings. Soon he was chosen as one of his closest students. According to legend, Thomas was nicknamed “twin” because in appearance he was very similar to Christ.

One of the biblical episodes associated with Thomas is probably known to everyone - at least by the common nickname “Doubting Thomas,” which is awarded to people who doubt something. According to the Gospel of John, Thomas was not present at the first appearance of the resurrected Jesus to the apostles and could not believe the miracle that occurred. Thomas believed in the resurrection of Christ when the Savior appeared to him and allowed him to touch his wounds.

In Rus', the peasants revered the Apostle Thomas because he was famous for his thrift and thrift. " Bring everything to Foma“, - said our ancestors. A croma was a large bag or place in a barn for storing grain or other products. By the way, such words as “bins”, “secluded”, “modest” and others came from the same root.

They said about a careless owner: “ The chrome is great, but is there a dog in it?».

By St. Thomas's Day, the results of the year were summed up - the amount of reserves was determined, and how to spend them during the winter was calculated. If the barns and cellars were full, they said: “ Glad Foma that the edge is great" In this case, they went to church and lit a candle in gratitude to the thrifty saint.

Signs of the weather were observed on Foma. If the day turned out to be windless, this foreshadowed an early cold snap. They also said that on this day the last cumulus clouds float across the sky.


Weather forecast for Samara region.
Average temperature anomaly forecast.
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Other news from the "Society" section

In the village of Rozhdestveno, work continues to eliminate an unauthorized dump. On current moment the single regional operator of the Samara region has already removed over 216 tons of waste.

The program of summer citywide competitions opens on June 8 with the Festival of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense.” The next day, June 9, the athletics festival “Queen of Sports” is scheduled to take place.

Avito experts analyzed the cost of pet care services ahead of the summer holidays in Samara. Transfer the dog to kind hands for a while in the city it costs on average 360 ​​rubles per day (10% cheaper than in the same period a year earlier), and a cat costs 220 rubles per day (21% cheaper).

The branch of IDGC of Volga PJSC - Samara Distribution Networks - will provide technological connection to the networks of a new UV disinfection station at GOKS. After completion of all works, the applicant will receive 1.12 MW of power.

From May 21 to May 24, 2019 in Samara on the basis of the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev and the Institute of Image Processing Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences will host the V International Conference and Youth School " Information Technology and nanotechnology" (ITNT-2019).

Employees of the Department of Licensing and State Control of the Regional Ministry of Industry and Trade checked several retail facilities in Samara and Tolyatti for the presence of counterfeit goods. alcoholic products. The reason was citizens' calls to the hotline.

Traditions. On this day, barns and cellars were already filled with supplies for the winter, bread, fresh, salted and pickled vegetables, pickled mushrooms, jams and marshmallows. That’s why they said: “Foma is a big mess,” “Foma is a big mess, take everything for nothing.” Thomas was called a great chrome because he encouraged thrift and thrift. They said about a careless, mismanaged and wasteful person: “The wealth is great, but there is no dog in it.” In addition, rural residents called a bag, a bag, a place in a barn for storing grain or other products; it was from this that the modern words “secluded place”, “modesty”, “bins” were formed.

On the day of the Apostle Thomas, the final results of the business year were summed up. And if the barns, chests, closets, cellars turned out to be full, they noted with satisfaction: “I’m glad Anika that there is a lot of money,” and with gratitude they lit a candle in the church in front of the image of the Apostle Thomas - a wise and benevolent mentor and patron of honest prosperity.

Conspiracies October 19

Conspiracy for good trading

First, I advise you to prepare. Take soil from the ant heap and sprinkle it in the four corners of the sales tent (store). Then walk around the store three times clockwise, silently or out loud whispering:

Like in a heap of antsa family of ants come running tohow this pile is every dayasthetic, growing, tas if to me, to my shopate all the people with their feet, paying with their wallets.And like a heap of ants grows,so let the people in my shopand never ends.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

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