At what age should a boy be taught to write standing up? A “masculine” skill for a boy: we urinate while standing. Praise for success

Despite the fact that diapers are now actively used rather than diapers, many parents look forward to the moment when their child begins to grow up. In the second year of life, one of the stages of education is potty training a child. Particular difficulties, as the practice of many young parents show, arise when it is necessary to potty train a boy. We must remember that such a task is quite feasible, the main thing is to be patient.

Main aspects

Initially, it is worth noting that the process of teaching a child new skills should be based on generalized experience. For example, you can think about how to motivate your child. You also need to understand how important the process of sticking to a training schedule is. If it is violated, you should not hope for the possibility of quickly getting rid of diapers.

At the initial stage, you need to wait for signs indicating that the boy is ready to use the potty. Despite the fact that there is no unanimous opinion among pediatricians and child psychologists regarding the age of a child suitable for training, most experts agree that training should begin at the age of 1.5-2 years.

The best option is to pay attention to a number of features that signal the boy’s readiness for such radical changes for him. Let's consider the most significant of them.

Physiological features

The point is that a child who is ready to learn must produce the appropriate amount of fluid for his age, have formed and predictable bowel movements, and remain dry for at least 2 hours (for example, during naps).

Proper coordination of movements is of particular importance; it is important that the baby walks and runs without any additional effort.

Signs of behavior

If a boy is ready for this specific type of learning, he should be able to sit quietly in one place for at least a few minutes. It is also important that the child has all the skills to help take off and put on panties. Many parents note that a boy can signal his desire to relieve himself by showing certain signs(as a rule, in each case they are strictly individual) and demonstrating aversion to a dirty diaper. There is also an interest in toilet procedures that adults have.

Cognitive signs

The boy must have an idea of ​​what actions are performed by adults when visiting toilet room. If the child has a corresponding interest, you can tell him in more detail about all the features in an understandable language.

It was previously noted that the child will use the potty only if there are appropriate motivating factors. One of them is the presence of a beautiful pot. Therefore, every parent who is serious about potty training their child should be concerned about this issue.

In addition to external attractiveness, it is necessary to focus on both psychological and physical comfort. It should be noted that The child should feel comfortable and independent. Some boys do not want to change their habits because they are afraid of falling into the toilet and do not feel in a stable position.

It is important to choose a potty model that, sitting on which, the baby will be able to feel a certain surface with his feet. This will reduce severe anxiety.

As for additional parameters, adults need to pay attention to them on their own.

For example, in lately Pots with a ledge for urine are very popular. Thanks to the presence of this element, it is quite possible to protect the floor from splashing liquid. It must be remembered that if the object itself is not made very well, the child may develop negative associations, which will later create problems in the desire to potty train him as quickly as possible. Some models are equipped with removable elements that prevent splashing.

When choosing a potty, you need to focus not only on your own wishes and budget, but also on the interests of the child. Child psychologists note that only if the baby shows interest in one or another version of the potty, we can hope that after a very short period it will be possible to achieve the desired result.

One of the conditions for effective potty training of your son is to ensure their preliminary acquaintance. For example, you can leave this device among the toys. Thus, the child will initially demonstrate interest, sit on it, and understand that there is nothing wrong with using it.

Another trick that can be used is to “personalize” the potty. It is permissible to use a marker to write the baby’s name or come up with a specific name for a new item (just like your favorite toys), and glue a picture you like. Many parents do not allow their child to sit on the potty with clothes on and make one of the most common mistakes.

Both mother and father of the child must have a clear understanding that the transition in question is a long, very stressful and continuous process. Everything will work out only if all these actions are not interrupted.

What to do?

It is recommended to begin teaching the intricacies of urination in boys after reaching 2 years of age. If every trip to the toilet ends in hysterics, you should not put psychological pressure on the child, as this can be fraught with even greater complication of the situation. It’s worth taking a closer look at the rules that will help you cope with training.

  • For every boy, the undeniable authority is his father (or another close relative who can be trusted, for example, a grandfather, an older brother). For this reason, it is advisable that all basic skills be demonstrated by him initially.

  • Each time you urinate, you need to raise the pot closer to the boy’s genitals so that it is convenient for him to get into the container. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the child's organ should be reduced.
  • One of effective options is to purchase a removable children's urinal, which should be installed at the maximum height acceptable for the child.
  • It is necessary to install a small elevation near the toilet (provided that it is sufficiently stable) so that the baby can relieve himself as comfortably as possible and not depend on adults.

  • It is best to conduct training in warm time years, when the child is dressed quite lightly. Otherwise, you may face a number of problems due to the presence of many things. At the initial stages it is necessary to help the child.
  • Many parents note that boys' favorite thing to do is urinate on the grass. That is why all relevant procedures are recommended to be carried out during outdoor recreation.

To teach a boy to write while standing, you need to not only show how it’s done. For each successful stage It is recommended to praise the child and tell him that he did everything right. But you can’t scold for mistakes, since the baby does it unconsciously.

Important: if you decide to start training, use diapers only while walking. No one will like wet pants at home, and the child will have an additional incentive to learn a new skill as soon as possible.

Thus, despite its apparent simplicity, the process of teaching a boy to write standing up has a significant number of nuances that must be taken into account.

Early training

The process of potty training a boy can begin, taking into account individual characteristics, from an earlier age, for example, from 8 months. True, in this case it is necessary to take into account a whole set of features.

For maximum results, it is recommended to start training in the warm season. This is due to the fact that it is possible to walk without diapers. You can also use the option when you take the potty with you for a walk and place it in the most suitable place for this. Such actions can only be practiced when the child is not afraid of certain places and is not embarrassed by strangers. Otherwise, there is a possibility of causing psychological trauma to the baby.

Young children are quite sensitive to temperature changes. That is why it is necessary that the pot is pleasant to the eye. Give preference to items made of plastic. Considering that a child under one year old can be quite finicky, it is extremely important to have two potties. In this case, an effect is observed that resembles interaction with toys.

Since the potty is perceived by many children as a toy, it is best to offer options to choose from. Naturally, such a step requires significant material costs, but perceive this as a kind of payment in pursuit of the desire to ensure the rapid growth of the child.

A couple of days before leaving your child without a diaper, you need to remember the approximate time when he defecates and the frequency of urination. It is also important to pay attention to how basic emotions are expressed.

To learn how and when to potty train children, watch the following video.

How much joy parents feel when their baby starts asking to use the potty. But if for a girl’s mother it is enough that the baby refused diapers and now copes well without them, then the boy’s parents are faced with another task - how to teach their son to pee while standing, rather than sitting.

How to write correctly for boys, and at what age should they start learning to relieve themselves while standing?

At the age of 18–24 months, children, as a rule, begin to do without diapers and go to the potty. At first, both boys and girls relieve themselves while sitting. But if a two-year-old looks quite normal, then a three- or four-year-old looks a little awkward. And parents begin to wonder at what age they should start teaching their son to write “like a man.”

No specialist will give you a specific answer. Everything is individual and depends on the readiness of each child to urinate like an adult.

Parents often worry that their son cannot urinate while standing. There's no need to make a problem out of it. He will soon realize that he will be more comfortable standing, especially if he sees it a few times like the other boys or his father do.

Komarovsky O. E.

It is necessary to gradually teach your child to write while standing. The boy should first learn to control the processes of filling and emptying the bladder, understand what a potty is and what it is intended for. Thus, it will be most effective to start training at two years of age.

The boy should begin to consciously go to the potty while sitting, since in this position it is more convenient for him to relieve himself.

How to teach a boy to write while standing

Under no circumstances should children be forced to do something for which they are physically and mentally unprepared. If a child resists peeing while standing, and every trip to the toilet is accompanied by hysterics and tears, it is better to postpone training until better times.

Psychologists advise not to delay too much with learning to write “like dad.” How older child, the more difficult it is to retrain him. Many boys get used to the comfort of relieving themselves while sitting and do not want to change their habits.

The child must be gradually prepared for this stage of development. The mother should talk to the baby about how big he is, and therefore should behave accordingly, paying attention to the fact that all adult boys pee while standing.

Children repeat everything after adults. They try to imitate all the movements and habits of their parents. Therefore, the best assistant in mastering a new skill will be the father or older boys. They will show him how to relieve himself “like a man.”

Many boys begin to pee standing up as soon as they go to the garden and see others doing it.

Basic rules for successfully mastering a skill

There are several ways to teach your baby to write while standing:

  • he must see how dad does it;
  • Every time when urinating, the mother should lift the pot towards the boy’s genitals to make it easier for him to get in. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the child's “device” needs to be increased;
  • buy a removable children's urinal and hang it at a height convenient for the baby;
  • place a small chair or stand near the toilet so that the child can relieve himself;
  • combine training with the warm season so that the child is lightly dressed;
  • include game moments in the process of mastering the skill.

The main activity of children is play, so play elements will not be superfluous in the process of teaching them to write “like a man.”

“Raining” requires toys that wash well: plastic, silicone and rubber. After the child has done his business, they must be washed in warm water with baby or laundry soap and disinfect antibacterial agent, which you can prepare yourself. To do this, dilute one tablespoon of chlorine bleach with a liter of water. The best option, if these toys will continue to be used only for the purpose of teaching the baby to write while standing.

Devices to help parents

The modern market offers a large number of children's devices for learning to write while standing. The baby will obviously be interested in a urinal with a spinner that rotates under the pressure of the jet, and the child will try to aim at it.

It is necessary to install a children's urinal only in the bathroom or toilet, if space allows. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to its size.

Another necessary device is a footrest in the form of a stool, which provides the most comfortable position for the baby when relieving himself like an adult. But the ladder stand with handles is designed to make it easier for a child to climb onto the toilet and pee while sitting. The width of the step is not enough to maintain balance, and the baby may fall while urinating while standing. In addition, all his efforts will be aimed at how to hold on, and not hit the target.

Child's assistants in mastering the skill of writing while standing - photo gallery

A children's footrest ensures the most comfortable position for the baby when urinating while standing. A children's urinal with a spinner makes the process of urination more fun. A children's urinal on legs is adjustable in height depending on the height of the baby
A children's wall-mounted urinal saves space in the toilet and helps teach a child to relieve himself while standing
A portable children's urinal provides maximum comfort when urinating on outdoors The ladder stand is used only for urination while sitting

What is a camping children's urinal?

A camping children's urinal is a recent invention of mankind, which provides maximum comfort for the baby when urinating in hiking conditions. It is also well suited for teaching a boy to write while standing. Thanks funny unusual design in the form of an animal, the child will be interested in “giving the elephant something to drink.” It can be used equally effectively both in the car and outdoors. At the same time, the mother can be calm that urine will not spill, and her son’s genitals will be protected from drafts.

For safety reasons, the boy should not relieve himself at the urinal while the car is moving. You need to pull over to the side of the road and continue on your way after the child has peed and taken his seat.

Camping children's urinal - video

The main nuances in a child’s learning a new skill

In the first stages of training, adults should hold the child's genitals and guide the stream during urination. Later, your son will understand what needs to be done and how. Of course, the baby does not immediately learn to hit the intended target, and parents need to make a lot of effort to help him master a new type of activity. Mom will have to run around with a rag more than once, wiping away puddles near the toilet and potty. But don’t immediately give up and yell at the baby. The skill will come with time, the main thing is daily training and parental support.

In the process of learning to pee while standing, parents should provide the child with maximum access to the toilet - remove the child's pad, if any, and raise the toilet seat. In this case, it will be easier for the child to hit the intended target.

The best method of teaching a boy to write while standing is the personal example of his father and an unobtrusive, calm atmosphere. The main thing is that the child himself must be ready for this.

Exercise no more than 15 minutes a day

Writing is a complex skill that requires coordinated work of the hand muscles, developed visual memory, spatial perception, attentiveness and perseverance. It is difficult for a preschooler to master all this at once. Therefore, make it a rule: if you pee a little, you will rest. Overload has a bad effect on the development of a child’s body.

Don't rush

Research shows Young Children's Knowledge of the Symbolic Nature of Writing that children begin to see the difference between words and pictures as early as three years old, regardless of whether they can read or not. However, at such an early age, children are not yet ready to write: their brains will only develop the necessary skills by the age of 5–7 years.

You can check your readiness to write like this:

  • Give your child a piece of paper and ask them to draw something.
  • Ask to paint over part of the drawing.
  • If the baby constantly turns the sheet of paper and has difficulty changing the direction of the line, it means that he is not yet ready to write letters.

Don't force

If a child does not want to learn letters, do not force him. Do better exercises that develop fine motor skills, spatial thinking and memory.

There is no formal requirement for a future first-grader to “be able to write.” At the age of 5–7 years, it is worth giving preference to preparing the hand for learning to write at school.

Marina Suzdaleva, psychologist, early childhood teacher, author of books for parents, creator of the project “Club of Passionate Mothers”

Present information in a playful way

Don’t turn classes into an obligation and yourself into a strict teacher. Teaching a preschooler should resemble an entertaining game.

According to Marina Suzdaleva, it is necessary to exclude any negative emotions, assessments and criticism.

Don't teach cursive letters

Teachers ask parents about this primary classes. The fact is that the ways of writing letters in textbooks vary.

Parents will teach you to connect and write letters in one way, but the requirements for the program will be different. And the child will have to relearn.

Lyubov Chulkova, neuroeducational psychologist, speech therapist, writer, primary school teacher, developer of manuals for children, parents and teachers

If parents and, most importantly, the child still have a desire to master calligraphy, start practicing the elements of letters. Such exercises can be found in recipes for preschoolers.

Preparation - 3–5 years

Develop fine motor skills

To learn to write, a child needs to have developed fine motor skills. This means that he should be able to easily manipulate small objects and perform Do fine motor skills contribute to early reading development? actions requiring coordinated work of the eyes and hands. For example, sculpt from dough or draw.

To prepare your preschooler's hand for writing, try the following exercises:

  • Cut out shapes from paper along the contour.
  • and color with colored pencils, markers and paints.
  • Model from dough and plasticine.
  • Create applications.
  • Assemble models from the constructor.
  • Work with mosaics.
  • Knit and cross stitch.

Exercises should be performed regularly at a pace that is comfortable for the child and together with adults.

By the way, when you move your fingers, the activity of the frontal and temporal parts of the brain, which are responsible for speech, increases: children with developed motor skills speak better.

Teach to sit at the table

And before the baby starts writing. Then he will be too carried away by the letters and will not be able to control his body.

Remember that incorrect position at the table leads to poor circulation and diseases of the spine, and delays the development of the chest.

Every time your child sits down at the table to eat, draw, read, or do anything else, monitor his position.

The baby should sit upright, without leaning his chest on the table. Shoulders at the same level. The head is slightly tilted forward. The distance from the eyes to the table is at least 30–35 cm. Hands are placed so that the elbows protrude slightly beyond the edge of the table.

Both feet are on the floor and the knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. The left leg (if the child is right-handed) or the right leg (if left-handed) can be extended slightly.

Show how to hold a pencil

First, take thick triangular pencils: it’s easier to explain how to place your fingers on them. When you switch to round ones, you can use simulator attachments for correct writing.

It is best to show your child how you hold a pencil yourself, and use a pen or felt-tip pen to mark on the children’s fingers the places where the tool should be located.

To improve handwriting, some teachers require that the tip of the pencil be directed toward the right shoulder for right-handers or the left for left-handers.

You can also do a simple exercise. Take the pencil with your index finger and thumb right hand where the paint ends. With your left hand, grab the opposite edge and turn the tool over.

If your fingers move, correct them. It will be very difficult to retrain the child later. Make sure your baby doesn't squeeze the pencil too tightly. During breaks, do finger exercises.

Many teachers agree that it is advisable to instill the skill of writing using a pencil rather than a fountain pen. The child will not be afraid of his mistakes (you can erase a bad one with an eraser), and will also learn to control the degree of pressure.

Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper

The child must master spatial thinking and be able to navigate on a sheet of paper. This will help him in the future to read the size and location of the letter on the line, understand the number of elements included in it, and choose the slope and span. Graphic dictations will help you master this skill.

Master the alphabet

Before writing, a child needs to learn the alphabet and. There are many techniques for this: the alphabet and primers, Zaitsev’s cubes, Voskobovich’s “Folders” and “Teremki”, Chaplygin’s dynamic cubes. Choose the method that suits your child.

Teaching elements and block letters - 5–7 years

Draw with your fingers

You can learn letters by drawing them on razor foam, cereal scattered on a baking sheet, foggy glass, in the air, with chalk on the asphalt or with finger paints on paper. Letters can be folded from seeds and sculpted from plasticine. When pronouncing a letter, you need to name the sounds corresponding to it and remember the words that begin with it.

It is important to associate the letter with the object it begins with. And it is correct to say the name of the letter and the sound it represents. For example, the letter is called “em”, and the sounds are “m” or “m”.

Lyubov Chulkova, neuroeducator-psychologist, speech therapist, writer, primary school teacher

Write elements of letters and numbers in a sketchbook

Start by mastering the elements: vertical and horizontal sticks, circles, ovals and others. Tasks can be found in manuals for preschoolers or you can come up with them yourself.

Draw a sample element and ask your child to repeat it. If he is wrong, explain why he needs to do it that way. For the first experiments, it is better to have a separate sketchbook so that the child is not distracted by the lines.

The most difficult thing for children to do is the upper element of the small letters “v”, “b”, and the lower element of the letters “u”, “z”, “d”, “c”, “sch”. Learning to write the small letter “g” from top to bottom, as well as the hooks of the letters “t” and “w” is also important.

Lyubov Chulkova, neuroeducator-psychologist, speech therapist, writer, primary school teacher

Do written exercises for preschoolers

direction, position in space (right-left, up-down, below-above, forward-back).

Effective mastery of writing skills is also unthinkable without the ability to concentrate and distribute attention. All this concerns only the “technical side” of writing.

At the same time, spelling and grammatical skills are being mastered, which successfully contribute to a developed phonemic hearing, the ability to perform sound-letter analysis of a word, a wide vocabulary and the child’s literate oral speech.

How much joy parents feel when their baby starts asking to use the potty. But if for a girl’s mother it is enough that the baby refused diapers and now copes well without them, then the boy’s parents are faced with another task - how to teach their son to pee while standing, rather than sitting.

How to write correctly for boys, and at what age should they start learning to relieve themselves while standing?

At the age of 18–24 months, children, as a rule, begin to do without diapers and go to the potty. At first, both boys and girls relieve themselves while sitting. But if a two-year-old looks quite normal, then a three- or four-year-old looks a little awkward. And parents begin to wonder at what age they should start teaching their son to write “like a man.”

No specialist will give you a specific answer. Everything is individual and depends on the readiness of each child to urinate like an adult.

Parents often worry that their son cannot urinate while standing. There's no need to make a problem out of it. He will soon realize that he will be more comfortable standing, especially if he sees it a few times like the other boys or his father do.

Komarovsky O. E.

It is necessary to gradually teach your child to write while standing. The boy should first learn to control the processes of filling and emptying the bladder, understand what a potty is and what it is intended for. Thus, it will be most effective to start training at two years of age.

The boy should begin to consciously go to the potty while sitting, since in this position it is more convenient for him to relieve himself.

How to teach a boy to write while standing

Under no circumstances should children be forced to do something for which they are physically and mentally unprepared. If a child resists peeing while standing, and every trip to the toilet is accompanied by hysterics and tears, it is better to postpone training until better times.

Psychologists advise not to delay too much with learning to write “like dad.” The older the child, the more difficult it is to retrain him. Many boys get used to the comfort of relieving themselves while sitting and do not want to change their habits.

The child must be gradually prepared for this stage of development. The mother should talk to the baby about how big he is, and therefore should behave accordingly, paying attention to the fact that all adult boys pee while standing.

Children repeat everything after adults. They try to imitate all the movements and habits of their parents. Therefore, the best assistant in mastering a new skill will be the father or older boys. They will show him how to relieve himself “like a man.”

Many boys begin to pee standing up as soon as they go to the garden and see others doing it.

Basic rules for successfully mastering a skill

There are several ways to teach your baby to write while standing:

  • he must see how dad does it;
  • Every time when urinating, the mother should lift the pot towards the boy’s genitals to make it easier for him to get in. Gradually, the distance between the children's toilet and the child's “device” needs to be increased;
  • buy a removable children's urinal and hang it at a height convenient for the baby;
  • place a small chair or stand near the toilet so that the child can relieve himself;
  • combine training with the warm season so that the child is lightly dressed;
  • include game moments in the process of mastering the skill.

The main activity of children is play, so play elements will not be superfluous in the process of teaching them to write “like a man.”

“Raining” requires toys that wash well: plastic, silicone and rubber. After the child has done his business, they must be washed in warm water with baby or laundry soap and disinfected with an antibacterial agent that you can prepare yourself. To do this, dilute one tablespoon of chlorine bleach with a liter of water. The best option is if these toys continue to be used only for the purpose of teaching the baby to write while standing.

Devices to help parents

The modern market offers a large number of children's devices for learning to write while standing. The baby will obviously be interested in a urinal with a spinner that rotates under the pressure of the jet, and the child will try to aim at it.

It is necessary to install a children's urinal only in the bathroom or toilet, if space allows. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to its size.

Another necessary device is a footrest in the form of a stool, which provides the most comfortable position for the baby when relieving himself like an adult. But the ladder stand with handles is designed to make it easier for a child to climb onto the toilet and pee while sitting. The width of the step is not enough to maintain balance, and the baby may fall while urinating while standing. In addition, all his efforts will be aimed at how to hold on, and not hit the target.

Child's assistants in mastering the skill of writing while standing - photo gallery

A children's footrest ensures the most comfortable position for the baby when urinating while standing. A children's urinal with a spinner makes the process of urination more fun. A children's urinal on legs is adjustable in height depending on the height of the baby
A children's wall-mounted urinal saves space in the toilet and helps teach a child to relieve himself while standing
A children's camping urinal provides maximum comfort when urinating outdoors. The ladder stand is used only for seated urination.

What is a camping children's urinal?

The camping children's urinal is a recent invention of mankind, which provides maximum comfort for the baby when urinating in camping conditions. It is also well suited for teaching a boy to write while standing. Thanks to the funny, unusual design in the shape of an animal, the child will be interested in “giving the elephant a drink.” It can be used equally effectively both in the car and outdoors. At the same time, the mother can be calm that urine will not spill, and her son’s genitals will be protected from drafts.

For safety reasons, the boy should not relieve himself at the urinal while the car is moving. You need to pull over to the side of the road and continue on your way after the child has peed and taken his seat.

Camping children's urinal - video

The main nuances in a child’s learning a new skill

In the first stages of training, adults should hold the child's genitals and guide the stream during urination. Later, your son will understand what needs to be done and how. Of course, the baby does not immediately learn to hit the intended target, and parents need to make a lot of effort to help him master a new type of activity. Mom will have to run around with a rag more than once, wiping away puddles near the toilet and potty. But don’t immediately give up and yell at the baby. The skill will come with time, the main thing is daily training and parental support.

In the process of learning to pee while standing, parents should provide the child with maximum access to the toilet - remove the child's pad, if any, and raise the toilet seat. In this case, it will be easier for the child to hit the intended target.

The best method of teaching a boy to write while standing is the personal example of his father and an unobtrusive, calm atmosphere. The main thing is that the child himself must be ready for this.

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