Abstract of the educational activity in the senior speech therapy group “Return of migratory birds. Summary of a speech therapy lesson for children of the senior group on the topic: "Migratory birds"

prepared by teacher - speech therapist Soldatenko I.V.

Goal: formation, assimilation of knowledge, why migratory birds are called that; what do they eat; where they live; what is their use? Development of lexical and grammatical concepts, improvement fine motor skills and breathing exercises.

Speech tasks:

  • — expand and activate the vocabulary of nouns.
  • - consolidate the ability to use singular and plural nouns in speech in I.p. and R.p.

Cognitive tasks:

  • — consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Autumn.”
  • — expand children’s understanding of the topic “Migratory Birds.”

Educational tasks:

  • — cultivate interest in the behavior of birds, caring attitude towards them.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment"Autumn Weather"

The teacher asks the children to tell what signs of autumn they saw when they went to kindergarten.

​ Repetition of the material covered. Game “What Happens in Autumn”.

The teacher invites the children to tell what happens to nature in the fall.

— The leaves are falling.

— The wind shakes the branches of the trees.

— People are harvesting crops in the fields.

— Birds fly south.


Guys, let's think about why birds are called migratory (Answers). That's right, migratory birds are birds that leave us, going to warm countries. You are all well aware of such migratory birds as swallows, swifts, rooks, storks, nightingales, cuckoos, starlings (the story is accompanied by a display of illustrations). Why do these birds fly away from us in the fall (children's answers)?

Let's remember what birds eat. That's right, all these birds feed on insects: rooks hunt for worms, swifts and swallows grab midges and other insects on the fly, cuckoos hunt for caterpillars, blackbirds hunt for locusts and grasshoppers. But in the fall the insects disappear. Our birds are deprived of their main food, and therefore are forced to fly to warmer climes.

And what do the birds that live with us constantly eat - sparrows, crows, pigeons, tits? Why don't they fly away? What do these birds eat? They are omnivores: they can also eat insects, but their main food is plant seeds. In the fall, they like to feast on grain spilled during grain harvesting. In winter, they feed on tree seeds and stay close to human habitation, hoping for help from people.

Do you know that not all birds go to warmer climes? There are also migratory birds that come to us for the winter, these are bullfinches, crossbills

Crossbills and bullfinches not only come to us for the winter from colder forests, but also hatch their chicks here in winter. To keep eggs and chicks warm in winter, crossbills build strong, thick nests. The walls of the nest are insulated from the outside with moss, and from the inside with feathers. The main food of crossbills is spruce and pine seeds, which they easily take out of cones with their amazing beak.

  1. Physical education minute.

(The teacher speaks and shows first, then the children join in).

The birdhouse is empty,

The birds have flown away

Leaves don't sit on trees either.

All day today

Everyone is flying, flying...

Apparently they also want to go to Africa.

5​. Consolidation of lexical and grammatical material in the context of the topic being studied.

1.​ Game “One - many”:

Children, listen to the name of the bird and say what it will be like when there are a lot of them:

Swallow - swallows - many swallows

Nightingale - nightingales - many nightingales

Chaffinch – finches – many finches

Starling - starlings - many starlings

Rook - rooks - many rooks

Crane - cranes - many cranes.

  1. Game “Who gives what voice”.

The cuckoo crows, the swallow chirps, the starling sings,

The crane cries, the duck quacks, the goose cackles.

  1. Game “Who has who”.

The cuckoo has a cuckoo, cuckoo.

The crane has a baby crane, crane babies.

The starling has a little birdling, starlings.

The swan has a baby, swans.

The rook has a rook, rooks.

The duck has a duckling, ducklings.

The stork has a baby stork, baby storks.

The goose has a gosling, goslings.

6.​ Riddles (the guessed riddle is accompanied by the display of pictures):

Listen carefully and guess:

You will recognize him immediately:

Black-billed, black-eyed,

He walks importantly behind the plow,

Finds worms and beetles.

Finally arrived to us

Our best singer.

Days and nights long


Comes to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay.


Who is this bird?

Doesn't build nests for itself,

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.


Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body,

And the back of the head is bare, red,

Wanders through the dirty swamps,

Catches frogs in them,

Clueless jumpers.


7​. Summing up. Generalization of the material.

This is where our acquaintance with birds ends for today.

Let's remember what birds are called migratory? Name them.

Everyone did a good job today. Well done!


Correctional - educational:

  • teach education related words;
  • learn to conduct sound-letter analysis of words;

Corrective and developmental:

Correctional and educational:

  • develop the skill of self-esteem;
  • consolidate knowledge about environment and cultivate a caring attitude towards its residents;

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.

First option:

Speech therapist: Guys, look what a sunny and wonderful day it is today. What time of year is it outside? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question.

Let's take a deep breath of spring fresh air.

Working on breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth...

Second option:

Speech therapist: Guys, unfortunately, it’s raining outside today. But, as you know, nature does not have bad weather. What time of year is it outside? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. Very often you can hear from people that the air smells like spring. Let's take a deep breath of fresh spring air.

Breathing work: inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth...

The teacher makes a wish for the children riddle:

A spider dreams at night

Miracle - yudo on the bitch:

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad!

Who is the spider afraid of?

Did you guess it? This is... a bird.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk about spring and migratory birds. What migratory birds do you know? Children name migratory birds.

Game "Pick the sign."

Guys, look carefully at the birds, tell me what body parts birds have. Lead the children to the correct answer to the question.

1. Speech therapist: Now let’s divide the names of the body parts of birds into syllables, but first let’s remember what syllables are. How do we divide words into syllables? Children remember and pronounce the rule.

2. Speech therapist: Look carefully at the birds. How do birds differ from each other? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question.

Children name the distinctive features of birds.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the illustrations that are on the board. Among the migratory birds there is one wintering one.

Speech therapist: Guys, don’t you notice anything strange? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. So what is this bird like? (Extra) That’s right, because the wintering birds have long since flown away.

The teacher removes a picture of a wintering bird from the board.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

3. Game "Fourth wheel".

Fizminutka (video).

Speech therapist: Guys, what migratory birds fly to us first, as soon as the snow begins to melt. It is also generally accepted that these birds are the most friendly of all migratory birds. Guide children to the correct answer to the question. Of course these are rooks.

4. Sound-letter analysis of the word GRACCH.

5. Speech therapist: I suggest you make a proposal to ready-made diagram . Be careful.

Children make up a sentence for the diagram. Proposal analysis.

6. Speech therapist: Sometimes, when we walk on the street or just watch birds through the window, we involuntarily begin to count them. I also suggest you count the birds.

Game "Count it"

7. Logic puzzles:

What are more - wings or birds?

What are more - feathers or wings?

Which has more beaks or tails?

8. Game “Correct the sentence”:

The worm pecked the starling.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

The caterpillar ate the cuckoo.

Birds hatch their chicks and then lay eggs.

In spring, migratory birds fly south.

Like white in the snow

Swallows are freezing in a snowstorm... Does this happen or not?

9. Speech therapist: Tell me, how do we help birds? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. I want you not to forget about this. Let us make a sentence out of letters: BIRDS ARE OUR FRIENDS. Finger gymnastics.

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. Seasons. April).

Teamwork. Children agree with each other and lay out a proposal.

10. Lesson summary:

- What and who did we talk about today?

— What did you like most about the lesson?

Olga Zemtsova
Abstract speech therapy session"Birds of Passage"

Lexical topic: Migratory birds.

Speech therapy topic: Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Improving coherent speech.

Correctional and educational goals:

1. Clarification and systematization of children’s knowledge about migratory birds.

2. Expansion vocabulary on a lexical topic,

3. Improving grammatical structure speeches:

Formation of possessive adjectives (goose, duck, crane)

Agreement of possessives with nouns in gender and number (goose tail, goose head, goose body).

Agreement of nouns with numerals (one cuckoo, two cuckoos.)

- Development of word formation function:(wingless, legless, beakless, tailed, big-eyed)

Formation of complex words. (sharp-billed, long-legged)

4. Development of coherent speech.

Correctional and developmental goals:

1. Development of visual, auditory attention, logical thinking.

2. Development of general and fine motor skills.

3. Formation of skills of cooperation, independence, initiative.

4. Fostering a love for the animal world.

5. Arouse interest in classes.


MUSIC. Move classes.

Speech therapist. Guys, today we have something unusual class. Guests came to us. Greetings.

Speech therapist. Exercise "Mood". offers

Speech therapist invites you to come to the table. Before With you clouds and sunshine, select the picture that suits your mood. (Notes what mood each child is in at the beginning classes.

Speech therapist. Every new day must begin with good mood. And to make the mood good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and we'll pass it on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how our hands pass from palm to palm kindness passes. (Picks up a lit candle.)

Look what a spark was lit in our hearts. May she accompany you throughout class. Let's smile and wish each other good morning and joyful mood.

Children. Have a nice day.

Speech therapist. Today on class we will talk about migratory birds.

Spring has come migratory birds are returning to our region.

Guys, come to us lesson a bird flew in, but guess which one.

He respects people's work

Destroys caterpillars!

There is a palace on a tree

He lives there with his family.

Who do you think?

Children: I think starling.

Speech therapist. Tell me children what they are called birds who flew away from us in the fall to warmer climes, and returned to us in the spring?

Children. These birds are called migratory.

Speech therapist. Our guest did not come to you alone. He called his friends to you - migratory birds. All the guests have already arrived, but they want to play hide and seek with you a little, so they hid under the leaves, and to find them you need to solve riddles.

This bird never

Doesn't build nests for chicks.

Children. I think it's a cuckoo.

Little forest singer

Sings best in spring. (nightingale)

Everyone migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms. (rook)

- Bird white as snow.

Bird which is the most beautiful of all

Arches her neck proudly, let's call it rather? (swan)

Comes to us with warmth.

Having come a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay. (martin)

He keeps repeating one thing ha-ha

Who offended? Where? When?

I'm not afraid of anyone.

Well of course it is (goose)

- This old friend of ours:

he lives on the roof of the house-

Long-legged, long-nosed, long-necked, voiceless.

He flies to hunt frogs

To the swamp. (stork)

Speech therapist. Let's call migratory birds.

Children. These are a nightingale, a stork, a swan, a cuckoo.

Speech therapist. Now look carefully at the screen. Game "Find the odd one out" bird. "

Which bird turned out to be extra and why?

Children. The extra magpie is a wintering bird, and the rest migratory.

Speech therapist. In spring the weather varies, sometimes warm and sometimes cold. The wind is strong in spring. Let's depict the spring wind. Let's take a full breath of air through our nose without raising our shoulders.

Children. Blowing.

Speech therapist. Guys, we had such a good time that all the pictures scattered. You will help me collect them.

Speech therapist. You need to collect pictures (goose, stork, duck)

Children. I will collect the goose.

Speech therapist. Whose head is this?

Children. This is a goose head.

Speech therapist. Beak (whose) bird, duck, goose.

Head (whose) poultry, duck, goose.

Nest (whose) poultry, duck, goose.

Speech therapist. Guys, all the pictures were collected correctly. Others came to see our work birds. Let's count which ones more birds. Ball game “Count it up”

Speech therapist shows pictures birds, and the children call birds with numerals 1,2.

Children. One swallow, two swallows.

One duck, two ducks, five ducks.

One cuckoo, two cuckoos, five cuckoos.

One bird, two birds, five birds.

One stork, two storks, five storks.

One goose, two geese, five geese.

One nest, two nests, five nests.

Finger gymnastics “Duck”

The duck walked along the bank, (“walking” with two fingers on the table,

The gray one walked along a steep path. waddling.)

She led the children with her,

AND small, and thumb (bend the ring finger; thumb

Both medium and smaller (bend middle finger; little finger.)

And my favorite one. (bend the index finger.)

Physical exercise.

Speech therapist. Guys, look how beautiful they are! the birds were painted by the artist. But the trouble is, he forgot to draw some body parts birds. Let's take a look and complete what each one is missing. bird.

Children. This one birds have no legs,she's legless. I'll draw long legs and she will become long-legged. (wingless-winged, tailless-long-tailed)

children perform a task to the music

Speech therapist. Guys, who knows which one? bird called the forest singer?

Children. The forest singer is the nightingale. (recording of a nightingale's trills.)

Let's compose a story according to the scheme about the nightingale.

1. Wintering or migrant?

2. Why are they called that?

3. Appearance (tail, head, wings, body, beak, feathers, colors)

4. What does it eat?

5. Where does it live - hollow, birdhouse, nest...

Children. Nightingale is migratory bird. The nightingale is small. The gray one sings very beautifully. The nightingale has a small beak, a short neck, two wings, a long tail and two legs. The nightingale feeds on insects and seeds. His home is a nest.

Speech therapist. Guys, it's time for our guests to fly away. Let's wish them a happy spring.

Choose a picture of your mood. (cloud - sun)

Our class is over. Now let’s remember which task he liked the most.

Subject:Migratory birds”.

Target:— expansion and activation of the dictionary.

Tasks:- form the plural of nouns;

  • learn to coordinate nouns with numerals;
  • learn to change nouns by case;
  • learn to form possessive adjectives;
  • develop coordination of speech with movement;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • develop auditory attention;

Equipment: pictures of migratory birds, ball.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Poem “Autumn”.

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,
Leaves don't sit on trees either.
All day today everyone is flying and flying...
Apparently they also want to fly to Africa.
(I. Tokmakova)

Which birds left their home - the birdhouse? (starlings). What other migratory birds do you know? (pictures)

Game “Who’s Missing?” (based on pictures).

2. Introduction to the topic. (pictures of migratory birds)

Which birds left their home - the birdhouse? (starlings)
What other migratory birds do you know?
Why do we call birds migratory?
Why do they fly to warmer climes?

Bird body parts. (scheme)

There are two legs, a beak, two wings, a tail, and the body is covered with down and feathers.

- show where the bird’s beak, tail...
- name the parts of the bird’s body.

3. Game “One - many”

Cuckoo - cuckoos, crane - cranes,
starling - starlings, nightingale - nightingales,
lark - larks, swan - swans,
rook - rooks, duck - ducks,
swallow - swallows, rook - rooks,
stork - storks gosling - goslings.

The cuckoo crows, the swallow chirps, the starling sings,
The crane cries, the duck quacks, the goose cackles.

5. Game “Who has who””.

The cuckoo has a cuckoo, cuckoo.
The crane has a baby crane, crane babies.
The starling has a little birdling, starlings.
The swan has a baby, swans.
The rook has a rook, rooks.
The duck has a duckling, ducklings.
The stork has a baby stork, baby storks.
The goose has a gosling, goslings.

6. Physical education lesson “Cranes learn to fly” Children depict how cranes learn to fly. Arms are spread to the sides and raised to shoulder level. Inhale through your nose. When lowering your hands, exhale.

Finger gymnastics “Duck”

The duck walked along the bank, (“walking” with two fingers on the table,
The gray one walked along a steep path. waddling.)
She led the children with her,
Both small and large (bend the ring finger; thumb
Both the middle and the smaller ones (bend the middle finger; little finger.)
And my favorite one. (bend the index finger.)

7. Game “Let’s play and count” (based on pictures).

One duck, two ducks,..., five ducks.
One cuckoo, two cuckoos,..., five cuckoos.
One bird, two birds,..., five birds.
One stork, two storks,..., five storks.
One goose, two geese,..., five geese.
One nest, two nests,..., five nests.

8. Game “Whose, whose, whose?”

Beak (whose?) bird, duck, goose.
The head (whose?) is of a bird, duck, goose.
Nest (whose?) bird, duck, goose.

9. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about. What did you like? Kirillova Yu., teacher-speech therapist.

Tatiana Nuzhnaya
Summary of GCD in senior speech therapy group"Return of Migratory Birds"

Subject:"Return of migratory birds".



Expanding children's understanding of migratory birds, their appearance and lifestyle, activation, enrichment, generalization of vocabulary on the topic;

correctional and developmental:

Development of the ability to compose simple sentences;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech (formation of adjectives by merging stems, formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, changing nouns by cases, numbers, agreement of nouns with numerals);

Consolidating the skill of determining quantities syllables in a word,

Development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, general, articulatory and fine motor skills;

Coordination of speech and movement;

educational: fostering interest in the environment and respect for it, developing goodwill.

Equipment:subject picture depicting spring and return of birds, subject pictures on the topic of the lesson, ball, drawings with dotted images migratory birds, pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment:

Speech therapist: Hello guys. Our fingers will suggest the topic of our meeting today.

Finger gymnastics: fingers move ( "walk") on the table back and forth, changing direction for each poetic line:

"Spring sunshine"

Get up early

Wake us up early!

We should run outside

Birds to greet you from warm countries!"

2. Speech therapist: - Guys, I hope you guessed who we will talk about in class today? Tell me which ones birds are we waiting from warm countries?

Children:list: rooks, starlings, swans, cranes, storks, nightingales.

Speech therapist:What do we call birds, which are returning to us from warm countries?


Speech therapist:Look at the picture and tell me who was the odd one out in this flock of birds and why (rook, swallow, goose, nightingale, titmouse)

Children: Titmouse, because she is a wintering bird, and the rest - migratory.

3. Speech therapist:Look at how many flocks of birds there are in the picture. Let's count how many birds are in each flock.

Children: 1 rook, 3 swallows, 5 geese; 2 nightingales, 5 swans.

4. Speech therapist: And now we will try to describe those shown in the picture birds:

The rook has black wings, so what is it? -...black-winged,

The swallow has a long tail, which means it is... long-tailed,

The goose has a long neck, which means it is... long-necked,

5. Speech therapist: Birds rejoice in spring, and everyone speaks cheerfully in their own language. Tell me, who gives the voice?

The swallow chirps joyfully...

The crane...crows,

The cuckoo...crows

The nightingale...clicks,

The lark...is ringing,

Goose cackling.

6. Speech therapist:Let's now try to quickly remember what we know about birds. I'll start telling you, and you finish my sentences with appropriate meaning. words:

-Birds return from....(warm countries).

-Birds built a lot on trees (nest).

The guys do it for the starlings (birdhouses).

Into the nests the birds will lay(eggs).

The eggs will hatch (chicks).

Rooks search in the ground (worms).

-Birds fly with. (wings).

-Birds, which returning from the south we call(migratory) .

7. Phys. just a minute:

The birds were flying (flapping their arms,

People looked (moves head in different directions).

The birds sat down (sat down,

People marveled (stand up, gesture of surprise).

Sit down, sit (squats,

They flew and sang (waves hands).

8. Speech therapist:Tell me who the people I named are taking out birds?

Who are the cranes bringing out? -... the cranes,



Geese. goslings,



9. Speech therapist: Well done! And now our palms will work again. I will say the words slowly and clearly birds, and you clap to show how much is in it syllables. (goose, swan, rook, cuckoo, heron, lass, starling...)

10. Speech therapist:And now the game with ball: the one to whom the ball flies must catch it and correct my sentence.

The worm pecked the swallow.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

A goose is smaller than a sparrow.

A cuckoo lives in a birdhouse.

A furry caterpillar ate a starling.

11. Speech therapist:And now each of you will receive a picture. By connecting the dots, you can guess which bird is in your picture.

Children will recognize by the outline of the resulting birds.

12. Speech therapist:We had a great time. Let's stand in a circle and, in conclusion, gently palm to palm we'll pass it on a little bird to each other and with it a smile and a good mood.

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