What day before Easter is money counted. What do they do on Clean Thursday? When to bathe and wash. How to count money on a clean Thursday. Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

Very simple rules for making money!

Whether you believe in omens or ignore them, they exist and each sign has a certain explanation, which, in general, is not meaningless. Even if you do not believe in omens, many of you still try to follow these rules, if only in order not to wake the evil one.

Signs (very simple rules of life) - which should be followed in everyday life so that money is made.

1. When sweeping the floor, start sweeping from the threshold, not towards it.
2. Do not sweep the floor at night, sweep the house in the morning.
3. Garbage must be taken out in the morning, if you throw garbage out at night - be in trouble.
4. There should be one broom in the house, disperse wealth in different corners.
5. Don't whistle in the house.
6. Do not whistle near another person, so you can whistle all his money.
7. Do not whistle into the key - you will forget where the money is.
8. Leave the money on the table overnight - you will lose a large amount.
9. Do not leave the knife on the table at night - to big trouble, to the loss of money.

10. Do not leave the keys on the table at night - you will lose property.
11. Do not leave an empty bottle on the table overnight - you are calling for lack of money.
12. Do not wash the floor after sunset - you risk washing your wealth.
13. They love counting money - they are pleased when they are counted.
14. Count pocket money three times a day.
15. Every Friday, count the money that is intended for planned expenses.
16. On even numbers, twice a month, all money should be counted.
17. Money should be counted at sunset.
18. Cash receipts must be recalculated immediately upon receipt.
19. Don't spend new money on the day it arrives, put it in a secluded place for at least 20 hours.
20. Count money alone so no one can spy on you.
21. Do not stand on the doorstep, your well-being can get stuck at the entrance and not get into your house.
22. When your guests leave, the tablecloth should be shaken out on the street.
23. Pay off debts in the morning.
24. Nails should be trimmed on Tuesday or Friday.
25. When it's bad weather outside, it's better not to take anything out of the house.
26. After the sun sets, money cannot be counted.
27. Don't put money on the table
28. Buy a wallet that is big enough to keep the money from wrinkling.
29. It is desirable that the wallet be red, at least the inner compartments ..
30. There should be nothing in the wallet except money.
31. Put the money in your wallet correctly: large bills separately, small ones separately, coins separately.
32. You can put a small cloth bag with mustard or cloves in your wallet.
33. Always carry a large denomination bill in your wallet. This banknote cannot be spent, it is in order to attract money.
34. If there is no need to give money, don't give it back.
35. Money doesn't like daylight.
36. Big money attracts more money.
37. The less money, the more desire to spend it.
38. You can not give money when the debtor has some unfulfilled obligations, monetary or otherwise.
39. You can not lend if there are any obligations to the debtor.
40. You have to constantly think about money.
41. Money must be loved.
42. When repaying a debt, say "So that you have and multiply with me."
43. Money is better to keep at home, money goes to money.
44. Place coins in the corners of the room; you can’t pick them up and sweep them away.
45. Don't give money on Tuesdays.
46. ​​Do not give money on a waning moon.
47. Do not give money in the evening.
48. Do not pass money from hand to hand - damage is very easy to induce.
49. Be generous with tips for a job well done.
50. The higher the income, the greater the expenses.
51. Exactly as much money as you need.
52. Don't take money on Tuesdays.
53. Do not take money on a waning moon.
54. Do not take money in the evening.
55. When transferring money, use a table or cabinet, in extreme cases, put it on the floor.
56. Under no circumstances put money on the dinner table.
57. Money loves turnover - this is their native element.
58. Don't save money for the sake of money.
59. Do not save money in your pocket, open a bank account.
60. Open multiple accounts at different banks.
61. Get money with pleasure.
62. Part with money easily.
63. Do not set goals - to save money.
64. Money is not an end - it is a means to an end.
65. Respect money.
66. Pick up any coin from the floor, otherwise you will show your disrespect for money.
67. You have to be polite with money.
68. Talk to money when it comes to you. For example, - "Hello my dear crispy papers and cute coins"
69. Talk to money when it leaves you. For example, - "Goodbye my dears, we will meet again."
70. Do not attach excessive importance to money.
71. Do not endow money with non-existent qualities.
72. Don't be a servant of money.
73. Put different currencies in different wallet compartments.
74. If you see a young month to your right, show him the money.
75. Do not raise money found in the morning on an empty stomach.
76. Before Christmas, be sure to donate any amount to the church. Before you give them, say the words: "To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father."
77. You should never sweep crumbs off the table with your hand.
78. Handle bread with care.
79. Don't leave a half-eaten piece of bread.
80. Give alms with pure thoughts.
81. Leaving a tip for the sake of bragging is bad.
82. Greed is a direct path to poverty.
83. Only sincere help to other people will help.
84. Never think that you will be rewarded if you give to a beggar.
85. Do not expect payment for good deeds.
86. Selfish thoughts are another path to poverty.
87. Do not throw away leftover food - give it to homeless animals, birds.
88. Keep track of expenses and income.
89. Don't spend all the money you earn, save at least some of your income.
90. Money loves energetic people who radiate a good mood.
91. Put a kind of amulet in your wallet to attract money, for example, a coin left over from a successful transaction.
92. Do not sit on top of the table.
93. Do not keep cracked, broken dishes in the house.
94. Do not keep wilted flowers at home.
95. Nothing can be passed through the threshold.
96. Do not toss coins in the palm of your hand.
97. Put the broom whisk to the top.
98. Get rid of leaky faucets in the house.
99. You can't cut your own hair.
100. Pick up a kitten on the street, along with it happiness and wealth will come to your home.

Since ancient times, people have paid special attention to the days of the week. Each of the seven days is responsible for some intentions and has its own monetary signs.

And in the modern world, we still follow these rules and signs. Monday is a hard day, and Saturday, for many, is the day of general cleaning.

Why did it happen that the days of the week have their own purpose? Let's look at signs for every day.


Monday has a concept of the beginning of the work week that has been established in people's minds for years.

Our ancestors did not start anything new on Monday, considering it a difficult day. There was a belief that the evil spirits were especially active.

On this day, it was dangerous to guess and cut hair. And those who go on a journey on this day run the risk of calling evil spirits behind them.


According to the old calendar, this is a good day for all undertakings. The evil spirits had already calmed down, and it was possible to work actively.

On Tuesday, too, it was not customary to give or borrow. It was believed that the whole life would then pass in debt.

Of the rituals, visualization, making and writing out cash checks for various needs and desires will be effective.

To keep money in the house, you need to cut your nails on Tuesday. Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life.


This is the middle of the week, a day effective for overcoming obstacles and getting rid of all sorts of misfortunes. On Wednesday, it is recommended to use the rites of purification known to you.

On this day, you can give alms to 5 people in need, for this, exchanging one paper bill for a trifle.

On Wednesday, for successful financial affairs, it was necessary to put a nickel under the left heel.


This is the time to accelerate the processes of movement of financial flows. To attract easy money, and are recommended.

On Thursday, you can’t spend a lot, otherwise the money will go away quickly. A variety of divinations were welcomed.


At the end of the working week, it is necessary to take stock of what has been done and thank the Universe for everything, even for the smallest successes in achieving financial well-being. It is even advisable to celebrate Friday by gathering all the family at one table.

If you start a new business on this day, then it will “back away”, so that all undertakings were postponed for another time.

Friday is good for trading. It was on this day that trade fairs and bazaars began to work.

You can't cut your nails on Friday, and women weren't allowed to wash their hair. Hair and nails were endowed with special magical powers. If you cut your nails or wash your hair on this day, then any energy will disappear, there will be no strength left.

Of the rituals, those are carried out that are aimed at eliminating financial failures and outflows of funds. If your faucet is leaking, fix it today.

On Friday, to attract profit, you need to count all your money.


Time to make charms for the house. For example, appease the brownie. Get a canvas bag, put a small coin in it and put it behind the stove, in the old days - behind the stove. Replenish it with change every Saturday.

If you start a new business on Saturday, then you will have to continue it only on Saturdays.

On Saturday, any purchase was considered successful. What was bought on this day was beneficial and joyful. It is also not recommended to lend money, but it is useful to give money.


On this day, it was strictly forbidden to work. The day off is designed to relax and find harmony with yourself and the world around you. If you still want to do something, then try meditation techniques, especially those that can be used before bed.

It was believed that on Sunday the gates to the other world were opened. In order to protect themselves from evil spirits, our ancestors ate salty food on this day. After all, salt is a talisman against evil spirits.

On Sunday, spend all the change, otherwise there will be only small money.

On Sunday it was impossible to get into debt and lend money yourself. This could attract lack of money and failure in trade. And the amount you borrowed may not be returned to you.

In order for a person to always have enough money, he strives to carry out various rituals. One of the strongest rituals for money can be performed on Maundy Thursday. This year, this day falls on April 5, which means it's time to think about how to ensure stability for your family for the whole year.

If you count money on a clean Thursday correctly, then for a whole year you will be lucky in financial matters. But, here it is important to be able to count money correctly. Firstly, the ritual must be performed by one person in secret from all family members. It is best if the money is counted by the person who manages the finances in the family.

When to count money on Clean Thursday

For quite a long time there has been a tradition that involves counting all the money in the house. It is believed that it is this rite that will help attract money into your life.

Please note that such a ritual should be carried out alone with yourself, so ask all family members not to distract you at this time.

In addition, only the family member who manages this money is allowed to engage in money counting. If a married couple is used to solving all financial issues together, then they will also have to recalculate together.

Clean Thursday happens only once a year, so on this day every person should at least temporarily postpone all his important affairs in order to have time to do everything that was planned. We spend time mindlessly cleaning, completely without thinking about what it symbolizes.

Therefore, in the process of all these important things, it is necessary to think that together with the collected rubbish, we get rid of some of our problems, fears and negative energy. And taking a morning shower, we are spiritually cleansed of all the bad things that happened to us last year.

Yes, and we can also charge our body with health only on a day like Clean Thursday. What date is Clean Thursday in 2018, signs and customs you learned today.

Many rituals were performed in Rus' on Maundy Thursday.

On this day, you should prepare the house for the holiday - it's time to start cleaning and decorating. Cleansing concerns not only the world around, but also your own soul.

Many folk customs adopted on this day are associated with renewal. A new fire was brought from the church to replace the old one, a candle from the evening service was used to light a fire in the stove and lamps. Bread baked that day, salt prepared, new fire was endowed with a special magical power that could heal and protect.

Water on Maundy Thursday is special, capable of washing away all sins. Before sunrise, you should visit the bath. Our ancestors attached special meaning to ablution on this day. Water must be running, women specially brought it from the river. It was believed that ablution on this day is extremely useful and can bring health and strength for the whole next year.

On Maundy Thursday, the girls themselves went to the river and conjured beauty for themselves, at dawn lowering their hair into the water and pronouncing a special saying, in which a request for girlish beauty sounded. Whether it helped or not, washing with pure water in the morning and firmly believing that it would be beneficial could not be useless. There is another tradition - on the night of Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, put silver things in the water, and wash yourself with this water in the morning. This will protect for the whole year ahead from the wiles of the unclean.

On the Thursday before Easter, housewives must wash all the dishes, clean the house, wash and iron clothes. On the same day, you can do cleaning in the garden, in the garden, in the yard. After all, for the next six days, believers do not do cleaning and household chores. They believe that it is on this day that cleaning the house can bring gifts from the Lord. And reality confirms this. General cleaning helps to find a lot of lost and forgotten, but favorite things.

On this day, it is customary to disassemble and throw away unnecessary things, wash curtains, beat out carpets and rugs, trying to let more light into the house. An interesting custom associated with putting things in order in the house has survived to our times. The owners caught three cockroaches or other "domestic" insects and took them out into the open field, believing that other insects would leave on their own, following the "chosen ones". On Maundy Thursday, they also decorate the house, our grandmothers hung up elegant curtains, paths, beautifully embroidered towels.

Celebration of Orthodox Christians

In cathedrals on this day, during the divine service, the rite of ablution is performed: the bishop rinses the feet of 12 monks or priests. This act symbolizes the action of Christ at the Last Supper, which became an example of service to one's neighbor and true humility.

Thanks to this rite, Maundy Thursday has become associated with purity for many. People tend to clean their houses and apartments, get rid of unnecessary things. But it is important not to forget that the priority task during this period is spiritual purification and repentance.

Church ministers on Maundy Thursday read prayer texts containing memories of the Last Supper, the betrayal and suffering of Christ. Orthodox during the service experience grief about the upcoming torment of the son of God.

Clean Thursday 2018: Why clean?

On the week of the Orthodox every day is great. During this period, believers keep a strict fast and listen to the sacred essence of signs and predictions that precede the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. A special mission is entrusted to Thursday, nicknamed by the people "pure". It is on the 4th day of Holy Week that notorious events fall:

The Last Supper
Jesus washing the feet of the apostles
Revelations in the Garden of Gethsemane
Betrayal of Judas

These gospel parables tell not only about the kindness and self-sacrifice of the Savior. They show people the righteous path to eternal life. Great Lent before the Bright Resurrection of Christ leads to the purification of the soul and body, and bathing in open water consolidates the result. It symbolizes the final rejection of the burdens of an imperfect and cruel world, heals and restores strength.

According to the Gospel, it was on Thursday evening that Jesus gathered all his disciples for the Last Supper. In order to show them an example of humility and love for their neighbor, Christ washed the feet of each of the apostles with water, and then shared bread and wine with them. Thus, the Lord established the rite of Holy Communion, which is still performed not only among the Orthodox, but also among Catholics and representatives of the Lutheran Church.

Maundy Thursday - this is the name of Thursday in the Easter week in the folk calendar. In 2019, it will be celebrated on April 25th. Numerous signs and traditions are associated with Pure or Maundy Thursday, which were strictly observed in the old days. Most of the traditions have been preserved in our time, for example, many will count money on Clean Thursday, the sign that this will increase the well-being of the family and money will run into the house is considered almost the most important for this day.
It was believed that washing on Maundy Thursday and cleansing the house helps to get rid of the burden of worries and bad habits of the previous year. The house was washed thoroughly, and they themselves did not forget to go to the bathhouse. Our grandmothers on this day did not forget to read the plot in order to preserve beauty for a long time.
There are such signs on Maundy Thursday that are associated with hair growth - it is believed that if you cut the ends of your hair on this day, all sorrows and worries will go with them.
If possible, they tried to rinse before sunrise. There is also a sign that if you wash yourself on Pure Thursday from silver dishes, then evil spirits will bypass. Nowadays, washing in the spring can be completely replaced with a cool morning shower, and washing from silver dishes can be done in this way - put any silver object in a glass at night and wash yourself with this water in the morning.

Many are related to the financial well-being of the home. It is believed that when starting cleaning, windows and doors should be washed with water, in which there is a handful of little things. This will bring money into the house. In addition, it was believed that the general cleaning on Pure Thursday would help to find once lost, but expensive things. The water remaining after the general cleaning should be poured away, imagining that all the troubles go with it. You need to start cleaning from the darkest and most neglected corners of the house or apartment. It is advisable to wash all linen. In the villages, sometimes after Thursday they slept simply on straw, since all the sheets were washed and hung out to dry.

If you count money on Clean Thursday, 2019 can be a year of financial prosperity. Money must be counted three times on this day, at dawn, at midday sun and at sunset. You need to count all the money that is in the house and make sure that nothing distracts during their recount. This process must be purposeful, with an understanding of the importance of tradition. Do not be distracted by telephone conversations, this will destroy the whole strength of the tradition. And do not be late - the recount of money must be completed before sunset, so that the money does not begin to decrease.
On Maundy Thursday they prepared Thursday salt. It was baked in a Russian oven, on seven birch logs, wrapped in a cabbage leaf, and then it was with it, gray, with black coals, that they sprinkled Easter eggs or poured a protective strip near the threshold. Thursday salt with a glass of water will save you from any disease.
Some painted eggs for Easter on Maundy Thursday. Many people bake Easter cakes on this day. On Maundy Thursday, they buy or pluck sprigs of heather and juniper and decorate the house with them. It is believed that this will protect the house from trouble.

Many people know that on Maundy Thursday it is customary to wash yourself early in the morning, washing away all illnesses and troubles. In fact, many different traditions, superstitions and rituals are associated with this holiday. There are various monetary signs on Clean Thursday, as well as rituals that will change the state of things in the material sphere for the better. Remember that everything that has at least some relation to, works only if there is unshakable faith.

What to do on Clean Thursday for money?

Superstitions appeared not so easily, but thanks to the observation of people, and they are also supported by the opinion of psychics and magicians.

Signs on Clean Thursday to make money:

  1. It is forbidden on this day to give someone a loan, and this applies not only to money, but also to valuable things. It is believed that, in this way, a person repels positive energy from himself.
  2. To attract money to yourself, on this day it is recommended to rearrange various objects at home. It is believed that in this way a person will ensure stability in the material sphere.

Traditionally, on Maundy Thursday, they wash the floor with money, because people believe that in this way they attract monetary energy. Take a bucket filled with water and throw a handful of coins into it, and then say these words:

“Money, drive - don’t transfer, grow, multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”

It is recommended to supplement the conspiracy with any prayer, for example, “Our Father”. When the water is charmed, wash the floors, windows and doors with it. Then take out the coins and put them in the far corner, and pour the remaining water under the tree.

Another tradition on Maundy Thursday is to count. It is necessary to collect all the savings that are in the house, both banknotes and coins. After that, they are recalculated. It is important to figure out what time to count money on Maundy Thursday, so you need to do this three times: at dawn, at lunchtime and at sunset. It is important to conduct the counting process alone and in silence so that nothing interferes or distracts. It’s worth counting money out loud, and when you need to name a number ending in “5” or “0”, then read this conspiracy:

“A thousand, yes half a thousand, yes six hundred, my lord-hand will take everywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

You can conduct a strong pagan ritual that will improve the situation in the material sphere. It is necessary to take a coin of five kopecks and speak it, which will allow you to get a powerful talisman that will attract money to itself. Holding a coin hands, read the following plot on it seven times:

“In a golden field, in a golden house, On a golden table stands a golden idol. The idol has golden lips, the idol has golden teeth. From whom the idol will be taken, That gold will not be transferred. I will approach the golden idol closer, I will bow down to the golden idol below. The idol is standing, it won’t sway, it’s standing, it won’t move. And as this idol will never become copper, So may wealth never fall behind my hands. My word is sculpted, my work is strong. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. I close my words, I close my deeds. I'll lose the keys to the lock. Let it be according to my word! Exactly!"

When the coin is spoken, put it in your wallet and best of all in a separate pocket.

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