Speech development. lexical topic "migratory birds". Abstract of the GCD “Migratory Birds”

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic "Migratory birds"


Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external characteristics, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Practice forming complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in drawing up cut-out pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To instill in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature and a caring attitude towards them.



Summary of speech therapy lesson Topic: Migratory birds


Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external characteristics, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge about bird species, practice classifying migratory and wintering birds and highlighting an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Practice forming complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in drawing up cut-out pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To instill in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature and a caring attitude towards them.

1. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has arrived. Returning from warm countries migratory birds. They are also happy about spring. Birds are in a hurry, because during the spring they need to have time to build and repair their houses, lay eggs, hatch them and hatch their offspring - chicks. And in the fall they will again gather in flocks and fly away to warm countries for the winter.

2. Game “Which one?” Which?" Formation of compound adjectives.

Guys, you got acquainted with migratory birds. They are very beautiful and different. Tell me what you can call a stork if it has a long beak.

What kind of stork? - Long-beaked.

The Stork has a red beak - red-billed.

Rook has black eyes - black-eyed.

The Swan has a long neck - long-necked.

The crane has wide wings - broad-winged.

At the Heron long legs– long-legged.

The Swan has short legs - short-legged.

3. game “Name what it is”

It shines, it warms... (the sun).

It melts, gets dark... (snow).

They are running, babbling, ringing... (streams).

They drip, melt... (icicles).

They are making their way, blooming... (snowdrops).

They swell, burst... (buds).

Blooming, turning green... (leaves).

They chirp, jump... (sparrows).

They return, sing, build nests... (migratory birds).

4. Physical education minute.

"The swallows were flying"Coordination of speech with movement.

5. Game “Fourth wheel?”

The slides show images of different birds, and children choose an extra object and verbally justify their choice.

Pigeon , swallow, starling, cuckoo. Who's the odd one out? - a pigeon, since it is a wintering bird.

Crow, sparrow, dove, starling

Nightingale, lark, sparrow, swallow.

Magpie, rook , bullfinch, tit.

Swan, heron, pigeon, stork.

6. GAME “Who has who?”

We stood in a circle. To whom I throw the ball, he names the chick of that bird,

Which I will name.

The cuckoo has a cuckoo, the swallow has ...,

The starling has ..., the crane has ...,

The swift has ..., the swans have ...,

Ducks have ..., geese have ...,

The rook has...

7. GAME “Who came for whom?”

First the rooks came, followed by the starlings, followed by the starlings.

Swallows, behind the swallows - cranes.

***, take the rook.

***, take the starling.

***, take the swallow.

***, take the crane.

***, repeat who came for whom.

***, repeat

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Zaostrovskaya Secondary School"

structural unit "Kindergarten village" Zaostrovye"

Arkhangelsk region, Primorsky district

Methodological development of a musical and speech-language educational lesson “Birds of Migratory”

with elements of health-saving technologies and ICT

(senior group children with parents)

Compiled by: Konovalenko Irina Nikolaevna, speech therapist teacher

This is a general lesson on the topic “Birds of Migratory”, which is conducted by: a speech therapist, a music director and parents. The lesson used elements of health-saving technologies: psycho-gymnastics, kinesiological, breathing exercises, games with speech accompaniment, logarithmics. The presentation “Migratory Birds” allows you to increase children’s interest and reduce the time for preparing visual material for the lesson. Joint classes with parents solve the problem of cooperation and involvement of parents in the correctional process.

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about migratory birds.


    Activation of vocabulary on the topic (names of birds, their chicks, selection of antonyms, verbs, exercise in the formation of complex adjectives).

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases, exercise in the coordination of cardinal numerals and nouns, use of prepositions, work with deformed phrases).

    Work on coherent speech (practice in composing a retelling based on a series of plot pictures).

    Develop phonemic awareness, visual and auditory attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking, coordination of movements, fine and gross motor skills, motor activity children.

    To instill in children a caring attitude towards birds.


Presentation "Migratory Birds", "island" tables - 8 pcs., pictures - names of islands, hats with images of migratory and wintering birds, game "Count and Name", birdhouse and starling, series of plot pictures "Rook - Rescuer", game “Hide and Seek”, audio recording “Cuckoo Singing”, musical accompaniment: Saint-Saëns “The Swan”

There are 8 tables – islands – arranged in a circle in the hall. On all the tables there is a picture - the name of the island. There is one parent on each island and plays the appropriate game with the children. There are children in the center of the hall. During the entire lesson, children move from one table - island to another and play.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: The long-awaited, cheerful, sunny spring is coming. Migratory birds will soon return to us. Why are they called migratory? (because they fly to warmer climes in the fall and return in the spring).

Speech therapist: Why do they fly away from us in the fall? (it becomes cold and there is nothing to eat).

Let's play and turn into birds.

Game “Wintering - migratory” (M. Kartushina)

Children put on hats with pictures of birds (wintering and migratory) and form a circle. Holding hands, they walk to the song:

Ducks, geese, cranes,

Larks, waders

They came from across the sea,

And their houses were waiting for them

Crows are caracons,

Magpies - white-sided,

Sparrows, tits -

Wintering birds.

For the 2nd part of the music, the children - “birds” “fly” around the hall in a free direction; at the end of the music, the children stand in 2 circles. The team that lines up the fastest wins.

Speech therapist: Now look at the pictures and tell me who is the odd one out here and why?

Game "Fourth wheel"

Martin, butterfly, heron, crane

Rook, sparrow, starling, thrush

Crow, sparrow, dove,starling

    Main part.

Speech therapist: The birds covered a very long distance before they reached us. They were always in flight, only sometimes landing on the islands in order to rest. Today we will take a trip to these islands and play with migratory birds. First, let's remember how cranes learn to fly.

Breathing exercise “Cranes learn to fly” » ( N.V. Nishcheva).

Children spread their arms to the sides and raise them to shoulder level. Inhale through your nose. When lowering your hands, exhale. To make it more difficult, you can swing your arms while simultaneously lifting your legs alternately and moving in a circle.

Speech therapist: So, let's fly. (Children “fly” around the hall to the music and stop at the first “island”).

1 island “Who has who?”

What do birds do in spring? (build nests, hatch chicks).

Now we will remember what the chicks of different birds are called.

Game “Who has who” (with a ball).

The rook has rooks

The crane has baby cranes

The swift has haircuts

The duck has ducklings

The starling has starlings

The jackdaw has jackdaws

Psycho-gymnastics “Chicks”.

Let's show how the chicks look pitifully when they want to eat (children use facial expressions); the chicks saw a large alien bird and got scared; The chicks waited for their mother and had fun.

How do birds take care of their chicks? (They protect them, feed them)

Kinesiological exercise “The bird is looking”

Alternating connection of all fingers with the thumb (1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5)

The bird is also looking in the grass,

And on the branches and in the foliage,

And among the big meadows

Flies, worms, horseflies, beetles.

Speech therapist: The bird has fed its chicks and we can continue our flight (the children “fly” around the hall to the music).

Island 2 “Say the opposite”

- All birds are different: there are big ones and ... (small ones); their beaks are short and ... (long). Let's playgame "Say the other way around"

The stork is big, and the nightingale... (small)

The crane has a long neck, and the thrush... (short)

The nightingale has a gray breast, and the swallow... (white)

The stork is white, and the rook... (black)

The children continue the “flight”.

Island 3 “Count and Name”

Count the birds: how many storks are drawn..., cuckoos..., rooks..., starlings..., swallows..., nightingales.... Write the number of birds in the circle (under the picture of the bird).

Children's answer: 1 stork, 5 nightingales, 2 rooks, 2 cuckoos, 3 swallows, 4 starlings.

Now let’s take sticks and tap out (syllable by syllable) the names of these birds.

Game "Snitch"

Music sounds and the children move to the next island.

4 island “Whose, whose, whose, whose?”

- Look carefully at the picture. What is drawn here? (Because of the cloud, only parts of the birds are visible: tail, beak, wing...). Guess and tell me whose it is?

Swallow's tail - ... (swallow's tail)

Stork beak - ... (stork beak)

Crane wing - ... (crane wing)

Duck feet - ... (duck feet)

Rook's head - ... (rook's head)

(The sound of a cuckoo singing)

Musical director: Who's singing that? (cuckoo). What is the cuckoo doing? (cues). Let us also sing a song about the cuckoo.

Children sing the song “The Cuckoo Sings in the Forest”

The “flight” continues.

5 island “Say in one word”

The heron has long legs, so it is called ... (long-legged)

A swallow has a long tail, which means it is... (long-tailed)

The rook has black eyes, he is... (black-eyed)

The stork has a long beak, so it is called ... (long-beaked)

The swan has a long neck, it is called ... (long-necked)

Children “fly” around the hall.

6 island “Make a proposal”

What's on the card? (Proposal diagram). Who guessed what we would do? (Make sentences). What does a starling do?

(The parent shows the birdhouse and moves the picture of a starling, and the children make up sentences).

The starling flew out of the birdhouse.

A starling flew into a birdhouse.

The starling circled over the birdhouse.

The starling sat on the birdhouse.

A starling sits under a birdhouse.

Speech therapist: “let’s fly” to the next island.

7 island "Non-Lepis"

Listen to the suggestions. Does this happen? Make up the sentences correctly.

Chicks hatch eggs.

Crocodiles hatched from the birds' eggs.

The children made birdhouses for the storks.

The bird's body is covered with fur.

The worm pecked the starling.

The starling lives in a booth.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

The “flight” continues.

8 Island "Fairy Tale"

Listen to a fairy tale. Look at the pictures. Put them in order. Retell this story. Come up with a title for the fairy tale.

Spring has come. Tanya planted a sunflower seed in the ground. A sprout appeared from the ground. And the worms and caterpillars are right there. The caterpillar crawled up to the sprout and said: “You are a green sprout, young and sweet. I'll eat you."

Rostock begged: “Have pity on me, caterpillar. Let me grow up!”

The caterpillar laughed in response and crawled very close to the Sprout. And then Rook flies past. Rostock shouted: “Rook, help! The caterpillar wants to eat me."

(Children put the pictures in the correct order, retell the fairy tale, suggest its name).

Speech therapist: It was last island. It's time for us to return home.

Music is playing. Children “fly” around the hall.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Oh, what is this lying under our feet? (Envelope with letter).

What's on the envelope? (The man feeds the bird) So the man takes care of the bird. Let's remember how to protect birds and what not to do. (Children explain the diagrams)

1. Nests must not be destroyed because birds hatch their chicks in them.

2. You cannot destroy insects because birds eat insects.

What did we do today? (We flew to the islands and played with migratory birds)

Children perform the Swan dance.


    Krupenchuk O.I. Finger games.

St. Petersburg, Publishing House "Litera" 2006

    Teremkova N.E. Speech therapy homework

for children 5-7 years old with OHP.

M., Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2008.

Summary of the final speech therapy lesson on the formation of grammaticalconstructing speeches on the topic “Migratory Birds”

Correctional educational goals:

- consolidate the idea of ​​migratory birds, their appearance, lifestyle, body parts, ability to generalize;

- continue to expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic (migratory birds, rook, rook, starling, starling, cuckoo, swan, crane, crane, swallow, beetle, caterpillar;

- passive vocabulary: agile, perched, killer whale;

- continue to improve the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns with the suffixes -at, -yat);

Formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative case;

Corrective and developmental goals:

- continue to develop speech activity, coherent and dialogic speech; auditory and visual attention, perception, thinking, articulatory and general motor skills;

Correctional and educational goals:

— continue to develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, initiative, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: subject pictures of migratory birds, tape recorder, easel, pointer, wand.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems, stories about migratory birds,

- unlearning finger game" Martin";

- asking riddles;

- looking at pictures;

(children sit in a semicircle)

- Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, fabulous and full of different miracles. This magic wand will help you perform miracles. All you have to do is wave it, say the magic word, and a miracle will happen. Do you want to see a miracle? Then everyone close your eyes and count to three with me. 1-2-3 - a miracle happens! (A recording is turned on with the sounds of the forest and birdsong).

- Well, what miracle happened? - Yes!

- Guys, we found ourselves in a fairy forest! Listen, who is singing like that?

- These are birds!

If the snow melts everywhere, the day becomes longer.

If everything turns green,

And a stream rings in the fields. If the sun shines brighter. If the birds have no time to sleep, If the wind has become warmer, It means that... (spring) has come to us.

- Yes, with the arrival of spring everything comes to life around. The first grass is turning green, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the streams are ringing merrily, the birds are singing loudly. Migratory birds that had flown to warmer climes for the winter are returning home. What birds have arrived? You will recognize them by solving the riddles. Listen carefully.

Black, agile, Shouts: “Krack!” The enemy of worms.

There is a palace on a pole, There is a singer in the palace, And his name is...


A rope stretched across the sky.


Not a crow, not a tit, - What is the name of this bird? She perched herself on a branch, and “cuckoo” was heard in the forest.


- Well done! (I display the birds on the typesetting canvas).

- How can these birds be called in one word?

— What other migratory birds do you know?

- Why are they called migratory?

- Well done! And now we will play the game “What shall we treat you with?” I will name the bird, and you must say what they eat.

- The rook is a worm, the crane is a fish, the starling is a beetle, the swallow is a mosquito, the cuckoo is a caterpillar.

- Well done! Do you know what our birds eat?

Now we stand near our chairs and let’s play with our fingers. (Finger gymnastics “Swallow” is carried out).

Swallow, swallow,

Dear killer whale,

Where have you been?

What did you come with?

Been overseas

I got the spring.

I carry it, I carry it

Spring is red.

- Let's play another game, this game is called “Name how many chicks?”

I show you a picture where an adult bird and its chicks are drawn, and you must say what this bird is called and how many chicks are with it.

- The cuckoo has one cuckoo.

— The starling has two little birds.

— The rook has three rooks.

— The crane has four babies.

- The swan has five cubs.

- Well done! The next game is called "What's Missing?" You have to guess what the bird is missing.

— The bird is missing a beak, etc.

- Well done guys! I really liked you today. What do you remember most today?

- What did we talk about today?

— Why are they called migratory birds?

- Well done! You know the chicks of migratory birds living in our forests, you know what the adult birds and their chicks are called, what they eat, you can determine what parts the birds consist of.

(A knock is heard. A surprise moment - a starling appears).

- Who came to visit us, did you recognize him?

- Yes, I'm a starling. I flew past your kindergarten and heard that you know so much about us migratory birds and I really liked it. For your good knowledge, I want to give you gifts of these coloring books, which depict birds. I see that you love nature and will take care of us.

Speech therapist teacher

MADOU No. 12

Uchaly, rep. Bashkortostan

Zagirova Albina Shavkatovna

State public educational institution "Dzerzhinsky sanatorium orphanage"



Speech therapist teacher

Erysheva O.N.



Teach children to use prepositions in their independent speech.

Work on the syllable structure of words denoting migratory birds.

Write descriptive stories based on a diagram.


Clarify existing knowledge on the topic “Spring” and “Migratory Birds”.

- RaswiderThere is an active dictionary on the topic “Migratory Birds”.

- Improve the skill of composing different typessentences with prepositions and conjunctions.

- Work on the grammatical structure of speech:

Genitive case singular and plural;

Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Learn to identify the “4th extra” with an explanation.

3. Developmental:

Develop higher mental functions: attention, thinking,memory;

Develop common and fine motor skills.

4. Educators:

Teach politeness, tact, mutual assistance, friendly attitude, sense of teamwork, kind attitude towards nature and birds.

Equipment: frog and stork costumes; caps of rook, lark, magpie, lark; cut-out pictures of migratory birds; pictures of birds; diagram of the retelling of the swallow; recording with bird sounds.

1. Organizational moment. (Working on spatial concepts, using wordsafter, before.

What time of year is it now? (It’s spring now).

What time of year was before spring? (Before spring there was winter)

What time will come after spring? (After spring will come summer).

What part of spring is it now? (It's mid-spring)

Speech therapist . Guys, before starting class, let’s say our motto:

Who wants to talk

He must speak out.

Everything is correct and clear,

So that it is clear to everyone.

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer.

If everything is green and a stream rings in the fields. If the sun shines brighter.

If the birds can't sleep,

If the evening has become warmer,

This means that...(spring) has come to us

Speech therapist. Yes, with the arrival of spring everything comes to life around. How well do you know the signs of spring? Let's check it now. I invite you to guess spring riddles:

(answer with a sentence, start with the word “spring”)

1. What warms, shines, scorches in spring? (sun)

2.What is blue, high, clear in spring? (sky)

3. What runs, murmurs, sings in the spring? (streams)

4. What hangs from the roof, drips, melts? (icicles)

5.What gets dark in spring? (snow)

What drips, rings, sings in spring? (drops)

Let's imagine that we are in a spring forest .

Close your eyes and count to three with me. 1-2-3 miracle happen!

(a recording with the sounds of the forest and birds singing is turned on).

- Well, what miracle happened? -Yes!

Guys, we are in a spring forest! The forest is a great and true friend. It is also a home for animals and birds. Listen, who is that singing in the forest?

These are birds!

Speech therapist. Of course, guys. And guys, in the spring birds that flew to warm countries in the fall return to us.

What are these birds called? (migratory)

Speech therapist . Right. Today in class we will talk about migratory birds. ( The first grass is turning green, the sun is shining brighter and warmer, the streams are ringing merrily, the birds are singing loudly. Migratory birds are returning from warm countries. They fly in flocks and scream. Birds are also happy about spring.)

Speech therapist. . Why are they called migratory?

Children . Migratory birds live with us in the summer, build nests, hatch chicks, and with the onset of cold weather they fly away to hot countries for the whole winter in order to return to their native lands in the spring.

Speech therapist . Now let's play a game"Say a word "and find out what birds arrive in the spring.

1.To your wooden palace

Arrived in the spring...(starling)

2. Don’t be sorry for sonorous songs

In the spring...(nightingale).

3.A sad wedge in the heavenly distance

They fly with a sad cry... (cranes)

4. Variegated breast, tail, crown

In the forest and in the clock, the cuckoo cuckoos.

5. Starts with the letter “A”

The name of the bird...(stork).

6. In the spring it rushes towards us from the south

A bird as black as a raven.

All the migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

There is a doctor for our trees,

Eats different bugs... (Rook).

Speech therapist . Tell me, guys, what migratory birds do you know? (rook, nightingale, cuckoo, swallow, wild ducks, starlings...

Finger gymnastics"Birds of Passage"

Tili-teli, tili-teli – (cross their thumbs, wave their palms)

Birds have arrived from the south!

A squirrel flew to us – (alternately bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger of the left hand)

Gray feather.

Lark, nightingale

Hurry up, who's faster?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin -

Everyone's back, they've arrived , (again, crossing their thumbs, waving their palms)

Voiced songs eli!( index and thumb make a beak - “birds sing”)

Speech therapist . “4-odd” -Which bird is the odd one out? (Nightingale, stork, cuckoo, magpie)

Children . The extra magpie is a wintering bird.

Crow, sparrow, dove, rook

Children. The extra bird, the rook, is a migratory bird.

Speech therapist. A story about birds. (Rooks are among the first to fly to their homeland. They are not afraid of cold weather. And until the fields are free of snow, the rooks look for grain and leftover food near human habitation. Then the construction of nests begins. The rook brings twigs, and the rook builds a nest. On one tree you can count 15-20 nests.)


The rook is a large bird. She looks like a crow. She has a big thick beak. The rook is the first to arrive to us in the spring. It eats beetles, larvae, and worms. The rook makes a nest of thin twigs and straw on the treetops.

Let's play the game "Fix the sentence" ( choose the preposition necessary for the meaning (from, in, to, above, on, by)

The rook flew out of the nest. The rook flew (to) the nest. The rook flew up (to) the nest. The rook circles (over) the nest. The rook sat (on) a branch. The rook walks (on) the ground. The rook sits (under) a tree.

2) The children made a house

And they nailed it to a tree.

The singer settled in there.

And his name?... (Starling)


Starlings arrive after the rooks. Bird small size, black feathers with white spots. The beak is powerful, there is a black crest on the head. It feeds on worms, caterpillars, and butterflies. They protect forests and gardens from pests. The starling lives in a birdhouse.(In summer, during the long daylight hours, both parents fly to the nest up to 300 times! Just imagine how many caterpillars, beetles and worms one pair of starlings will destroy.)

Game "Choose a Word"

Speech therapist.

- How to call a starling affectionately ?(Skvorushka)

- Who is the starling's chick, chicks? ( Birdhouse, starlings)

-What is their mother's name?( Starling)

- What kind of house do people build for starlings in the spring? ?(birdhouse)

Speech therapist .

3) Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,

Who is this... (nightingale) Let's call the nightingale affectionately (nightingale).


Nightingales arrive when trees and bushes are covered with leaves. This little gray bird sings very beautifully. His home is a nest. It feeds on insects and seeds.Read. There is a sign among the people: “The nightingale sings all night - for good weather.”

4) Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body

And the back of the head, naked, red

Wanders through the dirty swamps,

Catches frogs and stupid jumpers in them. (Crane)

Crane large bird. The crane has a long neck, long beak, wide wings, and long legs. Cranes are gray and white.

Education related words . Crane chicks - baby cranes, little crane,mother of the cranes - crane,flock of cranes – crane,let's call him affectionately - crane, crane.

Surprise moment. (knock on glass like a bird with its beak)

Guys, it’s as if a bird knocked on the window with its beak, and it seems that it brought a letter.

A dove threw a letter towards us at the window about someone.

Apparently he was in a hurry, he left very quickly,

There was a lot of mail, but he didn’t deliver it all.

Well, I’ll read it to you, from whom I find it out.

“Hello, my little friends!

I want to hear a story about a bird that returns to you from warm countries in the spring.

In the meantime, I’m sending you a puzzle with a photo of this bird.

(La 100 chka).

Swallows and swifts arrive later than other birds, because they need a lot of flying insects to appear.

Speech therapist . Let's try to make a story about a swallow using pictures. (Children turn over snowdrops and make sentences).

The swallow is a beautiful migratory bird.

The swallow has a black head, a white breast with a red and blue tie. The tail and wings are long and sharp.

A swallow lives in a nest under the roof of a house. Builds a nest from twigs, blades of grass, and clay.

The swallow's enemy is the cat. Swallows unitely defend themselves from enemies.

The swallow feeds on insects: caterpillars, mosquitoes, worms, bugs.

The swallow sings beautifully. She makes people happy with her loud, cheerful chirping.

Game "The birds have flown away."

Swallow - swallows - no swallows

Crane - cranes - no cranes.

Starling - starlings - no starlings.

Nightingale - nightingales - no nightingales

Lark – larks – no larks

Lexico-grammatical game “Say the opposite”

TO short tail – long tail

Black beak – white beak

Thin neck – thick neck

Sharp beak - blunt beak

- Write the letters into the figures according to the example. Read the name of the birds and match it with the example. (on the desk).

Individually (collect cut-out pictures of migratory birds)

-Exercise “Finish the sentence” »

I really liked all your stories and poems. But there are still some questions left. Let's try to answer them answer them.

In the spring, birds build nests because... (children repeat the phrase and finish it) they hatch chicks in them.

The first to fly south are the birds that feed on insects, because... the insects are hiding and have nothing to eat.

In autumn, swans, ducks and geese are the last to fly away, because... reservoirs do not freeze for a long time and provide them with food.

All people love to listen to the nightingale because... he sings wonderfully.

Caterpillars cannot destroy crops because... birds destroy them.

The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because... (it does not build its own nests).

Birds need to be loved and protected, because... they bring great benefits (they decorate our nature, sing wonderfully, etc.)

Speech therapist . And now our theater page “Meetings in spring forest»

Stork and frog

The frog and the stork argued who was more beautiful.

- I! - Look what I have beautiful legs!

-But I have four of them, and you only have two!

-Yes, I only have two legs, but they are long!

- I can croak, but you can’t!

- And I fly, and you just jump!

- You fly, but you can’t dive!

- And I have a beak!

- Just think, a beak! What is it for?

- That's what!

(the stork got angry and swallowed the Frog).

It’s not for nothing that they say that storks swallow frogs so as not to argue with them in vain.

(S. Mikhalkov).

Whose thawed patch

(Magpie, rook, lark come out to musical accompaniment)

Magpie: Tra-ta-ta! No thawed patch? Mine, mine! My thawed patch, since I saw it first!

Rook : Hello, I've already arrived! And right into my thawed patch! Ugly!

Magpie: Why is she yours? I saw her first!

Rook: You saw it, and I was flying towards her from afar! Left warm countries. Where there is thawed land, there we are, rooks! My thawed patch!

Lark: And I was born on it!

Speech therapist : Don't quarrel, friends, thawed patches are like thawed patches. Why do you need it?

Magpie. What about the seeds? Are the sprouts green?

Rook . Sit, walk, stretch! Dig your nose into the ground.

Lark. And it’s so good to sing over a thawed patch! There are as many thawed patches in the field as there are so many larks above them, and everyone is singing! There is nothing better than our thawed patch!

Speech therapist: Why are you arguing then, since she’s yours? The lark wants to sing - let him sing, the rook wants to walk - let him walk.

Lesson summary:

Guys, please tell me what birds we talked about in class today?

What did you like about our lesson?


(senior group compensating direction)

Teacher-speech therapist Gorbenko N.V. MDOU TsRR – kindergarten No. 28 Zhukovsky

Target: development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech on this topic, practical use of a simple common sentence and prepositional-case constructions.


correctional and educational:

expanding children’s ideas about migratory birds, their appearance and way of life, activating vocabulary on the topic, using prepositions;

correctional and developmental:

development of the ability to compose simple sentences, formation of the grammatical structure of speech (formation of plural nouns in pad., consolidation of the ability to agree numerals with nouns, syllabic analysis of words, sound analysis of words using the symbolic symbolism of vowel sounds, practical use of prepositions “in”, “on”, “with”, “to”, “from”, “for”, “from” in speech, the formation of names of baby birds using the suffix –onok-, the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech breathing, general and fine motor skills, coordination of words and movements;

correctional and educational:

nurturing interest in environment and a caring attitude towards her, the development of goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, audio recording “Bird Voices”, birdhouse, numbers 2 and 5, diagrams with symbols vowel sounds, ball, game “Collect the bird” according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. (Creating a positive emotional background classes). Children and speech therapist are standing on the carpet.Quiet music is playing. The speech therapist and the children read the poem and perform movements in time with the words.

Slush, bad weather,(raised hands up, waving hands)

The poplar has turned yellow.(torso tilts left - right)

Suddenly there is a squirrel on a branch(arms to the sides)

Sang a song.(torso turns left - right, arms to the sides)

The branch sways a little,(hands up, imitation of wind blowing)

The rain doesn't stop(waving hands in front of you)

The old skvorushka is with us (arms to the sides)

Says goodbye until spring.(farewell hand movements)

Speech therapist: And now you and I will go to a magical clearing. Let's take a deep breath with our mouth and as we exhale say the magic word “FUUUUH”, stretching the exhalation as long as possible (the exercise is repeated 3 times, last time with your eyes closed), open your eyes. Guys, where are we? (Audio recording of “Bird Voices” is played).

Children: In the forest.

The children take their seats.

2. Conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guess who we met in the forest? Do you remember whose voices you heard?

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, today in class we will talk about birds. What do birds do in the fall?

Children: In autumn, birds gather in flocks and fly south.

Speech therapist: That's right, guys. Back in October, migratory birds begin to fly to warmer climes. Schools and lines of cranes, geese, and seagulls came out. If migratory birds fly low to the ground, it means a frosty winter, and if they fly high, it means a warm winter. Migrating thrushes feast on rowan trees: they will peck a rowan berry, rest and fly further south. “And when the goose flies away, snow falls” - this is what people say. But sparrows, crows, magpies, woodpeckers, and tits remain to spend the winter in our area. In autumn and winter, many of them fly closer to human habitation. Here you can get more food, and there is somewhere to hide from the wind and frost. Guys, the breeze accidentally mixed up the photographs of all the birds. Let's see which of these birds will stay with us for the winter, and which will fly away from us to the south. If birds stay with us for the winter, what are they called?

Children: Wintering.

Speech therapist: Birds that fly south, what do we call them?

Children: Migratory.

Pictures of birds are laid out on the table in front of the children: swallow, starling, magpie, crow, duck, lark, woodpecker, crane, swan, cuckoo, owl, nightingale, thrush, stork, heron. Children go to the table one by one and arrange wintering and migratory birds into two groups. The speech therapist hangs pictures of migratory birds on the board.

Speech therapist: Who did you choose?

Children: “I chose a swallow,” etc.

3. Game “Name the parts of the bird’s body.”

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the picture of birds, tell me what body parts they have. We answer with a full sentence.

Birds have a head. Birds have two wings.

Birds have two legs. Birds have a tail.

Birds have a beak. Birds have a neck. The body of birds is covered with feathers.

4. Game “How many birds have flown away? "(numbers 2, 5)

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the numbers that stand next to the birds. You must answer “How many birds flew away? » Answer in a complete sentence.

Children: “2 swallows flew away, and then 5 more swallows.”

Children: “2 swans flew away, and then 5 more swans,” etc.

5. Game “One - many”with throwing the ball.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist calls the word-name of the bird in singular. them. pad., the child names the word in the plural. they're down.

Cuckoo - cuckoos, crane - cranes,
starling - starlings, nightingale - nightingales,

lark - larks, swan - swans,

duck - ducks,
swallow - swallows,

blackbird - blackbirds, stork - storks,

heron - herons.

6.. Game “Who has who”” with throwing the ball.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we have to name the bird’s chick.
The cuckoo has a cuckoo

The crane has a baby crane

The starling has a little starling
The swan has a baby swan

The duck has a duckling

The stork has a baby stork

The thrush has a blackbird

7. Riddles about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen and guess the riddles about birds.

This is an old friend of ours: He flies to us with warmth, Who is on the tree, on the branch

He lives on the roof of the house - He has come a long way. The count is kept: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku?”
Long-legged, long-nosed, sculpts a house under the window (cuckoo)
Long-necked, voiceless. Made from grass and clay.
He flies to hunt (swallow)
For frogs to the swamp.

Stands on one leg, wants to fly straight,

He looks intently into the water, If he wants, he hangs in the air,

Pokes his beak at random - Falls like a stone from the heights.

Looking for frogs in the river. And in the fields he sings, sings.

(heron) (lark)

8. Physical exercise.Finger gymnastics.

A flock of birds.

Sing along, sing along!

Ten birds - a flock!

This bird is a nightingale.

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl -

sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing.

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling -

gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin

Well, this is an evil eagle...

Birds, birds, go home!

(the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Having heard the names of the birds, the children pinch one finger at a time, first with their right hand, then with their left hand. last words imitate birds flying away)

9. Use of prepositional-case constructions.

Speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is. We answer in full sentences! Working with prepositions “in”, “on”, “with”, “for”, “to”, “from”, “of”. The speech therapist moves the starling near the birdhouse, the children use various prepositional-case constructions.

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly?

Children: “The starling flew into the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly from?

Children: “The starling flew out of the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where does the starling sit?

Children: “The starling is sitting on a birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where did the starling come from?

Children: “The starling flew off the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where did the starling hide?

Children: “The starling hid behind the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly off from?

Children: “The starling flew away from the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly up to?

Children: “The starling flew up to the birdhouse.”

10. Sound-syllable analysis of words using symbolic symbols.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help migratory birds fly safely to warmer climes. To do this, you need to clap the name of the bird syllable by syllable and isolate the vowel sounds from the words that are the names of the birds. Vowel sounds are indicated on the board with symbols. For each bird, you and I must find the right pattern.

The speech therapist shows diagrams on the board and pronounces the names of birds with exaggerated pronunciation of vowel sounds. Children identify vowel sounds from bird name words and find the desired pattern on the board.

Duck stork thrush cuckoo crane

11. Game “Collect the bird”.

Speech therapist: Guys, and the last task for you. You will have to assemble a bird from various geometric shapes (head, body

2 wings tail)

Independent work children.

12. Summing up the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, here we are, sending our birds off to warmer lands.

What did we do in class today? What new have we learned? What tasks did you like best?

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