What does selfie mean? What does the word "selfie" mean? The history of the famous self

One of the most popular and unusual genres of photography today is selfie, or as they are also called – selfie. This well-known entertainment is in great demand among both children and teenagers. But not everyone knows what it is and where it came from.

Against the background of the sculpture

What is a selfie, aka selfie

First, let's look at what this means. interesting word. Translated from English language selfie or self refers to oneself. That is, this is a type of self-portrait that is performed independently, filming oneself with a camera. Well, in purely Russian terms - it will be a selfish thing! 🙂

Since this style is done independently, the photo itself is taken at arm's length. Therefore, the image of the author in the photograph appears either at an angle, or slightly above or below the level of the head. Also, when taking a picture, many people use a mirror, as well as a tripod to firmly fix the camera when taking a picture, or other devices with similar functions.

Against the backdrop of the Iset River and high-rise buildings in the center of Yekaterinburg

The history of the famous self

The first independent photographs date back to 1900, it was then that the Kodak company appeared, with which the era of self-portraits began, so to speak. The photographs were taken using a tripod on which the camera was mounted, then the photographer recorded the future photograph through the viewfinder and produced a photographic portrait.

Many historical archives contain information about how Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna independently took the first photograph using a mirror, while still at a young age (13 years old). The picture itself was addressed to her friend, and was accompanied by the following words: “I took this picture while looking in the mirror. It was very difficult because my hands were shaking."

In a dirty mirror
In the store mirror
In a dirty street mirror
In the mirror after successfully passing the state tests

The term selfie first appeared in 2002. It was in that year, in Australia, on the ABC Online Internet forum in September that this word thundered for the first time. Since then, a heated discussion of photographs in this style began, and also gained authority not only among young people, but also the adult generation turned their attention to this fashion trend. So, in his old age, Pope Francis, taking advantage of the moment and not missing the opportunity, published photos in which he captured himself with his church parishioners.

Another proof of the popularity of such photo cards is the fact of December 2012, when the publishing house of Time magazine included “selfie” in the top ten buzzwords of the year.

Literally on next year, having conducted a survey among Australian residents (namely, the survey was conducted among women from 18 to 35 years old) they found that most respondents posted photos of themselves on Facebook and Instagram. And also, having conducted a survey among owners of mobile phones with built-in photo cameras (aged 18 to 24 years), it showed that almost half of them take photographs in a similar style.

Today, many politicians on their social pages post photos they take themselves. Yes, Prime Minister Russian Federation, at the numerous requests of his fans, he made available for public viewing his photographs, photographed by himself, which are extremely popular.

In the background wax figure owners of the largest breasts

After successfully passing the state tests in the master's program

A small video selection on our topic today! 🙂

An unsuccessful attempt to take a photograph was captured at a village feast.

Quite an interesting clip from Tkach & Marta. As they say in the description of the video, these days, not only girls, but also men don’t care about the centimeters in their pants, only the size of the selfie stick matters.

Not all selfies are healthy, this video will tell you about that!

To all that has been said, I would also like to add an interesting incident that occurred in the history of selfies. Back in 2011, during an extraordinary journey through the jungles of Sulawesi, David Slater, a photographer from Britain, took a series of photographs of unusual crested baboon monkeys, and just while working, these animals, unexpectedly for David himself, took away his camera and did not hesitate to take several pictures. And this case became famous only because for a long time they could not establish who actually owned the rights to the pictures.

In conclusion, I would like to ask a question to my beloved readers. Do you often take pictures of yourself? If yes, then in what place is the most interesting for you made? selfie? In the comments you can leave links to your photos, I will correct them so that they appear the same as mine! 🙂

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What does selfie mean?

Greetings, dear readers and guests of my photo blog. Today, social networks and the entire Internet in general are literally teeming with photographs from the category of “your good self” or “your beautiful self.” Well, since this topic is so popular, it did not bypass the pages of my photo site. Today I will share with you what does selfie mean? and in general h what is a selfie and where it came from, and I’ll also tell you about myself

What does selfie mean?

The word selfie comes from English word self which means oneself, oneself, oneself, independently (translation options from Google translator). Today, selfies have grown into a new genre in photography. What is a selfie? It’s a photo of yourself.

Not a selfie, but a selfie

To brighten up this boring article about trends in photography, I’ll give you a couple of examples of selfies from the Internet.

Selfies are taken in pairs

Selfies are taken in famous places

like “I was there too, I drank honey beer, it flowed down my mustache and didn’t get into my mouth”))

Well, the signature of the next self speaks for itself

Very often selfies are taken in front of the mirror:

Sometimes I like to relax in front of the TV, who among you doesn’t? Especially if there is a comedy club on TV. This is the song written by Comedy Club resident Semyon Slepakov, “a song about selfies.” He's also trending

What's the best way to take selfies?

As you can see, selfies are most often taken on phones, smartphones, and iPhones. With the advent of phones with a front camera, social networks were literally overflowing with selfies. The quality of phone photos can be debated for a long time. It's far from the best, but sometimes all you have is your phone. A bad phone photo is better than no photo at all.

This trend in photography has become so popular that photographic equipment manufacturers are making cameras specifically for selfies.


Liftoluk is one of the selfie trends. A lift look is a selfie in an elevator, or rather even in the elevator mirror. On Instagram and VKontakte there are even separate feeds of lift-looks, bows and other similar pictures.

Needless to say, even the Prime Minister of Russia has a selfie lift-look. Like many Hollywood stars and not just Hollywood ones.

Liftoluk doesn’t sound so nice in Russian anymore. Selfie in the elevator. No no. By the way, this is a completely harmless elevator hatch. If you scour the Internet, search engines will give you such selfies and elevator looks that you’ll simply be amazed. How do people film this and aren’t ashamed to post it all online? Google it yourself, I won’t post such photos here.


So you found out what does selfie mean?, learned how to speak Russian correctly not a selfie, but a selfie. Well, we looked at the lift-look That's all for today.

I almost forgot. In one of the following articles I will talk about some camera models in which manufacturers have made very convenient options and gadgets for selfies. To avoid missing an article, subscribe to site updates below and don’t forget to like the post if you liked it.

I wish you more likes and classes on your selfies.

Sincerely, Roman Vlah.

No one can even imagine exactly how many borrowed words there are in the Russian language. A huge number of new terms entered our language at the end 90 -x and beginning 2000 's. If you count them, there will be at least a couple of dozen of them.
Why are borrowed concepts so popular?
The fact is that you can also use Russian phrases by combining two or three words into one, but this new term will be cumbersome and awkward. Whereas foreign words are selected in such a way that they can be pronounced quickly and briefly.
This is how the concept of “Selfie” appeared. If you try to translate this word into Russian, it will sound like "take pictures of yourself".
Now let's take a closer look at how the not-everyone-known word "Selfie" came into being and what it means.

The history of the term "Selfie"

This word was borrowed from the English language. In this language there is the designation “Self”, which translated into Russian means “self”, “self”.
That is, such a simple English word as"Self" was changed and became in Russian"Selfie". The meaning also changed a little, and began to mean a person who holds a camera or phone at arm's length with the lens turned towards him.
“Selfie” is also the name given to a photograph that is taken using a mirror or a timer.
If you think a little, you can give a clear definition to the concept of “Selfie” - this is a special type of portrait that is created by capturing yourself on a camera or phone.

This designation began to gain more and more popularity with 2000 s. A little later, “Selfie” received a second wind when phones with built-in cameras began to appear all over the world.

This practice of photographing first appeared in 20 -th century, when miniature cameras for those times hit the market in large quantities.
To take a "Selfie", a person of that time had to have a mirror in full height and a camera, you had to point the photo lens towards the mirror and take a photo of your reflection.
It's funny that in those distant times, they had never heard of the concept of "Selfie", this term appeared much later in 2002 year.

If you want to study the history of "Selfie" in more detail, then you need to spend a little time searching for the appropriate forum or website where you will find information useful to you.

The word selfie, which comes from the English language, selfie, was derived from “self,” which can be translated as “oneself.” In Russian, this phenomenon may be called selfish or crossbow. The whole point of it is to photograph yourself with a camera. Despite the fact that this phenomenon became popular relatively recently, after the mass distribution of smartphones with built-in cameras and social networks, the history of selfies goes back many years. The first photographs in this style were taken immediately after the invention of the portable Kodak Brownie camera from Kodak. Often, a mirror was used for photographs, as well as a tripod to fix the camera. Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna photographed herself in this way at the age of 13.

Anastasia Romanova, 1914

However, this phenomenon became widespread during the heyday social network MySpace, and since then the popularity of such photographs has not waned.

It is believed that the very first selfie in the world was taken by Louis Dugger. The photograph dates back to 1838. Apparently, in order to take this selfie, he had to stand still for 3 to 15 minutes.

The world's first selfie

Types and varieties of selfies

Naturally, due to the popularity of this type of photographs, they had many subspecies, which over time received proper names. Most of them will be listed in this section.

  1. A classic selfie, a familiar type of photography to everyone.
  2. Belphie, this photo shows the back view of the person taking the photo.
  3. Sagli. This look is suitable for those who like to squirm on camera or shock everyone with their terrible appearance, because this is how the name is translated from English.
  4. Shufis is just a photo of his shoes, although in addition to them, many other things can be included in the frame.
  5. Beefy, for this photo you will have to wear a bikini, and you should also take the sexiest pose possible.
  6. Ussie is a general photo, but taken by one of the people in the photo.
  7. Relfie is a couple's selfie that depicts people in a relationship.
  8. Selfie after sex, or After-Sex-Selfie, everything is clear from the name.
  9. Felfie usually contains an image of a beloved pet.
  10. Wake Up Selfie contains a photo of a person who just woke up.
  11. Scotch selfie, to take such a photo you will need to wrap tape around yourself, and make sure that your face turns out to be as scary or stupid as possible.
  12. Liftlook - a selfie taken in an elevator. It doesn’t matter where and how it will be done, the main condition of LiftLook is to use an elevator mirror to create yourself.

How to take a selfie

First of all, you need to decide on the place where you want to shoot. It should be allowed to take pictures there and a selfie should not seem inappropriate to people around you. It is also worth taking care of the background that other users will see, so you should not shoot in the first place you come across, you can choose it better to show not only your beauty, but also the beauty of the place in which you are.

Lighting is also an important factor, it is better to use natural light, if there are no such sources nearby, then you will have to make do with artificial ones, however, you should make sure that it falls at the right angle, is not too dim and not too bright. You should not use flash, especially when taking pictures in the mirror.

Also, you should not just photograph your face from the front, this is not a photo for documents, you should experiment with the position of your face and poses to appear in the most favorable light. Don’t forget about a smile, it decorates a person’s face and it won’t make things worse.

A mirror can ruin a photo

Finally, make sure that your preparations are not in the frame, that the background is fine and that there are nothing out of place.

Reflection in glasses can ruin everything

This is why you should study your photo more carefully before making it publicly available.

Accessories and devices for selfie

Of course, many accessories were invented for photographs. The most common of them are probably selfie sticks. They will help move the camera further away, thereby making it possible to capture more space in the frame.

Selfie stick

There are also special cameras that can be connected to a smartphone and then glued to a surface or attached somewhere. There is even a special drone for selfies.

Buttons for remote activation of the camera can be useful devices; also, do not forget about lamps that will help you take a photo in dark time day or highlight a person from the right direction.

There are also stranger items that are not suitable for everyone and the benefits of which are very doubtful. These immediately include hats into which you can insert a phone to take a photo. The selfie hat was first introduced in 2014 and is designed to accommodate an Acer tablet.

The selfie comb is a phone case that contains a mirror and the comb itself; it allows you to take a photo immediately after applying your beauty.

People have also thought of building devices into mirrors, so now you can get your own image without the annoying phone in your hand.

For lovers of morning toast with jam, there is unusual device, which will allow you to burn your face on every piece of toast. An interesting move, but how many people would like to bite off a piece of their face in the morning?

The user can also purchase selfie shoes, which will help them take an unusual photo and surprise their followers.

You can find many more devices on the Internet, so we can say that almost everything you need for this type of photography has already been invented and is available for purchase.

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