The most beautiful wives of heads of state. Stylish of this world: seven of the most elegant first ladies. Paris-born Gabonese star Sylvia Bongo Ondimba

Presidents and monarchs are not alien to anything human, and just like most men, they are not indifferent to female beauty. It is not surprising that the rulers' wives are exceptionally beautiful. See for yourself!

We present the TOP 10 most beautiful wives of presidents and monarchs.

Melania Trump - First Lady of the United States (46 years old)

Melania Trump is called the most beautiful first lady of our century. A magnificent figure, innate grace, slanting cat eyes - all this makes her truly delightful. However, why be surprised: Donald Trump has always liked luxurious women. All three of his wives are one more beautiful than the other!

Melania is of Slovenian origin. From the age of 17 she worked as a fashion model, some of her photo shoots are very racy.

Billionaire Trump met a girl at a party in 1998. Melania later said that at the time of their acquaintance he was quite drunk, but this did not stop him from asking the pretty model for her phone number. At first the girl rejected his advances, but then gave in. They have been inseparable for 18 years.

Marcela Temer – First Lady of Brazil (33 years old)

Marcela Temer is 42 years younger than her husband, 76-year-old Michel Temer! When they got married in 2003, she was only 20. Temer was not yet president, but Marcela already had a royal title! She won the crown of beauty queen of the Brazilian city of Paulinia, where she was born. Marcela, of course, was a very beautiful and spectacular girl, and she easily managed to win the heart of the successful politician Michel Temer, who hastened to propose marriage to the young charmer.

On August 31, 2016, Marcela became the first lady of Brazil, but she has not yet managed to win the love and affection of ordinary Brazilians. Residents of a country that is currently experiencing better times, believe that the president’s wife spends too much money from the state treasury on her outfits.

Letizia – Queen of Spain (44 years old)

Before her wedding to Prince Philip VI, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano was a famous journalist and TV presenter, but for the sake of marriage with the heir to the throne, she had to give up her career. However, as First Lady, Letizia achieved even more outstanding successes. She managed to become famous throughout the world as a woman with the most impeccable taste. According to rumors, Kate Middleton herself is trying to imitate her.

All the costumes of the Spanish Queen are refined and elegant, and her wedding dress tops the ranking of the most beautiful wedding dresses in history. And this is not the least merit of its owner, because, as Yves Saint Laurent said, the most important thing in women's clothing is the woman who wears it.

Queen Rania - First Lady of Jordan (46 years old)

Queen Rania is famous not only for her beauty, but also for her active political activity. She defends the rights of Arab women and children and does a lot of charity work. Rania's sister-in-law described her as follows:

"Graceful as a doe and disciplined as a soldier"

You won't see the Queen of Jordan in traditional Arab clothing: she never wraps herself in black from head to toe, preferring European style.

Mehriban Aliyeva – First Lady of Azerbaijan (52 years old)

The wife of the Azerbaijani president is a real oriental beauty. Despite her years (and she is already over 50), she looks amazing. Look at the photo of her with her daughters and try to guess which of the three charming women is Mehriban. Not an easy task, Truth?

Mehriban Aliyeva (center) with her daughters

Juliana Awada - First Lady of Argentina (42 years old)

The wife of the Argentine president has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most elegant women on the planet. In addition to her exquisite taste, Juliana inherited her striking appearance, inherited from her Lebanese father and Syrian mother.

Angelica Rivera – First Lady of Mexico (47 years old)

Angelica Rivera is the First Lady of Mexico and a popular soap opera actress. She is known to Russian television viewers for her roles in the TV series “Simply Maria” and “Mistress”. In 2008, Angelica, thanks to her beauty, won the heart of the governor of the state of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, whom she married 2 years later.

In 2012, her husband was elected president of Mexico, and she became first lady. Angelica and her husband have six children between them: three of her daughters from a previous marriage, as well as two daughters and a son, Pena. On at the moment Angelica is 47 years old, but she is still incredibly beautiful. The beauty says this about her character:

“disorganized, cheerful, hysterical, jealous...”
Jetsun Pema – First Lady of Bhutan (26 years old)

“Himalayan Kate Middleton”, “Dragon Queen”, “First Beauty of Bhutan”, “Jewel of the Bhutanese Crown” - this is what the press calls the young wife of the Bhutanese king. The monarch was so fascinated by the beautiful companion of his life that for her sake he abandoned polygamy, although he had the right to unite his fate with several women at once, as his father did.

Lalla Salma – Queen of Morocco (38 years old)

The wife of the Moroccan King Mohammed VI comes from ordinary family. Before her fateful meeting with the monarch, she worked as a computer engineer, and first saw her future husband at one of the corporate parties. The red-haired beauty immediately turned Mohammed's head, for her sake he refused to marry other women, although he is a follower of Sharia law.

Princess Charlene - First Lady of Monaco (38 years old)

Prince Albert II of Monaco married quite late, at 51. He chose the charming blonde Charlene Wittstock, a former swimmer. The king's entourage says that the prince's wife is very similar to his mother, the legendary Grace Kelly.

Grace Kelly (left) and Princess Charlene (right)

It was probably this similarity, as well as the desire to have a legitimate heir, that forced the monarch to say goodbye to his bachelor life. Three years after the wedding, 36-year-old Charlene gave birth to twins - Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella.

They say that behind a great man there are no less great women. Presidential wives do not always hide behind their backs, and the role of the first lady is obligatory.
But who are they: the other halves of the first person of the state? The wives of presidents, like all girls, are different: beautiful and not so, great prudes and models. Judge for yourself.

France: Brigitte Macron Brigitte Macron is the newly-minted First Lady of France. The wife of newly elected President Emmanuel Macron is almost 25 years older than him. We can say that she raised the president, because she was his school teacher.

Bridget Macron does not leave the covers of world publications; she stands out too much from the background of other presidential wives: she is raising three small grandchildren, wears leather leggings and speaks to the press with quotes from philosophers.

The media analyze in detail her wardrobe, the history of her relationship with her young influential husband, and also talk about her alleged influence on his political decisions.

The French President says about his first lady: “If I were 20 years older than my wife, and not vice versa, no one would have thought for a second that our marriage was insincere. But since she is 20 years older than me, people say that this relationship is abnormal.”

USA: Melania Trump

Before the election of Emmanuel Macron as president of France, the wife of Donald Trump was called the most scandalous first lady. She, of course, is much younger than her chosen one, but the point here is different...

For starters, the First Lady of the United States has never been a woman born in a country with a communist regime (Yugoslavia). And until now, the wives of American presidents have never been photographed naked.

Melania's photo shoot was published in 2000 in men's magazine GQ.

Russia: Lyudmila Putina. Alina Kabaeva?

Lyudmila Putina is not a model, but rather a teacher. A philologist and novelist by training, she taught for some time at the Department of Advanced Training for Teachers at Leningrad State University.

During her husband’s stay in power, Putin managed to change the title of First Lady. A precedent, although expected, was the news of the Putin couple’s divorce. During her marriage, Lyudmila Putina was one of the “invisible wives” - she appeared in public extremely rarely. This story was trending in the USSR. The model is still relevant in the post-Soviet space.

As for the first lady of Russia number 2, whom the media considers Olympic champion By rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva, President Putin did not officially announce this union, although it seems that for the residents of the country this is a done deal...

Germany: not a lady - Ulrich Merkel and Joachim Sauer

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has had more than one marriage. The alliance with Ulrich fell apart less than five years after its conclusion. After which ex-husband Merkel got a job at the Central Institute of Physical Chemistry.
Joachim Sauer and Angela Merkel legalized their relationship in 1998, although they met much earlier. In addition, at the time they met, Sauer was married.

UK: John May

The Prime Minister's husband is an investment banker, now an employee of the American trust company Capital Group Companies. The couple has been married for about 36 years.

Belarus: one Alexander Lukashenko

Of course, nothing human is alien to Lukashenko, but he always appears in public alone or with his son Nikolai. His wife, Galina Lukashenko, is a teacher of Belarusian language and literature, worked as a head teacher, and is now retired. She is involved in organizing sanatorium treatment for residents and rarely sees her husband. It’s difficult to call her the first lady - it’s more like an invisible support for her husband.

According to opposition websites, Lukashenko is seen in the company of young attractive women.
Belarusian expert Valery Karbalevich says the Soviet tradition of “hiding leaders’ wives away from the public” is deeply rooted in the public consciousness.

Ukraine: Marina Poroshenko

Marina Poroshenko is the daughter of the former Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. She followed in her father’s footsteps: she graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute with a degree in cardiology with honors and became a candidate of medical sciences. According to post-Soviet tradition, she rarely appears in public, although she heads the board of the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation.

Azerbaijan: Mehriban Aliyeva

Mehriban Aliyeva is one of the most stylish wives of presidents. It’s difficult to call her inconspicuous: she is a current deputy, leader working group on Azerbaijani-French interparliamentary relations, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Friends of Azerbaijan Culture Foundation, President of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO, UN, OIC and ISESCO.
Mehriban Aliyeva is a mother of two children, the daughter of the rector of one of the universities in Azerbaijan and a graduate of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.

Monaco: Charlene Lynette Wittstock

The 11th Princess of Monaco, wife of Prince Albert II of Monaco, Charlene, was a professional swimmer and performed in Olympic Games and other competitions for South Africa. She met her future husband during one of the swims.
The couple's circle notes Charlene's resemblance to Prince Albert's mother, American actress Grace Kelly.

Morocco: Lalla Salma

The wife of the King of Morocco studied at private school in Rabat, after graduating from the Hassan II Lyceum, she received a bachelor's degree in mathematical sciences.
She adheres to Eastern traditions and often appears in public in a national oriental long dress.

Japan: Shinzo Abe

The wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in her everyday life worked as a radio DJ, she loves to dance flamenco and is interested in fashion.

Queen of Jordan: Rania Faisal

King Abdullah II's wife is not the first lady. She's a queen. In 2003, to her royal title, Rania added the title of “Queen of Elegance of the World 2003” by the British magazine “Hello”.

1. Charlene, wife of Prince Albert of Monaco

Princess Charlene of Monaco, the wife of Prince Albert, has almost model parameters, because she was a professional swimmer. Sports become and tall– 177 cm – allows her to look equally good in strict business suits, as well as in feminine cocktail dresses or luxurious evening dresses. Most often, the princess chooses clothes in subdued colors to match her Nordic appearance. Her favorite beige and golden color scheme suits her very well. And when Charlene sometimes puts on quite bright things, she always remains within the limits classic style. Even for evening events, she does not allow herself active makeup or accessories. But with all the rigor of her style, she manages to avoid protocol stiffness:

2. Mehriban Aliyeva, wife of the President of Azerbaijan

The oriental beauty Mehriban has a very feminine style without a hint of orientalism. The First Lady of Azerbaijan prefers classic dresses of a fitted style and medium length above the knee, she is very fond of richly textured fabrics, lace, luxurious accessories, and bright makeup:

3. Letizia, Queen of Spain

In Queen Letizia's wardrobe, designer branded items easily coexist with mass-market clothing. The Queen has absolutely no aristocratic stiffness and snobbery, but she has the rightfully deserved “title” of a Spanish style icon. This is what real elegance is, and not forced, artificially created by the efforts of stylists:

4. Asma Assad, wife of the President of Syria

And here is another beauty of the East, who also does not fit into the framework of stereotypical ideas about what a Muslim woman, especially the first lady of the country, should look like. Asma never wears traditional Arab clothing and does not wear a hijab. This miniature girl masterfully emphasizes her fragility and femininity with the help of clothes. The only thing that slightly hints at the East in Asma’s style is her love for large accessories - bracelets, necklaces and earrings:

5. Samantha Cameron, wife of the British Prime Minister

The wife of the leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, manages to perfectly match her husband’s style – prim and conservative. But this does not mean at all that she does not allow herself such stylistic liberties as wearing clothes in rich colors, with active prints, or complementing them with eye-catching accessories:

6. Angelica Rivera, wife of the President of Mexico

Mexican actress Angelica Rivera does an excellent job as the country's first lady. During her film career, she played aristocrats more than once, but she had to be the president’s wife not on the screen, but in real life. And for three years now, Rivera’s style as First Lady has never ceased to amaze with its sophisticated elegance. Impeccable taste and not a single fashion mistake:

7. Sheikha Moza, wife of the Emir of Qatar

The First Lady of Qatar is called. Sheikha Moza managed the seemingly impossible - to remain faithful to Muslim traditions and keep up with current trends in European fashion. At the junction of these two worlds she was born unique style, the integral elements of which are long fitted dresses or skirts, wide trousers and always a turban on the head:


Influential men are always attractive beautiful women. Therefore, it is not surprising that exceptional beauties become the spouses of presidents. Here are 15 of the most charming first ladies who made the whole world fall in love with them.

15. Mehriban Aliyeva (Azerbaijan)

The wife of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her intelligence: she recently became vice-president of her country. Mehriban is also the President of the Gymnastics Federation, a Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO and ISESCO.

14. Melania Trump (USA)

Melania is rightfully considered one of the sexiest first ladies. The wife of Donald Trump and the mistress of the White House in the past was actively involved in a modeling career, so anyone can find her candid pictures on the Internet. No matter what they say, she is not lacking in wisdom and perseverance.

13. Rania Al-Abdullah (Jordan)

Not just the first lady, but the Queen of Jordan, wife of King Abdullah II. Rania has been enjoying the title for 18 years and takes an active part in international politics, protecting the Palestinian community. Her charm and power of persuasion help her achieve results faster than the best diplomats.

12. Angelica Rivera (Mexico)

Angelica became Mexico's first lady in 2012 when her husband, Enrique Peña Nieta, was elected president. She is better known to the general public as the star of the series “Simply Maria”.

11. Charlene Wittstock (Monaco)

Even before her wedding to Prince Albert II of Monaco, Charlene became the South African swimming champion and participated in the Olympic Games in Sydney. Currently, the princess is involved in charity work and participates in various sports commissions.

10. Eva Peron (Argentina)

Eva was the wife of Argentine President Juan Peron from 1946 to 1952. Helping the poor has become one of the most important activities of the first lady; she founded her own charitable foundation. Contemporaries say that Eva had a special attractiveness and magnetism. Unfortunately, this kind-hearted beauty passed away at the age of 33 from cancer.

9. Carla Bruni (France)

Carla was the first lady of France from 2008 to 2012, but this is far from her only merit. Bruni was one of the twenty highest paid models in the world, and before her marriage to Nicolas Sarkozy, she released two albums with songs (including her own compositions). And who will believe that she is already 49 years old?

8. Marcela Tedeschi (Brazil)

This model managed to seduce and fall in love with the Brazilian politician Michel Temer, who became president in 2016. Her husband is 42 years older than Marcela, but this does not bother her at all. True, this beauty still has to work on her reputation: a scandal recently erupted due to the fact that the first lady demanded $2,000,000 in taxpayer funds to renovate her mansion.

7. Sylvia Bongo (Gabon)

The wife of Ali ben Bongo Ondimba, the President of Gabon, is actively involved in charitable activities. Moreover, even before her marriage, she was a successful entrepreneur and ran her own company, Alliance S.A.

6. Lee Seol-ju (North Korea)

Not much is known about the wife of the DPRK leader. Lee used to be a singer, but she left her career after her wedding to Kim Jong-un in 2009. According to some reports, she gave birth to her wife two heirs.

5. Michelle Obama (USA)

The wife of the 44th President of the United States is a lawyer by training, which helps her practice social activities. The first lady of African-American descent was ranked 93rd on the Maxim Top 100 list in 2009, and first in Forbes magazine's list of the world's most powerful women in 2010.

4. Dominique Ouattara (Ivory Coast)

Dominica has been the first lady of Côte d'Ivoire since 2011. The 63-year-old wife of Alassane Ouattara is focused on fighting poverty, inequality and child trafficking.

3. Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck (Bhutan)

Wife of Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuk, fifth king of Bhutan. Jetsun became queen at the age of 21, and conquered her husband not only with her captivating beauty, but also with her kind heart. “While she is young, she is kind in heart and character. These qualities, together with the wisdom that will come with age and experience, will make her a great servant of the nation,” the king of Bhutan said about his beloved.

2. Princess Lalla Salma (Morocco)

The red-haired beauty became the wife of King Mohammed VI of Morocco in 2002. Lalla supports charities and for her good deeds she was awarded the Order of Leopold II and the Order of Isabella the Catholic. By the way, before her marriage she held the position of information systems engineer.

1. Queen Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano (Spain)

Leticia was a journalist and hosted a daily evening program on one of the Spanish channels, where the Prince of Asturias noticed her. Their wedding took place in 2004, and 10 years later Philip VI became king.

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