How to speak modern Russian words correctly. How to speak correctly: useful tips. Well, it's unlikely

Roman Shirokiy

Reading time: 8 minutes


Speech is part of a person’s image. According to statistics, speech accounts for 25% of the impression of a person. The interlocutor pays more attention to literacy and beauty of speech, diction and voice. Let's talk about how to learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian and English.

Even if you only have to communicate with family members and neighbors, good speech will be useful in life. When communicating with you, people will listen to your opinion and consider you an excellent conversationalist.

A competent conversation will help in your career, increase the level of importance in the eyes of colleagues and ensure respect. Correct, beautiful and competent speech will be helpful for speaking at meetings, conferences and other events.

A person who holds a leadership position or is applying for one must have competent speech skills. The manager is the face of the company, and only with the help of competent speech can he conclude contracts, find partners and lead the team. Poor vocabulary causes a lot of trouble at the wrong time.

Step-by-step action plan

Let's consider a time-tested algorithm, using which you will quickly master the art of competent speech at home. Having reached certain heights, share your knowledge and experience with loved ones. Such skills will not hurt.

Video tips

Using this algorithm, learn to speak beautifully and competently in Russian or English at home. As a result, your interlocutors will consider you an educated and intelligent person. By speaking correctly and beautifully, you will achieve success in life.

Learning to speak Russian competently and correctly

Russian language is difficult. It is not surprising that it is not easy for even a native speaker to master correct and beautiful speech. Fortunately, there are no unattainable goals; it’s enough to set a goal.

Video instructions

If you don’t like studying on your own, sign up for collective public speaking courses. By studying in a group, you will quickly polish your speech, which will become a source of pride.

We speak English correctly

The English language pushes the boundaries of the picture of the world, but the school teaching method does not give the desired result. It is intimidating with its level of complexity and does not provide the knowledge necessary to speak with a foreigner.

Learning to speak English correctly is easier than learning to spell. The main thing is to remember the pronunciation of words and learn to form sentences.

Skills for learning English

First of all, I will highlight the main character traits that will be needed to successfully achieve the goal. Then we'll consider effective techniques and ways to master English speech.

  • Regularity . Only a serious approach will bring results. Study regularly to expand your vocabulary and combinations without forgetting the material you have learned.
  • Honesty. Not every person boasts a penchant for independent learning. If you doubt that you will be able to organize training yourself, use the services of a tutor. With its help, you will quickly master English at home.
  • Perseverance . A character trait necessary to achieve a goal. Learning to speak English is not easy. You will have to learn the words, remember the translation, and use them correctly in sentences. What to say about pronunciation. Audiobooks and the Internet will help with this.
  • Motivation. Remember, even a person without positive characteristics can achieve success. Desire is enough to overshadow negative qualities, since a thirsty person will easily overcome an obstacle for the sake of a goal. Even laziness won't hurt.
  • Self-control . To make training effective, control yourself and objectively evaluate the results. Only you can determine when to repeat material and when to move on.

Where to start studying

In none of the above points did I ever mention the need to have certain talents in relation to this language. This proves that, if desired, everyone can master English speech.

Why do you need to speak correctly and competently?

If you learn to convey your thoughts competently, correctly and beautifully, you will always be heard, regardless of the volume of your voice. This truth was proven by the ancient Greek sophists, who were engaged in teaching.

Speech courses offer a range of training topics in this area. Classes conducted by masters of public speaking help students who want to achieve a big goal in life learn the wisdom of correct speech delivery.

Regardless of profession, archaeologist, policeman or salesman will improve your speaking skills. Even a sales assistant working in a store cannot do without correct diction and the ability to persuade.

Politicians Using eloquence, they convince the public and prove what is right. The ability to speak beautifully is also important for media representatives. Every journalist has to communicate with people while working. The sincerity of the answer depends on how competently and clearly he formulates the question.

To summarize the article, I would like to note that the art of eloquence brings unimaginable benefits. Language is beautiful and rich, so support its beauty with literate speech, regardless of where we are, in public transport, in a museum or on the street.

The vast majority of people today are educated, studied in schools, graduated from universities, but there are two dozen words and expressions in which very often we continue to make mistakes.


It happens in the Russian language that the frequency of use of words and stable phrases completely erases all language norms. This happened, for example, with “birthday”. No matter how they distort it!

Firstly, there can be no “I’m going to your birthday” or “I congratulate you on your birthday.”

Secondly, there is a “birthday”, but there is no “birthday”. Finally, many people write both words with a capital letter, which seems to give significance to the expression, but according to the rules of the Russian language this is incorrect. It is acceptable, although not entirely correct (a birthday is not an international celebration), to capitalize the first word, but not both.

Theirs, theirs, theirs

What our creative people don’t do with possessive pronouns! They say “ichniy” (theirs), and “evonyy” (his), and “eenyy” (her). We are not purists and will not argue that such words should not exist. They exist, only these are colloquial words, the use of which can be justified either in colloquial speech or in fiction like a welcome.

All in all

There are the words “in general”, “in general”, finally, but the use of the words “in general” and “in general” is unacceptable. Despite the obviousness of this thesis, this mistake remains one of the most common.

Company and campaign

There are sociable people, it’s good to go with them to some party for company. Actually, the word “company” itself comes from the Latin word panis (bread), that is, a company was originally called a group of dining companions.

The word "campaign" comes from another word - campus, that is, "field", including a battlefield. Initially, the word “campaign” meant a military campaign.
These two words are homophones, meaning they sound the same but are spelled differently. You can remember the difference this way: the company decided to run a campaign.

Lay down

There is a perfective verb “put”. The imperfective form is “put”, but not “lay down”, as you often hear. This form is colloquial; it is recommended for foreign spies to use it in order to pass as one of their own in a rural village.

Not and neither

A real headache for proofreaders and editors. The legal use of these particles is sometimes not always obvious. The particle “nor” is usually intensifying and is used to negate the predicate; it can also be used as a connecting conjunction. The particle “not” usually expresses negation. When in doubt, it's best to look in the dictionary.

Dress and put on

Another very common mistake in oral speech. You can dress someone and put something on yourself or someone else. To master this simple rule, it is enough to remember the mnemonic phrase “Put on clothes, put on Hope.”

Tsya and tsya

Despite the fact that the spelling of “tsya” and “tsya” in verbs is very easy to check (You need to ask the question “what (s) does?”, “what (s)do?”. If the question contains soft sign, then it will be “in”) this error occurs extremely often.


It would seem that you write the word “one”, check it with the word “one” and everything will fall into place, but no... For some reason, many persistently write “one” and that’s it... Don’t do that.

As if

Writing hyphens anywhere is a common whim of many people. “How” is written with a hyphen if it is followed by “then”, “either”, “either”. The particle “as if” is written separately.

Well, it's unlikely

Everything is simple here: the particle “li,” no matter how much one would like to add it with a hyphen, is written separately. Just need to remember. As a mnemonic device, you can think of Bruce Lee and imagine what he would do to someone who misspelled such simple words.

What time is it?

If a person comes up to you and asks, “What time is it?”, you will probably answer, but know that he asked incorrectly. The correct word would be “what time?” and “what time is it?”


Overseas words are unlucky in Russian. They are constantly being changed. Among the words now commonly used, one can recall the names of coffee “espresso”, “latte” and “cappuccino”. They always want to call the first “expresso”, in the second they constantly strive to emphasize the last syllable, although it’s correct on the first, in the third, for some reason, they put two “ch” when writing it.

Borrow and lend

Financial literacy in Russia leaves much to be desired, so it is not surprising that the words “borrow” and “lend” are constantly confused in our country. “Borrow” means borrowing, so saying “loan me money” is wrong. You also cannot borrow from someone, you can only borrow from someone. The correct answer would be “lend me some money” or “can I borrow from you?”

Important integral part your image is competent speech. It makes up a quarter of the overall impression of a person. The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the correctness and beauty of your speech, then your voice and diction are etched in your memory.

Even if your circle of friends is very limited, knowledge of how to make your speech correct will save you in any situation. You will attract more attention, be remembered faster, and your opinion will be listened to. You will become popular in your work team; competent speech will help you win the attention of your superiors and team and move up the career ladder. This will be a wonderful help at any performances and just in your personal life. You will become a wonderful conversationalist with whom it is pleasant to spend time.

Correct, correct speech will give you the image of an intelligent and educated person. Learn to master your speech, everything is in your hands!

Video lessons

Everyone at least several times in their life doubted how to pronounce a word correctly, where to put the emphasis, because the Russian language is one of the most difficult languages.
Difficulties arise for several reasons.

Not in Russian general rule preserving the stress, it can appear in any part of the word, unlike, for example, the French language, where the stress is always placed on the last syllable.

Stress plays a semantic role. Depending on the stress, the meaning of a word changes; this can be observed in homonym words, or rather, in homographs (words that are spelled the same but sound differently): p A smoke and steam And yeah, A tlas and atl A s, cr e dit and cred And T.

Our language has a lot of foreign words borrowed from other languages. This, on the one hand, enriches the language, but, on the other, creates difficulties in pronunciation and writing. Particularly often, difficulties arise with the letter “e”: it is written “e” and pronounced “e” (parterre, sex, dash).

There are many territorial varieties of the Russian language - dialects - which also affect pronunciation. So, in St. Petersburg and Moscow they call meat cooked on a spit differently: shawarma and shawarma.

Communication with Slavic “brothers” has a huge impact on Russian speakers. Even television announcers began to pronounce many words in the Ukrainian manner, thereby making speech errors. Most often I hear such errors in verb stress: n A chala instead of started A, P O nyala instead of understood A etc.

But despite the many factors that negatively affect the language, we must strive to speak correctly, since speech is the calling card of every person. By the way a person pronounces words, you can tell a lot about his origin, upbringing, and education. And even if native speakers, those for whom Russian is native language, will not treat it with care, then who will preserve the language?

Let's speak correctly!

With this article I open a series of texts devoted to correct pronunciation.

For starters, here it is a set of words that cause difficulty in stress.

One of the most common mistakes is the emphasis on feminine past tense verbs (I already wrote about this above, but I’ll repeat it):

Wrong: began, understood, took, took, created.
Right: began A, Understood A, took A, took A etc. But in the masculine gender: n A chal, p ABOUT nyal, with ABOUT built

It is considered bad form to say they are calling, they are calling. Correct: ringing AND ugh, ringing AND t, ringing I T.

You can buy wed E dstva and use wed E by means, but not by means.

A child in childhood needs balls A t.

In Kyiv they speak Ukrainian AND nskoy language.

The confectionery shop sells t ABOUT mouths, and the data is entered into the directory ABOUT G.

And what the key is hung on is called keychain, not a keychain.

And another 40 words:

apostrophe aristocracy bows genesis
denim dispensary contract napOta
envious CONSPIRACY become moldy seal
serrated Spark quarter whooping cough
flint more beautiful kitchen hunk
crowbar briefly (glimpsingly) garbage chute naked (naked)
intention security facilitate wholesale
funeral (at funeral) reward force plum
in-depth dead phenomenon (phenomenon) Cotton robe
hosts scoop scarves sorrel

Tell us about which words cause you difficulty in pronunciation. Maybe some words once or now surprised you with their emphasis?

What kind of “coffee”, should “president” be written with a capital letter, and is it proper to say “agreement” instead of “agreement”. There are standard errors that guardians of the Russian language like to refer to: incorrect emphasis in the word “simultaneously” or confusion with the generic affiliation with "coffee". But there are more interesting cases. Most native speakers, for example, mispronounce the phrase “opinions vary”: the norm is that the stress of this verb should be on the first syllable.


Coffee is a loanword ending with the letter "e", but is masculine. In the vast majority, such words acquire a neuter gender in our language - that’s how it is structured, and this tendency is unusually strong. For example, “metro” used to be also masculine (from “metropolitan”), and even the newspaper “Soviet Metro” was published. It is always a mystery to foreigners why in Russian “cafe” is neuter, and “coffee” is masculine. But masculine is supported by the presence of obsolete forms “kofiy” and “coffee”. This is a kind of linguistic memorial.

"in Strogin"

Anna Akhmatova was very indignant when they said in front of her “I live in Kratovo” instead of “I live in Kratovo.” Another writer suggested that everyone who says “from Kemerovo” should use the same model to say “from the window.” Apparently, during the decade during which the new inflexible version spread, we managed to forget that this rule always sounded different. The inflexible names of settlements arose from the language of the military, for whom it was important to give initial forms in the message. Let’s take, for example, Kratovo - from the declension “in Kratovo” it is not clear whether this is Kratovo or Kratovo. One of the most authoritative dictionaries today, the Zaliznyak dictionary, writes about the indeclinable form as follows: “the degree of prevalence of this phenomenon is so great that, apparently, it is already approaching the status of acceptable.”


“It’s ringing” - this bogeyman arises in any thematic discussion. There is a logic by which stress shifts in language, and whether we like it or not, these laws work. The transfer of stress from the ending to the root is natural - “smoke”, “cook” and “give” were also previously pronounced with stress on the last syllable, they just have already passed this path. Despite the fact that this makes everyone very angry, we will indeed say “calling” in the future. President and Patriarch

In fact, these words are written in capitals only for official titles, in the texts of official documents. For example, in the text of the Presidential Decree Russian Federation this word is written with a capital letter. But in a newspaper article there is no reason for this, and you need to write it in lowercase. There is also a very persistent myth that when congratulating a person, “birthday” must be written with two capital letters - no, both words are written with small letters. "in Ukraine"

This is a very sensitive issue, and it constantly goes beyond the boundaries of linguistics. We adhere to this position: the norms of the Russian language have been developing over centuries, and they cannot change in five, ten or twenty years to please some political processes. Therefore, in Russian it is correct to say “to Ukraine”. In general, the formation of prepositions is not always explainable. Why, for example, “at school”, but “at the factory”? It happened that way. Many people don’t like this, everyone needs to get to the bottom of it. “Everything must have an explanation” is another myth; many things in language cannot be explained.

There must always be one correct option

It’s not good when there are two norms, as is the case with the word “cottage cheese”. This is a very common myth. Variation is in no way a flaw for a language; on the contrary, it is its wealth. And there are different options. There are options that are equal, as is the case with cottage cheese. There are options for the categories “preferred/acceptable”, “modern/obsolete”, and even errors in dictionaries have their own gradations. In the spelling dictionary and in the dictionary of difficulties there is a clear system of notes in this regard. Let's say a non-recommended option is “vandal”, for example. There are wrong options, and there are grossly wrong ones. The approach in which it is believed that only one option is needed is typical for dictionaries addressed to radio and television workers. There are dictionaries that are aimed specifically at showing the dynamics of change and the richness of language norms. A dictionary is not a textbook; it should not record the only possible options.

Instead of “who is last” you need to say “who is last”

Uspensky wrote about this myth in the fifties in his book “A Word about Words.” Uspensky also explains in the book that each object - the same line - has two edges, and the question is thus untenable. Kolesov has an explanation that this use of “extreme” instead of “last” is borrowed from Ukrainian language. There is also a superstition: everyone began to say “this was my last performance, last lecture, last show.” The word “last” has several negative connotations. For example, “bad” is the last scoundrel. It is clear why people who risk their lives avoid using this word: climbers, divers, circus performers and pilots. But when we're in speech ordinary person We hear “when was the last time I was there”, it sounds funny.

The word “eat” is spoken only by ill-mannered people

There was such a recommendation in the dictionary of speech etiquette, according to which you can use this verb in relation to children, women can talk about themselves this way, but men should not say this. I don’t know how fair it is, but it is there - as a simple recommendation.

The pronoun "you" is always capitalized

In fact, “you” is capitalized only when addressing one person and only in texts of certain genres: personal letters, memos, leaflets. This, by the way, is not always obvious to philologists. On there is a section “Conference Calendar”, where applications from portal users are received, and almost every explanation has to be edited, because addressing respected colleagues includes the pronoun “you” with a capital letter.

The word “agreement” must be pronounced with emphasis on the last syllable. After all, the treaty is pronounced only by ignoramuses from a rural school.

Electronic dictionaries are less reliable than printed ones

Electronic versions of printed dictionaries are posted on the website - they are one and the same material. For objective reasons, we have cases of discrepancies in recommendations. Let’s say they often ask how to put the accent in the word “tiramisu”. Previously, we answered that the norm is not defined in the dictionary, and since this word is not established, you have the right to choose the option that you like best. The 2012 academic edition of the spelling dictionary was published, and it recorded “tiramisu” with the emphasis on the last syllable. That is, now that this word has received registration in the language and dictionary fixation, we will begin to answer differently. But, let’s say, for the word “arugula” there is no such fixation yet. Fluctuations in the spelling of recently borrowed words are quite natural for a language. The same goes for the words twitter, facebook and others. It has not yet been determined how to write them. I would write differently: in an article I would write “Facebook” using quotes and an uppercase letter, and in a chat - with lowercase and without quotes.

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