The bull is coming. Short poems for children

Children's poet Agnia Barto has a wonderful poem about a bull

The bull goes and swings,

Sighs as he walks

Ooh, the board is running out

Now I'm going to fall! »

There goes a bull...Parodies.

Who doesn't know this wonderful poem about a bull poetesses Agni Barto?

The bull goes and swings,

Sighs as he walks

Ooh, the board is running out

Now I'm going to fall! »

A very famous poem that everyone remembers from childhood and then learns with their children. Let's fantasize and imagine that others famous poets We also wrote poems about the bull. What would it be like in their author's adaptation? I came up with these miniatures.


God sent a code to Bychka

One pine board

It seemed to the bull that it was not enough.

While the whole herd was discussing,

What's good about a board and what's not?

The fox ran to lunch

And she stole this plaque,

And then I made a cart.

And the Bull shed a lot of tears...

The moral of this story is:

When God provides wood,

Thank you! It's not a question

Why don't you make a cart out of them?

A. Blok

Stable, street, bull, plank,

Pointless and dim light.

The veterinarian does not treat the bull,

The bull is sick, there is no return.

He sighs, wet to the skin,

Diarrhea, temperature, fever,

Board, firewood, fireplace and tiles,

Barn, street, board, lantern.

S. Yesenin

He doesn’t regret, doesn’t call, doesn’t cry,

He just sighs quietly as he walks,

And does not nibble grass, and does not jump,

An old bull lying on a pond

He has now become more modest in his desires,

And he doesn’t dream about chicks,

Along the boards with a fresh, echoing early morning,

He won't go to anyone anymore.

B. Pasternak

The bull was born in a stable,

Mumu gave birth.

The body fell on the grass -

And it ran.

And there are ears, and a white side,

And the tail is hanging.

And a newborn animal

He was already walking.

The bull sighed, he wanted it so much

Stand on the plank

But it’s a pity that I was left out of work

In the grass all evening.

And from the cow everything is in the barn

They turn their snouts.

She's a bull in the thick grass

I didn't feed her.

V. Vysotsky

This is not a plain for you,

There are no paths here

Just a plank with a wedge

Slides into a ditch

The herd moves along it -

the bulls/cows are coming.

And you have to turn, go around the ditch,

But the herd doesn't take the easy way out

It chooses the most dangerous route!

The bull was brave

The bull was strong

But who's in this mess?

The groan will not exhale,

And he groaned, the bull sighed as he walked,

He couldn’t turn, go around the ditch,

He swayed, but continued on his way,

Roaring loudly, like, I’m walking on the plank!

Pushkin A.S. (early)

Frost without the sun. What kind of a day is this?

The bull sniffed out the board,

Walks along it, wanders along it,

And suddenly he sighs as he walks,

Chu! Someone is shaking the board,

Is it really one of the guys?

Pushkin A. S. (late)

Although this bridge is shaky and thin,

he leads to the good Truth

Cow's son, young calf

He walks along it swinging.

One went on the road

He is on a difficult and sinful path,

Towards high Truth and strict

The calf cannot turn back.

And so, along the sleepers of the universe,

Breathing in the wind of change

A naive creature wanders

Doesn't ask for anything in return.

Tired hooves glide

There is sadness and melancholy in a calf's heart.

The bull is only afraid of falling,

The board is about to end...

But still, bypassing all obstacles,

He goes forward anyway.

With the hope that it must be fulfilled

One purpose:

Fall and disappear into the abyss,

Overcome both pain and fear.

He will die, but will not disappear,

Leaving a mark on people's hearts.

And the bull hears the voice from the cart:

Do the will of the horses!

And bypassing bridges and planks

Moo, burn the hearts of people!

Lermontov M.Yu.

The bull turns white alone

There is unbearable smog in the fields,

What to do? Take a deep breath

So that I couldn’t even breathe out,

Let the wind whistle beneath you,

And the board bends and creaks,

And you Bull, freeze like a pimple,

And just let the tail tremble.

O. Khayyam

The board ends in a moment,

The bull, however, stomps forward

He does not know that life is his creation,

As you spend it, so it will pass!

W. Shakespeare

To go or not to go??? That's the question!

So thought the Bull, hanging his nose,

And the abyss smiled with evil mockery.

If you deceive, as you do now,

And out of sadness I will fall to the bottom of the ravine,

Then know that I loved you and believe

That I will crawl out of the abyss like mash!

V. Mayakovsky

At the bull's

Slipping away

From under the hooves


Priceless cargo

board with

Not a good look

and the bull falls on


But bull's tears

The bourgeois will not see

squeeze your cheekbones

And chew the grass

even if

You have become a burden!

L. Filatov

Once upon a time there was a fool bull

Curious - “what and how?”

Once he walked on a plank

In both directions, like cancer.

Suddenly the bull slowed down

Got scared, whined,

Where is the end of this board?

He didn't ask the owners.

What should I do, what should I do,

How can I jump off the board?

I'll fall on someone

No matter how you hurt your nose.

God bless,

@Nata Orlik

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  • 02:35

    children's songs

    The bull goes and swings

  • 00:42

    The bull is coming and swinging!

  • 30:11

    The bull goes and swings and other poems (sung by E. Kamburova and read by K. Rumyanova)

  • 02:30

    The bull goes and swings

  • 02:16

    Klyachkin Evgeniy

    The bull is walking and swaying

  • 00:13

    Agnia Lvovna Barto

    The bull goes and swings

  • 01:40



  • 02:14

    Svetlana Nikolaevna, Olga.

    The bull goes and swings

  • 30:11

    Agnia Barto. Sings E. Kamburova

    The bull goes and swings

  • 00:25

    The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes: - OH THE BOARD IS ENDING, NOW I'M GOING TO FALL! The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes: - OH THE BOARD IS ENDING, NOW I'M GOING TO FALL! The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes: - OH THE BOARD IS ENDING, NOW I'M GOING TO FALL! The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes: - OH THE BOARD IS ENDING, NOW I'M GOING TO FALL!

  • 02:16

    choir KSP Nadezhda

    The bull goes and swings

  • 02:18

    Svetlana Smagina

    A bull walks and sways (A. Krupp)

  • 01:58

    The bull is walking, rocking

  • 02:32

    T. and S. Nikitin

    The bull goes and swings

  • 02:21

    08 The bull is walking, swaying

  • 04:04

    Go goby (the bull goes and swings)

  • 00:07

    The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes. Oh, the plank is ending, now I’m going to fall.

  • 02:22

    Atomic shift

    The bull goes and swings

  • 00:14

    The bull is walking and swaying

  • 00:13

    The bull goes and swings

  • 00:46


    The bull is coming and swinging

  • 01:11

    Vavilov Timofey

    The bull goes and swings

  • 02:13

    E. Klyachkin

    The bull is walking and swaying

  • 00:14

    The bull is walking and swaying

  • 01:59

    L. Levchenko

    The bull is walking and swaying

  • 00:14

    T. and S. Nikitin

    The bull goes and swings

  • 02:13

    Vadim Eliseev

    Evgeny Klyachkin. There goes the bull, swinging...

  • 09:41

    Irina Yaskovich, Lavrov Kiirill

    The bull is walking and swinging.

  • 02:13

    Taurus (teacher's day)

    the bull is walking and swinging

  • 02:19

    Song by Evgeny Klyachkin

    The bull is coming and swinging

  • 03:47

    Igor Fedorovsky

    01_A bull walks and sways (verse by Agnia Barto)

  • 00:11


    The bull goes and swings

  • 02:04

    A. Chuprunyuk, L. Nekrasova and tourists

    The bull goes and swings

  • 00:08

    Anton Karpov (3 years old)

    The bull is walking and swaying

  • 00:13

    The bull is walking, swaying_poems by A. Barto

  • 00:35

    The bull is walking and our Tanya is crying loudly

  • 00:46

    Misha in childhood

    The bull walks and swings and the bear is dropped on the floor

  • 00:11

    05 “There goes the bull, swinging...” (A. Barto)

  • 00:13

    Barto Agnia - poetry

    The bull is coming and swinging
    (singing E. Kamburova)

    The bull is walking, swaying,
    Sighs as he walks:
    - Oh, the board ends,
    Now I'm falling.....

    The bull is walking, rocking" - this is the biography of each of us

    A hundred years ago Agnia Barto was born - children's poet, on whose poems several generations of Russians and not only Russian people grew up. People who knew her closely shared their memories of Agnia Lvovna and their impressions of her poems with our correspondent.

    Irina Tokmakova, writer:
    When I was just starting my literary career, Agniya Lvovna noticed me and invited me to her home, she greeted me very cordially and affectionately. She asked me to read poetry, and I read it myself. After some time, when I had already published several books, Agniya Lvovna, being a member of the selection committee of the Writers' Union, went to a meeting at which I was discussed, and even called me when she returned home to say that everything was fine. Previously, people entered the Writers' Union as if they were entering the kingdom of heaven - it was very serious. Agnia Lvovna read poetry very well, very expressively, she had excellent diction, a well-trained voice, and the children loved to listen to her. When at the opening of Children's Book Week (previously, every time it took place in the hall of columns), children gathered and Agnia Lvovna began to read poetry, the whole hall immediately picked up and chanted with her. Agnia Lvovna was a very energetic person, she worked a lot. I remember her saying: “If I don’t write at least a few lines a day, I feel untalented.” She communicated with many people, both young and not so young approached her. But it is impossible to say about anyone that this is Barto’s student. There is no school in children's literature.

    Viktor Chizhikov, illustrator:
    In 1977, Agniya Lvovna called the Malysh publishing house and asked me to entrust me with illustrations for her book, which was called “Grandmother Had Forty Grandchildren,” a collection of poems from different years. It also included the famous “Toys” series, my favorite. Time goes by, times change, but your favorite childhood poems remain. After all, the same verses “The bull walks and sways” is a biography of each of us, only a very short one, stated in four lines. This, in fact, is shocking. The Toys series has always surprised me. After all, it seems like nothing special is happening there - well, some bull is about to fall, and what’s the big deal? But the fact of the matter is that there should be a purely childish perception here. If a child one day falls and breaks his nose, then Barto’s poem takes on a vital meaning - the child feels sorry for this bull in advance. Now Barto's books are being republished in all republics of the former Soviet Union, because they were at one time translated into national languages. Let’s say, these poems also entered Uzbek life a long time ago. This is the Barto phenomenon: generations change, but interest in her work does not subside.

    Teddy bear
    Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
    They tore off the bear's paw.
    I still won't leave him -
    Because he's good.
    Agnia Barto

    I love my horse
    I'll comb her fur smoothly,
    I'll comb my tail
    And I’ll go on horseback to visit.
    Agnia Barto

    The bull is walking, swaying,
    Sighs as he walks:
    - Oh, the board ends,
    Now I'm going to fall!
    Agnia Barto
    The owner abandoned the bunny -
    A bunny was left in the rain;
    I couldn't get off the bench,
    I was completely wet.
    Agnia Barto

    I have a little goat,
    I herd him myself.
    I'm a kid in a green garden
    I'll take it early in the morning.
    He gets lost in the garden -
    I'll find it in the grass.
    Agnia Barto

    It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
    He lay down on his side in the box.
    The sleepy bear went to bed,
    Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
    The elephant nods its head
    He bows to the elephant.
    Agnia Barto

    We'll build the plane ourselves
    Let's fly over the forests.
    Let's fly over the forests,
    And then we'll go back to mom.
    Agnia Barto

    Our Tanya cries loudly:
    She dropped a ball into the river.
    - Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
    The ball will not drown in the river.
    Agnia Barto

    Burning in the sun
    As if I
    The fire was lit.
    Agnia Barto

    Rope in hand
    I'm pulling the boat
    Along a fast river.
    And the frogs jump
    On my heels,
    And they ask me:
    - Take it for a ride, captain!
    Agnia Barto

    No, we shouldn't have decided
    Ride a cat in a car:
    The cat is not used to riding -
    The truck overturned.
    Agnia Barto

    I need these things:
    And ticks,
    And a hacksaw
    And most of all -
    Boris Zakhoder
    Master, master,
    Help -
    Lost weight
    Hit it harder
    Nails -
    We'll go today
    For a visit.
    Boris Zakhoder

    I'm rolling,
    I'm flying
    At full speed.
    I'm a driver myself
    And the engine itself.
    I press
    On the pedal -
    And the car
    Rushing into the distance.
    Boris Zakhoder

    How easy it is to make lunch!
    There is nothing difficult about this.
    It's as easy as shelling pears:
    This time - and you're done!
    (If mom is cooking dinner.)
    But it happens that mom has no time,
    And we cook our own lunch,
    And then
    (I don’t understand what the secret is!)
    Boris Zakhoder

    Got sick
    This book:
    Torn her up
    Little brother.
    I'm sick
    I'll regret it:
    I'll take it
    And I will glue it.
    Boris Zakhoder

    All day today
    I dressed
    The whole family.
    Wait a little, cat,
    There will be clothes for you too!
    Boris Zakhoder
    How cunning
    This little installer:
    He's still
    Conducts light
    Only there
    Where there is no current.

    Boris Zakhoder

    Don't let your parents get angry
    That they will get dirty
    Because the one who builds
    He's worth something!

    And it doesn't matter what for now
    This house is made of sand!
    Boris Zakhoder

    - Bunny-bunny, where are you going?
    - I’m going to visit the children in the cities!
    - Why? Will you live there?
    - I will be friends with the children!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Bread and crumbs
    On the window -
    Come, birds, to us!
    Peck little by little, little birds,
    And fly to the clouds!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    I'm learning to count in my head!
    What is two plus five?..
    Me-me-me, I forgot again!
    Mom will be very upset!
    Me-me-me - I'm running to study.
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks,
    Dimples, lumps;
    All day until night
    Smile your cheeks!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    The mouse taps its paws:
    - Where is the bread? - shouts.
    - Leave the crust for me overnight!
    I'll take it to the kids in the hole.
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Dancing merrily
    Dancing and pampering;
    Knocked over the cup
    I ate porridge from a saucer!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Piggy pigs are unhappy:
    - Oink-oink-oink! - they shout and shout,
    - We don’t want noses like that!
    Only two holes stick out.
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Grandfather, grandmother, grandson
    They pour and water the zucchini,
    Pour and water the zucchini
    Grandma, grandpa, grandson,
    May he mature soon!
    May he sing soon!
    Which is sooner rather than later
    He ate our mouth!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    We ate soup
    We ate soup
    Let's eat the soup quickly!
    Eat a lot?
    Well then,
    Oh yeah soup! Ay, good!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Chickens-hens: “Ko-ko-ko!
    We laid eggs;
    Ku-ko-ku-eat, ko-ko,
    Little kids!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Peas in the supermarket
    He shouted: “Oh-oh-oh!
    How many kids are here, guys!
    Everyone's looking at the candy!
    Here I am, kids, look!
    Well, hurry up and buy me!
    Sweets are of no use...
    I’m needed more than a hundred candies!”
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Ay, young cucumber!
    Hey, we washed it with water!
    Ay, fly into our mouth!
    Ay, crunch your teeth!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    Hamster, hamster,
    There's a chest behind the cheek!
    There are nuts, there is grain,
    It will be there for the winter!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    We are fun circles!
    We are pancake buddies!
    Eat us with honey and butter,
    We've been ready for an hour!
    Kirill Avdeenko

    - Orange, orange,
    Why did you turn yellow?
    - Because, because
    I was lying in the sun.
    Kirill Avdeenko

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