Vanga's dream book to see the numbers 238 in a dream. Why do you dream of numbers in a dream - interpretations from various dream books. What did you do with numbers in your sleep?

(in number 100, strengthened by repetition of itself) is translated as “ripening” or “falling asleep” of energy, which is the same thing regarding the deep (spiritual) levels of Being and Consciousness.

With the number 100 in general and especially, it is incredibly important to understand the following. Any person lives simultaneously on eleven levels of Existence and Consciousness, but perceives his Self only in the plane of the visible world.

What we call "spirituality", raising our hands to the sky, is only beautiful embodiment emotional hysteria generated by our fears of the great Unknown.

The meaning of the number 100 in numerology

The number 100 means “a step in history.” Imagine a person walking. So, the number 100 for the history of mankind is the same as an ordinary step for a person.

The number 100 on the scale of the Universe is... like an incubator of Energy. Quite an unusual incubator. Here energy dies in order to be born - just as in the number 101 energy is born in order to die.

With all this, you need to know: relatively highest levels The energy of Being and Consciousness does not die and is not born, because “there” there is neither birth nor death. Paradox? Yes. But the maturity of the mind is characterized precisely by the ability to perceive paradoxes!

The number 100 is difficult for the traditional mind to understand. But having understood it, he discovers completely different facets of Consciousness. It is no coincidence that spiritual numerology is the science of thinking using numbers.

Number 100 in the destiny of mankind

At number 100, the energy seems to fall asleep, disappears, as if it doesn’t exist at all. But suddenly, to put it bluntly, the number 101 comes, an invisible explosion occurs and humanity makes a giant evolutionary leap forward... or back, or to the side.

Yes, yes, evolution can move not only forward, but also backward, to the sides, and most importantly - into the depths! After all, evolution is a process of improvement, and improvement occurs in different directions and does not always (!) correspond to our ideas of perfection.

Comparison of numbers 100 and 101

The meaning of the number 100 incredibly deep in its essence. The meaning of the number 100 can only be truly understood by comparing it with the meaning of the number 101.

Number 101 - explosion, storm. And the number 100 is the calm before the storm, the accumulation of energy of a future explosion.

The number 101 in spiritual numerology symbolizes the birth of something new, significant, and fateful. Of course, we must understand that there is and cannot be anything new under Heaven. Even technological progress on the scale of the Universe is not something new.

But since our perception is limited to only a few levels of existence and consciousness, the number 101 for us is an unconditional carrier of novelty. And the harbinger of this newness is the number 100.

So, the number 101 in the language of numbers symbolizes the beginning of the next, qualitatively new round of history. The essence of the number 101 is birth, including the birth of a person, birth new era, new rules of the game, new family, new states, new relationships in society. Number 100 - parting with the old. As if the divine forces of nature put a period at the end of the sentence...

Often the birth of a new one (number 101) occurs invisibly, inexplicably, incomprehensibly and always(!) unpredictable. Unpredictability is what unites the numbers 100 and 101. In particular, at the dawn of the next, new century, it is impossible to accurately predict where humanity will step: into “hell” or “heaven”. Moreover, each of us has our own heaven and our own hell...

Number 100 relative to a person’s Personality

We looked at the number 100 in relation to human history. Now let's look at it in relation to an individual. Regarding his personality.

It happens that stagnation occurs in a person’s life. A certain stage of fate has been passed. Stagnation (aimlessness, inexpediency, lack of perspective) is contrary to nature itself. In such a situation, a person either passes away or enters a qualitatively new stage in his own biography.

The number 100 in spiritual numerology symbolizes this very stagnation. Although the word "stagnation" has a distinctly negative connotation, 100 in itself is not a bad number.

For myself, I call the number 100 “a second before the explosion” (an explosion of emotions, an explosion of a situation, an explosion of relations between people, countries). In my opinion, this formulation best reflects the numerological and esoteric essence of the number 100.

Number 100 and number 1000

However, in spiritual numerology, the number 100 has another meaning. This meaning of the number 100 is best revealed by comparing it with the number 1000.

It means the period of maturation in our consciousness of the future action that we will perform based on our spiritual needs. This action will correspond to the level of our inner maturity.

The number 100 is also a period of maturation human actions, but(!) not those actions that we perform based on spiritual interests. And those actions that are performed solely for reasons of personal material gain or career interest.

Number One is straight and proud,
After all, she is the first in any matter.
The nose is in front, there is no figure - everything is flat,
Considering something, we will start with it.

If the path suddenly multiplies us by it,
There is neither trouble nor happiness in this:
After all, after the sign is equal, everything is the same...

Beauty's Lips are gorgeous.
Beauty is on their heels.
The figure is like an architect, inconspicuously,
Erects a temple to perfection.

Lips of Beauty - the ruler of the world.
The number will tell you that you can’t argue with it.
And, you want to become an idol over her,
Stop it with your finger...

Number 1 people, or all those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month (according to the law of numerology numbers, included in the date of birth, are added until they give a single digit number; zero is not taken into account), - have a predisposition to heart disease in one form or another, such as...

How to live your life to the fullest 100 %: 1. Every day is a new start. Don't get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday or later. Today new life and even if... 53. Keep learning. I have said more than once on my blog that I am surprised that people stop learning when they finish educational institution. Studying is not means sit behind books - you can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn rhetoric and so on. Main goal- this is to keep the brain in constant tension. 54. ...


Who doesn't do anything. Why does spiritual light give the right to make mistakes? This will probably be the 3rd conversation in our 100 daily, spiritual rebellion. Because I rebel, yes I rebel, but against myself, against my opposite... and the fluctuations of our thinking and memory. And yet the Truth is far from its decision. We will catch the Truth about this 9th conversation of ours 100 multiple breakthrough into spirituality. The subsequent 9, 10, 11 and so on conversations will arise by themselves in the course of our conversations, or with an interested public...


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100 can mean: 100 (number) natural number between 99 and 101. 100 BC. e. Year 100 is a non-leap year of the Gregorian calendar. A hundred (administrative unit) is a historical administrative unit in England and... ... Wikipedia

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A special number mentioned in the Bible, under which the name of the apocalyptic beast is hidden; the numerological embodiment of Satan's protege. The number of the beast is 666. The number 666 is a very often used element of satanic paraphernalia, along with the inverted... ... Wikipedia

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In the number 100, the transition of the number series to new level to new understandings and new horizons. At this level, a general consciousness of the physical body and the subtle body is formed, which each lives and develops according to its own program. The subtle body grows in the physical and envelops it from the outside. The subtle body creates conditions for the growth and regeneration of organs when they are partially destroyed.

When thin body the physical body becomes isolated within itself, suffers from a lack of habitat and begins to actively deteriorate, which we see in elderly people over 60 years of age. Therefore, elderly people over a hundred years of age, as a rule, have an unstable consciousness that is indifferent to what is happening.

Those who have lived their lives in a deep material understanding have their souls hardened by monotony and misunderstanding; they want something new, but their consciousness is not used to working, so they continue to lead a consumer life. The number 100 indicates to us that our consciousness has reached a new level when everything that happens around does not matter and at the same time is very significant for development.

A person begins to understand plurality with knowledge and that every person has the right to build his own world. A person begins to accept alien positions and views, looking through these worlds and understanding something new and interesting for himself. This is how new touches are added to the constructed world, which should soon be presented for evaluation to the higher cosmic spheres.

It is the 100th day when the time comes for new understanding and new concepts and names. These concepts are more capacious and deep; consciousness does not tolerate ambiguity, craves specificity and clarity. Intuition and inner experiences, which are like heat in an oven, are becoming increasingly important.

This internal burning and the feelings that arise when consuming food and experiencing revitalize the body. Gradually the body ceases to be affected by it; time has passed and it responds less and less to the stimuli of life. At this age, concentrated consciousness on self-awareness will always be of great importance.

Because already in the body there are two consciousnesses and a split personality on the face. The first personality is represented by the old consciousness that has lived its life and is no longer able to lead the development of the body further. And the second consciousness, which is subtle, is capable of many fantasies and the construction of worlds, but only in the consciousness and subtle body.

This can be expressed in a person's desire to write or draw beautiful pictures on canvas. During this period, creative fire captures the personality, giving it self-expression. When you are 100, just live and feel how with every breath life enters you and with every exhalation a new world comes out.

Since ancient times, people, unable to comprehend any phenomenon with their minds, tried to achieve spiritual understanding, which in some way served as the beginning for almost all religions. And at the same time, each of them had its own “sacred numbers” - some of them promised happiness, some misfortunes, favored undertakings or rituals, with the help of others the wise tried to predict the fate of both individual people and the whole world. And also before people endowed numbers with magical properties.

The main esoteric work is still considered to be the “Book of Creation,” which belongs to the teachings of Kabbalah. According to him, our entire world was created from numbers and sounds, therefore, we can only try to understand the world by these means. The great Pythagoras also held this point of view, although his beliefs in numbers were more scientific.

And in our time, people’s interest in numbers and their interpretation by religions, endowment with magical properties, etc. very large. There are many works devoted to research into the influence of numbers on people’s lives: the book of the Soviet scientist Sergei Vronsky “Numerology”, the publication “Kabbalah of Numbers” by Absalom Podvodny and Pavel Globa - “Arithmetic of Fate” and “The Meanings of Numbers”.

By the way, not only real scientists people We owe our interest in numbers: remember the popular sci-fi series “Lost”. In it, the heroes find themselves on a mysterious island, where inexplicable things happen, and the same numbers are constantly encountered, which at one time or another participated in the lives of these people. And the sequence of numbers, according to the legend of the series, was the key to solving the Valenzetti equation, with which you can accurately determine the date of the end of the world. Until now, fans of the TV epic are building theories, deducing patterns, finding “Easter eggs” from these numbers in the episodes - in a word, people are delighted.

This is all for a reason. We are trying to link our lives with some kind of pattern in order to somehow reduce the uncertainty of our own future, find like-minded people - in general, try to explain and arrange our own existence. Numbers are wonderful helpers in this.

The time has come to turn to mythology and scientific works - what numbers and why do certain people recognize as “sacred”. Numbers from the top ten are considered to characterize human qualities, so we will not dwell on them in detail. Let's start in order.

Number "0"
All the mystical qualities attached to this number are associated with its mathematical characteristics. Let's remember the school course: 0 divides all known numbers by 2 large groups: positive and negative; any number multiplied by 0 will result in 0; dividing by 0 is impossible (otherwise a paradox arises: all numbers are equal to each other and at the same time equal to 0).

Translated from Latin, “nullus” (where our “zero” comes from) means “no”. All other numbers count from zero, therefore in numerology 0 is represented as a symbol of hidden energy, of all human abilities. The number contains enormous power - again mathematics: if a zero is added to a number on the right, it increases by an order of magnitude, which is not a small thing, and division or multiplication by 0 destroys the number. Zero is called the “incomprehensible nothingness” from which the Universe begins, zero is the Mystery of Mysteries. In some interpretations, 0 is death as a life transformation.

Number "1"
In mathematics, one is the first element of a number series. The unit is assigned magical properties due to the fact that mathematically being an odd number, it is capable of making an even number out of any other odd number, and, conversely, an odd number out of an even number.

Esotericism understands 1 as a symbol of the whole, it is a single point of the beginnings of the world. For example, according to the theory of evolution, all complex living organisms on earth originated from the simplest ones, which consisted of just one cell (amoeba). At the same time, a unit cannot exist alone - from mathematics: multiplied by itself, 1 does not give anything new. This number is understood as a symbol of human will, an image of a straightened person striving for knowledge. The unit represents the “Center of the World” - it lies at the basis of the Universe, representing its unity, saturated with the power for creation, revered as a blessing.

Number "7"
If I may say so - the most magic number of all. The Bible says that our world was created in 7 days. Although long before this it was mentioned magical properties this date - it is known that in one of the oldest temples in Egypt, 7 candles burned in front of the altar; Orientalists constantly find references to the seven in manuscripts. In addition, in our usual week there are 7 days, there are only 7 notes, the same number of colors of the light spectrum, only 7 smells are offered by stereochemical chemistry (the rest are a mixture of them), Christianity believes 7 deadly sins. And all this, not to mention the numerous mentions of numbers in Russian proverbs and sayings (seven do not wait for one; seven troubles - one answer; seven Fridays in a week; for a mad dog, seven miles is not a hook; measure 7 times, cut once, etc.) etc.), “catches up” a certain mysticism.

It was believed that the number “7” symbolizes order and cyclical development. Including the numbers 3 (symbol of the human soul) and 4 (symbol of the world), seven includes the entire mystical nature of existence.

Number "11"
As you know, there were only 10 commandments. 11 means rising above the rules, going beyond the established framework, which can lead to both spiritual renewal and complete destruction. In esotericism, “eleven” is a number that can open the way to other spheres of existence. By the way, there is also the fact that an 11-year cycle of solar activity was discovered.

Number "12"
A dozen is considered an ideal, super-perfect number - associated with the circle of life in the Universe. 12 symbolizes the completeness of the Divine circle, the rotation and repeatability of everything. In addition to being mentioned many times in ancient myths, the number is often found in our everyday life: 12 signs of the Zodiac, a day consists of 12 hours of day and night and much more - you can find it yourself.

Number "13"
The “devil’s” dozen is considered a dangerous number, as it violates the harmony of such a perfect number as 12, so in many countries they try to mention it as little as possible (for example, buildings do not have a 13th floor, they specially invite one more guest to the celebration to avoid mentioning 13 -ti). From the Bible: 13 people were present at the Last Supper; the number is also an attribute of Freemasonry - in 1783, when the US Constitution was adopted, the “devil’s dozen” was reflected in the symbolism of the new state: 13 arrows in the eagle’s paw symbolized the 13 annexed states, Solomon’s seal also contains 13 stars. Number plays important role in the beliefs of occultists due to the fact that 13 is considered the number of death, as violating the harmony of 12.

However, in the teachings of Kabbalah and the beliefs of the Mayan Indians 13, on the contrary, lucky number. Also, at one time there was Club 13, which united all witches, sorcerers, occultists, etc., who were engaged in bringing scientific and occult knowledge into general knowledge of human existence.

Number "23"
23, according to numerologists, also plays an important role - it is usually understood as a certain higher intelligence and comprehensive wisdom. The number often accompanies certain mystical and extraordinary events. The number, if not directly, then indirectly, is sought in dates and other digital signs. For example, 23 is associated with the number 5 (2+3) and, along with the main one, is found in many signs of the Freemasons and Illuminati.

The entire feature film “23” is dedicated to the mysterious manifestation of this number. It is also interesting that the Japanese car brand “Nisan” in translation means 23, because in Japanese, “ni” is two, “san” is three, and on the mobile screen in T9 text input mode, when you press keys 2 and 3, the word “hell” will appear. As a scientific confirmation of the meaning of the number, the human gene set is determined by 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Number "33"
A sacred number for many cultures and religions. Russian is no exception: remember the 33 heroes from Pushkin’s fairy tale? And the fact that Ilya Muromets could not walk for 30 years and 3 years? It is also noteworthy that the Russian alphabet has 33 letters; the human spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae. The Bible mentions that Jesus Christ was 33 years old when he was crucified.

Christian traditions say that it is at the age of 33 that all abilities in a person are fully revealed.

Number "40"
One more thing sacred number for Christians: Moses led his people through the desert for 40 years, but Christ’s fast lasted for already days. This familiar word “quarantine” literally means “40-day period”
Thus, 40 is the number of completeness, completeness and completeness.

Number "42"
The “Revelation of John the Theologian” said that the reign of the Antichrist on Earth would last exactly 42 months. In addition, in Douglas Adams’ book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” a powerful computer, after 7.5 million years of analysis and search for an answer to “the most important question of life, the Universe and in general,” decided that it was 42 (the writer explained that he chose this the number is random). In addition, the Marathon distance is 42 km, and the dog also has 42 teeth. Japanese the word “death” is consonant with a number.

Number "50"
50 is a sacred number for Islam and European mysticism. Here he was associated with liberation, both physical and spiritual.

Number "55"
In radio communications, code 55 is a “handshake”

Number "60"
The number is familiar to everyone. The number acquired its special meaning thanks to the Chaldean magicians, who, according to legend, could perform complex mathematical calculations using the sexagesimal system of accounts. We still use the results of their work: from geometry, a circle can be divided into an equal number of sectors of 60 degrees, and each degree in turn contains 60 minutes, each of which includes 60 seconds. Thus, with the help of the number 60, the connection with the circle, the repeating cycle of the Universe, is expressed.

Number "64"
In India, it was believed that a woman should master 64 arts, including, in addition to the usual singing, playing the musical instruments and drawings, such as putting a mark on the forehead, laying out grains of rice and flowers in a row, testing silver and jewelry, organizing fights of rams, roosters, quails and much more. Chess lovers: the game board contains 64 squares. In ancient manuscripts, the number 64 is mentioned as a sign of unity and the source of all other numbers.

Number "66"
One of the most revered numbers in Islam, 66 is presented as one of the titles of Allah.

Number "73"
In amateur radio communications, code 73 replaces the phrase "best wishes".

Number "77"
The number is considered sacred in old occult beliefs - their adherents believe that 77 is the number energy centers person.

Number "88"
The number is notable for its many meanings: in the code of radio operators, the combination 88 means “love, kiss”; Currently, 88 constellations are known to scientific astronomers. The Internet community often jokes that a pair of eights stands for LiveJournal, since the letter “Zh” is the eighth in order, counting “Yo” in the Russian alphabet. In addition, fans of the work of director Robert Zemeckis remember that in the Back to the Future trilogy it was necessary to accelerate the car to 88 miles per hour to move it through time.

Number "91"
91 is revered in Egyptian and Kabbalah traditions as it is the numerical representation of the word "amen". For fans of Formula 1 racing, the famous driver Michael Schumacher won exactly 91 races.

Number "100"
It has no special, sacred meaning, but is very often used in everyday life: 100 years make up a century, 100 kopecks make up a ruble, and besides, almost every day in colloquial speech we use the phrases “100 times more”, “100 times better” etc.

Number "108"
One hundred and eight is considered sacred for several religions. In Buddhism, the collection of Buddha's sayings consists of 108 volumes, so the rosary of Buddhist monks consists of 108 beads. Buddhists believe that a person is subject to 108 passions, perceiving the world with five senses and consciousness (5 + 1), while each sensation can be pleasant, unpleasant or neutral (3), this can lead both to bliss, and vice versa, to move away from there are (2) possible outcomes. A person constantly receives such experience - in the past, present and future - and again 3. Therefore, we get (5+1)*3*2*3=108).

In Hinduism, 108 also appears as a special number: Shiva and Vishnu have 108 names each, and the same number of beads in the rosary used to repeat mantras. In China, some followers of the Zhen-Jiu school claim that there are only 108 important points for acupuncture (acupuncture) or moxibustion.

In the Polish city of Lichen there is also a chapel of the blessed 108 martyrs - clergy who died during the Second World War and beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1999. For the history of our country, the number is also very memorable and an object of pride - the flight of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin lasted 108 minutes.

Number " "
A highly revered number for many in both Eastern and Western traditions. - symbol of the circle and the Zodiac.

Number "365"
Another sacred number for Eastern religions. 365 is the symbol of the year. Also, according to the Book of Genesis, Enoch, the most pious descendant of Adam and the ancestor of Noah, lived 365 years, after which “he was no more, because God took him.” About the rest of Adam's descendants they said - “he died.” Also, in Judaism there are 365 prohibitory commandments.

Number "666"
One of the most famous numbers on the planet is the Number of the Beast. The Bible speaks of the coming of Satan, who brands his servants with the sign “666.”

Number "888"
The complete opposite of the Number of the Beast: 888 in Christian esotericism is considered the number of the Messiah. In the work of individual researchers, 888 is called the number of the name of Christ.

Number "999"
Another “opposing” number 666 - 999 embodies the Highest Divine love.

Number "1000"
In many Eastern religions, the number is revered as the embodiment of the sacred spiritual and energetic center of man. In Western traditions, 1000, the “cube of ten,” is an absolutely perfect number that multiplies harmony.

Number "144000"
In Christianity, the number is found in the “Revelation of John the Theologian,” where it is written that this is exactly how many future saints and righteous people will be saved from Last Judgment and will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, 144,000 symbolizes eternal life.

We will stop here. Sacred numbers There are a lot of things known from one religion or another, and new ones appear along with the discovery of old books and manuscripts. And yet in life you should not completely rely on the magical intervention of numbers, thinking that everything will work out on its own, because... Order is at the core of the universe. You yourself can make your life the way you want, and with the help of numbers you can try to attract luck, try to predict future events, make a plan and much more - everything is in your hands.

Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

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