Suren is the name of what nationality. Name Suren: meaning and origin. Zodiac and Sacred number of the name Suren

Suren is a male name in Russian.

★Suren★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Suren. Meaning of the name Suren. The name Suren on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Suren. Suren name meaning. Origin of the name Suren. The secret of the name Suren. Interpretation of the name Suren. - Names of the World.

Suren, in Russian, is a male name.

Full forms of the name Suren: Not specified. Names with the same meaning: Not specified. ★Suren★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Find out the meaning of the name Suren. Meaning of the name Suren. The name Suren on the website Names of the World. Meaning of the name Suren. Suren name meaning. Origin of the name Suren. The secret of the name Suren. Interpretation of the name Suren. - Names of the World.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Suren.

Letter WITH in the name Suren: common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.

Letter U in the name Suren: active imagination, generous empathetic person, philanthropist. Strives to rise to the highest spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is something unpronounceable!

Letter R in the name Suren: the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Letter E in the name Suren: the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.

Letter N in the name Suren: a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

The name Suren was borne by the famous Parthian commander, who became famous for his victory over the Romans at the Battle of Carrha. This battle is considered one of the most important crushing early battles in Roman history. The name Suren is identical to the name Suren in Iran, where it is widespread. The name is most often found in countries such as Armenia, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

The name Suren comes either from the Parthian "surena" ("commander"), or from "sura", interpreted as "strong", "exalted" (in the sense of "heroic"). Later, the name began to be attributed with the meaning “divine” - more often this interpretation can be found among Armenians. The owner of the name Suren devotes himself to work. This man firmly moves towards his goal, filling his path with a special spiritual meaning, so quite often Suren prefers creative professions (artist, writer, musician), or activities devoted to research (historian, archaeologist).

His creative desire allows him to create a world of imagination in the present, Suren strives to preserve it and show it to everyone. This man loves animals and birds, he admires unusual phenomena, is happy about new relationships, new discoveries; some people around him call such people “out of this world.” This does not prevent him from enjoying the moments in life, making sincere friends, and coming to the rescue of friends and strangers. Suren is an extrovert, he needs communication like air. Suren believes in fate, so he is always ready to take responsibility for every situation he encounters in his life.

Suren craves freedom of choice, he is disgusted by chaos, he is a supporter of order. Therefore, this man prefers his own path, without imposing it on anyone else. Suren is not afraid hard work. He has a goal in life. All it does is move him further down the path to success. He tries to achieve a lot and has an ambitious character. But sometimes he lacks control over his own ambitions, and this can lead to negative attitudes from other people towards him. His interpersonal communication skills help Suren maintain good relationship with people, so there are always a lot of people around him, enough friends.

This man sticks to a certain thing life path. If any obstacle or problem comes in his way, he would rather face it than try to avoid difficulties. Generosity - common feature owners of this name. Suren may have a sudden outburst of emotions, and at such moments it becomes difficult to stop him, he very quickly succumbs to any addiction. Suren loves adventure and thrill in his life, so sports is an integral part of his life. From the point of view of his career, legal activity will be the most suitable occupation for this man.

These are people with great communication skills, so in general he can choose any area of ​​activity for professional growth, because Suren will move towards success. If the owner of this name is fluent in several languages, then this will help him achieve greater success in his career. Thus, Suren can choose communication as a career prospect. Suren is something of a foodie. He loves to eat, especially sweets. He has culinary skills and is a good cook.

Without a doubt, Suren is a good host. He is more or less responsible for his family - he will look after his parents and elderly relatives, will not abandon his children and wife, but does not consider family the meaning of his life. He loves to do things according to his abilities.

  • Synonyms for the name Suren. Surena.
  • Origin of the name Suren. The name Suren is Armenian.

Synonyms for the name Suren. Surena.
Origin of the name Suren. The name Suren is Armenian.

The name Suren was borne by the famous Parthian commander, who became famous for his victory over the Romans at the Battle of Carrha. This battle is considered one of the most important crushing early battles in Roman history. The name Suren is identical to the name Suren in Iran, where it is widespread. The name is most often found in countries such as Armenia, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan.

The name Suren comes either from the Parthian "surena" ("commander"), or from "sura", interpreted as "strong", "exalted" (in the sense of "heroic"). Later, the name began to be attributed with the meaning “divine” - more often this interpretation can be found among Armenians.

The owner of the name Suren devotes himself to work. This man firmly moves towards his goal, filling his path with a special spiritual meaning, so quite often Suren prefers creative professions (artist, writer, musician), or activities devoted to research (historian, archaeologist). His creative desire allows him to create a world of imagination in the present, Suren strives to preserve it and show it to everyone.

This man loves animals and birds, he admires unusual phenomena, is happy about new relationships, new discoveries; some people around him call such people “out of this world.” This does not prevent him from enjoying the moments in life, making sincere friends, and coming to the rescue of friends and strangers. Suren is an extrovert, he needs communication like air.

Suren believes in fate, so he is always ready to take responsibility for every situation he encounters in his life. Suren craves freedom of choice, he is disgusted by chaos, he is a supporter of order. Therefore, this man prefers his own path, without imposing it on anyone else.

Suren is not afraid of hard work. He has a goal in life. All it does is move him further down the path to success. He tries to achieve a lot and has an ambitious character. But sometimes he lacks control over his own ambitions, and this can lead to negative attitudes from other people towards him.

His interpersonal communication skills help Suren maintain good relationships with people, so there are always a lot of people around him, enough friends. This man adheres to a certain path in life. If any obstacle or problem comes in his way, he would rather face it than try to avoid difficulties.

Generosity is a common trait among those with this name. Suren may have a sudden outburst of emotions, and at such moments it becomes difficult to stop him, he very quickly succumbs to any addiction. Suren loves adventure and thrill in his life, so sports is an integral part of his life.

From the point of view of his career, legal activity will be the most suitable occupation for this man. These are people with great communication skills, so in general he can choose any area of ​​activity for professional growth, because Suren will move towards success. If the owner of this name is fluent in several languages, then this will help him achieve greater success in his career. Thus, Suren can choose communication as a career prospect.

Suren is something of a foodie. He loves to eat, especially sweets. He has culinary skills and is a good cook. Without a doubt, Suren is a good host. He is more or less responsible for his family - he will look after his parents and elderly relatives, will not abandon his children and wife, but does not consider family the meaning of his life. He loves to do things according to his abilities.

Suren's name day

Suren does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Suren

  • Suren Markarov ((1937-2013) Soviet water polo player, became the champion of the USSR three times, won silver at the European Championship in 1962. Awarded the Admiral Gorshkov medal in 2007.)
  • Suren Babloev ((1918-1979) Soviet military choral conductor)
  • Suren Zolyan ((born 1955) Armenian scientist, linguist, also a public figure and writer-publicist. In 1990 he published a book of translations of medieval Armenian poetry into Russian.)
  • Suren Ayvazyan ((1933-2009) Armenian geologist, known for falsification Armenian history, which caused sharp criticism not only from compatriot historians)
  • Suren Kasparian (Kasparov, Kasparian) ((1924-1994) Soviet officer, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Surena (Suren) ((died about 52 BC) Armenian-Parthian commander. Winner of the Battle of Carrhae, who defeated the Romans, who outnumbered the Parthian army.)
  • Suren Balachinsky ((born 1973) Russian wrestler (sambo, judo), multiple champion of Russia in sambo, European champion 1999 in weight up to 100 kg)
  • Suren Arakelov ((born 1947) Soviet mathematician, creator of the theory that bears his name - Arakelov geometry)
  • Surena Sattari (Iranian politician, Vice President of Iran for Science and Technology)

The owner of the name Suren can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

Each nation has gone through a long period of formation and has its own history. Along with this, each nationality has created a tradition of its own name, which has acquired a special structure and specificity since ancient times.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it. Our ancestors believed that every word carries a certain charge of energy, and naming a person has truly magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears our name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The naming name Suren has ancient history, its sound combines the sounds of ancient battles, the clinking of coins and the power of nature itself. In the world naming system, the “rights” to the name Suren have long been given to Armenia, but it is also common in other countries of the world - in Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Turkey.

There are two main versions of the origin male name Suren. According to one of them, this name is of Persian origin and when translated into Russian it sounds like “divine.” It is believed that the name Suren was borrowed by the Armenian people from the Iranian tribe of the Parthians during the time of the Arsacids (1st century BC).

Other researchers believe that the origins of the male name Suren should be sought in Turkic languages, because the ancient Armenian family of Suren, according to written sources, was one of the seven noble Turkic families of Parthia. Representatives of this family went to serve in Armenia, with the Arsacids, “because the “Altai” traditions of power were preserved there.”

According to this hypothesis, the name Suren goes back to the ancient Turkic word “suren”, which is translated as “leader”. In the old days, people believed that by choosing a name, they were choosing a destiny that would be part of the essence, the personality of a person. Therefore, the name Suren was given to the young heir as a symbol of a happy fate and a sign of great destiny. At the same time, the name Suren could also be assigned to a mature person as an indication of the position of the owner of the name in society or the military hierarchy.

IN modern dictionaries In Turkic languages, the word “suren” is interpreted as a designation of “war cry” among Turkic tribes. Probably, this exclamation was akin to the calls “for the king” or “in the name of the king” that we understand.

The name Suren was glorified by many famous figures of state, science, and culture, for example: Armenian geologist Suren Mikhailovich Ayvazyan; dramatic actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR Suren Akimovich Kocharyan; Soviet chess player Suren Teodorovich Abrahamyan; Armenian politician Suren Grantovich Avetisyan; Russian constitutional scholar Suren Adibekovich Avakyan.

The name Suren is one of the diamonds adorning the royal crown of world naming.

Sources: Ter-Sarkisyants A.E., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Gafurov A., Name and history: About the names of Arabs, Persians, Tajiks and Turks. Donidze G.I., Etymological dictionary of Turkic languages. Adzhi M., Türks and the world: a hidden history.

What does the name Suren mean?: “divine” (the name Suren is of Armenian origin).

Today the name is quite rarely used among Armenians and other Caucasian peoples, and in Europe it has no related analogues at all. This creates some difficulties in the process of analyzing the name and character of its owner. Numerology comes to the rescue - a technique that assumes that a person’s name always corresponds to a certain number. Knowing him, you can always understand what advantages, disadvantages, temperamental characteristics and outlook on life the bearer of a particular name has. And even though numerology today is still not considered a full-fledged science, it is difficult to overestimate its usefulness when studying rare names.

Angel Suren's Day: is not celebrated because the name Suren is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Characteristics of the name Suren

Personality of the name Suren: Suren understands that much in his life will depend on his communication skills. That is why, at some point, Suren decides, if not to completely eradicate, then at least somewhat to reduce the manifestation of some of his shortcomings. As a result, he becomes more tolerant, diplomatic, and friendly. In companies he shows himself to be an excellent conversationalist.

At the same time, the name Suren himself does not have too many friends - he is able to look closely at a person for a long time before calling him his friend. Believes that the main thing in friendly relationships is sincerity. The stronger his disappointment in the event of betrayal, which Suren often does not forgive. However, he does not lose faith in people - he hopes that in the future he will definitely meet a person whom he can safely call a friend.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In numerology, the meaning of the name Suren is characterized by the number 7, which suggests that its owner is able to direct his talent into the field of science, art, philosophy and even religion. Regarding the last aspect, it is worth noting that the name Suren will not necessarily become a priest and completely devote his life to the search for God and truth. He can teach religious studies at a university, translate spiritual literature, and participate in the work of volunteer organizations that support believers.

Business and career: Much in his life will depend on the ability to analyze what has already been achieved and set new goals. A man named Suren belongs to the category of people who prefer to learn from their mistakes. It is not surprising that he has an extremely negative attitude towards outside advice, as well as any criticism, even if it is constructive. He considers his opinion to be the only correct one and not subject to any discussion. Naturally, this does not help improve relationships with people around you.

The name Suren has the ability to understand people, and therefore often becomes a teacher or psychotherapist. But it is not recommended for him to engage in commerce and business, since these types of activities require forward planning, which Suren is clearly not capable of. Another thing is that he can open and develop his own business together with a reliable partner.

Health and energy

Suren has a vivid imagination and well-developed intuition. In many ways, this helps him achieve his goals. Optimism plays an equally important role. True, at times Suren is characterized by pessimistic moods - this happens because the name Suren wants to rest mentally, analyze goals already achieved and set new tasks for itself. Very soon he will again be as active and cheerful as those around him are used to seeing him.

The fate of Suren in history

What does the name Suren mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Suren Vladimirovich Ghazaryan is a Russian public figure, member of the Council of the “Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus”. Member Coordination Council Russian opposition. Winner of the International Goldman Environmental Prize

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