Which insect does not live in large families? Why are bees and ants called social insects? Features of complex behavior of social insects: description. How social insects differ from solitary insects: comparison, similarities and differences. Zada

Target: reveal the structural features of the honey bee in connection with the social way of life, its role in nature and in human life.

Lesson type: a lesson in analytical thinking.

Lesson progress

group work

I. Motivational talk

(the lesson begins by asking the children questions about the family):

  • What can you say about your family?
  • How can you describe your family in one word?
  • Why is your family the friendliest?

Family - seven selves, all together. Even though we study insects, family relationships is among them. These insects include bees and ants. Today we will talk about bees.

II . Intrigue

In the entire history of mankind, there is no more studied and, at the same time, more mysterious insect than the bee. Why? You will learn about this at the end of the lesson.

III. Memory

Work in groups:

Group 1: Development with complete transformation
Group 2: Development with incomplete transformation
Group 3: What are the similarities and differences between the 2 types of transformation. What is the advantage of development with complete transformation.

IV. Learning new material (return to intrigue)

Bees - social insects. The community is a big family. They share food with each other and look after each other.
The uterus has a long body and an elongated abdomen. Drones are medium-sized with large eyes. Worker bees have devices for collecting pollen (brush, basket, mirror)
There are 100 thousand worker bees in a family; they clean the hive, collect nectar, care for the queen and larvae, and protect the hive from enemies. In a bee family, the main bee is the queen bee, who lays up to 2000 eggs per day. She lives for about five years. Drones do not take any part in the work. The main task is fertilization of the uterus. In the fall, worker bees expel the drones from the hive and they die. All care of the hive lies with the worker bees6. Growing up, each worker bee changes several “professions”. She builds honeycombs, cleans the cells, feeds the larvae, takes food from arriving bees and distributes it in the hive, ventilates the hive, guards it and finally begins to fly out of the hive for nectar. Bees communicate with each other through touch and secretions. Bees have a “dance language.” The complex behavior of social insects is instinct.
Bees build honeycombs. They crawl on flowers and pollen gets on the hairs of the insect's body. Then the bee cleans the pollen into the basket with help. Special brushes. Soon a ball of pollen will form there. Bee bread is pollen soaked in honey. Bees have an enlarged goiter - a honey goiter. Honey is formed there. A bee colony receives 100 kg of honey per year. (presentation)

V. Effective consolidation

Group 1: fill out the table:

Group 2: What are the similarities between a queen bee, a drone and a worker bee?

Group 3: What products do bees provide? How they are formed.

Tasks for all groups:

Explain the terms: queen, drone, mirror, honeycomb, basket, goiter, beebread, swarming, instinct, “language of bees.”

Explain the statements:

If bees die out on earth, humanity will have 4 years left to live.
Albert Einstein

Bees can tell their comrades where flowers with sweet nectar are located.

Drink comes from the bellies of bees different colors, which brings healing to people. Indeed, in this is a sign for a people who reflect.

VI. Unraveling the intrigue

In the entire history of mankind, there is no more studied and, at the same time, more mysterious insect than the bee. Moreover, it can be argued that man owes his origin to a large extent to the bee. After all, it was she who, over millions of years, tirelessly pollinating plants, developed and improved flora planets, and with it the animal world.

For many millennia it has lived next to humans, but nothing and no one can tame it. At the same time, it is the bee, which has a terrible weapon against enemies, that allows a person to unceremoniously invade his home and make any (within reason) changes and rearrangements in it, and once a year take away what is vital - his food.

VII. Homework assignment

Paragraph 28. Type arthropods, preparation for test work.

They form organized groups (societies) among themselves, acting as a single whole. These are many hymenopterans - ants and bumblebees, as well as some bees and wasps. Termites, insects with incomplete metamorphosis, also acquired a similar way of life.


At the heart of the group for everyone publicinsects there lies a family, but a family that has greatly expanded and transformed.

It consists of a fertile female (called the queen or queen) and her many sterile daughters, who form the worker caste. The queen is usually much larger than the workers, and her body is adapted to produce a very large number of eggs. Workers feed the queen, build chambers for eggs and larvae, and nurse the larvae until they become chrysalises. In most cases, the queen lives longer than her infertile daughters (for ants 6-7 years, up to 18 years). Workers build and repair the nest, clean it, ventilate it, heat it, protect it from the outside and on the approaches to it. They scout for new sources of food, collect it, take it to the nest, where they can in different ways pack, preserve and process. They can look after mushroom plantations or their “milch animals.”

Social insects share food with each other all the time and everyone can use its reserves.

Each worker has programs for all forms of labor necessary for the prosperity of the family. Typically, an insect switches from one type of labor to another depending on its age.

But in some social insects, workers are divided into subcastes - for example, foragers (food gatherers) and soldiers. The latter have a different body structure from foragers - powerful devices for defense and attack. They protect the nest and foragers, wage territorial wars, but cannot obtain food themselves.

In termites, the family composition is somewhat different: the worker caste consists of sterile individuals of both sexes, and their father is kept in the nest with the female and fertilizes her as needed.

Communication (communication)

Family members interact very clearly with each other and understand each other thanks to the innate communication system.

It is based on “language” - a complex code of signals, sound, visual, tactile and chemical. With the help of such a language it is impossible to convey any information (that is, two bees, unlike us, cannot “talk” about anything). But strictly certain areas very complex information can be conveyed. For example, returning from a new flowering tree to the hive, a scout bee, using an innate coding program, translates information about the direction to flowering tree, the distance to it, the abundance of flowers and the type of flowering plant into a set of standard movements that she will perform in front of other bees in the hive (the so-called dance). Forager bees, following the dancing bee and repeating all its turns, decode the dance, and their nervous system receives the information included in the dance by the scout.

For deciphering the informational meaning of the dance of bees, which has excited the human mind since ancient times, the German entomologist Karl Frisch was awarded the highest award in scientific world- Nobel Prize.


Previously, people thought that insect society was like a state, and was controlled from some center. They thought that the family was ruled by the queen, which is why she was called the “queen.” Now we know that there is no such center, and all members of society interact on the basis of behavioral programs and flows of information from individual to individual. Material from the site

The role of the queen in management is that she can lay eggs, from which either infertile workers will emerge (and they can have different appearances, if the species has sub-castes), or fertile males (drones) and females (future queens) . But workers can also partially control this process. In Hymenoptera, males are not used in the family. Their function: they must fly away, meet fertile females from other families on their mating flight and fertilize them. A fertilized female stores sperm throughout her life. This ensures that all individuals born in the family are half-blooded (that is, descended from the same father and mother) sisters and brothers.

Social and domesticated insects

Most insects lead a solitary lifestyle. However, there is alsosocial insects . These includetermites, bumblebees, wasps, bees, ants . The community of these insects is one large extended family. Social insects share food with each other, jointly care for larvae, and guard the nest.

Bees and ants are social insects

Bees.Social insects includehoney bee . A large family of bees numbers up to 100 thousand individuals that live in the hive. In a hive, most insects areworkers bees. These are infertile females in which a modified ovipositor servessting . They clean the hive, collect nectar, care for the queen and larvae, and protect the hive from enemies. They live for one warm season (less than a year). In a bee family, the main bee isuterus which lays eggs - up to 2000 per day. The queen bee is larger than the worker bees. She lives for about five years. In the spring, in May - June, a new queen and several dozen males appear from the pupae in the bee colony, which are calleddrones: They do not take any part in the work, and their main task is fertilization of the uterus. In the fall, worker bees drive the remaining drones out of the hive and they die.

All care for the hive lies with the worker bees: growing up, each worker bee changes several “professions”. She builds honeycombs, cleans the cells, feeds the larvae, takes food from arriving bees and distributes it in the hive, ventilates the hive, guards it and, finally, begins to fly out of the hive for nectar. Bees communicate with each other in the same way as ants - through touch and secreted substances.

However, only bees have a “dance language”. With the help of special body movements and movements, one bee can tell others where nectar-rich bees are located. flowering plants . A scout bee "dances" in the hive on the honeycomb.

On the underside of the worker bee's abdomen there are special glands that secretewax . Bees, thanks to complex instincts, build from ithoneycomb . On the hind legs of bees there are areas surrounded by long chitinous hairs - baskets. Bees crawl on flowers, and pollen falls on the hairs of the insect's body. Then the bee cleans the pollen into the basket using special brushes on its legs. Soon a lump of pollen forms there - pollen, which the bee transfers to the hive.Perga - pollen soaked in honey serves as a reserve of protein food for the bee colony.

Worker bees have a peculiar expansion of the esophagus -honey goiter . The main supply of food for the bee colony is formed from the nectar collected from flowers, which has passed through the honey sac.honey . The cells are filled with honey and the bees cover them with a thin wax layer. In a year you can get up to 100 kg of honey from one bee colony.

Although people have been raising bees for a long time, collapsible frame hives were invented relatively recently - in 1814 by the Ukrainian beekeeper P. I. Prokopovich. Before this, in order to extract honey from a bee’s nest, which, as a rule, was located in a hollowed-out tree, it was necessary to break the honeycomb, that is, to ruin the bee family. The surviving swarm of bees can live independently, without human help. This indicates that bees are not yet fully domesticated.

Ants- social hymenoptera. They do not have a sting, but they have a poisonous gland, thanks to which they can protect themselves from enemies. Red forest ants bring great benefits to the forest. The ants of one anthill eat tens of thousands of insects per day and protect a forest covering an area of ​​0.2 hectares from pests. They live in families.

The anthill consists of above-ground and underground parts. Most of the ants living in the anthill are wingless workers - these are sterile females. Their number sometimes reaches a million. Besides them, the queen lives in the anthill. She also doesn't have wings. She breaks them off after the mating flight. She lays eggs all her life, and all the care for the anthill lies with the working ants. They obtain food, repair and clean the anthill, feed the larvae and the queen, and defend the anthill in case of attack by enemies. Once a year, at the beginning of summer, winged females and males appear in the anthill from pupae and set off on a mating flight. After mating, the males die, and the females shed their wings and establish a new anthill. They can also end up in the anthill in which they developed.

Most ants are predators. Some feed on the sweet secretions of aphids. For this purpose, ants protect, “graze”these insects feed on plants, and sometimes shelters are built for them. Other types of ants breed mushrooms in underground chambers for their food, bringing crushed plant leaves for this. There are herbivorous ants.

Ants communicate by touching each other with their antennae, legs and heads. In addition, they have a “chemical language” - they secrete special substances with which they mark their paths. Ants recognize relatives and enemies by smell.

WITH false behavior of social insects is called instinctive because instinct - a set of innate aspects of behavior, fixed hereditarily and characteristic of a certain species of animal. The behavior of bees, ants and some other animals is so surprising and complex that it leads many people to believe that it is intelligent. However, these actions of animals are instinctive and unconscious.

Domesticated insects

There is only one thing completelydomesticated insect , not found in nature in the wild, -silkworm ; females of this species have even “forgot how” to fly. An adult insect is a thick butterfly with whitish wings with a span of up to 6 cm. The caterpillars of this silkworm eat only mulberry or mulberry leaves.

Scientists suggest that in the wild, the ancestor of the silkworm lived in the foothills of the Himalayas. The butterfly was domesticated in China around 3 thousand years BC. e. Nowadays, this insect is completely domesticated. It is bred in China, Japan, Indochina, Southern Europe, South America, Central Asia and the Caucasus - where the mulberry tree can grow. There are several dozen breeds of silkworms, varying in length, strength and color of the silk thread they produce.

Female silkworms lay eggs (each female - up to 600 eggs), which are calledGreena . Caterpillars emerge from them. These caterpillars are fed mulberry leaves in special rooms on feeding shelves. During pupation, each caterpillar howls for three days.

Lesson on the topic “Bees and ants are social insects”


- highlight the structural features of the honey bee and ant in connection with their social way of life;

Show the role in nature and significance in human life; prove the need to protect these insects;

- broaden the horizons of students.

Teaching methods : reproductive, search, research, collective decision-making method

Lesson type: learning new material.

Class organization form : educational project.

Project typology : information and research, short-term.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation “Bees and ants are social insects,” books, handouts, flashcards.

Form of organization of work in the classroom : class-lesson, group, individual.

Lesson content:

I . Organizational moment (Mutual greetings between students and teachers, recording absentees, checking students’ readiness for the lesson)

Call stage:

Before telling you the topic of today's lesson, I will ask you riddles, and you must guess what they are about. we'll talk in class.

1. I smell like summer and pollen.

I'm flying towards the flowers like a bullet.

But I can be very angry.

To the one who climbs into the hive!

2. In a clearing near the fir trees The house is built from needles. He is not visible behind the grass, And there are a million residents there.

II .Preparation for the main stage of assimilation educational material . Activation background knowledge and skills.

- In previous lessons, we began to study the most numerous type of animals - the Arthropod type.What signs of this type are observed in bees and ants? (I listen to the children’s answers).

Jointed limbs

Presence of chitinous cover.

To what class would you classify these animals?

(to the class Insects).

As you already understood, the heroes of our lesson will bebees and ants.

Due to the fact that there is a lot of information about these insects, we will study this topic as part of the project.

Project goals:

    Study the systematic position of the honey bee and ant;

    study the structure of the honey bee;

    study polymorphism in the hive and anthill; find signs of similarities and differences;

    study the importance of bees and ants in nature and human life; insect protection;

    study the history of beekeeping;

    draw a conclusion why bees and ants are classified as social animals;

    present our project.

III .Stages of work on the project.

1. 3 groups of students are formed:

Each group receives an instruction card with a plan for studying the topic area printed on it. Answer sheets.

Today's lesson will work in groups

    “Theorists”, 2 “Beekeepers”, 3 “Biologists”.

    We ask group participants to remember the rules of working in a group and respect the time.

    Group work is allotted 20 minutes, speaker time is 3-4 minutes.

    Please start by reading the instruction sheet.

    I wish you good luck.

Instructional card "THEORETICS"

Target: study the systematic position of the honey bee and ant, find out their significance in nature and human life, and propose measures for the protection of insects.

1. Systematic position of the bee and ant.

2. External structure of a bee:

Take a closer look at the structure of a worker bee in Fig. 1 ( reference material) and answer the questions?

    What sections is the bee's body divided into?

    How many pairs of wings?

    How many pairs of legs?

    What sense organs are different on a bee's head?

    Features in the structure of the hind legs. What do you think they are for?

3. What is the importance of bees and ants in nature and human life.

4. Suggest measures to protect insects.

5. Conclude why bees and ants are called social insects?

Instructional card "Beekeepers"

Target: study the history of beekeeping.

1. Where could we find out information that the bee has become a human pet since time immemorial?

3. What beekeeping products were used to pay tribute, duties and taxes?

4. What did the ancient Slavs use instead of sugar, and what for light?

5. What was the name of ancient beekeeping?

6. What was invented by the Ukrainian landowner Pyotr Ivanovich Prokopovich in 1814?

7.Draw a conclusion that reflects the importance of bees in nature and human life.

Instructional card "Biologists"

Target: study polymorphism in the hive and anthill; find signs of similarities and differences.

    Theoretical part.

1. Polymorphism of the bee colony.

2. Polymorphism of the ant family.

3. What is swarming called? What is its biological role?

    Practical part.

Using the textbook material pp. 135-136 and reference material, fill out the table"Polymorphism of bees and ants"

Signs of comparison.

Polymorphism of bees and ants






Male ant

worker bee

Worker ants

1. Body dimensions.

l = 18-20 mmm = 0.25 g

Up to 50 mm

l = 15-16 mmm = 0.2 g

Up to 50 mm

l = 12-14 mmm = 0.1 g

2 mm

2. Number of individuals in the family.


2 or more



From several tens to several hundred

70 000

From several tens to a million

3. Lifespan.

Up to 5 years

12-20 years

Season 1

Several days, weeks

Season 1

Up to 3 years

4. Structural features.

Large bee, long pointed abdomen; associated with its reproductive function

similar to workers, but differ from them in the structure of the chest and more large sizes. Have wings that bite themselves off after fertilization

medium-sized bee with very large eyes , touching at the back of the head,abdomen rounded

Develop from unfertilized eggs and have wings

on hind legsbaskets , on the abdomen there are speculums, an expansion of the esophagus - a honeypot; at the end of the abdomensting

Females with an underdeveloped reproductive system , They have no wings, a simplified chest structure, eyes smaller than those of females, or absent

5. Functions performed.


and laying eggs


And laying eggs



Fertilization of the female

Cleaning cells, feeding the queen and larvae, building honeycombs, scouting, collecting food, protecting the hive.

Taking care of the family (Guards, “nannies”, cleaning the nest, etc.)

Answer the questions?

1. Give the concept of polymorphism?

2. Conclude what polymorphism is in bees and ants and what this is connected with.

2. Search for information.

Students are asked to find answers to the questions indicated on the instruction card. Students work with a textbook and additional literature.

3. Information processing .

Students in groups fill out answer cards, prepare a speech - defending a project, and select a speaker from their group.

4. Project protection.

Representatives of each group present their work, talk about their achievements, and draw conclusions:

1. The bee and the products of its vital activity are of great practical importance. But the most great value The activity of bees is manifested in the pollination of plants.

2. A bee family consists of a queen, drones and worker bees. Responsibilities are distributed between them in the family.

4. The structural features of a worker bee are related to its “professional” responsibilities.

5. The bee and the ant are “social” insects with complex instinctive behavior, in their caring care for the “baby”, in the appropriateness of the division of labor between family members, in their amazing art of construction

IV . Homework.

Tasks to choose from:

Prepare reports about the silkworm

Silk production

Insects listed in the Red Book.

V . Lesson summary and reflection.

You guys did a great job.

I'm making my comment. And I propose to briefly answer the questions

What's your mood?

Please continue the sentence

I was wondering...

Today we figured it out...

I realized today that...

It was difficult for me...

Tomorrow I want in class...

Lesson topic : Bees and ants are social insects. Beneficial insects, pest insects.Meaning in nature and human life.

Lesson objectives: reveal the structural features of the honey bee and ant in connection with the social way of life; talk about their role in nature and human life; reveal the diversity of insect pests, their negative role in human practice; outline the importance of insects in nature and human life.

Equipment: insect collection,multimedia projector, presentation, handouts: tables, sheets of paper, markers.

Lesson progress:

I. org. moment (1 min) II. Updating of reference knowledge(10 min) Test work with mutual verification.

Write down the test numbers, against each - the correct answer options

Option 1.

A. Dragonflies B. Orthoptera C. Bugs

  1. Two pairs of wings.
  2. The larva has a mask.

Option 2.

What features are characteristic of insects from the order

A. Butterflies B. Diptera C. Hymenoptera

  1. Development with complete transformation.
  2. Development with incomplete transformation.
  3. Two pairs of wings.
  4. One pair of wings, the second is reduced (haleteres) and serves to stabilize the flight.
  5. The first pair of wings are transformed into hard elytra, the second pair are leathery wings.
  6. The front wings are denser than the hind wings.
  7. The elytra are dense in front and soft in the back; the second pair of wings is used for flight.
  8. There are small chitinous scales on the wings.
  9. The oral apparatus of adult insects is of the sucking type.
  10. Mouthparts of the licking type.
  11. The oral apparatus in adult insects is of the piercing-sucking type.
  12. In larvae oral apparatus gnawing type.
  13. The hind legs of many representatives are of the jumping type.
  14. The larva has a mask.

Option 1. A: 2,3,14; B: 2, 3,7,12,13; B: 2,6,11

Option 2. A: 1,3,8,9,12 B: 1,4,10,11 C: 1,3

III. Activation of cognitive activity. (2 min)

Most insects lead a solitary lifestyle, but there are insects that live in large groups. What kind of insects are these? (bees, ants, termites) Such insects are called social and they live in families.

IV. learning new material(25min)

Teacher's story.

Which of these insects do you think have long become human pets? (bees)

Where do bees live? (hive)

Honey and wax, together with furs, were considered the main items of trade among our Slavic ancestors. Honey was used instead of sugar, wax was used in candles. In those days there were no apiaries yet, and people provided hollows of forest trees for bees - “bortni” - beekeeping. At the same time, the hives were often ruined.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Ukrainian landowner Pyotr Ivanovich Prokopovich first used the collapsible frame hive he invented, which is still in use today.

Let's look at what the bee family is.

Student message.Composition of a bee family. (presentation)

As the story progresses, students fill out the table.

Students independently fill out the table for the ant family section, using the textbook pp. 135-136.

Table. Composition of ant and bee families:

Bee family

Ant family

Family member

Features, role

Family member

Features, role


The main bee is larger in size than the other bees and lays eggs.

Uterus (queen)

Wingless female, breaks off wings after mating flight. The role is to lay eggs.


Male. The role is to fertilize females. After fertilization, the males are expelled from the hive and die.


Winged individuals. The role is to fertilize females. After mating, the males die.

Worker bees

Infertile females, the ovipositor is modified into a stinger.

Role: clean the hive, collect nectar, care for the queen and larvae, protect the hive from enemies.

Worker ant

Infertile females that do not have wings.

The role is to clean the anthill, collect food, care for the queen and larvae, and protect the anthill from enemies.

While completing the task, the teacher makes sure that the whole class is involved in the work, approaches the students, monitors the progress of the task, and makes corrections if necessary.

After completing the task, the teacher asks questions to the class:

  • Did everyone complete the task?
  • What difficulties arose when completing the task, what was not clear?

Bees and ants communicate with each other through touch and secretions. But only bees have a “dance language.” Video fragment.

Do you think such complex behavior can be called reasonable? (No)

Their behavior is instinctive, unconscious.

Writing in a notebook. Instinct- a set of innate aspects of behavior, fixed hereditarily and characteristic of a certain species of animal.

Besides beneficial insects there are also pests cultivated plants and vectors of human diseases.

The study of the material occurs in the process of conversation. Students work with handouts: tables, insects.

Exercise : determine which order your insect belongs to and what harm it causes to crop plants. Response Plan:

1. Squad name.

2. Name of the insect.

3. Signs of the squad.

4. Meaning.

Negative meaning of insects for humans


Meaning, examples


Asian locustdestroys crops over large areas


Inhibits plant development, can carry viral diseases plants


Harmful turtlesucks out the contents of unripe grains. bed bug is a carrier of diseases and causes concern


Beet weevil larvaefeed on beet rootsColorado potato beetle and its larvaereduce potato yield.Larvae of the weevil - apple blossom beetle– destroy the ovaries of apple trees.Larvae of bark beetles and longhorn beetles– tree pests


Cabbage white caterpillarsdamage cabbage leaves;codling moth– spoil the fruits of apple trees;gypsy moth– harm plants in gardens and forests.Pine silkworm caterpillars harm pine; clothes moth – spoil wool products


Sawfly larvaeeat tree needles; horntails – feed on wood, damaging trees



Black cockroaches and Prussians They contaminate food with excrement and can transmit pathogens and worm eggs. Sometimes their secretions cause allergies


Carriers of typhus and relapsing fever


Carriers of plague, tularemia, typhus

Students write down their answers in their notebooks. Several students are interviewed. Grades are given.

Additionally . What methods can be used to control pests?

During the conversation, it turns out that the proposed options can be divided into four groups:

Methods of human control against insects that harm him




Collecting caterpillars or insect eggs: catching the malaria mosquito with various traps, destroying its larvae with kerosene, which is poured over the surface of the reservoir


Treatment of plants with pesticides, larval breeding sites with bleach, cockroaches with various poisons


Change of crops - crop rotation; timely sowing and planting of plants; thorough cleaning of fields, destruction of weeds that serve as breeding grounds for insects


V. Fixing the material.(4 min)

What insects did we meet today?

What characteristics are found in families?

What insects harm agricultural plants? Describe the life activity of some of them.

VI. Reflection. (1min) Draw your mood as a smiley face.

VII. D\Z Repeat topics in the arthropods section. Preparation for the test.

Application. The queen bee is the largest bee in the hive, 18-20 mm. It has a long abdomen with an ovipositor designed for constant laying of eggs. Cannot feed on his own. She is fed by worker bees with crop milk. There is always only one in the family. The uterus develops from fertilized eggs. Lives up to 5 years. When another queen appears, the old one flies away with some of the bees. This process is called swarming.

Drones are males, with long wings and large eyes. They develop from unfertilized eggs. Their task is to fertilize the uterus. They live for one season. In the fall they die, they are stung by worker bees or simply driven out of the hive.

Worker bees are sterile females. Workers provide the livelihoods of the whole family (collect food, care for the larvae, feed them, clean the hive, build honeycombs, and prepare honey). To perform these functions they have a whole series devices:

  • Oral apparatus;
  • Body covered with villi;
  • Honey goiter;
  • The sting is a modified ovipositor;
  • Hind limbs with baskets and brushes.

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