Correct chronology, what year is it now? Old Russian (Byzantine) chronology system. What year is it now for the Slavs?

A discussion of one of the previous articles (“Technology for growing mankurts”) showed that not all knowledge that should be generally used is so. The spread of the known and familiar to general case as “intuitive” as it is erroneous. Later I saw an example of the same thing with my own eyes. Well, in the comments on AS you can find excellent examples of statements. When someone who claims to be an expert ancient history talks about how in Rus' the years were counted “from the flood.”

Therefore, I believe it is necessary to describe the story. With a claim to correctness ☺

There are four natural points in the annual cycle: the winter solstice (the shortest day), the spring equinox, the summer solstice (the longest day) and the autumn equinox. From the point of view of observations, the simplest (and most accessible) are the extreme points (solstices). "Chronolozhtsy" celebrate sacred meaning calendar and calendar reference to the date of the vernal equinox (~March 22).

So, currently in Rus' the Gregorian calendar is used ( in which the length of the year is taken to be 365.2425 days. The duration of a non-leap year is 365 days, a leap year is 366). But, since the Russian Orthodox Church continues to use the Julian calendar ( in which the tropical year is approximated by a period of 365.25 days, which gives an error of approximately one day for every 128 years. This accuracy is achieved by introducing a leap year (366 days) every three years. normal years(365 days)), people also remember about the so-called. "old style".

According to modern European tradition, the beginning of the year is considered to be January 1. Meaningful date reference - separate question. I have not found a satisfactory answer.

Currently, the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars is 13 days.

Years are counted from the so-called. " New Era”, which coincides with the “Nativity of Christ”.

To this day, the practice of skipping one or two first symbols of the year is quite common. It is clear to a contemporary, but after two or three centuries, restoring the complete key requires some work. It is also useful to remember that the approval of the decimal number system began no earlier than the 17th century, and certain signs of the tradition of using the “Roman” number system (from the names the question automatically follows: was Rome the first civilization to use mathematics?) are still alive, although starting With late XIX centuries are gradually giving way to their place in the sun.

This is the starting point.

The last calendar reform was the transition from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1918.

Here it is necessary to remember that the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars is not a constant value, but increases over time. the period during which the difference increases by one day is 128 years.

On the same resource you can see information about the date of introduction of the Julian calendar - January 1, 45 BC. Where, taking as true the statement about the accuracy of the calendar in 1 day of error for 128 years, the difference with the Gregorian calendar at the time of entry of 10 days and the date of entry of the Gregorian calendar in 1582 by simple arithmetic operations ((1582 - (-45))/10) 162.7 is equal to 128. This is not “New Chronology”®©™, this is “New Arithmetic”! An outstanding discovery. Having turned off the trolling mode, it is necessary to state the possibility of explaining the observed result by the fact that the developers of the fairly accurate Julian calendar failed to achieve the corresponding accuracy of the calendar reference to the time scale. I propose to evaluate the credibility of the version yourself. This is where I turn off the topic.

Clarification based on the results of the discussion:

The objective (astronomical) linking of the Julian calendar is suddenly made not by the date the calendar was entered, but by the date of the first Council of Nicaea (325). But, since this clarification is absent in the encyclopedic references, the satire about the “new arithmetic” remains valid.

It was preceded by the calendar reform of 7208. In which the first European reformer of Rus' suddenly switched from the traditional chronology for the Slavs “from the Creation of the World” (I saw the expanded version “The Creation of the World in the Star Temple” only on AS and Comte, not earlier than last year, I note it as possibly important, but I do not analyze it) to already (!) The chronology adopted in Europe is “from the Nativity of Christ”. With the transfer of the new year from the Greek tradition (September 1) to the newest (?) European one (January 1). As a result of the reform, January 1, 7208 suddenly turned out to be the first day of the new year 1700, and the year 7208 itself lasted four months (from September to December).

The text of the decree (precisely the text, and brought to modern spelling, I think about the advisability of including graphics):

1736. - December 20. Personalized. - About the celebration of the New Year.
Great Sovereign pointed out to say: He knows the Great Sovereign not only in many European Christian countries, but also in the Slavic peoples, who agree with our Eastern Orthodox Church in everything, such as: Volokhi, Moldavians, Serbs, Dalmatians, Bulgarians and His Great Sovereign's subjects Cherkasy and all the Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was adopted, all those peoples, according to their years, count from the Nativity of Christ eight days later, that is, January from the 1st day, and not from the creation of the world, for many differences and counting in those years, and now from the Nativity The year of Christ reaches 1699, and from the 1st day of January the new year 1700 and a new hundred-year century will begin: and for this good and useful deed, the Great Sovereign ordered that henceforth summers be counted in the Orders and in all matters and fortresses to be written from the current January from the 1st day from the Nativity of Christ 1700. And as a sign of that good beginning and the new centennial century in the reigning city of Moscow, after due thanksgiving to God and prayer singing in the church and whoever happens in his home, along the large and well-traveled noble streets to noble people and at houses of deliberate spiritual and worldly rank in front of the gate it is possible to make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper against the samples that were made in the Gostiny Dvor and at the lower pharmacy, or to whomever is more convenient and decent, depending on the place and the gate; And for poor people, each one should at least put a tree, a branch on his gate, or over his temple; and then it would have ripened, now the future Genvar, by the 1st day of this year, and that decoration of Genvar would stand until the 7th day of the same 1700.

Respectively any stories about the events of the 1620s and earlier are simply by definition, at best are later reconstructions. Or translations/adaptations.

Let me remind you that, despite the encyclopedic definitions (see the New Year in the Julian calendar), the Julian calendar was also in effect in Rus' at that time.

Here I will note that during the time of counting years from the Creation of the World, Byzantine counting in small cycles (indict, 15 years) was also used, but I have not seen traces of it, and therefore I think it is permissible not to go deeper into the consideration.

The previous (and first reliably traceable) calendar reform - the reform of Ivan the Terrible (also Ivan the Great) was also associated with the magic of numbers and the transfer of the starting point (new year).

In the year 7000, Rus' passed from Slavic tradition(count the New Year in the spring, from the first of March) into Greek (from the first of September). Accordingly, the year 6999 lasted from March 1 to September 1 - six months.

If we accept the dating of the chronicles that have survived to this day, the beginning modern tradition chronicles (when the chronicler described contemporary events, and did not reconstruct in an unknown way the events of past years) in Rus' should be dated no earlier than ~6600.

But even in case of doubts about the authenticity of the primary sources, I think it would be incorrect to date the beginning of the Russian chronicle tradition later than the 6800s.

For the initial approach to revealing the topic of chronology in Rus', this is all.

For more detail, open the Calendar in a separate tab (window) and zoom in

Summer 7528 has arrived on the Russian Calendar.(this happened at 18 o'clock September 21, 2019“year” according to Christian calculation)

Few people know that modern “year calculation” was introduced in Rus' quite recently - in 1700.

This act was committed by Peter I, or rather the one whom. It was by Peter's decree that in the summer of 7208, according to the then current calendar, Russia abolished its native Calendar and switched to the current calendar, starting the countdown from 1700.

What is known about this?

Any calculation has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example, now 2019 YEAR (GOD - God) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar, marked by Peter, also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the land of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATE THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar, which begins its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, along which, at the time of this publication, there is 7528 summer.

It was possible to level this point of reference, make it abstract, and then erase it from human memory and official “history” by replacing the image of the word PEACE. Each of us knows that in the Russian language there are words that are homonyms, identical in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for this strangeness - the origin of twin words having different concepts. In fact, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter consisted of 49 letters. Among the initial letters that fell under the “reduction” and are now missing was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION, . And the Letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word written as world- meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word is written as world– had the image of the universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know common in Soviet era a slogan that includes both words with different meanings: “Peace to the World!”, that is to the world universal - World without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Rus' by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including chronology. First, the letter “i” in the word PEACE was replaced by the letter “i”, and “the creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

At the same time, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by the Knight-Arius, the Dragon (the symbol of China-Arimia) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Knight-Arius received the name George (which in Greek still means a tiller). Should we remind? that the tiller who cultivates the land is an Aryan, an Aryan? Nevertheless, St. George has remained the patron saint of farmers in most modern cultures.

The substitution of three important components of the image of the Great Victory - the word PEACE (without war) with the Universe, DRAGON (Chinese) with the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight with the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of the countdown of our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter, in the year 7208, to painlessly and without resistance replace our ancient calendar with the European one.

Everyone knows that on December 24, that is, 8 days before January 1, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus.

According to Jewish ritual, a Jewish boy must be circumcised strictly on the 8th day of birth. It is at this moment that he becomes involved in the agreement between the Jews and God Yahweh (Jehovah) and is included in the ranks of “God’s chosen people.” This means that the biblical character born on December 24th, the Jewish boy Jesus, is circumcised on the 8th day of birth, that is, January 1st.

Under Peter I, communication between the nobility was conducted primarily in Dutch and German languages, and the word God (Year), in these languages, means the word “God”.
It turns out that Peter I forced everyone to congratulate each other on the circumcision of the new Jewish god.

This joke of the “reformer” king has taken root in Russia so much that now people, without hesitation, congratulate others and themselves on the circumcision of an unknown Jewish boy, while installing Christmas trees at home - a tree that has long symbolized the path to the afterlife.

Today only Old Believers and some Internet users who are interested in the real Great Past of Rus'-Russia know about the celebration of the New Year.

However, the overwhelming mass of people who have lost their genetic memory and the original meaning of this expression continue to congratulate each other on the advent of the New Circumcised God, but not on the New Year, as it should be in Rus'.

5508 years of the worthy Past of the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian peoples dissolved in the new Petrine History, in which we are given the very last place among all the peoples of the world.


Some Calendars of previous years

summer 7527

Today, shortly before the New Year, we would like to talk about the main calendars of the peoples of the world and the chronology systems that exist on the planet, because not everyone knows on what date it is customary to celebrate this very new year, and not everyone knows what year we are celebrating.

And it is not unusual that we are confused, because time is an amazing substance that cannot be touched or felt, the fourth dimension of our three-dimensional physical world. According to modern physicists - theorists, adherents of string theory, time doesn't exist.

But we are born, grow, mature, grow old and go somewhere... And our only constant companions on this planet are measures of time - seconds, minutes, hours, years. Despite the fact that our planet is not so big, we do not yet have a single calendar - unified system chronology.

The main existing chronology systems

And, if in one part of the earth it is now 2014, then in another it is already 2500, in the third the 8th millennium has arrived! In this article we want to talk about some existing at the moment chronology systems of various peoples of the world. And let's start with ourselves, namely with our ancestors, calendars and chronology of the Slavic peoples.

By the way, you can also learn this information from the videos on our channel, voiced by good announcers, so choose what is easier for you to read or watch and move on...

Calculation and Calendars of the Slavs

Our ancestors, the Ancient Slavs, used a calendar that is now known as “Slavic Aryan” or “Vedic”. It is still used by the Ingliists - Old Believers, representatives of the most ancient movement of the Slavic Aryans.

And it’s good that they saved it, because in lately, All more people return to their roots and want to learn and use this valuable knowledge. Moreover, they are not outdated, but on the contrary, they provide answers to many questions that interest us today.

Slavic-Aryan calendar

The Slavic Aryan calendar was officially used in Rus' for 7208 years! And time in that calendar was measured by the “Circles of Life”. One circle of life was equal to 144 years (as a year was previously called).

In one circle of life, our planet, which the Ancient Slavs called Mirgard, made a revolution around the center of the Universe, having consistently visited all 16 “houses” - so many constellations were distinguished by the Slavs, in contrast to the Chinese star calendar with its only 12 Houses-constellations.

What year is it for the Slavs now?

Now according to the Slavic Aryan calendar we live in the year 7523. The years are officially counted from the “Creation of the World in the Star Temple” - most sources say that there is a direct, not allegorical meaning here - this means the signing of a peace treaty between our Ancestors - representatives of the “Power of the Great Race” (Russia, Aryans) and “ Empire of the Great Dragon" (Modern China).

AND famous icon with the image, as they say, of George the Victorious, killing the Dragon, actually illustrates those ancient events. Since China symbolizes the dragon or snake.

What were the months, weeks and hours like for the Slavs?

Slavic-Aryan calendar calculated based on the 16-digit number system.

Respectively, The Slavs' day consisted of 16 hours. They started in the evening. Each hour had its own name and was approximately equal to 90 minutes.

The month consisted of 40 days, and was called the fortieth month. (A reflection of this is the tradition that has survived to this day to celebrate the 40th day by remembering the departed, which we have already written about separately, and 9 days exactly the same as it was Slavic week).

In addition, nine forties (months) - a whole summer (year) - is full cycle revolution of our Earth around Yarila (Sun). Summer consisted of three seasons, three forties each - Spring, Winter, Autumn. Each fortieth day had its own name, and these names were very poetic and precise:

"Fortieth White Light"

“Fortieth Anniversary of the Awakening of Nature”

"Forty years of sowing and naming."

The weeks in the calendar of our Slavic ancestors, as I already said, consisted of nine days and were named after our planets solar system. There were even smaller parts of the measurement of time: hour, fraction, instant, moment, sig.

To understand and admire the wisdom of our ancestors, I will say that - 1 sig is approximately equal to 30 vibrations of the electromagnetic wave of a cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks, and such a small fraction still does not exist in any clock in the world.

This fact alone shows how much those who seek to show our ancient ancestors as illiterate savages distort the truth!

Gregorian and Julian calendars

Julian calendar

The Julian calendar was introduced by Gaius Julius Caesar himself, the great commander and ruler of Rome. And this happened in 45 BC. With the introduction of Christianity into Russia by Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the Grand Duke, approximately in the year 1000, the Julian calendar also began to spread widely among the Slavic peoples and was used simultaneously with the Vedic calendar.

All holidays Orthodox Church calculated from that time to this day church monthly- Julian calendar.

Moreover, modern scientific astronomers have recognized that the Julian calendar (old style) is actually more accurate from an astronomical point of view than the commonly used Gregorian calendar ( new style), since there is less lag behind astronomical (natural) cycles.

Gregorian calendar. New and modern chronology

So, in the summer of 7208, Peter the Great issues a Decree, according to which, on the territory of Rus', all previously existing calendars are abolished and the new chronology will begin with the Nativity of Christ, which was then the year 1700.

Why is New Year on January 1st

The beginning of the year began to be celebrated on January 1, instead magical day autumnal equinox, as it was among the Slavs. This calendar is called the Gregorian calendar in honor of Pope Gregory 13, and is valid in Europe and other countries former USSR and in many other countries of the world, for the convenience of people.

Have you ever wondered why the beginning of the year is celebrated on January 1? On December 24, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas - the birthday of the baby Jesus. It is from this day that the current calendar begins.

Jesus was a Jew, and on the 8th day the Jews celebrate the rite of circumcision of male infants. This day became the transition from the old year to the new year! It’s amazing that every year, gathering with loved ones for New Year's table, we celebrate the Jewish rite of circumcision of the baby Jesus! But the interesting thing is that in fact the Jews themselves have and widely use their own Jewish calendar.

Hebrew or Jewish calendar

The chronology according to the Jewish calendar is carried out from the creation of the world by the Lord. Which, according to the beliefs of the Jews, happened on October 7, 3761 BC - which is called Era from Adam.

The Jewish calendar is lunisolar. That is, both celestial bodies exert their influence on the length of the year. The average year is approximately equal to the Gregorian year, but sometimes the values ​​can fluctuate, and the difference is 30-40 days.

Another interesting point is that the Jewish calendar does not consist of numbers, but the letters of the alphabet are used. And it is read from right to left, like all books in Hebrew. Each month of the Jewish calendar has a zodiac sign.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to designate the 12 signs of the zodiac with the symbols of its constellations. The months have been counted since spring, but New Year begins in the fall and is called Rosh Hashanah. In the evening, when three stars are visible in the sky, a new day begins.

Islamic calendar

Most countries whose dominant religion is Islam have their own calendar - Islamic or Hijra. It is used both for religious purposes and as a primary time teller.

Islamic is purely lunar calendar. The beginning of the month is the new moon, the week also consists of seven days, but the day off is Friday, there are 12 months in a year.

Muslims calculate chronology from the year when the Prophet Muhammad made the Hajj from Mecca to Medina (this was July 16, 622 according to the Gregorian calendar).

What year is it now according to the Islamic calendar?

Therefore, the Muslim New Year begins on the 1st of the month of Muharram. October 26, 2014 according to the Gregorian calendar came 1436 according to the Islamic calendar.

The Islamic New Year is not a holiday in our understanding. The night before, it is best for the faithful to fast, and on the evening spend as much time as possible every day in prayers and good deeds in the name of the Almighty.

Eastern or Chinese calendar

In most countries of the Asian world, despite the official use of the Gregorian calendar, the majority of the population uses a chronology system created several thousand years ago (approximately 3 thousand years BC) during the reign of Emperor Huang Di.

And him distinctive feature is that it is both solar and lunar. That is, all months begin with the beginning of the new Moon.

When is Chinese New Year 2015?

New Year according to the Eastern calendar is celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice is between January 21 and February 21. And the New Year is a big and noisy holiday, with bright lights, firecrackers, festive processions and a lot of noise.

The Chinese chronology system is based on the astronomical cycles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. The 60-year cycle includes the 12-year Jupiter and 30-year Saturn cycles.

The ancient Asians and the creators of this chronology system believed that the normal movement of Jupiter brings happiness, benefits and virtues.

They divided the path of Jupiter into twelve equal parts and gave them the name of a certain animal, thus the peoples of Asia created solar-Jupiter 12-year calendar cycle.

There is a legend according to which, when Buddha decided to celebrate the first New Year, he invited all the animals living on earth. However, only 12 came to the holiday. Then Buddha, as a gift, decided to give their names to the years, so that every person born in the year of a certain animal would acquire the character traits of this animal, both good and bad.

For example, now, December 11, 2014, is the year of the Blue Wooden Horse, and from February 19, 2015 will mark the beginning of the Year of the Blue Wood Goat.

Thai calendar

When travelers come to the countries of the south for the first time - eastern Asia. They are amazed to see that the expiration date on product packaging has long since passed the middle of the third millennium.

What year is it in Thailand?

This is true, in the Kingdom of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and some other countries, the year 2558 will come in 2015! In these countries and among many Buddhists, chronology is kept from the day of Buddha Shakyamuni's passing into nirvana. Welcome to the future!

Moreover, almost every world religion I created my own calendar based on events that people wanted to immortalize. So, for example, representatives of a fairly widespread religion at present - the Baha'is - created their own calendar.

Baha'i calendar

Baha'i calendar given time synchronized for convenience with Gregorian. It was originally introduced by the Báb. Navruz - the first day of the New Year is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox (March 20-22).

The Baha'i calendar is based on a solar year of 365 days, 5 hours and 50 incremental minutes. In the Bahá'í calendar, the year consists of 19 months of 19 days each (i.e., a total of 361 days) with the addition of four (in leap year- five) days.

Celtic calendar (Irish)

The Irish calendar was used for a long time in the Northern Scandinavian countries, as well as in modern Ireland. The year was divided into four seasons. There are 13 months and one day in a year. The months are synchronized according to the lunar cycle. The names of the months correspond to the vowels of Ogham - the Celtic tree alphabet.

That is, this is the famous Druid calendar - very complex system, where time calculation takes into account both lunar and solar cycles.

Periods of time approximately equal to our months were given names of trees. The biggest holidays were the days of the equinox and solstices. However, modern researchers are engaged in heated debate regarding the Celtic calendar. Many scholars believe that information about the Druid Calendar is based on the misconception of several authors whose works have become too widespread.

We do not undertake to judge, we just want to introduce the reader to some existing or existing chronology systems.

In an article devoted to world chronology systems, it is impossible to keep silent about the famous “Mayan Calendar”.

Mayan calendar

We owe the popularization of knowledge about the Mayan Indian tribes, not least, to the mystic and novelist Frank Waters, the author of many novels and the ancient Mayan civilizations - centuries-old inhabitants of Central America.

The main book about the Mayan calendar, which also touches on the predictions of the ancient Mayan astrologers, was “The Book of the Hopi”. No less important role played “The Mysticism of Mexico: The Advent of the Sixth Age of Consciousness” - this is an unusual mixture of Mayan and Aztec philosophy, where the author suggested that The end of the Mayan calendar will be the backdrop for the transformation of the spiritual consciousness of people around the world.

However, people chose to simplify the information presented in the book, perhaps for the sake of sensation, perhaps due to misunderstanding. This is how the legend was born, according to which the Mayan Indians predicted the end of the world in 2012, and the Mayan calendar ended on this date.

Scientific researchers of this ancient artifact, on the contrary, say that the Mayan calendar has not yet been deciphered! The information contained in it may not even belong to the Mayan civilization, but is much older. And scientists all over the world are working on the code for this calendar.

Almost any calendar is a mathematical system, Russian mathematician Vladimir Pakhomov published a book: “ The calendar is a coded message", which simply excited public opinion.

The fact is that the author, with the help of knowledge of mathematical laws, was able to present the calendar as a numerical mathematical matrix. With the help of which you can “decipher” the messages contained in ancient calendars. The scientist is sure that these messages hide knowledge that was preserved for us by our ancient ancestors who came from distant planets.

But whether this is true or not, today we will not tell you, since this is a separate and very long story, which we will gradually tell about over time on our training and self-development portal. And today we say goodbye to you, we wish you to have a good New Year, no matter what calendar and chronology system you use, and next time we will tell you how it is customary to celebrate the New Year among other peoples of the world.

And of course, don’t forget to subscribe and watch our video channel for training and self-development, where every day we publish new interesting and useful videos on dozens of topics related to health, sports, business, travel and self-development. For example, we advise you to look at why events in a person’s life often repeat themselves, as well as dozens of other interesting and useful videos about self-development.

We need to remember our history and follow our own path.

Currently, we use dating years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar.

The Julian calendar, the so-called “old style”, has not been forgotten either. Every year in January we remember him when we celebrate the “old” New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds us of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars.

Of course, it broadens our horizons. Let's broaden our horizons.

But to make our horizons even broader, let’s touch on ancient tradition chronology of the Slavic peoples - the Daarian Circle of Chislobog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago.

Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism.

The widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar into the territory of Rus' and ordered to celebrate the advent of 1700 years from the birth of Jesus Christ on the night of January 1. The calendar reform stole (at least) 5500 years of our history.

And in Rus' at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

But it is not said at all that the emperor not only changed the calendar, he actually “stole” it, at a minimum (!). five and a half thousand years of our true history.

After all, the event from which the years were counted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC) did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god, but literally; the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple according to the Circle of Chislobog after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the Empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern sense - China).

By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon with a spear, known in Christian tradition as St. George the Victorious, actually symbolizes precisely this victory.

That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Rus' among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was chronology based?

A natural question arises: from what event was the chronology until the Creation of the World in the Star Temple?

The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event.

Moreover, years from different events could be counted in parallel. This is exactly how the ancient chronicles began with the mention of several time periods.

As an example, here are a few dates from RX for the current year 2016:

Summer 7524 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Summer 13024 from the Great Cooling

Summer 44560 from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia

Summer 106794 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria

Summer 111822 from the Great Migration from Daariya

Summer 143006 from the period of Three Moons

Summer 153382 from Assa Dei

Summer 185782 from Thule Time

Summer 604390 from the Time of Three Suns, etc.

Obviously, in the context of modern “official” chronology, these dates look simply fantastic,

But for yourself thinking man who is interested in the ancient cultural heritage of the peoples of the Earth, such “chasms of years” do not look so frightening.

After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite numerous written monuments that have reached us throughout the Earth, much longer periods of historical time are mentioned,

Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies also point to these same facts.

It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Rus', not numbers were used to designate numerical values, as is now customary, but titular initial letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius “fix”?

And since the calendar is a written tradition (try orally leading and transmitting such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing already existed in Rus' for at least (!) seven centuries. more than a thousand years.

However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us “illiterates” by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand.

And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pompousness during the annual “Cyril and Methodius celebrations” and “birthdays” of “Slavic” writing is surprising. Currently, since we use the modern calendar (from A.D.), it would be more correct to use it only for events of the last three hundred years.

And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the chronology system that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible.

The dating of pre-Petrine events in modern textbooks is sincerely regrettable,

For example, year Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipus they call the year 1242, and at that time in Rus' it was 6750.

Or, for example, the year of baptism of Kyiv is considered to be 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ.

But in Kyiv they celebrated the Summer of 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it, if evil minds are hiding it from us on purpose.

The Slavs are a great race.

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Red spots that appear on the chin can occur for various reasons. As a rule, their appearance does not indicate a serious health threat, and if they disappear over time on their own, then there is no cause for concern. Red spots on the chin appear
Valentina Matvienko: biography, personal life, husband, children (photo)
Term of office *: September 2024 Born in April 1949. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. From 1984 to 1986 worked as first secretary of the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the CPSU of Leningrad. In 1985