A dream where a friend is pregnant. I dreamed of a pregnant friend with a belly. General interpretations of why a pregnant friend dreams of pregnancy

A wide variety of pictures and events can appear in dreams, meetings and acquaintances can appear, various dialogues can appear, even animals can come to life in a dream.

Why do you dream that your friend is pregnant? It’s worth figuring out.

Why does a pregnant friend dream - basic interpretations

Pregnancy is the most wonderful period in a woman’s life. Many people only dream of becoming mothers, and even the dream in which this dream comes true brings them joy. Why do you dream that your friend is pregnant?

Such a dream is most likely indicates her susceptibility to outside influence. She is a very suspicious person and quickly succumbs to outside influence. To prevent this from happening so often, she should think about all her actions on her own.

She is too easily suggestible and can quickly follow fashion trends. Most likely, someone is already influencing her for selfish purposes, and you, as her friend, should warn her about the possible danger.

She may also be put under pressure by her relatives on an issue that is very important to them. If you see that the girl needs support and advice– provide her with help, because on her own she will only mess things up and won’t be able to figure anything out.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you and your friend have common ideas and plans that you are hatching together. It's important to remember that you are also playing important role in the implementation of the project, you should not give up your positions and abandon the idea. Your friend fully supports you in this and wishes only the best for you.

Also, if you had plans to go on vacation with her, you should take a closer look at this issue. This is truly what you both need right now. If you have already set a goal, you shouldn’t give up; everything will work out just fine.

If you have a dream in which your friend is pregnant and crying - you should pay attention to your health, most likely you will experience protracted illnesses with a complex course.

If a pregnant friend came to you upset because of her poor health - you should pay attention to whether your gynecological and pelvic organs are healthy. If you have had problems with them in the past, an exacerbation of the disease is possible.

You should not immediately after such a dream warn your friend that she may be pregnant; most likely this is just a dream and it has a very different meaning. It is also worth paying attention to other details of the dream; they are important in order to create a complete picture of the dream.

It is important to remember all the people present in the dream, everything they said, what they asked from your friend and you. If you dream that your friend is pregnant from your man, such a dream may indicate that the trust between you will soon disappear irrevocably and now it is better to strengthen it so as not to lose a truly faithful friend.

Why will trust disappear? The whole reason is that you are likely to forget about the important thing, about friendship. You will expect active actions from your friend, and at the same time you yourself will not be able and will not want to do anything good for her.

If a pregnant friend comes to you in a dream and asks you for advice - in reality you will have to figure out a rather complex matter on your own. There is no need to panic and worry in advance; most likely, the problem will not turn out to be so important, and you will quickly find effective method her permission.

If you dream that your friend is in danger and at the same time she is pregnant, you should seriously take care of her health. She will soon find herself in bad company and will not be able to help herself. If you dream about someone beating your pregnant friend, she will have to go through hard times, her health will worsen not only, but also financial situation.

You can help her, if of course you want, because she will most likely blame everyone around her for her failures. If you dream that your friend is pregnant, but does not want to keep the child, such a dream indicates your and her hesitation in general issue. The outcome of your hesitation with her depends on how the dream ends.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant according to Freud’s dream book

Freud's dream book says why a pregnant friend dreams. This dream means that a woman lacks affection and warmth; she looks for it in men, but does not find it. She herself wants to become a mother and therefore in her dream she sees a woman close to her pregnant.

If a friend is happy about her pregnancy in a dream, it means that the woman will have wonderful times in her life. She will rejoice in her relationship, her happiness. She will happily enter into new relationships, or develop existing ones.

If in a dream you dream that your friend is upset that she is pregnant, you will also be disappointed in your loved one; for a long time you will not be able to mentally recover from all the losses that will happen in your life.

If you dream about how your friend gave birth to a child, but she does not name the father, secrets and riddles await you in reality; you need a lot of time in order to forget the grievances and disappointments of the past. This negative experience of past years is of no use to you. You should be more attentive to your present and future, and not dive into the problems of the past and search for their solutions.

If you dream about how you are joyfully caring for a pregnant friend, you will also joyfully enter into new intimate relationships. They will bring you true pleasure, you will be able to look differently not only at issues of love, but also to love yourself.

Why do you dream that your friend is pregnant according to the esoteric dream book?

IN esoteric dream book it is said that a friend’s pregnancy in a dream can indicate the need to protect her. She's most likely like herself now Small child needs guardianship and care. She herself is sentimental and vulnerable, and someone will now inflict a mental wound on her.

If your friend is really pregnant in reality - she should be wary of the evil eye and other problems with pregnancy and with her newborn child. They really envy her and look for flaws in her. The girl cannot cope with such negativity on her own, so it is worth helping her with this.

If you dream that your friend is pregnant with a married man, such a dream says that problems and torment await her in reality. She can really lose her true love, exchanging it for imaginary feelings. You should not support all her endeavors and all her attempts to dramatically change something in life, they will still be ineffective.

Why do you dream about a pregnant friend according to other dream books?

In Miller's dream book it is said why a pregnant friend dreams. Such a dream most likely means that in her personal life, not everything is as smooth as she would like. It’s high time for her to put things in order in her life and reveal all her secrets to others, otherwise they will be revealed by accident, which will not make the girl happy at all.

If a friend is really in a delicate situation in reality, such a dream means that she will give birth to a healthy child and she will give birth to him easily. Also, such a dream can warn her that she may find herself in an awkward situation when she becomes a hostage to gossip and gossip. She shouldn’t worry too much about this; most likely, all controversial issues will be resolved fairly quickly and the girl will be able to restore justice.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a man dreams that his girlfriend is pregnant, such a dream means that he is not ready to take responsibility for her and for her life. He is most likely only ready for a fleeting and open relationship, but not for starting a family, so he will be with her until the conversation comes about the seriousness of their relationship.

Hasse's dream book says:

A friend’s pregnancy in a dream promises trouble for her;

A friend’s interrupted pregnancy means health problems;

A friend’s multiple pregnancy is a sign of endless happiness.

If you dream that your friend is pregnant and is going on a long trip, in reality you should dissuade her from such an idea, since it will not bring her any benefit. She will find herself in a rather difficult financial situation.

If you see a crying friend who does not want to give birth to a child, you yourself will cry in reality because of quite difficult situation. You shouldn’t get upset in advance, because you won’t change anything radically. You can only mentally prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. This will allow you to save your face in front of others.

This is an ambiguous dream that has several different interpretations, depending on the age of this girl, her personal life and goals. Every woman can see a pregnant friend in a dream. But what does this mean in your case? Here's what they write about it modern books.

What does pregnancy mean in general?

Dreams about her quite often come true literally. At the same time, a pregnant girl who, indeed, is carrying a child under her heart, but even she herself does not yet know about it, can be seen by those around her. And if her family relationships are tense, there is no affection and trust, then the friends with whom she spends time and whom she trusts may have such a dream. And it can come true literally, even if the friend does not want to tell the dreamer anything and has an abortion secretly from everyone.

But if the relationship between friends is truly trusting and sincere, then modern books write that pregnancy can also come true symbolically. Usually a big belly means difficulties, illness gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, and also troubles. Much depends on what pregnancy means in the life of a particular woman. If this is a young girl who has not even kissed a guy yet, then pregnancy in a dream promises her a family scandal, especially with strict parents. Many may suspect her of being too free, which could lead to pregnancy and interfere with her studies. The scandal may be related to the girl’s sexual behavior or acquisition, as well as gossip. For example, her strict parents may be whispered that their daughter is visiting a married man or saw her getting into someone's car, which can lead to a family scandal. But in some situations, such a dream can mean a scandal due to a real pregnancy.

If your friend is a careerist and is not yet thinking about procreation, dreaming of pregnancy means an illness that can significantly disrupt her immediate plans. Seeing that a married friend is carrying a child under her heart is a sign of her passionate, but so far unrealizable desire to become a mother. Although in some situations, the duration of pregnancy may indicate the time when changes may occur in her life. Such dreams are usually seen by unmarried friends who want a family and children. Seeing a pregnant friend in a dream who is not married but is dating guys is a sign of expecting motherhood. If the pregnancy period is indicated in a dream (for example, 6 months), then after this time changes will come in her life. It is possible that she will get married and become a mother. However, in some cases, pregnancy means a painful wait for some event or the implementation of a plan.

Should I tell this dream or not?

Both a young girl and a fully mature woman can see a pregnant friend in a dream. However, in interpreting such a dream, you should listen to your intuition and how desirable pregnancy is for this person. Then you will understand how to interpret the dream and whether it may turn out to be prophetic.

Pregnancy is an unusually bright, joyful event. If you dreamed of pregnancy, expect positive news, joyful events, and favorable emotions.

But what does it mean if in a dream you saw not your pregnancy, but your friend’s? This vision does not bode well. According to esotericists, sleeping with a pregnant friend is a warning sign.

In order to understand what the dream means, it is worth remembering the details of the dream, which will help to correctly interpret the vision:

  1. Seeing your girlfriend pregnant. A sign saying that a friend is a weak-willed person. She is often influenced by strangers who use her for selfish purposes.

    Weakness will prevent a girl from achieving her desired goal. If she doesn’t change anything in her character, she will remain in the shadows. Her talents and achievements will not be appreciated.

  2. I dreamed about it skinny girlfriend with big belly . A sign indicating success. The dreamer expects a promotion, success in business, and an improvement in his financial situation.
  3. Your girlfriend gave birth. The symbol that real life She is pregnant with twins or a girl.
  4. Leaves for maternity hospital. Expect favorable news.
  5. It turned out in a dream that ex-girlfriend pregnant by your husband. Expect slander from envious people. They will try to denigrate you at work, and among your friends they will start gossiping about your personal life.
  6. Shelter a girl at home. This is a symbol of weak character and the inability to refuse a request. It is worth eradicating this feeling. Otherwise it will destroy the dreamer.
  7. See dead pregnant girlfriend. A sign symbolizing misfortune and death of loved ones.
  8. Dies during childbirth. If a girl is pregnant in reality, then this is a sign of possible problems with the health of the future baby.
  9. Childbirth is difficult. During childbirth, the woman in labor will have problems.
  10. Stroking the belly. Expect changes for the better. If you feel the tremors of the future baby on your hand, then your endeavors will be successful.
  11. Pregnant belly is growing. Expect a promotion up the career ladder.
  12. Seeing a pregnant woman's belly, but not seeing her face. This is a sign that the dreamer will leave his parents' home. He is expected to move to another city or country.

    The second interpretation says that seeing a friend with a big belly in a dream means doing things together. You will have common interests and goals. With desire and perseverance, you will achieve good results.

It is also worth paying attention to the gender of the dreamer. If a man saw the vision, then the dream means:

  • Previous deception. The vision warns of danger. Deception will entail material losses and problems. A man should be wary of suspicious and unfamiliar individuals. The dream says that a stranger will be a deceiver, so you should not suspect relatives and friends.
  • Spouse's illness. But this is only relevant when the vision is seen by a married man.
  • Business problems for businessmen.
  • Changes for the better.
  • Fear of an unplanned pregnancy of a guy's girlfriend.
  • Excessive care for your loved one.
  • The desire to have a baby together with the woman you love.

If the vision shows a woman for whom a man has feelings, then this is a sign that his chosen one will become his other half.

If a man gives birth, then this is a symbol of his masculinity. A man has an abundance of responsibilities and problems on his shoulders, which he carries out and solves with amazing dignity and restraint.

Other interpretations of sleep

  1. Pregnancy portends health problems. Pay attention to your friend's pregnancy symptoms: nausea, skin pigmentation, back and joint pain.

    If such are present, the dreamer should check these symptoms for himself. This may be a sign of an incipient disease that has not yet shown any signs.

  2. An interesting situation promises a quick addition to the dreamer’s family.
  3. The vision foreshadows problems in a friend’s personal life. She is lonely and cannot meet her other half. She lacks love and care from the male half.

    Against the backdrop of such problems, a person withdraws into himself, becomes unsociable, and his self-esteem decreases. All these signs can lead to deep depression and a nervous breakdown. The vision warns the dreamer that the friend should pay more attention so that she does not feel lonely and abandoned.

  4. The dream means an easy birth. But this is only relevant if the girlfriend is actually pregnant.
  5. This is a harbinger of a speedy recovery. The disease will disappear from the dreamer, he will recover.
  6. The event seen marks an imminent marriage. The couple will have own house and good profit. But dreams about pregnancy do not always mean favorable things. Sometimes the interpretation can be negative.

Bad Vision Omens:

  • Previous quarrel with girlfriend. The initiator of a quarrel or conflict will be the object of the dream.
  • The occurrence of failures in the financial sector.
  • Problems arise.
  • The appearance of a minor illness (ARVI, cold).

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Hasse The dream book foretells problems and troubles for a girlfriend.
Menenghetti A person is very busy with other people's problems, he is absorbed in someone else's life, completely forgetting about his own.
Esoteric Expect changes in financial affairs. The person will face difficult times, he will lose money, his debt will not be repaid, or he will go broke new project. You should be more careful about investing and borrowing money.
Loffa Such a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to become pregnant. Often such visions are seen by women who cannot get pregnant or give birth to a baby.
Freud According to the interpretation of this dream book, a friend will soon become a mother.

For dreamers born in spring, the dream foretells conflicts in the family and at work. People born in the summer should prepare for an increase in profits and an improvement in their financial situation.

Such visions warn the dreamer that the situations seen in the dream will affect not only the life of a friend, but also his own.

But it is always worth remembering that dreams are a reflection of internal fears, experiences and unfulfilled hopes. Visions appear to a person from the subconscious. If a person regularly thinks about pregnancy or is afraid of it, then such visions occur. They reflect secret desires that sometimes a person is afraid to admit even to himself.

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Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is an IMPACT EVENT and sets its specific content.

Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection.

One of the ARCHETYPES according to JUNG is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct to preserve the family.

Seeing yourself involved in an activity in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active, but have no intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment of your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS like “what if” may arise, which require comprehension and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question.

Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, DEATH of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, etc., as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or the frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative WILL-EXECUTION and are also a result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Often the secret subconscious comes out in dreams. Our fears and concerns take on a visual form, even if only for a short time at night. In dreams, we worry about loved ones and become witnesses to their joyful events. Why does a pregnant friend dream, especially if the due date is already noticeable, and how to interpret the dream, where close person about to give birth? The best interpretations– in our material.

What dream books say about dreams about a pregnant friend

Well-known dream books give different interpretations to the dream of a pregnant girl.

  • For example, Menengetti’s dream book interprets it as the imposition of someone else’s opinion on you, or strong suspiciousness, empathy for other people’s problems and troubles. It's time to remember your own life and try to improve it.
  • The dream book of esotericists says that a friend’s pregnancy prophesies financial difficulties and possible debts in the very near future.
  • Dream interpreter Hasse, on the contrary, sees in such a dream an extremely pleasant sign and a promise of quick changes for the better. But if a loved one asks you to donate blood to her, it’s time to give her a helping hand and offer support yourself, without waiting for a request.
  • The most interesting forecast comes from Miller. A thin pregnant girlfriend, in his opinion, means resounding success, recognition of your merits by society. The main thing is not to miss the chance that fate itself will give you.

I dreamed of a pregnant friend with a belly

It happens that in a dream your friend is pregnant and is about to give birth. This is how the subconscious signals concern for the health of a friend. Visit her, spend time with a cup of tea and a nice conversation - your worries will disappear as if by hand. Also, such a dream predicts a possible real pregnancy of a friend, especially if she has long dreamed of children.

A big belly in a dream can also mean the exact opposite: it speaks of problems as a woman or the onset of a disease of the digestive system. Big problems sleep does not promise - just listen to how you feel.

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