Mysterious animals of the world. Unusual animals. So, a selection - The most interesting animals in the world

09.28.2018 at 17:15 · Johnny · 23 830

10 most unusual animals in the world inhabiting our planet

Amazing creatures live everywhere. They inhabit distant Siberian lands, godforsaken Pacific lands and numerous Finnish ones. These beautiful creatures live on land, in water, underground and even in the mountains of Tibet, which, in the literal sense of the word, touches the heavens.

We have compiled a ranking of the top 10 most unusual world to show how beautiful and diverse the creatures living on our amazing planet Earth. After all, in noisy cities we sometimes forget that besides people there are other forms of life.

10. Shoebill

  • Species: Birds
  • Subspecies: Storks
  • Average size: body length – 1-1.3 meters; wingspan – 2-2.5 meters
  • Habitat: Wetlands
  • Place of residence: Central Africa

This creature is a huge bird that lives in the wetlands of Central Africa. Shoebill(Royal Heron) is predominantly diurnal and feeds on marsh algae. It should be noted that this creature is especially photogenic. Shoebill can stand in one position for a long time, which allows you to conduct an entire photo session with this beautiful creature.


  • Type: Fish
  • Subspecies: Psycholutes
  • Average size: 30-60 centimeters
  • Habitat: seabed
  • Residence: Pacific Ocean

This blot - living creature! Who would have thought! Really weird body shape drop fish has a completely reasonable explanation. The habitat of this unusual creature is located at a depth of up to 3,000 meters, where the fish’s swim bladder cannot function. Therefore, to move across the sea, evolution gave this fish such weird shape bodies. By the way, the density of fish is less than the density of water.

8. Madagascar suckerfoot

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Bat
  • Average size: 5-6 centimeters
  • Place of residence: Madagascar

Well, isn't he cute? Madagascar suckerfoot- a cute flying creature that has suction cups on its legs. These unusual animals are quite rare. It should be noted that the Madagascar suckerfoot is listed in. The main diet of this baby is small insects. The peculiarity of the Madagascar suckerfoot lies not only in the suckers on its legs, but also in the fact that this animal has practically not been studied by modern science.

7. Narwhal

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Cetaceans
  • Average size: 3.5-4.5 meters
  • Habitat: water
  • Place of residence: Arctic Ocean

It turns out that unicorns exist! AND narwhal is the only representative of this mythical animal. This is a fairly large mammal that can weigh up to 1.5 tons. The amazing narwhal eats almost any fish that it can find in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.

6. Dumbo Octopus

  • Species: Octopus
  • Subspecies: Mollusk
  • Average size: 3-8 centimeters
  • Habitat: deep sea
  • Residence: Tasman Sea

It is not clear what this representative of the animal world looks like. About this creature modern science knows practically nothing. The most interesting and remarkable in Dumbo Octopus- ears. In fact, these are tentacles that, during evolution, for some reason grew together.

5. Little Hand Aye-aye

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Primate
  • Average size: 30-50 centimeters
  • Habitat: tropical forests
  • Place of residence: Madagascar

This unusual creature is a direct relative of lemurs. Although it was previously believed that Madagascar little hand Aye-aye- semi-monkey. She is predominantly nocturnal. This nocturnal half-monster can weigh up to 3 kilograms. The animal is listed in the Red Book.

4. Axolotl

  • Species: Amphibians
  • Subspecies: Neotenic larva
  • Average size: 20-35 centimeters
  • Habitat: mountain rivers
  • Place of residence: Mexico

Few people know about the existence of an amphibian axolotl. The animal looks a bit like a smiling fish with legs. This animal is very interesting, because the axolotl does not have to become an adult to reproduce. If threatened, the animal can turn into an ambist (lizard-like) creature. In addition, the axolotl's body has a unique ability to regenerate. If this animal loses any part of its body, it will grow back after some time.

3. Star-nosed

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Moles
  • Average size: 9-15 centimeters
  • Habitat: forest
  • Residence: North America

After the axolotl, is it difficult for you to be surprised by anything? I doubt. Star-nosed- this creature looks like a monster from or some kind of alien creature. In fact, this animal is related to the European mole. He is quite incapable of harming a person in any way.

2. Sloth

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Incomplete edentates
  • Average size: 50-60 centimeters
  • Habitat: forest
  • Place of residence: Central America, South America

Many people know this animal from the famous cartoon Ice Age. Sloth– an animal that sleeps 15 hours a day. He practically never leaves the trees. Sloths move extremely slowly, which is why they got their name.

1. Angora rabbit

  • Species: Mammals
  • Subspecies: Rodent
  • Average size: 70-80 centimeters
  • Habitat: pet

We are pleased to present the most unusual animal living on Earth - angora rabbit! It should be noted that this animal is a pet. The peculiarity of this creature is that it is completely covered with long hair. They can have so much fur that it is sometimes difficult to understand that they are even a living creature.

This video talks about 8 unusual animals, the existence of which you might not even know:

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The world is filled with strange and extraordinary creatures. But, unfortunately, not everyone had a chance to look at them - these animals are extremely rare. For one reason or another, the species either becomes extinct or is poorly adapted to environmental conditions. But while all these exciting individuals exist, it is worth taking this chance and looking at the rarest and most unusual creatures, at least in photographs - however, in many cases it is better not to encounter these animals in the wild.

Weird and wonderful animals:

photo: The Last Survivors

The lizard is an insectivorous mammal. They look like rats on high legs. The tail is just as bare and scaly. For insectivores, these animals are quite large: from 28 to 32 in length; together with the tail, their size can reach about half a meter. In addition to his unusual looking, slittooths are also one of the few poisonous species mammals. But, ironically, these animals do not have resistance to their own poison, so even an accidental light bite from its relative can kill this creature.

photo: Penny Hyde

Outwardly, this animal resembles a hyena, although, contrary to its name, it looks more like a large fox with thin, long legs. But nevertheless, this species is not a close relative of foxes; this can also be noticed by the absence of fox vertical pupils.

photo: Thomas Retterath

This charming animal received the poetic name African civet. As the name of the species suggests, these animals live in Africa, from Somalia to Senegal. The civet has one charming ability that every domestic cat also possesses: when excited, the civet rears its long and thick fur, making it appear much larger and intimidating.


The echidna is an oviparous mammal of the echidna family. This is a fairly large creature, reaching 80 cm in length (not counting their cute 5-7 cm tail), and weighing about 10 kg. This species is very reminiscent of the familiar echidna, but the echidna’s legs are longer, and the claws are much sharper and longer.

photo: Neil Morris

The capybara is rightfully considered the largest living rodent. The capybara resembles a huge guinea pig with a large head, however, it is slightly different in its disposition. The capybara's favorite pastime is lazily rolling from side to side, lying in the sun, and gnawing on something nutritious.

photo: Pamela Schreckengost

- a representative of the order of placental mammals. This animal looks quite specific: its entire body is covered with large diamond-shaped plates. These scales are mobile, so that when moving, the pangolin resembles an unusual natural transformer. These plates have a protective value, but they are also erased from time to time, but in this case they are immediately replaced with new ones, so that the number of scales on the pangolin always remains the same.

"Hell Vampire" is a mollusk. Although this sea monster strongly resembles an octopus or even a squid, these creatures were nevertheless identified as a separate order based on a number of characteristics. Scientists know very little about the “hell vampire” - all the information that is available about him is collected from random encounters with sailors and marine explorers. When trying to catch and place the animal under observation, we were able to observe only its defensive abilities. So the “hell vampire” remains another mystery of the deep oceans.

photo: Rico Leffanta

The aardvark, also known in Africa as the aardvark. In Russian, this means “earthen pig,” although the creature’s face is more reminiscent of a kangaroo, but its ears are very similar in structure to those of a hare. But, nevertheless, the animal has a massive and strong tail, which has an obvious resemblance to the tail of the Australian kangaroo.

photo: Paul Williams

The Japanese salamander would not stand out too much against the background of the general diversity of amphibians, if not for its incredible size. It is also called gigantic. Today, this species proudly holds the status of the largest amphibian on Earth. Its length can reach 160 cm and weight up to 180 kg. But not only is the size of this creature incredibly large - this tailed animal can live up to 150 years, although the maximum recorded age of the giant salamander is so far only 55 years, which, however, is also very unusual.

Sulawesi bear couscous

The Sulawesi bear cuscus is a possum-like marsupial. These animals live in tropical forests. The animal has a long tail, not covered with hair, which is almost half the length of the couscous itself. This tail serves as its fifth paw, performing both a grasping function and helping it move through the dense tropical forest.

photo: Joachim S. Müller

Galago is a funny “unknown animal”. Its large fluffy tail has been compared to that of a squirrel. And grace and flexibility clearly reflect his feline traits. This animal is incredibly dexterous and cunning. Many even compare him to a kangaroo, although his cunning and curiosity resemble the habits of a monkey, and his laziness and love for long sleep evoke strong associations with a sloth.

photo: The-resa

– the size of this incredible fish can reach about three meters or more, and weigh about one and a half tons. The body of the fish is round in shape, and the color is usually light. Adults swim on their sides, slowly moving their fins. This fish is completely unique in its external characteristics and parameters. It is thanks to its size, shape and color that it received such a funny name.

photo: Lyalka

Although many are familiar with it from pictures in textbooks and encyclopedias, this is a very unusual representative of the crocodile genus. As it grows, the gharial's muzzle becomes more and more elongated and narrower. As a result, its jaws resemble two saws closing in on each other.


Fossa, so similar to a puma, unfortunately, is the only representative of its genus. In addition, it is the largest predatory mammal living on the island of Madagascar. Fossa is also called the Madagascar lion, and for good reason: the ancestors of the Fossa reached truly colossal sizes. This large cat looks like a puma, has a massive body and not too long legs. Now the size of the fossa reaches an average of 65-70 cm.

photo: JJ-Merry

The palm thief received its name because the coconuts, which are known to hang at the very tops tall palm trees, are the main food for palm thieves. Previously, it was believed that these crayfish could crack a whole coconut with their claws, but later it turned out that this was not so: the palm thief can only feed on already cracked nuts. In addition, these pranksters like to play pranks in coastal cities, hiding in a trash can, eating up what people so generously pour into the trash, not suspecting that that’s all they’re waiting for in the trash can. By the way, this species is really not small: it reaches 32 cm in size and weighs about 3-4 kg - like a small domestic cat.

photo:George Tiew

The mudskipper is an amazing fish that many read as an amphibian. Mudskippers settle in places where saltier water meets fresh water, as well as in intertidal zones. These extraordinary fish can sometimes jump onto land, and sometimes some of them are simply carried out along with the silt during the tidal season.


photo: Mickaël Léger

Belted Tail - Typically found in rocky regions of Africa, this species has also been spotted in Madagascar. The entire body of the belt-tail is covered with rigid plates - its body resembles the body of the pangolin, which was described above, however, the belt-tail is much more flexible and is able to curl up into a ring and thus quickly hide in an unknown direction if it senses danger.

photo: Russell Docksteader

Guidak is a strange gastropod that can weigh up to one and a half kg. Guidak has a thin, fragile shell from which protrudes its “leg,” which is three times stronger and larger than its own shell.

photo: Luckybon

Star-nosed creature is a creature that is extremely reminiscent of a mole, but with a very strange, unlike anything else, muzzle. This mammal is truly from the mole family. And, as was noted, this species differs from other representatives by its unusual stigma in the form of a star of 22 moving rays.

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The most unusual animals on the planet can boast not only of an original appearance, but also of rarity, size and even longevity. Some creatures attract with their beauty, others make you smile, and others can scare you away with their unattractive appearance. The top ten most unusual animals included representatives from all three categories based on external data.

10. Top most unusual animals in the world reveals Madagascar leaf-tailed gecko, which surprises not only with its unique appearance, but also with its skillful mimicry. The reptile disguises itself as a leaf, tree trunk or lichen so skillfully that a predator has virtually no chance of finding the gecko and feasting on it. These are small reptiles, the size of which, as a rule, does not exceed 30 centimeters. Leaf-tailed geckos can be kept as pets.

9.Capybaras- the most unusual animals in the world, which some mistakenly classify as rats. In fact, these rodents have nothing to do with them. The capybara is a large mammal that looks like a huge guinea pig. Adults can reach 60 centimeters at the withers and more than a meter in body length. Moreover, males are smaller than females. Individuals communicate with each other using whistling and a sound reminiscent of barking. Now capybaras are bred on special farms for their meat, which resembles taste qualities pork Rodent fat is also valued and is used for pharmaceutical purposes. Leather products are made from capybara skin.

8.Sage-grouse- one of the most unusual and beautiful birds on the planet. The bulky bird stands out against the background of pheasants, to which it belongs, by its unusual tail and original drawing upper body. The bird got its name because of its addiction to wormwood, which is its main food. A special feature of males is the air sacs that are located on their chest. During the period of courtship with the female, the sage grouse fills them with air and immediately blows them away, which creates a booming and explosive sound.

7. The 10 most unusual animals include a representative of the fox family fennec. The predatory animal has a unique appearance and miniature size. The dwarf fox has huge ears that stand out against the background of its small head and body 30 centimeters long. The fennec cat is the size of a small domestic cat. This cute creature is readily adopted as a pet. In the wild, the habitat of foxes is the deserts of North Africa.

6. In the top 10 most unusual animals in the world slittooth, which also refers to on the planet. These are small individuals, the size of which rarely exceeds 30 centimeters. Mammals live in Haiti and Cuba. Snap teeth pose a danger not only to humans, but also to their fellow creatures. It's all about the toxic saliva of a wild animal, which is similar in composition to snake venom. Slithertooths are quite aggressive and often attack people and their own kind. They have no immunity to their own poison, so an animal affected by a relative will inevitably die.

5.Proboscis or kahau - rare species monkeys, which occupies the fifth honorable position in the top of the most unusual animals in the world. The primates of the monkey family are endemic and therefore live only on the island of Borneo. Distinctive feature What distinguishes the mammal from its relatives is its huge nose, reminiscent of a cucumber. Nature has awarded this dignity only to males. It is noteworthy that this organ grows in males throughout life.

4.Star-nosed is one of the most unusual animals in the world, thanks to its bizarre and peculiar appearance. The mammal of the mole family has a huge number of growths on its face, which together resemble a star. These are relatively small individuals, no more than 10 centimeters in size. Like all types of moles, star-nosed moles are adapted to an underground lifestyle. Their habitat extends from North America to Southeastern Canada.

3. The top 10 most unusual animals include pygmy marmoset- the closest relative of the monkey. The uniqueness of this mammal lies in its tiny body size, which without a tail is no more than 15 centimeters, and its weight is equal to a standard chocolate bar - 100 grams. Amazing little primates are on the verge of extinction in the wild. But they are happy to have them as pets. You can buy a dwarf marmoset for about 100 thousand rubles.

2.Tapirs not only the most unusual animals on the planet, but also very rare. The mammal looks like a pig, but differs from it in having a short trunk, adapted for grabbing food. The largest representatives of the tapir family can reach 1 meter at the withers and gain up to 300 kilograms in weight. Monogamy is inherent in individuals: pairs can remain throughout life. In a litter, the female brings only one cub, which is born with a camouflage color. Pregnancy in the female lasts for 13 months, then both partners care for the emerging baby. The tapir has many enemies in the wild. Human fishing also poses a real threat to the population. Currently, tapirs are listed in the Red Book.

1.European proteus or human fish tops the list of the most unusual animals. This tailed amphibian deserves attention not only because of its unusual appearance, but also because of its longevity: some individuals live to be almost 100 years old. The European Proteus received its second name because of its body color, which is close to the color of human skin. Unique creatures live exclusively in cave reservoirs. On the eel-like thirty-centimeter body there are two pairs of limbs on which there are fingers. head human fish decorated with red gills, the eyes are almost invisible, since they are hidden under the skin. The amphibian perceives the surrounding world not with its usual organ of vision, but with light-sensitive cells that are located throughout the skin. A feature of the animal is the ability of females to bear offspring, both through viviparity and by laying eggs. Amphibians breed once every decade. IN lately The Protea population has decreased significantly, which is why it was included in the Red Book.

Also watch “The most unusual animals in the world” - video

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