Numerology 404. Angelic numerology and coincidences of numbers on the clock. What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock mean?

It is advisable to select mantras for pregnancy individually, depending on the characteristics of the horoscope. Each individual horoscope has its own ruler of the fifth house, the house of children. But there are also universal recommendations.

The karaka (significator) of children is the Deity Ganapati (Ganesha). Therefore, during pregnancy, it is favorable to repeat five-syllable mantras to Ganesha (aimed at the fifth house of the horoscope, the house of children), for example: Gam Ganeshaya or Om Gam Ganapataye Namah Svaha

The swastika is a graphic representation of Ganesha. All its lines emanate from a common central point, Bindu. But at the same time, each line is turned away, and not directed towards the center. This means that we cannot achieve Bindu, the essential unity, directly through external manifestations. It is necessary to completely change inside (change the “internal vector”, the direction of one’s aspirations) in order to come to unity.

Rami Bleckt, Ph.D., Doctor of Alternative Medicine, Ph.D., posted on his website amazing mantras for pregnant women, which can be freely downloaded. These are special mantras, in a special musical setting, given many millennia ago by enlightened sages.

Sadhana Sargam- is also very good for pregnant women and, especially, for the birth of a baby and its first year of life.

Rami Blackt warns: these mantras are very effective and powerful.

Sergei Neapolitansky, Vedantist theologian, continuing the line of succession of the ancient Gnostic schools, in his book “Healing Mantras in Ayurveda” he writes:

One of the most important principles of Ayurveda is that the consciousness of the child depends on the consciousness of the parents at the moment of conception. If parents want their child to have a healthy body, developed intelligence and pure soul, they need to carry out the ceremony of investing the seed (garbadhana sanskar) and read special mantras (the most effective of them are given in the second part of the book). These mantras create a special atmosphere at the moment of conception, attracting higher emanations and preventing the influence of unfavorable forces.

Modern Ayurvedic scientist Bhagavan Das, states that a healthy body, right thoughts, kind words and religious practice purify the surrounding atmosphere and free it from physical, chemical and microbiological pollution, as well as negative spiritual vibrations. All words in any religious text are mantras because they are sanctified by sages, seers and teachers of different religions. Pronouncing mantras, sincerely and in accordance with specific instructions, has an impact not only on a person and his environment, but also on the entire Universe (macrocosm). With their help, you can learn to control cosmic energy and use it for the benefit of all living beings. Therefore, Ayurveda prescribes the practice of mantras and prayers.

Mantras to help

For a woman who cannot get pregnant or bear a child, a mantra taken from the Atharva Veda will help:



During your daily prayer, take a vessel with clean water and place it in front of the image of the revered Deity or on the altar. After finishing the prayer, take a few drops of water and, repeating this mantra, drop them on the woman. Give her the rest to drink.

Mantra for getting rid of fear:

Om Sarva Swaroope Sarveshe Sarvshakti Samanvite, Bhayebhyastrahino Devi Durge Devi Namostute

This mantra refers to Goddess Durga. The mantra helps get rid of fear and anxiety.

If we talk about mantras in Russian, then the most important mantras are:


I found on the Internet that one training club recommends chanting the following mantra to yourself every morning:

I am a healthy young woman.

My pregnancy is going well, the baby is developing correctly.

A date has been set for the baby to be born healthy and beautiful.

My body is set up for an easy birth.

My body is set up to recover quickly after childbirth.

I am a close and dear person for the child.

We understand each other well.

I am a healthy young woman.

I trust my body to give birth to a baby easily and without pain. I am I. The womb is the womb. Pain is pain. I roll the pain into a ball, tie it to balloon and I let go. And the pain flies far, far away...

Modern science has carefully studied the physical side of the process of conception and development of a child, but at the same time, fortunately, the very mystery of the birth of a new life remains unsolved.

Meanwhile, in all faiths, at all times, a pregnant woman enjoyed a special position. They tried to protect her and kept her in a harmonious state.

It is believed that during this period she is cleansed of her previous sins and filled with spiritual strength, which protects her unborn child.

Indeed, pregnancy is a sacred period for a woman. A time of unity with the forces of Nature. After all, inside the expectant mother it develops new life, health is laid and personal qualities future person.

The pregnancy period is one of the most creative periods for a woman. All her skills and talents blossom like never before, her external attractiveness intensifies, and her intuition awakens. At the same time, fears are growing. Suspiciousness and self-doubt may appear.

It often happens that a woman suddenly begins to be afraid of being a bad mother and wife, of losing her beloved husband or child, of ceasing to be loved and attractive, afraid of divorce, the birth of a sick child, etc. In addition to fears various kinds also unstable emotional background prevents you from enjoying future motherhood: only the woman was cheerful and quite happy, but five minutes later she is already in deep sadness and tears.

In addition, it often happens that the physical condition of the expectant mother leaves much to be desired. Various kinds of health problems arise, the cause of which is most often explained by psychosomatic disorders caused by the same fears. And as you know, the development of a child in the womb greatly depends on the well-being of the mother.

With destructive attitudes caused by groundless fears, there is a high probability of “infecting” the baby with various kinds of phobias, which in the future can lead to physical and mental disorders.

There are cases when drastic measures and medical intervention are necessary, but most often, in order for the mother to be calm and confident in her abilities, so that she has enough energy to bear the baby, and also for the child to be healthy, mentally balanced, have a developed intellect, helps spiritual practice. It helps to change the level of consciousness of the mother, and accordingly, affects the energy of the child.

One of the most powerful techniques is the practice of reciting mantras. With its help, you can create a special atmosphere that prevents the influence of unfavorable forces.

Mantras for pregnant women: practice given from above

Let's try to figure out what a mantra is? First of all, you should know that this is not a prayer, with which it is usually confused.

The practice of chanting mantras for those who are not at all familiar with them sometimes seems like meaningless muttering. After all, prayer contains at least words that are understandable to the mind. What's going on here?

A mantra is not just some set of sounds. The word “mantra” itself already has more broad meaning, than one might imagine: the syllable “man” means ‘to think’, and “tra” means ‘to protect’. Thus, this word can be translated as ‘cleanse the mind from suffering’.

Mantras are a code. Mystical formulas that carry a great charge of energy. They are able to directly influence a person’s subconscious, bypassing the omnipresent mind and promoting spiritual growth. At the same time, mantras equally influence both people who understand their meaning and those who do not know the translation of the mantra.

The now known mantras were heard by realized practitioners during the process of meditation. It is believed that they were given by the gods. That is why a mantra can awaken a person’s inner potential and help him change his worldview, transfer his consciousness to a higher, spiritual plane.

Mantras for pregnant women: a tool for dealing with a restless mind

Generally speaking, a mantra works on three levels:

  • at the level of the physical body;
  • at the level of the energy body;
  • at the level of the mental body.

Physical impact

The physical effect occurs through the cells. There are many millions of them in our body, and each is individual. living creature. They are, as it were, workers of one big factory, where the head is our consciousness, which extends to the entire body.

Cells perceive and record the commands they receive. This is why the concept of “cellular consciousness” exists. But how often the information that comes to them is not the most positive (this is related to the question of the above fears).

For example, when we often think that the child we are carrying will be sick, this information is recorded at the cellular level. Thus, in cells it works as a setting that determines all the functions of the cell.

It's like the media: if you watch TV often, sooner or later you will believe what is broadcast to you from there. Cells stop fighting and resisting if we give them the appropriate instructions.

To positively influence the physical shell, you need to send them a positive charge. This is where a mantra helps. If you pronounce mantras out loud, and loudly, so that every cell of the body vibrates, then the cells will be able to completely get rid of negative programs.

This practice will ultimately bring harmony to your physical body and help you overcome overwhelming emotions, and at the same time bring health to your baby.

Energy impact

The second level of influence of the mantra- this is an impact on the energy body, which consists of chakras and energy channels associated with them. I won’t describe their work, I’ll just say briefly that, for example, if your energy channels are blocked, then the energy will not reach the highest energy centers, and your level of consciousness will be such that no matter how you fight the fears and physical ailments characteristic of pregnant women, they will only intensify.

If you regularly practice mantrayana (the practice of repeating mantras), then there is a high probability that the channel will unblock over time, and energy will begin to circulate in your body, bringing self-confidence and good spirits.

It’s very easy to feel it: most often, a blocked channel causes a pinpoint pain in the place where the energy is concentrated. The pain intensifies with the beginning of practice, because the energy tries to break through higher, but cannot. But over time, you will notice how the pain recedes and is replaced by a feeling of warmth, vibration, tingling... Everyone feels it differently, but in general the sensations are positive. This indicates the opening of the channel.

Mental impact

The third level of influence of the mantra- this is an effect on the mind. After all, it is in it that all our negative stereotypes live. In this case, the mantra helps to destroy them, to clear the mind of destructive attitudes. How? By replacing information. Any obsessive states- this is a consequence of the prolonged reproduction of one seemingly harmless thought. But as a result of prolonged exposure to the mind, thought forms grow and occupy an increasingly larger place in our lives.

A mantra can “displace” negative mental images, replacing them with positive ones.

Sounds like a fantasy?

Let's remember the role of sound in different traditions.

Sound healing was used in all ancient civilizations. They were practiced in Tibet, India, China and beyond. From time immemorial, Rus' had a special attitude towards the ringing of bells, which emit healing vibrations. In Tibet, singing bowls play a similar role. Shamans in different countries They used throat singing to drive out evil spirits and treat ailments.

Today, Mantra Healing is widespread in the West.

The practice of curing heart diseases with the help of Tyrolean singing is also known. All this speaks of the special meaning of sounds at all times. The effect of mantras can be easily tested on your own by trying regular practice for some long time.

So what mantras can pregnant women sing?

There are special mantras addressed to the feminine principle. They most of all allow expectant mothers to adjust their bodies to the upcoming motherhood, which is why they are sometimes directly called: “mantras for pregnant women”, or “mantras for women”, or “mantras for mothers”.

For example, the mantra “Adi Shakti”. This is the mantra of the Divine Mother, an appeal to the original Creative Power, which is manifested in a woman.

Her chanting attracts protective energies, eliminating fears and filling a woman with the strength of her family.


Mantras addressed to various deities, mainly their female forms, can also have a positive effect.

Such mantras include, which is the embodiment of wisdom, peace and compassion. She is always ready to help and protect.


In some traditional countries, mothers chant this mantra to calm the child.

She is treated as a protector, showing compassion for all beings, comparable to the care of a mother for her children.


Personifying a loving mother, it helps to reveal noble qualities, humility and compassion.


You can also sing to eliminate physical ailments. It creates a special vibration that affects energy channels, helps transform negative emotions and thus heal the body.


There are also more universal mantras that are not associated with a specific deity. For example, the mantra “conquering death” (Mahamrityunjaya mantra). It can stop negative programs, relieve fear and have a healing effect.


An interesting fact is that the famous saint Babaji attached special importance to this mantra. He said that the negative thought forms accumulated in the collective consciousness modern society, could lead to the destruction of the majority of the planet's population. But this influence can be weakened by repeating the above mantra and giving up meat.

There are pranayama mantras that help calm the mind. For example, “So-Ham,” the pronunciation of which is important to synchronize with breathing (pronounce the sound “So” as you inhale, “ham” as you exhale). You can practice this mantra as a separate technique, or you can combine it with the practice of yoga.

There are bija mantras that can be chanted while concentrating on the chakras, thereby helping to clear them of negativity. Such mantras consist of one syllable, for example: “Ram”, “Yam”, “Ham”, etc.

And there is another universal mantra. This is the mantra “OM” (pronounced in different traditions as “Aum”, “Omen”, “Amen”).

You must have noticed that this sound is present in almost every mantra. Why is this so?

Let’s take a line from the “Gospel”: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was “God” ...”.

This means that the root cause of the appearance of all things was sound. And many sages believe that this sound was precisely the mantra “Om”.

From a scientific point of view, this sound has a very strong effect on the oscillation of brain waves. It has been observed that it significantly increases calm alpha waves and reduces anxious beta waves. It was also revealed that in its pure form the vibration of this sound corresponds to the vibration frequency of our planet.

I don’t know if this is true, but my experience has shown that the effect of this mantra is most noticeable. I feel that it is the “Om” mantra that enhances my awareness, concentration, and brings me a state of harmony and peace.

So I didn’t spend much time searching and experimenting: throughout my pregnancy, as well as during the birth itself, my husband and I chanted this mantra. She really helped a lot in coping with illness, mental overload, and mental clouds.

But it is important to know: for mantras to start working, they should be “revitalized” by long repetition. It turns out that first the practitioner seems to awaken the energy of the mantra, and then the power of the mantra itself helps to “work through” the practitioner’s energy.

Therefore, if you did not practice chanting mantras before pregnancy, be prepared to wait patiently. Don't expect any super-effect right here and now. But it will definitely come if you put in the effort.

One more point: the deeper the degree of immersion in practice, the more effective it will be. At the same time, it is important to concentrate as much as possible on the process of mantrayana, as well as accurately pronounce sounds, without distorting or swallowing syllables.

You can practice Mantrayana on three various levels: at the level of body, speech and mind.

Practice at the body level is the use of rosary beads.

At the level of speech, this is the direct pronunciation of a mantra. In the first stages, it is more effective to read the mantra loudly so that every cell of the body vibrates, and as your vibrations become more refined, you can switch to whispering and silent repetition of mantras.

Mental recitation involves focusing undividedly on the mantra, so try to practice mindfully.

An effective technique for any level of training

Note that you do not have to be a highly realized practitioner to practice a mantra. A mantra is a practice that is feasible for everyone and is especially necessary for the mother and the unborn baby, regardless of the level of training.

Ayurveda specialist Bhagavan Das says that spiritual practice purifies the surrounding atmosphere and frees it from negative vibrations. Therefore, Ayurveda especially recommends the practice of mantras during pregnancy.

And I’ll just add that if you don’t feel confident in your abilities to raise your unborn child (you have doubts like “what if he doesn’t listen to me,” etc.) and at the same time you try to live not only for today, then know : By applying the practice of chanting mantras, it is possible to correct everything. Mantrayana opens the throat chakra (visuddha). Being strong, this chakra will give your speech such strength that you won’t even have to make any special efforts to make your child obedient: he will understand you the first time.

After all, when the Vishuddha chakra is open, the words spoken by such a person acquire creative power.

Good luck with your practice and awareness.

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Angelic numerology is a relatively new teaching created by the famous Doreen Virtue. She devoted many years to researching the inexplicable, which allowed her to create a tool called angelic numerology.

In the article:

Angelic Numerology Doreen Virtue

Angelic numerology is intended to explain the regular appearance in our lives of identical combinations of numbers or numbers. You won't have to do the math, unlike most other numerology practices, such as figuring out the meaning of . If you constantly see the same numbers, you cannot ignore such coincidences.

Doreen Virtue

Appearance identical numbers, according to Doreen Virtue, should be considered messages from a guardian angel. Every person has such an angel, and often he tries to convey something important to his ward. This can help you achieve a goal or simply learn about something very important to you. Angels choose not the simplest and most understandable methods of conveying information; they prefer to help indirectly.

If you regularly notice the same number on watches, car license plates, store receipts, clocks and other things, you should think about it. You will learn about exactly what message your guardian angel has prepared for you from the interpreter below.

Angel numbers - sequence of numbers

If you constantly encounter a sequence identical numbers, the guardian angel is trying to draw your attention to something important. This is his message, the meaning of which you can find out if you find the meaning of your number in the interpreter. If you are unable to figure out this meaning, you can try to ask the angel, for example, during prayer, what his message means.

Numerology of Guardian Angels - number combinations

According to Doreen Virtue, angels do not always send messages to their charges using the same numbers. Many people regularly see combinations of different numbers, and if such situations occur in your life, it is worth thinking about it. Below you can find an interpreter who will help you understand what he is trying to convey to you.

If you encounter a combination of several different numbers, for example, 144, you need to look at the meaning of fours in the interpreter above, as well as the meaning of the combination of numbers 1 and 4 below. This will help make the interpretation of the information sent by the angel as accurate as possible. Moreover, combinations like 14 and 41 have same values except for the exceptions described.

If we are talking about a combination of three numbers, for example, 256, you need to find out what the combination of two and five, as well as five and six, means. Then you will receive the most accurate information.

Combinations with one

Combinations like 112, 121, 211, 12 and other variations of ones and twos indicate that you need to continue to believe in angelic power and move in the same direction, because your desires have already begun to come true. Don't give up and keep your thoughts as positive as possible.

The combination of numbers 1 and 3 is intended to remind you of the Ascended Masters, who can always help, give advice or guide you on the right path. Remember any of them at any time. Remember the strange things happening around you, perhaps they conceal messages from the Universe. If you come across a scary number, such as 1313, this is actually a good sign, which is a reminder of the help from above that you can receive.

The combination of 1 and 4 recommends making a wish - it will certainly come true. Your thoughts can materialize at any moment, so make sure that they do not carry of a negative nature. The exception is the number 411, which tells you that the angel has the information you need right now, which means it’s time to turn to him in prayer.

Ones and fives report the need for careful control of thoughts, because they are material. Control your mind to avoid troubles to find happiness. Do not forget about your intuition, because if you are not confident in starting a new business, it is better to postpone this event.

The combination of 1 and 6 reminds you to pay minimal attention to worries about material things. Try to spend more time developing spirituality and relaxing. The exception is 611, this number indicates that you have the opportunity to ask the angel for deliverance from any material problems or unpleasant situations.

The combination of 1 and 7 indicates that you are on the right track. You need to keep doing the same things. Don't forget to thank the Creator and the Universe for your support. Also, you might have missed something important in your business; take a closer look at the little things that you might not have paid attention to.

Ones and eights promise healing or the replacement of the old with something new. If you are very tired of any problem, most likely the situation will soon change in better side. You need to say goodbye to everything that is leaving your life and greet new horizons with gratitude. Expect changes for the better even in the case of absolute inaction on your part.

Numbers 1 and 9 advise you to let go of everything that has become obsolete so that the Higher Powers can send you something completely new. Changes will soon occur that are a reflection of your thoughts, so you need to control them.

1 and 0 - if you prayed for happiness or health, your prayers were answered. In all other cases, the angels advise changing your thoughts. You can ask your angel to guide them if you are unable to control them.

Combinations with deuce

The combination of 2 and 3 can calm those who are worried about the future. Happiness awaits you, the angels and Ascended Masters are on your side and help you in all your endeavors.

The combination of 2 and 4 seeks to remind you that you are not alone, angels are always nearby. Even now you receive their help and protection from evil.

Twos and fives report that with purity of intentions, a successful outcome will be much closer than you could imagine. Your aspirations can come true in the most unexpected way, so don’t lose faith in yourself. Prayer will always help in difficult circumstances.

Numbers 2 and 6 indicate a purchase or a valuable gift.

2 and 7 - good news regarding debt obligations, cash assistance, work or study. Even if the situation now cannot be called good, this will soon change, the main thing is not to lose your faith in the help of the Higher Powers.

Combination 2 and 8 - remember that when one door closes, the second one opens at the same time. You need to trust your intuition as an instrument with which an angel shows you the right path to a better life.

Twos and nines promise compensation for losses. If you've hit a rough patch in your life, don't be upset, things will get better soon. This is not a punishment for sins, but an attempt by the Universe to prepare you for an important event of a positive nature.

Twos and zeros - the Universe is trying to say that it will not forget about your desires if you do not forget about the Higher Powers. As long as you keep warmth, hope and faith in your heart, true miracles will happen to you. If you've almost lost hope better times, ask the Creator for help.

Combinations with three according to Dorian Virtue

Three and four indicate that the Higher Powers are ready to help you, but on the condition that you remember them and do not forget to express gratitude to those in whose help you believe. Your prayers will always be heard, always resort to them in difficult situations.

3 and 5 - you will soon experience a change sent by the Ascended Masters. It must be accepted as a blessing.

The combination of 3 and 6 says that the world is working to help you develop. For example, you may receive money for training as a gift, or other accidents will happen to you, which will definitely be positive and will bring you closer to your goal. You deserve this support only if you share the knowledge you gain with others.

Combinations with 3 and 7 mean that you are completely and completely satisfied, you are doing everything right. The Guardian Angel believes that you have chosen the right path.

Threes together with eights warn you against stopping on the way to what you have achieved. This number is a direct guide to action.

Numbers 3 and 9 - the meaning of this message from the Higher Powers is the need to get rid of what you no longer need, but you continue to hold on to it out of fear of loss, uncertainty or habit. Now what you don't need can be a serious hindrance to you.

3 and 0 - you recently lost sight of the guidance that your guardian angel tried to give you. If you listen to him, everything will definitely work out for you. You should take a close look at the past and change the present by carefully reviewing your memories.

Combinations with four

4 and 5 indicate that your angels are working on changes that will soon occur in your life. We are talking about global changes of a positive nature.

Combinations with 4 and 6 warn that you have begun to devote too much time material world. You need a balance between spirit and body, then your possibilities will become truly limitless.

Fours and sevens indicate that the Higher Powers are pleased with you. Keep up the good work, these numbers are real congratulations from your guardian angel who will never leave you without help.

Numbers 4 and 8 are news of the end of a certain stage of your life. Don’t despair, because something new always replaces what’s gone. Angels promise their help and protection. Significant changes are coming soon.

4 and 9 - almost every completion is the beginning of something new. The angels believe that you need to let go of something that you no longer need so that they can give something valuable in return. If you are unwilling to give it up, you may miss out on new opportunities.

The combination of numbers 4 and 0 is designed to remind you of the love of the Almighty. This love will solve any problem if you can believe in it and feel its power. Don't forget about this even in the most difficult times.

Combinations with five

Frequently occurring 5 and 6 mean the need to be prepared for a very important acquisition or gift. Your financial affairs will improve in the near future.

Fives and sevens predict changes that can greatly affect you. You will be able to gain valuable life experience, enrich yourself intellectually, spiritually or physically. Stick to your chosen strategy and expect success!

Numbers 5 and 8 warn of inevitable changes. You need to get rid of fear - the main obstacle in a new stage of life.

5 and 9 - the past should be discarded. It has already had a certain influence on you and has fulfilled its purpose. While you cling to the past, you cannot fully think about the future and fulfill your plans. The time has come to assess future prospects.

Combining 5 with 0 - your life is changing according to the will of the Universe. Accept these changes with gratitude. Also, these numbers indicate harmony in the soul and sincere confidence in the love of the Almighty. This will definitely be appreciated.

Combinations with six

Combinations of 6 and 7 - you have received approval from the Higher Powers. You should continue to act in the same spirit. Don't forget about prayers and spiritual growth.

Sixes and eights indicate that now is the time to sell something. If your plans include profitably getting rid of unnecessary things, you need to act. But if your goal is to acquire the right thing, you should know that until you get rid of the old one, which is taking the place of the new one, the purchase will not work out.

Numbers 6 and 9 advise you to abandon your planned purchase. Soon you will be able to do this with greater benefit, but for now it is better to focus on developing spirituality.

6 and 0 - if you have the opportunity to make more elevated decisions regarding solving material problems, do so. For example, for a businessman it can be a reminder of honesty. If you do not follow the advice of the angels, you may suffer serious failure.

Combinations with seven

The combination of 7 with 8 indicates that some stage of your life is coming to an end. Positive changes will soon occur in your life, despite the fact that this situation can be called tense.

Combinations with 7 and 9 communicate that if you have a desire to get rid of something, you need to follow it. you accepted the right decision, be honest with others and yourself.

Seven and zero - praise from an angel. You are doing everything right. But it’s worth paying attention to those who need your support.

Combinations with eights and nines

Numbers 8 and 9 indicate the saturation of your life with a wide variety of incidents. If you are not happy about their appearance, do not be upset, because they are needed for your development. You need to get rid of anxiety and fear about the future; your guardian angel will protect you from any evil.

8 and 0 - your prayers have been answered, but if what you asked for has not yet happened, then the time for these events has not yet come. Something will change in your life soon, and if you are worried about this, ask your angel for peace. He will always help you make the right decision.

The combination of 9 and 0 says that your loss is a consequence of your personal aspirations. If you have lost something, it means that the Higher Powers decided that it was a serious obstacle in your path. This may also be a direct response to your appeals to the Universe, because it is impossible to start a new business if something blocks the way on the way to a new life. Another obstacle on your road is the grievances of other people. You should ask for forgiveness from those you may have offended.

In general, angelic numerology is one of the few teachings that explain the frequent appearance of certain numbers in life and give them a specific, understandable and accessible interpretation to everyone. Check this out and you will certainly see for yourself the effectiveness of Madame Doreen Virtue’s techniques!

Numerology is not a method of fortune-telling, it is intended to enable a person to identify favorable periods when he will resonate with nature, being in harmony with it, and thanks to this, freely reach peaks in certain areas of life.

Calculation of numbers:

You can bring the required number to a single digit by simply entering it in the field below in any format(for example, your date of birth: 04/28/2019 or date and time: 04/28/2019 12:45)

Angelic Numerology 0404

Are you familiar with the concept of a “blurry look”? This is a common phenomenon: you look at one magazine and confuse it with another publication, you struggle with a problem for hours and do not notice a simple solution.

What about the family?

The same situation prevails in the family: you ignore problems, get used to the cold attitude of your loved one, do not notice the crisis, even when he declares himself loudly.

View from above

Your angel also sees everything: the earth is perfectly visible from above. Unfortunately, he cannot tell you this directly - the rules of heavenly life interfere with him. But it is not forbidden for celestial beings to use hints, which they actively use.

Clock and keeper

To attract attention, angels use numbers on the watch dial. A specific group of numbers is a separate message.

Heavenly letter

04.04 - a letter handed to you by the heavenly sender. It tells you: throw off the veil and look at the world with new eyes. Step back from platitudes and templates, stop the carousel of life and start looking for problems.

Where to start

1. Write down everything that doesn’t suit you. Don't be afraid of long lists - cross them off minor problem you will always be on time.

2. For each of them, think about solutions.

3. Don’t put off decisions until tomorrow: solve as many problems today as possible.

5. Thank the angel: he won’t give you bad advice!

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.

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