Where Yesenin died. The mysterious death of Yesenin. “Alcohol showers your brain…”

On the night of December 27 to 28, 1925, Sergei Yesenin was killed. His body was found in room five of the Angleterre Hotel. The investigation named the cause of death as suicide. This far-fetched version aroused distrust among the poet’s contemporaries and descendants...

Yesenin in the Angleterre room. Rice. V. Shilov

January 1926, Leningrad

That evening, “pompolite” K* arrived in room five of the Angleterre Hotel. After dinner, Comrade K* sat down to desk wanting to work before bed. He was haunted by his party colleague. There was a fear that he would overtake Comrade K* on the party ladder very quickly. Comrade K* decided to act immediately, the fate of his competitor was decided...
The hands on the clock showed midnight. Comrade K* felt an inexplicable piercing cold... Then someone’s heavy steps were heard behind him, which caused inexplicable horror in the “pompolit”... The guest wanted to scream, but his voice did not obey... Comrade K* felt that his legs were getting cold, and he could not move from the spot. The unknown person approached him and stopped... Obeying an unknown force, the “pompolite” slowly turned his head...

...Comrade K* was found in the morning on the floor of the room. When he came to his senses, he began to laugh hysterically, chattering some incomprehensible nonsense. An experienced party fighter talked about a ghost with a rope wound around his neck. The hotel manager ordered an ambulance to be called immediately. psychiatric hospital so that the anti-Soviet propaganda of obscurantism, obsessively repeated by Comrade K*, does not confuse respectable Soviet citizens.

The Phantom of the Angleterre Hotel
Rumors about the ghost of the poet Yesenin began to appear immediately after his death. Of course, all stories about the supernatural were officially attributed to anti-Soviet obscurantism.

Photo of Yesenin a month before his death, November 1925
Now it is difficult to say exactly what he was like. Judging by the photo, he is a kind person.

In January 1926, photographer Presnyakov took, at the request of Sofia Tolstoy, Yesenin’s wife, a photo of the hotel room where the poet’s body was found.

In the photo you can see that the frills of the curtains are drawn with hand strokes. If you look closely, you can see that the painted strokes hide the white silhouette of a human figure.

Curtain on the right with painted edges

This can, of course, be explained by a printing defect, but then why did the poet’s wife keep this particular low-quality photograph (the photographer probably took several photographs)? And why were the edges of the curtains drawn on?

“The souls of people who were forcibly killed do not quickly leave the places of their death. The soul of a person who died here could appear in the photograph,” one of the psychics expressed her opinion.

The old hotel building was destroyed in the 80s of the last century and rebuilt. Despite the fact that the Angleterre Hotel is a new build, there are still stories from guests about the ghost of a poet who wanders the corridors. Ghosts become attached to the site of a tragic death, even if the house has been demolished.

This is what the photo looked like without the added edges

Facts are stubborn things
Yesenin himself feared murder.
“They want to kill me! I feel it like an animal!”- he said.

The inconsistency in the facts in the version of suicide was noticed by forensic investigators, who decided to understand the circumstances of the poet’s death decades later.

E.A. Khlystalov, senior investigator of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow (since 1963) notes:
“And no matter how much I peered at the photograph, I did not see any signs of death from strangulation with a noose. There was no characteristically protruding tongue from the mouth, giving the hanged man’s face a terrible expression...”

“On the forehead of the corpse, just above the bridge of the nose, a lifetime injury is clearly visible. For such bodily injury, forensic experts conclude that it was caused by a blunt hard object and is classified as dangerous to human life and health...”

Photo of the murdered Yesenin on a hotel sofa. A dent from the impact is visible on the forehead near the bridge of the nose.
Cuts on hand

The wound on Yesenin’s hand also raises questions. Supporters of the suicide version argued that the poet first cut his wrists, and then changed his mind and decided to hang himself.

Criminologist E.A. Khlystalov writes about this:
“Having carefully examined the entire situation in the hotel room, I realized that this version does not stand up to criticism. Judge for yourself. The poet cuts his hand deeply and waits for profuse bleeding to begin. Waiting. Doesn't lose consciousness. After some time, he decides to hang himself. Starts looking for the rope. Finds it. Unties from the suitcase. Then he climbs high under the ceiling (3 meters 80 centimeters) and begins to tie it to a vertical riser. To reach the top, the poet had to place an object with a fulcrum of about two meters. (His height is 168 centimeters). And with prerequisite that this item should be located next to the riser. There were no such objects near the place of the alleged hanging.”

Yesen's death mask. The dent from the impact on the forehead near the bridge of the nose is clearly visible

The supposedly dying poem, written in blood from a cut vein, is also surprising. “By the time you write a line, you’ll bleed…”- notes researcher E.A. Khlystalov.
It should be noted that the “suicide letter” was not examined by experts, no analysis was carried out - therefore there is no evidence that it was written in Yesenin’s blood.

A cut on Yesenin's right hand. He was not left-handed. If he wanted to cut veins, he would have cut left hand.

The text of the poem itself does not in its meaning resemble a suicide note, the addressee of which was called himself Wolf Ehrlich, who served in the OGPU. And it is strange that the dying lines were addressed specifically to the presented party spy.

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Destined separation
Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Don’t be sad and don’t have sad eyebrows, -
Dying is nothing new in this life,
But life, of course, is not newer.

Many years later, information appeared that these lines were written much earlier than December 1925. The poem is dedicated not to Wolf Erlich, but to Yesenin’s executed friend, the poet Alexei Ganin.

Yesenin in the coffin. The face is heavily made up, but traces of beatings are visible

The suicide version is clearly far-fetched. The only options left are:
- Yesenin was killed by order of the party leadership.
- Yesenin died during a brutal interrogation from beatings - and the executioners had to quickly create the appearance of suicide.

This is what the Angleterre Hotel (the building on the left) looked like during Yesenin’s time.

The new Hotel Angleterre today (my photos). By the way, it looks like they built it like the original.

Opinion of contemporaries
There were whispers and bewilderment about Yesenin's death. The version of suicide was not believed.
Even famous poet revolution Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote:
"Why? For what? The bewilderment has subsided."
“Neither a noose nor a penknife will reveal to us the reasons for the loss.”

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. V. Skorobeev

The poet Vasily Nasedkin (husband of Yesenin’s sister, Catherine) said: “It doesn’t look like suicide... My brains leaked out onto my forehead...”

One of the poet’s friends, V. Knyazev, noticed that there were no traces of the rope, which usually remains on the necks of hanged men, on Yesenin’s neck:
In the little dead room by the window -
Golden head on the block:
The stripe on the neck is not visible -
Only the blood turns black on the shirt...

Photo of Yesenin on his passport (1923)

The poet's friends Nikolai Braun and Boris Lavrenev refused to sign the protocol, which spoke of Yesenin's suicide.
The protocol was signed by OGPU employee Wolf Ehrlich. Interestingly, those who saw Yesenin shortly before his death, and the poet’s dying poems were allegedly dedicated to him.

Nikolai Brown reproached Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky, who also signed the protocol: “Seva, how could you sign for this! You didn’t see how Yesenin put the noose on himself!”
He replied: “They told me I need another signature.”

Yesenin in the image of Orpheus. Rice. ormona

Boris Lavrenev published an article “In Memory of Yesenin” with the subtitle "Executed by Degenerates" and an epigraph “And you will not wash away the righteous blood of the poet with all your black blood.”
The author spoke very boldly: “And my moral duty instructs me to tell the naked truth once in my life and call the executioners and murderers executioners and murderers, whose black blood will not wash away the blood stain on the shirt of the tortured poet.”

“He was tortured!”- recalled Nikolai Brown.
There was even an assumption that Yesenin was tortured in the dungeons of the OGPU, and that a dead body was brought to the hotel, after which a suicide was staged.

Former OGPU employee Pavel Luknitsky, who emigrated to Paris, wrote in his memoirs: “He was mutilated, there were traces of blood on his clothes, and his left eye was missing.”
“Yesenin was little like himself. During the autopsy, his face was corrected as best they could, but still... in the upper corner of the right eye there is a nodule... and the left eye is flat: it leaked out. There was no blue in the face: it was pale, and only red spots and darkened abrasions stood out.”

At first there was a cross on Yesenin’s grave

Yesenin's funeral service was held in the church, and a cross was initially placed on the poet's grave. The Church does not bury suicides in a Christian manner. Contemporaries understood the real reason death, so the priest did not refuse to perform the ceremony and agreed to put a cross on the grave.

Yesenin and the power of the Bolsheviks
Yesenin did not accept the ideology of Soviet power, like all sensible people of that time.
The poems clearly reflect his disdain.

Empty fun, just talk.
Well, well, what did you take in return?
The same swindlers, the same thieves came
And by the law of the revolution everyone was taken prisoner.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
People honor customs as science,
But what's the point and good of that?
If many people blow their nose loudly into their hand,
And others must wear a handkerchief.
I'm disgusted as hell
Both these and these.
I lost my balance...
And I know myself -
Of course they'll hang me
Someday to heaven.
Well then!
This is even better!
There you can light a cigarette about the stars...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm not like that
How do the cooks imagine me?
I'm all blood
The brain and anger are all me.
My banditry is of a special brand.
He is an awareness, not a profession.
Listen! I also once believed
To feelings:
In love, heroism and joy,
But now I have at least realized
I realized that all this
Complete crap.
For a long time I lay in a hellish fever,
Wounded to the liver by fate's mockery.
But... You know...
With the wisdom of your tavern
Alcohol with lamb burns everything away...
Now that the cramp
I twisted my soul
And the face is like a dying lantern in the fog,
I'm not building any stuffed animal for myself.
All I have left is -
Be naughty and mischievous...

To everyone who has poorer and smaller brains,
Who, under the wind of fate, was not poor and naked,
I leave it to glorify cities and women,
And I myself will praise
Criminals and vagabonds.

Gangs! gangs!
All over the country
Wherever you look, wherever you go -
Do you see how in space,
On horseback
And without horses,
Hardened bandits gallop and walk.
It's all the same
Lost faith like me...

And once upon a time...
Cheerful guy
Smelled to the bones
Steppe grass,
I came to this city empty-handed
But with a full heart
And not empty head.
I believed... I was burning...
I walked with the revolution
I thought that brotherhood was not a dream or a dream,
That everyone will merge into one sea,
All the hosts of peoples,
And races and tribes.

But to hell with all this!
I am far from complaining.
Since it started -
So let it begin...

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. A. Kuznetsov

Yesenin also gave an accurate assessment of the literature of that era.
“There was no more disgusting and vile time in literary life than the time in which we live. The difficult state of the state over these years in the international struggle for its independence, by chance circumstances, brought into the arena of literature revolutionary sergeants who have merits for the proletariat, but not at all for art. Having developed for themselves the point of view of the common front, where any fog can seem to myopic eyes to be a dangerous army, these types developed and strengthened the Prishibeev morals in literature... It has long become a clear fact, no matter how Trotsky praised and recommended various Bezymyanskys, that proletarian art is worthless ..."

It was correctly noted, and none of the literary efforts of the “Pompolitans” survived to their descendants. Although previously they were imposed as part of the school curriculum.

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. A. Treskin

Yesenin also spoke harshly about the works of the party’s favorite and fighter against religious obscurantism, Demyan Bedny (real name Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov).
...When I read in Pravda
The lie about Christ of the lascivious Demyan.
I felt ashamed as if I had fallen
Into the vomit spewed out of drunkenness...
No, you, Demyan, did not insult Christ,
You didn't hurt him with your pen a lot.
There was a robber, there was Judas.
You were just missing.
You are blood clots at the cross
He dug his nostrils like a fat hog.
You just grunted at Christ,
Efim Lakeevich Pridvorov.

It should also be noted the “heroes” who at one time launched the literary persecution of Yesenin. Of course, the faithful “fighters for the freedom of the people” (former criminals), editors of Moscow magazines: Lev Sosnovsky, one of the organizers of the execution of the royal family, and Boris Volin, the organizer of mass executions of peasants. They acted together against Yesenin, but at the same time wrote denunciations against each other to the Party Central Committee.
This is the typical face of the “heroes of the revolution.”

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. G. Ulybin

Motives for murder
Perhaps the decision of the top leadership of the party is to remove the objectionable one. Yesenin became an opponent of the Soviet regime and became inconvenient. They usually get rid of those who make a lot of noise.

Or probably a spontaneous decision by party spies. The Chekists feared that Yesenin would leave Leningrad abroad, in which case they would have had their heads blown off. The poet’s friend Nikolai Brown spoke about this motive.
The executed Alexei Ganin, before his death, managed to hand over to Yesenin his articles in which he called the Soviet government the power of “fanatics and sadists,” and asked to publish them abroad.
The poet wrote to a friend in September “To get rid of some scandals... I’ll go abroad. Even the dead lions there are more beautiful than our living medical dogs.”

The envy of fellow writers and part-time employees of the OGPU could also play a special role. Yesenin was banned, but his poems were read, secretly passing books to each other, and romances based on his texts were sung everywhere “from trustworthy living rooms to thieves’ prisons.” The spy poets, favored by the authorities, could not boast people's love to their creativity. The situation is not new when a genius collides with villains.

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. V. Shilov

If they hide it, it means there are reasons
Access to the materials of Yesenin’s case still remains classified as “Secret”.
Yesenin’s relatives have still not received permission to exhume and conduct an examination. Even the area around Yesenin’s grave was concreted.

Perhaps exhumation is impossible because Yesenin’s body is not in the grave.
The driver, who worked for the OGPU in the 1920s, later said “We took out Yesenin’s coffin and handed it over to another group, which took it deep into the cemetery. And they themselves stayed to put the grave in order.”

S. Bezrukov as Yesenin

Documentary film about Yesenin based on unique archival materials “My dears! Good ones! director Vladimir Parshikov, who received awards from film festivals, was not accepted for screening by federal channels.

The episode of the “Battle of Psychics” program dedicated to Yesenin was greatly shortened. Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina, the poet’s niece and a guest on the program, said that the version about violent death confirmed by seven out of nine psychics. But with “skillful” editing, something incomprehensible ended up being broadcast.

Postage stamps with a portrait of Yesenin

If they are still trying to hide the circumstances of Yesenin’s death, it means that this is beneficial for someone. Perhaps the threads of the “Yesenin case” somehow reached our era...

As Yesenin’s biographers note, the authorities made efforts to emphasize the negative image of the poet: a womanizer and an alcoholic. Of course, the dead can no longer object.

Graffiti with a portrait of Yesenin

Writer Leonid Leonov said:

- The greatest poet of our time...
“His songs are sung everywhere - from our safe living rooms to thieves’ prisons. Because he had a talent for song, he carried great song power within himself...
- He won’t come and make any noise anymore, Yesenin...
– He is an eternal rebel and seditious, a miracle of nature, a unique figure in the history of the twentieth century.

“Give me your paw, Jim, for luck.” Authors M. Bernatskaya and K. Patov

Thanks to the poet’s relatives and researchers, we get the opportunity to get at least a grain of information about Yesenin’s death, to understand how far-fetched the version of suicide is.

The poet’s niece Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina notes in one of her interviews:
“We only want to remove the stigma of “suicide-gallows” from S. A. Yesenin. We want his moral rehabilitation in the eyes of the Russian and world public.”

On December 28, 1925, a terrible tragedy occurred in snowy Leningrad. In the prime of his life, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin passed away - a poetic icon of those times, a golden-haired thief of women's hearts, a writer from God. He was called the best poet of the still young Soviet Republic. Coming from the village, being a peasant, he became the “singer” of the Russian village. At direct participation Yesenin saw the light of a new literary movement - imagism, and subsequently the “Order of Imagists” was founded.

Yesenin's body was found 3 days before New Year's Eve 1926 in the Angleterre Hotel, in the very center of Leningrad. He died at the age of 30, having not really seen life, but having accomplished a lot. To this day, Russian and foreign historians and literary biographers cannot agree on the main question - did Yesenin commit suicide or was he killed? There are several versions of this, which we will consider.

The first, of course, is suicide. Many are sure that Yesenin hanged himself, unable to withstand the hardships of life and failures in his personal life. Creative people generally experience depression, and the poet was no exception. According to contemporaries, his own works sometimes seemed faded to him, he suffered from an existential crisis, and did not see his path in life. In addition, Sergei was clearly unlucky in love. Or maybe numerous “loves” were unlucky with him. He was married three times and all the marriages eventually failed.

On July 30, 1917, Yesenin married his first wife, the beautiful Zinaida Reich. However, already on October 5, 1921, the poet himself took the initiative to dissolve the union. Zinaida gave birth to Sergei two children - Tatyana and Konstantin.

The second marriage between Yesenin and Isadora Duncan is the most famous. A bright couple, two strong personalities - such unions are often doomed to failure. This happened in this case too. In addition, Isadora was 18 years older than Sergei. The partners were overwhelmed by passion, the relationship was like a volcanic eruption. Their friends recalled the couple’s constant scandals and stormy showdown. The American dancer was temperamental, Yesenin was also not flexible. In addition, he abused alcohol and a riotous lifestyle. Having married in 1922, the couple divorced in 1924. For Yesenin, this was a severe blow.

The poet's last wife was Leo Tolstoy's granddaughter Sofya Tolstaya. Initially, there was tenderness between them, but after the wedding in the summer of 1925, Sergei returned to his old ways: constant drinking, drinking sprees, leaving home. In the fall of 1925, a couple of months after the wedding, Yesenin went on a long drinking binge, which ended in a psychiatric hospital.

It is impossible not to say that the poet was from that “breed” of men who cannot remain faithful to one lady of their heart for a long time. Yesenin was often seen in the company of girls of easy virtue, calling them “roses.” There are also rumors that the poet was bisexual when he entered into intimate relationships with men. Adherents of the version of the poet’s suicide call all of the above the reason to climb into the noose. However, there are irrefutable facts that negate suicide.

Just look at the poet’s posthumous photos and read the forensic medical examination reports. MUR investigator, Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Eduard Aleksandrovich Khlystalov, began closely investigating the death of Sergei Yesenin. With his suggestion in the Soviet press in 1989, the first publications appeared that the great Russian poet Yesenin was killed, and the fact of suicide was inspired. Here are some excerpts from Khlystalov’s articles. Someone sent the colonel two posthumous photographs of Yesenin. This is where it all started.

Who sent me these pictures and why remains a mystery. Busy with current affairs, I threw the photographs into the office desk drawer and forgot about them. When, two or three years later, I came across these photographs again, I suddenly noticed that the right arm of the dead Yesenin was not extended along the body, as it should be for a hanged man, but raised upward. On the forehead of the corpse, between the eyebrows, a wide and deep dent was visible. Taking a magnifying glass, I discovered a dark round spot under the right eyebrow, very similar to a penetrating wound. At the same time, there were no signs visible, which are almost always present in corpses when hanged. Why is the strangulation groove not visible in the late Yesenin? It does not disappear on the neck of the hanged person; it has a pronounced red-violet color.

Forensic experts recorded deep cuts on the poet’s right hand. The accepted explanation is that the poet cut his veins to write his last poem in blood (Goodbye, my friend), which was immediately dubbed his dying poem. Khlystalov doubted whether the man could have inflicted such deep cuts on himself. Yesenin was right-handed, why did he cut his right hand? At the same time, it has not been scientifically proven that the last poem was written in blood (this was said by the poet Erlich, who was the last to see Yesenin alive). Perhaps he has something to do with the death of the poet?

With the help of his official position, Khlystalov “raised” facts previously unknown to the general public.

The chronicle of Yesenin’s life testifies that lately Before the poet’s death, the security officers did not leave him alone: ​​Yesenin’s contemporaries wrote in their memoirs that they often had to run with the poet through the gateways in order to break away.

13 criminal cases have been fabricated against Yesenin. According to one version, the poet ended up in a mental hospital not because of problems with alcohol or his last wife, Sofia Tolstoy, but his friends helped him in this in order to hide from the persecution of the Cheka.

Khlystalov names specific names.

There was a version that the murder of Yesenin was committed by the alleged murderers - security officer Blyumkin (a friend of the poet), and the customer - Trotsky.

Perhaps the murder was not planned and happened by accident. Perhaps they wanted to scare him, but they killed him.

The two at once fell on one Yesenin, sat him down on a chair, and put a noose around his neck. Yesenin, right hand grabbed the rope. Blumkin swung his revolver at full force in the face... So the reasons for the post-mortem injuries emerge in the photo.

However, be that as it may, the official version is suicide. It is adhered to by the majority of people who are not indifferent to the poet. But you can’t say anything with 100% certainty. The events of that distant day, December 28, 1925, are long in the past; there is no physical evidence, no witnesses, or the state of the USSR itself.

By the way, the fate of Sergei Yesenin’s beloved women also turned out tragically.

The first wife, Zinaida Reich, was brutally murdered on the night of July 15, 1939 by unknown assailants. They entered her Moscow apartment on Bryusov Lane at night, attacked and stabbed her seventeen times. The criminals remained incognito - they were not found.

Yesenin's second wife, his passionate love Isadora Duncan, died in 1927. The death was stupid and unjustified, they say it’s fate. The woman tied a scarf around her neck and decided to take a ride in a car. Having started, the car suddenly stopped, as did Isadora's breathing. The scarf hit the wheel axle and, being pulled in, broke her neck.

Another beloved and, importantly, madly in love with Yesenin, journalist Galina Benislavskaya shot herself at the poet’s grave at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in December 1926, a year after his death. Galina left a note: “December 3, 1926. I committed suicide here, although I know that after this I will more dogs they will pin it on Yesenin... But both he and I don’t care. Everything that is most precious to me is in this grave....” Yesenin lived with Galina Benislavskaya until he met Isadora Duncan.

The last, dying verse of Sergei Yesenin:

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.

My dear, you are in my chest.

Destined separation

Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,

Don’t be sad and don’t have sad eyebrows, -

Dying is nothing new in this life,

But life, of course, is not newer.

Photos used in the material: aif.ru, BigPicture, epochtimes.ru, esenin.ru, liveinternet.ru, myslo.ru, playcast.ru, ruspekh.ru.


Sergei Yesenin died very young, at the height of his fame. He was recognized on the streets, both youth and older generation. Crowds of people gathered for performances where he recited his works. His talent gained full strength. The poet turned 30 years old - it would seem that life began to play in front of him. bright colors, all doors are open. And suddenly terrible news spreads across the country - Yesenin was found hanged in his Angleterre hotel room. How?! Why?! Nothing foreshadowed a terrible outcome...

Rumors immediately spread, but the first version of the investigation was categorical - Yesenin took his own life, no one “helped” him with this. The special commission came to this conclusion after conducting an examination. The following was established. Yesenin was found hanging on a heating pipe, and quite a lot of time had passed since his death. There was a distinct dent on his forehead, and three shallow cuts on one hand. The investigation concluded that the dent was caused by prolonged contact with a hot battery.

In agony, Yesenin pressed his forehead against her with force. The wounds on the hand could not be fatal. The poet inflicted them on himself because he wanted to write the poem “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye...” with his own blood. This was essentially his suicide note. Why are there several wounds? The bleeding was weak and stopped quickly, so Yesenin made new incisions, hurrying to finish writing the verse. Investigators conducted an analysis, studied the scene of the incident and rendered a verdict - Sergei Yesenin committed suicide.

The poet was buried, the case was closed for a long time. However, in the 70-80s of the last century there appeared new version. The peasant poet was killed by OGPU officers, carrying out an order from above. A special contribution to the dissemination of this version was made by the investigator of the Moscow criminal investigation department E. A. Khlystalov. Colonel Khlystalov was sure it was murder. As proof, he said that the dent on his forehead was caused by a blow with some kind of blunt object, the cuts on his hands and bruises on his body were the result of a struggle.

In addition, the last years of Yesenin’s life were overshadowed by the outbreak of conflicts with the Soviet regime. The young poet, who loved to drink and was often rowdy, began to disturb the authorities; his “unstable moral character” did not fit with the idea of ​​a proletarian writer. Rumors about murder and staged suicide were so persistent that in 1992 a new commission began work, consisting of forensic experts V. Plaksin, V. Kryukov, S. Abramov, S. Nikitin.

A thorough and serious investigation made it possible to confirm the conclusions in favor of suicide. It was proven that it is impossible to inflict an injury similar to the one on Yesenin’s forehead with a blunt object. Objections to hanging yourself vertical pipe impossible, we didn’t receive confirmation. The investigation team conducted a series of experiments that showed that Yesenin was able to secure the knot himself and reach the battery using the table on which he stood.

Why did this tragedy happen, which no one expected? After studying Yesenin’s poems and letters, as well as the memories of eyewitnesses, it became clear that several recent years Before committing a desperate act, the poet was deeply depressed. Just before his suicide, he had just completed a rehabilitation course in a psychiatric hospital. On that fateful day, he drank champagne with friends.

It is known that alcohol - even a small dose - can play a fatal role for such a vulnerable person, aggravating an already severe depressive state. In his poems of recent years, Yesenin often talks about death. His relations with the authorities really deteriorated, but there is no evidence or documents that would reveal the desire of the “tops” to deal with the poet. It was much more profitable to use his talent “in the service” of Soviet power.

Perhaps a large number of internal contradictions, coupled with alcohol, became the reason for the fatal step. And let's not forget one more moment. Yesenin was a very lonely man. He never found personal happiness, did not meet his love - the one that will last forever. So the “black man” - the devil living inside the soul - followed on his heels, insidiously pushing the poet to take a terrible step. One day the poet could not stand it and stepped straight into the abyss, from where there was no way out...

The mystery of Yesenin's death [VIDEO]

On December 28, 1925, Yesenin was found dead in the Leningrad Angleterre Hotel by his friend G. F. Ustinov and his wife. His last poem - “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye...” - according to Wolf Ehrlich, was given to him the day before: Yesenin complained that there was no ink in the room, and he was forced to write with his blood

According to the version that is now generally accepted among academic researchers of Yesenin’s life, the poet, in a state of depression (a week after finishing treatment in a psychoneurological hospital), committed suicide (hanged himself).

After a civil funeral service at the Union of Poets in Leningrad, Yesenin’s body was transported by train to Moscow, where a farewell ceremony was also held at the House of Press with the participation of relatives and friends of the deceased. He was buried on December 31, 1925 in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Version of murder

In the 1970-1980s, versions arose about the murder of the poet, followed by the staging of Yesenin’s suicide (as a rule, OGPU employees are accused of organizing the murder). Investigator of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, retired colonel Eduard Khlystalov, contributed to the development of this version. The version of Yesenin's murder penetrated into popular culture: in particular, presented in artistic form in the television series “Yesenin” (2005). Supporters of this version argue that if we examine in detail the posthumous high-resolution photos of the poet, we can confidently assume that the poet was severely beaten before his death. In their opinion, this version is supported by known fact: Sergei Yesenin, who was fond of fist fights from his youth, was, according to the recollections of his contemporaries, a fairly strong fighter who could provide active resistance to the killers who attacked him.

In 1989, under the auspices of the Gorky IMLI, the Yesenin Commission was created under the chairmanship of the Soviet and Russian Yesenin scholar Yu. L. Prokushev; At his request, a series of examinations were carried out, which, in his opinion, led to the following conclusion: “ the published “versions” of the murder of the poet followed by a staged hanging, despite some discrepancies... are a vulgar, incompetent interpretation of special information, sometimes falsifying the results of the examination"(from the official response of the professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences B. S. Svadkovsky to the request of the chairman of the commission Yu. L. Prokushev). Versions of Yesenin’s murder are considered late fiction or unconvincing by other biographers of the poet.

30 years old
Date of birth:

Date of death:

and that 30 years

Sergei Yesenin died in 1925. 80 years later, his niece Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina and actor Sergei Bezrukov, who played the main role in the television series “Yesenin,” wrote a letter to President Putin asking him to reopen the case of the poet’s death in order to obtain consent to exhume Yesenin’s remains. The country's leading forensic experts just shrugged their shoulders, calling this idea a mockery of the poet's remains.

If, nevertheless, it is possible to achieve the resumption of the investigation into the death of Yesenin and a decision is made to exhume his body at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, most likely Evgeniy Stepanovich Mishin, professor, doctor of medical sciences, head of the department of forensic medicine of the Medical Academy. And I. Mechnikov. He is considered the best expert in our country on hangings and strangulations, and the investigation of not a single complicated case is complete without his participation.

Evgeniy Stepanovich, will the exhumation of Yesenin’s remains help establish the exact cause of his death?
People who insist on exhumation think they will find in the grave a skull with a hole in it or remains of skin showing several strangulation marks. But for a long time there was nothing in the grave except the remains of bones. The fact is that the Vagankovskoye cemetery is located on a hill, in a dry place. Now, if Yesenin was buried in a lowland, in a swampy place, the poet’s corpse could be “preserved” and, based on the results of his research, a conclusion could be given on certain issues.

It turns out that Yesenin was killed or not will forever remain a mystery?
Why secret? Yesenin's cause of death was suicide by hanging.
Many people talk about murder.

This is complete nonsense! When the first articles appeared in the late 80s claiming that Yesenin was killed by the GPU, I analyzed all three versions of the poet’s murder that were discussed in the press: death from a skull fracture resulting from a blow with the handle of a revolver or iron, death from suffocation with a pillow or sleeve and death from a gunshot wound to the head. Many, even in post-mortem photographs, managed to see a bullet hole and 20 grams of brain matter on his face.
What about you?

There can be any number of versions, but there is only one truth. In the early 90s, several forensic examinations were carried out by highly qualified experts and it was proven that suicide had occurred. Therefore, the inquiry was terminated.

Maybe the doctors did not want to advertise the mistake of their colleague, expert Gilyarevsky, who performed the autopsy?
I absolutely agree with the conclusion of forensic physician Gilyarevsky, who conducted an examination of the poet’s corpse in the Obukhov hospital and named the cause of death as asphyxia - death as a result of compression of the neck with a noose during hanging. I came to the same conclusion based on the study of photographs of the dead poet, the death mask and the act of examining the corpse. Based on the groove on the poet's neck, I was able to reconstruct the hanging. In the poet, the anterior right and right lateral areas of the neck were compressed with greater force. That is, the tension of the loop went from front to back and from right to left and up. Now let's reconstruct. With such tension in the loop, the head tilts in the opposite side, that is, to the heating steam pipe of the Angleterre Hotel, from which a “dent” was formed in the nose of the corpse, which many mistook for a broken skull. With this position of the head, this “dent” takes on a vertical direction.

Why can’t the “dent” be a result of an impact?
If a blow had been struck during life with an iron or the handle of a revolver, a bruise or wound with a fracture could have formed. As a result, edema and swelling would occur, and not an indentation, as in the photo.
It is believed that on the eve of his death the poet was hit hard in the stomach.

This conclusion was made by incompetent people as a result of reading Gilyarevsky’s act. It says that the poet's intestinal loops were reddish in color. I can answer one thing: study forensic medicine. If the corpse for a long time is in an upright position, all the blood descends to the underlying parts of the body and organs. Hence their reddish color.

Gilyarevsky also found bruises in the poet’s lungs. Doesn't this prove that Yesenin was beaten before his death?
Gilyarevsky actually recorded pinpoint bruises not only on the pulmonary lining, but also on the outer lining of the heart. These are some of the signs of death from strangulation, which in medicine are called not bruises, but pinpoint hemorrhages. Simply put, at the moment of death, the poet’s blood pressure increased, shortness of breath developed, and the blood vessels could not stand it.
More details: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/2296306

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