Why do I dream about a dog attacking me? Why do you dream about angry dogs that attack? Why do you dream of a kind dog?

It is worth paying attention to how a cat behaves in a dream. For example, if he attacks, that is, bites or scratches the dreamer, then this means that some evil enemy will soon strike. We need to deal with this so that there are no unpleasant situations.

What if you dream about a black cat?

A black cat that behaves friendly towards the person who had this dream means that a good, favorable and peaceful period will soon begin. Quarrels with loved ones will stop and the person will gain peace of mind. But you should still be on your guard; soon such a happy period may change dramatically in the opposite direction.

If a person hears a cat meowing in a dream, but cannot find it, then this is a sign that the dreamer will soon be deceived by those from whom he could not expect this.

Maly Velesov Dream Book predicts that a black cat in a dream is a sign of many troubles, both small and large, and it could also mean a fight with a close friend, but don’t worry, a truce will come soon.

Also, this may mean that someone will break an important agreement, which will lead to a hopeless situation. A cat may also dream that a married man will quarrel with his wife.

It’s a bad sign if you dreamed of a black cat on the night from Monday to Tuesday. After this dream, you should not be too risky, as this can lead to serious troubles. If you had a dream on Saturday night, it is a good omen.

If a black cat crosses the road in a dream, it means that all hopes and dreams will collapse. But you should not believe in this dream if the animal was wearing a collar; such a dream has an empty meaning and does not foretell anything terrible for the dreamer in the near future.

A black cat that lies calmly on the rug and sleeps means that all the dreamer’s enemies do not want to do anything bad to him yet. A bad sign is if a black cat in a dream jumped out at the dreamer with a hiss.

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that a black cat dreams of tears and resentment, as well as the fact that an enemy is waiting for the dreamer. A cat that catches a mouse in a dream is a harbinger of wealth and unexpected profits.

If in a dream the dreamer watches a cat fight with another cat, this means that in reality he will be able to defeat all enemies, courageously confront them and resist their onslaught.

IN modern dream book it is said that if a person sees black kittens in a dream, it means profit. A cat walking towards the dreamer means there will soon be a meeting with an old enemy, which may end badly.

A cat that meows strangely, or even hysterically, is a request for help that will be very difficult to fulfill. But if you try, you can help a person who needs it.

Being bitten by a black cat in a dream means that soon someone will intrigue against the dreamer, enemies will begin to slander him, but you should not pay attention to this.

What does it portend?

If the dreamer sees someone else being bitten by a black cat, this is a sign that the person who dreamed about this will harbor a grudge against his friend, and if this is not sorted out in time, this will lead to the friend becoming the dreamer’s enemy .

Also, if a girl hears a cat meowing, then she will soon receive a hypocritical declaration of love. You should not believe this, so that unpleasant situations do not happen later.

A dead black cat - the dreamer's enemy will soon disappear. Life will become easier and more confident. Playing with a cat means treason. A dreamer who hurts a cat in a dream has a bad conscience, something is gnawing at him, but he is not going to act and correct this situation.

You shouldn’t do this, if your conscience torments you, you should correct it - apologize to the one who was harmed.

A man’s dream about a cat means that some woman he knows is showing an unhealthy interest in him.

A woman dreamed of a black cat - she would soon have a rather strong rival. You can get rid of it only if you listen to your partner and under no circumstances be rude, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Why do you dream about a black cat? He explains it in the same way. French dream book. It says that a black cat in a dream promises a lot of trouble. It is worth noting that if the dreamer has a black cat at home, then such a dream means nothing to him and will not bring trouble.

If you dreamed of a black cat, then you shouldn’t be too upset, you need to pay attention to how the person in real life applies to cats - this is also very important. If he really loves cats, then nothing bad should happen to him.

The article on the topic: “dream book why many black cats dream” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Having learned why many cats dream, you will be armed with this knowledge, because their appearance in a dream is by no means harmless. When do they warn about treachery, and when do they promise support? No nuances of dreams will be hidden from dream books.

Magic power

Interpretations of dream images depend on their number. If you dreamed of many cats and kittens, then the dream books seem to strengthen the predictions regarding one animal. If a furry creature is associated with affection and help with minor ailments, then a whole flock of cats and kittens warn in a dream about more serious troubles and significant support.

The magical power that comes from these pets, adults and kittens, forces interpreters to approach the interpretation of dreams with great caution.

Miller's Dream Book: Get ready to fight back

Many cats in a dream, which, according to Miller’s dream book, appear not for good, should be especially wary if they behaved unfriendly. Why do you dream that they are attacking or are going to do so? Your enemy is preparing to strike from around the corner, try to predict his actions and fight back the intriguer. Beware of thieves.

If you dreamed that they were scratching and biting, then losses cannot be avoided: this could be a monetary loss, damage to your authority, or complicated relationships. However, the dream book is not inclined to take even their affectionateness in a dream at face value - they personify hypocritical flattery.

Secrets of color

Why do you dream of seeing many cats and toms of a similar color? In this case, the main information about the future is carried by color - which ones did you see?

  • Red – lustful interest from the opposite sex.
  • Serykh - envious, dishonest people in the immediate environment.
  • Black - bad luck. But if a person perceives black kittens and cats as allies, fortune will be on his side.
  • Belykh - for a man: a devoted lover, for a woman dreams: a dangerous friend.
  • Multi-colored with red, black and white spots - good luck.
  • Multi-colored with stripes - inconsistency in actions, instability.

Seeing Murok and unusual, multi-colored cats, for example, green - an inexperienced lover will appear, red - you will find yourself in an absurd situation, yellow - they will be unreasonably jealous of you.

Deceptive charm

As often happens, in the interpretation of unkind signs, dream books evaluate the beauty and ugliness of members of a meowing flock “by contradiction.” Seeing very beautiful pussies is a reason to expect unpleasant surprises from fate. And only if you play with them in a dream, feed them, then such a plot will predict sensual caresses in reality.

Why do you dream of many shabby, hungry, wounded cats - the dark streak of life will be left behind. There is hope that if someone was seriously ill, there will be a cure, especially if you dreamed large number dead animals. Special mention must be made about the dead: if in a dream you happen to kill cats and see them dead, then in reality the dream books promise independent decision all problems by the dreamer, without any help from others.

Distinguish between enemies and friends

I dreamed of a lot of cats and dogs in the house - dream books advise you to carefully examine such different animals. If they were friendly, this means that among friends and partners there are both loyal and unprincipled people. Feeding this entire flock in the house, including dogs, means that you can rely on your friends, and they will also receive your help.

When animals are nothing but trouble

Why do you dream of seeing many cats in the attic? Remember the expression “cats scratch at your soul.” The attic personifies the inner world of a person, and such a motley fluffy flock indicates an internal conflict.

Dream books interpret seeing them in a dream in an apartment as external interference in your life. If you dreamed of them in someone else’s house, perhaps the owners will cause trouble. Interpretation of a dream that occurs in the groom's room - the marriage will not be successful. Finding them in a room at home means the disease will affect some organ.

Seeing a lot of sleeping cats in a dream is a lot.

Why do many cats dream: are positive changes coming in life?

“Why do you dream about a lot of cats?” - this is a question you can ask yourself if you see this image in your night fantasies. Armed with knowledge of all possible interpretations of the “cat” image, you can confidently face your future without fear of making a mistake. Why? Yes, because the dream book always gives the person who looks into it useful tips, following which you can avoid troubles.

Why do many cats dream: interpretation in dream books

The dream book gives a fairly broad interpretation of such dreams:

  1. If a person dreams of dead cats, this means that the dreamer will soon break off relations with his soulmate. Holding a dead animal in your arms means living in stress due to constant scandals in the family. A series of quarrels will lead to a final separation.
  2. The dreamer dreams of cats suffering from pain - he will be able to get away with it, and also avoid an unfavorable deal for himself.
  3. Cats give birth - to financial well-being.
  4. Seeing a cat giving birth is a sign of gossip, rumors and social intrigue. Perhaps the dreamer has ill-wishers, whom he probably knows, but is not aware of their secret plans. The Dream Interpretation recommends that in the near future you should be wary of people who are not part of the dreamer’s immediate social circle.
  5. If in a dream a person watches these animals, then in real life he may have one. And if the dreamer already has this pet, and, moreover, it is female, there is a high probability of pregnancy.
  6. If a person dreams of a cat attacking him, this is bad sign. Such a dream means that the dreamer will face a strong enemy who will not be easy to defeat. But if in the dream the victory over the beast was the dreamer’s, he will cope with troubles and defeat his enemy.
  7. Cats often dream of life's trials. Black cats symbolize the difficulties and hardships that arise on the way the dreamer achieves his goal.
  8. Hungry animals portend trouble and stress to a person.

To see someone catching a lot of cats means achieving your wish.

Cats in the dream book (video)

Seeing a lot of cats and cats in a dream: what does it mean?

  • Many cats in the attic dream of mental torment. Perhaps the dreamer is experiencing a serious mental conflict. The dialogue with oneself cannot be resolved in any way and this makes it impossible to accept the right decision. Such a dream is the personification of a person’s internal state.
  • A fluffy flock of beautiful cats symbolizes the difficulties that the dreamer will face in the near future. However, if animals do not behave aggressively, and a person enjoys being around them, he will be able to cope with all adversities.

A flock of cats in night dreams promises the dreamer victory over his enemies. In the struggle for a place in the sun, he will have to, as they say, go over his head. And he will do it.

Why does a woman dream about many cats?

According to esotericists and psychologists, this image visits girls in dreams for a reason.“Cat” dreams come to women when changes occur in their mental organization.

  1. The girl has pronounced sexual fantasies, but she cannot bring them to life.
  2. Petting suitable cats means being in search of a life partner.
  3. If cats attack a woman, scratch her or bite her, in reality she suppresses her sadistic tendencies.
  4. A cat leaving the pack symbolizes the fidelity of the dreamer's partner.

Such a dream means grievances and hidden complexes. Perhaps the woman has a strong patron who psychologically suppresses her.

Cats and dogs together in a dream: what does it mean?

Dogs together with cats are a contradictory symbol. In night dreams, it means a discrepancy between the dreamer’s views, values ​​or beliefs in reality. Perhaps there are double standards in his life. This is inconvenient and hypocritical. Contradictions in a person’s deeds and thoughts do not give him the opportunity to live comfortably and meaningfully.

Surely, soon a person will face some important large-scale event, the organization of which will require maximum responsibility and composure. The Dream Interpretation recommends not to rush to prepare for this action, because the presence of a contradiction in life obviously will not play into your hands. The dreamer must be more reasonable, think positively, and then everything will work out for him.

Why do you dream about many kittens?

Kittens in night dreams are a very good sign. They are rarely dreamed of in a negative context, however, if there are too many of them and it causes stress in the dreamer, it’s worth worrying about.

  1. Many small animals fighting among themselves and attacking a person promise trouble, fatigue and stress. Surely the dreamer has some troublesome event planned, for example, a wedding. Preparing for a holiday is always a hustle and bustle, but if you set your priorities correctly and get enough sleep, then you can organize it in the best possible way.
  2. The birth of fluffy kittens is promised to a person financial well-being. Money will “fall” on him unexpectedly. Financial events that will soon occur in the dreamer’s life will forever change his usual way of life.
  3. If a person enjoys being around kittens, he feels protected and happy with them, then in real life he will find peace, and harmony will reign in his soul. This is a very good dream.

The multitude of these small animals symbolize the dreamer’s surge of strength. Soon he will feel that he can move mountains, if only he had an incentive.

Why do you dream of many cats in a house or apartment?

  • Wild cats that come to the dreamer’s house symbolize conflicts and discord. Perhaps he will soon have a big row with his neighbors.
  • Young animals in the house, which are located on the dreamer’s furniture, portend betrayal and deception on the part of relatives.
  • Many domestic fluffy cats represent the dreamer's boredom. Perhaps he wanted to achieve significant results at work, but was unable to do so.
Many domestic fluffy cats represent the dreamer's boredom

Ungroomed and foul-smelling animals symbolize the dreamer's lack of spiritual growth in real life. Also, such an image in dreams indicates that the dreamer is taking the wrong actions to achieve his goal.

Why do you dream about many black or multi-colored cats?

  1. Black animals symbolize bad luck. No matter what the dreamer does, everything will fall out of his hands. However, a dream in which black cats were allies of a person or simply caressed him is interpreted in the opposite way. Luck and success are what you should expect after such dreams.
  2. Looking at colorful cats in a dream means good luck. But if the animals were salted, this indicates an unstable life period, impermanence.
  3. The gray color of a cat's coat signals greed and hypocrisy emanating from the people who make up the dreamer's inner circle.
  4. White animals promise a man a faithful companion, and a woman a deceitful friend.

The red color of animals means lust and arrogant thoughts in the dreamer's actions.

Cat in a dream (video)

It turns out that cats do not always promise happiness and positive changes in life, but if you follow all the advice in the dream book, you can avoid making mistakes in the future. The main thing is to think positively and then even the most bad dream will never come true.

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Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a lot of black cats?

Dream Interpretation black cat

There are many beliefs and rumors associated with the black cat. They are usually unfavorable. Did you dream about a black cat? What does it mean? Is this a negative dream? To answer, you should look into the dream book.

Interpretation of sleep

Absolutely all dream books do not ignore the interpretation of the image - a black cat. But you shouldn’t rely only on their opinion; what’s more important is your feelings during sleep.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller has an answer to the question: why do you dream of a black cat? It was not possible to neutralize it in a dream - a negative dream. She attacks you, bites you, which means you have strong enemies who will stop at nothing to harm you. Their goal is your reputation, and possibly property.

For a woman, a cat with kittens is participation in a dubious enterprise, not of her own free will.

If you dreamed of a black cat

Except general interpretations, Miller also gave specific tips:

  • A cat that is dirty and unkempt means bad news from friends regarding their health.
  • Drive away a skinned cat - a sick friend will recover
  • I dream of a lot of meowing cats - an imaginary one among friends, making attempts to annoy.
  • Being scratched means your enemies will be able to get the lion's share of your profits.
  • White big cat– confusion in business can be costly.
  • A cat and a snake nearby is the beginning of an open conflict with the enemy.

Modern dream book

Seeing a cat in a dream means failure if you cannot get rid of it.

She dreams that a cat attacks and bites - the machinations of enemies. Again, to cope, it’s worth driving the animal away in a dream.

A white cat means there is a small obstacle that you are not paying enough attention to. But it can reach universal proportions. Two cats - two obstacles.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

For a man to see a cat caressing him in search of food in a dream, it means that the man is subordinate to a powerful aggressive woman, mother, wife. The appearance of such dreams means that he does not like this state of affairs.

If a woman dreams that she is a cat, she takes a dominant position in life.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

What did you do in your dream?

Mrs. Grishina gives the most detailed interpretation of dreams about cats. Namely:

  • stroking a cat - to doubts;
  • caressing cat (cat) - an insidious temptress (tempter);
  • meowing of a cat - you will be asked for help, but it will be very difficult to do so;
  • bites or scratches you - illness or false accusations against you;
  • to see another person scratching and biting - the disease will affect you only indirectly;
  • catch a cat - you will soon find out who is gossiping;
  • to see cats fighting - you will reveal a conspiracy against you, you will suffer from a thirst for entertainment;
  • playing with kittens, a cat - your life partner is cheating;
  • black cat - an unfamiliar enemy;
  • to see a dream with kittens - to profit;
  • a crushed cat - the lifestyle you are leading now will not bring you any good.

General dream predictions with cats

Seeing cats in dreams is a fairly common occurrence. They can be fluffy, smooth-haired, wild domesticated, of various colors. The interpretation of dreams depends on the behavior of the cat and your actions.

The iconic role of a black cat in a dream

The black cat is persona non grata. It is not allowed to think that a black cat is a positive message. But the dream book has its own vision of this symbol.

Negative Predictions

To see a cat just passing by, interpretation - in the near future you will quarrel with someone.

if I crossed your path

To see that she is crossing your path or heading towards you - you have an enemy, take a closer look at your surroundings.

Hear her meow but not see her - you will be deceived. The message of dreams in which a cat meows in front of your eyes is that your love is not reciprocated.

To catch her, all the intrigues about you will become known to you.

The familiar black purr bites and scratches - its owners are very upset with you. It is likely that their revenge has already taken place.

Seeing a lot of black cats fighting means beware of night robbery.

The dream book gives the following interpretation of fighting a black cat and defeating it - you yourself will be able to cope with your enemies and troubles because of them.

Positive Predictions

Not every dream book believes that black cats are a good dream. But still such an opinion exists.

If in a dream a big black cat behaves peacefully and does not show any aggression towards the sleeping person, then there is hope that the difficult period in your life will soon end.

When she sleeps peacefully on the carpet, it means that your enemies are also at rest and do not want to harm you yet.

if there were kittens

After dreams in which two black cats fight with each other, you have a real chance to neutralize your enemies and defeat them.

A dead black cat is your worst enemy and will very soon disappear without a trace.

A positive symbol is a black and white purr - if it fawns towards you, soon all adversity will subside, and complete calm will come in your life.

Black cat with kittens, cute but disturbing, especially for women. Such dreams are seen as harbingers of betrayal on the part of the husband. At least you already have a rival.

If the cat feeds the kittens, you will live independently; if she leaves with the kittens, it means moving. Many kittens - more trouble.

Harm the cat

As in life, in a dream you can harm a cat, either accidentally or on purpose. Of course, this will have an impact on the interpretation of the dream.

The main rule is that you yourself must kill the cat in a dream, then all the negative interpretation will come to naught. If in a dream, in front of your eyes, someone else is able to kill a cat, especially one of your own, the attackers will be able to harm you, not only in material terms. Perhaps a threat looms over your life.

Killing a cat from your dreams - such a dream promises a lot. All your plans will come true, while your enemies will be left hanging.

For married couples, kill the cat, promises peace and quiet in your home.

Trying to kill a cat, but at the same time it will meow heart-rendingly - the enemy is hiding among your closest friends, it will be extremely difficult to identify and neutralize him.

What can you take away from dreams where you see a lot of aggressive cats, and this pack attacks you, bites you - defeating them, killing them means that you can handle any difficulties.

You have dreams about small kittens that you are trying to drown, which, oddly enough, is considered by the dream book as a positive action. This means that you will cope with minor difficulties that appear on your way. If there are a lot of them, then you can get rid of absolutely all the interference.

White doesn't mean better

When people dream of white cats, they sigh with relief, thinking that such a dream is for good. And they are very wrong.

If you dream of black cats, you are warned of danger and begin to act. The opposite situation occurs when a white woman dreams, but she predicts exactly the same thing as her brunette friend. Only in the beginning the enemies and troubles are insignificant, almost unnoticeable. You don't pay attention to them, and they grow like a snowball, threatening to crush you. This makes the white pet more negative than the black one.

Whatever cats you dream about, they are a serious warning of danger. And they dream for a reason. This means that you had no idea that someone might wish you harm, and your affairs are not ideal.

Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, insure your property, pull up your tail at work, be more attentive to your loved ones - and perhaps everything will work out.

A woman dreamed of a black cat: what could this mean?

Most representatives of the fairer sex are superstitious, although they do not notice it. They believe in everything supernatural and mysterious. This also applies to prophetic dreams. Thanks to them, we can find out our future and protect ourselves from impending danger.

In many famous dream books There is often a description of a dream with a black cat. If such a night vision was visited by a woman, then the interpretation will have its own characteristics.

Why does a woman dream of a black cat?

  • The image of a black cat is a harbinger of approaching danger. Having seen such a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should not take hasty and rash steps.

If the dream with a pussy occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday, then there is no reason for alarm at all, since fate is preparing a gift for you. You will probably receive a profitable offer that will soon bring you big profits.

  • In a night vision, a homeless black kitten crosses your path - this is an unfavorable symbol. This dream means for you collapsed dreams and hopes, as well as an inability to implement your plans.

In such a situation, you need to take control of your actions: you should not take rash steps, and you should also avoid making radical decisions related to your future.

If the animal has a bow or collar, then such a dream portends you great success. Now you can confidently begin to implement your plans without fear that failure will overtake you.

  • In a dream, a black predator basks in the sun - this is a symbol of spiritual harmony. Now is the time to stretch your legs and get some rest. You don't have to be afraid of your competitors, since they won't cause you any trouble in the near future.
  • Seeing an angry cat means that you have a rival who does not hide his intentions regarding you.
  • If you caught a pussy in your dreams, this is a favorable symbol. Now you can expose and punish gossipers for all their slander.
  • In night vision, pet an animal - this indicates that inside you are filled with doubts and emotional experiences that weigh on you so much.
  • In a dream you are playing with a black kitten - the dream warns of imminent betrayal. However, he does not specify whose infidelity it will be.
  • If a predator bites you, then this portends a serious illness or loss. But you shouldn’t “get hung up” on this dream, since your negative attitude can only attract trouble.
  • In your dreams, an animal scratched you - you need to reconsider your social circle. Among the people close to him there is a hypocrite who speaks flattery to his face and spreads bad rumors behind his back.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of kittens, it means that soon you will have to endure the betrayal of close friends or relatives.
  • Seeing a black cat with kittens - the interpretation of this dream depends on the feelings you experienced at that moment:

A tender feeling means that soon all your affairs will “go uphill” and life will improve.

Unpleasant sensations mean that troubles await you, which you will have to solve on your own. But don't worry about this, as these are just minor concerns.

  • An image of a pregnant pussy appeared in your dreams - which means you should expect guests. If you are single, then wait for a representative of the stronger sex; if married - a child; complete family - distant relatives.
  • If you observe the birth of an animal, this is a bad sign that promises you failure. And the more kittens are born, the more significant the problems.
  • In night vision you see a dead predator - this is a harbinger of a serious conflict or even a break in relations. If the animal is yours, then you should not trust your young man He probably has affairs on the side. If the cat is a relative or close friend, then soon you will have a major quarrel with these people.

What will the Ukrainian dream book say?

Seeing a black predator in your dreams means that among the people close to you there is also your enemy, who, through deception and bright speeches, pretends to be a comrade. Also, for a woman, such a night vision indicates the presence of a homewrecker.

Dream book “black cat for a woman” by G. Miller

  • According to this dream book, any dream in which a cat is present represents failure for both men and women. Although there are exceptions here too. Let's find out how G. Miller interprets this dream in detail:
  • If in night vision an animal scratches you, this indicates monetary losses. The reason will be a failed investment or problems with work.
  • A predator in a dream is sitting on your hands - which means you need to be on guard, as someone will try to drag you into illegal matters related to money.
  • Hearing a cat meowing means the imminent betrayal of a close friend.
  • If in your dreams a dirty and sick animal runs across you, this portends bad news. Perhaps a serious illness of a close friend or relatives.

A black cat in a woman’s dream – how Sigmund Freud interprets the dream

  • Such predators, according to the psychologist, personify the excitement and sensitivity of a person.
  • Stroking an animal in your dreams means that you have a desire to have sexual intercourse with a partner who is much younger than you.
  • If the cat itself fawns over you, this indicates your unsurpassed sexual attractiveness. You are like a magnet for the opposite sex.
  • If you dreamed about feeding a predator, you are probably attracted to intimate relationships with children or teenagers.
  • Killing or abusing an animal means you like to resort to sadism during sexual intercourse.

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