Making a box mod with your own hands. How to make an electronic cigarette or box mod with your own hands Necessary materials for work

This article is not step by step guide to create a specific electronic cigarette with your own hands, but here you will find all necessary information on the details of a homemade box mod, and you can come up with what it will be like yourself. Of course, there will be someone who will say that the price tag allows you not to deal with nonsense and it’s easier, and sometimes even cheaper, to buy a ready-made one, but since the network asks questions like: “How to make a mechanical mod at home?”, “Do-it-yourself battery mod” and similar, it means someone needs it. In addition, it will warm your soul that this is a single copy and no one else in the world has such a device.

Homemade box mod diagram and components

To do electronic cigarette with parallel connection of batteries you will need very few parts, and the circuit is not at all complicated. We will make a “mech mod” as the simplest and ideally working option; we will probably look at a box mod with a board in one of the following articles. To begin with, we will show the current block diagram of our homemade product (see the picture below), it consists of two 18650 batteries, a mosfet transistor, a button, a resistor, a 510 connector and a housing.

1. Transistor. It will protect the button from heating when using self-winding devices. We need an N-channel Mosfet IRLB3034PBF:

2. Resistor. It is needed for the correct operation of the transistor, as well as some kind of protection against over-discharge of batteries; its rating can vary from 1 to 15KOhm. You can easily buy them at a local radio parts store for pennies or solder them out of old trash, but in China they are not sold individually.

3. Button. I think there is no need to explain why the button is needed, you will need a so-called anti-vandal button, 12-16 mm in size, larger is possible, the main thing is that it fits on the side panel of the case, keep in mind that the indicated diameter refers directly to the pressure part, the fastening part will be more.

4. Frame. Here the choice remains according to your taste and capabilities, perhaps someone has a suitable box in their household, someone can print it on a 3D printer, but for those who have very little imagination, a few links to inexpensive options housings to make an electronic cigarette. Aluminum boxes have a drawback, they are mostly expensive, and not all will look neat; the case from a Power Bank may turn out to be the most interesting and attractive.

A Power Bank case like this:

5. 18650 batteries. It will not be a secret to anyone that high-current batteries are needed, which were recommended in the article “”.

6. Holder for 18650 batteries. Since batteries of this type cannot be soldered, the easiest way would be to use special holders.

7. Additionally, you will need the following tools:

  • - useful for conveniently attaching the housing cover.
  • to create neat holes in the housing.
  • Wires with a cross section of 1.5-2.5 mm, about 25-30 cm long and a soldering iron for connecting all the parts of the box mod circuit.

The process of creating an electronic cigarette

In the above block diagram of a homemade box mod, in principle, everything should be clear; the most difficult thing may be to connect the mosfet correctly. If you take the transistor facing you, then connect the left output to one of the contacts of the button, the middle output goes to the body of the 510 connector, and the right output to the negative contact of the batteries. We solder the resistor between the left and right outputs of the transistor.

This electronic cigarette circuit is not ideal, but it works quite well. What is not ideal is the current consumption in idle mode, that is, even if you don’t press the button, the battery charge, although not much, will be consumed and the culprit for this is the resistor. To correct this drawback, you can add a small switch in the circuit between the transistor and the button; this can also serve as protection against accidental pressing of the button.

Most vapers have tried to make a box mod on their own at least once. Some save money this way, others try to create unique design. But the easiest way is to create a mechanical box mod. Any materials are suitable for this.

Box mod functions

The box mod is quite popular among vapers, since the element allows you to satisfy even the most sophisticated requirements of an experienced vaper. If we talk about the functions of the part, then this is the same electronic cigarette, but with more power with the same portable dimensions.

The box mod allows you to use an increased number of flavors, and due to the larger battery power, it generates greater power and consistency of steam. Some models use multiple batteries, which ensures autonomy for a long period of time. In addition, you can set your own power parameters.

You can also set your own temperature regime and other settings due to convenient buttons and selection of power of batteries mounted inside the device. And thanks to the fact that they are used in the manufacture of box mods different materials, you can create beautiful devices for vaping.

What you need to make your own

An independent product differs from a factory box mod in the absence of a control board, and from a mechanical one - in a case resembling a box, inside of which the spare parts are assembled into a single electronic system.

For self-assembly Box mod will require the following components:

  • The body of the mod itself is metal or wooden box, as an option, a box printed on a 3-D printer, other packaging at your own discretion;
  • button and 510 converter, which is considered a universal option, is responsible for transferring current from the battery to the atomizer;
  • a tray for placing batteries and the batteries themselves of the selected power - the vaping power will depend on this parameter;
  • transistor and resistor.

In order for this design to start working, the parts are connected with wires, so it’s worth preparing these components in advance.

Equipment for work is itself workplace, plus the following accessories:

  • sharpened knife and pliers;
  • sharpened wire cutters, preferably with a thin working tip;
  • soldering iron with a thin nose and solder for it;
  • rosin;
  • diagram of the future box mod and parts for assembly, which were mentioned earlier.

As for the wires, you should choose single-core wires with a corresponding cross-section of 2.5 mm. And to ensure greater reliability, it is important to have heat shrink on hand.

Instructions for assembling a homemade box mod

It is important to place the parts in the box. This will show whether everything fits into it. In addition, you can see in advance what the design will look like. Next, according to the diagram, the wires of the required length are cut, placing the components in the box, similar to the diagram for placing parts and assemblies.

An important point in soldering is the connection of the resistor and transistor. The legs of the first are soldered to the outer legs of the latter. Next, wires are attached to them and the soldering points are protected with heat shrink. The resulting stick insect is attached to the battery tray and button.

Particular attention should be paid to soldering the wire to the spring-loaded pin - at this stage everything is done carefully and subtly.

After soldering, excess parts are cut off. It's already in your hands finished product. Next, you should connect the batteries, having first placed a tape in the tray for easier removal. When the parts are assembled, you can put the device into operation using a screwed-on drip cap.

If you had to deal with the soldering process and electronics, then the work will not take much time. The only disadvantage of such devices is frequent breakdowns. But in some ways this is a plus - such models can be easily disassembled, repaired and reassembled again, and finding spare parts for them is not difficult.

As noted by experienced vapers who make the box mod themselves, the most difficult part to work with is soldering, but the created device will vape perfectly and work without problems with any winding. The device supports the format of any finger-type devices and, with proper selection of them, will become a high-quality unit. The body itself is decorated at will with patterns and decorative elements, own name or a logo.


Collect on our own From simple means at hand, box mod is not so difficult. Many units are created according to their own design, setting personal parameters and power characteristics. If the soldering is done conscientiously, the device will serve for many years. And due to the fact that batteries are used different power, each steamer will select the steaming parameters for himself. And, what is most important in this case, a person will certainly be confident in safety, since the device will not explode in his hand when soaring.

Many vapers have at least once tried to make a box mod with their own hands. Some want to save money in this way, others want to create a unique and original device. The easiest way to make a mechanical type box mod. It is a regular tube. For self-made Any available materials are used: wood, metal, spare parts from old devices. In addition, you need to have some knowledge in the field of electrical engineering.

Preparation for the process

The process of creating a homemade box mod requires perseverance and patience. The design and design of a Box Mod can be anything and depend only on the imagination of its creator.

Some parts can be purchased in special stores for vapers. But experienced steamers prefer to create their own devices entirely from scrap materials.

This process allows for experimentation and brings real pleasure to many vapers. Home inventors sometimes create complex devices using Arduino boards and other components. You can also make your own vape liquid.

It is worth paying special attention to the quality of the materials used. If the device is assembled incorrectly, it is possible short circuit, explosion and fire of the device.

Homemade box mod option

This fairly popular and simple option does not have a board in its design. The body of the device is made of metal, wood and other available materials. Several holes need to be made in it to allow gases to escape.

The box mod should be compact and fit comfortably in your hand. Power is supplied from different types removable batteries, so it is possible to charge them with a special device. This device is of a mechanical type, so power adjustment is not provided.

To make a mechbox you will need the following materials:

  • metal or wooden box;
  • durable and convenient button;
  • universal connector 510;
  • battery tray;
  • transistor with mosfet;
  • resistor;
  • two-wire wires.

Also useful:

  • soldering iron;
  • scissors;
  • heat shrink and other tools.

The button can be removed from an old flashlight or other unnecessary device.

Before starting assembly, you need to carefully consider the diagram of the future device and make detailed drawings (see figure).


  1. 1. Solder the transistor to the resistor.
  2. 2. Protect all connections with heat shrink.
  3. 3. Solder the structure to the button and battery tray.
  4. 4. Solder the connector and connect the wires.
  5. 5. Insert batteries and connect the atomizer.

After assembly, it is necessary to test and configure the box mod. With high-quality assembly, the device is completely safe and will serve the user for several years.

This device supports batteries of any format, so you can assemble a fairly powerful box mod.

The case can be decorated with patterns or equipped with your own logo. A homemade box mod can be easily disassembled and repaired. If necessary, the vaper can change the design and construction of the device.

If you are constantly searching for the perfect box, are lost among the inexhaustible stream of new products, or are generally at a dead end - perhaps it’s time to turn on your imagination and try to make a box mod with your own hands? There is nothing complicated in this matter, and our article may just be useful to you.

Necessary materials for work

Of course, first of all, you need to prepare everything you need for work, namely consumables. We will make a box mod for two 18650 batteries with a transistor.

There are many different schemes on the Internet, so you won’t have any problems finding them. So what you will need:

  • Connector 510 (there are two types of connectors, differing in diameter sizes);
  • Button. It is advisable not to neglect the quality of this part and take into account the power of your mod. Buttons can be plastic or metal various colors– it’s a matter of taste;
  • Battery frame. The simplest and necessary detail;
  • Box. Without her homemade box You won't be able to assemble the mod. Again, there are a lot of variations with material and colors.
  • Wires for connecting parts of the device - you select their thickness individually for your box mod (for example, you can take a single-core copper wire 1mm thick);
  • Mosfet transistor (it’s not a problem to find it on any radio market, or you can take it from a used motherboard). Instead, you can take transistors K 3918, IRLB3036PbF, IRF3107, IRl3803, IRF1404;
  • Foil PCB;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • 18650 batteries (it is not necessary to take new ones - you can take them from a netbook, for example)
  • Soldering iron.

The rest is up to your imagination and the ability to bring it to life. Next, we will tell you how to make a box mod using a Power Bank battery pack (made in China).

Making a box mod is one way

So, why Power Bank? It is convenient because its body contains the necessary space for the relevant parts.

If you have all the materials, you can start working:

  1. Saw off a small rectangular piece of PCB and drill a hole in it.
  2. Take a connector (maybe from an old electronic cigarette that you no longer use) and solder it into the PCB where the hole is.
  3. Place the resulting part on hot glue and secure it to the body of the box mod.
  4. A homemade box mod, like any other, must have a button - install it on the body as well.
  5. Solder the transistor to the PCB with a connector.

In fact, the DIY battery mod is almost ready - all that remains is to assemble the case, insert the batteries and test the device in action.

The box mod fits comfortably in your hand and, thanks to the mini-USB connector, allows you to charge the batteries without removing them from the case. Agree, it turned out to be very convenient and practical thing with minimal cost. And the manufacturing process itself is so simple that even a beginner can handle it without any problems!

Good afternoon. After the sale of Vamo V8 there was absolutely nothing to vape. While waiting for the SMOK XPro M80, all sorts of stuff was floating around, and... I got tired. They sit down very quickly. But I didn’t want to spend money on this junk :) And one fine evening I remembered what I did with a friend for him, and decided to repeat something similar from what I found in the bins. It turned out what happened.

So, we will need:

  • MiniDV cassette box
  • Any battery of sane size
  • Scarf from Egoshka
  • 510 connector
  • 510 charger
  • Hot glue gun and sticks
  • Soldering iron, wires, flux and tin
  • Optional: carbon film

Let's get started!

We take the box from the cassette and use a soldering iron to make the necessary holes: for a button, for a connector, for a USB cable. Then we solder the wires to the scarf and position it. I used double wire for the connector so that its resistance was lower.

Water everything generously with hot glue.

We stick out the connector wires and solder them to it.

We put the connector in place and pour it generously with hot glue.

Intermediate result:

We disassemble the 510 charger. We unsolder the connector from the board, and solder the output directly to the battery.

Fix with hot glue.

We put the battery in place, fix it, generously pour hot-melt glue on the insides again (just to be sure). By the way, if you make the insides more carefully, you can use it this way, because the LED box will glow beautifully along the edges.

We cover it with carbon fiber film and get a ready-made, serviceable-looking device.

Indication of charging process. Red – charging, green – charged. Can be used as Passthrough.

This is how the device turned out. The disadvantages are that the corners cut into the palm, the power and capacity are too small. But the kayfun, wound with 0.32 kanthal at 0.9 Ohm, pulls perfectly (to my great surprise). Overall, it's enough to get by. Two days - everything is great!

Thanks for reading, good luck to you! 😉

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