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Ok, done! 7 oldest classical languages ​​of the world.

And here are the ones our translation agency iTrex works with!

Language as a means of communication began to take shape 100,000 years ago. We will never be able to find out which language was the very first spoken language, since ancient languages ​​did not have a written form. It is simply impossible to single out the very first language in the world. Even calculate which language was the first - difficult task, but we can learn about some invaluable languages. Humanity developed along with these classical languages.

Of particular value are the 7 classical languages ​​that had the greatest influence on humans. They can be called the treasures of the Earth, and we are responsible for their preservation. Moreover, many languages ​​that existed even before the classical ones disappeared without a trace.

7 Invaluable Classical Languages

Over time, the variety of languages ​​in the world has become so great that their number no longer fits in our imagination. Languages ​​evolve along with humanity. In order to find out how advanced and developed languages ​​have become, it is necessary to study the world's oldest languages. This is the basis that served as the basis for modern languages. Identifying it is not an easy task, it’s like identifying the oldest civilization in the world. First you need to study the written monuments that were found during archaeological excavations. Otherwise, it is very difficult to accurately determine which of the languages ​​is the most ancient, since languages ​​were spoken long before writing appeared.

So, what are they the most ancient languages ​​in the world?

The most ancient languages ​​in the world

Sumerian language

The first written evidence dates back to 3200 BC. Written monuments in this language were discovered at the Jemdet Nasr archaeological site in Iraq. Sumerian was the language of the ancient Sumerians, whose appearance dates back to the 4th millennium BC. Sumerian It is also considered an isolated language that has no family ties with other languages.

Akkadian language

First mentions of Akkadian language date back to 2800 BC. Written evidence of this language has been found in the Shaduppum region of Iraq. This language was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia, but is now considered dead. The language got its name from the city of Akkad, a major center of Mesopotamian civilization at that time. The first texts written in Akkadian language, appeared during the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. Thousands of texts have been discovered in excavations so far. The Akkadian language served as a means of communication between two peoples who lived in ancient times on the territory of the modern Middle East. The language began to fade away in the 8th century. BC

Egyptian language

The indigenous language of Egypt belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family. The first written monuments of this language date back to 3400 BC. The first written evidence was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Seth-Peribsen. Until the end of the 7th century AD. this language existed in the form of the Coptic language. The modern version of the language is known as Egyptian, which replaced the Coptic language after the Muslim conquest of Egypt. However, the Coptic language still exists today as the language of worship of the Coptic Church.

Eblaite language

A Semitic language, now dead, Eblaitic was once the dominant language, dating back to 2400 BC. Thousands of tablets with inscriptions in this language were found during archaeological excavations of the ruins of the city of Ebla. It was spoken in the 3rd millennium BC. V ancient city Ebla, between Aleppo and Hama, now in Western Syria. Considered to be the second oldest written Semitic language after Akkadian, the language is now considered dead.

Minoan language

This language was widely spoken in the 2nd century BC. He was the tongue ancient Crete. Today the language is considered an isolate, since its connection with other languages ​​has not been established.


The first mention of the Hittite language dates back to 1650. BC Today it is a dead language, but it was once spoken by the Hittites, a people in north-central Anatolia. The language fell into disuse after the collapse of the Hittite Empire.


It is considered one of the oldest written living languages ​​in the world. First entries on Greek date back to 1400 BC. With 34 centuries of written history, this language has the longest written history of any Indo-European language. Greek language – native language peoples inhabiting the Balkan Peninsula. Today, Greek is spoken by approximately 13 million people.

The first written evidence in Chinese dates back to the 11th century. BC Over 1 billion people speak Chinese today - this is one of the most spoken languages ​​in the world. The Chinese language consists of , where Putonghua ( standard chinese) ranks first in terms of the number of speakers. The group as a whole and other language variants are called Chinese.

The development of language is reminiscent of biological evolution - it happens every minute, generation after generation, so it is difficult to determine where one language ends and another begins, developing from it. Thus we cannot say that one language is more ancient than another; they are all the same age as humanity. And yet, each of the languages ​​described below has something special - something ancient - that sets them apart from the crowd.

Oldest of the Living


Hebrew has an interesting situation, since it almost fell out of use around 400 AD. and was used only in worship by Jews around the world. However, after the rise of Zionism in the XIV - XX centuries. Hebrew underwent a process of revival and became the official language of Israel. Although the modern version differs from the biblical version, Hebrew speakers fully understand everything written in the Old Testament and related books. Since the first speakers of Modern Hebrew were often Yiddish, Modern Hebrew has many similarities with this other Hebrew language.


Spoken by about 78 million people and the official language of India, Sri Lanka and Singapore, Tamil is the only ancient classical language that has survived into modern times. It belongs to the Dravidian family, which includes languages ​​primarily spoken in the southern and eastern states of India. Researchers have found inscriptions in Tamil that date back to the third century BC, and it has been in continuous use since then. Unlike Sanskrit, another ancient Indian language that fell out of common use around 600 BC. and almost became used only for worship, Tamil continued to develop and is now the 20th most spoken language in the world.


Most European languages ​​belong to the Indo-European language family, but they began to separate from each other around 3500 BC. They developed into dozens of other languages, including German, gradually losing the features common to them all. However, one of these languages, which belongs to the Baltic branch of Indo-European language family, more than others, retains features of a language that linguists call Proto-Indo-European (PIE), which they suggest was in use around 3500 BC. It is not known why, but Lithuanian has retained more PIE sounds and grammatical rules than its other linguistic counterparts, and therefore can be called one of the most ancient languages ​​in the world.


Have you ever heard of Farsi? Farsi is spoken today mainly in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. You may have heard, and, probably, in connection with this, your imagination draws a picture of a genie emerging from a bottle. In essence, it is the same language, just under different names. Farsi is a direct descendant of Old Persian, which was the language of the Persian Empire. Modern Persian emerged around 800 AD, and what sets it apart from many modern languages ​​is that it has changed relatively little since then. Today's Persian speakers can take, for example, a text written in 900 AD. and read it with even less difficulty than a native English speaker might read, say, Shakespeare.


Icelandic is another Indo-European language that belongs to the Scandinavian branch (for comparison, English also belongs to the Germanic languages, but to the West Germanic branch). Many Germanic languages ​​have, over the course of their development, lost some of the features that their other Indo-European counterparts have, but Icelandic has developed much more conservatively and has retained many of these features. The reign of Denmark in the country from the 14th to the 20th century. also had little influence on Icelandic, so it has changed little since the Vikings brought it with them when they settled the area, and Icelandic speakers can easily read sagas written centuries ago.


The Slavic language group, which includes Russian, Czech and Croatian, among others, is relatively young. They began to separate from their common ancient ancestor, the Common Slavic (or Proto-Slavic) language, when Cyril and Methodius introduced language standards, creating what is today called Old Church Slavonic, and created an alphabet for it. In the 9th century they contributed to the spread of this ancient language to the north along with the spread of Christianity among the Slavs. They came from a land slightly north of Greece, perhaps what is now Macedonia, and Macedonian (along with its closest relative) is the language closest to Old Church Slavonic.


Basque is a real linguistic mystery. Its speakers are the Basque people, who live in Spain and France, but Basque itself has nothing in common with any of the Romance languages ​​(which include Spanish), or, in fact, with any other language in the world. For several decades, linguists have tried to clarify its ancient linguistic connections, but none of the theories has been able to withstand criticism. The only one for sure known fact is that it existed before the appearance of Romance languages ​​in this territory - that is, before the Romans brought Latin to this land, which eventually developed into French and Spanish.


Finnish was not used in writing until the 16th century, but it has a much deeper, ancient history. It belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family, which also includes Estonian, Hungarian and several languages ​​that are used by national minorities in Siberia. Despite this, Finnish contains many loanwords that have been introduced into it from other language families over many centuries. In many cases, Finnish has preserved these loanwords in a form closer to the original than the languages ​​from which they were borrowed. For example, the word aiti, meaning "mother", comes from Gothic - which, of course, is no longer used. Word kuningas(“king”) comes from the Old Germanic word * kuningaz– which no longer exists in any Germanic language.


Caucasus region – a real find for linguists. The main languages ​​of the three South Caucasus countries: Armenia. Azerbaijan and Georgia belong to three completely different language families - Indo-European, Turkic and Kartvelian. – the most widespread among the Kartvelian languages, and is the only Caucasian language with an ancient literary tradition. Its melodic and unique alphabet is also quite ancient - it was adapted from Aramaic around the third century BC. Although it is not an isolated language in the same sense as Basque, there are only four Kartvelian languages ​​in the world, all of them used by national minorities in Georgia, and none of them are related to any language in the world.

Irish Gaelic

Although Irish Gaelic is spoken as a first language by only a small majority of Irish people today, it has a deep history. It belongs to the Celtic branch of the Indo-European language family. It existed on the islands that are today Great Britain and Ireland long before the Germanic tribes came to this territory. Irish Gaelic developed from Scots and Manx (which was formerly used on the Isle of Man), but what makes it included in this list is that it has the oldest vernacular literature in Western Europe. While the rest European countries spoke their own languages, but used Latin writing, the Irish used their native language for writing.

(quote from the book "Revelation of the Prophetic Cat")


First, attention was paid to one more interesting feature Cypro-Minoan syllabary. If we arrange the syllabic meanings of K.M. syllabary separately for each vowel in the order of alternating letters adopted in modern dictionaries, for example, in Russian, it is possible to obtain defining “legends” that characterize the functions of tribes united under one vowel.

“A” is a tribe of priests.


ABAZA/ABYZ “priest” - KALAM “feather” - ANA “mother/maternal” - PARASAT “understanding; intellect” - AYA “heavenly” - KSA 1. “virgin” 2. “bird” /or YA KSA “bird’s nest”, by the way, the Tajiks trace their origins from the “bird’s nest”/. “A” - the penitent form of the Turkic language is characteristic of Azerbaijanis. IN Slavic languages This feature is typical for the Bulgarian language. It can be assumed that they lived closely together during a certain period of antiquity.

“E” is a tribe of warriors (defenders).


EB/ЁВ “enemy, foe” - HEDGEHOG “villain”; EVUZ “the most evil” - KELEMEN(E) “I will come” - PERE/BERU “give; give” - SETE/SHET “border, outskirts” - YE “house” - KSE(N) “fetters; shackles”, /possibly also meaning YY KESENE/kipch./ “funeral structure (house of the buried)”/.

“I” is a tribe of seamstresses (weavers) - virgins.


IVY/IBA “modesty” - KILIM “carpet” - INI/INE “needle” - PIRI/PERI /tale/ “virgin maiden” - CITY/SIDK “loyalty, devotion”/ CHIT “chintz”/ SHIT “cotton seeds” ” (cf. the fairy tale “Maiden of the Cotton Seed”) / CHITA “Cheetah” (symbol of purity and devotion). Images of a cheetah are found on petroglyphs, ceramics, etc. “I” is the kayaking Turkic language of the Yakuts, Tatars, and Bashkirs. Among the Slavs - among the Ukrainians. Cheetah and leopard are the totem of the population of ancient Çatalhöyük, as well as the Polan (Bulon) tribe. The etymology of the name of the city of Chita is curious.

“U” is a tribe of healers.


UKULU/ YGILU /Kaz./ “to grind; rub”; UKALA (MOK)/uzb./ 1. “massage, massage; mash"; 2. “rub; rub”; 3. “grind, rub. rub” - MUNU/MOYIN “neck”/EMEN “oak” (cf. the name of the island DILMUN). EMEN = EAT “medicine for treatment” + EN “best” - PURU/BYR “bud (plant)”/PIR “elder; sage; spiritual mentor” - SUTU/SUT 1. “milk” 2. “milky sap of plants.”
“U” - a repentant Turkic language has yet to be found (the candidate is Uzbek). Among the Slavs it suits the Poles perfectly. Lech (Polyakh) - this is how Poles are often called, which in many European languages ​​means “doctor”.

“O” - the tribe of hunters (worldly) - the mother tribe for all tribes.


Translation from Uzbek -
OV 1. “hunting, catching/hunter” 2. “object of hunting (game; beast)” -
- OZOK/OZUKA/OZIK 1. “food, provisions, provisions, edible supplies.”
/Wed. OVOZO/OVOZA “glory, fame” and MARA/MEREY, see “MA”/.
- OLOMON “crowd” (mass of people);
OILA “family, family” - OM “general, universal, affecting everyone”; OMMA “of the masses (people)” - SHE “mother/maternal”;
OLAM 1. “universe, world” 2. trans. “light, earth, peace” 3. “peace (certain circles of society)” - SHE is “mother/maternal”.
- PORO/STEAM “pair; two”, /cf. SING “one of the paired items”/; /PORA 1. “piece, part” 2. “shard”;
/BOYAR “to know” /cf. “poyarok” - fleece/.
- SOTO/SHODA “bundle (of homogeneous objects)”; SAUAT “letter”;
SAUYT “vessel” (PARSAUYT “double vessel” - see “RO”).
“O” - the final dialect of Turkic is characteristic of the south of Kazakhstan, Uzbeks and part of the Kyrgyz. In Slavic languages ​​it is found in northern Russia.

These are the characteristics that differentiate tribes according to a certain type of activity. But the most important thing is that, as I said at the beginning of my work, these characteristics have been laid down since ancient times, and I can now prove this very simply.

Since the Upper Paleolithic era in many ancient cultures, known as the Willendorf-Kostenki block of cultures, figurines and images of the so-called are known. matrons (“mother goddesses”).
I believe that these images and figurines, for the most part, imply not just the image of an abstract “matron”, but the ONE FOREMORTHER OF quite SPECIFIC GREAT TRIBES (!).
The differentiation of these ancestral tribes occurs according to a similar pattern, already observed in K.M. syllabaries (division by vowel sounds).
Let's select the most indicative figurine in this regard -
Matrona from Kostenki [p.266, fig.102, Paleolithic USSR, 1984]. Let's pay attention to the plump belly with the navel-nose, breasts-eyes, reproductive organ-mouth and armpits-ears. On the back there is a butt in the shape of a heart and a kind of belt with a spine branching from it (in the shape of a tree).

Fig.1. Matrona from Kostenki. Fig.2. Vowel signs.

Compare consonance:
IStomach, IISodor, IISKEsmell.
KOLK arm, KOLTY Karmpit, KYLAK ear.
ORSHUR to multiply, ORІSpasture, pasture – this implies the feeding of the ancestor in the form of a horse. Wed. AThorse, ATAgrandfather.
YURAKheart – must correspond to ORFAspina (in Uzbek).
And only the “eyes-chest” pair is represented by the word “ANTA”, which implies twinning through the institution of antship. Two eyes - two circles are the symbol of weddings to this day!
To the left of the matron is a drawing from I.E. Gelb’s book “Experience in the Study of Writing.” It has already been mentioned in the work. The drawing in the book is given the title: “Writing proper names in the Uruk period” [p.72, fig.30]. There is a man sniffing a branch (IISKEU), and a ram from whose ear they collect sulfur (KYLAK), and a feeding goat (OPIS), and bird droppings in a nest (ANTA), and a domed burial structure with two snakes - a symbol of the Amazons (UGUR = U-GUR “poison of the grave”). We remind you that in Chatal Huyuk the sacrificial knife, the handle of which was made of two snakes, had two holes in the form of an Argyn tamga.
Now we know that these drawings are not proper names. These are the initial vowels of the most ancient Turkic syllabary. They also fit our K.M. syllabary.
These signs from the writing of early Uruk are not the only ones of their kind. From ancient times to the Middle Ages, they lived in different cultures and in different styles: in Andronovo, Samuska, Krotovo, Volosovo, the Babashov burial ground in Central Asia, the Volga Bulgar burial ground...
There are cultures that place emphasis on one element, say “smell,” as in the Ghasul culture. Using these features, you can easily find out who lived where in ancient times, for example, Proto-Indian - these are the Belurgians, etc.
After all, the most important thing is to have clear guidelines, and now we have them.
And now I turn, finally, to the holy of holies of minoistics - the far less mysterious Phaistos Disc.
To enlarge the font, I will use 16 point, because... The translation of the Phaistos Disc should look clear.
© Izyashchev T.P., 2016
(from the book "Revelation of the Prophetic Cat", ISBN 978-601-06-3798-6
Certificate of state registration rights to the object of copyright No. 1952 dated September 19, 2016)

This post could be called “Slavs in the mirror of a vowel letter”, because by the vowel letter you can calculate where a particular Turkic people lived, with the main vowel letter in pronunciation. But this event will occur much later, according to my calculations in 5508 BC, when the ancestors of the Slavic peoples will create their own languages. Let me remind you that the post is talking about approximately 25 millennium BC.
© Izyashchev T.P., 2016

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