Tricolor violet medicinal properties and contraindications. Description and medicinal properties of tricolor violet Tricolor violet care

Tricolor violet has several names. The most romantic of them is pansies. These are very delicate and bright plants. It’s beautiful when flowers - pansies - peek out with curiosity from the secluded corners of the garden. Violet, pansy or viola are unpretentious plants. In addition to the decorative function of this flower, it is also used as a medicinal plant.


undersized herbaceous plant– tricolor violet – has branched stems. Its straight, ribbed leaves can be triangular, ovoid or elongated. The edges of the leaves are serrated, tapering towards the base.

Violet flowers can be large or small. It depends on the growing conditions. For example, a violet may well grow in the shade, but then its flowers will be small. In the sun the plant blooms with large flowers. They are located singly on long, slightly bent pedicels.

The colors of pansies are complex: the two adjacent upper petals are usually purple or blue (or a combination of these two colors). The two lanceolate side petals can be white or blue. The lower petal of a violet is usually triangular and multicolored. It is yellow at the base, the rest is white with blue stripes. Color options may be slightly different, as well as petal shapes.

IN wildlife tricolor violet is quite common. It grows in meadows, along roads, in forest clearings almost throughout the country. It grows quickly, forming beautiful flower carpets.

Garden violet was bred as a result of careful selection and creation hybrid forms. Such plants usually have a height of 12 to 30 centimeters. Violets bloom from late winter until autumn.

Planting in open ground

Pansies are often grown in flower beds near the house. This is also one of our favorite plants to bloom on our windowsills. Violets are often used as border plants or to decorate balconies and loggias. And yet, most often, violets are grown in garden plots.

    Choosing a location.

    Violet or pansy: growing them in the garden or vegetable garden is not labor intensive. They grow well in moderately lit or semi-shaded areas. In the shade or in very strong heat, violet flowers may become smaller. Usually these small flowers are removed immediately.

    Soil for pansies.

    To grow pansies, it is better to choose light, loose soil. You need to prepare it in the fall: dig it up, add a bucket of humus, add leafy soil. If the soil is heavy, add five kilograms of sand per square meter.

    Collection of seeds.

    Pansies are usually grown as a biennial plant, less often as an annual plant. To ripen the seeds, the strongest plants are selected. Alternatively, seeds can be collected from wild field plants. Seeds are collected in summer.

    It is important to collect the seeds on time, as overripe seed pods can burst, scattering the seeds around at a distance of up to two meters. Such seedlings take root easily and produce equally large flowers, but their colors may be different.

    Collect seeds in wet weather. It is better to pick the seed pods while they are still closed. They are considered ripe if the edges of the shells of the boxes turn white and dry. Store seed pods in paper bags. This will prevent the seeds from scattering when the fruit bursts.

    Seeds are usually not harvested from hybrids. It's better to buy them in a store.


    If you want pansy flowers to start blooming in the spring, you need to sow the seeds in advance. Already in early July you can plant. Violets should be planted in rows in a somewhat shaded place. It is better to plant seeds in a greenhouse.

    In one and a half to two weeks the seeds will germinate. After another three weeks, the seedlings are picked, leaving one plant at a time, ten centimeters apart.

    Constantly moisten the place where the seeds are sown, but do not allow waterlogging. Soil that is too wet can cause fungi to grow. After a month, fertilize the soil with superphosphate or saltpeter. Already in the fall, individual flowers may appear. But mass flowering will begin in the spring.

    If pansies are grown as annual plant, then sowing is carried out in February or March. Seeds are sown in boxes. For germination, a temperature of about +18 degrees is required. After the sprouts appear, the temperature must be reduced to +10 so that they do not stretch too much. Annual violets are planted in open ground in early May.

    Watering and care.

    After planting the plants in the ground, they need to be watered abundantly. After the soil dries a little, loosen it. Carry out further watering after three days.

    Used to fertilize seedlings ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

    To ensure that the plant blooms beautifully, constantly remove wilted and too small flowers. For feeding you need to use complex mineral fertilizers. Violets for growth and abundant flowering Potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, microelements are required. Fresh manure should not be used.

    Feeding is carried out several times per season. The first time this is necessary is before the buds ripen. The second time - during flowering.

    This plant is winter-hardy and easily tolerates unfavorable conditions. An adult tricolor violet easily tolerates wintering in open ground. There is no need to close it. In frosty winters, it is better to sprinkle young seedlings with leaves or cover them with mats.

Reproduction and transplantation

Pansy flowers can also be propagated by cuttings, vegetatively. Violet will easily tolerate transplantation even during flowering. Her root system not too large, so it is not disturbed during transplantation.

For cuttings, shoots with several nodes are cut from bushes. Such cuttings are planted very close to each other, about half a centimeter apart. After a month, roots appear. Now the flowers can be planted.

Perennial violet species are easily propagated by dividing the bush into several individual plants. This method of propagation produces a large amount of planting material.

Sometimes violets are propagated by layering. For such propagation, violet bushes are usually shaded. In this case, the stems of the plant are stretched. They are bent and lightly dripped fertile soil. Such a plant will take root over the winter, and in the spring it can be planted. In this case, you get the variety of violet you need.

Use in folk medicine

Violet is widely used in folk medicine. Her medicinal properties have been known for a long time. This is due to the content of substances in pansies such as rutin, vitamin C, saponin, violanine, etc. Violet is used in the form of:

  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • teas;
  • baths;
  • lotions.

The plant is used as:

  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • for secretion of sputum;
  • as a diuretic;
  • antiallergic agent;
  • for diathesis, skin tuberculosis, eczema, female diseases, etc.

The flowers, leaves and flowering stems of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Harvesting is carried out during the period of active flowering of violets. Usually, when collecting wild violets, the plant is pulled out completely, by the roots. After this, the roots are cut off and the bushes are dried in the shade. It is better to dry violets in paper bags.

In the garden, violets are not pulled out by the roots, but the branches of the plant are cut off at a distance of a third of the length of the stem. You need to leave a few leaves on the branch. Such plants will soon begin to bloom again.

Having planted pansies just once, you will no longer be able to do without them on your site. These bright spots decorate the garden, are pleasing to the eye and do not require diligent care. They will reproduce themselves with a beautiful patterned living carpet.


For a plant part - Grass

For articular rheumatism, arthritis, gout.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

For eczema, lichen, dermatitis.

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

For atherosclerosis.

Pour 15 grams of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

For acute bronchitis.

Pour 1 part of the chopped herb into 10 parts of boiling water (1:10), cook over low heat for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

For nervous overexcitation, epilepsy, insomnia, logoneurosis.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, cook in a hot water bath for 20 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

For pneumonia, arrhythmia, whooping cough, difficulty urinating, inflammation of the appendages, cystitis.

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs into a thermos with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

With exudative diathesis.

Pour 6 grams of chopped herbs into 300 ml. boiling water in a thermos, leave overnight, in the morning boil the infusion for 3 minutes over low heat, strain. Take on an empty stomach, 1/2 cup.

For gout.

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs into 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml. 3 times a day.

For psoriasis.

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs into 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 100-200 ml. 3 times a day, before meals.

Expectorant for colds.

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Tea. Used as an expectorant for bronchitis, anti-inflammatory and diuretic for bladder diseases. Tea is effective for various skin diseases.

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

Tincture. For diathesis, eczema.

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs into 100 ml. vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day.

Powder. Used as an expectorant and during influenza epidemics.

Grind the herb to a powder. Take 1 gram of powder 3 times a day. During a flu epidemic, take 1/4 teaspoon of powder.

Mouth rinses. For stomatitis, periodontal disease, toothache, gingivitis, bad breath.

Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, squeeze, strain. Rinse your mouth with warm infusion 3-5 times a day.

Lotions, compresses. For acne, rashes, itching, trophic ulcers, boils.

Pour 100 grams of chopped herbs into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Make compresses.

Compresses for mastitis.

Grind the violet herb, make a bag of gauze, pour the herb inside, put it in boiling water for 5-10 seconds, let it cool a little. Apply as a compress every 4 hours.

Baths. Used for bathing children with diathesis, childhood eczema, boils, rashes, skin tuberculosis.

Pour 20 grams of chopped herbs into 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Pour the infusion into a bath with a water temperature of 36-38°C, the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

18.11.19 Nina

Frequent runny nose in a 3.5 year old child. Congestion, there are adenoids ( last time I was given 3 during my illness, but we don’t want to remove it at such an early age. I think that now the only panacea is to remove them. I, mother, sore spot throat! Pharyngitis, always a sore throat every year, once a month itchy and sore throat. Two weeks ago I suffered from bronchitis. The nature of the course is always very protracted, indeed, as you said, as if one infection inevitably attaches to another.

Grind the grass and fruits to 2-3 mm; Grind the roots first mechanically to small pieces, then using a coffee grinder to 3-5 mm; take 2 tbsp. each and mix evenly.

1.5 tbsp. pour 500.0 ml of water into the mixture, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Remove, leave for 45 minutes, strain and drink.

Violets, moths, pansies - that’s how these are lovingly called tender plants, delighting us from the very first warm days of April until the end of summer.

They bloom, despite the still very cold nights, competing with primroses, and can have different shades and colors even in the same clearing.

If you plant a wild violet on your plot, it will never leave you.

The seeds formed on the violet scatter over a distance of up to 2 meters.

The same beautiful plants will constantly grow from the scattered seeds, appearing either on the lawn or in the flower garden, while nothing has bloomed there yet.

The violet can be placed in a rocky garden, on alpine slide and near an artificial reservoir.

It will delight you not only with its variety of colors, but will also give you the opportunity to stock up medicinal raw materials against colds for a long winter.

Yellow-eyed Anyutka

This is not a joke at all!

After all, Pansies

They blossomed like in a wonderful fairy tale!

Blue - naughty

And they are bottomless.

Yellow and blue

As if with white frost.

As if they sat on the meadows

Moths of all shades!

Among the Slavic peoples, many conspiracies for love and for a betrothed were associated with the field violet. Girls wove wreaths from it and scattered its buds in order to quickly get married.

Tricolor violet - find and recognize

Violet tricolor is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant - 10-35 cm in height. Single multi-colored violet flowers bloom on pedicels emerging from the axils of ovoid leaves and consist of five unequal petals. They can be from 1.5 to 3 cm in diameter, depending on the conditions in which the plant grows. Tricolor violets can be found in meadows, forest glades and along roadsides throughout our country.

To the country first aid kit

For medicinal purposes, violet stems and flowers are collected and the roots are dug up. Violet tricolor herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, disinfectant, diaphoretic and sedative. It contains vitamin C, and is also widely used as an expectorant in the form of infusion and mixture for catarrh of the respiratory tract.

  • The stems, leaves and flowers of violets should be collected during flowering, dried in the shade and stored for up to two years;
  • Wine infused with violets is considered medicinal;
  • Baths with violet decoction cleanse the skin and are recommended for children with scrofula and prickly heat;
  • For stomatitis and toothache, you can chew violet flowers and leaves;
  • Violet tea and even just the smell of violets helps with headaches;
  • A decoction of violet with honey should be drunk for colds and coughs;
  • Tea made from violet leaves and burdock roots will relieve pain from rheumatism, gout and arthritis.

Violet roots serve as an emetic and laxative.

In the form of lotions, tricolor violet is used for allergic dermatitis, eczema, and diathesis. Back in the 19th century in St. Petersburg, the merchant Averin introduced into Russian medicine a medicinal decoction that helped with skin diseases, which was called “Averin tea”. Its composition, in addition to the tricolor violet herb, includes the leaves of the string and shoots of the bittersweet nightshade.

Carefully! An overdose of tricolor violet in decoctions when taken orally can cause nausea and vomiting.

Tricolor violet - planting and care

Tricolor violet can be sown with seeds, collected from wild plants before spreading them in wet weather.

You need to pick off yellowed and dried, but still closed seed boxes, immediately placing them in a bag. If we decompose them into open place, then when dry, the boxes will “shoot out” and you will be left without seeds.

There are gardeners who acquire violets by shaking the contents onto the lawn pharmacy fee violets, which, of course, also contains its seeds.

The seeds are lightly sprinkled with soil.

Some of them will sprout immediately, and the plants grown from them will overwinter and bloom already early spring. The remaining seeds will germinate in the spring, and the flowers will appear in July-August. You can dig up and replant the entire flowering plant, and it will scatter its seeds on your site.

N. STEPANOVA, Associate Professor, Department of Methods of Teaching Biology and Ecology, Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. Photo by the author

The tricolor violet is very pretty. She is dressed in a festive multi-colored dress, so she stands out noticeably among others, not so bright colors. It is an annual herbaceous plant and belongs to the large violet family. It often grows as a weed in vegetable gardens and fallow fields. You can find the plant on forest edges, illuminated by the sun, and flooded meadows, near numerous bushes.

Such different violets...

Sometimes there is confusion with various types violets. And their differences are as follows:

  1. The tricolor violet has a tricolor corolla. It grows up to 45 cm. Its flowers are large, usually with a deep blue tint or dark purple. Flowering begins in April and ends in September.
  2. The field violet is endowed with a corolla of two flowers, with white and yellow. Height is from 15 to 30 cm, flowers reach a size of up to 1.5 cm. It contains more violin alkaloid (it causes a gag reflex), but much less saponins. Blooms from mid-May to September. For sale in pharmacy chains, both types are used for packaging.
  3. Violet is dubious. It is also called changeable. It is cultivated thanks to its fragrant purple flowers. It is considered poisonous, although in folk medicine it is widely used not only as a decoction, but also externally when treating wounds, swelling and inflammation of the skin.

The tricolor violet has its own fruits. They are a single-cavity green box in which small brown seeds are hidden. Ripening begins in June.

Harvesting during the flowering period

Tricolor violet helps treat many diseases, which is why it is harvested every year. They mainly use the herbal part, less often the root. The best time to collect is during the flowering period.

The above-ground part should be cut off so that the root remains in the ground. The grass must be dried and spread under a canopy, turning over periodically. The place should not be very sunny, but with a constant influx fresh air. The procedure is considered complete when the stem becomes brittle and does not bend when pressed. If an oven is used during drying, its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. The smell of tricolor violet after drying remains weak, and the taste is sweetish, with a mucus-like sensation.

Raw materials are best stored in glass jars, tightly closed. Violet does not lose its valuable qualities for 1.5 - 2 years.

What composition is contained in violet?

The plant has healing powers due to its rich composition. There is:

  1. Saponins. They have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Flavonoids. They have a very wide spectrum of activity, primarily anti-cancer. In tricolor violet, these substances are a plant antibiotic that can remove salts heavy metals. Effective as a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Glycosides. They play an important role in the respiratory process and have cardiotonic activity.
  4. Salicylates. They help reduce fever, relieve inflammation and fight pathogenic microflora.
  5. Essential oil violets have a calming effect on nervous system, as well as actions such as antiseptic, expectorant, antiseptic.
  6. Carotenoids. They have antioxidant capabilities, support the immune system, and help fight inflammatory processes.
  7. Vitamins C, E, R. These vitamins help a person stay healthy. Vitamin E does protective function, fighting free radicals, preserving fatty acids. For example, the appearance of age spots in older people is an accumulation of fat-like substances that have been oxidized by free radicals. If the body does not have enough vitamin E, they will not be able to appear. Vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Helps the adrenal glands and restores tissue, necessary for the production of collagen, accelerating the wound healing process. Vitamin P improves capillary walls and supports the heart's ability to use oxygen.
  8. Slime. They have enveloping properties and a high expectorant effect.

Everyone useful substances People have been using tricolor violet for a long time because the plant has the following properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • calming;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • emollient;
  • sweatogenic;
  • blood purifying;
  • antirheumatic;
  • diuretic;
  • disinfectant;
  • tonic.

Tricolor violet is used when it is necessary to normalize metabolism, for those suffering from bronchitis, whooping cough, catarrh of the respiratory tract, polyarthritis, gout, and also for diseases gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. For women after childbirth, violet will help contract the uterus, and for children - to get rid of rickets or diathesis. For eczema and scrofulosis, you can bathe children in the decoction.

Many skin diseases Compresses, decoctions, and infusions of tricolor violet stop. As a rule, these are dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, boils and trophic ulcers, and long-term non-healing wounds. Rub with grass juice problem areas, if pathologies such as aphthous ulcers, herpes, impetigo have appeared. Ringworms are removed using crushed grass. This plant is included in many diuretic and expectorant medications.

In folk medicine beneficial properties tricolor violets are used against diseases such as tuberculosis of the lymph nodes or lungs, cystitis, atherosclerosis, cystitis, kidney stones, palpitations, increased sexual excitability, painful erection (especially in combination with common hops), bleeding, skin lesions.

Healing recipes

A diuretic infusion can be made at home. There are several ways to prepare it:

  • 60 gr. infuse herbs in 600 ml of water;
  • 20 gr. pour 600 ml of water over the root and place on low heat. The broth should boil down to a third.

You should take no more than 5 times a day. Single dose – 15 g. If you need to use it as a laxative, the dose is increased to 45 g, and as an emetic, it can be increased to 50 - 60 g.

Most often, violet is used as a medicine with other medicinal herbs:

  • for cystitis, pyelonephritis and kidney stones, take additional hop cones and lingonberry leaves;
  • for dermatitis, psoriasis - centaury, wild rosemary, wild rosemary;
  • for diathesis they collect string and bittersweet nightshade.

Anyone who often suffers from furunculosis should try this remedy. You will need:

  • violet herbs – 4 parts;
  • marigold flowers - 2 parts;
  • burdock root – 2 parts.

Grind all components. Pour 300 ml per tablespoon cold water, let it brew for 5 hours. Then put it on the boil so that the medicine boils for 60 seconds. Drink 150 g. 1 – 2 times a day.

If you are worried about cystitis, there is a way to get rid of it. To do this, you will need to take a bath with a decoction of medicinal plants. You need to prepare:

  • violet flowers and oregano herb - 4 parts;
  • birch currant leaves, preferably black - 6 parts;
  • thyme – 3 parts;
  • eucalyptus leaves – 1 part.

Three spoons of the mixture will require a liter of water. After bringing to a boil, let it brew. The water during the procedure should be warm.

Cystitis, as well as other inflammations associated with the urinary system, are treated with the following recipe:

  • violet grass and common hop cones - 1 part each;
  • lingonberry leaves – 3 parts.

You will need 400 grams per tablespoon of the mixture. boiling water The medicine should infuse for 3 hours. Then you need to strain. Drink 150 gr. twice a day. As a rule, therapy takes a month. If required, the course is repeated after 14 days.

The popular “Averin tea”, which is prepared for allergies, diathesis and scrofula, is made as follows:

  • tricolor violet herb, string – 5 parts;
  • bittersweet nightshade, herbaceous part with leaves - 1 part.
  • Can be given to children according to Art. spoon 4 times a day.

After measuring out a tablespoon of mixed plants, pour a glass of boiling water over it. Leave until the medicine has cooled down. Children are also given 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day as a remedy for diathesis and scrofula.

Limitations in use

Tricolor violet is contraindicated for hepatitis and glomerulonephritis. Cannot be used while pregnant, as the plant tones the uterus.

Remember that not taking the dose may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

Video: beneficial properties and uses of forest violet

Growing tricolor violet and using the flower

Violets, moths, pansies - these are the loving names for these delicate plants that delight us from the very first warm days of April until the end of summer.

They bloom, despite the still very cold nights, competing with primroses, and can have different shades and colors even in the same clearing.

If you plant a wild violet on your plot, it will never leave you.

The seeds formed on the violet scatter over a distance of up to 2 meters.

The same beautiful plants will constantly grow from the scattered seeds, appearing either on the lawn or in the flower garden, while nothing has bloomed there yet.

The violet can be placed in a rocky garden, on an alpine hill and near an artificial pond.

It will delight you not only with its variety of colors, but will also give you the opportunity to stock up on medicinal raw materials for colds for the long winter.

Yellow-eyed Anyutka

This is not a joke at all!

After all, Pansies

They blossomed like in a wonderful fairy tale!

Blue - naughty

And they are bottomless.

Yellow and blue

As if with white frost.

As if they sat on the meadows

Moths of all shades!

Among the Slavic peoples, many conspiracies for love and for a betrothed were associated with the field violet. Girls wove wreaths from it and scattered its buds in order to quickly get married.

Tricolor violet - find and recognize

Violet tricolor is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant - 10-35 cm in height. Single multi-colored violet flowers bloom on pedicels emerging from the axils of ovoid leaves and consist of five unequal petals. They can be from 1.5 to 3 cm in diameter, depending on the conditions in which the plant grows. Tricolor violets can be found in meadows, forest glades and along roadsides throughout our country.

To the country first aid kit

For medicinal purposes, violet stems and flowers are collected and the roots are dug up. Violet tricolor herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, disinfectant, diaphoretic and sedative. It contains vitamin C, and is also widely used as an expectorant in the form of infusion and mixture for catarrh of the respiratory tract.

  • The stems, leaves and flowers of violets should be collected during flowering, dried in the shade and stored for up to two years;
  • Wine infused with violets is considered medicinal;
  • Baths with violet decoction cleanse the skin and are recommended for children with scrofula and prickly heat;
  • For stomatitis and toothache, you can chew violet flowers and leaves;
  • Violet tea and even just the smell of violets helps with headaches;
  • A decoction of violet with honey should be drunk for colds and coughs;
  • Tea made from violet leaves and burdock roots will relieve pain from rheumatism, gout and arthritis.

Violet roots serve as an emetic and laxative.

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