Sayings about freedom and love. Beautiful quotes about freedom

The theme of freedom occupies a special place in modern society. In fact, a person spends his whole life fighting with others for the opportunity to be himself. In fact, freedom is the main value in this world. Many will not agree with this statement, believing that only love can make a person happy, and for the sake of it it is supposedly worth enduring some inconveniences. In fact, a person, having given up personal independence, a priori cannot be self-sufficient. Without freedom, love is impossible. A sense of integrity creates satisfaction. Quotes about freedom emphasize its significance and value as an integral component of happiness. Each of us, consciously or not, wants to achieve a state of harmony with ourselves and the whole world.

The freedom of the soul lies in its ability to do the most difficult situations and accept responsibility for the actions taken. We are always free in how we act in certain cases. Quotes about freedom only emphasize the importance and significance this concept.

Remarque: “Only those who have lost everything worth living for are free”

This statement should be understood as follows: it is possible to find oneself precisely in moments of serious and profound trials. When a person faces significant difficulties, he usually begins to appreciate more the good things he has left. He will no longer allow himself to be sad over trifles, but will rejoice at every happy moment.

Often freedom and the ability to decide where to move next determine the degree of success and need of a person in the world. We should always remember that the wind of freedom blows exactly where our main lessons are located. If you have lost everything you once strived for, do not despair. Perhaps right now fate is preparing the main gift for you.

Georg Hegel: “For one who is not free himself, others also seem dependent”

We begin to value our own freedom only when we respect the subjective opinions of other people. A person who has a habit of abusing the attention and time of others cannot value his own personal space: he constantly wastes time on aimless activities, is fixated on trifles and petty grievances. The extent to which we respect ourselves will certainly be properly reflected in our attitude towards everything around us. Freedom of the soul is its natural need and desire to express itself through love for others.

Thomas Jefferson: “He who trades liberty for safety gains neither.”

The meaning of this statement is that people often exchange their individuality for trifles, not understanding what their true purpose and the value of life as such are. Someone is afraid to act and do things in a certain way only because they want to protect themselves. good opinion. If we close ourselves so much in our own stupidity and weakness, we will not be able to see the good that the coming day brings.

Quotes about freedom are filled with positivity, brightness and endless love for life. We live in an amazing time when such concepts as “freedom” and “individuality” are given special attention. Today, many people choose self-realization and personal growth. And these components are impossible without gaining freedom and expanding personal boundaries. The erasing of boundaries and the revelation of internal potential occurs gradually, as a result of systematic, efficient work over yourself, overcoming your own shortcomings.

G. Leibniz: “Each of us has inherent freedom to perform any action”

Fortunately, every person is free to act as his conscience or duty tells him. When planning to focus your attention on something, you just need to remember that for every action we will be responsible to a higher principle. Any action will lead to a certain result, and this must also be taken into account.

Quotes about freedom make you think about a lot and take a different look at the usual reality of our lives. How important it really is to be able to notice small joys, great prospects and discover new possibilities in yourself! Knowing that you can do a lot means learning to look far ahead and feel happy.

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Aphorisms about Freedom. Statements about Freedom.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither freedom nor security. Benjamin Franklin
Power is duty; freedom responsibility. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
I consider someone to be free who hopes for nothing and fears nothing. Democritus
O Freedom, how many freedoms we are deprived of in your name!
Daniel George
The memory of bondage makes freedom even sweeter.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

As long as there is a state, there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state.
Vladimir Lenin
Freedom cannot be simulated.
Lets S. E.
Everyone wants freedom. But it only seems so from the outside. In fact, deep down, no one wants freedom. Freedom is like mountain air. For the weak it is intolerable. Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Wings are freedom only when they are open in flight; behind the back they are heaviness. Marina Tsvetaeva
Freedom means responsibility.
That's why most people are afraid of her.
Shaw B.
Freedom never comes from government. Freedom always comes from its subjects... The history of freedom is the history of the limitation of government power, not its increase.
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Man is the master of his own destiny in the sense that he has the freedom to manage his freedom. But what this will lead to is unknown to man.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
What is called freedom in some cases is called licentiousness in others. Marcus Fabius Quintilian
Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford.
Otto von Bismarck
Freedom is the nurse of all great talents: it, like an influx from above, has purified and enlightened our souls; she removed the shackles from our mind, expanded it and raised it high above itself. Give me therefore the freedom to know, the freedom to express my thoughts, and most importantly, the freedom to judge according to my conscience.
Milton John
Freedom is worthless if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
For a moral being there is no good without freedom, but this freedom is given not by the Sovereign, not by Parliament, but by everyone for himself, with the help of God.
Karamzin N. M.
The one who can not lie is free.
Camus A.
I despise precocious liberalists: I love only that freedom that no tyrant will take away from me.
Karamzin N. M.
For scientific development it is necessary to recognize the complete freedom of the individual, the personal spirit, because only under this condition can one scientific worldview be replaced by another, created by the free, independent work of the individual.
Vernadsky V.I.
To apply paint, to draw or to describe - contrary to how nature and truth appear to us - is also a freedom that will never be allowed to an artist or poet. Moreover, a philosopher is deprived of this privilege, especially in his own affairs.
Shaftesbury E
Hello and honor to freedom. Let her mind protect her. And let the devil take all the tyrannies With all the tyrants at once!
Burns R.
No one can be completely free until everyone is free.
Herbert Spencer
You can become free only when even the very desire to seek freedom becomes a bridle for you and you stop talking about freedom as something sought and achieved. Gibran X.

Free peoples must guard their freedom tirelessly and with zealous vigilance. Benjamin Franklin
We are truly free when we have retained the ability to reason independently, when necessity does not force us to defend opinions imposed and, in some way, prescribed to us.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Freedom is the right to do everything that is permitted by law. If a citizen could do what these laws prohibit, he would not have freedom, since other citizens could do the same.

Freedom is like the sun. There is nothing more powerful and better than her in the world.

"Jorge Amadou"

A woman is not looking for freedom or the right to choose, she is looking for strong man and certainty.

A person is truly free only when he does not depend on anyone.

"Boris Akunin"

A person from whom everything has been taken away is no longer subject to anyone, he is free again.

Freedom is not about doing what you want, but about not doing what you don’t want.

"Jean-Jacques Rousseau"

The sheep and the wolf understand the word “freedom” differently; this is the essence of the disagreements that dominate human society.

"Abraham Lincoln"

Freedom is an amazingly tricky thing. To receive it, you must first give others a part of your will.

“U. White"

Only he is equal to another who proves this, and only he is worthy of freedom who knows how to win it.

“Sh. Baudelaire"

He is truly free who does not slavish to his own passions and the whims of others.

"F. N. Glinka"

The more freedom you give, the more freedom you will receive.

"R. Ingersoll"

Freedom is the highest moral state of a person, when restrictions are necessary as manifestations of the same morality, that is, reasonable self-respect and respect for one’s neighbor.

"YU. Bondarev"

Only by losing everything completely do we gain freedom.

"Tyler Durden"

Freedom is not having to regret anything.

"John Milton"

Freedom is not about not restraining yourself, but about being in control of yourself.

"Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky"

Many of us strive for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness.

Freedom means that courageous, warlike and victorious instincts dominate other instincts.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

Freedom is considered one of the most sublime feelings, therefore the lie about freedom is considered sublime.

"Franz Kafka"

Freedom lies at the very Heart of your willingness to “lose everything.”

"Karl Renz"

Don't force a person to do what you want. If he is dear to you, give him freedom, and he will not let you down.

How much longer does humanity need to sit in traffic jams for people to stop considering the car a symbol of freedom?

"Sophie Hannah"

Marriage is good, chastity is even better, but freedom is best.

"Martin Luther"

Quotes about freedom

I consider someone to be free who hopes for nothing and fears nothing.


Freedom is not something that was given to you. This is something that cannot be taken away from you.


Freedom is a good that allows you to enjoy other goods.

“Sh. Montesquieu"

Not a single person fights against freedom; at most, a person fights against the freedom of others.

"TO. Marx"

Only free minds feel the weight of their chains.

"AND. Wolfrom"

A person must always be free within the framework of responsibility.

“U. Faulkner"

Anyone who can be happy alone is a real person. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage.

Quotes about freedom - "Osho"

You need to depend only on yourself. People are free, and attachment is stupidity, it is a thirst for pain.

"Oscar Wilde"

Only those who can afford not to lie are free.

"Albert Camus"

Freedom is of course good, but having a person who cares about you and whom you care about is much cooler.

He who does not have the courage to risk his life to achieve his freedom deserves to be a slave.

By defining freedom, we limit it; by limiting it, we kill it.

"Will Rogers"

Remember: the price you have to pay for freedom decreases when demand increases.

What true freedom is, man has been trying to understand for many millennia. We even agreed that freedom is a conscious necessity. There are other aphorisms and quotes about freedom that were written by different authors.
Even having your own opinion on this matter, it will be useful for everyone to read aphorisms and quotes about freedom that confirm or refute the established point of view.

“Only he is free who has lost everything worth living for.”
Erich Remarque

“He who does not love freedom and truth may be a powerful man, but will never be a great man.”

“Only a free citizen has a fatherland; a slave, a serf, a subject of a despot have only a homeland.”
Anatole France

“A free person is not envious, but willingly recognizes the great and sublime and rejoices that it exists.”
Georg Hegel

"Freedom begins with irony"
Victor Hugo

“For one who is not free himself, neither are others”
Georg Hegel

“Teaching is only light, but folk proverb, - it is also freedom. Nothing liberates a person like knowledge."
Ivan Turgenev

“He who trades his freedom for security receives neither one nor the other.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Every person has the inherent freedom to commit any act, that is, what he considers best”
Gottfried Leibniz

“A man of any rank is free if he does, even if out of necessity, only what benefits him; Only one who is forced to do something completely useless to him should be considered a slave.”
Antoine Rivarol

“It’s not good to be too free. It’s not good not to know the need for anything.”
Blaise Pascal

"Human freedom in modern world is like the freedom of a person solving a crossword puzzle: theoretically, he can write in any word, but in reality he only has to write in one for the crossword puzzle to be solved.”
Albert Einstein

“Oh freedom, the charm of my life, without you work is torture, and life is a long dying.”
Pierre Proudhon

“People believe that they are free only insofar as they are allowed to obey their passions, and being forced to live according to the dictates of the law, they think that they are giving up their right.”
Benedict Spinoza

“Complete freedom is possible only as complete loneliness”
Tadeusz Kotarbiński

“Like a lonely traveler left without a compass and map. Is this what it means to be free?
Haruki Murakami

“I would like to live and die free, that is, so subordinate to the laws that neither I myself nor anyone else could throw off their honorable yoke, this saving and light yoke, under which the proudest heads bow all the more obediently that they are incapable of bending to anything else.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“A people who oppresses other peoples cannot be free. The power he needs to suppress another people always turns against himself in the end.”
Friedrich Engels

“Only he is free who thinks independently and does not repeat other people’s words, the meaning of which he does not understand.”
Berthold Auerbach

"Man is raised for freedom"
Georg Hegel

“The serious weakness of free regimes is that everyone is free to declare that he is not free.”
Jean Rostand

“Sheep people don’t like freedom, even if they bleat about it all day long. Even if they sing or pray for her, if she becomes their main desire, their cherished dream. Deep down they know that if they get it, nothing good will happen."
Bernard Werber

“The price of freedom is not eternal vigilance, but eternal dirt”
George Orwell

“Free peoples must guard their freedom tirelessly and with zealous vigilance.”
Benjamin Franklin

“Freedom is not easy, as its enemies who slander it think, freedom is difficult, it is a heavy burden. And people easily give up freedom in order to make themselves easier... Everything in human life must pass through freedom, through the test of freedom, through the rejection of the temptations of freedom.”
Nikolay Berdyaev

“Idleness in class, lack of mental work where it should be,” main reason lack of free time"
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“As more and more peoples gain freedom, there is less and less freedom per capita.”
Dominik Opolski

“Freedom is the right to do everything that is permitted by law. If a citizen could do what is prohibited by these laws, then he would not have freedom, since other citizens could do the same.”
Charles Montesquieu

“Truth, freedom and virtue are the only things for which you need to love life”

“A person feels his duty only if he is free”
Henri Bergson

“Remember: the higher the demand, the lower the price you have to pay for freedom.”
Stanislav Lec

“If the only motive for our actions is the desire to show our freedom, then we cannot in any way free ourselves from the bonds of necessity.”
David Hume

“This is what freedom is. When you lose all hope"
Chuck Palahniuk

“Man was created by God as a rational and speaking creature. The activity of rational thought, spiritual freedom is a person’s calling. Freedom of spirit is expressed most of all and most worthily in freedom of speech. Therefore, freedom of speech is an inalienable human right.”
Konstantin Aksakov

“The freedom of my conscience is an absolute dogma, I do not allow disputes here, no agreements, only desperate struggle and shooting are possible here.”
Nikolay Berdyaev

“This is true freedom - to have what is most dear to you, but not to own it”
Paulo Coelho

“A free person is the one who is least aware of his lack of freedom”
Gabriel Laub

“The clergy were always the inventors of the fetters with which the different times the human mind, they trimmed its wings, so that it would not turn its flight towards greatness and freedom.”
Alexander Radishchev

“Only he who has no desires is free? Why want to be free?
Elias Canetti

“By freedom of conscience we usually mean freedom from conscience”
Vasily Klyuchevsky

“The best proofs adduced in favor of liberty are those which assert that without it man could not sin.”
Pierre Bayle

“If slaves wait for freedom until they grow wiser, they will have to wait a long time.”
Thomas Macaulay

“Freedom is so inherent in man that even its opponents realize it by fighting against its implementation.”
Karl Marx

“The sheep and the wolf understand the word freedom differently; this is the essence of the disagreements that dominate human society.”
Abraham Lincoln

“For some reason the world is structured in such a way that the black overseers shout loudest about freedom.”
Samuel Johnson

“Usually, the more advisers, the less freedom and diversity of thought.”
Edmund Burke

“People cannot be freed to live outside any more than they are freed inside. Strange as it may seem, experience shows that it is easier for peoples to bear the violent burden of slavery than the gift of excessive freedom.”
Alexander Herzen

“To be free is nothing; becoming free is everything"
Carl Berne

“Those who demand freedom loudest are the ones who endure it worst.”
Philip Chesterfield

“You cannot enjoy freedom without the right to violate it”
Wystan Auden

“No one has ever been born free from suffering”
Johann Schiller

“Man was born free - and everywhere he is chained in iron”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“What the average person wants - to live and reproduce... does an animal want it too? A sense of their human dignity, freedom, still needs to be awakened in the hearts of these people. Only this feeling, which, together with the Greeks, left the world, and under Christianity dissolved in the deceptive haze of the kingdom of heaven, can again make society a union of people united in the name of their highest goals.”
Karl Marx

“Man is the master of his own destiny in the sense that he has the freedom to manage his freedom. But what this will lead to is unknown to man.”

“Your suffering is over if you are tired of enduring it: you are free if you have the courage to be free.”
Jean-Paul Marat

“A free man thinks of nothing so little as death, and his wisdom consists in thinking about life, and not about death.”
Benedict Spinoza

“It is impossible to talk about morality and law without touching on the issue of so-called free will, the sanity of man, the relationship between necessity and freedom”
Friedrich Engels

“Good is freedom. It is only for freedom or in freedom that the difference between good and evil lies.”
Søren Kirkegaard

“If we manage our wealth, then we are rich and free; if our wealth controls us, then we are no poorer.”
Edmund Burke

“It is impossible to live in society and be free from society”
Vladimir Lenin

“For a citizen, political freedom is peace of mind based on the belief in one's safety"
Charles Montesquieu

“He who loves me takes away my freedom. What would fascinate me if I loved God is that God does not reciprocate my feelings.”
Henri Montherlant

“Nowadays, many politicians are in the habit of arguing with aplomb that the people do not deserve freedom until they learn to use it. This conclusion would honor a fool from old fairy tale who decided not to go into the water until he learned to swim"
Thomas Macaulay

“It is not through patience, but through impatience that people achieve freedom.”
Carl Berne

“Humanity was liberated not so much from enslavement as through enslavement. After all, rudeness, greed, injustice are evil; a person who has not freed himself from it is incapable of morality, and discipline freed him precisely from this desire.”
Georg Hegel

“Freedom consists in depending only on laws”

“Disorder makes us slaves. Today's disorder reduces tomorrow's freedom."
Henri Amiel

“The freedom of one has as its logical limit the freedom of others”
Jean Carr

"Men are born free and unequal"
Grant Allen

“Everyone can find freedom if only they know how to limit and find themselves”
Johann Goethe

“When I throw away trash, my life becomes easier”
Evgeniy Grishkovets

“The great reformers of the church stood for unfree will, and the Jesuits for free will, and yet the former founded freedom, the latter slavery of conscience.”
Henri Amiel

“To be morally free, a person must get used to controlling himself.”
Nikolay Shelgunov

“Jealousy is not connected with human freedom. In jealousy there is an instinct of ownership and dominance, but in a state of humiliation. It is necessary to recognize the right of love and deny the right of jealousy, ceasing to idealize it... Jealousy is the tyranny of man over man. Female jealousy is especially disgusting, turning a woman into a fury.”
Nikolay Berdyaev

“No man fights against freedom; at most, man fights against the freedom of others.”
Karl Marx

“In order to live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It's not always an easy sacrifice."
Richard Bach

“Know how to obey the law, discipline, order... The ability to obey... laws is the highest expression of freedom”
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“A person simultaneously wants to have both freedom and weight, which is impossible, because the more he frees himself, the more he “loses weight””
Wystan Auden

“The law cannot make people free: the people themselves must make the law free.”
Henry Thoreau

"Moral is obedience in freedom"
Georg Hegel

“The powerful forces that destroy cities and destroy states still remain helpless against one person, if he has enough will and spiritual fearlessness to remain free, for those who imagined themselves conquerors over millions could not subjugate one thing - a free conscience.”
Stefan Zweig

“Where there is no freedom of criticism, no praise can be pleasant”
Pierre Beaumarchais

“Man is a slave because freedom is difficult, but slavery is easy”
Nikolay Berdyaev

"Freedom is the only characteristic civilization"
Lev Mechnikov

“Freedom is the price of the victory that we have won over ourselves”
Karl Mathie

"Society cannot liberate itself without liberating each individual"
Friedrich Engels

“Anyone who depends on others and does not have his own internal means cannot become free. Alliances, treaties, people’s trust - all this can bind the weak to the strong, but not the strong to the weak.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Out of ten political decisions that a person must make, no matter where he is, nine will always be prescribed to him by circumstances. And the higher his position, the more limited his freedom of choice."
Lion Feuchtwanger

"Some fight for freedom from prejudice, others fight for freedom for prejudice"
Wieslaw Brudzinski

“Only in a collective do there exist for each individual the means that give him the opportunity for the comprehensive development of his inclinations, and, therefore, only in a collective is personal freedom possible.”
Karl Marx

“Power is duty; freedom is responsibility"
Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

"The history of freedom is the history of resistance"
Thomas Wilson

“Every society, first of all, requires mutual adaptation and humiliation, and therefore the greater it is, the more vulgar. Each person can be completely himself only while he is alone. Therefore, whoever does not like loneliness also does not like freedom, for a person is free only when he is alone. Coercion is an inseparable companion of every society; Every society requires sacrifices, which turn out to be more difficult the more significant one’s personality is.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

“The tree of freedom must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants; this is its natural fertilizer.”
Thomas Jefferson

“Freedom is like spinach - something limp, without bones”
Salvador Dali

“The remarkable thing about truth and freedom is that everything that is done for them and against them serves them equally.”
Victor Hugo

“A free woman is one who considers sex before marriage normal and work after”
Gloria Steinem

“He who marries for wealth sells his freedom.”
George Herbert

“Voltaire taught: “The more enlightened people are, the freer they are.” His successors told the people: “The freer you are, the more enlightened you are.” This is where death lies."
Antoine Rivarol

“For scientific development, it is necessary to recognize the complete freedom of the individual, the personal spirit, because only under this condition can one scientific worldview be replaced by another, created by the free, independent work of the individual.”
Vladimir Vernadsky

“Nothing is free like a person’s thought”
David Hume

“Freedom cannot survive if the people are corrupt”
Edmund Burke

“Not iron gates, not blank walls, but a small peephole in the cell door - that’s what most reminds a person of captivity.”
Kobo Abe

“The bird can be caught. But is it possible to make the cage more pleasant for her than free air?
Gotthold Lessing

“This is freedom: to feel what your heart strives for, no matter what others say”
Paulo Coelho

“The easier and more freely a people lives in the world, the more they love their homeland.”
Dmitry Pisarev

“To have freedom, it must be limited”
Edmund Burke

“Freedom never comes from government. Freedom always comes from its subjects... The history of freedom is the history of the limitation of government power, not its increase.”
Thomas Wilson

“Freedom is the only principle to which ... everything is raised, and in the objective world we do not see anything existing outside of us, but only the internal limitations of our own free activity. Being in general is only an expression of inhibited freedom.”
Friedrich Schelling

“Freedom is a good, the possession of which brings less pleasure than the loss of it brings pain.”
Jean Paul

“People give flowers to a friend because they contain the true meaning of love. Anyone who tries to take possession of a flower will soon see it wither and lose its beauty. And the one who just admires it in the meadow will receive it forever. Love is, first of all, freedom.”
Paulo Coelho

“Freedom is the ability to say that two and two are four. If this is not prohibited, everything else will follow."
George Orwell

“Freedom is illusory unless it is universal; only oppression reigns where the free outburst of passions is limited, left only to the extreme minority.”
Charles Fourier

“People never use the freedom they have, but demand the one they don’t have: they have freedom of thought, but they demand freedom of expression.”
Søren Kirkegaard

“Freedom always exists. It is enough to pay its price for it."
Henri Montherlant

“The desire for free love is tantamount to the desire to become a married bachelor or a white Negro.”
Gilbert Chesterton

“And among marriages for love there are happy marriages, although rarely; but whoever marries in freedom after loving her as a girl is always unhappy.”
Carl Berne

“What can satisfy the soul except the opportunity to be free and not belong to anyone?”
Walt Whitman

“Abstract freedom, like other abstractions, does not exist”
Edmund Burke

“Never deprive a person or animal of freedom, the greatest good on earth. Do not prevent anyone from basking in the sun when he is cold, and from cooling off in the shade when he is hot.”
Charles Coster

“People who have finally become masters of their own social existence become, as a result, masters of nature, masters of themselves—free.”
Friedrich Engels

“We are the freer the more we act in accordance with reason, and the more enslaved we are, the more we succumb to passions.”
Gottfried Leibniz

“Freedom is the natural ability of everyone to do what he pleases, unless prohibited by force or law.”
Justinian I

“Freedom is not about not restraining yourself, but about being in control of yourself.”
Fedor Dostoevsky

“True freedom consists in agreement with some holy necessity, perceived by us in the knowledge that comprehends the essence of reality, for the spirit and heart, bound only by their own law, voluntarily affirm the necessary. If evil consists in the discord of both principles, good can only consist in their perfect unity, and the connection connecting them must be divine, for they are not united conditionally, but completely and unconditionally.”
Friedrich Schelling

“Love of freedom is the flower of prison, and only in prison do you feel the price of freedom”
Heinrich Heine

“There can be no circumstances under which a person would have the right to infringe on the freedom of his fellow men.”
Jules Verne

“Resistance and obedience are two virtues of a citizen. Obedience ensures order; resistance brings freedom"

“Privilege of every kind is the grave of freedom and justice.”
Johann Seime

“Any love that has its cause not in freedom of spirit, but in something else, easily turns into hatred.”
Benedict Spinoza

“Freedom means responsibility. That's why most people are afraid of freedom."
George Shaw

“The feeling of national unity is impossible without self-respect, which in turn is impossible without freedom”
Harriet Stowe

“By giving freedom of life and freedom of spirit to the country, the government gives freedom to public opinion. How can one express social thought? By the spoken and written word"
Konstantin Aksakov

“Freedom is not idleness, but the ability to freely manage your time and choose your occupation; in short, to be free means not to indulge in idleness, but to decide for yourself what to do and what not to do. What a great blessing is such freedom!”
Jean La Bruyère

“The kingdom of freedom actually begins only where work, dictated by need and external expediency, ceases; therefore, by the nature of things, it lies on the other side of the sphere of material production itself.”
Karl Marx

"Loyalty is freedom from having to think"
George Shaw

“Our enemy is not the devil or some evil deity. Our enemy is freedom of choice, the free choice of people."
Bernard Werber

“True freedom does not consist in allowing anyone to follow their evil inclinations or receive unequal punishment for their crimes. Real freedom consists in the taming of bad passions and vices, and not in the freedom to do whatever anyone wants and receive a lighter punishment for their crimes.”
Andrzej Modrzewski

“Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford”
Otto Bismarck

“Freedom has such an irresistible charm that we find in it a beauty that perhaps it does not possess... However, if she were not a beauty, the world would not go crazy for her.”
George Halifax

“What does a zoologist know who has seen animals only in a zoo; What do those who have seen him only in freedom know about a person?
Stanislav Lec

“The conflict between pity and freedom... Pity can lead to the renunciation of freedom, freedom can lead to ruthlessness... A person cannot, should not, in his ascent, fly away from the world, relieve himself of responsibility for others. Everyone is responsible for everyone... Freedom should not become the removal of responsibility for our neighbors. Pity and compassion remind us of this freedom.”
Nikolay Berdyaev

“As far as your ability to command yourself extends, so far extends your freedom.”
Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

"Only a free nation has a national character"
Anna Stahl

“If you love a girl, give her freedom. Just don’t be surprised if she brings herpes with her.”
Chuck Palahniuk

“Today, the main political task is not to give people freedom, but to satisfy their needs.”
Wystan Auden

"Not all are free who laugh at their chains"
Gotthold Lessing

“Every man loves freedom, with the only difference that the just man wants it for everyone, and the unjust man only for himself.”
Carl Berne

"The truth will set you free"
Sigmund Freud

“A moral person recognizes the content of his activity as something necessary... and this causes so little damage to his freedom that the latter, on the contrary, only thanks to this consciousness becomes real and meaningful freedom, in contrast to arbitrariness, which is still meaningless and only possible freedom.”
Georg Hegel

“Only he who controls himself is free”
Johann Schiller

“Freedom is the right to inequality”
Nikolay Berdyaev

“The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. This is his natural fertilizer."
Thomas Jefferson

“You can give up freedom only by falling into error”
Edmund Burke

“Wherever money reigns, the money that the people give to maintain their freedom always serves only as an instrument of their own enslavement; and what he pays today of his own free will is used to force him to pay tomorrow by force.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"A person with free choice can choice"
Bernard Werber

“Do I not destroy freedom of character when I demand that he be free in someone else’s way?”
Karl Marx

“Only that freedom should be possessed that gives scope to the energy, reason and good qualities of the people”
William Channing

“True freedom and its true use are best characterized by the abuse of freedom.”
Georg Lichtenberg

“I do not share your beliefs, but I will give my life so that you can express them.”

“An honest person is exalted in soul, therefore his happiness is deep and inescapable. All his deeds bear the stamp of freedom. A vile person has a low soul, so his joy is shallow and fleeting. Everything he has done betrays his disadvantage.”
Hong Zichen

“This is a free country. People have the right to write me letters, and I have the right not to answer them."
William Faulkner

“You can fight for freedom legally only if you already have it”
Tadeusz Kotarbiński

"Man is doomed to freedom"
Jean-Paul Sartre

“Freedom can only be saved through brotherhood”
Victor Hugo

“Free will means... nothing more than the ability to make decisions with knowledge of the matter”
Friedrich Engels

“To renounce one’s freedom means to renounce one’s human dignity, the rights of human nature, even its duties. No compensation is possible for one who renounces everything. Such a refusal is incompatible with human nature; to deprive a person of free will means to deprive his actions of any morality.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Only by losing everything completely do we gain freedom”
Chuck Palahniuk

“The more habits, the less freedom”
Immanuel Kant

“As long as there is a state, there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state"
Vladimir Lenin

“Freedom means for us the right to do everything that is prohibited by law”
Adrian Decourcel

“Man... is free, not because of a negative force to avoid this or that, but because of a positive force to manifest his true individuality.”
Karl Marx

“The very desire to free yourself from a trap only strengthens this trap.”
Chuck Palahniuk

“There is only one consoling thought, namely: no matter what system we adhere to and no matter what fatality we associate with all our actions, we will always act as if we were free.”

“He who believes in free will has never loved and never hated.”
Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

“A man who is captured by his passions cannot be free”

"Freedom is worth fighting for"
Agatha Christie

“The greatest slavery is to consider yourself free without having freedom.”
Johann Goethe

“Love of freedom is love of people; love of power is selfishness"
William Gaslitt

“When worries and suffering bother us, then inspiration is impossible. Only with the cessation of worries and desires does liberation come; then the genius throws off material fetters and turns into a subject of pure contemplation. Therefore, let the one who is visited by inspiration avoid suffering, worries and lusts, and let him fully satisfy those desires that cannot be suppressed. Only under this condition can a genius use his rare existence for his own joy and for the common good.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

“Freedom of thought is the inalienable right of everyone”
Joseph Renan

“People won their freedom each time insofar as it was dictated to them and allowed not by their ideal of man, but by the existing productive forces”
Karl Marx

“Free peoples, remember the rule: “Freedom may be won, but it cannot be regained.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“Freedom... consists in domination over ourselves and over external nature, based on knowledge of the needs of nature.”
Friedrich Engels

“Only those who are ready to die for it know what freedom is.”
Anna Stahl

“We are forced to pay for money with freedom”
Robert Stevenson

“The free development of everyone is a condition for the free development of all”
Karl Marx

“A free man never acts deceitfully, but always honestly”
Benedict Spinoza

As is well known from experience European history, you can be freed, among other things, even from freedom.

Agatha Christie

Freedom is worth fighting for.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Anyone who seeks anything other than freedom in freedom is created for slavery.

Berthold Auerbach

Only that person is free who is fully aware of his human dignity.

Only he is free who thinks independently and does not repeat other people’s words, the meaning of which he does not understand.

Nikolay Berdyaev

Freedom is the right to inequality.

Otto von Bismarck

Freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford.

Charles Baudelaire

Only he is equal to another who proves this, and only he is worthy of freedom who knows how to win it.


Freedom is to depend only on laws.

Georg Hegel

For one who is not free, others are not free either.

Victor Hugo

Freedom can only be saved through brotherhood.

Democritus of Abdera

I consider someone to be free who hopes for nothing and fears nothing.

Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. This is its natural fertilizer.

Angelina Jolie

I don't think there are people who are truly themselves every second of their lives, who always feel absolutely free. And this prayer is for all people, so that they find their happiness and are freed from imprisonment.

Samuel Johnson

For some reason, the world is structured in such a way that the black overseers shout loudest about freedom.

George Orwell

Freedom is the ability to say that two and two are four.


The title of a free man is most valuable.

Henrik Ibsen

This is precisely what freedom consists of: to exhaust one’s calling.

Karl Marx

It is disgusting to be under the yoke - even in the name of freedom.

Jean de La Bruyère

To be free means not to indulge in idleness, but to decide for yourself what to do and what not to do.

Abraham Lincoln

Those who deprive others of freedom do not deserve it themselves.

As long as one of us is not free, we are all not free.

Napoleon I Bonaparte

In order for the people to gain true freedom, it is necessary that those governed be wise men, and those who govern them be gods.

Erich Maria Remarque

Only those who have lost everything worth living for are free.

Benjamin Franklin

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither freedom nor security.

Friedrich Schiller

Only those who control themselves are free.

Bernard Show

Freedom means responsibility. That's why most people are afraid of her.

Power is duty; freedom is responsibility.

As far as your ability to command yourself extends, so far extends your freedom.

Albert Einstein

Human freedom in the modern world is similar to the freedom of a person solving a crossword puzzle: theoretically, he can write in any word, but in reality he only has to write one in order for the crossword puzzle to be solved.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What does it mean to free? If in the desert I free a man who is not striving anywhere, what will his freedom cost?


He who is free in body and not free in soul is a slave, and, in turn, he who is bound physically but free spiritually is free.

Freedom is independence of thought.

David Hume

Freedom, whatever it may be, is usually lost gradually.

Flavius ​​Justinian

Freedom is the natural ability of everyone to do what he pleases, unless prohibited by force or law.

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