Games competitions for an adult company. Cool competitions for adults

We have long holidays ahead of us, many will be relaxing or traveling in the company of friends. To make your holiday more fun and exciting, we have collected a few for you cool games, which will help you laugh a lot, exercise your brains once again and learn a lot about each other. They don’t require any special props, so go for it.

All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: in a limited amount of time, players take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful ones receive victory points, honor, glory and a medal around their neck.

Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say into the ear of the next one his first association to this word, the second speaks to the third - and so on, along the chain, until the word returns to the first. If you turn an “elephant” into a “stripper,” consider the game a success.

Get to know me
Several people sit in a row. The presenter must, blindfolded, recognize by touch the hidden person in those sitting. Moreover, you can guess by different parts body - for example, by arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is willing to go.

A tower is built from even wooden blocks, and the direction of laying alternates at each level. Players then take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. All this must be done very carefully, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player whose actions caused the collapse is considered the loser.

This is a popular game in which, using gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is prohibited from pronouncing any words or making sounds, using or pointing to surrounding objects, or showing letters or parts of a word. The lucky one, who guesses what is being said, in the next round depicts the word himself, but a different one.

One leader is selected, and everyone else stands in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands should be behind them. The essence of the game is to pass a cucumber behind your back without the host noticing and take a bite of it at every opportunity. And the presenter’s task is to guess whose hands the cucumber is in. If the leader guesses right, then the player he caught takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It's a lot of fun!

The presenter comes up with a word and tells the other players the first letter of this word. For example, the word catastrophe was conceived - the first letter “K”. Each of the other players comes up with a word starting with this letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly he is up to without naming it. If one of the players understands exactly what word was intended by the one who explained, then he says “There is contact!” and both (the one who explained and the one who responded) begin to count out loud to ten, and then each say their own word. If the word matches, then the presenter names the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain a word with the initial letters already given. If the word does not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.


Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must reconstruct the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with “Yes”, “No” or “Irrelevant”, hence the name of the game. Here you can find the most interesting “Danetki”.

I've never...
With this game you can get to know people better. The chips of this game are any objects, such as coins, toothpicks, and so on. The game begins like this: the first participant says something that he has never done in his life (“I have never...”). All other participants in the game who did this must give one chip to this player. The winner is the one who has the most chips in his hands at the end of the game.

Secret Keeper
A very exciting and extremely mind-blowing game. The presenter thinks of a phrase, slogan or quote known to all participants. Names the number of words in it. Players then ask the “keeper” any questions they may have. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must be contained in one sentence. Analyzing the host's answers, the players give out their version of the “secret”.

A good old children's game. Players collect one of each item, which is put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. The tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron...

When the holiday is approaching New Year, Housewarming, Anniversary), the host is thinking about how to entertain the guests so that they don’t get bored?

Fun games for a group of adults will help diversify the traditional feast with long toasts and dozens.

“We are not children, what other games!” – you try to object.

In fact, gambling, playful, active and creative competitions will help to unite a team of unfamiliar people (if the company is motley), and for some, shake up the calories.

Fun board games for adults

Remember how you once spent your evenings with your family playing lotto, backgammon, checkers and cards (especially if the power went out or the TV broke).

Let's tell you a secret: many people still gather in small groups to play Crocodile, Poker and Monopoly to their heart's content.

An important point: do not immediately scare guests with a two-meter assortment board games and his impressive plans for the evening.

Let the situation develop gradually - first, friends chat, drink a glass, eat a salad.

And when you’ve “killed the worm”, cheered up a little and reached a frivolous state, then you can take out “Twister”.

For a group of adults of 4-6 people, these tabletop and card games, like “Svintus”, “Erudite”, “Uno”, “Monopoly”, “Poker”, “Elias”, “Tick-Tock-Boom”.

Among the active games, “Twister” and “Darts” are especially popular..

Don't forget to come up with a team name, chant, and motto!

Game competitions for a group of adults

If your friends are tired of sitting at the table and straining their brains, offer them playful competitions.

1. "Statue of Love". Two participants are selected, each is given the task of creating a statue symbolizing love from available material (usually from other people who are modestly bored at the table).

2. "The Longest Chain". Team members must take off all the things they can (within the bounds of decency or beyond – decide for yourself) and tie them together.

The resulting chain is measured; whose longest is the winner. It is most convenient to compete on the street, at the dacha or in the entrance, so that the space allows you to identify the winner.

3. " Adult forfeits". Come up with tasks for forfeits in advance - humorous, moderately vulgar, daring and exciting the imagination.

Before the game, ask all participants for a valuable deposit - a phone, a banknote or jewelry.

Then everyone takes out tasks from the bag, which they must complete during the evening - otherwise the deposit will go to a good cause.

4. "Truth/Ransom". A complicated version of the game "Fanta". The participant is asked what he prefers: to tell the truth or to pay off?

Depending on the decision, the presenter either asks an intimate question or offers to complete a task he has invented. After which the position of presenter passes to the participant.

5. "What a surprise". The game is similar to a children's masquerade, only it causes much more laughter.

Prepare in advance a bright box filled with outfits and decorative elements - bows, glasses with a long nose and mustache, wigs, hats, caps, long skirts and pantaloons.

If you want to be naughty, add huge size bras, thongs and “family suits”. And now the rules: all participants sit in a circle, and to the music they begin to pass the magic box to each other.

The presenter presses “pause”: the one who has the chest in his hands takes out the first clothes without looking and pulls them on. And so on until everyone is dressed up.

6. Comic competition “Find your soul mate”. First, men are asked how well they know their companions and whether they can identify them blindfolded?

Of course, there is a hero right there, ready to prove that he will not confuse his missus with anyone. The presenter shows him three women (one of whom is his wife), and then blindfolds the participant and gives him a good spin, with jokes and jokes.

At this time, two strangers are exchanged for two men, who have previously pulled on nylon tights, and all three are seated on chairs.

The player’s task is to gently feel the characters’ legs (only up to the knees!) to determine which of them is his betrothed.

7. "Tell me what you eat". It is very convenient to play the game during a meal. As soon as everyone has filled their plates with the maximum amount of food, the host says a letter.

For example, "C". Participants carefully examine the contents of the dishes and look for an ingredient with that letter (“herring”, “salt”, “salad”, “currant”).

Whoever shouts the word first receives a prize (candy, a penalty glass) and becomes the new presenter.

Arranging fun games for adult company, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of friendliness, tact and mutual assistance.

Tasks should not be humiliating, and losses should not be offensive, because the purpose of such a pastime is to have a good time with friends and recharge yourself with positivity!

Competition for an adult company, without complexes.
Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, clothes, underwear, swimsuits, stockings or tights, scarves, bows, diapers for adults, etc. Balls can be inserted into the bra). A DJ is selected. He turns the music on and off at different intervals. The music starts playing, the participants begin to dance and pass the bag to each other. The music stopped. Whoever has the bag left in his hands pulls out one item and puts it on himself. And so on until the bag is empty. In the end, everyone looks very funny. You can choose a winner; the winner is the one wearing the most funny clothes.


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Command on the cord

A fun and energetic competition.
For the competition you will need
two spoons, two long cords. Participants are divided into two teams.
The captain is chosen. The teams line up. Captains are issued and
a spoon with a cord tied to it. At the signal from the leader, the captains
begin to “bind” the team. For men, the cord is threaded through the legs, for women - through the sleeves. The team that is tied first wins. If alcohol was consumed before the competition, then laughter and squealing simply cannot be avoided.


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Guess the stack.

A favorite competition for many men at our parties, the main thing is not to abuse the amount of participation of the same person.
One person turns away, and at this time 3 shot glasses are placed, vodka is poured into two, and water is poured into the third, when the person turns around, without hesitation, he drinks from one shot glass and washes it down with another, but what he will come across and in what order is a matter of luck...
By the way, women also take part in this competition with pleasure, to the applause of those present.

Competitions for adults

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Eat a banana

Competition for a close and adult company.
Two volunteers are called - girls. They are asked to eat a banana in a blindfolded race. It would seem, what could be simpler? But... while the girls are blindfolded, the presenter invites the girls to give him the bananas to hold, at which time a condom is put on the banana. The reaction of the girls when they try to take a bite is difficult to predict, but fun is guaranteed for everyone!!! It is advisable to hold this competition before the end of the party, among drunken friends.


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Find the differences

A competition for a fun, adult company.
The competition can be held between couples. Ladies and gentlemen line up opposite each other. The man’s task is to examine his partner as carefully as possible and remember what she is wearing, whether there is jewelry, etc. Then the men turn away, and the ladies, meanwhile, change any detail in their appearance (remove an earring or bracelet, put on someone else’s shoes, unfasten buttons on blouse, etc.). At the leader’s signal, the men turn and determine what has changed in the appearance of their ladies. The gentleman who can do this most accurately wins. The winner gets a kiss from his partner.


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Hold me

Competition for a large, adult company.
Anyone can participate. The players stand in one large circle, looking at the back of each other's heads. Now the presenter gives the task to press together as tightly as possible and make the circle narrower. And now the most difficult part: the guests, at the command of the host, simultaneously bend their legs and try to sit on each other’s knees. As soon as they succeed, the task becomes more complicated: now, at the command of the leader, the players, holding in this position, must extend their arms to the sides. So they all fell! The host comments on the situation with the words: “Next time, choose more reliable and stronger friends!” The competition can be held several times during the evening. The fun only intensifies.


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We praise the woman.

A competition for an adult company for originality, erudition and ingenuity.
Competition for men. This game can be played both at and off the table. All the men line up. And after the presenter says the phrase “A woman is...”, each of the men must continue the sentence. You can't repeat yourself. You can't think for more than 10 seconds. The one who lasts the longest wins. For example, how a competition might go: A woman is a temptation, A woman is a temptation, A woman is a keeper of the hearth. And so on. You can hold the same competition for girls “A man is...”
The winner will receive thunderous applause and kisses from the opposite half of the party participants.

Competitions for adults

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Competition for brave men.
For the competition you will need a spoon, an orange or a potato. The two men take the spoon between their teeth and place an orange on it. Hands must be kept behind your back. The goal of the competition is to use a spoon to drop your opponent’s orange and hold yours. For more fun, you can use a raw egg instead of an orange. Fun for the company is guaranteed.


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Raw egg.

A competition for an adult company that values ​​male determination and courage.
Men participate in the competition. Eggs are placed on a plate according to the number of participants. The host announces that the players must take turns breaking one egg on their foreheads, but one of them is raw, the rest are boiled, although in fact all the eggs are boiled. The tension increases with each subsequent egg. But it is advisable that there be no more than five participants (they begin to guess that the eggs are all boiled). It turns out very funny, tested.
The use of all kinds of napkins, aprons, and towels in the competition is prohibited.


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Eat me.

Competition for adults and large groups.
All participants stand around a table, in the center of which is an already unpacked chocolate bar. For this competition you will also need a hat, scarf, gloves, fork, knife and coin. All items must be on the table. The first participant tosses a coin. If the coin lands on heads, the person skips his turn and gives the coin to his neighbor (for example, clockwise). If the result is heads, then this participant must put on a hat, scarf and gloves, take a knife and fork and cut himself a piece of chocolate. But at the same time, the coin does not stop its movement, but goes in a circle.
And if the next participant in the circle also gets heads, then he must take off the previous participant’s hat, etc., take a fork and knife and try to cut himself a piece of chocolate. The competition continues until all the chocolate is eaten.
In fact, it takes a very long time to get to the chocolate bar itself, because this requires great speed of dressing and dexterity, and so that all participants get “tails”.
The competition was held in big company- laughed heartily.
A minimum of details, a lot of pleasure and fun.


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Congratulations: 21 in verse (2 short)

Games and competitions for an adult company: a great pastime that can distract guests from the routine of sitting at festive table. In addition, playing for a group does not require special skills, physical training or training.

It is known that games and competitions for an adult company: this is a flight of thought, great mood, laughter, jokes and memories.

Games for adults: fun for everyone


Many games and competitions for adults came from England, for example, Jenga. The essence of the entertainment is to hold a tall tower made of smooth wooden blocks.

You can make the equipment yourself, but it is better to purchase a kit.

First, they build a tower, then each participant in turn takes out a block from below and places it on top. The move is made slowly, so as not to topple the shaky structure. The awkward team member loses, and the game starts again for the group.


Familiar entertainment “The Hat”: a game for a company with a sense of humor, the makings of pantomime and drawing skills.

Each participant comes up with a more interesting word, writes it on one of ten pieces of paper, which they put in a hat and mix well.

Then they pull out the pieces of paper one by one and try in different ways convey to your friends what is written on his piece of paper. Here the game for a group becomes very funny, the participants try to perform a pantomime, draw, dance so that their friends can guess the word. The most artistic participant receives a prize, which must be prepared in advance.


Sometimes games and competitions for an adult group can take place right at the festive table.

For example, “Association”: one of the guests begins and whispers a word in the ear of the guest sitting next to him, for example “car”.

He whispers his association: “auto”, “taxi”, there are many options.

An entertaining game for a group has no winner; at the end it becomes fun when the last association, far from the original, returns to the first participant.

Get to know a friend

Sometimes there is a desire to arrange outdoor games and competitions for an adult company, these include the entertainment “Get to know me” or “Get to know a friend”.

The presenter is blindfolded with a scarf and taken in turn to acquaintances sitting in a row. By touch he finds out who is in front of him.

Moreover, the game becomes especially entertaining for a group when all parts of the participants’ bodies are felt.


An interesting game for the Crocodile company.

The presenter secretly tells the word to one of the players, who must depict for everyone what he heard. In this case, you cannot point to any similar object or draw something on paper.

This game for a group involves skills in gestures and facial expressions.


Often games and competitions for an adult group do not require special equipment.

A cucumber or any vegetable on hand will do.

Participants form a circle with their hands behind their backs. They begin to quietly pass the vegetable to each other, from which they slowly bite off pieces.

The goal of the presenter is to determine who has the vegetable; this game for the company always causes laughter. The one who gets caught drives.


The game for the company involves the presenter asking a puzzle.

He receives questions that can be answered “yes”, “no” or “doesn’t matter”, without details.

Sometimes it’s not easy to solve the puzzle; with each question the players become more and more interested in this charade.

There is contact!

A game that is difficult in description for a group turns out to be easy in reality.

The presenter comes up with a word and reports its first letter.

One of the guests also thinks of a word starting with the same letter, trying to explain it to the others. When someone guesses what they are talking about, they shout “There is contact!”

If the words of the presenter and the player are the same, the game continues for the company. Players reveal the next two letters of the word, and the fun continues.

Dirty dancing

Sometimes games and competitions for an adult company can be very spicy, but fun. Guests form pairs and dance on sheets of newspaper or paper laid out on the floor.

If one of the couple steps on the floor, removes an item of clothing. When the party game is over, the fully clothed participant is declared the winner.


Ancient games and competitions for an adult company are still in fashion. The host takes from each guest a personal item and a piece of paper with his wish. Everything is placed in a hat: the presenter, blindfolded, takes out the object and a piece of paper with a wish.

The one who owns the forfeit must fulfill the wish indicated on the piece of paper. The game is very exciting for the company.

Funny fairy tales

Some games and competitions are good specifically for an adult group, where everyone has a profession.

Participants are invited to retell children's fairy tales in their own professional way.

The game is fun for a group. The author of the fairy tale that caused the most laughter is declared the winner.

What games and competitions do you know for an adult group? Please share with us in the comments below...

What to do when it’s dreary and cold outside, it’s raining, or you’re just tired of wiping your pants on the slide near the entrance? It's time to collect fun company playful boys, dreamy girls and... play at home! But not by bending over the screen of a tablet or phone, but simply. Simply, simply, simply...

1. Keen eye

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: dishes (jar, bowl, pan, etc.), sheet of paper, scissors.
Preparation: Before the game begins, participants must carefully examine the selected container and try to mentally imagine it.

Rules of the game: At the signal, players must cut the lid for the selected vessel. The winner is the one whose cap matches the hole of the selected item as accurately as possible.

2. Plucked chicken

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: clothespins.
Preparation: Divide into 2 teams: “chickens” and “catchers”.

Rules of the game: The “catchers” attach clothespins to their clothes (the same number, so that everything is fair). Their goal is to catch up with the “chickens”. If the “catcher” has caught the “chicken,” he attaches a clothespin to her. By the way, it is the “catchers” who will be “plucked”. Moreover, the more the “catcher” is plucked, the better! Victory will go to the one who gets rid of his clothespins the fastest. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

3. Whose shoe?

Number of players: 3 or more people.
Props: shoes of the players, a blindfold for each player.
Preparation: Take off your shoes and put them in a pile.

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle with a mountain of shoes in the center. Blindfolded. The presenter shuffles the shoes and gives a signal. Everyone starts looking for their shoes (you can try them on). Anyone who thinks they have found their shoes should put them on and stay in them until the end of the game. Everyone takes off the bandages and looks at the result.

4. Living node

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Stand in a circle.

Rules of the game: At the command of the leader, the players extend their right hands into the center of the circle and take someone by the hand (you cannot take a neighbor). The players then extend their left hands and do the same. But! You cannot take the hand of someone you are already holding with one hand. The result is a living node. The leader’s task is to untangle the knot without breaking his hands. Players, at his request, can step over each other, climb between hands, etc.

5. Great cook

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: 2 spoons (forks) and fruits (vegetables), blindfold.
Preparation: wash fruits (vegetables).

Rules of the game: The volunteer picks up spoons (forks) and by touch tries to recognize the fruits (vegetables) that the presenter slips to him. You can use potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

6. Conductor

Number of players: 5 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: The players stand in a circle, one person goes out the door.

Rules of the game: A “conductor” is chosen from the remaining players in the room. He shows how to play musical instruments, and the rest repeat all the movements after him. A guesser enters the room during a “concert” and must determine who the “conductor” is. If he manages to do this in less than three attempts, he stands in a circle, and the former “conductor” walks out the door.

7. Salad

Number of players: 6 or more people.
Props: cards with the names of vegetables/fruits (according to the number of players), chairs (one less than the number of players). The names on the cards may be repeated, for example, 2 apples, 3 pears, etc.
Preparation: Hand out cards to players.

Rules of the game: Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in the circle (he also has a card). The presenter (the one standing) shouts: “Pear!” Those who have a card with this name must change their place. The driver takes a chair and one of the players is left without a seat, he stands in the center of the circle and the game continues. You can shout out two or three names at once. At the word “Salad!” all players change places.

8. Who is faster?

Number of players: 10 or more people.
Props: an object as a prize (apple, stone, etc.), a coin.
Preparation: Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, and hide their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader stands at one end of the chain, and the prize item is placed at the other.

Rules of the game: The presenter tosses a coin. If the coin lands on heads, nothing happens, the coin is tossed again; if it lands on heads, the last player on each team must shake hands with his neighbor. So, along the chain, the signal is transmitted to the other end. The last one must grab the prize. The player who did this first brings his team a point, moves back to the end of the chain and the game continues. The team with the quickest change of players wins.

9. Mechanisms come to life

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team, secretly from their opponents, decides which mechanism (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, hair dryer, etc.) she will depict.

Rules of the game: Everyone must take part in the dramatization. You can imitate the sounds of a mechanism, depict dimensions with your hands, but you cannot speak. A team gets a point if they guess the opponent's mechanism. Those with more points win.

10. We're tired of meowing!

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: blindfolds according to the number of players, chairs to limit the space.
Preparation: Players are divided into two teams: one – piglets, the second – kittens.

Rules of the game: Kittens should meow, and piglets should grunt. Everyone is blindfolded and shuffled among themselves in a circle of chairs. You need to get your team together as quickly as possible without leaving the circle.

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